[comp.sys.next] "Choppy" Scorefiles -- what's the deal?

jcargill@oka.cs.wisc.edu (Jon Cargille) (06/25/91)

Recently there was a post about the availability of some new
scorefiles. (Partita.score, Vivaldi.score, Allegro.score, ...)

I seem to have a problem with some of these, and I hope someone can
shed some light on it.  The problem is that the score file will read
in fine, begin to play, and play correctly for a few measures.  Then
the sound will get all choppy, with periods of silence interspersed
with bursts of the music.  I seem to get about two bursts of music per
second (2 Hz?  ;).

Does anyone know if this is:

	1)  A problem with the NS 1.0a music kit?  I haven't upgraded yet.

	2)  A result of not enough cpu power to keep up with the
	    demands of the scorefiles?  I only have an 030 cube with
	    OD + swapdisk.

	3)  A problem with my DSP?  Probably not.  Other scorefiles
	    seem to play fine, including some in the "new" set.
	    'Partita.score' plays just fine.

	4)  A result of too little disk bandwidth?  I don't think this
	    is the case, since the Scoreplayer app seems to read the
	    score into memory-resident structures before beginning to
	    play it.

These are some of the possibilities which have come to mind.  Any
light you can shed on this would be appreciated.  Please email, and
I'll summarize.

Jon Cargille		jcargill@cs.wisc.edu  <-- Now receiving NeXTmail