[comp.sys.next] SECURITY WARNING: bogus ftpd on Purdue archives

eps@toaster.SFSU.EDU (Eric P. Scott) (06/16/91)

Recently, a file called ftpd-NeXT.tar.Z appeared in the
/pub/next/submissions directory at Purdue.  Assuming that it is
what it claims to be, it's still an OLDER version of ftpd than
what NeXT ships in 2.0/2.1 and its use *may* compromise the
security of your machine.

If you are looking for relatively recent ftpd sources in order to
implement site-specific policy, the 4.3-reno version I ported
last December is still current.  You can obtain it by anonymous
FTP from sutro.sfsu.edu [] as pub/ftpd-src.tar.Z

It should compile on 1.0/1.0a/2.0/2.1 systems without
modification.  This is a "clean" version; the differences between
that and what we run locally are included as a patch file.
