[comp.sys.next] new machine

kuszewsk@euler.biology.yale.edu (John Kuszewski) (06/13/91)


Does anyone have a feel for the 88110's double precision FP speed?  Will it be  
tripled as well as the integer speed? (please?) If it is, we're talking about  
some _serious_ processing--about the level of a Stellar GS2000 or SGI 4D/GTX  

This has got me thinking about building very fast coprocessor boards.  Does  
anyone have any recommendations for the best way to get a solid background in  


John Kuszewski

smb@data.com (Steven M. Boker) (06/13/91)

In article <1991Jun12.183133.28899@cs.yale.edu> kuszewsk@euler.biology.yale.edu writes:
>Does anyone have a feel for the 88110's double precision FP speed?  Will it be  
>tripled as well as the integer speed? (please?) If it is, we're talking about  
>some _serious_ processing--about the level of a Stellar GS2000 or SGI 4D/GTX  

The 96002 is a floating point DSP.  Matrix multiplies that will make
your eyes swim


 #  Steve Boker           #             "Two's bifurcation                  #
 #  smb@data.com          #             but three's chaotic"                #

kuszewsk@euler.biology.yale.edu (John Kuszewski) (06/13/91)

Steven M. Boker writes
> In article <1991Jun12.183133.28899@cs.yale.edu>  
kuszewsk@euler.biology.yale.edu writes:
> >Hi!
> >
> >Does anyone have a feel for the 88110's double precision FP speed?  Will it  
> >tripled as well as the integer speed? (please?) If it is, we're talking  
> >some _serious_ processing--about the level of a Stellar GS2000 or SGI 4D/GTX  
> >series.  
> >
> The 96002 is a floating point DSP.  Matrix multiplies that will make
> your eyes swim
> Steve

The 96002 is a _single_precision_ floating point DSP that can do 50 MFLOPS at  
33 MHz.  Double precision is required for some applications but cannot be done  
with a 96002.  Plus, will it be available for running jobs?  The ND's 860  
isn't, partially because it's alkready busy running the screen.  I'm wondering  
what's actually available for user jobs.