[comp.sys.next] Eiffel on the NeXT -- C'est magnifique!

cnh5730@maraba.tamu.edu (06/25/91)

Do you know what Eiffel is? 

It's an Object-oriented Programming (OOP) language mentored by Dr Bertrand  
Meyer, author of one of the few texts on OOP and one of the principles of a  
company called ISE (Interactive Software Engineering).

An Eiffel programming and development environment for the NeXT Computer is just  
now pre-Beta at ISE. While not one of the mainstream OOP languages, the port of  
Eiffel to the NeXT is a prestigious event. 

Now there's an Eiffel newsletter! Called Eiffel Outlook, the newsletter is  
published 6 times a year by Robert Howard of Rock Solid Software. Yearly  
subscription rates are:
_Student: $24
_Individual: $34
_School: $34
_Company: $44

  Rock Solid Software
  PO Box 163072
  Austin, TX 78716
  512 328 6406
  howard@ses.com or sessun!howard@uunet.uu.net

Here's the really cool part: You can get a sample copy! Make sure you ask for  
Volume 1 Number 2, June 1991... the centerfold covers the NeXT product, with a  
3/4 page article and a full page graphic from a screen snap shot of Eiffel on  
the NeXT!!

This ain't no shtinkin' vapor, dudes. This is way-ultra cool!!

--	Chuck