[comp.sys.next] Reading Floppies on Non-NeXT Machines...

tjb@IceCube.unh.edu (Thomas J. Baker) (05/22/91)

I just got my TopDraw demo in the mail but since I have no floppy drive I  
cannont test it out.  I previously planned to buy a floppy but am holding off  
as long as possible.

Has anyone read NeXT formatted disks on a non-NeXT?  Say a Sun Sparcstation 1?   
That is about the only thing I have access to with a floppy drive, apart from  
an MS-DOS PC. 

Thanks for any information.  I'll summarize if neccessary...

| Thomas Baker                           Voice: (603) 743-4987      |
| P.O. Box 213                                                      |
| Durham, NH 03824           Internet/NeXTmail: tjb@IceCube.unh.edu | 
| Thomas Baker                           Voice: (603) 743-4987      |
| P.O. Box 213                                                      |
| Durham, NH 03824           Internet/NeXTmail: tjb@IceCube.unh.edu | 