(James Beauchamp) (06/27/91)
As I've mentioned previously my problem was to display scientific graphs from programs already developed for Tek4014 output directly on the NeXT. (We have been able to do this all along using Tek emulator terminals connected to the NeXT via the network.) My current (provisional) solution is tekprogram | ps4014 -R -S 7 | ps2eps > tmp.eps Preview tmp.eps where ps2eps is the program recently posted to the net by Darcy Brockbank. (It works!) The '-R -S 7' gives the proper rotation and size for the Tek graphic to be viewed right-side-up. The file tmp.eps can be printed or imported to WriteNow. However, at first I had problems because there was too much wasted space above the graphic. I fixed this by changing ps2eps.c to output the line '%%BoundingBox: 48 40 500 380', instead of the values it previously used (0 0 612 792, corresponding to 8.5 x 11" page). This essentially crops the graphic to the original window size of the Tek graphic. The main limitation is that I can only get one graph per each run of the tekprogram. ps2eps currently does not handle multiple pages of output, although subsequent graphs do appear in Preview, albeit on top of one another. The solution described is free. I understand that Communicae is another solution, with many advantages, but that package costs $395. Jim Beauchamp