[comp.sys.next] retrieving from ftp sites

ted@maui.cs.ucla.edu (Theodore Bujewski) (06/05/91)

I am unsure of how to uncompress and untar many of the files at the
archive sites.  I have retrieved many files and have tried to
uncompress them and untar them with the command

     zcat "file".tar.Z | tar -xvf -

I have also tried several permutations of this.  The result is either
it works or I get a checksum error.  My question is: Is this a problem
with the commands I am using, my machine, the way I am retrieving the
file, or the way I am transfering the file onto my machine? (I
download the ftp file to a DOS floppy and then copy it to my Next). 
I would really appreciate it if someone would tell me what I need to
do.  There are a lot of files which do not work.

Thanks in advance,
Ted (ted@cs.ucla.edu)

(BTW This may be a stupid question, but what is a checksum error?)

grdetil@ccu.umanitoba.ca (Gilles R. Detillieux) (06/06/91)

In <1991Jun4.214435.3787@cs.ucla.edu> ted@maui.cs.ucla.edu (Theodore Bujewski) writes:

>I am unsure of how to uncompress and untar many of the files at the
>archive sites.  I have retrieved many files and have tried to
>uncompress them and untar them with the command

>     zcat "file".tar.Z | tar -xvf -

>I have also tried several permutations of this.  The result is either
>it works or I get a checksum error.  My question is: Is this a problem
>with the commands I am using, my machine, the way I am retrieving the
>file, or the way I am transfering the file onto my machine? (I
>download the ftp file to a DOS floppy and then copy it to my Next). 
>I would really appreciate it if someone would tell me what I need to
>do.  There are a lot of files which do not work.

The mostly likely error I can think of offhand is you didn't explicitly
tell ftp to do a binary transfer.  Most implementations of ftp default to
a text file transfer, which wreaks havock on a compressed tar archive.
You usually have to give a "binary" command before the "get" or "mget"
command.  Some ftp's have a "bget" command for binary files.  Check your

>Thanks in advance,
>Ted (ted@cs.ucla.edu)

>(BTW This may be a stupid question, but what is a checksum error?)

"tar" calculates a checksum for each directory entry in the archive, then
verifies it on extraction, to see if the entry is valid.
Hope this helps.
Gilles Detillieux			<Gilles@scrc.UManitoba.CA>
Spinal Cord Research Centre		or <grdetil@ccu.UManitoba.CA>
Dept. of Physiology, U. of Manitoba	Phone:  (204)788-6766
Winnipeg, MB  R3E 0W3  (Canada)		Fax:    (204)786-0932