[comp.sys.next] <None>

jwwalden@miavx1.acs.muohio.edu (James Walden) (07/20/90)

In article <1990Jul17.214949.496@midway.uchicago.edu>, gft_robert@gsbacd.uchicago.edu writes:
> So, I think if Next fans could get over their contempt and/or inferiority
> complex of the Mac, we'd avoid wasting bandwidth.   IMHO.
> Robert
What an arrogant statement!  Don't you think many Mac users have an equal
degree of pride in their machines?  (Or users of any machine for that
matter).  Why pinpoint NeXT users?  Of course NeXT users started the last
discussion here - it IS comp.sys.next after all, not read by an enormous
amount of people outside the NeXT community.

James Walden
"Objective truth is a social disease" - Nietzsche

alandail@applelink.apple.com (Alan Dail) (11/10/90)

Well, I ordered my NeXT 030 Cube from BusinessLand (It should make a nice
companion for my Mac IIcx) and I now have a few questions.

1) Are NeXT SIMMs interchangable with Macintosh SIMMs?

2) Is it possible to configure an external Apple HDx0SC as a swap drive for an 
030 cube with an optical drive and no hard disk?

3) Is it possible to still get the free 40 meg swap drive from NeXT that
they once offered.

4) Are owners of NeXTs entitled to upgrade their OS to 2.0 for free, or
do they have to pay for the upgrade (Apple sells thier OS upgrades, but you
are also allowed to upgrade without paying, you just don't get the new 
manuals, etc.)

5) Has anyone tried to connect a LaserWriter IISC to a NEXT?  (non postscript,
and connects via SCSI).  I wouldn't think writing a driver for this would
be any more involved than writing one fot the imagewriter.

6) Has anyone succesfully connected a Syquest drive to a NeXT?  Could this
be configured to be the swap drive for a system with no hard disk?


Alan Dail
Alan Dail
NASA/Langley Research Center

malony@sp23.csrd.uiuc.edu (Allen Malony) (12/01/90)

I missed earlier postings regarding the Businessland '030 fire sale.
Would someone please give me a contact number to find out the current
price and availability.

quarrie@cds001.cebaf.gov (David Quarrie) (12/07/90)

Subject:Re: Problems booting from Fujitsu disk 
Reply-To: quarrie@cds001.cebaf.gov (David Quarrie)
Organization: CEBAF
Date: Thu Dec  6 20:19:09 1990 GMT

Thanks to the netters who replied. To cut a long story short it turns out I
had mistyped one entry in /etc/disktab. I had


instead of


Correcting that has cured the problem and now it boots just fine. Now for V2.0
and the '040 upgrade!! 

Thanks again to Chris Day (ctday@lbl.gov)
                Karl Sierka (sierka@ncar.ucar.edu)
		Ingo Cyliax (cyliax@ecn.purdue.edu)


	David Quarrie
	CEBAF Physics Division


lastole@athena.mit.edu (Lars A Stole) (01/02/91)

In reference to a thoughtful and time-consuming exposition (5 pages of well writ
ten notes) regarding a new owner's experiences with a NeXT slab eps@cs.SFSU.EDU(Eric P. Scott) writes:

>Can I send your posting to rec.humor.funny?  alt.folklore.computers?

>(BTW, if this really is a serious account, it's touching and sad
>(and still terribly funny).  It's o.k., we'll get you some
>professional help, and I trust that the readership is bright
>enough not to follow in your footsteps.

I'm sorry, but I'm relateively new to the Unix world (and xrn) and I've only recently
received my slab, but I'm missing what's soooo funny.  I found Dave's comments on space
allocation on the 105MB drive very helpful -- particularly the sizes of various packages. 
Maybe I'm missing something (I don't fully understand the mechanics of swapfilesizing for
example), but I didn't notice any errors or jokes.  If you have found errors with Dave's
account, I would appreciate knowing what they are rather than reading sarcastic comments on
the net by experts like Eric.  And in any event, don't we all want to encourage people like
Dave for putting their time and effort into helping other users.  If Eric's response to
Dave's comments become typical, then I certainly will never attempt to make a contribution
to the commumnity; do we want to start such a chilling effect?  If not, a courteous note
explaining any errors would have been more appropriate.

With respect to Dave's comments on swapfiles, I'm curious if this really does save 4MB of
disk space.  Constructive comments on this point would be appreciated.

Additionally, like Dave, I have also found that the 040 in my slab has a heat sink and is
stamped "68040 SAMPLE".  Recently on the net someone indicated that a simple multiply loop
crashes on the 040.  Is this something related to the SAMPLE 040?  Has any recent purchaser
of the slab received a box with a production run 040?

Thanks in advance.

dbowdish@isis.cs.du.edu (David J. Bowdish) (01/23/91)

>>I'm looking at TopDraw
>>for the NeXT, and yesterday an ad for Diagram landed
>>in this space.  I'd be interested to hear impressions
>>from anyone who has used these programs as to how they
>According to Media Logic, Top Draw should arrive on my doorstep this
>Wednesday. Hopefully, if all goes well, I'll post a brief rundown
>of what it can (and cannot) do, and my first impressions of it.

One of my few unpleasant experiences with the NeXT, is Topdraw. My version
was purchased a year ago and was extremely buggy. I understand that many
of the bugs have since been fixed. I consider myself lucky to create and
print while in Top Draw without it dumping out. Topdraw files that I have
saved come back up with text lines or arc lines reversed.

All that aside, by far the best drawing program currently available for
NeXT is "Create" from Stone Design. It is simpler and faster to use and it
has more features. It runs circles around Top Draw.

For those unfamiliar with "Create", it is the sequel to TextArt, but now
encorporates powerful drawing capabilities.

Dave Bowdish

Subject: Re: Drawing Programs
Reply-To: dbowdish@isis.UUCP (David J. Bowdish)
Distribution: na
Organization: Math/CS, University of Denver

dbowdish@isis.cs.du.edu (David J. Bowdish) (02/13/91)

The following is a message from Eric Uyeda who is starting a NeXT User's
in Hawaii. He does not have direct access to Internet, but you can reply
the his email address from Internet.

Also, his company (Delphis Computer Systems) is strongly interested in 
developing MIDI/music software for the NeXT platform. All those who would
to provide input as to what kind's of products/features you would like to
also should send an email message with your recommendations. Your input
be very welcome.


Hi NeXT people,

Anyone interest in joining the Hawaii NeXT Group can contact me at:

Hawaii NeXT Group
Eric Uyeda, Chair
1245-B Mookaula Street
Honolulu, Hawaii 96817

Phone: (808) 225-3830

Email: 74220.242@compuserve.com

We got a lot of big plans for this year as well as NeXT year,  Come join
party or you may miss all the fun!!!

--Eric Hawaii NeXT Group/Delphis Computer Systems 


Subject: Hawaii NUG / MIDI music
Reply-To: dbowdish@isis.UUCP (David J. Bowdish)
Distribution: usa
Organization: Nyx -- Public access Unix, U. of Denver, dept. of Math/CS

root@noose.ecn.purdue.edu (ECN System Management) (03/14/91)

In article <ANDREAS.91Mar13145152@adler.philosophie.uni-stuttgart.de>, 
References:  <ANDREAS.91Mar13145152@adler.philosophie.uni-stuttgart.de>
From: cyliax@ecn.purdue.edu (Ingo Cyliax)
Date: Thu Mar 14 08:49:00 1991
Message-ID: <1991Mar14.084900@ecn.purdue.edu>
Reply-To: cyliax@ecn.purdue.edu (Ingo Cyliax)
Organization: Purdue University Engineering Computer Network
Subject: Re: 10 Minutes to read DOS-Floppy !?!

andreas@adler.philosophie.uni-stuttgart.de (Andreas Eisele) writes:
|> On my (lightnin fast) standalone NeXTstation it takes about 10 minutes
|> to read a 1.44MB floppy which has been DOS-formatted and written (in
|> less than 5 Minutes) on a SUN i386. Is this just normal, a hardware or
|> a software problem? If it is a hardware problem, is is specific to my
|> station, to the SUN i386, or to the floppies I use, or is it of
|> general nature? If it has to do with the DOS-format, can it be

I think it's normal. It takes pretty long even on a SCSI floppy. I think
they do single block reads, which really hurts on a floppy. It's faster 
to just 'dd' the image into a file and use 'mtools' to manipulate the files
and then 'dd' the image back on the floppy, that's what I did before 2.0

|> circumvented by not going via DOS when doing file transfer between a
|> SUN i386 and the NeXT (i.e. is there a common Unix-format for
|> floppies, and if there is, how can it be used...)

I have tranferred files from a SparcStation using Unix tar formatted 
floppies. This was using SCSI floppy and using my own utilities to
essentially read the raw floppy under 1.0, you should be able to read
a tar formatted floppy using:

On NeXT:
	dd if=/dev/rfd?h bs=18b | tar tvf -	# table of contents
	dd if=/dev/rfd?h bs=18b | tar xvf - 	# to extract

on a NeXT. the '?' is the device number of the next free volume. I haven't
tried this yet, since I don't have an internal floppy drive.

Tar is commonly used for file transfers on floppies and tapes under Unix.

Hope this helps,

/*                Ingo Cyliax    ECN, Electrical Engineering Bldg.          *
 *      cyliax@ecn.purdue.edu    Purdue University, W. Lafayette,IN 47907   *
 *         cyliax@pur-ee.UUCP    Work: (317) 494-9523                       *
 *  cyliax@flaubert.laf.in.US    Home: (317) 474-0031                       */

spenton@sag4.ssl.berkeley.edu (Steve Penton) (03/31/91)

Newsgroups: comp.sys.next
Subject: Re: TopDraw and CoXist
References: <1991Mar30.061951.15810@neon.Stanford.EDU>
Distribution: usa
Organization: Space Science Labs

In article <1991Mar30.061951.15810@neon.Stanford.EDU> zimmer@calvin.stanford.edu (Andrew Zimmerman) writes:
>I have the demo version of TopDraw, and it looks very nice.  Our only
>complaint is the price.  At ~ $300, it is a bit pricey, but a very nice
>    Diagram is also a nice package with a nice price.  However, diagram
>is a diagraming program, not a drawing program.  (There is a difference.)

Anyone else notice that these two combined (the demo + D!) make a powerful
combination ?
     |            !|                  Steve Penton
     | Figliano!  !|              spenton@ssl.berkeley.edu
     |            !|             Center For EUV Astrophysics
     |_____________|        2150 Kittredge Blvd, Bezerkeley CA 94720
     ____ /   \ ____
   /__ ===-----=== _\  Warning!    Responding to my email has been proven to
  |__________________| significantly contribute to the disorder of the universe.
     |            !|                  Steve Penton
     | Figliano!  !|              spenton@ssl.berkeley.edu
     |            !|             Center For EUV Astrophysics

gundrum@svc.portal.com (04/24/91)

Subject: Technical Support Position Available
Distribution: ba
Organization: Software Ventures Corporation, Berkeley
Keywords: job position technical support


Technical Support, Macintosh, Windows & NeXT - Software Ventures Corporation,
creators of MicroPhone telecommunications applications, seeks a highly
qualified, bright, self-motivated computer literate person for the Technical
Services team. Team members support customers and in-house staff on software
and equipment, as well as test, document and design new products.

Knowledge of MicroPhone, or other telecommunications software, and graphical
user interfaces a must. Experience with database, network, word processing
and development software are potential plusses. Skills not directly related
to computer use are also considered.

Please send cover letter and resume to: 
Technical Services, 
Software Ventures Corporation, 
2907 Claremont Avenue, 
Berkeley, CA 94705.

Any statements made by this account are strictly based on heresay and 
should be assumed to have no intelligence behind them. (No, that does 
not mean they have the approval of management.) gundrum@svc.portal.com

therbert@umiami.ir.miami.edu (04/24/91)

I am a new Color NeXTstation user who is also trying to post
to NEWS for the first time.

After solving problems with Kermit (I'm not on Ethernet yet),
I am having a lot of trouble with ICON 2.0 - Black background
which I cannot reset, quits spontaneously (or so it seems),
can't set defaults at less than 32 bit, and prints only a
small spot of garbage.  Am I doing anything right here?

After Kermit, compliling c programs, using Tek, printing Mac
files, and getting Robots, I thought my first week was great! -
Then I was brought to my knees by ICON!

Tom Herbert
Department of Biology
University of Miami
Coral Gables, FL 

frank@urz.unibas.ch (05/13/91)

In article <FISCHER.91May7224243@jane.iesd.auc.dk>, fischer@iesd.auc.dk (Lars P. Fischer) writes:
>>>>>> Andy.Hewett@arbi.informatik.uni-oldenburg.de (Andy Hewett) writes:
> Andy> There is NO discount for teaching or research or for anything. 
> As a matter of fact, NeXT does not give edu discount anywhere in
                                 ^^^      ^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^
> Europe, and I find it hard to believe that the reason for this is a
Yes, it does! Here in Switzerland we people at universities officially get edu
discounts! I bought mine with discount. NeXT has restructured its prices and
the discount is now "only" 20% (according to the latest news).

> problem with German law.
> /Lars
> --
> Lars Fischer,  fischer@iesd.auc.dk   | It takes an uncommon mind to think of
> CS Dept., Univ. of Aalborg, DENMARK. | these things.  -- Calvin

 |                                                                            |
 | _____   __  _____       Robert Frank                                       |
 |   |    /      |         Institut fuer Informatik                           |
 |   |    |      |         University of Basel, Switzerland                   |
 |   |   -+-     |                                                            |
 |   |    |      |         Mittlere Strasse 142                               |
 | __|__  |    __|__       CH-4056 Basel                                      |
 |                                                                            |
 | frank@urz.unibas.ch     tel. + (061) 321 99 67    fax + (061) 321 99 15    |

hakimian@tek4.eecs.wsu.edu (Karl Hakimian - staff) (05/21/91)

I am working on setting up 12 next machines on a network with many other
machines (not next). What I want to know is would it be better to set up
the next is a netinfo network or not? What are the advantages and the

How do you reverse turning a next into a netinfo server? The manual seem
to imply that it can be done.

If I set up a non netinfo network, how can I get the next to use yellow pages?
The manual tells me to read
if some kind sole would send this file to me I would be happy to read it.

Karl Hakimian