[comp.sys.next] Slab Prices

sands@raksha.eng.ohio-state.edu (Scott Sands) (06/19/91)

I'm ready to take the plung and buy a monochrome 
NextStation. However, I can't decide how big of 
a disk to buy. I would like to get a big enough
disk to keep the extended distirbution on line 
(and pre-loaded). But the price differential 
(with educational discount) between a 105 Meg 
machine and a 400 Meg machine appears to be 
significantly greater than the *retail* cost 
of adding a 330 Meg SCSI drive. 

Would I be loosing something by doing this? i.e.
is there something *wonderful* about the
internal 400 Meg drive? Is it difficult to *get*
the extended release if you buy a 105? Would the
external drive be significantly slower? 

Another thing: what about memory? The standard 
packages all contain 8 Meg. By starting with 
8 Meg am I limiting my upgrade paths? Should
I insist on a non-standard package?

Email me and I'll summarize.


O. Scott Sands                             CSU Dept. of Electrical Engineering
Work: (216)-687-3893                    E. 24th & Euclid, Cleveland Ohio 44115
Home: (216)-467-0135      863 Smithfield Apt. 1501, Sagamore Hills, Ohio 44067
sands@ee.eng.ohio-state.edu                           sands@csvaxe.csuohio.edu