[comp.sys.next] How to make a NeXTstation Color drive a monochrome/grayscale monitor?

MBParker@share.UUCP (05/22/91)

The cost for a NeXTstation Color with the NeXT Sound Box but without the NeXT
Color monitor only a few hundred dollars than a NeXTstation Grayscale without
the MegaPixel Display (see below).  It's the NeXT Color Monitor which makes
the NeXTstation Color expensive.  So if it is at all possible to make a
NeXTstation Color drive a monochrome/grayscale monitor, perhaps even the NeXT
MegaPixel Display, then there would be almost no reason for anyone to buy a
NeXTstation Grayscale.  A NeXTstation Color with a GRAYSCALE monitor would
cost only a few hundred dollars more, come with 4MB additional RAM, and have
the very crucial ability to be later upgraded to color, which the NeXTstation
Grayscale very disappointingly lacks.

So I ask, has anyone done this?  Has anyone hooked a NeXTstation Color to a
some monochrome monitor, or does anyone know how?  NeXT says it is possible
(you hook the NeXTstation Color's RGB green (or red or blue) signal to
monochrome monitor's video input), although unsupported.  Below is a letter I
sent NeXT urging them to support this extensible configuration.

-Mike Parker
NeXT Developer and MIT Computer Science Grad Student
(will post summary of responses)
Return-Path: <MBParker>
Date: Tue, 26 Mar 91 00:44:02 GMT-0800
From: MBParker
To: mroosli@next.com, Bug_NeXT@next.com
Cc: djstein
Subject: For all machines, 16-bit color standard, or the option for $375 to later upgrade to 16-bit color

If it is possible to get the NeXTstation Color to drive a NeXT or third-party
grayscale monitor, there may be little reason for anyone to buy a NeXTstation
Grayscale.  Consider the list prices of the following two possible starter

#1	NeXTstation Grayscale System Unit (105MB/8MB)	$3775
	NeXTstation Grayscale Starting Point Kit	$ 225
	MegaPixel Grayscale Display			$ 995
						Total:	$5000

#2	NeXTstation Color     System Unit (105MB/12MB)	$4650
	NeXTstation Color     Starting Point Kit	$ 225
	NeXT Sound Box					$ 125
	Third-Party Grayscale Monitor			$ 400
						Total:	$5400

Notice that for only the small price of a third-party grayscale monitor, about
$400, the second option everything of the first, plus an additional 4MB of
memory **and the very important ability to later upgrade to 16-bit color**.  In
contrast, the purchaser of the NeXTstation Grayscale would have to throw away a
his entire system if he later wanted to have color.

Because of the benefit to the user, I will recommend the second option over the
first to every potential color user purchasing a station, and I'd recommend
NeXT support this configuration.  But NeXT looses in this deal: looses the sale
of a grayscale monitor.  NeXT could regain this sale if NeXT supported the
following system:

#3	NeXTstation Color     System Unit (105MB/8MB)	$4650
	NeXTstation Color     Starting Point Kit	$ 225
	MegaPixel Grayscale Display			$ 995
						Total:	$5870

Though a little more expensive, this option would probably be the best deal for
the user, and certainly for NeXT, because all equipment is from NeXT and
because when the user was ready to upgrade to color, NeXT could allow the user
to trade-in the MegaPixel Grayscale Display for the MegaPixel Color Display, as
NeXT already does for NeXTcube owners upgrading to NeXTdimension.  For these
reasons, I strongly recommend NeXT support use of the MegaPixel Grayscale
Display on the NeXTstation Color System Unit.

Reasoning from these close prices a bit further, one might ask, Why doesn't
NeXT provide the inexpensive 16-bit color circuitry as an option or as standard
on all their machines?  From the following two list prices:

	NeXTstation Grayscale system unit with 2.88MB floppy, 105MB hard disk,
	16MB RAM, costs $5275 list and

	NeXTstation Color system unit with 2.88MB floppy, 105MB hard disk, 
	16MB RAM, costs $5650 list,

one can infer that the cost of a NeXTstation Color motherboard is only $375
list dollers more than a NeXTstation Grayscale motherboard.  Since the 16-bit
color circuitry is the only difference, we see the circuitry required for color
is relatively inexpensive.

So I ask, why is NeXT producing Grayscale motherboards at all -- for either the
station or the cube?  Since the motherboard color support is not that
expensive, why not build color upgradability into ALL NeXT computers?  Or offer
it as an option?

Currently, if I'm a NeXTstation Grayscale user, to have any color, I have to
throw away my entire $5000 computer and buy another $7995 one!  And if I'm a
NeXTcube Grayscale user, I have to pay a wopping $6990, $2995 for the monitor
and $3995 for the NeXTdimension board, before I can have any color!

Wouldn't it make so much more sense for NeXT to offer NeXTstation AND NeXTcube
the customer the option, for a mere $375, to later upgrade to 16-bit color by
merely getting a color monitor -- without having to get an expensive accessory
board or whole new computer?  Wouldn't it make sense for NeXT to offer, as an
option for both the NeXTstation and NeXTcube, a motherboard which would drive
16 bit color -- without being forced to buy a $2995 color monitor plus possibly
a $3995 accessory board?

The $375 16-bit color option for all machines, which doesn't require purchase
of a color display, will give NeXT a much less confusing product line.  And it
will make NeXT's customers much happer knowing that if they are interested in
color, they can inexpensively and painlessly upgrade to color later if they
choose to.

Because the 16-bit color circuitry appears relatively inexpensive, I recommend
NeXT provide the 16-bit color circuitry on all their machines (NeXTstation AND
NeXTcube) as an option or if possible as standard, and in way that it can also
drive the inexpensive grayscale monitor; the circuitry would take advantage of
the expensive color monitor, but would not require it.

What do you think of this idea?

-Mike Parker
MIT Reg. Dev. #1013

melling@cs.psu.edu (Michael D Mellinger) (05/26/91)

  [argument that NeXT should support a Grayscale display on the
   NeXTstation color delete]

I completely agree.  NeXT is loosing a lot of sales because many
people will choose 386 clone with color VGA over the NeXT in part
because it has color.  I have already seen this happen.  The 17"
MegaPixel Grayscale Display is much better in my opinion(the fact is
the NeXT is unquestionably better), but selling computers is how the
game is played.  Prices of 486 machines are about to drop too,
eliminating NeXT's performance advantage.


isbell@ucscf.UCSC.EDU (Art Isbell) (05/26/91)

In article <1991May22.082130.19581@share.UUCP> you write:
[advantages of purchasing a NeXTstation Color computer with MegaPixel grayscale
monitor deleted}

As of the Spring 1991 List Prices catalog, the price differential between a
NeXTstation and NeXTstation Color computer (pizza box without monitor,
keyboard, etc.) has increased by $1,000 to $1,875 and the 17" MegaPixel Color
monitor has decreased by $1,000, so the total price of a complete NeXTstation
Color has remained unchanged.  So this price restructuring makes purchasing a
3rd-party color monitor or running a MegaPixel grayscale monitor on a
NeXTstation Color pizza box less attractive by $1,000.  I guess the
manufacturing cost differential between the grayscale and color CPU boards is
greater than NeXT thought.

The only other significant price changes I could find were a $1,000 decrease in
the cost of a NeXTdimension system with 17" Color display (related to the
above) and a $500 increase in the cost of the 21" Color display.
                                          _____   ____
Art Isbell                 |\   |  HELP!  |    |  |   \    315 Moon Meadow Lane
NeXT Registered Developer  | \  |   ___   |____|  |    |  Felton, CA 95018-9442
isbell@ucscf.UCSC.EDU      |  \ |  |___|  |  \    |    |          (408)335-1154
=> I NEED TO FIND NEXT ==> |   \|  |___   |   \   |___/ ==> DEVELOPMENT WORK <=

bwdavies@rodan.acs.syr.edu (05/27/91)

In article <16210@darkstar.ucsc.edu> isbell@ucscf.UCSC.EDU (Art Isbell) writes:
>In article <1991May22.082130.19581@share.UUCP> you write:
>[advantages of purchasing a NeXTstation Color computer with MegaPixel grayscale
>monitor deleted}
>As of the Spring 1991 List Prices catalog, the price differential between a
>NeXTstation and NeXTstation Color computer (pizza box without monitor,
>keyboard, etc.) has increased by $1,000 to $1,875 and the 17" MegaPixel Color
>monitor has decreased by $1,000, so the total price of a complete NeXTstation
>Color has remained unchanged.  So this price restructuring makes purchasing a
>3rd-party color monitor or running a MegaPixel grayscale monitor on a
>NeXTstation Color pizza box less attractive by $1,000.  I guess the
>manufacturing cost differential between the grayscale and color CPU boards is
>greater than NeXT thought.

To be a little less charitable, when I first heard about these price changes
I immediately assumed that NeXT had noticed people ordering NeXTstation Color
machines with the Sound Box and startup kit, and no monitor, and decided to
adjust the prices to make buying a third-party monitor a much less attractive

(This is basically what I was planning on doing.)

Sam Hill Cabal			"Them people'll do anything for money.  You'd
bwdavies@sunrise.bitnet		 be surprised.  They ain't like us, Doc.
bwdavies@rodan.acs.syr.edu	 They're Christians." -- Seldom Seen Smith