[comp.sys.next] Hilights from Jobs Presentation

thomsen@spf.trw.com (Mark R. Thomsen) (06/28/91)

Last week I attended an in-house presentation by Steve Jobs. There were a
few points made that at least I found interesting:

 - there is a DB Kit that will be beta tested soon and will be in the 3.0
   release (January?); Jobs' demo used the kit to build a database app
   that was more impressive (richer data types) than last September's
   roll-out demo

 - someone asked about the market adding portable/laptops; Jobs noted that
   the cube-to-slab transition went small (noting the slab weighs less
   than the Mac portable :); that they are doing something in that direc-

 - someone asked about servers; Jobs noted NeXT is focused on the desktop;
   servers by their nature are designed to be replaced (e.g. Sun 4/490
   today; HP 9000 X tomorrow - my example) and don't have holding power
   which NeXT needs; on desktop they are not trying to be fastest, just
   the best; next year they might come out with a machine that, however,
   is the fastest on the desktop; a loaded cube might be a departmental

He seemed quite confident (the WSJ article might be a clue there). The
video was Star Wars this time. He remains one of the best presenters
