[comp.sys.next] co-Xist Demo

shanega@athena.mit.edu (Shane G. Artis) (06/07/91)

I noticed a posting from an individual who appeared to work for Pencom
Software who announced that a co-Xist demo had been posted on 
nova.cc.purdue.edu.  I can't find that demo there, or on any other
archive server.  Was it actually posted?  If so, where can it be
found?  If someone has the demo, could they send it to me?



fletcher@socrates.umd.edu (Charles Fletcher) (06/07/91)

In article <1991Jun7.024510.25916@athena.mit.edu> shanega@athena.mit.edu (Shane G. Artis) writes:
>I noticed a posting from an individual who appeared to work for Pencom
>Software who announced that a co-Xist demo had been posted on 
>nova.cc.purdue.edu.  I can't find that demo there, or on any other
>archive server.  Was it actually posted?  If so, where can it be
>found?  If someone has the demo, could they send it to me?

Yes, it is still in the /submissions directory.

Speaking of this demo, can someone help me get it working. The NeXT window
comes up but I can't get any X applications to go (granted it has been a
*long* time since I fooled with X stuff.) I think its not reading the
twm file, but I haven't had time to really look into it. Can someone
who has the demo running tell me what it is suppose to do (*NOT* the 
product co-Xist, I know what it does, I've seen it go--just what the demo
is geared up to do.)


gt2186a@prism.gatech.EDU (COBIA,FRANK NAYLOR) (06/08/91)

    I ftped the Demo last night (from somewhere other than nova.cc.purdue),
and it seemed to install fine. No errors from tar or the installer. When
I try to run it, a window comes up and I get the menu, but then it just 
does a core dump. Is there something I need to set on my machine or did
I get a corrupted copy.


Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta Georgia, 30332
uucp:     ...!{allegra,amd,hplabs,ut-ngp}!gatech!prism!gt2186a
Internet: gt2186a@prism.gatech.edu