[fj.windows.x] Bugs of ExpandTable

yuki@rei.stars.flab.Fujitsu.JUNET (Hiroyuki YOSHIDA) (10/19/88)

I found two bugs of ExpandTable in Event.c. (This article includes a 
patch.) They are:
	(1) It forgets to clear the new hash table.
	(2) It fails to reset "table->count".

The bugs appear when there are more than 820 widgets. Probably, I'm 
the first man who made so many widgets. (Of course, becuase of my own 
bug :-) 

-- cut here --
*** Event.c.orig	Wed Aug  3 10:16:50 1988
--- Event.c	Wed Oct 19 11:07:49 1988
*** 268,279 ****
      HashTable	oldTable = table;
      unsigned int i;
      i = oldTable->size * 2;
!     table = (HashTable) XtMalloc(
! 	(unsigned) sizeof(HashTableRec)+i*sizeof(HashRec));
      table->size = i;
!     table->count = oldTable->count;
      for (i = 0; i<oldTable->size; i++) {
  	HashPtr hp;
  	hp = oldTable->entries[i];
--- 268,281 ----
      HashTable	oldTable = table;
      unsigned int i;
+     int size;
      i = oldTable->size * 2;
!     size = sizeof(HashTableRec)+i*sizeof(HashPtr);
!     table = (HashTable) XtMalloc((unsigned) size);
!     bzero((char *) table, size);
      table->size = i;
!     table->count = 0;
      for (i = 0; i<oldTable->size; i++) {
  	HashPtr hp;
  	hp = oldTable->entries[i];
Hiroyuki Yoshida