[comp.sys.next] NeXT's amazing bug fixing service

jiro@shaman.com (Jiro Nakamura) (06/05/91)

In less than 6 hours after I had posted my uuq bug report and fix to
the net, Morris Meyer at NeXT e-mailed me back saying that the bug
fix had been dropped into the sources for the next software revision!

	Kudos to NeXT for having the quickest support staff in the
industry. :-) x 9e46.489
	- Jiro Nakamura

ps. This also comes on the eve of their Developer Questionairre. I am
really impressed by how much NeXT cares for its developers and for
providing the best service all around. Except for my OD problems, I
have never been left with a bad taste in my mouth, as I have had with
dealing with Apple and other companies.

Jiro Nakamura				jiro@shaman.com
The Shaman Group			(607) 256-5125 VOICE
"Bring your dead, dying shamans here!"	(607) 277-1440 FAX/Data