[comp.sys.next] Second Announcement: NeXT Applications P4 Super Seminar

walters@grebyn.com (Chris Walters) (05/18/91)

                                                 April 30, 1991
Hello NeXT-ers,

Attached is the current Announcement of the Super Seminar, to be
held by the Washington, D.C. Area NeXT User Group (WaNUG) in
June 11-12-13, 1991.

We think it will be great fun, and we hope everyone will be able
to come.

We ask in particular that you consider coming yourself, and we
ask that you help spread the word by circulating this
Announcement as widely as you can.

Poster Papers anyone?

NeXT Forever!
Hugh O'Neill
President of WaNUG

Announcement (Version 2.0) of the Super Seminar:
NeXT Applications P4:  Present, Planned, Projected, Potential,
sponsored by the Washington, D.C. Area NeXT User Group (WaNUG).

To be held:      June 11-12-13, 1991
at:              The American University
                 Ward Circle Building
                 Nebraska Ave. and Mass. Ave.  NW
                 Washington, D.C.

This announcement includes the:
*  schedule for the major solo presentations and panels
*  lists of exhibitors
*  the tutorial sessions
*  a call for poster papers
*  how to register
*  housing

There will be a variety of talks and panel discussions, including the
Tuesday, June 11, 1991

9:30 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
Panel on NeXT Applications at Goddard Space Flight Center/NASA
Chair:  Dr. Henning Leidecker:  NeXT Scientific Visualization
  *  Mr. Timothy Van Sant:  Imaging Solar Panels on the Hubble Space Telescope
  *  Dr. Robert Cahalan:  Simulation of Clouds by Fractals

11:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Pito Salas, General Manager of the Advanced Technology Group,
Lotus Development Corporation (He is the inventor of Improv.)
Advantages of NeXT Step:
  *  Theoretical
  *  Actual Case History of Improv

2:00 p.m. -  3:15 p.m.
Panel on Mathematica
Chair:  Dr. Alfred Gray, Professor of Mathematics, University of Maryland
  * Dr. Michael Mezzino, chair of the Mathematics Department, University of
    Houston-Clear Lake (Author of ``PhaseScope'')
  * Mr. Theodore Gray, Wolfram Research, Inc.
  * Dr. Henning Leidecker, GSFC

3:30 p.m. -  4:45 p.m.
Panel on NeXT Music
Chair:  Douglas Scott:  Graphics-based Sound Editing Programs for
        Digital Music
  *  Peter Yadlowsky, University of Virginia:  Music Synthesis
     Programs Using the NeXT Step Interface
  *  Dr. Brad Garton, Director of Computer Music, Columbia University:
     Automated Sound Generators - ``Looching'' and Its Siblings
Wednesday, June 12, 1991

9:30 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
Panel on NeXT Interpersonal Computing
Chair:  Michael O'Neill, MITRE Corporation
  *  ESL Incorporated
  *  Boss Logic, Inc.
  *  Marble Associates, Inc.

11:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Session 1:  NeXT Developer's Panel
Chair:  Roger Rosner, Director of Engineering, Lighthouse Design, Ltd.
  *  Alex Cone, President of Objective Technologies, Inc.
  *  Andrew Stone, President of Stone Design Corporation
  *  Pito Salas, Advanced Technology Group, Lotus Development Corporation
Session 2:  Panel on NeXT Applications at the Naval Research Laboratory
Chair:  Dr. John Michopoulos
  *  Dr. Richard Pitre:  Applications of synthesized sound to underwater

2:00 p.m. -  3:15 p.m.
Presentation:  NeXT Wall Street Applications by
Alex Cone, President of Objective Technologies, Inc.
Applications for the following companies will be discussed:
  *  First Boston Company
  *  Union Bank of Switzerland
  *  Lehman Brothers

3:30 p.m. -  4:45 p.m.
Presentation: "NeXT Health Care Professionals' Workstation" by
Kent A. Spackman, M.D., Ph.D., Associate Director for R & D,
Biomedical Information Communication Center at
Oregon Health Sciences University (Confirmed)
Thursday, June 13, 1991

9:30 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.
"Vision One:  Keynote for the Future" by
Dr. Ronald F. E. Weissman,
Director of Higher Education for NeXT Computer, Inc.

11:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Panel on NeXT User Groups:  Addressing user's concerns
Chair:  Mr. Conrad Geiger, NeXT Computer, Inc., NeXT Coordinator of NeXT User Groups
  *  Shawn Broderick, Co-Director of the NeXT User Group of the Boston
     Computer Society
  *  Representative of the New York NeXT User Group (GuN)

2:00 p.m. -  3:15 p.m.
"Vision Two:  Three Vital Advances"
Chair:  Hugh O'Neill, President of WaNUG
  *  Mr. Charles Wayne, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
     Program Manager: Speech Recognition
  *  Lt. Col. Bryan Boesch, DARPA Program Manager:
     T-Mach -- Trusted and Secure Mach
  *  Mr. Kristofer A. Younger, Senior Technical Consultant,
     NeXT Computer, Inc.,
     Object Orientation:  From Applications to Environments

3:30 p.m. -  4:45 p.m.
Panel on NeXT and Higher Education:  Making a difference --- moving forward
Chair:  Dr. Ronald F. E. Weissman
  *  Dr. Jeffrey Froyd, Professor of electrical and computer engineering and
     one of the curriculum coordinators, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
  *  Dr. Charles G. Fleming, Software developer for humanities and science
     for Allegheny College

The expected format for each of the above sessions is that 15 minutes
of the announced time is reserved for floor-discussions.

There will be exhibits each day from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.; these will include
showings by:
*  Lighthouse Design, Ltd. -- Diagram!
*  Lotus Development Corp. -- Improv
*  Marble Associates, Inc. -- Decision Builder & Teleconnect
*  Objective Technologies, Inc. -- OT Palettes (these include
          SmartFields, Chooser, MathPalette, GraphPalette)
*  SAS Institute, Inc. -- The SAS System
*  Wolfram Research, Inc. -- Mathematica
*  WordPerfect Corp. -- WordPerfect

There will be tutorial sessions each day at various times; subjects will
"Using Mathematica" by Dr. Alfred Gray
"Using PhaseScope" by its author, Dr. Michael Mezzino

There will be poster papers each day from 11 a.m. to 1:45 p.m.
If you wish to submit a poster paper, send an abstract to
                  Dr. Larry Medsker,
                  Chair, Computer Science and Information Science
                  The American University
               	  Washington, D.C.  20016
	          (202) 885-3306
These must arrive by May 31, 1991.  You may use his e-mail address,
medsker@auvm.bitnet, for short messages but not for abstracts or papers ---
use the conventional mail address for those.

Pre-Registration is $10.00 for any combination of days when we receive payment
before June 4, or $15 afterwards, including ``at the door''.
Students presenting valid ``student IDs'' are admitted free.

To send in pre-payment, give name, organization, postal address,
telephone number, and e-mail address (if available).  Make check
payable to ``Washington, D.C. Area NeXT Group'',

and send to:
     Hugh O'Neill
     President of WaNUG
     P.O. Box 39036
     Washington, D.C.  20016

In addition, any general messages may be addressed to Hugh O'Neill
at the above address or at telephone number (301) 224-3116 (after 8 p.m. EDT),
or ``e-mail''ed to Mr. Chris Walters at walters@grebyn.com.

Please use the registration form provided at the end of this
message for registration.

There are some dormitory rooms available at The American University for
$25 per person per night for double occupancy and
$40 per person per night for single occupancy.
These must be confirmed with full payment by May 31, 1991.
Send to Mr. John Carroll
        Washington, DC Area NeXT Group
	Computer Science Center
	University of Maryland
	College Park, MD  20742;
make this check out to the ``Washington, DC Area NeXT Group''.

There are many hotels and motels available.  The Holiday Inn at Chevy Chase, MD
has offered discount rates of $75 per room (this includes single, double, or
triple occupancy).  Call Holiday Inn directly: (301) 656-1500 or 1-800-458-3800.
(When making reservations, please identify the organization as the
``NeXT Conference for American University:  Code Number SM2108.'')
There are ten such rooms reserved at this rate until May 25, 1991.
After May 25, 1991, reservations will be on a ``space available'' basis.

CALL JEFF KIGHT AT (202) 885-2270.

------------------------------- CUT HERE -----------------------------------

                     ***  REGISTRATION FORM  ***

Please fill out the following form and send with payment (as required)

  Hugh O'Neill
  President of WaNUG
  P.O. Box 39036
  Washington, DC 20016

Fees:  $10.00 for any combination of days if received before June 4
       $15.00 if received after June 4, including "at the door"
       Students presenting valid "student IDs" are admitted free

Name:             __________________________________________________

Organization:     __________________________________________________

Address:          __________________________________________________

Address:          __________________________________________________

City, State, Zip: __________________________________________________

Phone number:     __________________________________________________

FAX number:       __________________________________________________

email address:    __________________________________________________