dattier@jolnet.ORPK.IL.US (David W. Tamkin) (04/26/89)
A friend of mine in Somerville, Massachusetts (a Boston burb, close enough to be in area code 617), is looking for net access. He is not affiliated with any of the universities or businesses that have sites in the area, and Phil Eschallier's April 10, 1989, edition of the nixpub list shows no public sites near Boston. If you know of a true public access site in metropolitan Boston, please follow up to pubnet.nixpub. If you know of a corporate, university, or private site that is a local call from Somerville and might allow him to have a dial-up account for email and news, please email me. Thanks much. -- David Tamkin POBox 567542 Norridge IL 60656-7542 ...killer!jolnet!dattier GEnie: D.W.TAMKIN BIX: dattier CIS: 73720,1570 dattier@jolnet.orpk.il.us Anyone on Jolnet who agrees with me is welcome to speak up on his or her own.