[comp.sys.next] Wanted: m-next040.h; Nemacs,Kterm,J-TeX; X info

stevew@oregon.uoregon.edu (06/27/91)

I'm interested in getting Emacs 18.57 to run on our cube, and I'm looking
for an m-next.h file for config.h to find. Also, I'm interested in getting
Nemacs and Kterm, as well as J-TeX compiled on our box, and I wonder if any
of you out there have some guidelines for me. Last but not least, how much
luck have any of you had with X-Windows? I get "locked up" quite often, and
our DECWindows manager is especially wary of the Black Thing. Thanks, all.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
* Stephen Wynne       		                    stevew@oregon.uoregon.edu *
* Consulting Reception (503) 346-4412    	      (BITNET) stevew@oregon  *
* University of Oregon Computing Center                                       *