[comp.sys.next] How fast is the serial port?

jeffo@mrcnext.cso.uiuc.edu (J.B. Nicholson) (05/05/91)

What is the fastest modem I could hook up to the NeXT and how fast can I
set the baud rate?


ta-aca@cunixb.cc.columbia.edu (Andrew C. Athan) (05/05/91)

Here's the relevant excerpt from the NeXT tty manual page ("man 4 tty" ... also
FYI, do a "man zs"):

     The sg_ispeed and sg_ospeed fields describe the input and
     output speeds of the device according to the following
     table, which corresponds to the DEC DH-11 interface.  If
     other hardware is used, impossible speed changes are
     ignored.  Symbolic values in the table are as defined in

     B0      0    (hang up dataphone)
     B50     1    50 baud
     B75     2    75 baud
     B110    3    110 baud
     B134    4    134.5 baud
     B150    5    150 baud
     B200    6    200 baud
     B300    7    300 baud
     B600    8    600 baud
     B1200   9    1200 baud
     B1800   10   1800 baud
     B2400   11   2400 baud
     B4800   12   4800 baud
     B9600   13   9600 baud
     EXTA    14   19200 baud
     EXTB    15   38400 baud

     Note:  19200 and 38400 baud aren't reliable on 68030-based

     Code conversion and line control required for IBM 2741's
     (134.5 baud) must be implemented by the user's program.  The
     half-duplex line discipline required for the 202 dataset
     (1200 baud) is not supplied; full-duplex 212 datasets work

Don't worry about the last paragraph ... all "usual" modems will work with
the NeXT.


// Email:  ta-aca@cunixb.cc.columbia.edu   OR   athan@cs.columbia.edu

hardy@golem.ps.uci.edu (Meinhard E. Mayer (Hardy)) (05/13/91)

In OS 2.1 I have printed at 19200 baud and kermit-transferred files at
38400 baud.

Meinhard E. Mayer (Hardy);  Department of Physics, University of California
Irvine CA 92717; (714) 856 5543; hardy@golem.ps.uci.edu or MMAYER@UCI.BITNET