[comp.sys.next] IRC NeXT UG Meeting, Topic: multimedia commun. over IRC

phayes@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu (Patrick W Hayes) (05/14/91)

There will be IRC NeXT Developers' meetings on Wednesday the 15th and
Thursday the 16th at 11:30 PM EDT.  The Thursday meeting is for people
who can't make it because their local UG meets on Wednesday, but I hope
everyone who can comes to both.  The meetings will be on channel +NeXT
as usual.

The topic I would like to talk about is the possibility of using IRC or an
IRC like program to communicate graphics and sound (especially voice.)
Obviously, as the bandwidth we have to work with is limited, sophisticated
data compression will be needed.  I invite anyone interested in working
on such a project to attend.  You will be wasting your time though if you
try to tell me it can't be done.

This will surely not be the only topic however, so I invite anyone interested
in talking about NeXTs to come.

I want to organize multiple meetings at different times, so everyone in
the world has an opportunity to meet.  I think I am going to ask that everyone
who is planning on coming regularly to send me a schedule of times they can
make it.  But, before I do, someone needs to enlighten me about world time.
How does daylight savings time work around the world?  Should I have everyone
send me their schedules in local time along with what time 12:00 noon would
be in Greenwich Mean Time?  Also is there a unix scheduling program that is
available for free somewhere that would be appropriate?  If you have already
sent me mail telling me that you are interested but cannot make 11:30 PM EDT,
hang in there, and I will ask everyone to send me a schedule in a certain
easy format next week.

Still don't know what IRC is?  It stands for Internet Relay Chat, and
you need internet access to use it.  You might ask around your organization
to see if it is already compiled on a machine available to you.  There
are various servers that allow access to IRC via telnet, e.g. try:
telnet bradenville.andrew.cmu.edu

Note what it says about it being only a temporary service however.  For
efficiency's sake, if you are going to use IRC more than a few times you
should compile a client on your machine.  One place to get the source:
ftp rvw2.hhs.ri.cmu.edu.  It may need some work to get it to compile on a
NeXT.  I don't know as I have only used it on my school's email computer.
Scott Hess mentioned he might try to get it to compile on a NeXT, but
didn't promise anything immediately as he has finals coming up.

Once you get on for the first time, try the following commands:
/join +aChannelOfMyChoice

See you there!
Patrick Hayes