[pubnet.nixpub] Nixpub Posting

nixpub@lgnp1.LS.COM (NIXPUB Coordinator) (04/28/89)

         nixpub--> PUBLIC ACCESS UNIX (*NIX) SITES [04-27-89]
                         (mapped sites only!)

Systems listed (63):
 [ agora, alphacm, amazing, anet, atrium, bigtex, bucket, chariot, chief    ]
 [ chinet, cpro, dasys1, ddsw1, dhw68k, eklektik, floyd, gensis, grebyn     ]
 [ igloo, jolnet, killer, lgnp1, lilink, lunapark, m-net, madnix, magpie    ]
 [ marob, ncoast, netcom, nuchat, nucleus, nwnexus, oncoast, ozdaltx        ]
 [ pallas, pedro, pnet01, pnet02, pnet51, portal, raider, rpp386, rtmvax    ]
 [ sactoh0, sharks, sir-alan, sixhub, spies, stanton, stb, sugar, telly     ]
 [ tmsoft, tnl, turnkey, usource, vpnet, well, wet, wybbs, xroads, ziebmef  ]

Date    Telephone #   Sys-name       Location          Baud      Hours
-----   ------------  --------      -----------       -------    -----
01/10  206-487-3616^  nwnexus     Seattle             WA  3/12/24/96  24
  VAX 11/750 - BSD 4.3, multiple lines, PC-pursuitable, Usenet mail/news,
  carry alternate newsgroups.  Fees:  $5/month (min.), $3/hour direct (anytime)
  Accounts are set up via application.  Call number given for more information.
10/08  212-420-0527   magpie      NYC                 NY  3/12/24/96  24
  ? - UNIX SYSV - 2, Magpie BBS, no fee, Authors: Magpie/UNIX,/MSDOS
  two lines plus anonymous uucp: 212-677-9487 (9600 bps Telebit modem)
  NOTE: 9487 reserved for registered Magpie sysops & anon uucp
  Contact: Steve Manes, {rutgers|cmcl2|uunet}!hombre!magpie!manes	
08/19  212-675-7059   marob       NYC                 NY  3/12/24  24
  386 SCO-XENIX 2.2, XBBS, magpie bbs, no fee, limit 60 min
  Telebit Trailblazer (9600 PEP) only 212-675-8438
  Contact:  {philabs|rutgers|cmcl2}!{phri|hombre}!marob!clifford
07/07  212-879-9031^  dasys1      NYC                 NY  12/24    24
  Unistride - SYS V, multiple lines, fee $5/mo  AKA Big Electric Cat
  USENET, games, multi-user chat, email, login: new
03/19  213-376-5714   pnet02      Redondo Bch         CA  3/12/24  24
  XENIX (also 213-374-7404) no fee, 90 min limit, login: pnet id: new
  some USENET, net-work e-mail, multi-threaded conferencing
09/30  213-397-2987^  stb         Santa Monica        CA  3/12/24  24
  Tandy 16 Serial Tree bbs, shell access, uucp-anon: ogin: uucp NO PASSWD
03/19  213-459-5891   amazing     Pacific Palisades   CA  3/12/24  24
  AMT 286 - Microport  David's Amazing BBS  Fee $7.50/month;$35/6;$60/year
  5 lines on rotary; Unique original software with conferencing, electronic
  bar, matchmaking, no file up/downloading
07/31  214-247-2367   ozdaltx     Dallas              TX  3/12/24  24
  INTEC/SCO XENIX 2.2.1, OZ BBS, Membership only adult BBS, fee $40
  year. Multiple lines.  Closed system, carries limited USENET
  newsgroups. Login: guest (no PW).  Voice verification on all new users.
11/01  214-250-6272^  rpp386      Dallas              TX  12/24    24
  386 SYSV, no shell, no bbs, anonymous uucp file transfer site only, no fee
  uucp and kermit server available, login uucp or kermit NO PASSWD
01/15  214-824-7881^  killer      Dallas              TX  3/12/24  24
  3b2/400 - UNIX, uucp-anon: 1200 bps -->214-827-2919 in: uupdsrc word: Public
  uucp-anon: 2400 bps --> 214-821-3795 in: uupdsrc word: Public 
  uucp-anon info in: /bbsys4/README  no fee
11/26  215-279-5921^  lgnp1       Norristown          PA  3/12/24  24
  80286 w/ SCO-XENIX -- Telebit now on other line.  Limited number of
  shell accounts, currently no charges.  Services include E-mail, USENET,
  PD downloads, UNIX Software development and Text Processing tools.
  NO BBS!!
    anon-uucp: nuucp  NO PWD  (download /usr/spool/uucppublic/PD_FILES)
09/23  216-781-6201^  ncoast      Cleveland           OH  3/12/24  24
  Plexus P/35 System III, UNaXcess BBS, 5 lines; donation requested; shell
  access, Usenet access; news feeds available; home of UNaXcess software
  login: bbs for BBS, login: makeuser to register for shell access
  system may go DOWN soon
08/14  217-529-3223   pallas      Springfield         IL  3/12/24  24
  Convrgnt Minifrme, multiple lines, 200 meg Minnie bbs $25 donation
03/04  312-272-5912^  igloo       Northbrook          IL  12/24/96  24
  PC clone/microport   no limit/no fee                  AKCS bbs
  full usenet   read access/all  post access/limited   112megs HD
  2 lines rotary, 9600 telebit on 272-5917   rsh till validation   
  Contact: igloo!learn 
08/14  312-283-0559^  chinet      Chicago             IL  3/12/24  24
  3b2/300 - SYS V 3.1, multiple lines, Picospan BBS, system & BBS free
  Extra phone lines and usenet, $50/yr.
02/19  312-301-2100^  jolnet      Joliet/Orland Pk    IL  3/12/24  24
  3b2/400 - Unix, public access and contributions, fee for postnews.
  $50.00 per year  5 lines  XBBS bbs.  Newsfeeds available. 
  Free Shell access.  Telebit Trailblazer access.  Telenet access. 
08/11  312-566-8911^  ddsw1       Mundelein           IL  3/12/24/96  24
  Televideo 386 -SCO XENIX 386, guest usr 1 hr daily, fee extends use
  AKCS bbs, fee $30/6 months $50/year, Authors of AKCS bbs
  multiple lines, 9600 bps available, anonymous uucp, ~/README for info
  Contact: Karl Denninger (...!ddsw1!karl) Voice: (312) 566-8910
04/16  312-833-8126^  vpnet       Villa Park          IL  3/12     24
  3B1 UNIX Sys V 3.5, no fee, shell access, AKCS BBS (linked)
12/23  312-927-1885^  atrium      Chicago             IL  3/12     24
  3B1 UNIX SYS V.2, Chicago MM, no fee, no limit, multiple lines,
  national pen-pal service, login: mm, other lines: 927-1886, -1887
  Contact: gatech!petro!ucmsa!atrium!sysop
04/27  313-623-6309   nucleus     Clarkston           MI  12/24    24
  286 - Unix System V, no fee. Shell access, full usenet access, online games,
  AKCS conferencing system, some public domain sources online, extensive tape
  library of public domain source code
02/20  313-994-6333   m-net       Ann Arbor           MI  3/12     24
  Altos 68020 - SYS III, limits unstated, fee for extended service
  Picospan conference system, multiple lines, 160 meg, packet radio
08/21  313-996-4644   anet        Ann Arbor           MI  12       24
  Altos 68000 -Sys III, multiple lines, $20/month, services provided unknown 
04/10  314-474-4585   gensis      Columbia            MO  3/12/24/48/96  24
  Gateway 386 system w/ SCO Xenix V/386, DataFlex, Oracle, CHARM, & VP/ix.
  No fee.  Online gaming, game design, and (oddly enough) data base design
  are the main focus.  Modem is Microcom MNP 6.
12/13  314-875-5886   floyd       Columbia            MO  3/12/24/48/96  24
  Gateway 386 system w/ SCO Xenix V/386, DataFlex, Oracle, filePro, no fee.
  Working on BBS <-> bitnet <-> uunet transparent access,
  Modem is Microcomm MNP 6, contact Ken Ross (ken@floyd).
05/16  407-380-6228   rtmvax      Orlando             FL  3/12/24  24
  mVAX-I - Ultrix-32 V1.2  USENET & UUCP Email Gateway. XBBS front end for
  new user subscribing. No Fees. Primary function is Technical exchange.
  Contact: { cbosgd!codas, hoptoad!peora }!rtmvax!rob 
04/04  408-247-4810   sharks      Santa Clara         CA  3/12     24
  Altos 886/80/80  - XENIX 3.2f AKA: Shark's Head BBS,  BBCS Network
  Multiple lines,no fee for non-members,members $25 year
  Restricted sh access and UUCP/Usenet access for advanced members
05/07  408-725-0561   portal      Cupertino           CA  3/12/24  24
  Networked Suns (SunOS), multiple lines, Telenet access, no shell access
  fees: $10/month + Telenet charges (if used) @ various rates/times
  conferencing, multi user chats, usenet 
02/24  408-997-9119^  netcom      San Jose            CA  3/12/24/96  24
  Unix System V -- Shell Access [Bourne, Korn, C-Shell], BBS, USENET,
  Languages: C, Lisp, Prolog, Clips, (Ada soon), $10 / month, login as
  'guest' no password.  Contact netcom!bobr.
06/07  412-431-8649   eklektik    Pittsburg           PA  3/12     24
  UNIX PC- SYSV - UNaXcess BBS, new system - donation requested for shell,
  login: bbs for BBS, uucp-mail, limited Usenet news feeds.  Gaming SIGS.
  Contact:  ...!gatech!emoryu1!eklektik!anthony
04/20  415-332-6106   well        Sausalito           CA  3/12     24
  4-processor Sequent Balance (32032); UUCP and USENET access; multiple
  lines; access via CPN; $5/hr flat rate
06/09  415-582-7691   cpro        Hayward             CA  12/24    24
  Microport SYSV 2, UNaXcess bbs, no fee, 60 min limit, shell access
08/01  415-753-5265   wet         San Francisco       CA  3/12/24  24
  386 SYS V.3.  Wetware Diversions.  $15 registration, $0.01/minute.
  uucp, PicoSpan bbs, games, multiple lines, games, shell access, email
  multi-user chat/party.  Newusers get initial credit on the system!
  contact:claris!wet!cc (Chris Cilley)
01/25  416-452-0926   telly       Brampton            ON  12/24/96  24
  286 Xenix; proprietary menu-based BBS includes Usenet site searching.
  News (all groups, incl biz, pubnet, gnu), mail (including to/from Internet),
  some archives.  Feeds available. Fee: $75(Cdn)/year.
  Contact: Evan Leibovitch, evan@telly.on.ca, {uunet!attcan,utzoo}!telly!evan
12/04  416-461-2608   tmsoft      Toronto             ON  3/12/24/96  24
  NS32016, Sys5r2, shell; news+mail $30/mo, general-timesharing $60/mo
  All newsgroups.  Willing to setup mail/news connections.
  Contact: Dave Mason <mason@tmsoft> / Login: newuser
12/13  416-654-8854   ziebmef     Toronto             ON  3/12/24  24
  AT&T 3B1, Sys V, shell, news, mail, no fee (donations accepted)
  Carries most newsgroups (willing to add extra ones on request)
  Telebit comming soon, willing to give mail feeds
  Contact: Chris Siebenmann, {utzoo!telly,ncrcan}!ziebmef!cks
12/10  503-254-0458   bucket      Portland            OR  3/12/24  24
  Tektronix 6130, UTek 2.3(4.2BSD-derived).  Bit Bucket BBS publically
  available; login as 'bbs'.  BBS is message only.  Users intereseted in
  access to Unix should contact SYSOP via the BBS or send EMail to
  ..tektronix!tessi!bucket!rickb.  Unix services include USENET News,
  EMail, and all tools/games/utility access. Alternate dial-in lines
  available for Unix users.
12/23  503-640-4262^  agora       PDX                 OR  3/12/24  24
  Intel Xenix-286, $2/mo or $20/yr, news, mail, games, programming
  two lines with trunk-hunt, 4380 supports MNP level 3.
  Contact: Alan Batie, tektronix!tessi!agora!batie
10/08  512-346-2339   bigtex      Austin              TX  96       24
  Equip unknown, no shell, no fee, anonymous uucp ONLY, Telebit 9600/PEP
  mail & newsfeeds (limited) available.  Carries GNU software.
  anon login: nuucp NO PASSWD, file list /usr3/index
  Contact: ...!uunet!utastro!bigtex!james	
04/16  517-337-3844   lunapark    E. Lansing          MI  12/24    24
  equip ?, lunabbs bulletin board & conferencing system, no fee 
  conferencing system currently in beta test, 2400 --> 8 N 1
  1200 -->7 E 1
12/04  518-346-8033   sixhub      upstate             NY  3/12/24  24
  PC Designs GV386.  hub machine of the upstate NY UNIX users group (*IX)
  two line reserved for incoming, bbs no fee, news & email fee $15/year
  Smorgasboard of BBS systems, UNaXcess and XBBS online,
  Citadel BBS now in production. Contact: davidsen@sixhub.uucp.
09/26  602-941-2005   xroads      Phoenix             AZ  12/24    24
  Motorola VME1121, UNIX 5.2, Crossroads BBS, Fee $30/yr + $.50/.25 (call)
  prime (evenings)/non-prime, USENET news, multi-chat, online games,
  movie reviews, adventure games, dos unix/xenix files for dload, multi lines
08/27  608-273-2657   madnix      Madison             WI  3/12/24  24
  286 SCO-XENIX, shell, no fee, USENET news, mail, login: newuser
  Contact: ray@madnix
04/15  612-929-6699^  pnet51      Minneapolis         MN  3/12/24  24
  Equip ?, Xenix, multi-line, no fee, some Usenet news, email, multi-threaded
  conferencing, login: pnet id: new, PC Pursuitable
  UUCP: {rosevax, crash}!orbit!pnet51!admin
11/02  615-896-8716   raider      Murfreesboro        TN  12/24    24
  Tandy 4000 XENIX, UnaXcess, shell accounts, news and mail, newsfeeds
  available (on Node 2) 2 machine LAN;Node 1 is OPUS BBS 615-896-7905
  Contact: root@raider.MFEE.TN.US (Bob Reineri); NO CHARGE.
06/24  616-457-1964   wybbs       Jenison             MI  3/12/24  24
  286 - SCO-XENIX 2.2.1, no fee, two lines, shell access, news  
  AKA: Consultants Connection
07/31  619-444-7006^  pnet01      El Cajon            CA  3/12/24  24
  BSD Unix, 3 lines, login: pnet id: new, some USENET, email, conferencing 
  Home of P-Net software, mail to crash!bblue or pnet01!bblue for info.
  Contributions requested
  Unix accounts available for regulars, PC Pursuit access 2/88.
10/03  703-281-7997^  grebyn      Vienna              VA  3/12/24/96  24
  Vax/Ultrix.  $25/month.  GNU EMACS, USENET, PC/BLUE archives, Telebit on 7998
  and 7999, archives, Ada repository, comp.sources.(misc,unix,games) archives, 
  net.sources archives, 3 C compilers, Ada compiler,  500MB disk, multiple lines
03/16  713-334-1204   nuchat      Houston             TX  3/12/24  24
  286 - Mport USENET, mail, shell access available 120 meg 
08/11  713-438-5018   sugar       Houston             TX  3/12/24  24
  386/AT (2) networked - Microport SYS V, usenet, news, downloads
  Homegrown BBS software, currently no charges
12/10  714-635-2863   dhw68k      Anaheim             CA  12/24    24
  Unistride 2.1, no fee, also 714-385-1915, Trailblazer on both lines,
  USENET News, /bin/sh or /bin/csh available
07/31  714-662-7450   turnkey     Southern            CA  12/24    24
  286 - Xenix SYSV, XBBS
08/11  714-894-2246   stanton     Irvine              CA  3/12/24  24
  286 - SCO Xenix - donation requested, limit 240 min, XBBS, USENET news
  UNIX access granted on request through BBS, 20$/year, access includes
  C development system (XENIX/MSDOS), PROCALC 1-2-3 clone, FOXBASE+
  anon uucp: ogin: nuucp, no word, 2400/1200/300 MNP supported
12/04  714-898-8634^  alphacm     Cypress             CA  12/24/96  24
  386 - SCO-XENIX, no fee, Home of XBBS, 90 minute per login, 4 lines,
  9600 baud via MicroComm/Hayes (v.29)
    uucp-anon:  ogin: nuucp  NO PASSWD
05/08  719-632-4111   chariot     Colo Sprgs          CO  3/12     24
  Convrgnt Minifrme - SYS V, multiple lines, fee $12/mo Picospan
06/29  801-277-0272   pedro       Salt Lake City      UT  3/12/24/96  24
  386 SYS V, Unidel BBS, a.k.a. Bitsko's Bar & Grill, no limit, no fee, UseNet
  and Citadel feeds available, home of Unidel software, Telebit 19200 used,
  anonymous uucp, archiving .amiga, .atari.st, .ibm.pc, .mac, .misc and .unix.
  Contact: ken_macleod@pedro.UUCP or uunet!iconsys!caeco!pedro!ken_macleod
12/04  802-865-3614   tnl         Burlington          VT  3/12/24  24
  80386 w/ SCO XENIX. No Fee.  2 hr session limit.  XBBS/USENET, shell.
  Login as 'new' for a shell account, no validation.  AKA: Northern Lights.
08/19  813-952-1981   usource     Sarasota            FL  12/24    -24
  386 - SCO-XENIX, fee depends on services provided, no fee for bbs. New users
  subscribe by logging in as 'help' or 'newuser' (no password).  Primary
  purpose is technical forum. 6pm-8am M-Th, 24 hrs weeekends (6pm Fri-8am Mon)
  uucp-anon: 1200/2400 bps --> ogin: auucp  word: gateway
  uucp-anon directory: /usr/spool/uucppublic; contact: frank@usource.UUCP
08/25  814-333-6728   sir-alan    Meadville           PA  3/12/24  24
  Tandy XENIX/68000 03.01.02, Allegheny College, UNaXcess BBS
  uucp-anon: ogin: pdsrc  NO PASSWD
  uucp-anon directory: /usr/spool/pdsrc/all.subjects 
  Telebit TB+ available at 814 337 0894, now operating.
  Contact: sir-alan!mikes 
05/16  814-337-3159   oncoast     Meadville           PA  3/12/24/96  24
  Tandy 12/6000, no fee, no bbs, archive site, USR HST 9600, cycle 24/96/12
  vols 1 - 13 of mod.sources/comp.sources.unix, comp.sources.misc
  New stuff on sir-alan, older on oncoast. 2 uucp logins "uucp" and "pdsrc"
  files list =  /usr/spool/uucppublic/my.directory or /usr/spool/pdsrc/
06/17  818-884-7821   chief       Woodland Hills      CA  3/12     24
  286 - SCO XENIX 2.2.1, no fee, XBBS, interests: coins & coin investments 
  No file transfers
  Contact: ...!srhqla!chief!lance
12/10  914-762-7365^  spies       Scarborough         NY  3/12/24  24
  Wicat System 200 (2 networked machines; Unix SysV and WMCS o/s)
  948 megs, 6 incoming lines, CitaSim bbs, full UseNet news feed.
  Public domain downloads, including 90 megs of Amiga source.
  Multi-user conferencing, shell access, no fee, no validation.
  An open system in the true hobbyist spirit. Will feed other sites.
  anonymous uucp: 914-762-8287, login: uucp (NO PASSWORD) 1200/2400 baud
12/23  916-722-6519   sactoh0     Sacramento          CA  12/24/96  24
  3B2/310 SYSV.2    SAC_UNIX   no fee, limit 90 min (soon to be 2 lines)
  hopefully. TB on line only by request. Norm Hayes.USENET. login: new
  Contact: ..pacbell!sactoh0!sysop
NOTE:  ^ means the site is reachable using PC Pursuit.
This list is now maintained by Phil Eschallier on lgnp1.  Any additions,
deletions, or corrections should be sent to "nixpub@lgnp1".
Nixpub is kept as current as possible.  However, you use this data at your
own risk and cost -- all standard disclaimers apply!!!
  Lists available via uucp.  From lgnp1 login: nuucp  NO PWD
             this list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub
            short list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub.short
  uucp: ..!{hombre,rutgers}!lgnp1!phile                 CIS: 71076,1576
  COMPAQ, IBM, PC Pursuit, [SCO] XENIX, UNIX, etc. are trademarks of the
  respective companies.

nixpub@lgnp1.LS.COM (NIXPUB Coordinator) (04/28/89)

         nixpub--> PUBLIC ACCESS UNIX (*NIX) SITES [04-27-89]
                         (mapped sites only!)

Systems listed (63)
Legend: fee/contribution ($), no fee (-$), hours (24), not (-24)
        shell (S), USENET news (N), email (M), multiple lines (T) 
        Telebit 9600 bps on main number (+P), Telebit on other line[s] (P)
        Courier 9600 bps on main number (+H), Courier on other line[s] (H) 
        anonymous uucp (A), archive site ONLY - see long form list (@)
        @~ = anonymous uucp archive site listed in ANONIX (mike@cpmain)
        Dialable thru PC Pursuit (^)

Date *  Telephone #   Sys-name       Location      Baud      Legend
-----   ------------  --------      -----------   -------    -----
89/01  206-487-3616^  nwnexus    Seattle       WA  3/12/24/96  P 24 $ M N T S 
10/08  212-420-0527   magpie     NYC           NY  3/12/24/96  24 -$ T P
08/19  212-675-7059   marob      NYC           NY  12/24       24 -$ A
07/07  212-879-9031^  dasys1     NYC           NY  12/24       24 $ S N M T
88/11  213-376-5714   pnet02     Redondo Bch   CA  3/12/24     24 -$ N T
09/30  213-397-2987^  stb        Santa Monica  CA  3/12/24     24 -$ S A
88/11  213-459-5891   amazing    Pac Palisade  CA  3/12/24     24 $ T
07/31  214-247-2367   ozdaltx    Dallas        TX  3/12/24     24 $ N T
08/21  214-250-6272^  rpp386     Dallas        TX  12/24       24 @ -$ -S A T
89/01  214-824-7881^  killer     Dallas        TX  3/12/24     24 -$ N M S T A
88/11  215-279-5921^  lgnp1      Norristown    PA  3/12/24     P 24 -$ M N A S 
09/23  216-781-6201^  ncoast     Cleveland     OH  3/12/24     24 $ S N M T
08/14  217-529-3223   pallas     Springfield   IL  3/12/24     24 $ T
89/03  312-272-5912^  igloo      Northbrook    IL  12/24/96    24 -$ S N T P
08/14  312-283-0559^  chinet     Chicago       IL  3/12/24     24 $ N T
89/02  312-301-2100^  jolnet     Joliet        IL  3/12/24     24 -$ +P M N S T
08/11  312-566-8911^  ddsw1      Mundelein     IL  3/12/24/96  24 $ S N M T A P
04/16  312-833-8126^  vpnet      Villa Park    IL  3/12        24 -$ S
88/12  312-927-1885^  atrium     Chicago       IL  3/12        24 -$ T
89/04  313-623-6309   nucleus    Clarkston     MI  12/24       24 $ S N M
88/11  313-994-6333   m-net      Ann Arbor     MI  3/12        24 $ T
08/21  313-996-4644   anet       Ann Arbor     MI  12          24 $ T
89/04  314-474-4585   gensis     Columbia      MO  3/12/24/96  24 -$ M S 
88/12  314-875-5886   floyd      Columbia      MO  3/12/24/96  24 -$ M S 
05/16  407-380-6228   rtmvax     Orlando       FL  3/12/24     24 -$ N M
04/04  408-247-4810   sharks     Santa Clara   CA  3/12        24 $ S N M T
05/07  408-725-0561   portal     Cupertino     CA  3/12/24     24 $ -S N M T
89/02  408-997-9119^  netcom     San Jose      CA  3/12/24/96  24 $ M N S
06/07  412-431-8649   eklektik   Pittsburg     PA  3/12        24 $ S N M 
04/16  415-332-6106   well       Sausalito     CA  3/12        24 $ T
06/09  415-582-7691   cpro       Hayward       CA  12/24       24 -$ S
08/01  415-753-5265   wet        San Francisc  CA  3/12/24     24 $ S M T
89/01  416-452-0926   telly      Brampton      ON  12/24/96    +P 24 $ M N
88/12  416-461-2608   tmsoft     Toronto       ON  3/12/24/96  24 $ S M N
88/12  416-654-8854   ziebmef    Toronto       ON  3/12/24     24 S N M
88/12  503-254-0458   bucket     Portland      OR  3/12/24     24 -$ N M T
88/12  503-640-4262^  agora      PDX           OR  3/12/24     24 $ M N T
10/08  512-346-2339   bigtex     Austin        TX  96          +P 24 -S -$ A @~
89/01  516-872-2137   lilink     Long Island   NY  12/24       24 $ M N S T
04/16  517-337-3844   lunapark   E. Lansing    MI  12/24       24 -$ 7E1/12
88/12  518-346-8033   sixhub     upstate       NY  3/12/24     24 $ S N M T
09/26  602-941-2005   xroads     Phoenix       AZ  3/12/24     24 $ N T
08/27  608-273-2657   madnix     Madison       WI  3/12/24     24 -$ S N M
04/15  612-929-6699^  pnet51     Minneapolis   MN  3/12/24     24 -$ N M T
08/22  615-896-8716   raider     Murfreesboro  TN  12/24       24 -$ S N M
06/24  616-457-1964   wybbs      Jenison       MI  3/12/24     24 -$ S N T
07/31  619-444-7006^  pnet01     El Cajon      CA  3/12/24     24 $ N M S T
10/03  703-281-7997^  grebyn     Vienna        VA  3/12/24/96  24 $ N M T P
03/16  713-334-1204   nuchat     Houston       TX  3/12/24     24 S N M
08/11  713-438-5018   sugar      Houston       TX  3/12/24     24 -$ N
88/12  714-635-2863   dhw68k     Anaheim       CA  12/24       24 -$ T
07/31  714-662-7450   turnkey    Southern      CA  12/24       24 -$
08/11  714-894-2246   stanton    Irvine        CA  3/12/24     24 $ S N
88/12  714-898-8634^  alphacm    Cypress       CA  12/24/96    24 -$ T H A
05/08  719-632-4111   chariot    Colo Sprgs    CO  3/12        24 $ T
06/29  801-277-0272   pedro      Salt Lake Ci  UT  3/12/24/96  +P 24 -$ N A
06/05  802-865-3614   tnl        Burlington    VT  3/12/24     24 -$ S N M
08/19  813-952-1981   usource    Sarasota      FL  12/24       -24 -$ A
08/25  814-333-6728   sir-alan   Meadville     PA  3/12/24     24 -$ A P
05/16  814-337-3159   oncoast    Meadville     PA  3/12/24/96  +H 24 @ -$ -S A
06/17  818-884-7821   chief      Woodland Hil  CA  3/12        24 -$
88/12  914-762-7365^  spies      Scarborough   NY  3/12/24     24 -$ N S M A
88/12  916-722-6519   sactoh0    Sacramento    CA  12/24/96    24 -$
* yy/mm = denotes verification started for new year, mm/dd = old date
This list is now maintained by Phil Eschallier on lgnp1.  Any additions,
deletions, or corrections should be sent to "nixpub@lgnp1".
Nixpub is kept as current as possible.  However, you use this data at your
own risk and cost -- all standard disclaimers apply!!!
  Lists available via uucp.  From lgnp1 login: nuucp  NO PWD
             full list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub
             this list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub.short
  uucp: ..!{hombre,rutgers}!lgnp1!phile                 CIS: 71076,1576
  COMPAQ, IBM, PC Pursuit, [SCO] XENIX, UNIX, etc. are trademarks of the
  respective companies.

nixpub@lgnp1.LS.COM (NIXPUB Coordinator) (05/05/89)

         nixpub--> PUBLIC ACCESS UNIX (*NIX) SITES [05-05-89]
                         (mapped sites only!)

Systems listed (64):
 [ agora, alphacm, amazing, anet, atrium, bigtex, bucket, chariot, chief    ]
 [ chinet, conexch, cpro, dasys1, ddsw1, dhw68k, eklektik, esfenn, floyd    ]
 [ gensis, grebyn, igloo, jolnet, killer, lgnp1, lilink, lunapark, m-net    ]
 [ madnix, magpie, marob, ncoast, netcom, nuchat, nucleus, nwnexus, oncoast ]
 [ ozdaltx, pallas, pedro, pnet01, pnet02, pnet51, portal, raider, rpp386   ]
 [ rtmvax, sactoh0, sharks, sir-alan, sixhub, stanton, stb, sugar, telly    ]
 [ tmsoft, tnl, turnkey, usource, vpnet, well, wet, wybbs, xroads, ziebmef  ]

Date    Telephone #   Sys-name       Location          Baud      Hours
-----   ------------  --------      -----------       -------    -----
01/10  206-487-3616^  nwnexus     Seattle             WA  3/12/24/96  24
  VAX 11/750 - BSD 4.3, multiple lines, PC-pursuitable, Usenet mail/news,
  carry alternate newsgroups.  Fees:  $5/month (min.), $3/hour direct (anytime)
  Accounts are set up via application.  Call number given for more information.
10/08  212-420-0527   magpie      NYC                 NY  3/12/24/96  24
  ? - UNIX SYSV - 2, Magpie BBS, no fee, Authors: Magpie/UNIX,/MSDOS
  two lines plus anonymous uucp: 212-677-9487 (9600 bps Telebit modem)
  NOTE: 9487 reserved for registered Magpie sysops & anon uucp
  Contact: Steve Manes, {rutgers|cmcl2|uunet}!hombre!magpie!manes	
08/19  212-675-7059   marob       NYC                 NY  3/12/24  24
  386 SCO-XENIX 2.2, XBBS, magpie bbs, no fee, limit 60 min
  Telebit Trailblazer (9600 PEP) only 212-675-8438
  Contact:  {philabs|rutgers|cmcl2}!{phri|hombre}!marob!clifford
07/07  212-879-9031^  dasys1      NYC                 NY  12/24    24
  Unistride - SYS V, multiple lines, fee $5/mo  AKA Big Electric Cat
  USENET, games, multi-user chat, email, login: new
03/19  213-376-5714   pnet02      Redondo Bch         CA  3/12/24  24
  XENIX (also 213-374-7404) no fee, 90 min limit, login: pnet id: new
  some USENET, net-work e-mail, multi-threaded conferencing
09/30  213-397-2987^  stb         Santa Monica        CA  3/12/24  24
  Tandy 16 Serial Tree bbs, shell access, uucp-anon: ogin: uucp NO PASSWD
03/19  213-459-5891   amazing     Pacific Palisades   CA  3/12/24  24
  AMT 286 - Microport  David's Amazing BBS  Fee $7.50/month;$35/6;$60/year
  5 lines on rotary; Unique original software with conferencing, electronic
  bar, matchmaking, no file up/downloading
07/31  214-247-2367   ozdaltx     Dallas              TX  3/12/24  24
  INTEC/SCO XENIX 2.2.1, OZ BBS, Membership only adult BBS, fee $40
  year. Multiple lines.  Closed system, carries limited USENET
  newsgroups. Login: guest (no PW).  Voice verification on all new users.
11/01  214-250-6272^  rpp386      Dallas              TX  12/24    24
  386 SYSV, no shell, no bbs, anonymous uucp file transfer site only, no fee
  uucp and kermit server available, login uucp or kermit NO PASSWD
01/15  214-824-7881^  killer      Dallas              TX  3/12/24  24
  3b2/400 - UNIX, uucp-anon: 1200 bps -->214-827-2919 in: uupdsrc word: Public
  uucp-anon: 2400 bps --> 214-821-3795 in: uupdsrc word: Public 
  uucp-anon info in: /bbsys4/README  no fee
11/26  215-279-5921^  lgnp1       Norristown          PA  3/12/24  24
  80286 w/ SCO-XENIX -- Telebit now on other line.  Limited number of
  shell accounts, currently no charges.  Services include E-mail, USENET,
  PD downloads, UNIX Software development and Text Processing tools.
  NO BBS!!
    anon-uucp: nuucp  NO PWD  (download /usr/spool/uucppublic/PD_FILES)
09/23  216-781-6201^  ncoast      Cleveland           OH  3/12/24  24
  Plexus P/35 System III, UNaXcess BBS, 5 lines; donation requested; shell
  access, Usenet access; news feeds available; home of UNaXcess software
  login: bbs for BBS, login: makeuser to register for shell access
  system may go DOWN soon
08/14  217-529-3223   pallas      Springfield         IL  3/12/24  24
  Convrgnt Minifrme, multiple lines, 200 meg Minnie bbs $25 donation
03/04  312-272-5912^  igloo       Northbrook          IL  12/24/96  24
  PC clone/microport   no limit/no fee                  AKCS bbs
  full usenet   read access/all  post access/limited   112megs HD
  2 lines rotary, 9600 telebit on 272-5917   rsh till validation   
  Contact: igloo!learn 
08/14  312-283-0559^  chinet      Chicago             IL  3/12/24  24
  3b2/300 - SYS V 3.1, multiple lines, Picospan BBS, system & BBS free
  Extra phone lines and usenet, $50/yr.
02/19  312-301-2100^  jolnet      Joliet/Orland Pk    IL  3/12/24  24
  3b2/400 - Unix, public access and contributions, fee for postnews.
  $50.00 per year  5 lines  XBBS bbs.  Newsfeeds available. 
  Free Shell access.  Telebit Trailblazer access.  Telenet access. 
08/11  312-566-8911^  ddsw1       Mundelein           IL  3/12/24/96  24
  Televideo 386 -SCO XENIX 386, guest usr 1 hr daily, fee extends use
  AKCS bbs, fee $30/6 months $50/year, Authors of AKCS bbs
  multiple lines, 9600 bps available, anonymous uucp, ~/README for info
  Contact: Karl Denninger (...!ddsw1!karl) Voice: (312) 566-8910
05/05  312-833-8126^  vpnet       Villa Park          IL  12/24/96  24
  386 Clone - Interactive 386/ix R2.0 (3.2), no fee. Akcs linked bbs
  including several Usenet conf's. No charge for shells. Trailblazer. 
  Mail lisbon@vpnet.UUCP
12/23  312-927-1885^  atrium      Chicago             IL  3/12     24
  3B1 UNIX SYS V.2, Chicago MM, no fee, no limit, multiple lines,
  national pen-pal service, login: mm, other lines: 927-1886, -1887
  Contact: gatech!petro!ucmsa!atrium!sysop
04/27  313-623-6309   nucleus     Clarkston           MI  12/24    24
  286 - Unix System V, no fee. Shell access, full usenet access, online games,
  AKCS conferencing system, some public domain sources online, extensive tape
  library of public domain source code
02/20  313-994-6333   m-net       Ann Arbor           MI  3/12     24
  Altos 68020 - SYS III, limits unstated, fee for extended service
  Picospan conference system, multiple lines, 160 meg, packet radio
08/21  313-996-4644   anet        Ann Arbor           MI  12       24
  Altos 68000 -Sys III, multiple lines, $20/month, services provided unknown 
04/10  314-474-4585   gensis      Columbia            MO  3/12/24/48/96  24
  Gateway 386 system w/ SCO Xenix V/386, DataFlex, Oracle, CHARM, & VP/ix.
  No fee.  Online gaming, game design, and (oddly enough) data base design
  are the main focus.  Modem is Microcom MNP 6.
12/13  314-875-5886   floyd       Columbia            MO  3/12/24/48/96  24
  Gateway 386 system w/ SCO Xenix V/386, DataFlex, Oracle, filePro, no fee.
  Working on BBS <-> bitnet <-> uunet transparent access,
  Modem is Microcomm MNP 6, contact Ken Ross (ken@floyd).
05/16  407-380-6228   rtmvax      Orlando             FL  3/12/24  24
  mVAX-I - Ultrix-32 V1.2  USENET & UUCP Email Gateway. XBBS front end for
  new user subscribing. No Fees. Primary function is Technical exchange.
  Contact: { cbosgd!codas, hoptoad!peora }!rtmvax!rob 
04/04  408-247-4810   sharks      Santa Clara         CA  3/12     24
  Altos 886/80/80  - XENIX 3.2f AKA: Shark's Head BBS,  BBCS Network
  Multiple lines,no fee for non-members,members $25 year
  Restricted sh access and UUCP/Usenet access for advanced members
05/07  408-725-0561   portal      Cupertino           CA  3/12/24  24
  Networked Suns (SunOS), multiple lines, Telenet access, no shell access
  fees: $10/month + Telenet charges (if used) @ various rates/times
  conferencing, multi user chats, usenet 
02/24  408-997-9119^  netcom      San Jose            CA  3/12/24/96  24
  Unix System V -- Shell Access [Bourne, Korn, C-Shell], BBS, USENET,
  Languages: C, Lisp, Prolog, Clips, (Ada soon), $10 / month, login as
  'guest' no password.  Contact netcom!bobr.
06/07  412-431-8649   eklektik    Pittsburg           PA  3/12     24
  UNIX PC- SYSV - UNaXcess BBS, new system - donation requested for shell,
  login: bbs for BBS, uucp-mail, limited Usenet news feeds.  Gaming SIGS.
  Contact:  ...!gatech!emoryu1!eklektik!anthony
04/20  415-332-6106   well        Sausalito           CA  3/12     24
  4-processor Sequent Balance (32032); UUCP and USENET access; multiple
  lines; access via CPN; $5/hr flat rate
06/09  415-582-7691   cpro        Hayward             CA  12/24    24
  Microport SYSV 2, UNaXcess bbs, no fee, 60 min limit, shell access
08/01  415-753-5265   wet         San Francisco       CA  3/12/24  24
  386 SYS V.3.  Wetware Diversions.  $15 registration, $0.01/minute.
  uucp, PicoSpan bbs, games, multiple lines, games, shell access, email
  multi-user chat/party.  Newusers get initial credit on the system!
  contact:claris!wet!cc (Chris Cilley)
05/03  415-783-2543   esfenn      Hayward             CA  3/12/24  24
  System ????; USENET news; E-mail; No charges; Contact esfenn!william.
01/25  416-452-0926   telly       Brampton            ON  12/24/96  24
  286 Xenix; proprietary menu-based BBS includes Usenet site searching.
  News (all groups, incl biz, pubnet, gnu), mail (including to/from Internet),
  some archives.  Feeds available. Fee: $75(Cdn)/year.
  Contact: Evan Leibovitch, evan@telly.on.ca, {uunet!attcan,utzoo}!telly!evan
12/04  416-461-2608   tmsoft      Toronto             ON  3/12/24/96  24
  NS32016, Sys5r2, shell; news+mail $30/mo, general-timesharing $60/mo
  All newsgroups.  Willing to setup mail/news connections.
  Contact: Dave Mason <mason@tmsoft> / Login: newuser
12/13  416-654-8854   ziebmef     Toronto             ON  3/12/24  24
  AT&T 3B1, Sys V, shell, news, mail, no fee (donations accepted)
  Carries most newsgroups (willing to add extra ones on request)
  Telebit comming soon, willing to give mail feeds
  Contact: Chris Siebenmann, {utzoo!telly,ncrcan}!ziebmef!cks
12/10  503-254-0458   bucket      Portland            OR  3/12/24  24
  Tektronix 6130, UTek 2.3(4.2BSD-derived).  Bit Bucket BBS publically
  available; login as 'bbs'.  BBS is message only.  Users intereseted in
  access to Unix should contact SYSOP via the BBS or send EMail to
  ..tektronix!tessi!bucket!rickb.  Unix services include USENET News,
  EMail, and all tools/games/utility access. Alternate dial-in lines
  available for Unix users.
05/03  503-640-4262^  agora       PDX                 OR  3/12/24  24
  Intel Xenix-286, $2/mo or $20/yr, news, mail, games, programming
  two lines with trunk-hunt, 4380 supports MNP level 3.
  Contact: Alan Batie, tektronix!tessi!agora!batie
10/08  512-346-2339   bigtex      Austin              TX  96       24
  Equip unknown, no shell, no fee, anonymous uucp ONLY, Telebit 9600/PEP
  mail & newsfeeds (limited) available.  Carries GNU software.
  anon login: nuucp NO PASSWD, file list /usr3/index
  Contact: ...!uunet!utastro!bigtex!james	
05/03  516-872-2137   lilink      Long Island         NY  12/24    24
  80386/20 Mhz. , three lines, News/Mail/Shell access. Online games,
  conferencing, full program development system, full text processing.
  We carry ALL Usenet groups.  Dues are  $10/month (unlimited access).
  Accounts are filled by application/phone verification. Login: new
  Alternate numbers: 516-872-2138 & 516-872-2349
04/16  517-337-3844   lunapark    E. Lansing          MI  12/24    24
  equip ?, lunabbs bulletin board & conferencing system, no fee 
  conferencing system currently in beta test, 2400 --> 8 N 1
  1200 -->7 E 1
12/04  518-346-8033   sixhub      upstate             NY  3/12/24  24
  PC Designs GV386.  hub machine of the upstate NY UNIX users group (*IX)
  two line reserved for incoming, bbs no fee, news & email fee $15/year
  Smorgasboard of BBS systems, UNaXcess and XBBS online,
  Citadel BBS now in production. Contact: davidsen@sixhub.uucp.
09/26  602-941-2005   xroads      Phoenix             AZ  12/24    24
  Motorola VME1121, UNIX 5.2, Crossroads BBS, Fee $30/yr + $.50/.25 (call)
  prime (evenings)/non-prime, USENET news, multi-chat, online games,
  movie reviews, adventure games, dos unix/xenix files for dload, multi lines
08/27  608-273-2657   madnix      Madison             WI  3/12/24  24
  286 SCO-XENIX, shell, no fee, USENET news, mail, login: newuser
  Contact: ray@madnix
04/15  612-929-6699^  pnet51      Minneapolis         MN  3/12/24  24
  Equip ?, Xenix, multi-line, no fee, some Usenet news, email, multi-threaded
  conferencing, login: pnet id: new, PC Pursuitable
  UUCP: {rosevax, crash}!orbit!pnet51!admin
11/02  615-896-8716   raider      Murfreesboro        TN  12/24    24
  Tandy 4000 XENIX, UnaXcess, shell accounts, news and mail, newsfeeds
  available (on Node 2) 2 machine LAN;Node 1 is OPUS BBS 615-896-7905
  Contact: root@raider.MFEE.TN.US (Bob Reineri); NO CHARGE.
06/24  616-457-1964   wybbs       Jenison             MI  3/12/24  24
  286 - SCO-XENIX 2.2.1, no fee, two lines, shell access, news  
  AKA: Consultants Connection
07/31  619-444-7006^  pnet01      El Cajon            CA  3/12/24  24
  BSD Unix, 3 lines, login: pnet id: new, some USENET, email, conferencing 
  Home of P-Net software, mail to crash!bblue or pnet01!bblue for info.
  Contributions requested
  Unix accounts available for regulars, PC Pursuit access 2/88.
10/03  703-281-7997^  grebyn      Vienna              VA  3/12/24/96  24
  Vax/Ultrix.  $25/month.  GNU EMACS, USENET, PC/BLUE archives, Telebit on 7998
  and 7999, archives, Ada repository, comp.sources.(misc,unix,games) archives, 
  net.sources archives, 3 C compilers, Ada compiler,  500MB disk, multiple lines
03/16  713-334-1204   nuchat      Houston             TX  3/12/24  24
  286 - Mport USENET, mail, shell access available 120 meg 
08/11  713-438-5018   sugar       Houston             TX  3/12/24  24
  386/AT (2) networked - Microport SYS V, usenet, news, downloads
  Homegrown BBS software, currently no charges
12/10  714-635-2863   dhw68k      Anaheim             CA  12/24    24
  Unistride 2.1, no fee, also 714-385-1915, Trailblazer on both lines,
  USENET News, /bin/sh or /bin/csh available
05/03  714-662-7450   turnkey     Inglewood           CA  12/24    24
  286 - Xenix SYSV, XBBS
05/03  714-842-5851   conexch     Santa Ana           CA  3/12/24  24
  386 - SCO Xenix - Free Unix guest login and PC-DOS bbs login, one
  hour inital time limit, USENET news, shell access granted on request &
  $25/quarter donation.  Anon uucp: ogin: nuucp  NO PASSWD.  List of
  available Unix files resides in /usr3/public/FILES.
08/11  714-894-2246   stanton     Irvine              CA  3/12/24  24
  286 - SCO Xenix - donation requested, limit 240 min, XBBS, USENET news
  UNIX access granted on request through BBS, 20$/year, access includes
  C development system (XENIX/MSDOS), PROCALC 1-2-3 clone, FOXBASE+
  anon uucp: ogin: nuucp, no word, 2400/1200/300 MNP supported
12/04  714-898-8634^  alphacm     Cypress             CA  12/24/96  24
  386 - SCO-XENIX, no fee, Home of XBBS, 90 minute per login, 4 lines,
  9600 baud via MicroComm/Hayes (v.29)
    uucp-anon:  ogin: nuucp  NO PASSWD
05/08  719-632-4111   chariot     Colo Sprgs          CO  3/12     24
  Convrgnt Minifrme - SYS V, multiple lines, fee $12/mo Picospan
06/29  801-277-0272   pedro       Salt Lake City      UT  3/12/24/96  24
  386 SYS V, Unidel BBS, a.k.a. Bitsko's Bar & Grill, no limit, no fee, UseNet
  and Citadel feeds available, home of Unidel software, Telebit 19200 used,
  anonymous uucp, archiving .amiga, .atari.st, .ibm.pc, .mac, .misc and .unix.
  Contact: ken_macleod@pedro.UUCP or uunet!iconsys!caeco!pedro!ken_macleod
12/04  802-865-3614   tnl         Burlington          VT  3/12/24  24
  80386 w/ SCO XENIX. No Fee.  2 hr session limit.  XBBS/USENET, shell.
  Login as 'new' for a shell account, no validation.  AKA: Northern Lights.
08/19  813-952-1981   usource     Sarasota            FL  12/24    -24
  386 - SCO-XENIX, fee depends on services provided, no fee for bbs. New users
  subscribe by logging in as 'help' or 'newuser' (no password).  Primary
  purpose is technical forum. 6pm-8am M-Th, 24 hrs weeekends (6pm Fri-8am Mon)
  uucp-anon: 1200/2400 bps --> ogin: auucp  word: gateway
  uucp-anon directory: /usr/spool/uucppublic; contact: frank@usource.UUCP
08/25  814-333-6728   sir-alan    Meadville           PA  3/12/24  24
  Tandy XENIX/68000 03.01.02, Allegheny College, UNaXcess BBS
  uucp-anon: ogin: pdsrc  NO PASSWD
  uucp-anon directory: /usr/spool/pdsrc/all.subjects 
  Telebit TB+ available at 814 337 0894, now operating.
  Contact: sir-alan!mikes 
05/16  814-337-3159   oncoast     Meadville           PA  3/12/24/96  24
  Tandy 12/6000, no fee, no bbs, archive site, USR HST 9600, cycle 24/96/12
  vols 1 - 13 of mod.sources/comp.sources.unix, comp.sources.misc
  New stuff on sir-alan, older on oncoast. 2 uucp logins "uucp" and "pdsrc"
  files list =  /usr/spool/uucppublic/my.directory or /usr/spool/pdsrc/
06/17  818-884-7821   chief       Woodland Hills      CA  3/12     24
  286 - SCO XENIX 2.2.1, no fee, XBBS, interests: coins & coin investments 
  No file transfers
  Contact: ...!srhqla!chief!lance
12/23  916-722-6519   sactoh0     Sacramento          CA  12/24/96  24
  3B2/310 SYSV.2    SAC_UNIX   no fee, limit 90 min (soon to be 2 lines)
  hopefully. TB on line only by request. Norm Hayes.USENET. login: new
  Contact: ..pacbell!sactoh0!sysop
NOTE:  ^ means the site is reachable using PC Pursuit.
  Lists available via uucp.  From lgnp1 login: nuucp  NO PWD
             this list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub
            short list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub.short
This list is now maintained by Phil Eschallier on lgnp1.  Any additions,
deletions, or corrections should be sent to one of the addresses below.
The nixpub listings are kept as current as possible.  However, you use this
data at your own risk and cost -- all standard disclaimers apply!!!
E-MAIL ...
  uucp: ..!uunet!lgnp1!{ phile | nixpub }
    or: { phile | nixpub }@LS.COM
   CIS: 71076,1576
NOTE: If you send mail from an unmapped site, I cannot promise a reply.
  COMPAQ, IBM, PC Pursuit, [SCO] XENIX, UNIX, etc. are trademarks of the
  respective companies.

nixpub@lgnp1.LS.COM (NIXPUB Coordinator) (07/06/89)

         nixpub--> PUBLIC ACCESS UNIX (*NIX) SITES [07-05-89]
                         (mapped sites only!)

Systems listed (65):
 [ agora, alphacm, amazing, anet, atrium, bigtex, bucket, chariot, chief    ]
 [ chinet, conexch, cpro, dasys1, ddsw1, dhw68k, eklektik, esfenn, floyd    ]
 [ gensis, grebyn, igloo, jdyx, jolnet, killer, lgnp1, lilink, lunapark     ]
 [ m-net, madnix, magpie, marob, ncoast, netcom, nuchat, nucleus, nwnexus   ]
 [ oncoast, ozdaltx, pallas, pedro, pnet01, pnet02, pnet51, portal, raider  ]
 [ rpp386, rtmvax, sactoh0, sharks, sir-alan, sixhub, stanton, stb, sugar   ]
 [ telly, tmsoft, tnl, turnkey, usource, vpnet, well, wet, wybbs, xroads    ]
 [ ziebmef                                                                  ]

Date    Telephone #   Sys-name       Location          Baud      Hours
-----   ------------  --------      -----------       -------    -----
01/10  206-487-3616^  nwnexus     Seattle             WA  3/12/24/96  24
  VAX 11/750 - BSD 4.3, multiple lines, PC-pursuitable, Usenet mail/news,
  carry alternate newsgroups.  Fees:  $5/month (min.), $3/hour direct (anytime)
  Accounts are set up via application.  Call number given for more information.
10/08  212-420-0527   magpie      NYC                 NY  3/12/24/96  24
  ? - UNIX SYSV - 2, Magpie BBS, no fee, Authors: Magpie/UNIX,/MSDOS
  two lines plus anonymous uucp: 212-677-9487 (9600 bps Telebit modem)
  NOTE: 9487 reserved for registered Magpie sysops & anon uucp
  Contact: Steve Manes, {rutgers|cmcl2|uunet}!hombre!magpie!manes	
08/19  212-675-7059   marob       NYC                 NY  3/12/24  24
  386 SCO-XENIX 2.2, XBBS, magpie bbs, no fee, limit 60 min
  Telebit Trailblazer (9600 PEP) only 212-675-8438
  Contact:  {philabs|rutgers|cmcl2}!{phri|hombre}!marob!clifford
05/26  212-879-9031^  dasys1      NYC                 NY  12/24    24
  Unistride - SYS V, multiple lines, fee $5/mo  AKA Big Electric Cat
  USENET, games, multi-user chat, email, login: new, passwd: new
  Contact: ...!rutgers!cmcl2!rsweeney or rsweeney@dasys1.UUCP
03/19  213-376-5714   pnet02      Redondo Bch         CA  3/12/24  24
  XENIX (also 213-374-7404) no fee, 90 min limit, login: pnet id: new
  some USENET, net-work e-mail, multi-threaded conferencing
09/30  213-397-2987^  stb         Santa Monica        CA  3/12/24  24
  Tandy 16 Serial Tree bbs, shell access, uucp-anon: ogin: uucp NO PASSWD
03/19  213-459-5891   amazing     Pacific Palisades   CA  3/12/24  24
  AMT 286 - Microport  David's Amazing BBS  Fee $7.50/month;$35/6;$60/year
  5 lines on rotary; Unique original software with conferencing, electronic
  bar, matchmaking, no file up/downloading
07/31  214-247-2367   ozdaltx     Dallas              TX  3/12/24  24
  INTEC/SCO XENIX 2.2.1, OZ BBS, Membership only adult BBS, fee $40
  year. Multiple lines.  Closed system, carries limited USENET
  newsgroups. Login: guest (no PW).  Voice verification on all new users.
01/15  214-824-7881^  killer      Dallas              TX  3/12/24  24
  3b2/400 - UNIX, uucp-anon: 1200 bps -->214-827-2919 in: uupdsrc word: Public
  uucp-anon: 2400 bps --> 214-821-3795 in: uupdsrc word: Public 
  uucp-anon info in: /bbsys4/README  no fee
07/05  215-348-9727   lgnp1       Doylestown          PA  3/12/24/96  24
  80286 w/ SCO-XENIX -- Limited number of shell accounts, currently no
  charges.  Services include E-mail, USENET, PD downloads, UNIX Software
  development and Text Processing tools.
  NO BBS!!
    anon-uucp: nuucp  NO PWD  (download /usr/spool/uucppublic/PD_FILES)
09/23  216-781-6201^  ncoast      Cleveland           OH  3/12/24  24
  Plexus P/35 System III, UNaXcess BBS, 5 lines; donation requested; shell
  access, Usenet access; news feeds available; home of UNaXcess software
  login: bbs for BBS, login: makeuser to register for shell access
  system may go DOWN soon
08/14  217-529-3223   pallas      Springfield         IL  3/12/24  24
  Convrgnt Minifrme, multiple lines, 200 meg Minnie bbs $25 donation
03/04  312-272-5912^  igloo       Northbrook          IL  12/24/96  24
  PC clone/microport   no limit/no fee                  AKCS bbs
  full usenet   read access/all  post access/limited   112megs HD
  2 lines rotary, 9600 telebit on 272-5917   rsh till validation   
  Contact: igloo!learn 
08/14  312-283-0559^  chinet      Chicago             IL  3/12/24  24
  3b2/300 - SYS V 3.1, multiple lines, Picospan BBS, system & BBS free
  Extra phone lines and usenet, $50/yr.
07/05  312-301-2100^  jolnet      Joliet/Orland Pk    IL  3/12/24  24
  3b2/400 - Unix, public access and contributions, No fee for postnews.
  5 lines  AKCS bbs.  Free Newsfeeds available.  ~450 MB online storage.
  Free Shell and Usenet access.  Telebit Trailblazer access (2104).
  Telenet access. 
08/11  312-566-8911^  ddsw1       Mundelein           IL  3/12/24/96  24
  Televideo 386 -SCO XENIX 386, guest usr 1 hr daily, fee extends use
  AKCS bbs, fee $30/6 months $50/year, Authors of AKCS bbs
  multiple lines, 9600 bps available, anonymous uucp, ~/README for info
  Contact: Karl Denninger (...!ddsw1!karl) Voice: (312) 566-8910
05/05  312-833-8126^  vpnet       Villa Park          IL  12/24/96  24
  386 Clone - Interactive 386/ix R2.0 (3.2), no fee. Akcs linked bbs
  including several Usenet conf's. No charge for shells. Trailblazer. 
  Mail lisbon@vpnet.UUCP
12/23  312-927-1885^  atrium      Chicago             IL  3/12     24
  3B1 UNIX SYS V.2, Chicago MM, no fee, no limit, multiple lines,
  national pen-pal service, login: mm, other lines: 927-1886, -1887
  Contact: gatech!petro!ucmsa!atrium!sysop
04/27  313-623-6309   nucleus     Clarkston           MI  12/24    24
  286 - Unix System V, no fee. Shell access, full usenet access, online games,
  AKCS conferencing system, some public domain sources online, extensive tape
  library of public domain source code
02/20  313-994-6333   m-net       Ann Arbor           MI  3/12     24
  Altos 68020 - SYS III, limits unstated, fee for extended service
  Picospan conference system, multiple lines, 160 meg, packet radio
08/21  313-996-4644   anet        Ann Arbor           MI  12       24
  Altos 68000 -Sys III, multiple lines, $20/month, services provided unknown 
07/05  314-474-4581   gensis      Columbia            MO  3/12/24/48/96  24
  Gateway 386 system w/ SCO Xenix V/386, DataFlex, Oracle, CHARM, & VP/ix.
  No fee.  Online gaming, game design, and (oddly enough) data base design
  are the main focus.  Modem is Microcom MNP 6.
12/13  314-875-5886   floyd       Columbia            MO  3/12/24/48/96  24
  Gateway 386 system w/ SCO Xenix V/386, DataFlex, Oracle, filePro, no fee.
  Working on BBS <-> bitnet <-> uunet transparent access,
  Modem is Microcomm MNP 6, contact Ken Ross (ken@floyd).
07/05  404-321-5020^  jdyx        Atlanta             GA  12/24    24
  386/ix.  XBBS, usenet. Features Usenet (alt,gnu,most comp), and current
  Usenet sources.  Interests: 386/ix, ray-tracing, graphics.   Yearly fee
  for downloads, Usenet.
  Contact: ...gatech!emory!jdyx!tpf (Tom Friedel)
05/16  407-380-6228   rtmvax      Orlando             FL  3/12/24  24
  mVAX-I - Ultrix-32 V1.2  USENET & UUCP Email Gateway. XBBS front end for
  new user subscribing. No Fees. Primary function is Technical exchange.
  Contact: { cbosgd!codas, hoptoad!peora }!rtmvax!rob 
04/04  408-247-4810   sharks      Santa Clara         CA  3/12     24
  Altos 886/80/80  - XENIX 3.2f AKA: Shark's Head BBS,  BBCS Network
  Multiple lines,no fee for non-members,members $25 year
  Restricted sh access and UUCP/Usenet access for advanced members
05/07  408-725-0561   portal      Cupertino           CA  3/12/24  24
  Networked Suns (SunOS), multiple lines, Telenet access, no shell access
  fees: $10/month + Telenet charges (if used) @ various rates/times
  conferencing, multi user chats, usenet 
02/24  408-997-9119^  netcom      San Jose            CA  3/12/24/96  24
  Unix System V -- Shell Access [Bourne, Korn, C-Shell], BBS, USENET,
  Languages: C, Lisp, Prolog, Clips, (Ada soon), $10 / month, login as
  'guest' no password.  Contact netcom!bobr.
06/07  412-431-8649   eklektik    Pittsburg           PA  3/12     24
  UNIX PC- SYSV - UNaXcess BBS, new system - donation requested for shell,
  login: bbs for BBS, uucp-mail, limited Usenet news feeds.  Gaming SIGS.
  Contact:  ...!gatech!emoryu1!eklektik!anthony
07/05  415-332-6106^  well        Sausalito           CA  3/12     24
  6-processor Sequent Balance (32032); BSD 4.2; UUCP and USENET access;
  multiple lines; access via CPN; $5/hr flat rate
06/09  415-582-7691   cpro        Hayward             CA  12/24    24
  Microport SYSV 2, UNaXcess bbs, no fee, 60 min limit, shell access
08/01  415-753-5265   wet         San Francisco       CA  3/12/24  24
  386 SYS V.3.  Wetware Diversions.  $15 registration, $0.01/minute.
  uucp, PicoSpan bbs, games, multiple lines, games, shell access, email
  multi-user chat/party.  Newusers get initial credit on the system!
  contact:claris!wet!cc (Chris Cilley)
05/03  415-783-2543   esfenn      Hayward             CA  3/12/24  24
  System ????; USENET news; E-mail; No charges; Contact esfenn!william.
01/25  416-452-0926   telly       Brampton            ON  12/24/96  24
  286 Xenix; proprietary menu-based BBS includes Usenet site searching.
  News (all groups, incl biz, pubnet, gnu), mail (including to/from Internet),
  some archives.  Feeds available. Fee: $75(Cdn)/year.
  Contact: Evan Leibovitch, evan@telly.on.ca, {uunet!attcan,utzoo}!telly!evan
12/04  416-461-2608   tmsoft      Toronto             ON  3/12/24/96  24
  NS32016, Sys5r2, shell; news+mail $30/mo, general-timesharing $60/mo
  All newsgroups.  Willing to setup mail/news connections.
  Contact: Dave Mason <mason@tmsoft> / Login: newuser
12/13  416-654-8854   ziebmef     Toronto             ON  3/12/24  24
  AT&T 3B1, Sys V, shell, news, mail, no fee (donations accepted)
  Carries most newsgroups (willing to add extra ones on request)
  Telebit comming soon, willing to give mail feeds
  Contact: Chris Siebenmann, {utzoo!telly,ncrcan}!ziebmef!cks
12/10  503-254-0458   bucket      Portland            OR  3/12/24  24
  Tektronix 6130, UTek 2.3(4.2BSD-derived).  Bit Bucket BBS publically
  available; login as 'bbs'.  BBS is message only.  Users intereseted in
  access to Unix should contact SYSOP via the BBS or send EMail to
  ..tektronix!tessi!bucket!rickb.  Unix services include USENET News,
  EMail, and all tools/games/utility access. Alternate dial-in lines
  available for Unix users.
05/03  503-640-4262^  agora       PDX                 OR  3/12/24  24
  Intel Xenix-286, $2/mo or $20/yr, news, mail, games, programming
  two lines with trunk-hunt, 4380 supports MNP level 3.
  Contact: Alan Batie, tektronix!tessi!agora!batie
10/08  512-346-2339   bigtex      Austin              TX  96       24
  Equip unknown, no shell, no fee, anonymous uucp ONLY, Telebit 9600/PEP
  mail & newsfeeds (limited) available.  Carries GNU software.
  anon login: nuucp NO PASSWD, file list /usr3/index
  Contact: ...!uunet!utastro!bigtex!james	
07/05  512-832-8835^  rpp386      Austin              TX  12/24    24
  386 SYSV, no shell, no bbs, anonymous uucp file transfer site only, no fee
  uucp and kermit server available, login uucp or kermit NO PASSWD
05/03  516-872-2137   lilink      Long Island         NY  12/24    24
  80386/20 Mhz. , three lines, News/Mail/Shell access. Online games,
  conferencing, full program development system, full text processing.
  We carry ALL Usenet groups.  Dues are  $10/month (unlimited access).
  Accounts are filled by application/phone verification. Login: new
  Alternate numbers: 516-872-2138 & 516-872-2349
04/16  517-337-3844   lunapark    E. Lansing          MI  12/24    24
  equip ?, lunabbs bulletin board & conferencing system, no fee 
  conferencing system currently in beta test, 2400 --> 8 N 1
  1200 -->7 E 1
12/04  518-346-8033   sixhub      upstate             NY  3/12/24  24
  PC Designs GV386.  hub machine of the upstate NY UNIX users group (*IX)
  two line reserved for incoming, bbs no fee, news & email fee $15/year
  Smorgasboard of BBS systems, UNaXcess and XBBS online,
  Citadel BBS now in production. Contact: davidsen@sixhub.uucp.
09/26  602-941-2005   xroads      Phoenix             AZ  12/24    24
  Motorola VME1121, UNIX 5.2, Crossroads BBS, Fee $30/yr + $.50/.25 (call)
  prime (evenings)/non-prime, USENET news, multi-chat, online games,
  movie reviews, adventure games, dos unix/xenix files for dload, multi lines
08/27  608-273-2657   madnix      Madison             WI  3/12/24  24
  286 SCO-XENIX, shell, no fee, USENET news, mail, login: newuser
  Contact: ray@madnix
04/15  612-929-6699^  pnet51      Minneapolis         MN  3/12/24  24
  Equip ?, Xenix, multi-line, no fee, some Usenet news, email, multi-threaded
  conferencing, login: pnet id: new, PC Pursuitable
  UUCP: {rosevax, crash}!orbit!pnet51!admin
11/02  615-896-8716   raider      Murfreesboro        TN  12/24    24
  Tandy 4000 XENIX, UnaXcess, shell accounts, news and mail, newsfeeds
  available (on Node 2) 2 machine LAN;Node 1 is OPUS BBS 615-896-7905
  Contact: root@raider.MFEE.TN.US (Bob Reineri); NO CHARGE.
07/05  616-457-1964   wybbs       Jenison             MI  3/12/24  24
  286 - SCO-XENIX 2.2.1, no fees, two lines, shell access, usenet news,
  150 meg storage, XBBS, interests: ham radio, xenix
  AKA: Consultants Connection  Contact: danielw@wybbs.UUCP
  Alternate phone #: 616-457-9909 (max 1200 baud)
07/31  619-444-7006^  pnet01      El Cajon            CA  3/12/24  24
  BSD Unix, 3 lines, login: pnet id: new, some USENET, email, conferencing 
  Home of P-Net software, mail to crash!bblue or pnet01!bblue for info.
  Contributions requested
  Unix accounts available for regulars, PC Pursuit access 2/88.
10/03  703-281-7997^  grebyn      Vienna              VA  3/12/24/96  24
  Vax/Ultrix.  $25/month.  GNU EMACS, USENET, PC/BLUE archives, Telebit on 7998
  and 7999, archives, Ada repository, comp.sources.(misc,unix,games) archives, 
  net.sources archives, 3 C compilers, Ada compiler,  500MB disk, multiple lines
03/16  713-334-1204   nuchat      Houston             TX  3/12/24  24
  286 - Mport USENET, mail, shell access available 120 meg 
07/05  713-438-5018   sugar       Houston             TX  3/12/24/96  24
  386/AT (2) networked - Bell Tech SYS V/386, usenet, news, downloads
  Homegrown BBS software, currently no charges; Trailblazer Access
12/10  714-635-2863   dhw68k      Anaheim             CA  12/24    24
  Unistride 2.1, no fee, also 714-385-1915, Trailblazer on both lines,
  USENET News, /bin/sh or /bin/csh available
05/03  714-662-7450   turnkey     Inglewood           CA  12/24    24
  286 - Xenix SYSV, XBBS
05/26  714-842-5851   conexch     Santa Ana           CA  3/12/24  24
  386 - SCO Xenix - Free Unix guest login and PC-DOS bbs login, one
  hour inital time limit, USENET news, shell access granted on request &
  $25/quarter donation.  Anon uucp: ogin: nuucp  NO PASSWD.  List of
  available Unix files resides in /usr3/public/FILES.
08/11  714-894-2246   stanton     Irvine              CA  3/12/24  24
  286 - SCO Xenix - donation requested, limit 240 min, XBBS, USENET news
  UNIX access granted on request through BBS, 20$/year, access includes
  C development system (XENIX/MSDOS), PROCALC 1-2-3 clone, FOXBASE+
  anon uucp: ogin: nuucp, no word, 2400/1200/300 MNP supported
12/04  714-898-8634^  alphacm     Cypress             CA  12/24/96  24
  386 - SCO-XENIX, no fee, Home of XBBS, 90 minute per login, 4 lines,
  9600 baud via MicroComm/Hayes (v.29)
    uucp-anon:  ogin: nuucp  NO PASSWD
05/08  719-632-4111   chariot     Colo Sprgs          CO  3/12     24
  Convrgnt Minifrme - SYS V, multiple lines, fee $12/mo Picospan
06/29  801-277-0272   pedro       Salt Lake City      UT  3/12/24/96  24
  386 SYS V, Unidel BBS, a.k.a. Bitsko's Bar & Grill, no limit, no fee, UseNet
  and Citadel feeds available, home of Unidel software, Telebit 19200 used,
  anonymous uucp, archiving .amiga, .atari.st, .ibm.pc, .mac, .misc and .unix.
  Contact: ken_macleod@pedro.UUCP or uunet!iconsys!caeco!pedro!ken_macleod
12/04  802-865-3614   tnl         Burlington          VT  3/12/24  24
  80386 w/ SCO XENIX. No Fee.  2 hr session limit.  XBBS/USENET, shell.
  Login as 'new' for a shell account, no validation.  AKA: Northern Lights.
08/19  813-952-1981   usource     Sarasota            FL  12/24    -24
  386 - SCO-XENIX, fee depends on services provided, no fee for bbs. New users
  subscribe by logging in as 'help' or 'newuser' (no password).  Primary
  purpose is technical forum. 6pm-8am M-Th, 24 hrs weeekends (6pm Fri-8am Mon)
  uucp-anon: 1200/2400 bps --> ogin: auucp  word: gateway
  uucp-anon directory: /usr/spool/uucppublic; contact: frank@usource.UUCP
08/25  814-333-6728   sir-alan    Meadville           PA  3/12/24  24
  Tandy XENIX/68000 03.01.02, Allegheny College, UNaXcess BBS
  uucp-anon: ogin: pdsrc  NO PASSWD
  uucp-anon directory: /usr/spool/pdsrc/all.subjects 
  Telebit TB+ available at 814 337 0894, now operating.
  Contact: sir-alan!mikes 
05/16  814-337-3159   oncoast     Meadville           PA  3/12/24/96  24
  Tandy 12/6000, no fee, no bbs, archive site, USR HST 9600, cycle 24/96/12
  vols 1 - 13 of mod.sources/comp.sources.unix, comp.sources.misc
  New stuff on sir-alan, older on oncoast. 2 uucp logins "uucp" and "pdsrc"
  files list =  /usr/spool/uucppublic/my.directory or /usr/spool/pdsrc/
06/17  818-884-7821   chief       Woodland Hills      CA  3/12     24
  286 - SCO XENIX 2.2.1, no fee, XBBS, interests: coins & coin investments 
  No file transfers
  Contact: ...!srhqla!chief!lance
12/23  916-722-6519   sactoh0     Sacramento          CA  12/24/96  24
  3B2/310 SYSV.2    SAC_UNIX   no fee, limit 90 min (soon to be 2 lines)
  hopefully. TB on line only by request. Norm Hayes.USENET. login: new
  Contact: ..pacbell!sactoh0!sysop
NOTE:  ^ means the site is reachable using PC Pursuit.
This list is now maintained by Phil Eschallier on lgnp1.  Any additions,
deletions, or corrections should be sent to one of the addresses below.
The nixpub listings are kept as current as possible.  However, you use this
data at your own risk and cost -- all standard disclaimers apply!!!
      Lists available from lgnp1 via anonomous uucp.
                            +1 215 348 9727 [Telebit access]
                     login: nuucp  NO PWD   [no rmail permitted]
                 this list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub
                short list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub.short
      or from news groups pubnet.nixpub and comp.misc ...
E-MAIL ...
  uucp: ..!uunet!lgnp1!{ phile | nixpub }
    or: { phile | nixpub }@LS.Com
   CIS: 71076,1576
  COMPAQ, IBM, PC Pursuit, [SCO] XENIX, UNIX, etc. are trademarks of the
  respective companies.

nixpub@lgnp1.LS.COM (NIXPUB Coordinator) (07/06/89)

         nixpub--> PUBLIC ACCESS UNIX (*NIX) SITES [07-05-89]
                         (mapped sites only!)

Systems listed (65)
Legend: fee/contribution ($), no fee (-$), hours (24), not (-24)
        shell (S), USENET news (N), email (M), multiple lines (T) 
        Telebit 9600 bps on main number (+P), Telebit on other line[s] (P)
        Courier 9600 bps on main number (+H), Courier on other line[s] (H) 
        anonymous uucp (A), archive site ONLY - see long form list (@)
        @~ = anonymous uucp archive site listed in ANONIX (mike@cpmain)
        Dialable thru PC Pursuit (^)

Date *  Telephone #   Sys-name       Location      Baud      Legend
-----   ------------  --------      -----------   -------    -----
89/01  206-487-3616^  nwnexus    Seattle       WA  3/12/24/96  P 24 $ M N T S 
10/08  212-420-0527   magpie     NYC           NY  3/12/24/96  24 -$ T P
08/19  212-675-7059   marob      NYC           NY  12/24       24 -$ A
89/05  212-879-9031^  dasys1     NYC           NY  12/24       24 $ S N M T
88/11  213-376-5714   pnet02     Redondo Bch   CA  3/12/24     24 -$ N T
09/30  213-397-2987^  stb        Santa Monica  CA  3/12/24     24 -$ S A
88/11  213-459-5891   amazing    Pac Palisade  CA  3/12/24     24 $ T
07/31  214-247-2367   ozdaltx    Dallas        TX  3/12/24     24 $ N T
89/01  214-824-7881^  killer     Dallas        TX  3/12/24     24 -$ N M S T A
89/07  215-348-9727   lgnp1      Doylestown    PA  3/12/24/96  24 -$ A M N +P S 
09/23  216-781-6201^  ncoast     Cleveland     OH  3/12/24     24 $ S N M T
08/14  217-529-3223   pallas     Springfield   IL  3/12/24     24 $ T
89/03  312-272-5912^  igloo      Northbrook    IL  12/24/96    24 -$ S N T P
08/14  312-283-0559^  chinet     Chicago       IL  3/12/24     24 $ N T
89/07  312-301-2100^  jolnet     Joliet        IL  3/12/24     24 -$ +P M N S T
08/11  312-566-8911^  ddsw1      Mundelein     IL  3/12/24/96  24 $ S N M T A P
89/05  312-833-8126^  vpnet      Villa Park    IL  12/24/96    24 -$ +P M N S 
88/12  312-927-1885^  atrium     Chicago       IL  3/12        24 -$ T
89/04  313-623-6309   nucleus    Clarkston     MI  12/24       24 $ S N M
88/11  313-994-6333   m-net      Ann Arbor     MI  3/12        24 $ T
08/21  313-996-4644   anet       Ann Arbor     MI  12          24 $ T
89/07  314-474-4581   gensis     Columbia      MO  3/12/24/96  24 -$ M S 
88/12  314-875-5886   floyd      Columbia      MO  3/12/24/96  24 -$ M S 
89/07  404-321-5020^  jdyx       Atlanta       GA  12/24       24 $ M N S 
05/16  407-380-6228   rtmvax     Orlando       FL  3/12/24     24 -$ N M
04/04  408-247-4810   sharks     Santa Clara   CA  3/12        24 $ S N M T
05/07  408-725-0561   portal     Cupertino     CA  3/12/24     24 $ -S N M T
89/02  408-997-9119^  netcom     San Jose      CA  3/12/24/96  24 $ M N S
06/07  412-431-8649   eklektik   Pittsburg     PA  3/12        24 $ S N M 
89/07  415-332-6106^  well       Sausalito     CA  3/12        24 $ M N S T
06/09  415-582-7691   cpro       Hayward       CA  12/24       24 -$ S
08/01  415-753-5265   wet        San Francisc  CA  3/12/24     24 $ S M T
89/05  415-783-2543   esfenn     Hayward       CA  3/12/24     24 -$ M N S 
89/01  416-452-0926   telly      Brampton      ON  12/24/96    +P 24 $ M N
88/12  416-461-2608   tmsoft     Toronto       ON  3/12/24/96  24 $ S M N
88/12  416-654-8854   ziebmef    Toronto       ON  3/12/24     24 S N M
88/12  503-254-0458   bucket     Portland      OR  3/12/24     24 -$ N M T
89/05  503-640-4262^  agora      PDX           OR  3/12/24     24 $ M N S T
10/08  512-346-2339   bigtex     Austin        TX  96          +P 24 -S -$ A @~
89/07  512-832-8835^  rpp386     Austin        TX  12/24       24 @ -$ -S A T
89/05  516-872-2137   lilink     Long Island   NY  12/24       24 $ M N S T
04/16  517-337-3844   lunapark   E. Lansing    MI  12/24       24 -$ 7E1/12
88/12  518-346-8033   sixhub     upstate       NY  3/12/24     24 $ S N M T
09/26  602-941-2005   xroads     Phoenix       AZ  3/12/24     24 $ N T
08/27  608-273-2657   madnix     Madison       WI  3/12/24     24 -$ S N M
04/15  612-929-6699^  pnet51     Minneapolis   MN  3/12/24     24 -$ N M T
08/22  615-896-8716   raider     Murfreesboro  TN  12/24       24 -$ S N M
89/07  616-457-1964   wybbs      Jenison       MI  3/12/24     24 -$ S N T
07/31  619-444-7006^  pnet01     El Cajon      CA  3/12/24     24 $ N M S T
10/03  703-281-7997^  grebyn     Vienna        VA  3/12/24/96  24 $ N M T P
03/16  713-334-1204   nuchat     Houston       TX  3/12/24     24 S N M
89/07  713-438-5018   sugar      Houston       TX  3/12/24/96  24 -$ M N +P
88/12  714-635-2863   dhw68k     Anaheim       CA  12/24       24 -$ T
89/05  714-662-7450   turnkey    Inglewood     CA  12/24       24 -$
89/05  714-842-5851   conexch    Santa Ana     CA  3/12/24     24 $ A M N S
08/11  714-894-2246   stanton    Irvine        CA  3/12/24     24 $ S N
88/12  714-898-8634^  alphacm    Cypress       CA  12/24/96    24 -$ T H A
05/08  719-632-4111   chariot    Colo Sprgs    CO  3/12        24 $ T
06/29  801-277-0272   pedro      Salt Lake Ci  UT  3/12/24/96  +P 24 -$ N A
06/05  802-865-3614   tnl        Burlington    VT  3/12/24     24 -$ S N M
08/19  813-952-1981   usource    Sarasota      FL  12/24       -24 -$ A
08/25  814-333-6728   sir-alan   Meadville     PA  3/12/24     24 -$ A P
05/16  814-337-3159   oncoast    Meadville     PA  3/12/24/96  +H 24 @ -$ -S A
06/17  818-884-7821   chief      Woodland Hil  CA  3/12        24 -$
88/12  916-722-6519   sactoh0    Sacramento    CA  12/24/96    24 -$
* yy/mm = denotes verification started for new year, mm/dd = old date
  Lists available via uucp.  From lgnp1 login: nuucp  NO PWD
             full list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub
             this list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub.short
This list is now maintained by Phil Eschallier on lgnp1.  Any additions,
deletions, or corrections should be sent to one of the addresses below.
The nixpub listings are kept as current as possible.  However, you use this
data at your own risk and cost -- all standard disclaimers apply!!!
E-MAIL ...
  uucp: ..!uunet!lgnp1!{ phile | nixpub }
    or: { phile | nixpub }@LS.COM
   CIS: 71076,1576
NOTE: If you send mail from an unmapped site, I cannot promise a reply.
  COMPAQ, IBM, PC Pursuit, [SCO] XENIX, UNIX, etc. are trademarks of the
  respective companies.

nixpub@lgnp1.LS.COM (NIXPUB Coordinator) (07/19/89)

         nixpub--> PUBLIC ACCESS UNIX (*NIX) SITES [07-18-89]
                         (mapped sites only!)

Systems listed (65):
 [ agora, alphacm, amazing, anet, atrium, bigtex, bucket, chariot, chief    ]
 [ chinet, conexch, cpro, dasys1, ddsw1, dhw68k, eklektik, esfenn, floyd    ]
 [ gensis, grebyn, igloo, jdyx, jolnet, killer, lgnp1, lilink, lunapark     ]
 [ m-net, madnix, magpie, marob, ncoast, netcom, nuchat, nucleus, nwnexus   ]
 [ oncoast, ozdaltx, pallas, pedro, pnet01, pnet02, pnet51, portal, raider  ]
 [ rpp386, rtmvax, sactoh0, sharks, sir-alan, sixhub, stanton, stb, sugar   ]
 [ telly, tmsoft, tnl, turnkey, usource, vpnet, well, wet, wybbs, xroads    ]
 [ ziebmef                                                                  ]

Date    Telephone #   Sys-name       Location          Baud      Hours
-----   ------------  --------      -----------       -------    -----
01/10  206-487-3616^  nwnexus     Seattle             WA  3/12/24/96  24
  VAX 11/750 - BSD 4.3, multiple lines, PC-pursuitable, Usenet mail/news,
  carry alternate newsgroups.  Fees:  $5/month (min.), $3/hour direct (anytime)
  Accounts are set up via application.  Call number given for more information.
10/08  212-420-0527   magpie      NYC                 NY  3/12/24/96  24
  ? - UNIX SYSV - 2, Magpie BBS, no fee, Authors: Magpie/UNIX,/MSDOS
  two lines plus anonymous uucp: 212-677-9487 (9600 bps Telebit modem)
  NOTE: 9487 reserved for registered Magpie sysops & anon uucp
  Contact: Steve Manes, {rutgers|cmcl2|uunet}!hombre!magpie!manes	
08/19  212-675-7059   marob       NYC                 NY  3/12/24  24
  386 SCO-XENIX 2.2, XBBS, magpie bbs, no fee, limit 60 min
  Telebit Trailblazer (9600 PEP) only 212-675-8438
  Contact:  {philabs|rutgers|cmcl2}!{phri|hombre}!marob!clifford
05/26  212-879-9031^  dasys1      NYC                 NY  12/24    24
  Unistride - SYS V, multiple lines, fee $5/mo  AKA Big Electric Cat
  USENET, games, multi-user chat, email, login: new, passwd: new
  Contact: ...!rutgers!cmcl2!rsweeney or rsweeney@dasys1.UUCP
03/19  213-376-5714   pnet02      Redondo Bch         CA  3/12/24  24
  XENIX (also 213-374-7404) no fee, 90 min limit, login: pnet id: new
  some USENET, net-work e-mail, multi-threaded conferencing
09/30  213-397-2987^  stb         Santa Monica        CA  3/12/24  24
  Tandy 16 Serial Tree bbs, shell access, uucp-anon: ogin: uucp NO PASSWD
03/19  213-459-5891   amazing     Pacific Palisades   CA  3/12/24  24
  AMT 286 - Microport  David's Amazing BBS  Fee $7.50/month;$35/6;$60/year
  5 lines on rotary; Unique original software with conferencing, electronic
  bar, matchmaking, no file up/downloading
07/31  214-247-2367   ozdaltx     Dallas              TX  3/12/24  24
  INTEC/SCO XENIX 2.2.1, OZ BBS, Membership only adult BBS, fee $40
  year. Multiple lines.  Closed system, carries limited USENET
  newsgroups. Login: guest (no PW).  Voice verification on all new users.
01/15  214-824-7881^  killer      Dallas              TX  3/12/24  24
  3b2/400 - UNIX, uucp-anon: 1200 bps -->214-827-2919 in: uupdsrc word: Public
  uucp-anon: 2400 bps --> 214-821-3795 in: uupdsrc word: Public 
  uucp-anon info in: /bbsys4/README  no fee
07/18  215-348-9727   lgnp1       Doylestown          PA  3/12/24/96  24
  80286 w/ SCO-XENIX -- Telebit access.  Limited number of shell accounts,
  currently no charges.  Services include E-mail, USENET, PD downloads,
  UNIX Software development and Text Processing tools.  NO BBS!!
    anon-uucp: nuucp  NO PWD  (download /usr/spool/uucppublic/PD_FILES)
09/23  216-781-6201^  ncoast      Cleveland           OH  3/12/24  24
  Plexus P/35 System III, UNaXcess BBS, 5 lines; donation requested; shell
  access, Usenet access; news feeds available; home of UNaXcess software
  login: bbs for BBS, login: makeuser to register for shell access
  system may go DOWN soon
08/14  217-529-3223   pallas      Springfield         IL  3/12/24  24
  Convrgnt Minifrme, multiple lines, 200 meg Minnie bbs $25 donation
03/04  312-272-5912^  igloo       Northbrook          IL  12/24/96  24
  PC clone/microport   no limit/no fee                  AKCS bbs
  full usenet   read access/all  post access/limited   112megs HD
  2 lines rotary, 9600 telebit on 272-5917   rsh till validation   
  Contact: igloo!learn 
08/14  312-283-0559^  chinet      Chicago             IL  3/12/24  24
  3b2/300 - SYS V 3.1, multiple lines, Picospan BBS, system & BBS free
  Extra phone lines and usenet, $50/yr.
07/11  312-301-2100^  jolnet      Joliet/Orland Pk    IL  3/12/24  24
  3b2/400 - Unix, public access and contributions, No fee for postnews.
  5 lines  AKCS bbs.  Free Newsfeeds available.  ~450 MB online storage.
  Free Shell and Usenet access.  Telebit Trailblazer access (2104).
  Telenet access. 
08/11  312-566-8911^  ddsw1       Mundelein           IL  3/12/24/96  24
  Televideo 386 -SCO XENIX 386, guest usr 1 hr daily, fee extends use
  AKCS bbs, fee $30/6 months $50/year, Authors of AKCS bbs
  multiple lines, 9600 bps available, anonymous uucp, ~/README for info
  Contact: Karl Denninger (...!ddsw1!karl) Voice: (312) 566-8910
05/05  312-833-8126^  vpnet       Villa Park          IL  12/24/96  24
  386 Clone - Interactive 386/ix R2.0 (3.2), no fee. Akcs linked bbs
  including several Usenet conf's. No charge for shells. Trailblazer. 
  Mail lisbon@vpnet.UUCP
12/23  312-927-1885^  atrium      Chicago             IL  3/12     24
  3B1 UNIX SYS V.2, Chicago MM, no fee, no limit, multiple lines,
  national pen-pal service, login: mm, other lines: 927-1886, -1887
  Contact: gatech!petro!ucmsa!atrium!sysop
04/27  313-623-6309   nucleus     Clarkston           MI  12/24    24
  286 - Unix System V, no fee. Shell access, full usenet access, online games,
  AKCS conferencing system, some public domain sources online, extensive tape
  library of public domain source code
02/20  313-994-6333   m-net       Ann Arbor           MI  3/12     24
  Altos 68020 - SYS III, limits unstated, fee for extended service
  Picospan conference system, multiple lines, 160 meg, packet radio
08/21  313-996-4644   anet        Ann Arbor           MI  12       24
  Altos 68000 -Sys III, multiple lines, $20/month, services provided unknown 
04/10  314-474-4585   gensis      Columbia            MO  3/12/24/48/96  24
  Gateway 386 system w/ SCO Xenix V/386, DataFlex, Oracle, CHARM, & VP/ix.
  No fee.  Online gaming, game design, and (oddly enough) data base design
  are the main focus.  Modem is Microcom MNP 6.
12/13  314-875-5886   floyd       Columbia            MO  3/12/24/48/96  24
  Gateway 386 system w/ SCO Xenix V/386, DataFlex, Oracle, filePro, no fee.
  Working on BBS <-> bitnet <-> uunet transparent access,
  Modem is Microcomm MNP 6, contact Ken Ross (ken@floyd).
07/11  404-321-5020^  jdyx        Atlanta             GA  12/24    24
  386/ix.  XBBS, usenet. Features Usenet (alt,gnu,most comp), and current
  Usenet sources.  Interests: 386/ix, ray-tracing, graphics.   Yearly fee
  for downloads, Usenet.
  Contact: ...gatech!emory!jdyx!tpf (Tom Friedel)
05/16  407-380-6228   rtmvax      Orlando             FL  3/12/24  24
  mVAX-I - Ultrix-32 V1.2  USENET & UUCP Email Gateway. XBBS front end for
  new user subscribing. No Fees. Primary function is Technical exchange.
  Contact: { cbosgd!codas, hoptoad!peora }!rtmvax!rob 
04/04  408-247-4810   sharks      Santa Clara         CA  3/12     24
  Altos 886/80/80  - XENIX 3.2f AKA: Shark's Head BBS,  BBCS Network
  Multiple lines,no fee for non-members,members $25 year
  Restricted sh access and UUCP/Usenet access for advanced members
05/07  408-725-0561   portal      Cupertino           CA  3/12/24  24
  Networked Suns (SunOS), multiple lines, Telenet access, no shell access
  fees: $10/month + Telenet charges (if used) @ various rates/times
  conferencing, multi user chats, usenet 
02/24  408-997-9119^  netcom      San Jose            CA  3/12/24/96  24
  Unix System V -- Shell Access [Bourne, Korn, C-Shell], BBS, USENET,
  Languages: C, Lisp, Prolog, Clips, (Ada soon), $10 / month, login as
  'guest' no password.  Contact netcom!bobr.
06/07  412-431-8649   eklektik    Pittsburg           PA  3/12     24
  UNIX PC- SYSV - UNaXcess BBS, new system - donation requested for shell,
  login: bbs for BBS, uucp-mail, limited Usenet news feeds.  Gaming SIGS.
  Contact:  ...!gatech!emoryu1!eklektik!anthony
07/11  415-332-6106^  well        Sausalito           CA  3/12     24
  6-processor Sequent Balance (32032); UUCP and USENET access; multiple
  lines; access via CPN; $5/hr flat rate
06/09  415-582-7691   cpro        Hayward             CA  12/24    24
  Microport SYSV 2, UNaXcess bbs, no fee, 60 min limit, shell access
08/01  415-753-5265   wet         San Francisco       CA  3/12/24  24
  386 SYS V.3.  Wetware Diversions.  $15 registration, $0.01/minute.
  uucp, PicoSpan bbs, games, multiple lines, games, shell access, email
  multi-user chat/party.  Newusers get initial credit on the system!
  contact:claris!wet!cc (Chris Cilley)
05/03  415-783-2543   esfenn      Hayward             CA  3/12/24  24
  System ????; USENET news; E-mail; No charges; Contact esfenn!william.
01/25  416-452-0926   telly       Brampton            ON  12/24/96  24
  286 Xenix; proprietary menu-based BBS includes Usenet site searching.
  News (all groups, incl biz, pubnet, gnu), mail (including to/from Internet),
  some archives.  Feeds available. Fee: $75(Cdn)/year.
  Contact: Evan Leibovitch, evan@telly.on.ca, {uunet!attcan,utzoo}!telly!evan
12/04  416-461-2608   tmsoft      Toronto             ON  3/12/24/96  24
  NS32016, Sys5r2, shell; news+mail $30/mo, general-timesharing $60/mo
  All newsgroups.  Willing to setup mail/news connections.
  Contact: Dave Mason <mason@tmsoft> / Login: newuser
12/13  416-654-8854   ziebmef     Toronto             ON  3/12/24  24
  AT&T 3B1, Sys V, shell, news, mail, no fee (donations accepted)
  Carries most newsgroups (willing to add extra ones on request)
  Telebit comming soon, willing to give mail feeds
  Contact: Chris Siebenmann, {utzoo!telly,ncrcan}!ziebmef!cks
12/10  503-254-0458   bucket      Portland            OR  3/12/24  24
  Tektronix 6130, UTek 2.3(4.2BSD-derived).  Bit Bucket BBS publically
  available; login as 'bbs'.  BBS is message only.  Users intereseted in
  access to Unix should contact SYSOP via the BBS or send EMail to
  ..tektronix!tessi!bucket!rickb.  Unix services include USENET News,
  EMail, and all tools/games/utility access. Alternate dial-in lines
  available for Unix users.
05/03  503-640-4262^  agora       PDX                 OR  3/12/24  24
  Intel Xenix-286, $2/mo or $20/yr, news, mail, games, programming
  two lines with trunk-hunt, 4380 supports MNP level 3.
  Contact: Alan Batie, tektronix!tessi!agora!batie
10/08  512-346-2339   bigtex      Austin              TX  96       24
  Equip unknown, no shell, no fee, anonymous uucp ONLY, Telebit 9600/PEP
  mail & newsfeeds (limited) available.  Carries GNU software.
  anon login: nuucp NO PASSWD, file list /usr3/index
  Contact: ...!uunet!utastro!bigtex!james	
07/11  512-832-8835   rpp386      Austin              TX  12/24    24
  386 SYSV, no shell, no bbs, anonymous uucp file transfer site only, no fee
  uucp and kermit server available, login uucp or kermit NO PASSWD
05/03  516-872-2137   lilink      Long Island         NY  12/24    24
  80386/20 Mhz. , three lines, News/Mail/Shell access. Online games,
  conferencing, full program development system, full text processing.
  We carry ALL Usenet groups.  Dues are  $10/month (unlimited access).
  Accounts are filled by application/phone verification. Login: new
  Alternate numbers: 516-872-2138 & 516-872-2349
07/18  517-487-3356   lunapark    E. Lansing          MI  12/24    24
  Compaq 386/20 SCO-XENIX 2.3.1, lunabbs bulletin board & conferencing
  system, no fee, login: bbs  no password.  Primarily UNIX software
  with focus on TeX and Postscript, also some ATARI-ST and IBM-PC stuff
  2400/1200 --> 8 N 1
  Contact: ...!uunet!frith!lunapark!larry
12/04  518-346-8033   sixhub      upstate             NY  3/12/24  24
  PC Designs GV386.  hub machine of the upstate NY UNIX users group (*IX)
  two line reserved for incoming, bbs no fee, news & email fee $15/year
  Smorgasboard of BBS systems, UNaXcess and XBBS online,
  Citadel BBS now in production. Contact: davidsen@sixhub.uucp.
09/26  602-941-2005   xroads      Phoenix             AZ  12/24    24
  Motorola VME1121, UNIX 5.2, Crossroads BBS, Fee $30/yr + $.50/.25 (call)
  prime (evenings)/non-prime, USENET news, multi-chat, online games,
  movie reviews, adventure games, dos unix/xenix files for dload, multi lines
08/27  608-273-2657   madnix      Madison             WI  3/12/24  24
  286 SCO-XENIX, shell, no fee, USENET news, mail, login: newuser
  Contact: ray@madnix
04/15  612-929-6699^  pnet51      Minneapolis         MN  3/12/24  24
  Equip ?, Xenix, multi-line, no fee, some Usenet news, email, multi-threaded
  conferencing, login: pnet id: new, PC Pursuitable
  UUCP: {rosevax, crash}!orbit!pnet51!admin
11/02  615-896-8716   raider      Murfreesboro        TN  12/24    24
  Tandy 4000 XENIX, UnaXcess, shell accounts, news and mail, newsfeeds
  available (on Node 2) 2 machine LAN;Node 1 is OPUS BBS 615-896-7905
  Contact: root@raider.MFEE.TN.US (Bob Reineri); NO CHARGE.
07/11  616-457-1964   wybbs       Jenison             MI  3/12/24  24
  286 - SCO-XENIX 2.2.1, no fees, two lines, shell access, usenet news,
  150 meg storage, XBBS, interests: ham radio, xenix
  AKA: Consultants Connection  Contact: danielw@wybbs.UUCP
  Alternate phone #: 616-457-9909 (max 1200 baud)
07/31  619-444-7006^  pnet01      El Cajon            CA  3/12/24  24
  BSD Unix, 3 lines, login: pnet id: new, some USENET, email, conferencing 
  Home of P-Net software, mail to crash!bblue or pnet01!bblue for info.
  Contributions requested
  Unix accounts available for regulars, PC Pursuit access 2/88.
10/03  703-281-7997^  grebyn      Vienna              VA  3/12/24/96  24
  Vax/Ultrix.  $25/month.  GNU EMACS, USENET, PC/BLUE archives, Telebit on 7998
  and 7999, archives, Ada repository, comp.sources.(misc,unix,games) archives, 
  net.sources archives, 3 C compilers, Ada compiler,  500MB disk, multiple lines
03/16  713-334-1204   nuchat      Houston             TX  3/12/24  24
  286 - Mport USENET, mail, shell access available 120 meg 
07/11  713-438-5018   sugar       Houston             TX  3/12/24/96  24
  386/AT (2) networked - Bell Technologies V/386, usenet, news, downloads
  Homegrown BBS software, Trailblazer+ access, currently no charges
12/10  714-635-2863   dhw68k      Anaheim             CA  12/24    24
  Unistride 2.1, no fee, also 714-385-1915, Trailblazer on both lines,
  USENET News, /bin/sh or /bin/csh available
05/03  714-662-7450   turnkey     Inglewood           CA  12/24    24
  286 - Xenix SYSV, XBBS
05/26  714-842-5851   conexch     Santa Ana           CA  3/12/24  24
  386 - SCO Xenix - Free Unix guest login and PC-DOS bbs login, one
  hour inital time limit, USENET news, shell access granted on request &
  $25/quarter donation.  Anon uucp: ogin: nuucp  NO PASSWD.  List of
  available Unix files resides in /usr3/public/FILES.
08/11  714-894-2246   stanton     Irvine              CA  3/12/24  24
  286 - SCO Xenix - donation requested, limit 240 min, XBBS, USENET news
  UNIX access granted on request through BBS, 20$/year, access includes
  C development system (XENIX/MSDOS), PROCALC 1-2-3 clone, FOXBASE+
  anon uucp: ogin: nuucp, no word, 2400/1200/300 MNP supported
12/04  714-898-8634^  alphacm     Cypress             CA  12/24/96  24
  386 - SCO-XENIX, no fee, Home of XBBS, 90 minute per login, 4 lines,
  9600 baud via MicroComm/Hayes (v.29)
    uucp-anon:  ogin: nuucp  NO PASSWD
05/08  719-632-4111   chariot     Colo Sprgs          CO  3/12     24
  Convrgnt Minifrme - SYS V, multiple lines, fee $12/mo Picospan
06/29  801-277-0272   pedro       Salt Lake City      UT  3/12/24/96  24
  386 SYS V, Unidel BBS, a.k.a. Bitsko's Bar & Grill, no limit, no fee, UseNet
  and Citadel feeds available, home of Unidel software, Telebit 19200 used,
  anonymous uucp, archiving .amiga, .atari.st, .ibm.pc, .mac, .misc and .unix.
  Contact: ken_macleod@pedro.UUCP or uunet!iconsys!caeco!pedro!ken_macleod
12/04  802-865-3614   tnl         Burlington          VT  3/12/24  24
  80386 w/ SCO XENIX. No Fee.  2 hr session limit.  XBBS/USENET, shell.
  Login as 'new' for a shell account, no validation.  AKA: Northern Lights.
08/19  813-952-1981   usource     Sarasota            FL  12/24    -24
  386 - SCO-XENIX, fee depends on services provided, no fee for bbs. New users
  subscribe by logging in as 'help' or 'newuser' (no password).  Primary
  purpose is technical forum. 6pm-8am M-Th, 24 hrs weeekends (6pm Fri-8am Mon)
  uucp-anon: 1200/2400 bps --> ogin: auucp  word: gateway
  uucp-anon directory: /usr/spool/uucppublic; contact: frank@usource.UUCP
08/25  814-333-6728   sir-alan    Meadville           PA  3/12/24  24
  Tandy XENIX/68000 03.01.02, Allegheny College, UNaXcess BBS
  uucp-anon: ogin: pdsrc  NO PASSWD
  uucp-anon directory: /usr/spool/pdsrc/all.subjects 
  Telebit TB+ available at 814 337 0894, now operating.
  Contact: sir-alan!mikes 
05/16  814-337-3159   oncoast     Meadville           PA  3/12/24/96  24
  Tandy 12/6000, no fee, no bbs, archive site, USR HST 9600, cycle 24/96/12
  vols 1 - 13 of mod.sources/comp.sources.unix, comp.sources.misc
  New stuff on sir-alan, older on oncoast. 2 uucp logins "uucp" and "pdsrc"
  files list =  /usr/spool/uucppublic/my.directory or /usr/spool/pdsrc/
06/17  818-884-7821   chief       Woodland Hills      CA  3/12     24
  286 - SCO XENIX 2.2.1, no fee, XBBS, interests: coins & coin investments 
  No file transfers
  Contact: ...!srhqla!chief!lance
12/23  916-722-6519   sactoh0     Sacramento          CA  12/24/96  24
  3B2/310 SYSV.2    SAC_UNIX   no fee, limit 90 min (soon to be 2 lines)
  hopefully. TB on line only by request. Norm Hayes.USENET. login: new
  Contact: ..pacbell!sactoh0!sysop
NOTE:  ^ means the site is reachable using PC Pursuit.
This list is now maintained by Phil Eschallier on lgnp1.  Any additions,
deletions, or corrections should be sent to one of the addresses below.
The nixpub listings are kept as current as possible.  However, you use this
data at your own risk and cost -- all standard disclaimers apply!!!
      Lists available from lgnp1 via anonomous uucp.
                            +1 215 348 9727 [Telebit access]
                     login: nuucp  NO PWD   [no rmail permitted]
                 this list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub
                short list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub.short
      or from news groups pubnet.nixpub and comp.misc ...
E-MAIL ...
  uucp: ..!uunet!lgnp1!{ phile | nixpub }
    or: { phile | nixpub }@LS.Com
   CIS: 71076,1576
  COMPAQ, IBM, PC Pursuit, [SCO] XENIX, UNIX, etc. are trademarks of the
  respective companies.

nixpub@lgnp1.LS.COM (NIXPUB Coordinator) (07/19/89)

         nixpub--> PUBLIC ACCESS UNIX (*NIX) SITES [07-18-89]
                         (mapped sites only!)

Systems listed (65)
Legend: fee/contribution ($), no fee (-$), hours (24), not (-24)
        shell (S), USENET news (N), email (M), multiple lines (T) 
        Telebit 9600 bps on main number (+P), Telebit on other line[s] (P)
        Courier 9600 bps on main number (+H), Courier on other line[s] (H) 
        anonymous uucp (A), archive site ONLY - see long form list (@)
        @~ = anonymous uucp archive site listed in ANONIX (mike@cpmain)
        Dialable thru PC Pursuit (^)

Date *  Telephone #   Sys-name       Location      Baud      Legend
-----   ------------  --------      -----------   -------    -----
89/01  206-487-3616^  nwnexus    Seattle       WA  3/12/24/96  P 24 $ M N T S 
10/08  212-420-0527   magpie     NYC           NY  3/12/24/96  24 -$ T P
08/19  212-675-7059   marob      NYC           NY  12/24       24 -$ A
89/05  212-879-9031^  dasys1     NYC           NY  12/24       24 $ S N M T
88/11  213-376-5714   pnet02     Redondo Bch   CA  3/12/24     24 -$ N T
09/30  213-397-2987^  stb        Santa Monica  CA  3/12/24     24 -$ S A
88/11  213-459-5891   amazing    Pac Palisade  CA  3/12/24     24 $ T
07/31  214-247-2367   ozdaltx    Dallas        TX  3/12/24     24 $ N T
89/01  214-824-7881^  killer     Dallas        TX  3/12/24     24 -$ N M S T A
89/07  215-348-9727   lgnp1      Doylestown    PA  3/12/24/96  24 -$ A M N +P S 
09/23  216-781-6201^  ncoast     Cleveland     OH  3/12/24     24 $ S N M T
08/14  217-529-3223   pallas     Springfield   IL  3/12/24     24 $ T
89/03  312-272-5912^  igloo      Northbrook    IL  12/24/96    24 -$ S N T P
08/14  312-283-0559^  chinet     Chicago       IL  3/12/24     24 $ N T
89/07  312-301-2100^  jolnet     Joliet        IL  3/12/24     24 -$ +P M N S T
08/11  312-566-8911^  ddsw1      Mundelein     IL  3/12/24/96  24 $ S N M T A P
89/05  312-833-8126^  vpnet      Villa Park    IL  12/24/96    24 -$ +P M N S 
88/12  312-927-1885^  atrium     Chicago       IL  3/12        24 -$ T
89/04  313-623-6309   nucleus    Clarkston     MI  12/24       24 $ S N M
88/11  313-994-6333   m-net      Ann Arbor     MI  3/12        24 $ T
08/21  313-996-4644   anet       Ann Arbor     MI  12          24 $ T
89/04  314-474-4585   gensis     Columbia      MO  3/12/24/96  24 -$ M S 
88/12  314-875-5886   floyd      Columbia      MO  3/12/24/96  24 -$ M S 
89/07  404-321-5020^  jdyx       Atlanta       GA  12/24       24 $ N
05/16  407-380-6228   rtmvax     Orlando       FL  3/12/24     24 -$ N M
04/04  408-247-4810   sharks     Santa Clara   CA  3/12        24 $ S N M T
05/07  408-725-0561   portal     Cupertino     CA  3/12/24     24 $ -S N M T
89/02  408-997-9119^  netcom     San Jose      CA  3/12/24/96  24 $ M N S
06/07  412-431-8649   eklektik   Pittsburg     PA  3/12        24 $ S N M 
89/07  415-332-6106^  well       Sausalito     CA  3/12        24 $ M N S T
06/09  415-582-7691   cpro       Hayward       CA  12/24       24 -$ S
08/01  415-753-5265   wet        San Francisc  CA  3/12/24     24 $ S M T
89/05  415-783-2543   esfenn     Hayward       CA  3/12/24     24 -$ M N S 
89/01  416-452-0926   telly      Brampton      ON  12/24/96    +P 24 $ M N
88/12  416-461-2608   tmsoft     Toronto       ON  3/12/24/96  24 $ S M N
88/12  416-654-8854   ziebmef    Toronto       ON  3/12/24     24 S N M
88/12  503-254-0458   bucket     Portland      OR  3/12/24     24 -$ N M T
89/05  503-640-4262^  agora      PDX           OR  3/12/24     24 $ M N S T
10/08  512-346-2339   bigtex     Austin        TX  96          +P 24 -S -$ A @~
89/07  512-832-8835   rpp386     Austin        TX  12/24       24 @ -$ -S A T
89/05  516-872-2137   lilink     Long Island   NY  12/24       24 $ M N S T
89/07  517-487-3356   lunapark   E. Lansing    MI  12/24       24 -$
88/12  518-346-8033   sixhub     upstate       NY  3/12/24     24 $ S N M T
09/26  602-941-2005   xroads     Phoenix       AZ  3/12/24     24 $ N T
08/27  608-273-2657   madnix     Madison       WI  3/12/24     24 -$ S N M
04/15  612-929-6699^  pnet51     Minneapolis   MN  3/12/24     24 -$ N M T
08/22  615-896-8716   raider     Murfreesboro  TN  12/24       24 -$ S N M
89/07  616-457-1964   wybbs      Jenison       MI  3/12/24     24 -$ S N T
07/31  619-444-7006^  pnet01     El Cajon      CA  3/12/24     24 $ N M S T
10/03  703-281-7997^  grebyn     Vienna        VA  3/12/24/96  24 $ N M T P
03/16  713-334-1204   nuchat     Houston       TX  3/12/24     24 S N M
89/07  713-438-5018   sugar      Houston       TX  3/12/24/96  24 -$ N +P
88/12  714-635-2863   dhw68k     Anaheim       CA  12/24       24 -$ T
89/05  714-662-7450   turnkey    Inglewood     CA  12/24       24 -$
89/05  714-842-5851   conexch    Santa Ana     CA  3/12/24     24 $ A M N S
08/11  714-894-2246   stanton    Irvine        CA  3/12/24     24 $ S N
88/12  714-898-8634^  alphacm    Cypress       CA  12/24/96    24 -$ T H A
05/08  719-632-4111   chariot    Colo Sprgs    CO  3/12        24 $ T
06/29  801-277-0272   pedro      Salt Lake Ci  UT  3/12/24/96  +P 24 -$ N A
06/05  802-865-3614   tnl        Burlington    VT  3/12/24     24 -$ S N M
08/19  813-952-1981   usource    Sarasota      FL  12/24       -24 -$ A
08/25  814-333-6728   sir-alan   Meadville     PA  3/12/24     24 -$ A P
05/16  814-337-3159   oncoast    Meadville     PA  3/12/24/96  +H 24 @ -$ -S A
06/17  818-884-7821   chief      Woodland Hil  CA  3/12        24 -$
88/12  916-722-6519   sactoh0    Sacramento    CA  12/24/96    24 -$
* yy/mm = denotes verification started for new year, mm/dd = old date
  Lists available via uucp.  From lgnp1 login: nuucp  NO PWD
             full list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub
             this list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub.short
This list is now maintained by Phil Eschallier on lgnp1.  Any additions,
deletions, or corrections should be sent to one of the addresses below.
The nixpub listings are kept as current as possible.  However, you use this
data at your own risk and cost -- all standard disclaimers apply!!!
E-MAIL ...
  uucp: ..!uunet!lgnp1!{ phile | nixpub }
    or: { phile | nixpub }@LS.COM
   CIS: 71076,1576
NOTE: If you send mail from an unmapped site, I cannot promise a reply.
  COMPAQ, IBM, PC Pursuit, [SCO] XENIX, UNIX, etc. are trademarks of the
  respective companies.

nixpub@lgnp1.LS.COM (NIXPUB Coordinator) (08/04/89)

                          nixpub long listing
     Open Access UNIX (*NIX) Sites [Fee / No Fee] for mapped sites only
                          [ August 3, 1989 ]

Systems listed (67):
 [ agora, alphacm, amazing, anet, atrium, attctc, bigtex, bucket, chariot   ]
 [ chief, chinet, conexch, cpro, dasys1, ddsw1, dhw68k, eklektik, esfenn    ]
 [ floyd, gensis, grebyn, igloo, jdyx, jolnet, lgnp1, lilink, lunapark      ]
 [ m-net, madnix, magpie, marob, ncoast, netcom, nuchat, nucleus, nwnexus   ]
 [ oncoast, ozdaltx, pallas, pedro, pnet01, pnet02, pnet51, portal, raider  ]
 [ rpp386, rtmvax, sactoh0, sharks, sir-alan, sixhub, stanton, stb, sugar   ]
 [ telly, tmsoft, tnl, turnkey, ubbs-nh, usource, vpnet, well, wet, wolves  ]
 [ wybbs, xroads, ziebmef                                                   ]

Date   Telephone #    Sys-name    Location                Baud        Hours
-----  ------------   --------    -----------             -------     -----

01/10  206-487-3616^  nwnexus     Seattle             WA  3/12/24/96  24
  VAX 11/750 - BSD 4.3, multiple lines, PC-pursuitable, Usenet mail/news,
  carry alternate newsgroups.  Fees:  $5/month (min.), $3/hour direct (anytime)
  Accounts are set up via application.  Call number given for more information.
10/08  212-420-0527   magpie      NYC                 NY  3/12/24/96  24
  ? - UNIX SYSV - 2, Magpie BBS, no fee, Authors: Magpie/UNIX,/MSDOS
  two lines plus anonymous uucp: 212-677-9487 (9600 bps Telebit modem)
  NOTE: 9487 reserved for registered Magpie sysops & anon uucp
  Contact: Steve Manes, {rutgers|cmcl2|uunet}!hombre!magpie!manes	
08/19  212-675-7059   marob       NYC                 NY  3/12/24  24
  386 SCO-XENIX 2.2, XBBS, magpie bbs, no fee, limit 60 min
  Telebit Trailblazer (9600 PEP) only 212-675-8438
  Contact:  {philabs|rutgers|cmcl2}!{phri|hombre}!marob!clifford
05/26  212-879-9031^  dasys1      NYC                 NY  12/24    24
  Unistride - SYS V, multiple lines, fee $5/mo  AKA Big Electric Cat
  USENET, games, multi-user chat, email, login: new, passwd: new
  Contact: ...!rutgers!cmcl2!rsweeney or rsweeney@dasys1.UUCP
03/19  213-376-5714   pnet02      Redondo Bch         CA  3/12/24  24
  XENIX (also 213-374-7404) no fee, 90 min limit, login: pnet id: new
  some USENET, net-work e-mail, multi-threaded conferencing
09/30  213-397-2987^  stb         Santa Monica        CA  3/12/24  24
  Tandy 16 Serial Tree bbs, shell access, uucp-anon: ogin: uucp NO PASSWD
03/19  213-459-5891   amazing     Pacific Palisades   CA  3/12/24  24
  AMT 286 - Microport  David's Amazing BBS  Fee $7.50/month;$35/6;$60/year
  5 lines on rotary; Unique original software with conferencing, electronic
  bar, matchmaking, no file up/downloading
07/31  214-247-2367   ozdaltx     Dallas              TX  3/12/24  24
  INTEC/SCO XENIX 2.2.1, OZ BBS, Membership only adult BBS, fee $40
  year. Multiple lines.  Closed system, carries limited USENET
  newsgroups. Login: guest (no PW).  Voice verification on all new users.
07/23  214-824-7881   attctc      Dallas              TX  3/12/24  24
  3b2/522 - UNIX, no fee, various time limits, 8 lines 2.8 GB online
  uucp-anon --> 214-741-2130  ogin: uupdsrc word: Public
  uucp-anon info in: /bbsys4/README     (Formerly node name killer)
07/18  215-348-9727   lgnp1       Doylestown          PA  3/12/24/96  24
  80286 w/ SCO-XENIX -- Telebit access.  Limited number of shell accounts,
  currently no charges.  Services include E-mail, USENET, PD downloads,
  UNIX Software development and Text Processing tools.  NO BBS!!
    anon-uucp: nuucp  NO PWD  (download /usr/spool/uucppublic/PD_FILES)
09/23  216-781-6201^  ncoast      Cleveland           OH  3/12/24  24
  Plexus P/35 System III, UNaXcess BBS, 5 lines; donation requested; shell
  access, Usenet access; news feeds available; home of UNaXcess software
  login: bbs for BBS, login: makeuser to register for shell access
  system may go DOWN soon
08/14  217-529-3223   pallas      Springfield         IL  3/12/24  24
  Convrgnt Minifrme, multiple lines, 200 meg Minnie bbs $25 donation
03/04  312-272-5912^  igloo       Northbrook          IL  12/24/96  24
  PC clone/microport   no limit/no fee                  AKCS bbs
  full usenet   read access/all  post access/limited   112megs HD
  2 lines rotary, 9600 telebit on 272-5917   rsh till validation   
  Contact: igloo!learn 
08/14  312-283-0559^  chinet      Chicago             IL  3/12/24  24
  3b2/300 - SYS V 3.1, multiple lines, Picospan BBS, system & BBS free
  Extra phone lines and usenet, $50/yr.
07/11  312-301-2100^  jolnet      Joliet/Orland Pk    IL  3/12/24  24
  3b2/400 - Unix, public access and contributions, No fee for postnews.
  5 lines  AKCS bbs.  Free Newsfeeds available.  ~450 MB online storage.
  Free Shell and Usenet access.  Telebit Trailblazer access (2104).
  Telenet access. 
08/11  312-566-8911^  ddsw1       Mundelein           IL  3/12/24/96  24
  Televideo 386 -SCO XENIX 386, guest usr 1 hr daily, fee extends use
  AKCS bbs, fee $30/6 months $50/year, Authors of AKCS bbs
  multiple lines, 9600 bps available, anonymous uucp, ~/README for info
  Contact: Karl Denninger (...!ddsw1!karl) Voice: (312) 566-8910
05/05  312-833-8126^  vpnet       Villa Park          IL  12/24/96  24
  386 Clone - Interactive 386/ix R2.0 (3.2), no fee. Akcs linked bbs
  including several Usenet conf's. No charge for shells. Trailblazer. 
  Mail lisbon@vpnet.UUCP
12/23  312-927-1885^  atrium      Chicago             IL  3/12     24
  3B1 UNIX SYS V.2, Chicago MM, no fee, no limit, multiple lines,
  national pen-pal service, login: mm, other lines: 927-1886, -1887
  Contact: gatech!petro!ucmsa!atrium!sysop
04/27  313-623-6309   nucleus     Clarkston           MI  12/24    24
  286 - Unix System V, no fee. Shell access, full usenet access, online games,
  AKCS conferencing system, some public domain sources online, extensive tape
  library of public domain source code
02/20  313-994-6333   m-net       Ann Arbor           MI  3/12     24
  Altos 68020 - SYS III, limits unstated, fee for extended service
  Picospan conference system, multiple lines, 160 meg, packet radio
08/03  313-996-4644^  anet        Ann Arbor           MI  3/12     24
  Altos 68000 - Sys III, no limits, 1st month free, fees range up to $20/
  month (negotiable), accepts equipment/software in lieu of fees, Picospan
  conferencing, 120M, non-profit, user-supported, community-based, ideal
  autodidact educational system.  Tax-deductible donations okay.
04/10  314-474-4585   gensis      Columbia            MO  3/12/24/48/96  24
  Gateway 386 system w/ SCO Xenix V/386, DataFlex, Oracle, CHARM, & VP/ix.
  No fee.  Online gaming, game design, and (oddly enough) data base design
  are the main focus.  Modem is Microcom MNP 6.
12/13  314-875-5886   floyd       Columbia            MO  3/12/24/48/96  24
  Gateway 386 system w/ SCO Xenix V/386, DataFlex, Oracle, filePro, no fee.
  Working on BBS <-> bitnet <-> uunet transparent access,
  Modem is Microcomm MNP 6, contact Ken Ross (ken@floyd).
07/11  404-321-5020^  jdyx        Atlanta             GA  12/24    24
  386/ix.  XBBS, usenet. Features Usenet (alt,gnu,most comp), and current
  Usenet sources.  Interests: 386/ix, ray-tracing, graphics.   Yearly fee
  for downloads, Usenet.
  Contact: ...gatech!emory!jdyx!tpf (Tom Friedel)
05/16  407-380-6228   rtmvax      Orlando             FL  3/12/24  24
  mVAX-I - Ultrix-32 V1.2  USENET & UUCP Email Gateway. XBBS front end for
  new user subscribing. No Fees. Primary function is Technical exchange.
  Contact: { cbosgd!codas, hoptoad!peora }!rtmvax!rob 
04/04  408-247-4810   sharks      Santa Clara         CA  3/12     24
  Altos 886/80/80  - XENIX 3.2f AKA: Shark's Head BBS,  BBCS Network
  Multiple lines,no fee for non-members,members $25 year
  Restricted sh access and UUCP/Usenet access for advanced members
05/07  408-725-0561   portal      Cupertino           CA  3/12/24  24
  Networked Suns (SunOS), multiple lines, Telenet access, no shell access
  fees: $10/month + Telenet charges (if used) @ various rates/times
  conferencing, multi user chats, usenet 
02/24  408-997-9119^  netcom      San Jose            CA  3/12/24/96  24
  Unix System V -- Shell Access [Bourne, Korn, C-Shell], BBS, USENET,
  Languages: C, Lisp, Prolog, Clips, (Ada soon), $10 / month, login as
  'guest' no password.  Contact netcom!bobr.
06/07  412-431-8649   eklektik    Pittsburg           PA  3/12     24
  UNIX PC- SYSV - UNaXcess BBS, new system - donation requested for shell,
  login: bbs for BBS, uucp-mail, limited Usenet news feeds.  Gaming SIGS.
  Contact:  ...!gatech!emoryu1!eklektik!anthony
07/11  415-332-6106^  well        Sausalito           CA  3/12     24
  6-processor Sequent Balance (32032); UUCP and USENET access; multiple
  lines; access via CPN; $5/hr flat rate
06/09  415-582-7691   cpro        Hayward             CA  12/24    24
  Microport SYSV 2, UNaXcess bbs, no fee, 60 min limit, shell access
07/30  415-753-5265^  wet         San Francisco       CA  3/12/24  24
  386 SYS V.3.  Wetware Diversions.  $15 registration, $0.01/minute.
  Public Access UNIX System:  uucp, PicoSpan bbs, full Usenet News,
  multiple lines, shell access.  Newusers get initial credit!
  contact:{ucsfcca|claris|hoptoad}!wet!cc (Christopher Cilley)
05/03  415-783-2543   esfenn      Hayward             CA  3/12/24  24
  System ????; USENET news; E-mail; No charges; Contact esfenn!william.
01/25  416-452-0926   telly       Brampton            ON  12/24/96  24
  286 Xenix; proprietary menu-based BBS includes Usenet site searching.
  News (all groups, incl biz, pubnet, gnu), mail (including to/from Internet),
  some archives.  Feeds available. Fee: $75(Cdn)/year.
  Contact: Evan Leibovitch, evan@telly.on.ca, {uunet!attcan,utzoo}!telly!evan
12/04  416-461-2608   tmsoft      Toronto             ON  3/12/24/96  24
  NS32016, Sys5r2, shell; news+mail $30/mo, general-timesharing $60/mo
  All newsgroups.  Willing to setup mail/news connections.
  Contact: Dave Mason <mason@tmsoft> / Login: newuser
07/21  416-654-8854   ziebmef     Toronto             ON  3/12/24/96  24
  AT&T 3B1, Sys V, shell, news, mail, no fee (donations accepted)
  Carries most newsgroups (willing to add extra ones on request)
  Telebit access, willing to give mail feeds
  Contact: Chris Siebenmann, {utzoo!telly,ncrcan}!ziebmef!cks
12/10  503-254-0458   bucket      Portland            OR  3/12/24  24
  Tektronix 6130, UTek 2.3(4.2BSD-derived).  Bit Bucket BBS publically
  available; login as 'bbs'.  BBS is message only.  Users intereseted in
  access to Unix should contact SYSOP via the BBS or send EMail to
  ..tektronix!tessi!bucket!rickb.  Unix services include USENET News,
  EMail, and all tools/games/utility access. Alternate dial-in lines
  available for Unix users.
05/03  503-640-4262^  agora       PDX                 OR  3/12/24  24
  Intel Xenix-286, $2/mo or $20/yr, news, mail, games, programming
  two lines with trunk-hunt, 4380 supports MNP level 3.
  Contact: Alan Batie, tektronix!tessi!agora!batie
10/08  512-346-2339   bigtex      Austin              TX  96       24
  Equip unknown, no shell, no fee, anonymous uucp ONLY, Telebit 9600/PEP
  mail & newsfeeds (limited) available.  Carries GNU software.
  anon login: nuucp NO PASSWD, file list /usr3/index
  Contact: ...!uunet!utastro!bigtex!james	
07/11  512-832-8835   rpp386      Austin              TX  12/24    24
  386 SYSV, no shell, no bbs, anonymous uucp file transfer site only, no fee
  uucp and kermit server available, login uucp or kermit NO PASSWD
05/03  516-872-2137   lilink      Long Island         NY  12/24    24
  80386/20 Mhz. , three lines, News/Mail/Shell access. Online games,
  conferencing, full program development system, full text processing.
  We carry ALL Usenet groups.  Dues are  $10/month (unlimited access).
  Accounts are filled by application/phone verification. Login: new
  Alternate numbers: 516-872-2138 & 516-872-2349
07/18  517-487-3356   lunapark    E. Lansing          MI  12/24    24
  Compaq 386/20 SCO-XENIX 2.3.1, lunabbs bulletin board & conferencing
  system, no fee, login: bbs  no password.  Primarily UNIX software
  with focus on TeX and Postscript, also some ATARI-ST and IBM-PC stuff
  2400/1200 --> 8 N 1
  Contact: ...!uunet!frith!lunapark!larry
12/04  518-346-8033   sixhub      upstate             NY  3/12/24  24
  PC Designs GV386.  hub machine of the upstate NY UNIX users group (*IX)
  two line reserved for incoming, bbs no fee, news & email fee $15/year
  Smorgasboard of BBS systems, UNaXcess and XBBS online,
  Citadel BBS now in production. Contact: davidsen@sixhub.uucp.
09/26  602-941-2005   xroads      Phoenix             AZ  12/24    24
  Motorola VME1121, UNIX 5.2, Crossroads BBS, Fee $30/yr + $.50/.25 (call)
  prime (evenings)/non-prime, USENET news, multi-chat, online games,
  movie reviews, adventure games, dos unix/xenix files for dload, multi lines
08/02  603-880-8120   ubbs-nh     Nashua              NH  3/12/24/96  24
  New England Unix Archive Site.  Multiple lines.  Services include E-Mail,
  full or partial news feeds.  XBBS access $25/year, User Accounts or News 
  Feeds available $60/year (1 hour/day) or $120/year (2 hours/day).
  Contact:  noel@ubbs-nh or {decvax}!ubbs-nh!noel or leave message on the
  bbs.  Voice:  603 595-2947
08/27  608-273-2657   madnix      Madison             WI  3/12/24  24
  286 SCO-XENIX, shell, no fee, USENET news, mail, login: newuser
  Contact: ray@madnix
04/15  612-929-6699^  pnet51      Minneapolis         MN  3/12/24  24
  Equip ?, Xenix, multi-line, no fee, some Usenet news, email, multi-threaded
  conferencing, login: pnet id: new, PC Pursuitable
  UUCP: {rosevax, crash}!orbit!pnet51!admin
07/31  615-896-8716   raider      Murfreesboro        TN  12/24    24
  Tandy 4000 XENIX, XBBS, shell accounts, news and mail, newsfeeds
  available (on Node 2) 2 machine LAN;Node 1 is OPUS BBS 615-896-7905
  Contact: root@raider.MFEE.TN.US (Bob Reineri); NO CHARGE.
07/11  616-457-1964   wybbs       Jenison             MI  3/12/24  24
  286 - SCO-XENIX 2.2.1, no fees, two lines, shell access, usenet news,
  150 meg storage, XBBS, interests: ham radio, xenix
  AKA: Consultants Connection  Contact: danielw@wybbs.UUCP
  Alternate phone #: 616-457-9909 (max 1200 baud)
07/31  619-444-7006^  pnet01      El Cajon            CA  3/12/24  24
  BSD Unix, 3 lines, login: pnet id: new, some USENET, email, conferencing 
  Home of P-Net software, mail to crash!bblue or pnet01!bblue for info.
  Contributions requested
  Unix accounts available for regulars, PC Pursuit access 2/88.
10/03  703-281-7997^  grebyn      Vienna              VA  3/12/24/96  24
  Vax/Ultrix.  $25/month.  GNU EMACS, USENET, PC/BLUE archives, Telebit on 7998
  and 7999, archives, Ada repository, comp.sources.(misc,unix,games) archives, 
  net.sources archives, 3 C compilers, Ada compiler,  500MB disk, multiple lines
03/16  713-334-1204   nuchat      Houston             TX  3/12/24  24
  286 - Mport USENET, mail, shell access available 120 meg 
07/11  713-438-5018   sugar       Houston             TX  3/12/24/96  24
  386/AT (2) networked - Bell Technologies V/386, usenet, news, downloads
  Homegrown BBS software, Trailblazer+ access, currently no charges
12/10  714-635-2863   dhw68k      Anaheim             CA  12/24    24
  Unistride 2.1, no fee, also 714-385-1915, Trailblazer on both lines,
  USENET News, /bin/sh or /bin/csh available
05/03  714-662-7450   turnkey     Inglewood           CA  12/24    24
  286 - Xenix SYSV, XBBS
05/26  714-842-5851   conexch     Santa Ana           CA  3/12/24  24
  386 - SCO Xenix - Free Unix guest login and PC-DOS bbs login, one
  hour inital time limit, USENET news, shell access granted on request &
  $25/quarter donation.  Anon uucp: ogin: nuucp  NO PASSWD.  List of
  available Unix files resides in /usr3/public/FILES.
08/11  714-894-2246   stanton     Irvine              CA  3/12/24  24
  286 - SCO Xenix - donation requested, limit 240 min, XBBS, USENET news
  UNIX access granted on request through BBS, 20$/year, access includes
  C development system (XENIX/MSDOS), PROCALC 1-2-3 clone, FOXBASE+
  anon uucp: ogin: nuucp, no word, 2400/1200/300 MNP supported
12/04  714-898-8634^  alphacm     Cypress             CA  12/24/96  24
  386 - SCO-XENIX, no fee, Home of XBBS, 90 minute per login, 4 lines,
  9600 baud via MicroComm/Hayes (v.29)
    uucp-anon:  ogin: nuucp  NO PASSWD
05/08  719-632-4111   chariot     Colo Sprgs          CO  3/12     24
  Convrgnt Minifrme - SYS V, multiple lines, fee $12/mo Picospan
06/29  801-277-0272   pedro       Salt Lake City      UT  3/12/24/96  24
  386 SYS V, Unidel BBS, a.k.a. Bitsko's Bar & Grill, no limit, no fee, UseNet
  and Citadel feeds available, home of Unidel software, Telebit 19200 used,
  anonymous uucp, archiving .amiga, .atari.st, .ibm.pc, .mac, .misc and .unix.
  Contact: ken_macleod@pedro.UUCP or uunet!iconsys!caeco!pedro!ken_macleod
12/04  802-865-3614   tnl         Burlington          VT  3/12/24  24
  80386 w/ SCO XENIX. No Fee.  2 hr session limit.  XBBS/USENET, shell.
  Login as 'new' for a shell account, no validation.  AKA: Northern Lights.
08/19  813-952-1981   usource     Sarasota            FL  12/24    -24
  386 - SCO-XENIX, fee depends on services provided, no fee for bbs. New users
  subscribe by logging in as 'help' or 'newuser' (no password).  Primary
  purpose is technical forum. 6pm-8am M-Th, 24 hrs weeekends (6pm Fri-8am Mon)
  uucp-anon: 1200/2400 bps --> ogin: auucp  word: gateway
  uucp-anon directory: /usr/spool/uucppublic; contact: frank@usource.UUCP
08/25  814-333-6728   sir-alan    Meadville           PA  3/12/24  24
  Tandy XENIX/68000 03.01.02, Allegheny College, UNaXcess BBS
  uucp-anon: ogin: pdsrc  NO PASSWD
  uucp-anon directory: /usr/spool/pdsrc/all.subjects 
  Telebit TB+ available at 814 337 0894, now operating.
  Contact: sir-alan!mikes 
05/16  814-337-3159   oncoast     Meadville           PA  3/12/24/96  24
  Tandy 12/6000, no fee, no bbs, archive site, USR HST 9600, cycle 24/96/12
  vols 1 - 13 of mod.sources/comp.sources.unix, comp.sources.misc
  New stuff on sir-alan, older on oncoast. 2 uucp logins "uucp" and "pdsrc"
  files list =  /usr/spool/uucppublic/my.directory or /usr/spool/pdsrc/
06/17  818-884-7821   chief       Woodland Hills      CA  3/12     24
  286 - SCO XENIX 2.2.1, no fee, XBBS, interests: coins & coin investments 
  No file transfers
  Contact: ...!srhqla!chief!lance
12/23  916-722-6519   sactoh0     Sacramento          CA  12/24/96  24
  3B2/310 SYSV.2    SAC_UNIX   no fee, limit 90 min (soon to be 2 lines)
  hopefully. TB on line only by request. Norm Hayes.USENET. login: new
  Contact: ..pacbell!sactoh0!sysop
08/03  919-493-7111^  wolves      Durham              NC  3/12/24  24
  AMS 386/25 - UNIX SysVr3.2, XBBS, no fee for bbs.  Rates for UNIX access
  and USENET are being determined.  Developing yet another UNIX bbs (ideas
  welcome!)  Single line, telebit coming soon.
  Contact: wolves!ggw or wolves!sysop  [...duke!dukcds!wolves!...]
NOTE:  ^ means the site is reachable using PC Pursuit.
This list is now maintained by Phil Eschallier on lgnp1.  Any additions,
deletions, or corrections should be sent to one of the addresses below.
The nixpub listings are kept as current as possible.  However, you use this
data at your own risk and cost -- all standard disclaimers apply!!!
      Lists available from lgnp1 via anonomous uucp.
                            +1 215 348 9727 [Telebit access]
                     login: nuucp  NO PWD   [no rmail permitted]
                 this list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub
                short list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub.short
      or from news groups pubnet.nixpub and comp.misc ...
E-MAIL ...
  uucp: ..!uunet!lgnp1!{ phile | nixpub }
    or: { phile | nixpub }@LS.Com
   CIS: 71076,1576
  COMPAQ, IBM, PC Pursuit, [SCO] XENIX, UNIX, etc. are trademarks of the
  respective companies.

nixpub@lgnp1.LS.COM (NIXPUB Coordinator) (08/04/89)

                          nixpub short listing
     Open Access UNIX (*NIX) Sites [Fee / No Fee] for mapped sites only
                           [ August 3, 1989 ]

Systems listed (67)
Legend: fee/contribution ($), no fee (-$), hours (24), not (-24)
        shell (S), USENET news (N), email (M), multiple lines (T) 
        Telebit 9600 bps on main number (+P), Telebit on other line[s] (P)
        Courier 9600 bps on main number (+H), Courier on other line[s] (H) 
        anonymous uucp (A), archive site ONLY - see long form list (@)
        @~ = anonymous uucp archive site listed in ANONIX (mike@cpmain)
        Dialable thru PC Pursuit (^)

Date * Telephone #    Sys-name   Location          Baud        Legend
-----  ------------   --------   -----------       -------     ---------
89/01  206-487-3616^  nwnexus    Seattle       WA  3/12/24/96  P 24 $ M N T S 
10/08  212-420-0527   magpie     NYC           NY  3/12/24/96  24 -$ T P
08/19  212-675-7059   marob      NYC           NY  12/24       24 -$ A
89/05  212-879-9031^  dasys1     NYC           NY  12/24       24 $ S N M T
88/11  213-376-5714   pnet02     Redondo Bch   CA  3/12/24     24 -$ N T
09/30  213-397-2987^  stb        Santa Monica  CA  3/12/24     24 -$ S A
88/11  213-459-5891   amazing    Pac Palisade  CA  3/12/24     24 $ T
07/31  214-247-2367   ozdaltx    Dallas        TX  3/12/24     24 $ N T
89/07  214-741-2130   attctc     Dallas        TX  3/12/24     24 -$ N M S T A
89/07  215-348-9727   lgnp1      Doylestown    PA  3/12/24/96  24 -$ A M N +P S 
09/23  216-781-6201^  ncoast     Cleveland     OH  3/12/24     24 $ S N M T
08/14  217-529-3223   pallas     Springfield   IL  3/12/24     24 $ T
89/03  312-272-5912^  igloo      Northbrook    IL  12/24/96    24 -$ S N T P
08/14  312-283-0559^  chinet     Chicago       IL  3/12/24     24 $ N T
89/07  312-301-2100^  jolnet     Joliet        IL  3/12/24     24 -$ +P M N S T
08/11  312-566-8911^  ddsw1      Mundelein     IL  3/12/24/96  24 $ S N M T A P
89/05  312-833-8126^  vpnet      Villa Park    IL  12/24/96    24 -$ +P M N S 
88/12  312-927-1885^  atrium     Chicago       IL  3/12        24 -$ T
89/04  313-623-6309   nucleus    Clarkston     MI  12/24       24 $ S N M
88/11  313-994-6333   m-net      Ann Arbor     MI  3/12        24 $ T
89/08  313-996-4644^  anet       Ann Arbor     MI  3/12        24 $ T
89/04  314-474-4585   gensis     Columbia      MO  3/12/24/96  24 -$ M S 
88/12  314-875-5886   floyd      Columbia      MO  3/12/24/96  24 -$ M S 
89/07  404-321-5020^  jdyx       Atlanta       GA  12/24       24 $ N
05/16  407-380-6228   rtmvax     Orlando       FL  3/12/24     24 -$ N M
04/04  408-247-4810   sharks     Santa Clara   CA  3/12        24 $ S N M T
05/07  408-725-0561   portal     Cupertino     CA  3/12/24     24 $ -S N M T
89/02  408-997-9119^  netcom     San Jose      CA  3/12/24/96  24 $ M N S
06/07  412-431-8649   eklektik   Pittsburg     PA  3/12        24 $ S N M 
89/07  415-332-6106^  well       Sausalito     CA  3/12        24 $ M N S T
06/09  415-582-7691   cpro       Hayward       CA  12/24       24 -$ S
89/07  415-753-5265^  wet        San Francisc  CA  3/12/24     24 $ M N S T
89/05  415-783-2543   esfenn     Hayward       CA  3/12/24     24 -$ M N S 
89/01  416-452-0926   telly      Brampton      ON  12/24/96    +P 24 $ M N
88/12  416-461-2608   tmsoft     Toronto       ON  3/12/24/96  24 $ S M N
89/07  416-654-8854   ziebmef    Toronto       ON  3/12/24/96  24 +P M N S T
88/12  503-254-0458   bucket     Portland      OR  3/12/24     24 -$ N M T
89/05  503-640-4262^  agora      PDX           OR  3/12/24     24 $ M N S T
10/08  512-346-2339   bigtex     Austin        TX  96          +P 24 -S -$ A @~
89/07  512-832-8835   rpp386     Austin        TX  12/24       24 @ -$ -S A T
89/05  516-872-2137   lilink     Long Island   NY  12/24       24 $ M N S T
89/07  517-487-3356   lunapark   E. Lansing    MI  12/24       24 -$
88/12  518-346-8033   sixhub     upstate       NY  3/12/24     24 $ S N M T
09/26  602-941-2005   xroads     Phoenix       AZ  3/12/24     24 $ N T
89/08  603-880-8120   ubbs-nh    Nashua        NH  3/12/24/96  24 -$ M N +P S T
08/27  608-273-2657   madnix     Madison       WI  3/12/24     24 -$ S N M
04/15  612-929-6699^  pnet51     Minneapolis   MN  3/12/24     24 -$ N M T
89/07  615-896-8716   raider     Murfreesboro  TN  12/24       24 -$ S N M
89/07  616-457-1964   wybbs      Jenison       MI  3/12/24     24 -$ S N T
07/31  619-444-7006^  pnet01     El Cajon      CA  3/12/24     24 $ N M S T
10/03  703-281-7997^  grebyn     Vienna        VA  3/12/24/96  24 $ N M T P
03/16  713-334-1204   nuchat     Houston       TX  3/12/24     24 S N M
89/07  713-438-5018   sugar      Houston       TX  3/12/24/96  24 -$ N +P
88/12  714-635-2863   dhw68k     Anaheim       CA  12/24       24 -$ T
89/05  714-662-7450   turnkey    Inglewood     CA  12/24       24 -$
89/05  714-842-5851   conexch    Santa Ana     CA  3/12/24     24 $ A M N S
08/11  714-894-2246   stanton    Irvine        CA  3/12/24     24 $ S N
88/12  714-898-8634^  alphacm    Cypress       CA  12/24/96    24 -$ T H A
05/08  719-632-4111   chariot    Colo Sprgs    CO  3/12        24 $ T
06/29  801-277-0272   pedro      Salt Lake Ci  UT  3/12/24/96  +P 24 -$ N A
06/05  802-865-3614   tnl        Burlington    VT  3/12/24     24 -$ S N M
08/19  813-952-1981   usource    Sarasota      FL  12/24       -24 -$ A
08/25  814-333-6728   sir-alan   Meadville     PA  3/12/24     24 -$ A P
05/16  814-337-3159   oncoast    Meadville     PA  3/12/24/96  +H 24 @ -$ -S A
06/17  818-884-7821   chief      Woodland Hil  CA  3/12        24 -$
88/12  916-722-6519   sactoh0    Sacramento    CA  12/24/96    24 -$
89/08  919-493-7111^  wolves     Durham        NC  3/12/24     24 $ M N S 
NOTE:  ^ means the site is reachable using PC Pursuit.
       * means sites contacted in the new year.
This list is now maintained by Phil Eschallier on lgnp1.  Any additions,
deletions, or corrections should be sent to one of the addresses below.
The nixpub listings are kept as current as possible.  However, you use this
data at your own risk and cost -- all standard disclaimers apply!!!
      Lists available from lgnp1 via anonomous uucp.
                            +1 215 348 9727 [Telebit access]
                     login: nuucp  NO PWD   [no rmail permitted]
                 this list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub.short
                 long list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub
      or from news groups pubnet.nixpub and comp.misc ...
E-MAIL ...
  uucp: ..!uunet!lgnp1!{ phile | nixpub }
    or: { phile | nixpub }@LS.Com
  COMPAQ, IBM, PC Pursuit, [SCO] XENIX, UNIX, etc. are trademarks of the
  respective companies.

nixpub@lgnp1.LS.COM (NIXPUB Coordinator) (08/09/89)

                          nixpub long listing
     Open Access UNIX (*NIX) Sites [Fee / No Fee] for mapped sites only
                          [ August 7, 1989 ]

Systems listed (69):
 [ agora, alphacm, althea, amazing, anet, atrium, attctc, bigtex, bucket    ]
 [ chariot, chief, chinet, conexch, cpro, dasys1, ddsw1, dhw68k, eklektik   ]
 [ esfenn, floyd, gensis, grebyn, igloo, jdyx, jolnet, lgnp1, lilink        ]
 [ loft386, lunapark, m-net, madnix, magpie, marob, ncoast, netcom, nuchat  ]
 [ nucleus, nwnexus, oncoast, ozdaltx, pallas, pedro, pnet01, pnet02        ]
 [ pnet51, portal, raider, rpp386, rtmvax, sactoh0, sharks, sir-alan        ]
 [ sixhub, stanton, stb, sugar, telly, tmsoft, tnl, turnkey, ubbs-nh        ]
 [ usource, vpnet, well, wet, wolves, wybbs, xroads, ziebmef                ]

Date   Telephone #    Sys-name    Location                Baud        Hours
-----  ------------   --------    -----------             -------     -----

08/07  201-846-2460^  althea      New Brunswick       NJ  3/12/24  24
  AT&T 3B2/310 - Unix SVR3.1, no fee.  USENET, email, C development,
  games.  Single line.
  Contact: rjd@althea.UUCP (Robert Diamond)
01/10  206-487-3616^  nwnexus     Seattle             WA  3/12/24/96  24
  VAX 11/750 - BSD 4.3, multiple lines, PC-pursuitable, Usenet mail/news,
  carry alternate newsgroups.  Fees:  $5/month (min.), $3/hour direct (anytime)
  Accounts are set up via application.  Call number given for more information.
10/08  212-420-0527   magpie      NYC                 NY  3/12/24/96  24
  ? - UNIX SYSV - 2, Magpie BBS, no fee, Authors: Magpie/UNIX,/MSDOS
  two lines plus anonymous uucp: 212-677-9487 (9600 bps Telebit modem)
  NOTE: 9487 reserved for registered Magpie sysops & anon uucp
  Contact: Steve Manes, {rutgers|cmcl2|uunet}!hombre!magpie!manes	
08/19  212-675-7059   marob       NYC                 NY  3/12/24  24
  386 SCO-XENIX 2.2, XBBS, magpie bbs, no fee, limit 60 min
  Telebit Trailblazer (9600 PEP) only 212-675-8438
  Contact:  {philabs|rutgers|cmcl2}!{phri|hombre}!marob!clifford
05/26  212-879-9031^  dasys1      NYC                 NY  12/24    24
  Unistride - SYS V, multiple lines, fee $5/mo  AKA Big Electric Cat
  USENET, games, multi-user chat, email, login: new, passwd: new
  Contact: ...!rutgers!cmcl2!rsweeney or rsweeney@dasys1.UUCP
03/19  213-376-5714   pnet02      Redondo Bch         CA  3/12/24  24
  XENIX (also 213-374-7404) no fee, 90 min limit, login: pnet id: new
  some USENET, net-work e-mail, multi-threaded conferencing
09/30  213-397-2987^  stb         Santa Monica        CA  3/12/24  24
  Tandy 16 Serial Tree bbs, shell access, uucp-anon: ogin: uucp NO PASSWD
03/19  213-459-5891   amazing     Pacific Palisades   CA  3/12/24  24
  AMT 286 - Microport  David's Amazing BBS  Fee $7.50/month;$35/6;$60/year
  5 lines on rotary; Unique original software with conferencing, electronic
  bar, matchmaking, no file up/downloading
07/31  214-247-2367   ozdaltx     Dallas              TX  3/12/24  24
  INTEC/SCO XENIX 2.2.1, OZ BBS, Membership only adult BBS, fee $40
  year. Multiple lines.  Closed system, carries limited USENET
  newsgroups. Login: guest (no PW).  Voice verification on all new users.
07/23  214-824-7881   attctc      Dallas              TX  3/12/24  24
  3b2/522 - UNIX, no fee, various time limits, 8 lines 2.8 GB online
  uucp-anon --> 214-741-2130  ogin: uupdsrc word: Public
  uucp-anon info in: /bbsys4/README     (Formerly node name killer)
07/18  215-348-9727   lgnp1       Doylestown          PA  3/12/24/96  24
  80286 w/ SCO-XENIX -- Telebit access.  Limited number of shell accounts,
  currently no charges.  Services include E-mail, USENET, PD downloads,
  UNIX Software development and Text Processing tools.  NO BBS!!
    anon-uucp: nuucp  NO PWD  (download /usr/spool/uucppublic/PD_FILES)
09/23  216-781-6201^  ncoast      Cleveland           OH  3/12/24  24
  Plexus P/35 System III, UNaXcess BBS, 5 lines; donation requested; shell
  access, Usenet access; news feeds available; home of UNaXcess software
  login: bbs for BBS, login: makeuser to register for shell access
  system may go DOWN soon
08/14  217-529-3223   pallas      Springfield         IL  3/12/24  24
  Convrgnt Minifrme, multiple lines, 200 meg Minnie bbs $25 donation
03/04  312-272-5912^  igloo       Northbrook          IL  12/24/96  24
  PC clone/microport   no limit/no fee                  AKCS bbs
  full usenet   read access/all  post access/limited   112megs HD
  2 lines rotary, 9600 telebit on 272-5917   rsh till validation   
  Contact: igloo!learn 
08/14  312-283-0559^  chinet      Chicago             IL  3/12/24  24
  3b2/300 - SYS V 3.1, multiple lines, Picospan BBS, system & BBS free
  Extra phone lines and usenet, $50/yr.
07/11  312-301-2100^  jolnet      Joliet/Orland Pk    IL  3/12/24  24
  3b2/400 - Unix, public access and contributions, No fee for postnews.
  5 lines  AKCS bbs.  Free Newsfeeds available.  ~450 MB online storage.
  Free Shell and Usenet access.  Telebit Trailblazer access (2104).
  Telenet access. 
08/11  312-566-8911^  ddsw1       Mundelein           IL  3/12/24/96  24
  Televideo 386 -SCO XENIX 386, guest usr 1 hr daily, fee extends use
  AKCS bbs, fee $30/6 months $50/year, Authors of AKCS bbs
  multiple lines, 9600 bps available, anonymous uucp, ~/README for info
  Contact: Karl Denninger (...!ddsw1!karl) Voice: (312) 566-8910
05/05  312-833-8126^  vpnet       Villa Park          IL  12/24/96  24
  386 Clone - Interactive 386/ix R2.0 (3.2), no fee. Akcs linked bbs
  including several Usenet conf's. No charge for shells. Trailblazer. 
  Mail lisbon@vpnet.UUCP
12/23  312-927-1885^  atrium      Chicago             IL  3/12     24
  3B1 UNIX SYS V.2, Chicago MM, no fee, no limit, multiple lines,
  national pen-pal service, login: mm, other lines: 927-1886, -1887
  Contact: gatech!petro!ucmsa!atrium!sysop
04/27  313-623-6309   nucleus     Clarkston           MI  12/24    24
  286 - Unix System V, no fee. Shell access, full usenet access, online games,
  AKCS conferencing system, some public domain sources online, extensive tape
  library of public domain source code
02/20  313-994-6333   m-net       Ann Arbor           MI  3/12     24
  Altos 68020 - SYS III, limits unstated, fee for extended service
  Picospan conference system, multiple lines, 160 meg, packet radio
08/03  313-996-4644^  anet        Ann Arbor           MI  3/12     24
  Altos 68000 - Sys III, no limits, 1st month free, fees range up to $20/
  month (negotiable), accepts equipment/software in lieu of fees, Picospan
  conferencing, 120M, non-profit, user-supported, community-based, ideal
  autodidact educational system.  Tax-deductible donations okay.
04/10  314-474-4585   gensis      Columbia            MO  3/12/24/48/96  24
  Gateway 386 system w/ SCO Xenix V/386, DataFlex, Oracle, CHARM, & VP/ix.
  No fee.  Online gaming, game design, and (oddly enough) data base design
  are the main focus.  Modem is Microcom MNP 6.
12/13  314-875-5886   floyd       Columbia            MO  3/12/24/48/96  24
  Gateway 386 system w/ SCO Xenix V/386, DataFlex, Oracle, filePro, no fee.
  Working on BBS <-> bitnet <-> uunet transparent access,
  Modem is Microcomm MNP 6, contact Ken Ross (ken@floyd).
07/11  404-321-5020^  jdyx        Atlanta             GA  12/24    24
  386/ix.  XBBS, usenet. Features Usenet (alt,gnu,most comp), and current
  Usenet sources.  Interests: 386/ix, ray-tracing, graphics.   Yearly fee
  for downloads, Usenet.
  Contact: ...gatech!emory!jdyx!tpf (Tom Friedel)
05/16  407-380-6228   rtmvax      Orlando             FL  3/12/24  24
  mVAX-I - Ultrix-32 V1.2  USENET & UUCP Email Gateway. XBBS front end for
  new user subscribing. No Fees. Primary function is Technical exchange.
  Contact: { cbosgd!codas, hoptoad!peora }!rtmvax!rob 
04/04  408-247-4810   sharks      Santa Clara         CA  3/12     24
  Altos 886/80/80  - XENIX 3.2f AKA: Shark's Head BBS,  BBCS Network
  Multiple lines,no fee for non-members,members $25 year
  Restricted sh access and UUCP/Usenet access for advanced members
05/07  408-725-0561   portal      Cupertino           CA  3/12/24  24
  Networked Suns (SunOS), multiple lines, Telenet access, no shell access
  fees: $10/month + Telenet charges (if used) @ various rates/times
  conferencing, multi user chats, usenet 
02/24  408-997-9119^  netcom      San Jose            CA  3/12/24/96  24
  Unix System V -- Shell Access [Bourne, Korn, C-Shell], BBS, USENET,
  Languages: C, Lisp, Prolog, Clips, (Ada soon), $10 / month, login as
  'guest' no password.  Contact netcom!bobr.
06/07  412-431-8649   eklektik    Pittsburg           PA  3/12     24
  UNIX PC- SYSV - UNaXcess BBS, new system - donation requested for shell,
  login: bbs for BBS, uucp-mail, limited Usenet news feeds.  Gaming SIGS.
  Contact:  ...!gatech!emoryu1!eklektik!anthony
08/06  415-332-6106^  well        Sausalito           CA  12/24    24
  6-processor Sequent Balance (32032); UUCP and USENET access; multiple
  lines; access via CPN; PICOSPAN BBS; $5/hr flat rate
06/09  415-582-7691   cpro        Hayward             CA  12/24    24
  Microport SYSV 2, UNaXcess bbs, no fee, 60 min limit, shell access
07/30  415-753-5265^  wet         San Francisco       CA  3/12/24  24
  386 SYS V.3.  Wetware Diversions.  $15 registration, $0.01/minute.
  Public Access UNIX System:  uucp, PicoSpan bbs, full Usenet News,
  multiple lines, shell access.  Newusers get initial credit!
  contact:{ucsfcca|claris|hoptoad}!wet!cc (Christopher Cilley)
05/03  415-783-2543   esfenn      Hayward             CA  3/12/24  24
  System ????; USENET news; E-mail; No charges; Contact esfenn!william.
01/25  416-452-0926   telly       Brampton            ON  12/24/96  24
  286 Xenix; proprietary menu-based BBS includes Usenet site searching.
  News (all groups, incl biz, pubnet, gnu), mail (including to/from Internet),
  some archives.  Feeds available. Fee: $75(Cdn)/year.
  Contact: Evan Leibovitch, evan@telly.on.ca, {uunet!attcan,utzoo}!telly!evan
12/04  416-461-2608   tmsoft      Toronto             ON  3/12/24/96  24
  NS32016, Sys5r2, shell; news+mail $30/mo, general-timesharing $60/mo
  All newsgroups.  Willing to setup mail/news connections.
  Contact: Dave Mason <mason@tmsoft> / Login: newuser
07/21  416-654-8854   ziebmef     Toronto             ON  3/12/24/96  24
  AT&T 3B1, Sys V, shell, news, mail, no fee (donations accepted)
  Carries most newsgroups (willing to add extra ones on request)
  Telebit access, willing to give mail feeds
  Contact: Chris Siebenmann, {utzoo!telly,ncrcan}!ziebmef!cks
12/10  503-254-0458   bucket      Portland            OR  3/12/24  24
  Tektronix 6130, UTek 2.3(4.2BSD-derived).  Bit Bucket BBS publically
  available; login as 'bbs'.  BBS is message only.  Users intereseted in
  access to Unix should contact SYSOP via the BBS or send EMail to
  ..tektronix!tessi!bucket!rickb.  Unix services include USENET News,
  EMail, and all tools/games/utility access. Alternate dial-in lines
  available for Unix users.
05/03  503-640-4262^  agora       PDX                 OR  3/12/24  24
  Intel Xenix-286, $2/mo or $20/yr, news, mail, games, programming
  two lines with trunk-hunt, 4380 supports MNP level 3.
  Contact: Alan Batie, tektronix!tessi!agora!batie
10/08  512-346-2339   bigtex      Austin              TX  96       24
  Equip unknown, no shell, no fee, anonymous uucp ONLY, Telebit 9600/PEP
  mail & newsfeeds (limited) available.  Carries GNU software.
  anon login: nuucp NO PASSWD, file list /usr3/index
  Contact: ...!uunet!utastro!bigtex!james	
07/11  512-832-8835   rpp386      Austin              TX  12/24    24
  386 SYSV, no shell, no bbs, anonymous uucp file transfer site only, no fee
  uucp and kermit server available, login uucp or kermit NO PASSWD
05/03  516-872-2137   lilink      Long Island         NY  12/24    24
  80386/20 Mhz. , three lines, News/Mail/Shell access. Online games,
  conferencing, full program development system, full text processing.
  We carry ALL Usenet groups.  Dues are  $10/month (unlimited access).
  Accounts are filled by application/phone verification. Login: new
  Alternate numbers: 516-872-2138 & 516-872-2349
07/18  517-487-3356   lunapark    E. Lansing          MI  12/24    24
  Compaq 386/20 SCO-XENIX 2.3.1, lunabbs bulletin board & conferencing
  system, no fee, login: bbs  no password.  Primarily UNIX software
  with focus on TeX and Postscript, also some ATARI-ST and IBM-PC stuff
  2400/1200 --> 8 N 1
  Contact: ...!uunet!frith!lunapark!larry
12/04  518-346-8033   sixhub      upstate             NY  3/12/24  24
  PC Designs GV386.  hub machine of the upstate NY UNIX users group (*IX)
  two line reserved for incoming, bbs no fee, news & email fee $15/year
  Smorgasboard of BBS systems, UNaXcess and XBBS online,
  Citadel BBS now in production. Contact: davidsen@sixhub.uucp.
09/26  602-941-2005   xroads      Phoenix             AZ  12/24    24
  Motorola VME1121, UNIX 5.2, Crossroads BBS, Fee $30/yr + $.50/.25 (call)
  prime (evenings)/non-prime, USENET news, multi-chat, online games,
  movie reviews, adventure games, dos unix/xenix files for dload, multi lines
08/02  603-880-8120   ubbs-nh     Nashua              NH  3/12/24/96  24
  New England Unix Archive Site.  Multiple lines.  Services include E-Mail,
  full or partial news feeds.  XBBS access $25/year, User Accounts or News 
  Feeds available $60/year (1 hour/day) or $120/year (2 hours/day).
  Contact:  noel@ubbs-nh or {decvax}!ubbs-nh!noel or leave message on the
  bbs.  Voice:  603 595-2947
08/07  605-348-2738   loft386     Rapid City          SD  3/12/24/96  24
  80386 SYS V/386 Rel 3.2, Usenet mail/news via UUNET, UUNET archive access.
  NO BBS!  News feeds avaliable.  400 meg hd.  Fees: $10/month or $25/quarter.
  Call (605) 343-8760 and talk to Doug Ingraham to arrange an account or email
08/27  608-273-2657   madnix      Madison             WI  3/12/24  24
  286 SCO-XENIX, shell, no fee, USENET news, mail, login: newuser
  Contact: ray@madnix
04/15  612-929-6699^  pnet51      Minneapolis         MN  3/12/24  24
  Equip ?, Xenix, multi-line, no fee, some Usenet news, email, multi-threaded
  conferencing, login: pnet id: new, PC Pursuitable
  UUCP: {rosevax, crash}!orbit!pnet51!admin
08/07  615-896-8716   raider      Murfreesboro        TN  12/24    24
  Tandy 4000 XENIX, XBBS, shell accounts, news and mail, newsfeeds
  available. Two line system; second dialup is 615-896-7905.
  Contact: root@raider.MFEE.TN.US (Bob Reineri); NO CHARGE.
07/11  616-457-1964   wybbs       Jenison             MI  3/12/24  24
  286 - SCO-XENIX 2.2.1, no fees, two lines, shell access, usenet news,
  150 meg storage, XBBS, interests: ham radio, xenix
  AKA: Consultants Connection  Contact: danielw@wybbs.UUCP
  Alternate phone #: 616-457-9909 (max 1200 baud)
07/31  619-444-7006^  pnet01      El Cajon            CA  3/12/24  24
  BSD Unix, 3 lines, login: pnet id: new, some USENET, email, conferencing 
  Home of P-Net software, mail to crash!bblue or pnet01!bblue for info.
  Contributions requested
  Unix accounts available for regulars, PC Pursuit access 2/88.
10/03  703-281-7997^  grebyn      Vienna              VA  3/12/24/96  24
  Vax/Ultrix.  $25/month.  GNU EMACS, USENET, PC/BLUE archives, Telebit on 7998
  and 7999, archives, Ada repository, comp.sources.(misc,unix,games) archives, 
  net.sources archives, 3 C compilers, Ada compiler,  500MB disk, multiple lines
03/16  713-334-1204   nuchat      Houston             TX  3/12/24  24
  286 - Mport USENET, mail, shell access available 120 meg 
07/11  713-438-5018   sugar       Houston             TX  3/12/24/96  24
  386/AT (2) networked - Bell Technologies V/386, usenet, news, downloads
  Homegrown BBS software, Trailblazer+ access, currently no charges
12/10  714-635-2863   dhw68k      Anaheim             CA  12/24    24
  Unistride 2.1, no fee, also 714-385-1915, Trailblazer on both lines,
  USENET News, /bin/sh or /bin/csh available
05/03  714-662-7450   turnkey     Inglewood           CA  12/24    24
  286 - Xenix SYSV, XBBS
05/26  714-842-5851   conexch     Santa Ana           CA  3/12/24  24
  386 - SCO Xenix - Free Unix guest login and PC-DOS bbs login, one
  hour inital time limit, USENET news, shell access granted on request &
  $25/quarter donation.  Anon uucp: ogin: nuucp  NO PASSWD.  List of
  available Unix files resides in /usr3/public/FILES.
08/11  714-894-2246   stanton     Irvine              CA  3/12/24  24
  286 - SCO Xenix - donation requested, limit 240 min, XBBS, USENET news
  UNIX access granted on request through BBS, 20$/year, access includes
  C development system (XENIX/MSDOS), PROCALC 1-2-3 clone, FOXBASE+
  anon uucp: ogin: nuucp, no word, 2400/1200/300 MNP supported
12/04  714-898-8634^  alphacm     Cypress             CA  12/24/96  24
  386 - SCO-XENIX, no fee, Home of XBBS, 90 minute per login, 4 lines,
  9600 baud via MicroComm/Hayes (v.29)
    uucp-anon:  ogin: nuucp  NO PASSWD
05/08  719-632-4111   chariot     Colo Sprgs          CO  3/12     24
  Convrgnt Minifrme - SYS V, multiple lines, fee $12/mo Picospan
06/29  801-277-0272   pedro       Salt Lake City      UT  3/12/24/96  24
  386 SYS V, Unidel BBS, a.k.a. Bitsko's Bar & Grill, no limit, no fee, UseNet
  and Citadel feeds available, home of Unidel software, Telebit 19200 used,
  anonymous uucp, archiving .amiga, .atari.st, .ibm.pc, .mac, .misc and .unix.
  Contact: ken_macleod@pedro.UUCP or uunet!iconsys!caeco!pedro!ken_macleod
12/04  802-865-3614   tnl         Burlington          VT  3/12/24  24
  80386 w/ SCO XENIX. No Fee.  2 hr session limit.  XBBS/USENET, shell.
  Login as 'new' for a shell account, no validation.  AKA: Northern Lights.
08/19  813-952-1981   usource     Sarasota            FL  12/24    -24
  386 - SCO-XENIX, fee depends on services provided, no fee for bbs. New users
  subscribe by logging in as 'help' or 'newuser' (no password).  Primary
  purpose is technical forum. 6pm-8am M-Th, 24 hrs weeekends (6pm Fri-8am Mon)
  uucp-anon: 1200/2400 bps --> ogin: auucp  word: gateway
  uucp-anon directory: /usr/spool/uucppublic; contact: frank@usource.UUCP
08/25  814-333-6728   sir-alan    Meadville           PA  3/12/24  24
  Tandy XENIX/68000 03.01.02, Allegheny College, UNaXcess BBS
  uucp-anon: ogin: pdsrc  NO PASSWD
  uucp-anon directory: /usr/spool/pdsrc/all.subjects 
  Telebit TB+ available at 814 337 0894, now operating.
  Contact: sir-alan!mikes 
05/16  814-337-3159   oncoast     Meadville           PA  3/12/24/96  24
  Tandy 12/6000, no fee, no bbs, archive site, USR HST 9600, cycle 24/96/12
  vols 1 - 13 of mod.sources/comp.sources.unix, comp.sources.misc
  New stuff on sir-alan, older on oncoast. 2 uucp logins "uucp" and "pdsrc"
  files list =  /usr/spool/uucppublic/my.directory or /usr/spool/pdsrc/
06/17  818-884-7821   chief       Woodland Hills      CA  3/12     24
  286 - SCO XENIX 2.2.1, no fee, XBBS, interests: coins & coin investments 
  No file transfers
  Contact: ...!srhqla!chief!lance
12/23  916-722-6519   sactoh0     Sacramento          CA  12/24/96  24
  3B2/310 SYSV.2    SAC_UNIX   no fee, limit 90 min (soon to be 2 lines)
  hopefully. TB on line only by request. Norm Hayes.USENET. login: new
  Contact: ..pacbell!sactoh0!sysop
08/03  919-493-7111^  wolves      Durham              NC  3/12/24  24
  AMS 386/25 - UNIX SysVr3.2, XBBS, no fee for bbs.  Rates for UNIX access
  and USENET are being determined.  Developing yet another UNIX bbs (ideas
  welcome!)  Single line, telebit coming soon.
  Contact: wolves!ggw or wolves!sysop  [...duke!dukcds!wolves!...]
NOTE:  ^ means the site is reachable using PC Pursuit.
This list is maintained by Phil Eschallier on lgnp1.  Any additions,
deletions, or corrections should be sent to one of the addresses below.
The nixpub listings are kept as current as possible.  However, you use this
data at your own risk and cost -- all standard disclaimers apply!!!
      Lists available from lgnp1 via anonomous uucp.
                            +1 215 348 9727 [Telebit access]
                     login: nuucp  NO PWD   [no rmail permitted]
                 this list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub
                short list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub.short
      or from news groups pubnet.nixpub and comp.misc ...
E-MAIL ...
  uucp: ..!uunet!lgnp1!{ phile | nixpub }
    or: { phile | nixpub }@LS.Com
   CIS: 71076,1576
  COMPAQ, IBM, PC Pursuit, [SCO] XENIX, UNIX, etc. are trademarks of the
  respective companies.

nixpub@lgnp1.LS.COM (NIXPUB Coordinator) (08/09/89)

                          nixpub short listing
     Open Access UNIX (*NIX) Sites [Fee / No Fee] for mapped sites only
                           [ August 7, 1989 ]

Systems listed (69)
Legend: fee/contribution ($), no fee (-$), hours (24), not (-24)
        shell (S), USENET news (N), email (M), multiple lines (T) 
        Telebit 9600 bps on main number (+P), Telebit on other line[s] (P)
        Courier 9600 bps on main number (+H), Courier on other line[s] (H) 
        anonymous uucp (A), archive site ONLY - see long form list (@)
        @~ = anonymous uucp archive site listed in ANONIX (mike@cpmain)
        Dialable thru PC Pursuit (^)

Date * Telephone #    Sys-name   Location          Baud        Legend
-----  ------------   --------   -----------       -------     ---------
89/08  201-846-2460^  althea     New Brunswic  NJ  3/12/24     24 -$ M N S 
89/01  206-487-3616^  nwnexus    Seattle       WA  3/12/24/96  P 24 $ M N T S 
10/08  212-420-0527   magpie     NYC           NY  3/12/24/96  24 -$ T P
08/19  212-675-7059   marob      NYC           NY  12/24       24 -$ A
89/05  212-879-9031^  dasys1     NYC           NY  12/24       24 $ S N M T
88/11  213-376-5714   pnet02     Redondo Bch   CA  3/12/24     24 -$ N T
09/30  213-397-2987^  stb        Santa Monica  CA  3/12/24     24 -$ S A
88/11  213-459-5891   amazing    Pac Palisade  CA  3/12/24     24 $ T
07/31  214-247-2367   ozdaltx    Dallas        TX  3/12/24     24 $ N T
89/07  214-741-2130   attctc     Dallas        TX  3/12/24     24 -$ N M S T A
89/07  215-348-9727   lgnp1      Doylestown    PA  3/12/24/96  24 -$ A M N +P S 
09/23  216-781-6201^  ncoast     Cleveland     OH  3/12/24     24 $ S N M T
08/14  217-529-3223   pallas     Springfield   IL  3/12/24     24 $ T
89/03  312-272-5912^  igloo      Northbrook    IL  12/24/96    24 -$ S N T P
08/14  312-283-0559^  chinet     Chicago       IL  3/12/24     24 $ N T
89/07  312-301-2100^  jolnet     Joliet        IL  3/12/24     24 -$ +P M N S T
08/11  312-566-8911^  ddsw1      Mundelein     IL  3/12/24/96  24 $ S N M T A P
89/05  312-833-8126^  vpnet      Villa Park    IL  12/24/96    24 -$ +P M N S 
88/12  312-927-1885^  atrium     Chicago       IL  3/12        24 -$ T
89/04  313-623-6309   nucleus    Clarkston     MI  12/24       24 $ S N M
88/11  313-994-6333   m-net      Ann Arbor     MI  3/12        24 $ T
89/08  313-996-4644^  anet       Ann Arbor     MI  3/12        24 $ T
89/04  314-474-4585   gensis     Columbia      MO  3/12/24/96  24 -$ M S 
88/12  314-875-5886   floyd      Columbia      MO  3/12/24/96  24 -$ M S 
89/07  404-321-5020^  jdyx       Atlanta       GA  12/24       24 $ N
05/16  407-380-6228   rtmvax     Orlando       FL  3/12/24     24 -$ N M
04/04  408-247-4810   sharks     Santa Clara   CA  3/12        24 $ S N M T
05/07  408-725-0561   portal     Cupertino     CA  3/12/24     24 $ -S N M T
89/02  408-997-9119^  netcom     San Jose      CA  3/12/24/96  24 $ M N S
06/07  412-431-8649   eklektik   Pittsburg     PA  3/12        24 $ S N M 
89/08  415-332-6106^  well       Sausalito     CA  12/24       24 $ M N S T
06/09  415-582-7691   cpro       Hayward       CA  12/24       24 -$ S
89/07  415-753-5265^  wet        San Francisc  CA  3/12/24     24 $ M N S T
89/05  415-783-2543   esfenn     Hayward       CA  3/12/24     24 -$ M N S 
89/01  416-452-0926   telly      Brampton      ON  12/24/96    +P 24 $ M N
88/12  416-461-2608   tmsoft     Toronto       ON  3/12/24/96  24 $ S M N
89/07  416-654-8854   ziebmef    Toronto       ON  3/12/24/96  24 +P M N S T
88/12  503-254-0458   bucket     Portland      OR  3/12/24     24 -$ N M T
89/05  503-640-4262^  agora      PDX           OR  3/12/24     24 $ M N S T
10/08  512-346-2339   bigtex     Austin        TX  96          +P 24 -S -$ A @~
89/07  512-832-8835   rpp386     Austin        TX  12/24       24 @ -$ -S A T
89/05  516-872-2137   lilink     Long Island   NY  12/24       24 $ M N S T
89/07  517-487-3356   lunapark   E. Lansing    MI  12/24       24 -$
88/12  518-346-8033   sixhub     upstate       NY  3/12/24     24 $ S N M T
09/26  602-941-2005   xroads     Phoenix       AZ  3/12/24     24 $ N T
89/08  603-880-8120   ubbs-nh    Nashua        NH  3/12/24/96  24 -$ M N +P S T
89/08  605-348-2738   loft386    Rapid City    SD  3/12/24/96  24 $ M N +P S 
08/27  608-273-2657   madnix     Madison       WI  3/12/24     24 -$ S N M
04/15  612-929-6699^  pnet51     Minneapolis   MN  3/12/24     24 -$ N M T
89/08  615-896-8716   raider     Murfreesboro  TN  12/24       24 -$ S N M T
89/07  616-457-1964   wybbs      Jenison       MI  3/12/24     24 -$ S N T
07/31  619-444-7006^  pnet01     El Cajon      CA  3/12/24     24 $ N M S T
10/03  703-281-7997^  grebyn     Vienna        VA  3/12/24/96  24 $ N M T P
03/16  713-334-1204   nuchat     Houston       TX  3/12/24     24 S N M
89/07  713-438-5018   sugar      Houston       TX  3/12/24/96  24 -$ N +P
88/12  714-635-2863   dhw68k     Anaheim       CA  12/24       24 -$ T
89/05  714-662-7450   turnkey    Inglewood     CA  12/24       24 -$
89/05  714-842-5851   conexch    Santa Ana     CA  3/12/24     24 $ A M N S
08/11  714-894-2246   stanton    Irvine        CA  3/12/24     24 $ S N
88/12  714-898-8634^  alphacm    Cypress       CA  12/24/96    24 -$ T H A
05/08  719-632-4111   chariot    Colo Sprgs    CO  3/12        24 $ T
06/29  801-277-0272   pedro      Salt Lake Ci  UT  3/12/24/96  +P 24 -$ N A
06/05  802-865-3614   tnl        Burlington    VT  3/12/24     24 -$ S N M
08/19  813-952-1981   usource    Sarasota      FL  12/24       -24 -$ A
08/25  814-333-6728   sir-alan   Meadville     PA  3/12/24     24 -$ A P
05/16  814-337-3159   oncoast    Meadville     PA  3/12/24/96  +H 24 @ -$ -S A
06/17  818-884-7821   chief      Woodland Hil  CA  3/12        24 -$
88/12  916-722-6519   sactoh0    Sacramento    CA  12/24/96    24 -$
89/08  919-493-7111^  wolves     Durham        NC  3/12/24     24 $ M N S 
NOTE:  ^ means the site is reachable using PC Pursuit.
       * means sites contacted in the new year.
This list is maintained by Phil Eschallier on lgnp1.  Any additions,
deletions, or corrections should be sent to one of the addresses below.
The nixpub listings are kept as current as possible.  However, you use this
data at your own risk and cost -- all standard disclaimers apply!!!
      Lists available from lgnp1 via anonomous uucp.
                            +1 215 348 9727 [Telebit access]
                     login: nuucp  NO PWD   [no rmail permitted]
                 this list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub.short
                 long list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub
      or from news groups pubnet.nixpub and comp.misc ...
E-MAIL ...
  uucp: ..!uunet!lgnp1!{ phile | nixpub }
    or: { phile | nixpub }@LS.Com
  COMPAQ, IBM, PC Pursuit, [SCO] XENIX, UNIX, etc. are trademarks of the
  respective companies.

nixpub@lgnp1.LS.COM (NIXPUB Coordinator) (08/13/89)

                          nixpub short listing
     Open Access UNIX (*NIX) Sites [Fee / No Fee] for mapped sites only
                           [ August 13, 1989 ]

Systems listed (69)
Legend: fee/contribution ($), no fee (-$), hours (24), not (-24)
        shell (S), USENET news (N), email (M), multiple lines (T) 
        Telebit 9600 bps on main number (+P), Telebit on other line[s] (P)
        Courier 9600 bps on main number (+H), Courier on other line[s] (H) 
        anonymous uucp (A), archive site ONLY - see long form list (@)
        @~ = anonymous uucp archive site listed in ANONIX (mike@cpmain)
        Dialable thru PC Pursuit (^)

Date * Telephone #    Sys-name   Location          Baud        Legend
-----  ------------   --------   -----------       -------     ---------
89/08  201-846-2460^  althea     New Brunswic  NJ  3/12/24     24 -$ M N S 
10/08  212-420-0527   magpie     NYC           NY  3/12/24/96  24 -$ T P
08/19  212-675-7059   marob      NYC           NY  12/24       24 -$ A
89/05  212-879-9031^  dasys1     NYC           NY  12/24       24 $ S N M T
88/11  213-376-5714   pnet02     Redondo Bch   CA  3/12/24     24 -$ N T
09/30  213-397-2987^  stb        Santa Monica  CA  3/12/24     24 -$ S A
88/11  213-459-5891   amazing    Pac Palisade  CA  3/12/24     24 $ T
07/31  214-247-2367   ozdaltx    Dallas        TX  3/12/24     24 $ N T
89/07  214-741-2130   attctc     Dallas        TX  3/12/24     24 -$ N M S T A
89/07  215-348-9727   lgnp1      Doylestown    PA  3/12/24/96  24 -$ A M N +P S 
09/23  216-781-6201^  ncoast     Cleveland     OH  3/12/24     24 $ S N M T
08/14  217-529-3223   pallas     Springfield   IL  3/12/24     24 $ T
89/03  312-272-5912^  igloo      Northbrook    IL  12/24/96    24 -$ S N T P
08/14  312-283-0559^  chinet     Chicago       IL  3/12/24     24 $ N T
89/07  312-301-2100^  jolnet     Joliet        IL  3/12/24     24 -$ +P M N S T
08/11  312-566-8911^  ddsw1      Mundelein     IL  3/12/24/96  24 $ S N M T A P
89/05  312-833-8126^  vpnet      Villa Park    IL  12/24/96    24 -$ +P M N S 
88/12  312-927-1885^  atrium     Chicago       IL  3/12        24 -$ T
89/04  313-623-6309   nucleus    Clarkston     MI  12/24       24 $ S N M
88/11  313-994-6333   m-net      Ann Arbor     MI  3/12        24 $ T
89/08  313-996-4644^  anet       Ann Arbor     MI  3/12        24 $ T
89/04  314-474-4585   gensis     Columbia      MO  3/12/24/96  24 -$ M S 
88/12  314-875-5886   floyd      Columbia      MO  3/12/24/96  24 -$ M S 
89/08  404-321-5020^  jdyx       Atlanta       GA  12/24       24 $ M N +P
05/16  407-380-6228   rtmvax     Orlando       FL  3/12/24     24 -$ N M
04/04  408-247-4810   sharks     Santa Clara   CA  3/12        24 $ S N M T
05/07  408-725-0561   portal     Cupertino     CA  3/12/24     24 $ -S N M T
89/02  408-997-9119^  netcom     San Jose      CA  3/12/24/96  24 $ M N S
06/07  412-431-8649   eklektik   Pittsburg     PA  3/12        24 $ S N M 
89/08  415-332-6106^  well       Sausalito     CA  12/24       24 $ M N S T
06/09  415-582-7691   cpro       Hayward       CA  12/24       24 -$ S
89/07  415-753-5265^  wet        San Francisc  CA  3/12/24     24 $ M N S T
89/05  415-783-2543   esfenn     Hayward       CA  3/12/24     24 -$ M N S 
89/01  416-452-0926   telly      Brampton      ON  12/24/96    +P 24 $ M N
88/12  416-461-2608   tmsoft     Toronto       ON  3/12/24/96  24 $ S M N
89/07  416-654-8854   ziebmef    Toronto       ON  3/12/24/96  24 +P M N S T
89/08  502-968-5401   disk       Louisville    KY  3/12        24 $ M N S T
88/12  503-254-0458   bucket     Portland      OR  3/12/24     24 -$ N M T
89/05  503-640-4262^  agora      PDX           OR  3/12/24     24 $ M N S T
10/08  512-346-2339   bigtex     Austin        TX  96          +P 24 -S -$ A @~
89/07  512-832-8835   rpp386     Austin        TX  12/24       24 @ -$ -S A T
89/05  516-872-2137   lilink     Long Island   NY  12/24       24 $ M N S T
89/07  517-487-3356   lunapark   E. Lansing    MI  12/24       24 -$
88/12  518-346-8033   sixhub     upstate       NY  3/12/24     24 $ S N M T
09/26  602-941-2005   xroads     Phoenix       AZ  3/12/24     24 $ N T
89/08  603-880-8120   ubbs-nh    Nashua        NH  3/12/24/96  24 -$ M N +P S T
89/08  605-348-2738   loft386    Rapid City    SD  3/12/24/96  24 $ M N +P S 
08/27  608-273-2657   madnix     Madison       WI  3/12/24     24 -$ S N M
89/08  612-473-2295   pnet51     Minneapolis   MN  3/12/24     24 -$ N M T
89/08  615-896-8716   raider     Murfreesboro  TN  12/24       24 -$ S N M T
89/07  616-457-1964   wybbs      Jenison       MI  3/12/24     24 -$ S N T
07/31  619-444-7006^  pnet01     El Cajon      CA  3/12/24     24 $ N M S T
10/03  703-281-7997^  grebyn     Vienna        VA  3/12/24/96  24 $ N M T P
03/16  713-334-1204   nuchat     Houston       TX  3/12/24     24 S N M
89/07  713-438-5018   sugar      Houston       TX  3/12/24/96  24 -$ N +P
88/12  714-635-2863   dhw68k     Anaheim       CA  12/24       24 -$ T
89/05  714-662-7450   turnkey    Inglewood     CA  12/24       24 -$
89/05  714-842-5851   conexch    Santa Ana     CA  3/12/24     24 $ A M N S
08/11  714-894-2246   stanton    Irvine        CA  3/12/24     24 $ S N
88/12  714-898-8634^  alphacm    Cypress       CA  12/24/96    24 -$ T H A
05/08  719-632-4111   chariot    Colo Sprgs    CO  3/12        24 $ T
89/08  801-943-7947^  i-core     Salt Lake Ci  UT  3/12/24/96  +P 24 -$ A N
06/05  802-865-3614   tnl        Burlington    VT  3/12/24     24 -$ S N M
08/19  813-952-1981   usource    Sarasota      FL  12/24       -24 -$ A
08/25  814-333-6728   sir-alan   Meadville     PA  3/12/24     24 -$ A P
05/16  814-337-3159   oncoast    Meadville     PA  3/12/24/96  +H 24 @ -$ -S A
06/17  818-884-7821   chief      Woodland Hil  CA  3/12        24 -$
88/12  916-722-6519   sactoh0    Sacramento    CA  12/24/96    24 -$
89/08  919-493-7111^  wolves     Durham        NC  3/12/24     24 $ M N S 
NOTE:  ^ means the site is reachable using PC Pursuit.
       * means sites contacted in the new year.
This list is maintained by Phil Eschallier on lgnp1.  Any additions,
deletions, or corrections should be sent to one of the addresses below.
The nixpub listings are kept as current as possible.  However, you use this
data at your own risk and cost -- all standard disclaimers apply!!!
      Lists available from lgnp1 via anonomous uucp.
                            +1 215 348 9727 [Telebit access]
                     login: nuucp  NO PWD   [no rmail permitted]
                 this list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub.short
                 long list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub
      or from news groups pubnet.nixpub and comp.misc ...
E-MAIL ...
  uucp: ..!uunet!lgnp1!{ phile | nixpub }
    or: { phile | nixpub }@LS.Com
  COMPAQ, IBM, PC Pursuit, [SCO] XENIX, UNIX, etc. are trademarks of the
  respective companies.

nixpub@lgnp1.LS.COM (NIXPUB Coordinator) (09/03/89)

                          nixpub long listing
     Open Access UNIX (*NIX) Sites [Fee / No Fee] for mapped sites only
                         [ September 2, 1989 ]

Systems listed (68):
 [  agora, alphacm, althea, amazing, anet, atrium, attctc, bigtex, bucket   ]
 [  chariot, chief, chinet, conexch, cpro, dasys1, ddsw1, dhw68k, disk      ]
 [  eklektik, esfenn, gensis, grebyn, i-core, igloo, jdyx, jolnet, lgnp1    ]
 [  lilink, loft386, lunapark, m-net, madnix, magpie, marob, ncoast, netcom ]
 [  nuchat, nucleus, oncoast, ozdaltx, pallas, pnet01, pnet02, pnet51       ]
 [  portal, raider, rpp386, rtmvax, sactoh0, sharks, sir-alan, sixhub       ]
 [  stanton, stb, sugar, telly, tmsoft, tnl, turnkey, ubbs-nh, usource      ]
 [  vpnet, well, wet, wolves, wybbs, xroads, ziebmef                        ]

Date   Telephone #    Sys-name    Location                Baud        Hours
-----  ------------   --------    -----------             -------     -----

08/07  201-846-2460^  althea      New Brunswick       NJ  3/12/24  24
  AT&T 3B2/310 - Unix SVR3.1, no fee.  USENET, email, C development,
  games.  Single line.
  Contact: rjd@althea.UUCP (Robert Diamond)
10/08  212-420-0527   magpie      NYC                 NY  3/12/24/96  24
  ? - UNIX SYSV - 2, Magpie BBS, no fee, Authors: Magpie/UNIX,/MSDOS
  two lines plus anonymous uucp: 212-677-9487 (9600 bps Telebit modem)
  NOTE: 9487 reserved for registered Magpie sysops & anon uucp
  Contact: Steve Manes, {rutgers|cmcl2|uunet}!hombre!magpie!manes	
08/19  212-675-7059   marob       NYC                 NY  3/12/24  24
  386 SCO-XENIX 2.2, XBBS, magpie bbs, no fee, limit 60 min
  Telebit Trailblazer (9600 PEP) only 212-675-8438
  Contact:  {philabs|rutgers|cmcl2}!{phri|hombre}!marob!clifford
05/26  212-879-9031^  dasys1      NYC                 NY  12/24    24
  Unistride - SYS V, multiple lines, fee $5/mo  AKA Big Electric Cat
  USENET, games, multi-user chat, email, login: new, passwd: new
  Contact: ...!rutgers!cmcl2!rsweeney or rsweeney@dasys1.UUCP
03/19  213-376-5714   pnet02      Redondo Bch         CA  3/12/24  24
  XENIX (also 213-374-7404) no fee, 90 min limit, login: pnet id: new
  some USENET, net-work e-mail, multi-threaded conferencing
09/02  213-397-3137^  stb         Santa Monica        CA  3/12/24  24
  AT&T 3b1;  BBS and shell access;  uucp-anon: ogin: uucp NO PASSWD
  3 line on rotory -3137 2400 baud.
03/19  213-459-5891   amazing     Pacific Palisades   CA  3/12/24  24
  AMT 286 - Microport  David's Amazing BBS  Fee $7.50/month;$35/6;$60/year
  5 lines on rotary; Unique original software with conferencing, electronic
  bar, matchmaking, no file up/downloading
07/31  214-247-2367   ozdaltx     Dallas              TX  3/12/24  24
  INTEC/SCO XENIX 2.2.1, OZ BBS, Membership only adult BBS, fee $40
  year. Multiple lines.  Closed system, carries limited USENET
  newsgroups. Login: guest (no PW).  Voice verification on all new users.
07/23  214-824-7881   attctc      Dallas              TX  3/12/24  24
  3b2/522 - UNIX, no fee, various time limits, 8 lines 2.8 GB online
  uucp-anon --> 214-741-2130  ogin: uupdsrc word: Public
  uucp-anon info in: /bbsys4/README     (Formerly node name killer)
07/18  215-348-9727   lgnp1       Doylestown          PA  3/12/24/96  24
  80286 w/ SCO-XENIX -- Telebit access.  Limited number of shell accounts,
  currently no charges.  Services include E-mail, USENET, PD downloads,
  UNIX Software development and Text Processing tools.  NO BBS!!
    anon-uucp: nuucp  NO PWD  (download /usr/spool/uucppublic/PD_FILES)
09/02  216-582-2441   ncoast      Cleveland           OH  12/24/96  24
  80386 Mylex, SCO Xenix;  600 meg. storage;  XBBS and Shell;  USENET
  (newsfeeds available), E-Mail; donations requested; login as "bbs"
  for BBS and "makeuser" for new users.
  Telebit used on 216-237-5486.
08/14  217-529-3223   pallas      Springfield         IL  3/12/24  24
  Convrgnt Minifrme, multiple lines, 200 meg Minnie bbs $25 donation
03/04  312-272-5912^  igloo       Northbrook          IL  12/24/96  24
  PC clone/microport   no limit/no fee                  AKCS bbs
  full usenet   read access/all  post access/limited   112megs HD
  2 lines rotary, 9600 telebit on 272-5917   rsh till validation   
  Contact: igloo!learn 
08/14  312-283-0559^  chinet      Chicago             IL  3/12/24  24
  3b2/300 - SYS V 3.1, multiple lines, Picospan BBS, system & BBS free
  Extra phone lines and usenet, $50/yr.
07/11  312-301-2100^  jolnet      Joliet/Orland Pk    IL  3/12/24  24
  3b2/400 - Unix, public access and contributions, No fee for postnews.
  5 lines  AKCS bbs.  Free Newsfeeds available.  ~450 MB online storage.
  Free Shell and Usenet access.  Telebit Trailblazer access (2104).
  Telenet access. 
08/11  312-566-8911^  ddsw1       Mundelein           IL  3/12/24/96  24
  Televideo 386 -SCO XENIX 386, guest usr 1 hr daily, fee extends use
  AKCS bbs, fee $30/6 months $50/year, Authors of AKCS bbs
  multiple lines, 9600 bps available, anonymous uucp, ~/README for info
  Contact: Karl Denninger (...!ddsw1!karl) Voice: (312) 566-8910
05/05  312-833-8126^  vpnet       Villa Park          IL  12/24/96  24
  386 Clone - Interactive 386/ix R2.0 (3.2), no fee. Akcs linked bbs
  including several Usenet conf's. No charge for shells. Trailblazer. 
  Mail lisbon@vpnet.UUCP
12/23  312-927-1885^  atrium      Chicago             IL  3/12     24
  3B1 UNIX SYS V.2, Chicago MM, no fee, no limit, multiple lines,
  national pen-pal service, login: mm, other lines: 927-1886, -1887
  Contact: gatech!petro!ucmsa!atrium!sysop
04/27  313-623-6309   nucleus     Clarkston           MI  12/24    24
  286 - Unix System V, no fee. Shell access, full usenet access, online games,
  AKCS conferencing system, some public domain sources online, extensive tape
  library of public domain source code
02/20  313-994-6333   m-net       Ann Arbor           MI  3/12     24
  Altos 68020 - SYS III, limits unstated, fee for extended service
  Picospan conference system, multiple lines, 160 meg, packet radio
08/03  313-996-4644^  anet        Ann Arbor           MI  3/12     24
  Altos 68000 - Sys III, no limits, 1st month free, fees range up to $20/
  month (negotiable), accepts equipment/software in lieu of fees, Picospan
  conferencing, 120M, non-profit, user-supported, community-based, ideal
  autodidact educational system.  Tax-deductible donations okay.
08/28  314-474-4581   gensis      Columbia            MO  3/12/24/48/96  24
  Gateway 386 system w/ SCO Xenix V/386, DataFlex, Oracle, CHARM, & VP/ix.
  No fee.  Online gaming, game design, and (oddly enough) data base design
  are the main focus.  Modem is Microcom MNP 6.
08/09  404-321-5020^  jdyx        Atlanta             GA  12/24/96  24
  386/ix.  XBBS, usenet. Features Usenet (alt,gnu,most comp), and current
  Usenet sources.  Interests: 386/ix, ray-tracing, graphics.   Yearly fee
  for downloads, Usenet.  Telebit access.
  Contact: ...gatech!emory!jdyx!tpf (Tom Friedel)
05/16  407-380-6228   rtmvax      Orlando             FL  3/12/24  24
  mVAX-I - Ultrix-32 V1.2  USENET & UUCP Email Gateway. XBBS front end for
  new user subscribing. No Fees. Primary function is Technical exchange.
  Contact: { cbosgd!codas, hoptoad!peora }!rtmvax!rob 
04/04  408-247-4810   sharks      Santa Clara         CA  3/12     24
  Altos 886/80/80  - XENIX 3.2f AKA: Shark's Head BBS,  BBCS Network
  Multiple lines,no fee for non-members,members $25 year
  Restricted sh access and UUCP/Usenet access for advanced members
05/07  408-725-0561   portal      Cupertino           CA  3/12/24  24
  Networked Suns (SunOS), multiple lines, Telenet access, no shell access
  fees: $10/month + Telenet charges (if used) @ various rates/times
  conferencing, multi user chats, usenet 
02/24  408-997-9119^  netcom      San Jose            CA  3/12/24/96  24
  Unix System V -- Shell Access [Bourne, Korn, C-Shell], BBS, USENET,
  Languages: C, Lisp, Prolog, Clips, (Ada soon), $10 / month, login as
  'guest' no password.  Contact netcom!bobr.
06/07  412-431-8649   eklektik    Pittsburg           PA  3/12     24
  UNIX PC- SYSV - UNaXcess BBS, new system - donation requested for shell,
  login: bbs for BBS, uucp-mail, limited Usenet news feeds.  Gaming SIGS.
  Contact:  ...!gatech!emoryu1!eklektik!anthony
08/06  415-332-6106^  well        Sausalito           CA  12/24    24
  6-processor Sequent Balance (32032); UUCP and USENET access; multiple
  lines; access via CPN; PICOSPAN BBS; $5/hr flat rate
06/09  415-582-7691   cpro        Hayward             CA  12/24    24
  Microport SYSV 2, UNaXcess bbs, no fee, 60 min limit, shell access
07/30  415-753-5265^  wet         San Francisco       CA  3/12/24  24
  386 SYS V.3.  Wetware Diversions.  $15 registration, $0.01/minute.
  Public Access UNIX System:  uucp, PicoSpan bbs, full Usenet News,
  multiple lines, shell access.  Newusers get initial credit!
  contact:{ucsfcca|claris|hoptoad}!wet!cc (Christopher Cilley)
05/03  415-783-2543   esfenn      Hayward             CA  3/12/24  24
  System ????; USENET news; E-mail; No charges; Contact esfenn!william.
01/25  416-452-0926   telly       Brampton            ON  12/24/96  24
  286 Xenix; proprietary menu-based BBS includes Usenet site searching.
  News (all groups, incl biz, pubnet, gnu), mail (including to/from Internet),
  some archives.  Feeds available. Fee: $75(Cdn)/year.
  Contact: Evan Leibovitch, evan@telly.on.ca, {uunet!attcan,utzoo}!telly!evan
12/04  416-461-2608   tmsoft      Toronto             ON  3/12/24/96  24
  NS32016, Sys5r2, shell; news+mail $30/mo, general-timesharing $60/mo
  All newsgroups.  Willing to setup mail/news connections.
  Contact: Dave Mason <mason@tmsoft> / Login: newuser
07/21  416-654-8854   ziebmef     Toronto             ON  3/12/24/96  24
  AT&T 3B1, Sys V, shell, news, mail, no fee (donations accepted)
  Carries most newsgroups (willing to add extra ones on request)
  Telebit access, willing to give mail feeds
  Contact: Chris Siebenmann, {utzoo!telly,ncrcan}!ziebmef!cks
08/13  502-968-5401   disk        Louisville          KY  3/12     24
  386 clone, Microport System V, 600 meg.  6 lines 5401 thru 5406.
  rarrying most USENET groups, Shell access, games, downloads,
  multi-user chat, and more.  Rate info available via a free trial
12/10  503-254-0458   bucket      Portland            OR  3/12/24  24
  Tektronix 6130, UTek 2.3(4.2BSD-derived).  Bit Bucket BBS publically
  available; login as 'bbs'.  BBS is message only.  Users intereseted in
  access to Unix should contact SYSOP via the BBS or send EMail to
  ..tektronix!tessi!bucket!rickb.  Unix services include USENET News,
  EMail, and all tools/games/utility access. Alternate dial-in lines
  available for Unix users.
05/03  503-640-4262^  agora       PDX                 OR  3/12/24  24
  Intel Xenix-286, $2/mo or $20/yr, news, mail, games, programming
  two lines with trunk-hunt, 4380 supports MNP level 3.
  Contact: Alan Batie, tektronix!tessi!agora!batie
10/08  512-346-2339   bigtex      Austin              TX  96       24
  Equip unknown, no shell, no fee, anonymous uucp ONLY, Telebit 9600/PEP
  mail & newsfeeds (limited) available.  Carries GNU software.
  anon login: nuucp NO PASSWD, file list /usr3/index
  Contact: ...!uunet!utastro!bigtex!james	
07/11  512-832-8835   rpp386      Austin              TX  12/24    24
  386 SYSV, no shell, no bbs, anonymous uucp file transfer site only, no fee
  uucp and kermit server available, login uucp or kermit NO PASSWD
05/03  516-872-2137   lilink      Long Island         NY  12/24    24
  80386/20 Mhz. , three lines, News/Mail/Shell access. Online games,
  conferencing, full program development system, full text processing.
  We carry ALL Usenet groups.  Dues are  $10/month (unlimited access).
  Accounts are filled by application/phone verification. Login: new
  Alternate numbers: 516-872-2138 & 516-872-2349
07/18  517-487-3356   lunapark    E. Lansing          MI  12/24    24
  Compaq 386/20 SCO-XENIX 2.3.1, lunabbs bulletin board & conferencing
  system, no fee, login: bbs  no password.  Primarily UNIX software
  with focus on TeX and Postscript, also some ATARI-ST and IBM-PC stuff
  2400/1200 --> 8 N 1
  Contact: ...!uunet!frith!lunapark!larry
12/04  518-346-8033   sixhub      upstate             NY  3/12/24  24
  PC Designs GV386.  hub machine of the upstate NY UNIX users group (*IX)
  two line reserved for incoming, bbs no fee, news & email fee $15/year
  Smorgasboard of BBS systems, UNaXcess and XBBS online,
  Citadel BBS now in production. Contact: davidsen@sixhub.uucp.
09/26  602-941-2005   xroads      Phoenix             AZ  12/24    24
  Motorola VME1121, UNIX 5.2, Crossroads BBS, Fee $30/yr + $.50/.25 (call)
  prime (evenings)/non-prime, USENET news, multi-chat, online games,
  movie reviews, adventure games, dos unix/xenix files for dload, multi lines
08/02  603-880-8120   ubbs-nh     Nashua              NH  3/12/24/96  24
  New England Unix Archive Site.  Multiple lines.  Services include E-Mail,
  full or partial news feeds.  XBBS access $25/year, User Accounts or News 
  Feeds available $60/year (1 hour/day) or $120/year (2 hours/day).
  Contact:  noel@ubbs-nh or {decvax}!ubbs-nh!noel or leave message on the
  bbs.  Voice:  603 595-2947
08/07  605-348-2738   loft386     Rapid City          SD  3/12/24/96  24
  80386 SYS V/386 Rel 3.2, Usenet mail/news via UUNET, UUNET archive access.
  NO BBS!  News feeds avaliable.  400 meg hd.  Fees: $10/month or $25/quarter.
  Call (605) 343-8760 and talk to Doug Ingraham to arrange an account or email
08/27  608-273-2657   madnix      Madison             WI  3/12/24  24
  286 SCO-XENIX, shell, no fee, USENET news, mail, login: newuser
  Contact: ray@madnix
08/13  612-473-2295   pnet51      Minneapolis         MN  3/12/24  24
  Equip ?, Xenix, multi-line, no fee, some Usenet news, email, multi-threaded
  conferencing, login: pnet id: new, PC Pursuitable
  UUCP: {rosevax, crash}!orbit!pnet51!admin
08/07  615-896-8716   raider      Murfreesboro        TN  12/24    24
  Tandy 4000 XENIX, XBBS, shell accounts, news and mail, newsfeeds
  available. Two line system; second dialup is 615-896-7905.
  Contact: root@raider.MFEE.TN.US (Bob Reineri); NO CHARGE.
07/11  616-457-1964   wybbs       Jenison             MI  3/12/24  24
  286 - SCO-XENIX 2.2.1, no fees, two lines, shell access, usenet news,
  150 meg storage, XBBS, interests: ham radio, xenix
  AKA: Consultants Connection  Contact: danielw@wybbs.UUCP
  Alternate phone #: 616-457-9909 (max 1200 baud)
07/31  619-444-7006^  pnet01      El Cajon            CA  3/12/24  24
  BSD Unix, 3 lines, login: pnet id: new, some USENET, email, conferencing 
  Home of P-Net software, mail to crash!bblue or pnet01!bblue for info.
  Contributions requested
  Unix accounts available for regulars, PC Pursuit access 2/88.
10/03  703-281-7997^  grebyn      Vienna              VA  3/12/24/96  24
  Vax/Ultrix.  $25/month.  GNU EMACS, USENET, PC/BLUE archives, Telebit on 7998
  and 7999, archives, Ada repository, comp.sources.(misc,unix,games) archives, 
  net.sources archives, 3 C compilers, Ada compiler,  500MB disk, multiple lines
03/16  713-334-1204   nuchat      Houston             TX  3/12/24  24
  286 - Mport USENET, mail, shell access available 120 meg 
07/11  713-438-5018   sugar       Houston             TX  3/12/24/96  24
  386/AT (2) networked - Bell Technologies V/386, usenet, news, downloads
  Homegrown BBS software, Trailblazer+ access, currently no charges
12/10  714-635-2863   dhw68k      Anaheim             CA  12/24    24
  Unistride 2.1, no fee, also 714-385-1915, Trailblazer on both lines,
  USENET News, /bin/sh or /bin/csh available
05/03  714-662-7450   turnkey     Inglewood           CA  12/24    24
  286 - Xenix SYSV, XBBS
05/26  714-842-5851   conexch     Santa Ana           CA  3/12/24  24
  386 - SCO Xenix - Free Unix guest login and PC-DOS bbs login, one
  hour inital time limit, USENET news, shell access granted on request &
  $25/quarter donation.  Anon uucp: ogin: nuucp  NO PASSWD.  List of
  available Unix files resides in /usr3/public/FILES.
08/11  714-894-2246   stanton     Irvine              CA  3/12/24  24
  286 - SCO Xenix - donation requested, limit 240 min, XBBS, USENET news
  UNIX access granted on request through BBS, 20$/year, access includes
  C development system (XENIX/MSDOS), PROCALC 1-2-3 clone, FOXBASE+
  anon uucp: ogin: nuucp, no word, 2400/1200/300 MNP supported
12/04  714-898-8634^  alphacm     Cypress             CA  12/24/96  24
  386 - SCO-XENIX, no fee, Home of XBBS, 90 minute per login, 4 lines,
  9600 baud via MicroComm/Hayes (v.29)
    uucp-anon:  ogin: nuucp  NO PASSWD
05/08  719-632-4111   chariot     Colo Sprgs          CO  3/12     24
  Convrgnt Minifrme - SYS V, multiple lines, fee $12/mo Picospan
08/13  801-943-7947^  i-core      Salt Lake City      UT  3/12/24/96  24
  286 SYS V, Unidel BBS, a.k.a. Bitsko's Bar & Grill, no limit, no fee,
  UseNet and Citadel feeds available, home of Unidel BBS, Telebit 19200 used
  Contact: ken@i-core.UUCP or uunet!iconsys!caeco!i-core!ken
12/04  802-865-3614   tnl         Burlington          VT  3/12/24  24
  80386 w/ SCO XENIX. No Fee.  2 hr session limit.  XBBS/USENET, shell.
  Login as 'new' for a shell account, no validation.  AKA: Northern Lights.
08/19  813-952-1981   usource     Sarasota            FL  12/24    -24
  386 - SCO-XENIX, fee depends on services provided, no fee for bbs. New users
  subscribe by logging in as 'help' or 'newuser' (no password).  Primary
  purpose is technical forum. 6pm-8am M-Th, 24 hrs weeekends (6pm Fri-8am Mon)
  uucp-anon: 1200/2400 bps --> ogin: auucp  word: gateway
  uucp-anon directory: /usr/spool/uucppublic; contact: frank@usource.UUCP
08/25  814-333-6728   sir-alan    Meadville           PA  3/12/24  24
  Tandy XENIX/68000 03.01.02, Allegheny College, UNaXcess BBS
  uucp-anon: ogin: pdsrc  NO PASSWD
  uucp-anon directory: /usr/spool/pdsrc/all.subjects 
  Telebit TB+ available at 814 337 0894, now operating.
  Contact: sir-alan!mikes 
05/16  814-337-3159   oncoast     Meadville           PA  3/12/24/96  24
  Tandy 12/6000, no fee, no bbs, archive site, USR HST 9600, cycle 24/96/12
  vols 1 - 13 of mod.sources/comp.sources.unix, comp.sources.misc
  New stuff on sir-alan, older on oncoast. 2 uucp logins "uucp" and "pdsrc"
  files list =  /usr/spool/uucppublic/my.directory or /usr/spool/pdsrc/
06/17  818-884-7821   chief       Woodland Hills      CA  3/12     24
  286 - SCO XENIX 2.2.1, no fee, XBBS, interests: coins & coin investments 
  No file transfers
  Contact: ...!srhqla!chief!lance
09/02  916-649-0161   sactoh0     Sacramento          CA  12/24/96  24
  3B2/310 SYSV.2, SAC_UNIX;  $2/month, limit 90 min, 2 lines, TB on line,
  2400/1200 baud on 916-722-6519;  USENET, E-Mail, Games;  login: new
  Contact: ..pacbell!sactoh0!sysop
08/03  919-493-7111^  wolves      Durham              NC  3/12/24  24
  AMS 386/25 - UNIX SysVr3.2, XBBS, no fee for bbs.  Rates for UNIX access
  and USENET are being determined.  Developing yet another UNIX bbs (ideas
  welcome!)  Single line, telebit coming soon.
  Contact: wolves!ggw or wolves!sysop  [...duke!dukcds!wolves!...]
NOTE:  ^ means the site is reachable using PC Pursuit.
This list is maintained by Phil Eschallier on lgnp1.  Any additions,
deletions, or corrections should be sent to one of the addresses below.
The nixpub listings are kept as current as possible.  However, you use this
data at your own risk and cost -- all standard disclaimers apply!!!
      Lists available from lgnp1 via anonomous uucp.
                            +1 215 348 9727 [Telebit access]
                     login: nuucp  NO PWD   [no rmail permitted]
                 this list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub
                short list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub.short
      or from news groups pubnet.nixpub and comp.misc ...
E-MAIL ...
  uucp: ..!uunet!lgnp1!{ phile | nixpub }
    or: { phile | nixpub }@LS.Com
   CIS: 71076,1576
  COMPAQ, IBM, PC Pursuit, [SCO] XENIX, UNIX, etc. are trademarks of the
  respective companies.

nixpub@lgnp1.LS.COM (NIXPUB Coordinator) (09/03/89)

                          nixpub short listing
     Open Access UNIX (*NIX) Sites [Fee / No Fee] for mapped sites only
                          [ September 2, 1989 ]

Systems listed (68)
Legend: fee/contribution ($), no fee (-$), hours (24), not (-24)
        shell (S), USENET news (N), email (M), multiple lines (T) 
        Telebit 9600 bps on main number (+P), Telebit on other line[s] (P)
        Courier 9600 bps on main number (+H), Courier on other line[s] (H) 
        anonymous uucp (A), archive site ONLY - see long form list (@)
        @~ = anonymous uucp archive site listed in ANONIX (mike@cpmain)
        Dialable thru PC Pursuit (^)

Date * Telephone #    Sys-name   Location          Baud        Legend
-----  ------------   --------   -----------       -------     ---------
89/08  201-846-2460^  althea     New Brunswic  NJ  3/12/24     24 -$ M N S 
10/08  212-420-0527   magpie     NYC           NY  3/12/24/96  24 -$ T P
08/19  212-675-7059   marob      NYC           NY  12/24       24 -$ A
89/05  212-879-9031^  dasys1     NYC           NY  12/24       24 $ S N M T
88/11  213-376-5714   pnet02     Redondo Bch   CA  3/12/24     24 -$ N T
89/09  213-397-3137^  stb        Santa Monica  CA  3/12/24     24 -$ S A
88/11  213-459-5891   amazing    Pac Palisade  CA  3/12/24     24 $ T
07/31  214-247-2367   ozdaltx    Dallas        TX  3/12/24     24 $ N T
89/07  214-741-2130   attctc     Dallas        TX  3/12/24     24 -$ N M S T A
89/07  215-348-9727   lgnp1      Doylestown    PA  3/12/24/96  24 -$ A M N +P S 
89/09  216-582-2441   ncoast     Cleveland     OH  12/24/96    24 $ S N M P T
08/14  217-529-3223   pallas     Springfield   IL  3/12/24     24 $ T
89/03  312-272-5912^  igloo      Northbrook    IL  12/24/96    24 -$ S N T P
08/14  312-283-0559^  chinet     Chicago       IL  3/12/24     24 $ N T
89/07  312-301-2100^  jolnet     Joliet        IL  3/12/24     24 -$ +P M N S T
08/11  312-566-8911^  ddsw1      Mundelein     IL  3/12/24/96  24 $ S N M T A P
89/05  312-833-8126^  vpnet      Villa Park    IL  12/24/96    24 -$ +P M N S 
88/12  312-927-1885^  atrium     Chicago       IL  3/12        24 -$ T
89/04  313-623-6309   nucleus    Clarkston     MI  12/24       24 $ S N M
88/11  313-994-6333   m-net      Ann Arbor     MI  3/12        24 $ T
89/08  313-996-4644^  anet       Ann Arbor     MI  3/12        24 $ T
89/08  314-474-4581   gensis     Columbia      MO  3/12/24/96  24 -$ M S 
89/08  404-321-5020^  jdyx       Atlanta       GA  12/24       24 $ M N +P
05/16  407-380-6228   rtmvax     Orlando       FL  3/12/24     24 -$ N M
04/04  408-247-4810   sharks     Santa Clara   CA  3/12        24 $ S N M T
05/07  408-725-0561   portal     Cupertino     CA  3/12/24     24 $ -S N M T
89/02  408-997-9119^  netcom     San Jose      CA  3/12/24/96  24 $ M N S
06/07  412-431-8649   eklektik   Pittsburg     PA  3/12        24 $ S N M 
89/08  415-332-6106^  well       Sausalito     CA  12/24       24 $ M N S T
06/09  415-582-7691   cpro       Hayward       CA  12/24       24 -$ S
89/07  415-753-5265^  wet        San Francisc  CA  3/12/24     24 $ M N S T
89/05  415-783-2543   esfenn     Hayward       CA  3/12/24     24 -$ M N S 
89/01  416-452-0926   telly      Brampton      ON  12/24/96    +P 24 $ M N
88/12  416-461-2608   tmsoft     Toronto       ON  3/12/24/96  24 $ S M N
89/07  416-654-8854   ziebmef    Toronto       ON  3/12/24/96  24 +P M N S T
89/08  502-968-5401   disk       Louisville    KY  3/12        24 $ M N S T
88/12  503-254-0458   bucket     Portland      OR  3/12/24     24 -$ N M T
89/05  503-640-4262^  agora      PDX           OR  3/12/24     24 $ M N S T
10/08  512-346-2339   bigtex     Austin        TX  96          +P 24 -S -$ A @~
89/07  512-832-8835   rpp386     Austin        TX  12/24       24 @ -$ -S A T
89/05  516-872-2137   lilink     Long Island   NY  12/24       24 $ M N S T
89/07  517-487-3356   lunapark   E. Lansing    MI  12/24       24 -$
88/12  518-346-8033   sixhub     upstate       NY  3/12/24     24 $ S N M T
09/26  602-941-2005   xroads     Phoenix       AZ  3/12/24     24 $ N T
89/08  603-880-8120   ubbs-nh    Nashua        NH  3/12/24/96  24 -$ M N +P S T
89/08  605-348-2738   loft386    Rapid City    SD  3/12/24/96  24 $ M N +P S 
08/27  608-273-2657   madnix     Madison       WI  3/12/24     24 -$ S N M
89/08  612-473-2295   pnet51     Minneapolis   MN  3/12/24     24 -$ N M T
89/08  615-896-8716   raider     Murfreesboro  TN  12/24       24 -$ S N M T
89/07  616-457-1964   wybbs      Jenison       MI  3/12/24     24 -$ S N T
07/31  619-444-7006^  pnet01     El Cajon      CA  3/12/24     24 $ N M S T
10/03  703-281-7997^  grebyn     Vienna        VA  3/12/24/96  24 $ N M T P
03/16  713-334-1204   nuchat     Houston       TX  3/12/24     24 S N M
89/07  713-438-5018   sugar      Houston       TX  3/12/24/96  24 -$ N +P
88/12  714-635-2863   dhw68k     Anaheim       CA  12/24       24 -$ T
89/05  714-662-7450   turnkey    Inglewood     CA  12/24       24 -$
89/05  714-842-5851   conexch    Santa Ana     CA  3/12/24     24 $ A M N S
08/11  714-894-2246   stanton    Irvine        CA  3/12/24     24 $ S N
88/12  714-898-8634^  alphacm    Cypress       CA  12/24/96    24 -$ T H A
05/08  719-632-4111   chariot    Colo Sprgs    CO  3/12        24 $ T
89/08  801-943-7947^  i-core     Salt Lake Ci  UT  3/12/24/96  +P 24 -$ A N
06/05  802-865-3614   tnl        Burlington    VT  3/12/24     24 -$ S N M
08/19  813-952-1981   usource    Sarasota      FL  12/24       -24 -$ A
08/25  814-333-6728   sir-alan   Meadville     PA  3/12/24     24 -$ A P
05/16  814-337-3159   oncoast    Meadville     PA  3/12/24/96  +H 24 @ -$ -S A
06/17  818-884-7821   chief      Woodland Hil  CA  3/12        24 -$
89/09  916-649-0161   sactoh0    Sacramento    CA  12/24/96    24 $ M N +P S T
89/08  919-493-7111^  wolves     Durham        NC  3/12/24     24 $ M N S 
NOTE:  ^ means the site is reachable using PC Pursuit.
       * means sites contacted in the new year.
This list is maintained by Phil Eschallier on lgnp1.  Any additions,
deletions, or corrections should be sent to one of the addresses below.
The nixpub listings are kept as current as possible.  However, you use this
data at your own risk and cost -- all standard disclaimers apply!!!
      Lists available from lgnp1 via anonomous uucp.
                            +1 215 348 9727 [Telebit access]
                     login: nuucp  NO PWD   [no rmail permitted]
                 this list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub.short
                 long list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub
      or from news groups pubnet.nixpub and comp.misc ...
E-MAIL ...
  uucp: ..!uunet!lgnp1!{ phile | nixpub }
    or: { phile | nixpub }@LS.Com
  COMPAQ, IBM, PC Pursuit, [SCO] XENIX, UNIX, etc. are trademarks of the
  respective companies.

nixpub@lgnp1.LS.COM (NIXPUB Coordinator) (09/23/89)

                          nixpub long listing
     Open Access UNIX (*NIX) Sites [Fee / No Fee] for mapped sites only
                         [ September 22, 1989 ]

Systems listed (69):
 [  agora, alphacm, althea, amazing, anet, atrium, attctc, bigtex, bucket   ]
 [  chariot, chief, chinet, conexch, cpro, dasys1, ddsw1, dhw68k, disk      ]
 [  eklektik, esfenn, gensis, grebyn, i-core, igloo, jdyx, jolnet, lgnp1    ]
 [  lilink, loft386, lunapark, m-net, madnix, magpie, marob, ncoast, netcom ]
 [  nuchat, nucleus, oncoast, ozdaltx, pallas, pnet01, pnet02, pnet51       ]
 [  portal, raider, rpp386, rtmvax, sactoh0, sharks, sir-alan, sixhub       ]
 [  stanton, stb, sugar, telly, tmsoft, tnl, turnkey, ubbs-nh, usource      ]
 [  uuwest, vpnet, well, wet, wolves, wybbs, xroads, ziebmef                ]

Date   Telephone #    Sys-name    Location                Baud        Hours
-----  ------------   --------    -----------             -------     -----

08/07  201-846-2460^  althea      New Brunswick       NJ  3/12/24  24
  AT&T 3B2/310 - Unix SVR3.1, no fee.  USENET, email, C development,
  games.  Single line.
  Contact: rjd@althea.UUCP (Robert Diamond)
10/08  212-420-0527   magpie      NYC                 NY  3/12/24/96  24
  ? - UNIX SYSV - 2, Magpie BBS, no fee, Authors: Magpie/UNIX,/MSDOS
  two lines plus anonymous uucp: 212-677-9487 (9600 bps Telebit modem)
  NOTE: 9487 reserved for registered Magpie sysops & anon uucp
  Contact: Steve Manes, {rutgers|cmcl2|uunet}!hombre!magpie!manes	
08/19  212-675-7059   marob       NYC                 NY  3/12/24  24
  386 SCO-XENIX 2.2, XBBS, magpie bbs, no fee, limit 60 min
  Telebit Trailblazer (9600 PEP) only 212-675-8438
  Contact:  {philabs|rutgers|cmcl2}!{phri|hombre}!marob!clifford
05/26  212-879-9031^  dasys1      NYC                 NY  12/24    24
  Unistride - SYS V, multiple lines, fee $5/mo  AKA Big Electric Cat
  USENET, games, multi-user chat, email, login: new, passwd: new
  Contact: ...!rutgers!cmcl2!rsweeney or rsweeney@dasys1.UUCP
09/22  213-376-5714^  pnet02      Redondo Bch         CA  3/12/24  24
  XENIX (also 213-374-7404) no fee, 90 min limit, login: pnet id: new
  some USENET, net-work e-mail, multi-threaded conferencing
09/02  213-397-3137^  stb         Santa Monica        CA  3/12/24  24
  AT&T 3b1;  BBS and shell access;  uucp-anon: ogin: uucp NO PASSWD
  3 line on rotory -3137 2400 baud.
03/19  213-459-5891   amazing     Pacific Palisades   CA  3/12/24  24
  AMT 286 - Microport  David's Amazing BBS  Fee $7.50/month;$35/6;$60/year
  5 lines on rotary; Unique original software with conferencing, electronic
  bar, matchmaking, no file up/downloading
07/31  214-247-2367   ozdaltx     Dallas              TX  3/12/24  24
  INTEC/SCO XENIX 2.2.1, OZ BBS, Membership only adult BBS, fee $40
  year. Multiple lines.  Closed system, carries limited USENET
  newsgroups. Login: guest (no PW).  Voice verification on all new users.
07/23  214-824-7881   attctc      Dallas              TX  3/12/24  24
  3b2/522 - UNIX, no fee, various time limits, 8 lines 2.8 GB online
  uucp-anon --> 214-741-2130  ogin: uupdsrc word: Public
  uucp-anon info in: /bbsys4/README     (Formerly node name killer)
09/22  215-348-9727   lgnp1       Doylestown          PA  3/12/24/96  24
  SCO-XENIX -- Telebit access.  No fee, Shell accounts available.
  Services include E-mail, USENET News, and PD downloads, NO BBS!!
  Home of the Nixpub lists.  Contact: phile@ls.com.
    anon-uucp: nuucp  NO PWD  (download /usr/spool/uucppublic/PD_FILES)
09/02  216-582-2441   ncoast      Cleveland           OH  12/24/96  24
  80386 Mylex, SCO Xenix;  600 meg. storage;  XBBS and Shell;  USENET
  (newsfeeds available), E-Mail; donations requested; login as "bbs"
  for BBS and "makeuser" for new users.
  Telebit used on 216-237-5486.
08/14  217-529-3223   pallas      Springfield         IL  3/12/24  24
  Convrgnt Minifrme, multiple lines, 200 meg Minnie bbs $25 donation
03/04  312-272-5912^  igloo       Northbrook          IL  12/24/96  24
  PC clone/microport   no limit/no fee                  AKCS bbs
  full usenet   read access/all  post access/limited   112megs HD
  2 lines rotary, 9600 telebit on 272-5917   rsh till validation   
  Contact: igloo!learn 
08/14  312-283-0559^  chinet      Chicago             IL  3/12/24  24
  3b2/300 - SYS V 3.1, multiple lines, Picospan BBS, system & BBS free
  Extra phone lines and usenet, $50/yr.
07/11  312-301-2100^  jolnet      Joliet/Orland Pk    IL  3/12/24  24
  3b2/400 - Unix, public access and contributions, No fee for postnews.
  5 lines  AKCS bbs.  Free Newsfeeds available.  ~450 MB online storage.
  Free Shell and Usenet access.  Telebit Trailblazer access (2104).
  Telenet access. 
08/11  312-566-8911^  ddsw1       Mundelein           IL  3/12/24/96  24
  Televideo 386 -SCO XENIX 386, guest usr 1 hr daily, fee extends use
  AKCS bbs, fee $30/6 months $50/year, Authors of AKCS bbs
  multiple lines, 9600 bps available, anonymous uucp, ~/README for info
  Contact: Karl Denninger (...!ddsw1!karl) Voice: (312) 566-8910
05/05  312-833-8126^  vpnet       Villa Park          IL  12/24/96  24
  386 Clone - Interactive 386/ix R2.0 (3.2), no fee. Akcs linked bbs
  including several Usenet conf's. No charge for shells. Trailblazer. 
  Mail lisbon@vpnet.UUCP
12/23  312-927-1885^  atrium      Chicago             IL  3/12     24
  3B1 UNIX SYS V.2, Chicago MM, no fee, no limit, multiple lines,
  national pen-pal service, login: mm, other lines: 927-1886, -1887
  Contact: gatech!petro!ucmsa!atrium!sysop
04/27  313-623-6309   nucleus     Clarkston           MI  12/24    24
  286 - Unix System V, no fee. Shell access, full usenet access, online games,
  AKCS conferencing system, some public domain sources online, extensive tape
  library of public domain source code
02/20  313-994-6333   m-net       Ann Arbor           MI  3/12     24
  Altos 68020 - SYS III, limits unstated, fee for extended service
  Picospan conference system, multiple lines, 160 meg, packet radio
08/03  313-996-4644^  anet        Ann Arbor           MI  3/12     24
  Altos 68000 - Sys III, no limits, 1st month free, fees range up to $20/
  month (negotiable), accepts equipment/software in lieu of fees, Picospan
  conferencing, 120M, non-profit, user-supported, community-based, ideal
  autodidact educational system.  Tax-deductible donations okay.
08/28  314-474-4581   gensis      Columbia            MO  3/12/24/48/96  24
  Gateway 386 system w/ SCO Xenix V/386, DataFlex, Oracle, CHARM, & VP/ix.
  No fee.  Online gaming, game design, and (oddly enough) data base design
  are the main focus.  Modem is Microcom MNP 6.
08/09  404-321-5020^  jdyx        Atlanta             GA  12/24/96  24
  386/ix.  XBBS, usenet. Features Usenet (alt,gnu,most comp), and current
  Usenet sources.  Interests: 386/ix, ray-tracing, graphics.   Yearly fee
  for downloads, Usenet.  Telebit access.
  Contact: ...gatech!emory!jdyx!tpf (Tom Friedel)
05/16  407-380-6228   rtmvax      Orlando             FL  3/12/24  24
  mVAX-I - Ultrix-32 V1.2  USENET & UUCP Email Gateway. XBBS front end for
  new user subscribing. No Fees. Primary function is Technical exchange.
  Contact: { cbosgd!codas, hoptoad!peora }!rtmvax!rob 
09/22  408-245-7726^  uuwest      Sunnyvale           CA  3/12/24  24
  SCO-XENIX, Waffle. No fee, USENET news (news.*, music, comics, telecom, etc)
  The Dark Side of the Moon BBS. This system has been in operation since 1985.
  Login: new Contact: (UUCP) ames!uuwest!request (Domain) request@darkside.com
04/04  408-247-4810   sharks      Santa Clara         CA  3/12     24
  Altos 886/80/80  - XENIX 3.2f AKA: Shark's Head BBS,  BBCS Network
  Multiple lines,no fee for non-members,members $25 year
  Restricted sh access and UUCP/Usenet access for advanced members
05/07  408-725-0561   portal      Cupertino           CA  3/12/24  24
  Networked Suns (SunOS), multiple lines, Telenet access, no shell access
  fees: $10/month + Telenet charges (if used) @ various rates/times
  conferencing, multi user chats, usenet 
02/24  408-997-9119^  netcom      San Jose            CA  3/12/24/96  24
  Unix System V -- Shell Access [Bourne, Korn, C-Shell], BBS, USENET,
  Languages: C, Lisp, Prolog, Clips, (Ada soon), $10 / month, login as
  'guest' no password.  Contact netcom!bobr.
06/07  412-431-8649   eklektik    Pittsburg           PA  3/12     24
  UNIX PC- SYSV - UNaXcess BBS, new system - donation requested for shell,
  login: bbs for BBS, uucp-mail, limited Usenet news feeds.  Gaming SIGS.
  Contact:  ...!gatech!emoryu1!eklektik!anthony
08/06  415-332-6106^  well        Sausalito           CA  12/24    24
  6-processor Sequent Balance (32032); UUCP and USENET access; multiple
  lines; access via CPN; PICOSPAN BBS; $5/hr flat rate
06/09  415-582-7691   cpro        Hayward             CA  12/24    24
  Microport SYSV 2, UNaXcess bbs, no fee, 60 min limit, shell access
07/30  415-753-5265^  wet         San Francisco       CA  3/12/24  24
  386 SYS V.3.  Wetware Diversions.  $15 registration, $0.01/minute.
  Public Access UNIX System:  uucp, PicoSpan bbs, full Usenet News,
  multiple lines, shell access.  Newusers get initial credit!
  contact:{ucsfcca|claris|hoptoad}!wet!cc (Christopher Cilley)
05/03  415-783-2543   esfenn      Hayward             CA  3/12/24  24
  System ????; USENET news; E-mail; No charges; Contact esfenn!william.
01/25  416-452-0926   telly       Brampton            ON  12/24/96  24
  286 Xenix; proprietary menu-based BBS includes Usenet site searching.
  News (all groups, incl biz, pubnet, gnu), mail (including to/from Internet),
  some archives.  Feeds available. Fee: $75(Cdn)/year.
  Contact: Evan Leibovitch, evan@telly.on.ca, {uunet!attcan,utzoo}!telly!evan
12/04  416-461-2608   tmsoft      Toronto             ON  3/12/24/96  24
  NS32016, Sys5r2, shell; news+mail $30/mo, general-timesharing $60/mo
  All newsgroups.  Willing to setup mail/news connections.
  Contact: Dave Mason <mason@tmsoft> / Login: newuser
07/21  416-654-8854   ziebmef     Toronto             ON  3/12/24/96  24
  AT&T 3B1, Sys V, shell, news, mail, no fee (donations accepted)
  Carries most newsgroups (willing to add extra ones on request)
  Telebit access, willing to give mail feeds
  Contact: Chris Siebenmann, {utzoo!telly,ncrcan}!ziebmef!cks
08/13  502-968-5401   disk        Louisville          KY  3/12     24
  386 clone, Microport System V, 600 meg.  6 lines 5401 thru 5406.
  rarrying most USENET groups, Shell access, games, downloads,
  multi-user chat, and more.  Rate info available via a free trial
12/10  503-254-0458   bucket      Portland            OR  3/12/24  24
  Tektronix 6130, UTek 2.3(4.2BSD-derived).  Bit Bucket BBS publically
  available; login as 'bbs'.  BBS is message only.  Users intereseted in
  access to Unix should contact SYSOP via the BBS or send EMail to
  ..tektronix!tessi!bucket!rickb.  Unix services include USENET News,
  EMail, and all tools/games/utility access. Alternate dial-in lines
  available for Unix users.
05/03  503-640-4262^  agora       PDX                 OR  3/12/24  24
  Intel Xenix-286, $2/mo or $20/yr, news, mail, games, programming
  two lines with trunk-hunt, 4380 supports MNP level 3.
  Contact: Alan Batie, tektronix!tessi!agora!batie
10/08  512-346-2339   bigtex      Austin              TX  96       24
  Equip unknown, no shell, no fee, anonymous uucp ONLY, Telebit 9600/PEP
  mail & newsfeeds (limited) available.  Carries GNU software.
  anon login: nuucp NO PASSWD, file list /usr3/index
  Contact: ...!uunet!utastro!bigtex!james	
07/11  512-832-8835   rpp386      Austin              TX  12/24    24
  386 SYSV, no shell, no bbs, anonymous uucp file transfer site only, no fee
  uucp and kermit server available, login uucp or kermit NO PASSWD
05/03  516-872-2137   lilink      Long Island         NY  12/24    24
  80386/20 Mhz. , three lines, News/Mail/Shell access. Online games,
  conferencing, full program development system, full text processing.
  We carry ALL Usenet groups.  Dues are  $10/month (unlimited access).
  Accounts are filled by application/phone verification. Login: new
  Alternate numbers: 516-872-2138 & 516-872-2349
07/18  517-487-3356   lunapark    E. Lansing          MI  12/24    24
  Compaq 386/20 SCO-XENIX 2.3.1, lunabbs bulletin board & conferencing
  system, no fee, login: bbs  no password.  Primarily UNIX software
  with focus on TeX and Postscript, also some ATARI-ST and IBM-PC stuff
  2400/1200 --> 8 N 1
  Contact: ...!uunet!frith!lunapark!larry
12/04  518-346-8033   sixhub      upstate             NY  3/12/24  24
  PC Designs GV386.  hub machine of the upstate NY UNIX users group (*IX)
  two line reserved for incoming, bbs no fee, news & email fee $15/year
  Smorgasboard of BBS systems, UNaXcess and XBBS online,
  Citadel BBS now in production. Contact: davidsen@sixhub.uucp.
09/26  602-941-2005   xroads      Phoenix             AZ  12/24    24
  Motorola VME1121, UNIX 5.2, Crossroads BBS, Fee $30/yr + $.50/.25 (call)
  prime (evenings)/non-prime, USENET news, multi-chat, online games,
  movie reviews, adventure games, dos unix/xenix files for dload, multi lines
08/02  603-880-8120   ubbs-nh     Nashua              NH  3/12/24/96  24
  New England Unix Archive Site.  Multiple lines.  Services include E-Mail,
  full or partial news feeds.  XBBS access $25/year, User Accounts or News 
  Feeds available $60/year (1 hour/day) or $120/year (2 hours/day).
  Contact:  noel@ubbs-nh or {decvax}!ubbs-nh!noel or leave message on the
  bbs.  Voice:  603 595-2947
08/07  605-348-2738   loft386     Rapid City          SD  3/12/24/96  24
  80386 SYS V/386 Rel 3.2, Usenet mail/news via UUNET, UUNET archive access.
  NO BBS!  News feeds avaliable.  400 meg hd.  Fees: $10/month or $25/quarter.
  Call (605) 343-8760 and talk to Doug Ingraham to arrange an account or email
08/27  608-273-2657   madnix      Madison             WI  3/12/24  24
  286 SCO-XENIX, shell, no fee, USENET news, mail, login: newuser
  Contact: ray@madnix
08/13  612-473-2295   pnet51      Minneapolis         MN  3/12/24  24
  Equip ?, Xenix, multi-line, no fee, some Usenet news, email, multi-threaded
  conferencing, login: pnet id: new, PC Pursuitable
  UUCP: {rosevax, crash}!orbit!pnet51!admin
08/07  615-896-8716   raider      Murfreesboro        TN  12/24    24
  Tandy 4000 XENIX, XBBS, shell accounts, news and mail, newsfeeds
  available. Two line system; second dialup is 615-896-7905.
  Contact: root@raider.MFEE.TN.US (Bob Reineri); NO CHARGE.
07/11  616-457-1964   wybbs       Jenison             MI  3/12/24  24
  286 - SCO-XENIX 2.2.1, no fees, two lines, shell access, usenet news,
  150 meg storage, XBBS, interests: ham radio, xenix
  AKA: Consultants Connection  Contact: danielw@wybbs.UUCP
  Alternate phone #: 616-457-9909 (max 1200 baud)
07/31  619-444-7006^  pnet01      El Cajon            CA  3/12/24  24
  BSD Unix, 3 lines, login: pnet id: new, some USENET, email, conferencing 
  Home of P-Net software, mail to crash!bblue or pnet01!bblue for info.
  Contributions requested
  Unix accounts available for regulars, PC Pursuit access 2/88.
10/03  703-281-7997^  grebyn      Vienna              VA  3/12/24/96  24
  Vax/Ultrix.  $25/month.  GNU EMACS, USENET, PC/BLUE archives, Telebit on 7998
  and 7999, archives, Ada repository, comp.sources.(misc,unix,games) archives, 
  net.sources archives, 3 C compilers, Ada compiler,  500MB disk, multiple lines
03/16  713-334-1204   nuchat      Houston             TX  3/12/24  24
  286 - Mport USENET, mail, shell access available 120 meg 
07/11  713-438-5018   sugar       Houston             TX  3/12/24/96  24
  386/AT (2) networked - Bell Technologies V/386, usenet, news, downloads
  Homegrown BBS software, Trailblazer+ access, currently no charges
12/10  714-635-2863   dhw68k      Anaheim             CA  12/24    24
  Unistride 2.1, no fee, also 714-385-1915, Trailblazer on both lines,
  USENET News, /bin/sh or /bin/csh available
05/03  714-662-7450   turnkey     Inglewood           CA  12/24    24
  286 - Xenix SYSV, XBBS
05/26  714-842-5851   conexch     Santa Ana           CA  3/12/24  24
  386 - SCO Xenix - Free Unix guest login and PC-DOS bbs login, one
  hour inital time limit, USENET news, shell access granted on request &
  $25/quarter donation.  Anon uucp: ogin: nuucp  NO PASSWD.  List of
  available Unix files resides in /usr3/public/FILES.
08/11  714-894-2246   stanton     Irvine              CA  3/12/24  24
  286 - SCO Xenix - donation requested, limit 240 min, XBBS, USENET news
  UNIX access granted on request through BBS, 20$/year, access includes
  C development system (XENIX/MSDOS), PROCALC 1-2-3 clone, FOXBASE+
  anon uucp: ogin: nuucp, no word, 2400/1200/300 MNP supported
12/04  714-898-8634^  alphacm     Cypress             CA  12/24/96  24
  386 - SCO-XENIX, no fee, Home of XBBS, 90 minute per login, 4 lines,
  9600 baud via MicroComm/Hayes (v.29)
    uucp-anon:  ogin: nuucp  NO PASSWD
05/08  719-632-4111   chariot     Colo Sprgs          CO  3/12     24
  Convrgnt Minifrme - SYS V, multiple lines, fee $12/mo Picospan
08/13  801-943-7947^  i-core      Salt Lake City      UT  3/12/24/96  24
  286 SYS V, Unidel BBS, a.k.a. Bitsko's Bar & Grill, no limit, no fee,
  UseNet and Citadel feeds available, home of Unidel BBS, Telebit 19200 used
  Contact: ken@i-core.UUCP or uunet!iconsys!caeco!i-core!ken
12/04  802-865-3614   tnl         Burlington          VT  3/12/24  24
  80386 w/ SCO XENIX. No Fee.  2 hr session limit.  XBBS/USENET, shell.
  Login as 'new' for a shell account, no validation.  AKA: Northern Lights.
08/19  813-952-1981   usource     Sarasota            FL  12/24    -24
  386 - SCO-XENIX, fee depends on services provided, no fee for bbs. New users
  subscribe by logging in as 'help' or 'newuser' (no password).  Primary
  purpose is technical forum. 6pm-8am M-Th, 24 hrs weeekends (6pm Fri-8am Mon)
  uucp-anon: 1200/2400 bps --> ogin: auucp  word: gateway
  uucp-anon directory: /usr/spool/uucppublic; contact: frank@usource.UUCP
08/25  814-333-6728   sir-alan    Meadville           PA  3/12/24  24
  Tandy XENIX/68000 03.01.02, Allegheny College, UNaXcess BBS
  uucp-anon: ogin: pdsrc  NO PASSWD
  uucp-anon directory: /usr/spool/pdsrc/all.subjects 
  Telebit TB+ available at 814 337 0894, now operating.
  Contact: sir-alan!mikes 
05/16  814-337-3159   oncoast     Meadville           PA  3/12/24/96  24
  Tandy 12/6000, no fee, no bbs, archive site, USR HST 9600, cycle 24/96/12
  vols 1 - 13 of mod.sources/comp.sources.unix, comp.sources.misc
  New stuff on sir-alan, older on oncoast. 2 uucp logins "uucp" and "pdsrc"
  files list =  /usr/spool/uucppublic/my.directory or /usr/spool/pdsrc/
06/17  818-884-7821   chief       Woodland Hills      CA  3/12     24
  286 - SCO XENIX 2.2.1, no fee, XBBS, interests: coins & coin investments 
  No file transfers
  Contact: ...!srhqla!chief!lance
09/02  916-649-0161   sactoh0     Sacramento          CA  12/24/96  24
  3B2/310 SYSV.2, SAC_UNIX;  $2/month, limit 90 min, 2 lines, TB on line,
  2400/1200 baud on 916-722-6519;  USENET, E-Mail, Games;  login: new
  Contact: ..pacbell!sactoh0!sysop
08/03  919-493-7111^  wolves      Durham              NC  3/12/24  24
  AMS 386/25 - UNIX SysVr3.2, XBBS, no fee for bbs.  Rates for UNIX access
  and USENET are being determined.  Developing yet another UNIX bbs (ideas
  welcome!)  Single line, telebit coming soon.
  Contact: wolves!ggw or wolves!sysop  [...duke!dukcds!wolves!...]
NOTE:  ^ means the site is reachable using PC Pursuit.
This list is maintained by Phil Eschallier on lgnp1.  Any additions,
deletions, or corrections should be sent to one of the addresses below.
The nixpub listings are kept as current as possible.  However, you use this
data at your own risk and cost -- all standard disclaimers apply!!!
      Lists available from lgnp1 via anonomous uucp.
                            +1 215 348 9727 [Telebit access]
                     login: nuucp  NO PWD   [no rmail permitted]
                 this list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub
                short list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub.short
      or from news groups pubnet.nixpub and comp.misc ...
E-MAIL ...
  uucp: ..!uunet!lgnp1!{ phile | nixpub }
    or: { phile | nixpub }@LS.Com
   CIS: 71076,1576
  COMPAQ, IBM, PC Pursuit, [SCO] XENIX, UNIX, etc. are trademarks of the
  respective companies.

nixpub@lgnp1.LS.COM (NIXPUB Coordinator) (09/23/89)

                          nixpub short listing
     Open Access UNIX (*NIX) Sites [Fee / No Fee] for mapped sites only
                         [ September 22, 1989 ]

Systems listed (69)
Legend: fee/contribution ($), no fee (-$), hours (24), not (-24)
        shell (S), USENET news (N), email (M), multiple lines (T) 
        Telebit 9600 bps on main number (+P), Telebit on other line[s] (P)
        Courier 9600 bps on main number (+H), Courier on other line[s] (H) 
        anonymous uucp (A), archive site ONLY - see long form list (@)
        @~ = anonymous uucp archive site listed in ANONIX (mike@cpmain)
        Dialable thru PC Pursuit (^)

Date * Telephone #    Sys-name   Location          Baud        Legend
-----  ------------   --------   -----------       -------     ---------
89/08  201-846-2460^  althea     New Brunswic  NJ  3/12/24     24 -$ M N S 
10/08  212-420-0527   magpie     NYC           NY  3/12/24/96  24 -$ T P
08/19  212-675-7059   marob      NYC           NY  12/24       24 -$ A
89/05  212-879-9031^  dasys1     NYC           NY  12/24       24 $ S N M T
89/09  213-376-5714^  pnet02     Redondo Bch   CA  3/12/24     24 -$ M N T
89/09  213-397-3137^  stb        Santa Monica  CA  3/12/24     24 -$ S A
88/11  213-459-5891   amazing    Pac Palisade  CA  3/12/24     24 $ T
07/31  214-247-2367   ozdaltx    Dallas        TX  3/12/24     24 $ N T
89/07  214-741-2130   attctc     Dallas        TX  3/12/24     24 -$ N M S T A
89/09  215-348-9727   lgnp1      Doylestown    PA  3/12/24/96  24 -$ A M N +P S 
89/09  216-582-2441   ncoast     Cleveland     OH  12/24/96    24 $ S N M P T
08/14  217-529-3223   pallas     Springfield   IL  3/12/24     24 $ T
89/03  312-272-5912^  igloo      Northbrook    IL  12/24/96    24 -$ S N T P
08/14  312-283-0559^  chinet     Chicago       IL  3/12/24     24 $ N T
89/07  312-301-2100^  jolnet     Joliet        IL  3/12/24     24 -$ +P M N S T
08/11  312-566-8911^  ddsw1      Mundelein     IL  3/12/24/96  24 $ S N M T A P
89/05  312-833-8126^  vpnet      Villa Park    IL  12/24/96    24 -$ +P M N S 
88/12  312-927-1885^  atrium     Chicago       IL  3/12        24 -$ T
89/04  313-623-6309   nucleus    Clarkston     MI  12/24       24 $ S N M
88/11  313-994-6333   m-net      Ann Arbor     MI  3/12        24 $ T
89/08  313-996-4644^  anet       Ann Arbor     MI  3/12        24 $ T
89/08  314-474-4581   gensis     Columbia      MO  3/12/24/96  24 -$ M S 
89/08  404-321-5020^  jdyx       Atlanta       GA  12/24       24 $ M N +P
05/16  407-380-6228   rtmvax     Orlando       FL  3/12/24     24 -$ N M
89/09  408-245-7726^  uuwest     Sunnyvale     CA  3/12/24     24 -$ N
04/04  408-247-4810   sharks     Santa Clara   CA  3/12        24 $ S N M T
05/07  408-725-0561   portal     Cupertino     CA  3/12/24     24 $ -S N M T
89/02  408-997-9119^  netcom     San Jose      CA  3/12/24/96  24 $ M N S
06/07  412-431-8649   eklektik   Pittsburg     PA  3/12        24 $ S N M 
89/08  415-332-6106^  well       Sausalito     CA  12/24       24 $ M N S T
06/09  415-582-7691   cpro       Hayward       CA  12/24       24 -$ S
89/07  415-753-5265^  wet        San Francisc  CA  3/12/24     24 $ M N S T
89/05  415-783-2543   esfenn     Hayward       CA  3/12/24     24 -$ M N S 
89/01  416-452-0926   telly      Brampton      ON  12/24/96    +P 24 $ M N
88/12  416-461-2608   tmsoft     Toronto       ON  3/12/24/96  24 $ S M N
89/07  416-654-8854   ziebmef    Toronto       ON  3/12/24/96  24 +P M N S T
89/08  502-968-5401   disk       Louisville    KY  3/12        24 $ M N S T
88/12  503-254-0458   bucket     Portland      OR  3/12/24     24 -$ N M T
89/05  503-640-4262^  agora      PDX           OR  3/12/24     24 $ M N S T
10/08  512-346-2339   bigtex     Austin        TX  96          +P 24 -S -$ A @~
89/07  512-832-8835   rpp386     Austin        TX  12/24       24 @ -$ -S A T
89/05  516-872-2137   lilink     Long Island   NY  12/24       24 $ M N S T
89/07  517-487-3356   lunapark   E. Lansing    MI  12/24       24 -$
88/12  518-346-8033   sixhub     upstate       NY  3/12/24     24 $ S N M T
09/26  602-941-2005   xroads     Phoenix       AZ  3/12/24     24 $ N T
89/08  603-880-8120   ubbs-nh    Nashua        NH  3/12/24/96  24 -$ M N +P S T
89/08  605-348-2738   loft386    Rapid City    SD  3/12/24/96  24 $ M N +P S 
08/27  608-273-2657   madnix     Madison       WI  3/12/24     24 -$ S N M
89/08  612-473-2295   pnet51     Minneapolis   MN  3/12/24     24 -$ N M T
89/08  615-896-8716   raider     Murfreesboro  TN  12/24       24 -$ S N M T
89/07  616-457-1964   wybbs      Jenison       MI  3/12/24     24 -$ S N T
07/31  619-444-7006^  pnet01     El Cajon      CA  3/12/24     24 $ N M S T
10/03  703-281-7997^  grebyn     Vienna        VA  3/12/24/96  24 $ N M T P
03/16  713-334-1204   nuchat     Houston       TX  3/12/24     24 S N M
89/07  713-438-5018   sugar      Houston       TX  3/12/24/96  24 -$ N +P
88/12  714-635-2863   dhw68k     Anaheim       CA  12/24       24 -$ T
89/05  714-662-7450   turnkey    Inglewood     CA  12/24       24 -$
89/05  714-842-5851   conexch    Santa Ana     CA  3/12/24     24 $ A M N S
08/11  714-894-2246   stanton    Irvine        CA  3/12/24     24 $ S N
88/12  714-898-8634^  alphacm    Cypress       CA  12/24/96    24 -$ T H A
05/08  719-632-4111   chariot    Colo Sprgs    CO  3/12        24 $ T
89/08  801-943-7947^  i-core     Salt Lake Ci  UT  3/12/24/96  +P 24 -$ A N
06/05  802-865-3614   tnl        Burlington    VT  3/12/24     24 -$ S N M
08/19  813-952-1981   usource    Sarasota      FL  12/24       -24 -$ A
08/25  814-333-6728   sir-alan   Meadville     PA  3/12/24     24 -$ A P
05/16  814-337-3159   oncoast    Meadville     PA  3/12/24/96  +H 24 @ -$ -S A
06/17  818-884-7821   chief      Woodland Hil  CA  3/12        24 -$
89/09  916-649-0161   sactoh0    Sacramento    CA  12/24/96    24 $ M N +P S T
89/08  919-493-7111^  wolves     Durham        NC  3/12/24     24 $ M N S 
NOTE:  ^ means the site is reachable using PC Pursuit.
       * means sites contacted in the new year.
This list is maintained by Phil Eschallier on lgnp1.  Any additions,
deletions, or corrections should be sent to one of the addresses below.
The nixpub listings are kept as current as possible.  However, you use this
data at your own risk and cost -- all standard disclaimers apply!!!
      Lists available from lgnp1 via anonomous uucp.
                            +1 215 348 9727 [Telebit access]
                     login: nuucp  NO PWD   [no rmail permitted]
                 this list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub.short
                 long list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub
      or from news groups pubnet.nixpub and comp.misc ...
E-MAIL ...
  uucp: ..!uunet!lgnp1!{ phile | nixpub }
    or: { phile | nixpub }@LS.Com
  COMPAQ, IBM, PC Pursuit, [SCO] XENIX, UNIX, etc. are trademarks of the
  respective companies.

nixpub@lgnp1.LS.COM (NIXPUB Coordinator) (10/20/89)

                          nixpub long listing
     Open Access UNIX (*NIX) Sites [Fee / No Fee] for mapped sites only
                         [ October 19, 1989 ]

Systems listed (70):
 [  agora, alphacm, althea, amazing, anet, attctc, bigtex, bucket, chariot  ]
 [  chief, chinet, cinnet, conexch, cpro, dasys1, ddsw1, dhw68k, disk       ]
 [  eklektik, esfenn, gensis, grebyn, i-core, igloo, jdyx, jolnet, lgnp1    ]
 [  lilink, loft386, lunapark, m-net, madnix, magpie, marob, ncoast, netcom ]
 [  nuchat, nucleus, oncoast, ozdaltx, pallas, pnet01, pnet02, pnet51       ]
 [  point, portal, raider, rpp386, rtmvax, sactoh0, sharks, sir-alan        ]
 [  sixhub, stanton, stb, sugar, telly, tmsoft, tnl, turnkey, ubbs-nh       ]
 [  usource, uuwest, vpnet, well, wet, wolves, wybbs, xroads, ziebmef       ]

Date   Telephone #    Sys-name    Location                Baud        Hours
-----  ------------   --------    -----------             -------     -----

08/89  201-846-2460^  althea      New Brunswick       NJ  3/12/24  24
  AT&T 3B2/310 - Unix SVR3.1, no fee.  USENET, email, C development,
  games.  Single line.
  Contact: rjd@althea.UUCP (Robert Diamond)
10/89  212-420-0527   magpie      NYC                 NY  3/12/24/96  24
  ? - UNIX SYSV - 2, Magpie BBS, no fee, Authors: Magpie/UNIX,/MSDOS
  two lines plus anonymous uucp: 212-677-9487 (9600 bps Telebit modem)
  NOTE: 9487 reserved for registered Magpie sysops & anon uucp
  Contact: Steve Manes, {rutgers|cmcl2|uunet}!hombre!magpie!manes	
10/89  212-675-7059   marob       NYC                 NY  3/12/24  24
  386 SCO-XENIX 2.2, XBBS, magpie bbs, no fee, limit 60 min
  Telebit Trailblazer (9600 PEP) only 212-675-8438
  Contact:  {philabs|rutgers|cmcl2}!{phri|hombre}!marob!clifford
05/89  212-879-9031^  dasys1      NYC                 NY  12/24    24
  Unistride - SYS V, multiple lines, fee $5/mo  AKA Big Electric Cat
  USENET, games, multi-user chat, email, login: new, passwd: new
  Contact: ...!rutgers!cmcl2!rsweeney or rsweeney@dasys1.UUCP
09/89  213-376-5714^  pnet02      Redondo Bch         CA  3/12/24  24
  XENIX (also 213-374-7404) no fee, 90 min limit, login: pnet id: new
  some USENET, net-work e-mail, multi-threaded conferencing
09/89  213-397-3137^  stb         Santa Monica        CA  3/12/24  24
  AT&T 3b1;  BBS and shell access;  uucp-anon: ogin: uucp NO PASSWD
  3 line on rotory -3137 2400 baud.
03/88  213-459-5891   amazing     Pacific Palisades   CA  3/12/24  24
  AMT 286 - Microport  David's Amazing BBS  Fee $7.50/month;$35/6;$60/year
  5 lines on rotary; Unique original software with conferencing, electronic
  bar, matchmaking, no file up/downloading
07/88  214-247-2367   ozdaltx     Dallas              TX  3/12/24  24
  INTEC/SCO XENIX 2.2.1, OZ BBS, Membership only adult BBS, fee $40
  year. Multiple lines.  Closed system, carries limited USENET
  newsgroups. Login: guest (no PW).  Voice verification on all new users.
07/89  214-824-7881   attctc      Dallas              TX  3/12/24  24
  3b2/522 - UNIX, no fee, various time limits, 8 lines 2.8 GB online
  uucp-anon --> 214-741-2130  ogin: uupdsrc word: Public
  uucp-anon info in: /bbsys4/README     (Formerly node name killer)
10/89  215-348-9727   lgnp1       Doylestown          PA  3/12/24/96  24
  SCO-XENIX -- Telebit access.  No fee, some shell accounts available.
  Services include E-mail, USENET News, and PD downloads, NO BBS!!
  Home of the Nixpub lists.  Contact: phile@ls.com.
    anon-uucp: nuucp  NO PWD  (download /usr/spool/uucppublic/PD_FILES)
09/89  216-582-2441   ncoast      Cleveland           OH  12/24/96  24
  80386 Mylex, SCO Xenix;  600 meg. storage;  XBBS and Shell;  USENET
  (newsfeeds available), E-Mail; donations requested; login as "bbs"
  for BBS and "makeuser" for new users.
  Telebit used on 216-237-5486.
08/88  217-529-3223   pallas      Springfield         IL  3/12/24  24
  Convrgnt Minifrme, multiple lines, 200 meg Minnie bbs $25 donation
03/89  312-272-5912^  igloo       Northbrook          IL  12/24/96  24
  PC clone/microport   no limit/no fee                  AKCS bbs
  full usenet   read access/all  post access/limited   112megs HD
  2 lines rotary, 9600 telebit on 272-5917   rsh till validation   
  Contact: igloo!learn 
08/88  312-283-0559^  chinet      Chicago             IL  3/12/24  24
  3b2/300 - SYS V 3.1, multiple lines, Picospan BBS, system & BBS free
  Extra phone lines and usenet, $50/yr.
07/89  312-301-2100^  jolnet      Joliet              IL  3/12/24  24
  3b2/400 - Unix, public access and contributions, No fee for postnews.
  5 lines  AKCS bbs.  Free Newsfeeds available.  ~450 MB online storage.
  Free Shell and Usenet access.  Telebit Trailblazer access (2104).
  Telenet access. 
10/89  312-338-0632^  point       Chicago             IL  3/12/24/96  24
  North Shore / Rogers Park area of Chicago.  386 - ISC 2.01 (SysV3.2),
  multiple lines, Telebit PEP on 338-3261, USRobotics HST on 338-1036,
  AKCS bbs, some usenet conferences available.  200+ MB online storage.
  Downloads, full usenet & shell access in the works.
08/88  312-566-8911^  ddsw1       Mundelein           IL  3/12/24/96  24
  Televideo 386 -SCO XENIX 386, guest usr 1 hr daily, fee extends use
  AKCS bbs, fee $30/6 months $50/year, Authors of AKCS bbs
  multiple lines, 9600 bps available, anonymous uucp, ~/README for info
  Contact: Karl Denninger (...!ddsw1!karl) Voice: (312) 566-8910
05/89  312-833-8126^  vpnet       Villa Park          IL  12/24/96  24
  386 Clone - Interactive 386/ix R2.0 (3.2), no fee. Akcs linked bbs
  including several Usenet conf's. No charge for shells. Trailblazer. 
  Mail lisbon@vpnet.UUCP
04/89  313-623-6309   nucleus     Clarkston           MI  12/24    24
  286 - Unix System V, no fee. Shell access, full usenet access, online games,
  AKCS conferencing system, some public domain sources online, extensive tape
  library of public domain source code
02/88  313-994-6333   m-net       Ann Arbor           MI  3/12     24
  Altos 68020 - SYS III, limits unstated, fee for extended service
  Picospan conference system, multiple lines, 160 meg, packet radio
08/89  313-996-4644^  anet        Ann Arbor           MI  3/12     24
  Altos 68000 - Sys III, no limits, 1st month free, fees range up to $20/
  month (negotiable), accepts equipment/software in lieu of fees, Picospan
  conferencing, 120M, non-profit, user-supported, community-based, ideal
  autodidact educational system.  Tax-deductible donations okay.
08/89  314-474-4581   gensis      Columbia            MO  3/12/24/48/96  24
  Gateway 386 system w/ SCO Xenix V/386, DataFlex, Oracle, CHARM, & VP/ix.
  No fee.  Online gaming, game design, and (oddly enough) data base design
  are the main focus.  Modem is Microcom MNP 6.
10/89  404-321-5020^  jdyx        Atlanta             GA  12/24/96  24
  386/ix 2.0.2.  XBBS. Usenet (alt, gnu, most comp and a few others) and 
  shell access.  Second line (2400 below) (404) 325-1719.  200+ meg current
  Usenet and GNU sources.  Specializing in graphics and ray-tracing under 
  386/ix (with/with out X11).  Yearly fee for shell and/or downloads.  
  Telebit access.  Contact: ...gatech!emory!jdyx!tpf (Tom Friedel)
05/88  407-380-6228   rtmvax      Orlando             FL  3/12/24  24
  mVAX-I - Ultrix-32 V1.2  USENET & UUCP Email Gateway. XBBS front end for
  new user subscribing. No Fees. Primary function is Technical exchange.
  Contact: { cbosgd!codas, hoptoad!peora }!rtmvax!rob 
09/89  408-245-7726^  uuwest      Sunnyvale           CA  3/12/24  24
  SCO-XENIX, Waffle. No fee, USENET news (news.*, music, comics, telecom, etc)
  The Dark Side of the Moon BBS. This system has been in operation since 1985.
  Login: new Contact: (UUCP) ames!uuwest!request (Domain) request@darkside.com
04/88  408-247-4810   sharks      Santa Clara         CA  3/12     24
  Altos 886/80/80  - XENIX 3.2f AKA: Shark's Head BBS,  BBCS Network
  Multiple lines,no fee for non-members,members $25 year
  Restricted sh access and UUCP/Usenet access for advanced members
10/89  408-725-0561^  portal      Cupertino           CA  3/12/24  24
  Networked Suns (SunOS), multiple lines, Telenet access, no shell access
  fees: $10/month + Telenet charges (if used) @ various rates/times
  conferencing, multi user chats, usenet 
02/89  408-997-9119^  netcom      San Jose            CA  3/12/24/96  24
  Unix System V -- Shell Access [Bourne, Korn, C-Shell], BBS, USENET,
  Languages: C, Lisp, Prolog, Clips, (Ada soon), $10 / month, login as
  'guest' no password.  Contact netcom!bobr.
10/89  412-431-8649   eklektik    Pittsburgh          PA  3/12/24  24
  UNIX PC- SYSV - UNaXcess BBS, new system - donation requested for shell,
  login: bbs for BBS, uucp-mail, limited Usenet news feeds.  Gaming SIGS.
  Contact:  ...!gatech!emoryu1!eklektik!anthony
10/89  415-332-6106^  well        Sausalito           CA  12/24    6-processor Sequent Balance (32032); UUCP and USENET access; multiple
  lines; access via CPN; PICOSPAN BBS; $3/hour.  Contact (415) 332-4335
06/88  415-582-7691   cpro        Hayward             CA  12/24    24
  Microport SYSV 2, UNaXcess bbs, no fee, 60 min limit, shell access
07/89  415-753-5265^  wet         San Francisco       CA  3/12/24  24
  386 SYS V.3.  Wetware Diversions.  $15 registration, $0.01/minute.
  Public Access UNIX System:  uucp, PicoSpan bbs, full Usenet News,
  multiple lines, shell access.  Newusers get initial credit!
  contact:{ucsfcca|claris|hoptoad}!wet!cc (Christopher Cilley)
05/89  415-783-2543   esfenn      Hayward             CA  3/12/24  24
  System ????; USENET news; E-mail; No charges; Contact esfenn!william.
01/89  416-452-0926   telly       Brampton            ON  12/24/96  24
  286 Xenix; proprietary menu-based BBS includes Usenet site searching.
  News (all groups, incl biz, pubnet, gnu), mail (including to/from Internet),
  some archives.  Feeds available. Fee: $75(Cdn)/year.
  Contact: Evan Leibovitch, evan@telly.on.ca, {uunet!attcan,utzoo}!telly!evan
12/88  416-461-2608   tmsoft      Toronto             ON  3/12/24/96  24
  NS32016, Sys5r2, shell; news+mail $30/mo, general-timesharing $60/mo
  All newsgroups.  Willing to setup mail/news connections.
  Contact: Dave Mason <mason@tmsoft> / Login: newuser
07/89  416-654-8854   ziebmef     Toronto             ON  3/12/24/96  24
  AT&T 3B1, Sys V, shell, news, mail, no fee (donations accepted)
  Carries most newsgroups (willing to add extra ones on request)
  Telebit access, willing to give mail feeds
  Contact: Chris Siebenmann, {utzoo!telly,ncrcan}!ziebmef!cks
08/89  502-968-5401   disk        Louisville          KY  3/12     24
  386 clone, Microport System V, 600 meg.  6 lines 5401 thru 5406.
  rarrying most USENET groups, Shell access, games, downloads,
  multi-user chat, and more.  Rate info available via a free trial
12/88  503-254-0458   bucket      Portland            OR  3/12/24  24
  Tektronix 6130, UTek 2.3(4.2BSD-derived).  Bit Bucket BBS publically
  available; login as 'bbs'.  BBS is message only.  Users intereseted in
  access to Unix should contact SYSOP via the BBS or send EMail to
  ..tektronix!tessi!bucket!rickb.  Unix services include USENET News,
  EMail, and all tools/games/utility access. Alternate dial-in lines
  available for Unix users.
05/89  503-640-4262^  agora       PDX                 OR  3/12/24  24
  Intel Xenix-286, $2/mo or $20/yr, news, mail, games, programming
  two lines with trunk-hunt, 4380 supports MNP level 3.
  Contact: Alan Batie, tektronix!tessi!agora!batie
10/88  512-346-2339   bigtex      Austin              TX  96       24
  Equip unknown, no shell, no fee, anonymous uucp ONLY, Telebit 9600/PEP
  mail & newsfeeds (limited) available.  Carries GNU software.
  anon login: nuucp NO PASSWD, file list /usr3/index
  Contact: ...!uunet!utastro!bigtex!james	
07/89  512-832-8835   rpp386      Austin              TX  12/24    24
  386 SYSV, no shell, no bbs, anonymous uucp file transfer site only, no fee
  uucp and kermit server available, login uucp or kermit NO PASSWD
10/89  513-779-9812   cinnet      Cincinnati          OH  12/24/96  24
  80386, ISC 386/ix 2.02, Telebit access, 1 line; $7.50/Month; shell
  access, Usenet access; news feeds available;
  login: newact password: new user to register for shell access
05/89  516-872-2137   lilink      Long Island         NY  12/24    24
  80386/20 Mhz. , three lines, News/Mail/Shell access. Online games,
  conferencing, full program development system, full text processing.
  We carry ALL Usenet groups.  Dues are  $10/month (unlimited access).
  Accounts are filled by application/phone verification. Login: new
  Alternate numbers: 516-872-2138 & 516-872-2349
07/89  517-487-3356   lunapark    E. Lansing          MI  12/24    24
  Compaq 386/20 SCO-XENIX 2.3.1, lunabbs bulletin board & conferencing
  system, no fee, login: bbs  no password.  Primarily UNIX software
  with focus on TeX and Postscript, also some ATARI-ST and IBM-PC stuff
  2400/1200 --> 8 N 1
  Contact: ...!uunet!frith!lunapark!larry
12/88  518-346-8033   sixhub      upstate             NY  3/12/24  24
  PC Designs GV386.  hub machine of the upstate NY UNIX users group (*IX)
  two line reserved for incoming, bbs no fee, news & email fee $15/year
  Smorgasboard of BBS systems, UNaXcess and XBBS online,
  Citadel BBS now in production. Contact: davidsen@sixhub.uucp.
09/88  602-941-2005   xroads      Phoenix             AZ  12/24    24
  Motorola VME1121, UNIX 5.2, Crossroads BBS, Fee $30/yr + $.50/.25 (call)
  prime (evenings)/non-prime, USENET news, multi-chat, online games,
  movie reviews, adventure games, dos unix/xenix files for dload, multi lines
08/89  603-880-8120   ubbs-nh     Nashua              NH  3/12/24/96  24
  New England Unix Archive Site.  Multiple lines.  Services include E-Mail,
  full or partial news feeds.  XBBS access $25/year, User Accounts or News 
  Feeds available $60/year (1 hour/day) or $120/year (2 hours/day).
  Contact:  noel@ubbs-nh or {decvax}!ubbs-nh!noel or leave message on the
  bbs.  Voice:  603 595-2947
08/89  605-348-2738   loft386     Rapid City          SD  3/12/24/96  24
  80386 SYS V/386 Rel 3.2, Usenet mail/news via UUNET, UUNET archive access.
  NO BBS!  News feeds avaliable.  400 meg hd.  Fees: $10/month or $25/quarter.
  Call (605) 343-8760 and talk to Doug Ingraham to arrange an account or email
08/88  608-273-2657   madnix      Madison             WI  3/12/24  24
  286 SCO-XENIX, shell, no fee, USENET news, mail, login: newuser
  Contact: ray@madnix
08/89  612-473-2295   pnet51      Minneapolis         MN  3/12/24  24
  Equip ?, Xenix, multi-line, no fee, some Usenet news, email, multi-threaded
  conferencing, login: pnet id: new, PC Pursuitable
  UUCP: {rosevax, crash}!orbit!pnet51!admin
08/89  615-896-8716   raider      Murfreesboro        TN  12/24    24
  Tandy 4000 XENIX, XBBS, shell accounts, news and mail, newsfeeds
  available. Two line system; second dialup is 615-896-7905.
  Contact: root@raider.MFEE.TN.US (Bob Reineri); NO CHARGE.
07/89  616-457-1964   wybbs       Jenison             MI  3/12/24  24
  286 - SCO-XENIX 2.2.1, no fees, two lines, shell access, usenet news,
  150 meg storage, XBBS, interests: ham radio, xenix
  AKA: Consultants Connection  Contact: danielw@wybbs.UUCP
  Alternate phone #: 616-457-9909 (max 1200 baud)
07/88  619-444-7006^  pnet01      El Cajon            CA  3/12/24  24
  BSD Unix, 3 lines, login: pnet id: new, some USENET, email, conferencing 
  Home of P-Net software, mail to crash!bblue or pnet01!bblue for info.
  Contributions requested
  Unix accounts available for regulars, PC Pursuit access 2/88.
10/88  703-281-7997^  grebyn      Vienna              VA  3/12/24/96  24
  Vax/Ultrix.  $25/month.  GNU EMACS, USENET, PC/BLUE archives, Telebit on 7998
  and 7999, archives, Ada repository, comp.sources.(misc,unix,games) archives, 
  net.sources archives, 3 C compilers, Ada compiler,  500MB disk, multiple lines
03/88  713-334-1204   nuchat      Houston             TX  3/12/24  24
  286 - Mport USENET, mail, shell access available 120 meg 
07/89  713-438-5018   sugar       Houston             TX  3/12/24/96  24
  386/AT (2) networked - Bell Technologies V/386, usenet, news, downloads
  Homegrown BBS software, Trailblazer+ access, currently no charges
12/88  714-635-2863   dhw68k      Anaheim             CA  12/24    24
  Unistride 2.1, no fee, also 714-385-1915, Trailblazer on both lines,
  USENET News, /bin/sh or /bin/csh available
05/89  714-662-7450   turnkey     Inglewood           CA  12/24    24
  286 - Xenix SYSV, XBBS
05/89  714-842-5851   conexch     Santa Ana           CA  3/12/24  24
  386 - SCO Xenix - Free Unix guest login and PC-DOS bbs login, one
  hour inital time limit, USENET news, shell access granted on request &
  $25/quarter donation.  Anon uucp: ogin: nuucp  NO PASSWD.  List of
  available Unix files resides in /usr3/public/FILES.
08/88  714-894-2246   stanton     Irvine              CA  3/12/24  24
  286 - SCO Xenix - donation requested, limit 240 min, XBBS, USENET news
  UNIX access granted on request through BBS, 20$/year, access includes
  C development system (XENIX/MSDOS), PROCALC 1-2-3 clone, FOXBASE+
  anon uucp: ogin: nuucp, no word, 2400/1200/300 MNP supported
12/88  714-898-8634^  alphacm     Cypress             CA  12/24/96  24
  386 - SCO-XENIX, no fee, Home of XBBS, 90 minute per login, 4 lines,
  9600 baud via MicroComm/Hayes (v.29)
    uucp-anon:  ogin: nuucp  NO PASSWD
05/88  719-632-4111   chariot     Colo Sprgs          CO  3/12     24
  Convrgnt Minifrme - SYS V, multiple lines, fee $12/mo Picospan
08/89  801-943-7947^  i-core      Salt Lake City      UT  3/12/24/96  24
  286 SYS V, Unidel BBS, a.k.a. Bitsko's Bar & Grill, no limit, no fee,
  UseNet and Citadel feeds available, home of Unidel BBS, Telebit 19200 used
  Contact: ken@i-core.UUCP or uunet!iconsys!caeco!i-core!ken
12/88  802-865-3614   tnl         Burlington          VT  3/12/24  24
  80386 w/ SCO XENIX. No Fee.  2 hr session limit.  XBBS/USENET, shell.
  Login as 'new' for a shell account, no validation.  AKA: Northern Lights.
08/88  813-952-1981   usource     Sarasota            FL  12/24    -24
  386 - SCO-XENIX, fee depends on services provided, no fee for bbs. New users
  subscribe by logging in as 'help' or 'newuser' (no password).  Primary
  purpose is technical forum. 6pm-8am M-Th, 24 hrs weeekends (6pm Fri-8am Mon)
  uucp-anon: 1200/2400 bps --> ogin: auucp  word: gateway
  uucp-anon directory: /usr/spool/uucppublic; contact: frank@usource.UUCP
08/88  814-333-6728   sir-alan    Meadville           PA  3/12/24  24
  Tandy XENIX/68000 03.01.02, Allegheny College, UNaXcess BBS
  uucp-anon: ogin: pdsrc  NO PASSWD
  uucp-anon directory: /usr/spool/pdsrc/all.subjects 
  Telebit TB+ available at 814 337 0894, now operating.
  Contact: sir-alan!mikes 
05/88  814-337-3159   oncoast     Meadville           PA  3/12/24/96  24
  Tandy 12/6000, no fee, no bbs, archive site, USR HST 9600, cycle 24/96/12
  vols 1 - 13 of mod.sources/comp.sources.unix, comp.sources.misc
  New stuff on sir-alan, older on oncoast. 2 uucp logins "uucp" and "pdsrc"
  files list =  /usr/spool/uucppublic/my.directory or /usr/spool/pdsrc/
06/88  818-884-7821   chief       Woodland Hills      CA  3/12     24
  286 - SCO XENIX 2.2.1, no fee, XBBS, interests: coins & coin investments 
  No file transfers
  Contact: ...!srhqla!chief!lance
09/89  916-649-0161   sactoh0     Sacramento          CA  12/24/96  24
  3B2/310 SYSV.2, SAC_UNIX;  $2/month, limit 90 min, 2 lines, TB on line,
  2400/1200 baud on 916-722-6519;  USENET, E-Mail, Games;  login: new
  Contact: ..pacbell!sactoh0!sysop
089  919-493-7111^  wolves      Durham              NC  3/12/24  24
  AMS 386/25 - UNIX SysVr3.2, XBBS, no fee for bbs.  Rates for UNIX access
  and USENET are being determined.  Developing yet another UNIX bbs (ideas
  welcome!)  Single line, telebit coming soon.
  Contact: wolves!ggw or wolves!sysop  [...duke!dukcds!wolves!...]
NOTE:  ^ means the site is reachable using PC Pursuit.
This list is maintained by Phil Eschallier on lgnp1.  Any additions,
deletions, or corrections should be sent to one of the addresses below.
The nixpub listings are kept as current as possible.  However, you use this
data at your own risk and cost -- all standard disclaimers apply!!!
      Lists available from lgnp1 via anonomous uucp.
                            +1 215 348 9727 [Telebit access]
                     login: nuucp  NO PWD   [no rmail permitted]
                 this list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub
                short list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub.short
      or from news groups pubnet.nixpub, comp.misc or alt.bbs.
E-MAIL ...
  uucp: ..!uunet!lgnp1!{ phile | nixpub }
    or: { phile | nixpub }@LS.COM
   CIS: 71076,1576
  COMPAQ, IBM, PC Pursuit, [SCO] XENIX, UNIX, etc. are trademarks of the
  respective companies.

nixpub@lgnp1.LS.COM (NIXPUB Coordinator) (10/20/89)

                          nixpub short listing
     Open Access UNIX (*NIX) Sites [Fee / No Fee] for mapped sites only
                          [ October 19, 1989 ]

Systems listed (70)
Legend: fee/contribution ($), no fee (-$), hours (24), not (-24)
        shell (S), USENET news (N), email (M), multiple lines (T) 
        Telebit 9600 bps on main number (+P), Telebit on other line[s] (P)
        Courier 9600 bps on main number (+H), Courier on other line[s] (H) 
        anonymous uucp (A), archive site ONLY - see long form list (@)
        @~ = anonymous uucp archive site listed in ANONIX (mike@cpmain)
        Dialable thru PC Pursuit (^)

Date   Telephone #    Sys-name   Location          Baud        Legend
-----  ------------   --------   -----------       -------     ---------
08/89  201-846-2460^  althea     New Brunswic  NJ  3/12/24     24 -$ M N S 
10/89  212-420-0527   magpie     NYC           NY  3/12/24/96  24 -$ T P
10/89  212-675-7059   marob      NYC           NY  12/24       24 -$ A
05/89  212-879-9031^  dasys1     NYC           NY  12/24       24 $ S N M T
09/89  213-376-5714^  pnet02     Redondo Bch   CA  3/12/24     24 -$ M N T
09/89  213-397-3137^  stb        Santa Monica  CA  3/12/24     24 -$ S A
11/88  213-459-5891   amazing    Pac Palisade  CA  3/12/24     24 $ T
07/88  214-247-2367   ozdaltx    Dallas        TX  3/12/24     24 $ N T
07/89  214-741-2130   attctc     Dallas        TX  3/12/24     24 -$ N M S T A
10/89  215-348-9727   lgnp1      Doylestown    PA  3/12/24/96  24 -$ A M N +P S 
09/89  216-582-2441   ncoast     Cleveland     OH  12/24/96    24 $ S N M P T
08/88  217-529-3223   pallas     Springfield   IL  3/12/24     24 $ T
03/89  312-272-5912^  igloo      Northbrook    IL  12/24/96    24 -$ S N T P
08/88  312-283-0559^  chinet     Chicago       IL  3/12/24     24 $ N T
07/89  312-301-2100^  jolnet     Joliet        IL  3/12/24     24 -$ +P M N S T
10/89  312-338-0632^  point      Chicago       IL  3/12/24/96  24 -$ N P S T
08/88  312-566-8911^  ddsw1      Mundelein     IL  3/12/24/96  24 $ S N M T A P
05/89  312-833-8126^  vpnet      Villa Park    IL  12/24/96    24 -$ +P M N S 
04/89  313-623-6309   nucleus    Clarkston     MI  12/24       24 $ S N M
11/88  313-994-6333   m-net      Ann Arbor     MI  3/12        24 $ T
08/89  313-996-4644^  anet       Ann Arbor     MI  3/12        24 $ T
08/89  314-474-4581   gensis     Columbia      MO  3/12/24/96  24 -$ M S 
10/89  404-321-5020^  jdyx       Atlanta       GA  12/24       24 $ M N +P S T
05/88  407-380-6228   rtmvax     Orlando       FL  3/12/24     24 -$ N M
09/89  408-245-7726^  uuwest     Sunnyvale     CA  3/12/24     24 -$ N
04/88  408-247-4810   sharks     Santa Clara   CA  3/12        24 $ S N M T
10/89  408-725-0561^  portal     Cupertino     CA  3/12/24     24 $ -S N M T
02/89  408-997-9119^  netcom     San Jose      CA  3/12/24/96  24 $ M N S
10/89  412-431-8649   eklektik   Pittsburgh    PA  3/12/24     24 $ S N M 
10/89  415-332-6106^  well       Sausalito     CA  12/24       24 $ M N S T
06/88  415-582-7691   cpro       Hayward       CA  12/24       24 -$ S
07/89  415-753-5265^  wet        San Francisc  CA  3/12/24     24 $ M N S T
05/89  415-783-2543   esfenn     Hayward       CA  3/12/24     24 -$ M N S 
01/89  416-452-0926   telly      Brampton      ON  12/24/96    +P 24 $ M N
12/88  416-461-2608   tmsoft     Toronto       ON  3/12/24/96  24 $ S M N
07/89  416-654-8854   ziebmef    Toronto       ON  3/12/24/96  24 +P M N S T
08/89  502-968-5401   disk       Louisville    KY  3/12        24 $ M N S T
12/88  503-254-0458   bucket     Portland      OR  3/12/24     24 -$ N M T
05/89  503-640-4262^  agora      PDX           OR  3/12/24     24 $ M N S T
10/88  512-346-2339   bigtex     Austin        TX  96          +P 24 -S -$ A @~
07/89  512-832-8835   rpp386     Austin        TX  12/24       24 @ -$ -S A T
10/89  513-779-9812   cinnet     Cincinnati    OH  12/24/96    24 -$ M N +P S 
05/89  516-872-2137   lilink     Long Island   NY  12/24       24 $ M N S T
07/89  517-487-3356   lunapark   E. Lansing    MI  12/24       24 -$
12/88  518-346-8033   sixhub     upstate       NY  3/12/24     24 $ S N M T
09/88  602-941-2005   xroads     Phoenix       AZ  3/12/24     24 $ N T
08/89  603-880-8120   ubbs-nh    Nashua        NH  3/12/24/96  24 -$ M N +P S T
08/89  605-348-2738   loft386    Rapid City    SD  3/12/24/96  24 $ M N +P S 
08/88  608-273-2657   madnix     Madison       WI  3/12/24     24 -$ S N M
08/89  612-473-2295   pnet51     Minneapolis   MN  3/12/24     24 -$ N M T
08/89  615-896-8716   raider     Murfreesboro  TN  12/24       24 -$ S N M T
07/89  616-457-1964   wybbs      Jenison       MI  3/12/24     24 -$ S N T
07/88  619-444-7006^  pnet01     El Cajon      CA  3/12/24     24 $ N M S T
10/88  703-281-7997^  grebyn     Vienna        VA  3/12/24/96  24 $ N M T P
03/88  713-334-1204   nuchat     Houston       TX  3/12/24     24 S N M
07/89  713-438-5018   sugar      Houston       TX  3/12/24/96  24 -$ N +P
12/88  714-635-2863   dhw68k     Anaheim       CA  12/24       24 -$ T
05/89  714-662-7450   turnkey    Inglewood     CA  12/24       24 -$
05/89  714-842-5851   conexch    Santa Ana     CA  3/12/24     24 $ A M N S
08/88  714-894-2246   stanton    Irvine        CA  3/12/24     24 $ S N
12/88  714-898-8634^  alphacm    Cypress       CA  12/24/96    24 -$ T H A
05/88  719-632-4111   chariot    Colo Sprgs    CO  3/12        24 $ T
08/89  801-943-7947^  i-core     Salt Lake Ci  UT  3/12/24/96  +P 24 -$ A N
06/88  802-865-3614   tnl        Burlington    VT  3/12/24     24 -$ S N M
08/88  813-952-1981   usource    Sarasota      FL  12/24       -24 -$ A
08/88  814-333-6728   sir-alan   Meadville     PA  3/12/24     24 -$ A P
05/88  814-337-3159   oncoast    Meadville     PA  3/12/24/96  +H 24 @ -$ -S A
06/88  818-884-7821   chief      Woodland Hil  CA  3/12        24 -$
09/89  916-649-0161   sactoh0    Sacramento    CA  12/24/96    24 $ M N +P S T
08/89  919-493-7111^  wolves     Durham        NC  3/12/24     24 $ M N S 
NOTE:  ^ means the site is reachable using PC Pursuit.
This list is maintained by Phil Eschallier on lgnp1.  Any additions,
deletions, or corrections should be sent to one of the addresses below.
The nixpub listings are kept as current as possible.  However, you use this
data at your own risk and cost -- all standard disclaimers apply!!!
      Lists available from lgnp1 via anonomous uucp.
                            +1 215 348 9727 [Telebit access]
                     login: nuucp  NO PWD   [no rmail permitted]
                 this list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub.short
                 long list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub
      or from news groups pubnet.nixpub, comp.misc or alt.bbs
E-MAIL ...
  uucp: ..!uunet!lgnp1!{ phile | nixpub }
    or: { phile | nixpub }@LS.COM
  COMPAQ, IBM, PC Pursuit, [SCO] XENIX, UNIX, etc. are trademarks of the
  respective companies.

nixpub@lgnp1.LS.COM (NIXPUB Coordinator) (10/26/89)

                          nixpub long listing
     Open Access UNIX (*NIX) Sites [Fee / No Fee] for mapped sites only
                         [ October 25, 1989 ]

Systems listed (73):
 [  agora, alphacm, althea, amazing, anet, attctc, bigtex, bucket, chariot  ]
 [  chief, chinet, cinnet, conch, conexch, cpro, dasys1, ddsw1, dhw68k      ]
 [  disk, eklektik, esfenn, gensis, grebyn, i-core, igloo, jdyx, jolnet     ]
 [  lgnp1, lilink, loft386, lunapark, m-net, madnix, magpie, marob, ncoast  ]
 [  netcom, nstar, nuchat, nucleus, oncoast, ozdaltx, pallas, pnet01        ]
 [  pnet02, pnet51, point, polari, portal, raider, rpp386, rtmvax, sactoh0  ]
 [  sharks, sir-alan, sixhub, stanton, stb, sugar, telly, tmsoft, tnl       ]
 [  turnkey, ubbs-nh, usource, uuwest, vpnet, well, wet, wolves, wybbs      ]
 [  xroads, ziebmef                                                         ]

Date   Telephone #    Sys-name    Location                Baud        Hours
-----  ------------   --------    -----------             -------     -----

08/89  201-846-2460^  althea      New Brunswick       NJ  3/12/24  24
  AT&T 3B2/310 - Unix SVR3.1, no fee.  USENET, email, C development,
  games.  Single line.
  Contact: rjd@althea.UUCP (Robert Diamond)
10/89  206-328-4944   polari      Seatle              WA  3/12     24
  Equip ???;  8-lines, Trailblazer on 206-328-1468;  $30/year (flat rate);
  Multi-user games, chat, full USENET.
  Contact: uunet!microsoft!happym!polari!bruceki
10/89  212-420-0527   magpie      NYC                 NY  3/12/24/96  24
  ? - UNIX SYSV - 2, Magpie BBS, no fee, Authors: Magpie/UNIX,/MSDOS
  two lines plus anonymous uucp: 212-677-9487 (9600 bps Telebit modem)
  NOTE: 9487 reserved for registered Magpie sysops & anon uucp
  Contact: Steve Manes, {rutgers|cmcl2|uunet}!hombre!magpie!manes	
10/89  212-675-7059   marob       NYC                 NY  3/12/24  24
  386 SCO-XENIX 2.2, XBBS, magpie bbs, no fee, limit 60 min
  Telebit Trailblazer (9600 PEP) only 212-675-8438
  Contact:  {philabs|rutgers|cmcl2}!{phri|hombre}!marob!clifford
05/89  212-879-9031^  dasys1      NYC                 NY  12/24    24
  Unistride - SYS V, multiple lines, fee $5/mo  AKA Big Electric Cat
  USENET, games, multi-user chat, email, login: new, passwd: new
  Contact: ...!rutgers!cmcl2!rsweeney or rsweeney@dasys1.UUCP
09/89  213-376-5714^  pnet02      Redondo Bch         CA  3/12/24  24
  XENIX (also 213-374-7404) no fee, 90 min limit, login: pnet id: new
  some USENET, net-work e-mail, multi-threaded conferencing
09/89  213-397-3137^  stb         Santa Monica        CA  3/12/24  24
  AT&T 3b1;  BBS and shell access;  uucp-anon: ogin: uucp NO PASSWD
  3 line on rotory -3137 2400 baud.
03/88  213-459-5891   amazing     Pacific Palisades   CA  3/12/24  24
  AMT 286 - Microport  David's Amazing BBS  Fee $7.50/month;$35/6;$60/year
  5 lines on rotary; Unique original software with conferencing, electronic
  bar, matchmaking, no file up/downloading
07/88  214-247-2367   ozdaltx     Dallas              TX  3/12/24  24
  INTEC/SCO XENIX 2.2.1, OZ BBS, Membership only adult BBS, fee $40
  year. Multiple lines.  Closed system, carries limited USENET
  newsgroups. Login: guest (no PW).  Voice verification on all new users.
07/89  214-824-7881   attctc      Dallas              TX  3/12/24  24
  3b2/522 - UNIX, no fee, various time limits, 8 lines 2.8 GB online
  uucp-anon --> 214-741-2130  ogin: uupdsrc word: Public
  uucp-anon info in: /bbsys4/README     (Formerly node name killer)
10/89  215-348-9727   lgnp1       Doylestown          PA  3/12/24/96  24
  SCO-XENIX -- Telebit access.  No fee, some shell accounts available.
  Services include E-mail, USENET News, and PD downloads, NO BBS!!
  Home of the Nixpub lists.  Contact: phile@ls.com.
    anon-uucp: nuucp  NO PWD  (download /usr/spool/uucppublic/PD_FILES)
09/89  216-582-2441   ncoast      Cleveland           OH  12/24/96  24
  80386 Mylex, SCO Xenix;  600 meg. storage;  XBBS and Shell;  USENET
  (newsfeeds available), E-Mail; donations requested; login as "bbs"
  for BBS and "makeuser" for new users.
  Telebit used on 216-237-5486.
08/88  217-529-3223   pallas      Springfield         IL  3/12/24  24
  Convrgnt Minifrme, multiple lines, 200 meg Minnie bbs $25 donation
10/89  219-289-0286   nstar       South Bend          IN  3/12/24/96  24
  Equip ???, UNIX 3.2; 300 Meg On-line; 4 lines at 9600 baud --
  (listed) - Hayes V-Series, (287-9020) - HST, (289-3745) - PEP;
  Full USENET, AKCS Software; Contact ..!iuvax!ndcheg!ndmath!nstar!larry
10/89  305-296-4370   conch       Key West            FL  3/12/24/96  24
  Fastet386, Uport 386; Trailblazer used; XBBS Software; No fee;
  Interests in *NIX, PC/MS-DOS, DGI/GIF graphics, games; First time
  callers have access to all (except USENET); Login as "bbs".
03/89  312-272-5912^  igloo       Northbrook          IL  12/24/96  24
  PC clone/microport   no limit/no fee                  AKCS bbs
  full usenet   read access/all  post access/limited   112megs HD
  2 lines rotary, 9600 telebit on 272-5917   rsh till validation   
  Contact: igloo!learn 
08/88  312-283-0559^  chinet      Chicago             IL  3/12/24  24
  3b2/300 - SYS V 3.1, multiple lines, Picospan BBS, system & BBS free
  Extra phone lines and usenet, $50/yr.
07/89  312-301-2100^  jolnet      Joliet              IL  3/12/24  24
  3b2/400 - Unix, public access and contributions, No fee for postnews.
  5 lines  AKCS bbs.  Free Newsfeeds available.  ~450 MB online storage.
  Free Shell and Usenet access.  Telebit Trailblazer access (2104).
  Telenet access. 
10/89  312-338-0632^  point       Chicago             IL  3/12/24/96  24
  North Shore / Rogers Park area of Chicago.  386 - ISC 2.01 (SysV3.2),
  multiple lines, Telebit PEP on 338-3261, USRobotics HST on 338-1036,
  AKCS bbs, some usenet conferences available.  200+ MB online storage.
  Downloads, full usenet & shell access in the works.
08/88  312-566-8911^  ddsw1       Mundelein           IL  3/12/24/96  24
  Televideo 386 -SCO XENIX 386, guest usr 1 hr daily, fee extends use
  AKCS bbs, fee $30/6 months $50/year, Authors of AKCS bbs
  multiple lines, 9600 bps available, anonymous uucp, ~/README for info
  Contact: Karl Denninger (...!ddsw1!karl) Voice: (312) 566-8910
05/89  312-833-8126^  vpnet       Villa Park          IL  12/24/96  24
  386 Clone - Interactive 386/ix R2.0 (3.2), no fee. Akcs linked bbs
  including several Usenet conf's. No charge for shells. Trailblazer. 
  Mail lisbon@vpnet.UUCP
04/89  313-623-6309   nucleus     Clarkston           MI  12/24    24
  286 - Unix System V, no fee. Shell access, full usenet access, online games,
  AKCS conferencing system, some public domain sources online, extensive tape
  library of public domain source code
02/88  313-994-6333   m-net       Ann Arbor           MI  3/12     24
  Altos 68020 - SYS III, limits unstated, fee for extended service
  Picospan conference system, multiple lines, 160 meg, packet radio
08/89  313-996-4644^  anet        Ann Arbor           MI  3/12     24
  Altos 68000 - Sys III, no limits, 1st month free, fees range up to $20/
  month (negotiable), accepts equipment/software in lieu of fees, Picospan
  conferencing, 120M, non-profit, user-supported, community-based, ideal
  autodidact educational system.  Tax-deductible donations okay.
08/89  314-474-4581   gensis      Columbia            MO  3/12/24/48/96  24
  Gateway 386 system w/ SCO Xenix V/386, DataFlex, Oracle, CHARM, & VP/ix.
  No fee.  Online gaming, game design, and (oddly enough) data base design
  are the main focus.  Modem is Microcom MNP 6.
10/89  404-321-5020^  jdyx        Atlanta             GA  12/24/96  24
  386/ix 2.0.2.  XBBS. Usenet (alt, gnu, most comp and a few others) and 
  shell access.  Second line (2400 below) (404) 325-1719.  200+ meg current
  Usenet and GNU sources.  Specializing in graphics and ray-tracing under 
  386/ix (with/with out X11).  Yearly fee for shell and/or downloads.  
  Telebit access.  Contact: ...gatech!emory!jdyx!tpf (Tom Friedel)
05/88  407-380-6228   rtmvax      Orlando             FL  3/12/24  24
  mVAX-I - Ultrix-32 V1.2  USENET & UUCP Email Gateway. XBBS front end for
  new user subscribing. No Fees. Primary function is Technical exchange.
  Contact: { cbosgd!codas, hoptoad!peora }!rtmvax!rob 
09/89  408-245-7726^  uuwest      Sunnyvale           CA  3/12/24  24
  SCO-XENIX, Waffle. No fee, USENET news (news.*, music, comics, telecom, etc)
  The Dark Side of the Moon BBS. This system has been in operation since 1985.
  Login: new Contact: (UUCP) ames!uuwest!request (Domain) request@darkside.com
04/88  408-247-4810   sharks      Santa Clara         CA  3/12     24
  Altos 886/80/80  - XENIX 3.2f AKA: Shark's Head BBS,  BBCS Network
  Multiple lines,no fee for non-members,members $25 year
  Restricted sh access and UUCP/Usenet access for advanced members
10/89  408-725-0561^  portal      Cupertino           CA  3/12/24  24
  Networked Suns (SunOS), multiple lines, Telenet access, no shell access
  fees: $10/month + Telenet charges (if used) @ various rates/times
  conferencing, multi user chats, usenet 
02/89  408-997-9119^  netcom      San Jose            CA  3/12/24/96  24
  Unix System V -- Shell Access [Bourne, Korn, C-Shell], BBS, USENET,
  Languages: C, Lisp, Prolog, Clips, (Ada soon), $10 / month, login as
  'guest' no password.  Contact netcom!bobr.
10/89  412-431-8649   eklektik    Pittsburgh          PA  3/12/24  24
  UNIX PC- SYSV - UNaXcess BBS, new system - donation requested for shell,
  login: bbs for BBS, uucp-mail, limited Usenet news feeds.  Gaming SIGS.
  Contact:  ...!gatech!emoryu1!eklektik!anthony
10/89  415-332-6106^  well        Sausalito           CA  12/24    6-processor Sequent Balance (32032); UUCP and USENET access; multiple
  lines; access via CPN; PICOSPAN BBS; $3/hour.  Contact (415) 332-4335
06/88  415-582-7691   cpro        Hayward             CA  12/24    24
  Microport SYSV 2, UNaXcess bbs, no fee, 60 min limit, shell access
07/89  415-753-5265^  wet         San Francisco       CA  3/12/24  24
  386 SYS V.3.  Wetware Diversions.  $15 registration, $0.01/minute.
  Public Access UNIX System:  uucp, PicoSpan bbs, full Usenet News,
  multiple lines, shell access.  Newusers get initial credit!
  contact:{ucsfcca|claris|hoptoad}!wet!cc (Christopher Cilley)
05/89  415-783-2543   esfenn      Hayward             CA  3/12/24  24
  System ????; USENET news; E-mail; No charges; Contact esfenn!william.
01/89  416-452-0926   telly       Brampton            ON  12/24/96  24
  286 Xenix; proprietary menu-based BBS includes Usenet site searching.
  News (all groups, incl biz, pubnet, gnu), mail (including to/from Internet),
  some archives.  Feeds available. Fee: $75(Cdn)/year.
  Contact: Evan Leibovitch, evan@telly.on.ca, {uunet!attcan,utzoo}!telly!evan
12/88  416-461-2608   tmsoft      Toronto             ON  3/12/24/96  24
  NS32016, Sys5r2, shell; news+mail $30/mo, general-timesharing $60/mo
  All newsgroups.  Willing to setup mail/news connections.
  Contact: Dave Mason <mason@tmsoft> / Login: newuser
07/89  416-654-8854   ziebmef     Toronto             ON  3/12/24/96  24
  AT&T 3B1, Sys V, shell, news, mail, no fee (donations accepted)
  Carries most newsgroups (willing to add extra ones on request)
  Telebit access, willing to give mail feeds
  Contact: Chris Siebenmann, {utzoo!telly,ncrcan}!ziebmef!cks
08/89  502-968-5401   disk        Louisville          KY  3/12     24
  386 clone, Microport System V, 600 meg.  6 lines 5401 thru 5406.
  rarrying most USENET groups, Shell access, games, downloads,
  multi-user chat, and more.  Rate info available via a free trial
12/88  503-254-0458   bucket      Portland            OR  3/12/24  24
  Tektronix 6130, UTek 2.3(4.2BSD-derived).  Bit Bucket BBS publically
  available; login as 'bbs'.  BBS is message only.  Users intereseted in
  access to Unix should contact SYSOP via the BBS or send EMail to
  ..tektronix!tessi!bucket!rickb.  Unix services include USENET News,
  EMail, and all tools/games/utility access. Alternate dial-in lines
  available for Unix users.
05/89  503-640-4262^  agora       PDX                 OR  3/12/24  24
  Intel Xenix-286, $2/mo or $20/yr, news, mail, games, programming
  two lines with trunk-hunt, 4380 supports MNP level 3.
  Contact: Alan Batie, tektronix!tessi!agora!batie
10/88  512-346-2339   bigtex      Austin              TX  96       24
  Equip unknown, no shell, no fee, anonymous uucp ONLY, Telebit 9600/PEP
  mail & newsfeeds (limited) available.  Carries GNU software.
  anon login: nuucp NO PASSWD, file list /usr3/index
  Contact: ...!uunet!utastro!bigtex!james	
07/89  512-832-8835   rpp386      Austin              TX  12/24    24
  386 SYSV, no shell, no bbs, anonymous uucp file transfer site only, no fee
  uucp and kermit server available, login uucp or kermit NO PASSWD
10/89  513-779-8209   cinnet      Cincinnati          OH  12/24/96  24
  80386, ISC 386/ix 2.02, Telebit access, 1 line; $7.50/Month; shell
  access, Usenet access; news feeds available;
  login: newact password: new user to register for shell access
05/89  516-872-2137   lilink      Long Island         NY  12/24    24
  80386/20 Mhz. , three lines, News/Mail/Shell access. Online games,
  conferencing, full program development system, full text processing.
  We carry ALL Usenet groups.  Dues are  $10/month (unlimited access).
  Accounts are filled by application/phone verification. Login: new
  Alternate numbers: 516-872-2138 & 516-872-2349
07/89  517-487-3356   lunapark    E. Lansing          MI  12/24    24
  Compaq 386/20 SCO-XENIX 2.3.1, lunabbs bulletin board & conferencing
  system, no fee, login: bbs  no password.  Primarily UNIX software
  with focus on TeX and Postscript, also some ATARI-ST and IBM-PC stuff
  2400/1200 --> 8 N 1
  Contact: ...!uunet!frith!lunapark!larry
12/88  518-346-8033   sixhub      upstate             NY  3/12/24  24
  PC Designs GV386.  hub machine of the upstate NY UNIX users group (*IX)
  two line reserved for incoming, bbs no fee, news & email fee $15/year
  Smorgasboard of BBS systems, UNaXcess and XBBS online,
  Citadel BBS now in production. Contact: davidsen@sixhub.uucp.
09/88  602-941-2005   xroads      Phoenix             AZ  12/24    24
  Motorola VME1121, UNIX 5.2, Crossroads BBS, Fee $30/yr + $.50/.25 (call)
  prime (evenings)/non-prime, USENET news, multi-chat, online games,
  movie reviews, adventure games, dos unix/xenix files for dload, multi lines
08/89  603-880-8120   ubbs-nh     Nashua              NH  3/12/24/96  24
  New England Unix Archive Site.  Multiple lines.  Services include E-Mail,
  full or partial news feeds.  XBBS access $25/year, User Accounts or News 
  Feeds available $60/year (1 hour/day) or $120/year (2 hours/day).
  Contact:  noel@ubbs-nh or {decvax}!ubbs-nh!noel or leave message on the
  bbs.  Voice:  603 595-2947
08/89  605-348-2738   loft386     Rapid City          SD  3/12/24/96  24
  80386 SYS V/386 Rel 3.2, Usenet mail/news via UUNET, UUNET archive access.
  NO BBS!  News feeds avaliable.  400 meg hd.  Fees: $10/month or $25/quarter.
  Call (605) 343-8760 and talk to Doug Ingraham to arrange an account or email
08/88  608-273-2657   madnix      Madison             WI  3/12/24  24
  286 SCO-XENIX, shell, no fee, USENET news, mail, login: newuser
  Contact: ray@madnix
08/89  612-473-2295   pnet51      Minneapolis         MN  3/12/24  24
  Equip ?, Xenix, multi-line, no fee, some Usenet news, email, multi-threaded
  conferencing, login: pnet id: new, PC Pursuitable
  UUCP: {rosevax, crash}!orbit!pnet51!admin
08/89  615-896-8716   raider      Murfreesboro        TN  12/24    24
  Tandy 4000 XENIX, XBBS, shell accounts, news and mail, newsfeeds
  available. Two line system; second dialup is 615-896-7905.
  Contact: root@raider.MFEE.TN.US (Bob Reineri); NO CHARGE.
07/89  616-457-1964   wybbs       Jenison             MI  3/12/24  24
  286 - SCO-XENIX 2.2.1, no fees, two lines, shell access, usenet news,
  150 meg storage, XBBS, interests: ham radio, xenix
  AKA: Consultants Connection  Contact: danielw@wybbs.UUCP
  Alternate phone #: 616-457-9909 (max 1200 baud)
07/88  619-444-7006^  pnet01      El Cajon            CA  3/12/24  24
  BSD Unix, 3 lines, login: pnet id: new, some USENET, email, conferencing 
  Home of P-Net software, mail to crash!bblue or pnet01!bblue for info.
  Contributions requested
  Unix accounts available for regulars, PC Pursuit access 2/88.
10/88  703-281-7997^  grebyn      Vienna              VA  3/12/24/96  24
  Vax/Ultrix.  $25/month.  GNU EMACS, USENET, PC/BLUE archives, Telebit on 7998
  and 7999, archives, Ada repository, comp.sources.(misc,unix,games) archives, 
  net.sources archives, 3 C compilers, Ada compiler,  500MB disk, multiple lines
07/89  713-438-5018   sugar       Houston             TX  3/12/24/96  24
  386/AT (2) networked - Bell Technologies V/386, usenet, news, downloads
  Homegrown BBS software, Trailblazer+ access, currently no charges
10/89  713-668-7176^  nuchat      Houston             TX  3/12/24/96  24
  i386;  USENET, Mail, Shell Access;  300M On-line;  Trailbazer Used;
  No fee.
12/88  714-635-2863   dhw68k      Anaheim             CA  12/24    24
  Unistride 2.1, no fee, also 714-385-1915, Trailblazer on both lines,
  USENET News, /bin/sh or /bin/csh available
05/89  714-662-7450   turnkey     Inglewood           CA  12/24    24
  286 - Xenix SYSV, XBBS
05/89  714-842-5851   conexch     Santa Ana           CA  3/12/24  24
  386 - SCO Xenix - Free Unix guest login and PC-DOS bbs login, one
  hour inital time limit, USENET news, shell access granted on request &
  $25/quarter donation.  Anon uucp: ogin: nuucp  NO PASSWD.  List of
  available Unix files resides in /usr3/public/FILES.
08/88  714-894-2246   stanton     Irvine              CA  3/12/24  24
  286 - SCO Xenix - donation requested, limit 240 min, XBBS, USENET news
  UNIX access granted on request through BBS, 20$/year, access includes
  C development system (XENIX/MSDOS), PROCALC 1-2-3 clone, FOXBASE+
  anon uucp: ogin: nuucp, no word, 2400/1200/300 MNP supported
12/88  714-898-8634^  alphacm     Cypress             CA  12/24/96  24
  386 - SCO-XENIX, no fee, Home of XBBS, 90 minute per login, 4 lines,
  9600 baud via MicroComm/Hayes (v.29)
    uucp-anon:  ogin: nuucp  NO PASSWD
05/88  719-632-4111   chariot     Colo Sprgs          CO  3/12     24
  Convrgnt Minifrme - SYS V, multiple lines, fee $12/mo Picospan
08/89  801-943-7947^  i-core      Salt Lake City      UT  3/12/24/96  24
  286 SYS V, Unidel BBS, a.k.a. Bitsko's Bar & Grill, no limit, no fee,
  UseNet and Citadel feeds available, home of Unidel BBS, Telebit 19200 used
  Contact: ken@i-core.UUCP or uunet!iconsys!caeco!i-core!ken
12/88  802-865-3614   tnl         Burlington          VT  3/12/24  24
  80386 w/ SCO XENIX. No Fee.  2 hr session limit.  XBBS/USENET, shell.
  Login as 'new' for a shell account, no validation.  AKA: Northern Lights.
08/88  813-952-1981   usource     Sarasota            FL  12/24    -24
  386 - SCO-XENIX, fee depends on services provided, no fee for bbs. New users
  subscribe by logging in as 'help' or 'newuser' (no password).  Primary
  purpose is technical forum. 6pm-8am M-Th, 24 hrs weeekends (6pm Fri-8am Mon)
  uucp-anon: 1200/2400 bps --> ogin: auucp  word: gateway
  uucp-anon directory: /usr/spool/uucppublic; contact: frank@usource.UUCP
08/88  814-333-6728   sir-alan    Meadville           PA  3/12/24  24
  Tandy XENIX/68000 03.01.02, Allegheny College, UNaXcess BBS
  uucp-anon: ogin: pdsrc  NO PASSWD
  uucp-anon directory: /usr/spool/pdsrc/all.subjects 
  Telebit TB+ available at 814 337 0894, now operating.
  Contact: sir-alan!mikes 
05/88  814-337-3159   oncoast     Meadville           PA  3/12/24/96  24
  Tandy 12/6000, no fee, no bbs, archive site, USR HST 9600, cycle 24/96/12
  vols 1 - 13 of mod.sources/comp.sources.unix, comp.sources.misc
  New stuff on sir-alan, older on oncoast. 2 uucp logins "uucp" and "pdsrc"
  files list =  /usr/spool/uucppublic/my.directory or /usr/spool/pdsrc/
06/88  818-884-7821   chief       Woodland Hills      CA  3/12     24
  286 - SCO XENIX 2.2.1, no fee, XBBS, interests: coins & coin investments 
  No file transfers
  Contact: ...!srhqla!chief!lance
09/89  916-649-0161   sactoh0     Sacramento          CA  12/24/96  24
  3B2/310 SYSV.2, SAC_UNIX;  $2/month, limit 90 min, 2 lines, TB on line,
  2400/1200 baud on 916-722-6519;  USENET, E-Mail, Games;  login: new
  Contact: ..pacbell!sactoh0!sysop
089  919-493-7111^  wolves      Durham              NC  3/12/24  24
  AMS 386/25 - UNIX SysVr3.2, XBBS, no fee for bbs.  Rates for UNIX access
  and USENET are being determined.  Developing yet another UNIX bbs (ideas
  welcome!)  Single line, telebit coming soon.
  Contact: wolves!ggw or wolves!sysop  [...duke!dukcds!wolves!...]
NOTE:  ^ means the site is reachable using PC Pursuit.
This list is maintained by Phil Eschallier on lgnp1.  Any additions,
deletions, or corrections should be sent to one of the addresses below.
The nixpub listings are kept as current as possible.  However, you use this
data at your own risk and cost -- all standard disclaimers apply!!!
      Lists available from lgnp1 via anonomous uucp.
                            +1 215 348 9727 [Telebit access]
                     login: nuucp  NO PWD   [no rmail permitted]
                 this list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub
                short list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub.short
      or from news groups pubnet.nixpub, comp.misc or alt.bbs.
E-MAIL ...
  uucp: ..!uunet!lgnp1!{ phile | nixpub }
    or: { phile | nixpub }@LS.COM
   CIS: 71076,1576
  COMPAQ, IBM, PC Pursuit, [SCO] XENIX, UNIX, etc. are trademarks of the
  respective companies.

nixpub@lgnp1.LS.COM (NIXPUB Coordinator) (10/26/89)

                          nixpub short listing
     Open Access UNIX (*NIX) Sites [Fee / No Fee] for mapped sites only
                          [ October 25, 1989 ]

Systems listed (73)
Legend: fee/contribution ($), no fee (-$), hours (24), not (-24)
        shell (S), USENET news (N), email (M), multiple lines (T) 
        Telebit 9600 bps on main number (+P), Telebit on other line[s] (P)
        Courier 9600 bps on main number (+H), Courier on other line[s] (H) 
        anonymous uucp (A), archive site ONLY - see long form list (@)
        @~ = anonymous uucp archive site listed in ANONIX (mike@cpmain)
        Dialable thru PC Pursuit (^)

Date   Telephone #    Sys-name   Location          Baud        Legend
-----  ------------   --------   -----------       -------     ---------
08/89  201-846-2460^  althea     New Brunswic  NJ  3/12/24     24 -$ M N S 
10/89  206-328-4944   polari     Seatle        WA  3/12        24 $ M N P S T
10/89  212-420-0527   magpie     NYC           NY  3/12/24/96  24 -$ T P
10/89  212-675-7059   marob      NYC           NY  12/24       24 -$ A
05/89  212-879-9031^  dasys1     NYC           NY  12/24       24 $ S N M T
09/89  213-376-5714^  pnet02     Redondo Bch   CA  3/12/24     24 -$ M N T
09/89  213-397-3137^  stb        Santa Monica  CA  3/12/24     24 -$ S A
11/88  213-459-5891   amazing    Pac Palisade  CA  3/12/24     24 $ T
07/88  214-247-2367   ozdaltx    Dallas        TX  3/12/24     24 $ N T
07/89  214-741-2130   attctc     Dallas        TX  3/12/24     24 -$ N M S T A
10/89  215-348-9727   lgnp1      Doylestown    PA  3/12/24/96  24 -$ A M N +P S 
09/89  216-582-2441   ncoast     Cleveland     OH  12/24/96    24 $ S N M P T
08/88  217-529-3223   pallas     Springfield   IL  3/12/24     24 $ T
10/89  219-289-0286   nstar      South Bend    IN  3/12/24/96  24 -$ H M N P S T
10/89  305-296-4370   conch      Key West      FL  3/12/24/96  24 -$ N +P
03/89  312-272-5912^  igloo      Northbrook    IL  12/24/96    24 -$ S N T P
08/88  312-283-0559^  chinet     Chicago       IL  3/12/24     24 $ N T
07/89  312-301-2100^  jolnet     Joliet        IL  3/12/24     24 -$ +P M N S T
10/89  312-338-0632^  point      Chicago       IL  3/12/24/96  24 -$ N P S T
08/88  312-566-8911^  ddsw1      Mundelein     IL  3/12/24/96  24 $ S N M T A P
05/89  312-833-8126^  vpnet      Villa Park    IL  12/24/96    24 -$ +P M N S 
04/89  313-623-6309   nucleus    Clarkston     MI  12/24       24 $ S N M
11/88  313-994-6333   m-net      Ann Arbor     MI  3/12        24 $ T
08/89  313-996-4644^  anet       Ann Arbor     MI  3/12        24 $ T
08/89  314-474-4581   gensis     Columbia      MO  3/12/24/96  24 -$ M S 
10/89  404-321-5020^  jdyx       Atlanta       GA  12/24       24 $ M N +P S T
05/88  407-380-6228   rtmvax     Orlando       FL  3/12/24     24 -$ N M
09/89  408-245-7726^  uuwest     Sunnyvale     CA  3/12/24     24 -$ N
04/88  408-247-4810   sharks     Santa Clara   CA  3/12        24 $ S N M T
10/89  408-725-0561^  portal     Cupertino     CA  3/12/24     24 $ -S N M T
02/89  408-997-9119^  netcom     San Jose      CA  3/12/24/96  24 $ M N S
10/89  412-431-8649   eklektik   Pittsburgh    PA  3/12/24     24 $ S N M 
10/89  415-332-6106^  well       Sausalito     CA  12/24       24 $ M N S T
06/88  415-582-7691   cpro       Hayward       CA  12/24       24 -$ S
07/89  415-753-5265^  wet        San Francisc  CA  3/12/24     24 $ M N S T
05/89  415-783-2543   esfenn     Hayward       CA  3/12/24     24 -$ M N S 
01/89  416-452-0926   telly      Brampton      ON  12/24/96    +P 24 $ M N
12/88  416-461-2608   tmsoft     Toronto       ON  3/12/24/96  24 $ S M N
07/89  416-654-8854   ziebmef    Toronto       ON  3/12/24/96  24 +P M N S T
08/89  502-968-5401   disk       Louisville    KY  3/12        24 $ M N S T
12/88  503-254-0458   bucket     Portland      OR  3/12/24     24 -$ N M T
05/89  503-640-4262^  agora      PDX           OR  3/12/24     24 $ M N S T
10/88  512-346-2339   bigtex     Austin        TX  96          +P 24 -S -$ A @~
07/89  512-832-8835   rpp386     Austin        TX  12/24       24 @ -$ -S A T
10/89  513-779-8209   cinnet     Cincinnati    OH  12/24/96    24 $ M N +P S 
05/89  516-872-2137   lilink     Long Island   NY  12/24       24 $ M N S T
07/89  517-487-3356   lunapark   E. Lansing    MI  12/24       24 -$
12/88  518-346-8033   sixhub     upstate       NY  3/12/24     24 $ S N M T
09/88  602-941-2005   xroads     Phoenix       AZ  3/12/24     24 $ N T
08/89  603-880-8120   ubbs-nh    Nashua        NH  3/12/24/96  24 -$ M N +P S T
08/89  605-348-2738   loft386    Rapid City    SD  3/12/24/96  24 $ M N +P S 
08/88  608-273-2657   madnix     Madison       WI  3/12/24     24 -$ S N M
08/89  612-473-2295   pnet51     Minneapolis   MN  3/12/24     24 -$ N M T
08/89  615-896-8716   raider     Murfreesboro  TN  12/24       24 -$ S N M T
07/89  616-457-1964   wybbs      Jenison       MI  3/12/24     24 -$ S N T
07/88  619-444-7006^  pnet01     El Cajon      CA  3/12/24     24 $ N M S T
10/88  703-281-7997^  grebyn     Vienna        VA  3/12/24/96  24 $ N M T P
07/89  713-438-5018   sugar      Houston       TX  3/12/24/96  24 -$ N +P
10/89  713-668-7176^  nuchat     Houston       TX  3/12/24/96  24 -$ M N +P S
12/88  714-635-2863   dhw68k     Anaheim       CA  12/24       24 -$ T
05/89  714-662-7450   turnkey    Inglewood     CA  12/24       24 -$
05/89  714-842-5851   conexch    Santa Ana     CA  3/12/24     24 $ A M N S
08/88  714-894-2246   stanton    Irvine        CA  3/12/24     24 $ S N
12/88  714-898-8634^  alphacm    Cypress       CA  12/24/96    24 -$ T H A
05/88  719-632-4111   chariot    Colo Sprgs    CO  3/12        24 $ T
08/89  801-943-7947^  i-core     Salt Lake Ci  UT  3/12/24/96  +P 24 -$ A N
06/88  802-865-3614   tnl        Burlington    VT  3/12/24     24 -$ S N M
08/88  813-952-1981   usource    Sarasota      FL  12/24       -24 -$ A
08/88  814-333-6728   sir-alan   Meadville     PA  3/12/24     24 -$ A P
05/88  814-337-3159   oncoast    Meadville     PA  3/12/24/96  +H 24 @ -$ -S A
06/88  818-884-7821   chief      Woodland Hil  CA  3/12        24 -$
09/89  916-649-0161   sactoh0    Sacramento    CA  12/24/96    24 $ M N +P S T
08/89  919-493-7111^  wolves     Durham        NC  3/12/24     24 $ M N S 
NOTE:  ^ means the site is reachable using PC Pursuit.
This list is maintained by Phil Eschallier on lgnp1.  Any additions,
deletions, or corrections should be sent to one of the addresses below.
The nixpub listings are kept as current as possible.  However, you use this
data at your own risk and cost -- all standard disclaimers apply!!!
      Lists available from lgnp1 via anonomous uucp.
                            +1 215 348 9727 [Telebit access]
                     login: nuucp  NO PWD   [no rmail permitted]
                 this list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub.short
                 long list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub
      or from news groups pubnet.nixpub, comp.misc or alt.bbs
E-MAIL ...
  uucp: ..!uunet!lgnp1!{ phile | nixpub }
    or: { phile | nixpub }@LS.COM
  COMPAQ, IBM, PC Pursuit, [SCO] XENIX, UNIX, etc. are trademarks of the
  respective companies.

nixpub@lgnp1.LS.COM (NIXPUB Coordinator) (11/12/89)

                          nixpub long listing
     Open Access UNIX (*NIX) Sites [Fee / No Fee] for mapped sites only
                         [ November 12, 1989 ]

Systems listed (73):
 [  agora, alphacm, althea, amazing, anet, attctc, bigtex, bucket, chariot  ]
 [  chinet, cinnet, conexch, cpro, cruzio, dasys1, ddsw1, dhw68k, disk      ]
 [  eklektik, esfenn, gensis, grebyn, i-core, igloo, jdyx, jolnet, lgnp1    ]
 [  lilink, loft386, lunapark, m-net, madnix, magpie, marob, ncoast, netcom ]
 [  nstar, nuchat, nucleus, oncoast, ozdaltx, pallas, pnet01, pnet02        ]
 [  pnet51, point, polari, portal, raider, rpp386, rtmvax, sactoh0, sharks  ]
 [  sir-alan, sixhub, stanton, stb, sugar, telly, tmsoft, tnl, turnkey      ]
 [  ubbs-nh, usource, uuwest, vpnet, well, wet, wolves, world, wybbs        ]
 [  xroads, ziebmef                                                         ]

Date   Telephone #    Sys-name    Location                Baud        Hours
-----  ------------   --------    -----------             -------     -----

08/89  201-846-2460^  althea      New Brunswick       NJ  3/12/24  24
  AT&T 3B2/310 - Unix SVR3.1, no fee.  USENET, email, C development,
  games.  Single line.
  Contact: rjd@althea.UUCP (Robert Diamond)
10/89  206-328-4944   polari      Seatle              WA  3/12     24
  Equip ???;  8-lines, Trailblazer on 206-328-1468;  $30/year (flat rate);
  Multi-user games, chat, full USENET.
  Contact: uunet!microsoft!happym!polari!bruceki
10/89  212-420-0527   magpie      NYC                 NY  3/12/24/96  24
  ? - UNIX SYSV - 2, Magpie BBS, no fee, Authors: Magpie/UNIX,/MSDOS
  two lines plus anonymous uucp: 212-677-9487 (9600 bps Telebit modem)
  NOTE: 9487 reserved for registered Magpie sysops & anon uucp
  Contact: Steve Manes, {rutgers|cmcl2|uunet}!hombre!magpie!manes	
10/89  212-675-7059   marob       NYC                 NY  3/12/24  24
  386 SCO-XENIX 2.2, XBBS, magpie bbs, no fee, limit 60 min
  Telebit Trailblazer (9600 PEP) only 212-675-8438
  Contact:  {philabs|rutgers|cmcl2}!{phri|hombre}!marob!clifford
05/89  212-879-9031^  dasys1      NYC                 NY  12/24    24
  Unistride - SYS V, multiple lines, fee $5/mo  AKA Big Electric Cat
  USENET, games, multi-user chat, email, login: new, passwd: new
  Contact: ...!rutgers!cmcl2!rsweeney or rsweeney@dasys1.UUCP
09/89  213-376-5714^  pnet02      Redondo Bch         CA  3/12/24  24
  XENIX (also 213-374-7404) no fee, 90 min limit, login: pnet id: new
  some USENET, net-work e-mail, multi-threaded conferencing
09/89  213-397-3137^  stb         Santa Monica        CA  3/12/24  24
  AT&T 3b1;  BBS and shell access;  uucp-anon: ogin: uucp NO PASSWD
  3 line on rotory -3137 2400 baud.
03/88  213-459-5891   amazing     Pacific Palisades   CA  3/12/24  24
  AMT 286 - Microport  David's Amazing BBS  Fee $7.50/month;$35/6;$60/year
  5 lines on rotary; Unique original software with conferencing, electronic
  bar, matchmaking, no file up/downloading
07/88  214-247-2367   ozdaltx     Dallas              TX  3/12/24  24
  INTEC/SCO XENIX 2.2.1, OZ BBS, Membership only adult BBS, fee $40
  year. Multiple lines.  Closed system, carries limited USENET
  newsgroups. Login: guest (no PW).  Voice verification on all new users.
07/89  214-824-7881   attctc      Dallas              TX  3/12/24  24
  3b2/522 - UNIX, no fee, various time limits, 8 lines 2.8 GB online
  uucp-anon --> 214-741-2130  ogin: uupdsrc word: Public
  uucp-anon info in: /bbsys4/README     (Formerly node name killer)
11/89  215-348-9727   lgnp1       Doylestown          PA  3/12/24/96  24
  SCO-XENIX -- Telebit access.  Shell accounts by appointment only;  Fee;
  Services include E-mail, USENET News;  --Home of the Nixpub lists--
  Contact: phil@ls.com.
    anon-uucp: nuucp  NO PWD  (download /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub
                                     or /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub.short)
09/89  216-582-2441   ncoast      Cleveland           OH  12/24/96  24
  80386 Mylex, SCO Xenix;  600 meg. storage;  XBBS and Shell;  USENET
  (newsfeeds available), E-Mail; donations requested; login as "bbs"
  for BBS and "makeuser" for new users.
  Telebit used on 216-237-5486.
08/88  217-529-3223   pallas      Springfield         IL  3/12/24  24
  Convrgnt Minifrme, multiple lines, 200 meg Minnie bbs $25 donation
10/89  219-289-0286   nstar       South Bend          IN  3/12/24/96  24
  Equip ???, UNIX 3.2; 300 Meg On-line; 4 lines at 9600 baud --
  (listed) - Hayes V-Series, (287-9020) - HST, (289-3745) - PEP;
  Full USENET, AKCS Software; Contact ..!iuvax!ndcheg!ndmath!nstar!larry
08/88  312-283-0559^  chinet      Chicago             IL  3/12/24  24
  3b2/300 - SYS V 3.1, multiple lines, Picospan BBS, system & BBS free
  Extra phone lines and usenet, $50/yr.
10/89  312-338-0632^  point       Chicago             IL  3/12/24/96  24
  North Shore / Rogers Park area of Chicago.  386 - ISC 2.01 (SysV3.2),
  multiple lines, Telebit PEP on 338-3261, USRobotics HST on 338-1036,
  AKCS bbs, some usenet conferences available.  200+ MB online storage.
  Downloads, full usenet & shell access in the works.
04/89  313-623-6309   nucleus     Clarkston           MI  12/24    24
  286 - Unix System V, no fee. Shell access, full usenet access, online games,
  AKCS conferencing system, some public domain sources online, extensive tape
  library of public domain source code
02/88  313-994-6333   m-net       Ann Arbor           MI  3/12     24
  Altos 68020 - SYS III, limits unstated, fee for extended service
  Picospan conference system, multiple lines, 160 meg, packet radio
08/89  313-996-4644^  anet        Ann Arbor           MI  3/12     24
  Altos 68000 - Sys III, no limits, 1st month free, fees range up to $20/
  month (negotiable), accepts equipment/software in lieu of fees, Picospan
  conferencing, 120M, non-profit, user-supported, community-based, ideal
  autodidact educational system.  Tax-deductible donations okay.
08/89  314-474-4581   gensis      Columbia            MO  3/12/24/48/96  24
  Gateway 386 system w/ SCO Xenix V/386, DataFlex, Oracle, CHARM, & VP/ix.
  No fee.  Online gaming, game design, and (oddly enough) data base design
  are the main focus.  Modem is Microcom MNP 6.
10/89  404-321-5020^  jdyx        Atlanta             GA  12/24/96  24
  386/ix 2.0.2.  XBBS. Usenet (alt, gnu, most comp and a few others) and 
  shell access.  Second line (2400 below) (404) 325-1719.  200+ meg current
  Usenet and GNU sources.  Specializing in graphics and ray-tracing under 
  386/ix (with/with out X11).  Yearly fee for shell and/or downloads.  
  Telebit access.  Contact: ...gatech!emory!jdyx!tpf (Tom Friedel)
05/88  407-380-6228   rtmvax      Orlando             FL  3/12/24  24
  mVAX-I - Ultrix-32 V1.2  USENET & UUCP Email Gateway. XBBS front end for
  new user subscribing. No Fees. Primary function is Technical exchange.
  Contact: { cbosgd!codas, hoptoad!peora }!rtmvax!rob 
09/89  408-245-7726^  uuwest      Sunnyvale           CA  3/12/24  24
  SCO-XENIX, Waffle. No fee, USENET news (news.*, music, comics, telecom, etc)
  The Dark Side of the Moon BBS. This system has been in operation since 1985.
  Login: new Contact: (UUCP) ames!uuwest!request (Domain) request@darkside.com
04/88  408-247-4810   sharks      Santa Clara         CA  3/12     24
  Altos 886/80/80  - XENIX 3.2f AKA: Shark's Head BBS,  BBCS Network
  Multiple lines,no fee for non-members,members $25 year
  Restricted sh access and UUCP/Usenet access for advanced members
11/89  408-423-9995   cruzio      Santa Cruz          CA  12/24    24
  Tandy 4000, Xenix 2.3.*, Caucus 3.*;  focus on Santa Cruz activity
  (ie directory of community and goverment organizations, events, ...);
  Multiple lines;  no shell; fee: $18/quarter.
  Contact: ...!uunet!cruzio!chris
10/89  408-725-0561^  portal      Cupertino           CA  3/12/24  24
  Networked Suns (SunOS), multiple lines, Telenet access, no shell access
  fees: $10/month + Telenet charges (if used) @ various rates/times
  conferencing, multi user chats, usenet 
02/89  408-997-9119^  netcom      San Jose            CA  3/12/24/96  24
  Unix System V -- Shell Access [Bourne, Korn, C-Shell], BBS, USENET,
  Languages: C, Lisp, Prolog, Clips, (Ada soon), $10 / month, login as
  'guest' no password.  Contact netcom!bobr.
10/89  412-431-8649   eklektik    Pittsburgh          PA  3/12/24  24
  UNIX PC- SYSV - UNaXcess BBS, new system - donation requested for shell,
  login: bbs for BBS, uucp-mail, limited Usenet news feeds.  Gaming SIGS.
  Contact:  ...!gatech!emoryu1!eklektik!anthony
11/89  415-332-6106^  well        Sausalito           CA  12/24    24
  6-processor Sequent Balance (32032); UUCP and USENET access; multiple
  lines; access via CPN; PICOSPAN BBS; $3/hour.  Contact (415) 332-4335
06/88  415-582-7691   cpro        Hayward             CA  12/24    24
  Microport SYSV 2, UNaXcess bbs, no fee, 60 min limit, shell access
07/89  415-753-5265^  wet         San Francisco       CA  3/12/24  24
  386 SYS V.3.  Wetware Diversions.  $15 registration, $0.01/minute.
  Public Access UNIX System:  uucp, PicoSpan bbs, full Usenet News,
  multiple lines, shell access.  Newusers get initial credit!
  contact:{ucsfcca|claris|hoptoad}!wet!cc (Christopher Cilley)
05/89  415-783-2543   esfenn      Hayward             CA  3/12/24  24
  System ????; USENET news; E-mail; No charges; Contact esfenn!william.
01/89  416-452-0926   telly       Brampton            ON  12/24/96  24
  286 Xenix; proprietary menu-based BBS includes Usenet site searching.
  News (all groups, incl biz, pubnet, gnu), mail (including to/from Internet),
  some archives.  Feeds available. Fee: $75(Cdn)/year.
  Contact: Evan Leibovitch, evan@telly.on.ca, {uunet!attcan,utzoo}!telly!evan
12/88  416-461-2608   tmsoft      Toronto             ON  3/12/24/96  24
  NS32016, Sys5r2, shell; news+mail $30/mo, general-timesharing $60/mo
  All newsgroups.  Willing to setup mail/news connections.
  Contact: Dave Mason <mason@tmsoft> / Login: newuser
07/89  416-654-8854   ziebmef     Toronto             ON  3/12/24/96  24
  AT&T 3B1, Sys V, shell, news, mail, no fee (donations accepted)
  Carries most newsgroups (willing to add extra ones on request)
  Telebit access, willing to give mail feeds
  Contact: Chris Siebenmann, {utzoo!telly,ncrcan}!ziebmef!cks
08/89  502-968-5401   disk        Louisville          KY  3/12     24
  386 clone, Microport System V, 600 meg.  6 lines 5401 thru 5406.
  rarrying most USENET groups, Shell access, games, downloads,
  multi-user chat, and more.  Rate info available via a free trial
12/88  503-254-0458   bucket      Portland            OR  3/12/24  24
  Tektronix 6130, UTek 2.3(4.2BSD-derived).  Bit Bucket BBS publically
  available; login as 'bbs'.  BBS is message only.  Users intereseted in
  access to Unix should contact SYSOP via the BBS or send EMail to
  ..tektronix!tessi!bucket!rickb.  Unix services include USENET News,
  EMail, and all tools/games/utility access. Alternate dial-in lines
  available for Unix users.
05/89  503-640-4262^  agora       PDX                 OR  3/12/24  24
  Intel Xenix-286, $2/mo or $20/yr, news, mail, games, programming
  two lines with trunk-hunt, 4380 supports MNP level 3.
  Contact: Alan Batie, tektronix!tessi!agora!batie
10/88  512-346-2339   bigtex      Austin              TX  96       24
  Equip unknown, no shell, no fee, anonymous uucp ONLY, Telebit 9600/PEP
  mail & newsfeeds (limited) available.  Carries GNU software.
  anon login: nuucp NO PASSWD, file list /usr3/index
  Contact: ...!uunet!utastro!bigtex!james	
07/89  512-832-8835   rpp386      Austin              TX  12/24    24
  386 SYSV, no shell, no bbs, anonymous uucp file transfer site only, no fee
  uucp and kermit server available, login uucp or kermit NO PASSWD
10/89  513-779-8209   cinnet      Cincinnati          OH  12/24/96  24
  80386, ISC 386/ix 2.02, Telebit access, 1 line; $7.50/Month; shell
  access, Usenet access; news feeds available;
  login: newact password: new user to register for shell access
05/89  516-872-2137   lilink      Long Island         NY  12/24    24
  80386/20 Mhz. , three lines, News/Mail/Shell access. Online games,
  conferencing, full program development system, full text processing.
  We carry ALL Usenet groups.  Dues are  $10/month (unlimited access).
  Accounts are filled by application/phone verification. Login: new
  Alternate numbers: 516-872-2138 & 516-872-2349
07/89  517-487-3356   lunapark    E. Lansing          MI  12/24    24
  Compaq 386/20 SCO-XENIX 2.3.1, lunabbs bulletin board & conferencing
  system, no fee, login: bbs  no password.  Primarily UNIX software
  with focus on TeX and Postscript, also some ATARI-ST and IBM-PC stuff
  2400/1200 --> 8 N 1
  Contact: ...!uunet!frith!lunapark!larry
12/88  518-346-8033   sixhub      upstate             NY  3/12/24  24
  PC Designs GV386.  hub machine of the upstate NY UNIX users group (*IX)
  two line reserved for incoming, bbs no fee, news & email fee $15/year
  Smorgasboard of BBS systems, UNaXcess and XBBS online,
  Citadel BBS now in production. Contact: davidsen@sixhub.uucp.
09/88  602-941-2005   xroads      Phoenix             AZ  12/24    24
  Motorola VME1121, UNIX 5.2, Crossroads BBS, Fee $30/yr + $.50/.25 (call)
  prime (evenings)/non-prime, USENET news, multi-chat, online games,
  movie reviews, adventure games, dos unix/xenix files for dload, multi lines
08/89  603-880-8120   ubbs-nh     Nashua              NH  3/12/24/96  24
  New England Unix Archive Site.  Multiple lines.  Services include E-Mail,
  full or partial news feeds.  XBBS access $25/year, User Accounts or News 
  Feeds available $60/year (1 hour/day) or $120/year (2 hours/day).
  Contact:  noel@ubbs-nh or {decvax}!ubbs-nh!noel or leave message on the
  bbs.  Voice:  603 595-2947
08/89  605-348-2738   loft386     Rapid City          SD  3/12/24/96  24
  80386 SYS V/386 Rel 3.2, Usenet mail/news via UUNET, UUNET archive access.
  NO BBS!  News feeds avaliable.  400 meg hd.  Fees: $10/month or $25/quarter.
  Call (605) 343-8760 and talk to Doug Ingraham to arrange an account or email
08/88  608-273-2657   madnix      Madison             WI  3/12/24  24
  286 SCO-XENIX, shell, no fee, USENET news, mail, login: newuser
  Contact: ray@madnix
08/89  612-473-2295   pnet51      Minneapolis         MN  3/12/24  24
  Equip ?, Xenix, multi-line, no fee, some Usenet news, email, multi-threaded
  conferencing, login: pnet id: new, PC Pursuitable
  UUCP: {rosevax, crash}!orbit!pnet51!admin
08/89  615-896-8716   raider      Murfreesboro        TN  12/24    24
  Tandy 4000 XENIX, XBBS, shell accounts, news and mail, newsfeeds
  available. Two line system; second dialup is 615-896-7905.
  Contact: root@raider.MFEE.TN.US (Bob Reineri); NO CHARGE.
07/89  616-457-1964   wybbs       Jenison             MI  3/12/24  24
  286 - SCO-XENIX 2.2.1, no fees, two lines, shell access, usenet news,
  150 meg storage, XBBS, interests: ham radio, xenix
  AKA: Consultants Connection  Contact: danielw@wybbs.UUCP
  Alternate phone #: 616-457-9909 (max 1200 baud)
11/89  617-739-9753   world       Brookline           MA  3/12/24/96  24
  Sun 4/280, SunOS 4.03;  Shell, USENET, E-Mail, UUCP and home of the
  Open Book Initiative (text project);  fees: 8a-6p $8/hr, 6p-12a $5/hr,
  12a-8a $2.50/hr;  Multiple lines: 2400 MNP used on listed number,
  Telebits used on others;  login as "new";  Contact: geb@world.std.com
07/88  619-444-7006^  pnet01      El Cajon            CA  3/12/24  24
  BSD Unix, 3 lines, login: pnet id: new, some USENET, email, conferencing 
  Home of P-Net software, mail to crash!bblue or pnet01!bblue for info.
  Contributions requested
  Unix accounts available for regulars, PC Pursuit access 2/88.
10/88  703-281-7997^  grebyn      Vienna              VA  3/12/24/96  24
  Vax/Ultrix.  $25/month.  GNU EMACS, USENET, PC/BLUE archives, Telebit on 7998
  and 7999, archives, Ada repository, comp.sources.(misc,unix,games) archives, 
  net.sources archives, 3 C compilers, Ada compiler,  500MB disk, multiple lines
11/89  708-272-5912^  igloo       Northbrook          IL  12/24/96  24
  3B2-300;  accounts by invitation only, no limit/no fee;  full usenet;
  132megs HD;  2 lines rotary, 9600 telebit on 272-5917
  Contact: igloo!postmaster
11/89  708-301-2100^  jolnet      Joliet              IL  3/12/24  24
  3b2/400 - Unix, public access and contributions, No fee for postnews.
  5 lines  AKCS bbs.  Free Newsfeeds available.  ~450 MB online storage.
  Free Shell and Usenet access.  Telebit Trailblazer access (2104).
  Telenet access. 
11/89  708-566-8911^  ddsw1       Mundelein           IL  3/12/24/96  24
  Televideo 386 -SCO XENIX 386, guest usr 1 hr daily, fee extends use
  AKCS bbs, fee $30/6 months $50/year, Authors of AKCS bbs
  multiple lines, 9600 bps available, anonymous uucp, ~/README for info
  Contact: Karl Denninger (...!ddsw1!karl) Voice: (312) 566-8910
11/89  708-833-8126^  vpnet       Villa Park          IL  12/24/96  24
  386 Clone - Interactive 386/ix R2.0 (3.2), no fee. Akcs linked bbs
  including several Usenet conf's. No charge for shells. Trailblazer. 
  Mail lisbon@vpnet.UUCP
07/89  713-438-5018   sugar       Houston             TX  3/12/24/96  24
  386/AT (2) networked - Bell Technologies V/386, usenet, news, downloads
  Homegrown BBS software, Trailblazer+ access, currently no charges
10/89  713-668-7176^  nuchat      Houston             TX  3/12/24/96  24
  i386;  USENET, Mail, Shell Access;  300M On-line;  Trailbazer Used;
  No fee.
12/88  714-635-2863   dhw68k      Anaheim             CA  12/24    24
  Unistride 2.1, no fee, also 714-385-1915, Trailblazer on both lines,
  USENET News, /bin/sh or /bin/csh available
05/89  714-662-7450   turnkey     Inglewood           CA  12/24    24
  286 - Xenix SYSV, XBBS
11/89  714-821-9671   alphacm     Cypress             CA  12/24/96  24
  386 - SCO-XENIX, no fee, Home of XBBS, 90 minute per login, 4 lines,
  9600 baud via MicroComm/Hayes (v.29)
    uucp-anon:  ogin: nuucp  NO PASSWD
05/89  714-842-5851   conexch     Santa Ana           CA  3/12/24  24
  386 - SCO Xenix - Free Unix guest login and PC-DOS bbs login, one
  hour inital time limit, USENET news, shell access granted on request &
  $25/quarter donation.  Anon uucp: ogin: nuucp  NO PASSWD.  List of
  available Unix files resides in /usr3/public/FILES.
08/88  714-894-2246   stanton     Irvine              CA  3/12/24  24
  286 - SCO Xenix - donation requested, limit 240 min, XBBS, USENET news
  UNIX access granted on request through BBS, 20$/year, access includes
  C development system (XENIX/MSDOS), PROCALC 1-2-3 clone, FOXBASE+
  anon uucp: ogin: nuucp, no word, 2400/1200/300 MNP supported
05/88  719-632-4111   chariot     Colo Sprgs          CO  3/12     24
  Convrgnt Minifrme - SYS V, multiple lines, fee $12/mo Picospan
08/89  801-943-7947^  i-core      Salt Lake City      UT  3/12/24/96  24
  286 SYS V, Unidel BBS, a.k.a. Bitsko's Bar & Grill, no limit, no fee,
  UseNet and Citadel feeds available, home of Unidel BBS, Telebit 19200 used
  Contact: ken@i-core.UUCP or uunet!iconsys!caeco!i-core!ken
12/88  802-865-3614   tnl         Burlington          VT  3/12/24  24
  80386 w/ SCO XENIX. No Fee.  2 hr session limit.  XBBS/USENET, shell.
  Login as 'new' for a shell account, no validation.  AKA: Northern Lights.
08/88  813-952-1981   usource     Sarasota            FL  12/24    -24
  386 - SCO-XENIX, fee depends on services provided, no fee for bbs. New users
  subscribe by logging in as 'help' or 'newuser' (no password).  Primary
  purpose is technical forum. 6pm-8am M-Th, 24 hrs weeekends (6pm Fri-8am Mon)
  uucp-anon: 1200/2400 bps --> ogin: auucp  word: gateway
  uucp-anon directory: /usr/spool/uucppublic; contact: frank@usource.UUCP
08/88  814-333-6728   sir-alan    Meadville           PA  3/12/24  24
  Tandy XENIX/68000 03.01.02, Allegheny College, UNaXcess BBS
  uucp-anon: ogin: pdsrc  NO PASSWD
  uucp-anon directory: /usr/spool/pdsrc/all.subjects 
  Telebit TB+ available at 814 337 0894, now operating.
  Contact: sir-alan!mikes 
05/88  814-337-3159   oncoast     Meadville           PA  3/12/24/96  24
  Tandy 12/6000, no fee, no bbs, archive site, USR HST 9600, cycle 24/96/12
  vols 1 - 13 of mod.sources/comp.sources.unix, comp.sources.misc
  New stuff on sir-alan, older on oncoast. 2 uucp logins "uucp" and "pdsrc"
  files list =  /usr/spool/uucppublic/my.directory or /usr/spool/pdsrc/
09/89  916-649-0161   sactoh0     Sacramento          CA  12/24/96  24
  3B2/310 SYSV.2, SAC_UNIX;  $2/month, limit 90 min, 2 lines, TB on line,
  2400/1200 baud on 916-722-6519;  USENET, E-Mail, Games;  login: new
  Contact: ..pacbell!sactoh0!sysop
089  919-493-7111^  wolves      Durham              NC  3/12/24  24
  AMS 386/25 - UNIX SysVr3.2, XBBS, no fee for bbs.  Rates for UNIX access
  and USENET are being determined.  Developing yet another UNIX bbs (ideas
  welcome!)  Single line, telebit coming soon.
  Contact: wolves!ggw or wolves!sysop  [...duke!dukcds!wolves!...]
NOTE:  ^ means the site is reachable using PC Pursuit.
This list is maintained by Phil Eschallier on lgnp1.  Any additions,
deletions, or corrections should be sent to one of the addresses below.
The nixpub listings are kept as current as possible.  However, you use this
data at your own risk and cost -- all standard disclaimers apply!!!
      Lists available from lgnp1 via anonomous uucp.
                            +1 215 348 9727 [Telebit access]
                     login: nuucp  NO PWD   [no rmail permitted]
                 this list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub
                short list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub.short
      or from news groups pubnet.nixpub, comp.misc or alt.bbs.
E-MAIL ...
  uucp: ..!uunet!lgnp1!{ phil | nixpub }
    or: { phil | nixpub }@LS.COM
   CIS: 71076,1576
  COMPAQ, IBM, PC Pursuit, [SCO] XENIX, UNIX, etc. are trademarks of the
  respective companies.

nixpub@lgnp1.LS.COM (NIXPUB Coordinator) (11/12/89)

                          nixpub short listing
     Open Access UNIX (*NIX) Sites [Fee / No Fee] for mapped sites only
                          [ November 12, 1989 ]

Systems listed (73)
Legend: fee/contribution ($), no fee (-$), hours (24), not (-24)
        shell (S), USENET news (N), email (M), multiple lines (T) 
        Telebit 9600 bps on main number (+P), Telebit on other line[s] (P)
        Courier 9600 bps on main number (+H), Courier on other line[s] (H) 
        anonymous uucp (A), archive site ONLY - see long form list (@)
        @~ = anonymous uucp archive site listed in ANONIX (mike@cpmain)
        Dialable thru PC Pursuit (^)

Date   Telephone #    Sys-name   Location          Baud        Legend
-----  ------------   --------   -----------       -------     ---------
08/89  201-846-2460^  althea     New Brunswic  NJ  3/12/24     24 -$ M N S 
10/89  206-328-4944   polari     Seatle        WA  3/12        24 $ M N P S T
10/89  212-420-0527   magpie     NYC           NY  3/12/24/96  24 -$ T P
10/89  212-675-7059   marob      NYC           NY  12/24       24 -$ A
05/89  212-879-9031^  dasys1     NYC           NY  12/24       24 $ S N M T
09/89  213-376-5714^  pnet02     Redondo Bch   CA  3/12/24     24 -$ M N T
09/89  213-397-3137^  stb        Santa Monica  CA  3/12/24     24 -$ S A
11/88  213-459-5891   amazing    Pac Palisade  CA  3/12/24     24 $ T
07/88  214-247-2367   ozdaltx    Dallas        TX  3/12/24     24 $ N T
07/89  214-741-2130   attctc     Dallas        TX  3/12/24     24 -$ N M S T A
11/89  215-348-9727   lgnp1      Doylestown    PA  3/12/24/96  24 $ A M N +P S 
09/89  216-582-2441   ncoast     Cleveland     OH  12/24/96    24 $ S N M P T
08/88  217-529-3223   pallas     Springfield   IL  3/12/24     24 $ T
10/89  219-289-0286   nstar      South Bend    IN  3/12/24/96  24 -$ H M N P S T
08/88  312-283-0559^  chinet     Chicago       IL  3/12/24     24 $ N T
10/89  312-338-0632^  point      Chicago       IL  3/12/24/96  24 -$ N P S T
04/89  313-623-6309   nucleus    Clarkston     MI  12/24       24 $ S N M
11/88  313-994-6333   m-net      Ann Arbor     MI  3/12        24 $ T
08/89  313-996-4644^  anet       Ann Arbor     MI  3/12        24 $ T
08/89  314-474-4581   gensis     Columbia      MO  3/12/24/96  24 -$ M S 
10/89  404-321-5020^  jdyx       Atlanta       GA  12/24       24 $ M N +P S T
05/88  407-380-6228   rtmvax     Orlando       FL  3/12/24     24 -$ N M
09/89  408-245-7726^  uuwest     Sunnyvale     CA  3/12/24     24 -$ N
04/88  408-247-4810   sharks     Santa Clara   CA  3/12        24 $ S N M T
11/89  408-423-9995   cruzio     Santa Cruz    CA  12/24       24 $ M T
10/89  408-725-0561^  portal     Cupertino     CA  3/12/24     24 $ -S N M T
02/89  408-997-9119^  netcom     San Jose      CA  3/12/24/96  24 $ M N S
10/89  412-431-8649   eklektik   Pittsburgh    PA  3/12/24     24 $ S N M 
11/89  415-332-6106^  well       Sausalito     CA  12/24       24 $ M N S T
06/88  415-582-7691   cpro       Hayward       CA  12/24       24 -$ S
07/89  415-753-5265^  wet        San Francisc  CA  3/12/24     24 $ M N S T
05/89  415-783-2543   esfenn     Hayward       CA  3/12/24     24 -$ M N S 
01/89  416-452-0926   telly      Brampton      ON  12/24/96    +P 24 $ M N
12/88  416-461-2608   tmsoft     Toronto       ON  3/12/24/96  24 $ S M N
07/89  416-654-8854   ziebmef    Toronto       ON  3/12/24/96  24 +P M N S T
08/89  502-968-5401   disk       Louisville    KY  3/12        24 $ M N S T
12/88  503-254-0458   bucket     Portland      OR  3/12/24     24 -$ N M T
05/89  503-640-4262^  agora      PDX           OR  3/12/24     24 $ M N S T
10/88  512-346-2339   bigtex     Austin        TX  96          +P 24 -S -$ A @~
07/89  512-832-8835   rpp386     Austin        TX  12/24       24 @ -$ -S A T
10/89  513-779-8209   cinnet     Cincinnati    OH  12/24/96    24 $ M N +P S 
05/89  516-872-2137   lilink     Long Island   NY  12/24       24 $ M N S T
07/89  517-487-3356   lunapark   E. Lansing    MI  12/24       24 -$
12/88  518-346-8033   sixhub     upstate       NY  3/12/24     24 $ S N M T
09/88  602-941-2005   xroads     Phoenix       AZ  3/12/24     24 $ N T
08/89  603-880-8120   ubbs-nh    Nashua        NH  3/12/24/96  24 -$ M N +P S T
08/89  605-348-2738   loft386    Rapid City    SD  3/12/24/96  24 $ M N +P S 
08/88  608-273-2657   madnix     Madison       WI  3/12/24     24 -$ S N M
08/89  612-473-2295   pnet51     Minneapolis   MN  3/12/24     24 -$ N M T
08/89  615-896-8716   raider     Murfreesboro  TN  12/24       24 -$ S N M T
07/89  616-457-1964   wybbs      Jenison       MI  3/12/24     24 -$ S N T
11/89  617-739-9753   world      Brookline     MA  3/12/24/96  24 $ M N P S T
07/88  619-444-7006^  pnet01     El Cajon      CA  3/12/24     24 $ N M S T
10/88  703-281-7997^  grebyn     Vienna        VA  3/12/24/96  24 $ N M T P
11/89  708-272-5912^  igloo      Northbrook    IL  12/24/96    24 -$ S N T P
11/89  708-301-2100^  jolnet     Joliet        IL  3/12/24     24 -$ +P M N S T
08/88  312-566-8911^  ddsw1      Mundelein     IL  3/12/24/96  24 $ S N M T A P
11/89  708-833-8126^  vpnet      Villa Park    IL  12/24/96    24 -$ +P M N S 
07/89  713-438-5018   sugar      Houston       TX  3/12/24/96  24 -$ N +P
10/89  713-668-7176^  nuchat     Houston       TX  3/12/24/96  24 -$ M N +P S
12/88  714-635-2863   dhw68k     Anaheim       CA  12/24       24 -$ T
05/89  714-662-7450   turnkey    Inglewood     CA  12/24       24 -$
11/89  714-821-9671   alphacm    Cypress       CA  12/24/96    24 -$ T H A
05/89  714-842-5851   conexch    Santa Ana     CA  3/12/24     24 $ A M N S
08/88  714-894-2246   stanton    Irvine        CA  3/12/24     24 $ S N
05/88  719-632-4111   chariot    Colo Sprgs    CO  3/12        24 $ T
08/89  801-943-7947^  i-core     Salt Lake Ci  UT  3/12/24/96  +P 24 -$ A N
06/88  802-865-3614   tnl        Burlington    VT  3/12/24     24 -$ S N M
08/88  813-952-1981   usource    Sarasota      FL  12/24       -24 -$ A
08/88  814-333-6728   sir-alan   Meadville     PA  3/12/24     24 -$ A P
05/88  814-337-3159   oncoast    Meadville     PA  3/12/24/96  +H 24 @ -$ -S A
09/89  916-649-0161   sactoh0    Sacramento    CA  12/24/96    24 $ M N +P S T
08/89  919-493-7111^  wolves     Durham        NC  3/12/24     24 $ M N S 
NOTE:  ^ means the site is reachable using PC Pursuit.
This list is maintained by Phil Eschallier on lgnp1.  Any additions,
deletions, or corrections should be sent to one of the addresses below.
The nixpub listings are kept as current as possible.  However, you use this
data at your own risk and cost -- all standard disclaimers apply!!!
      Lists available from lgnp1 via anonomous uucp.
                            +1 215 348 9727 [Telebit access]
                     login: nuucp  NO PWD   [no rmail permitted]
                 this list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub.short
                 long list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub
      or from news groups pubnet.nixpub, comp.misc or alt.bbs
E-MAIL ...
  uucp: ..!uunet!lgnp1!{ phil | nixpub }
    or: { phil | nixpub }@LS.COM
  COMPAQ, IBM, PC Pursuit, [SCO] XENIX, UNIX, etc. are trademarks of the
  respective companies.

nixpub@lgnp1.LS.COM (NIXPUB Coordinator) (11/21/89)

                          nixpub long listing
     Open Access UNIX (*NIX) Sites [Fee / No Fee] for mapped sites only
                         [ November 20, 1989 ]

Systems listed (75):
 [  agora, alphacm, althea, amazing, anet, attctc, bigtex, bucket, chariot  ]
 [  chinet, cinnet, conexch, cpro, cruzio, dasys1, ddsw1, dhw68k, disk      ]
 [  eklektik, esfenn, gensis, grebyn, i-core, igloo, jack, jdyx, jolnet     ]
 [  lgnp1, lilink, loft386, lunapark, m-net, m2xenix, madnix, magpie, marob ]
 [  ncoast, netcom, nstar, nuchat, nucleus, oncoast, ozdaltx, pallas        ]
 [  pnet01, pnet02, pnet51, point, polari, portal, raider, rpp386, rtmvax   ]
 [  sactoh0, sharks, sir-alan, sixhub, stanton, stb, sugar, telly, tmsoft   ]
 [  tnl, turnkey, ubbs-nh, usource, uuwest, vpnet, well, wet, wolves, world ]
 [  wybbs, xroads, ziebmef                                                  ]

Date   Telephone #    Sys-name    Location                Baud        Hours
-----  ------------   --------    -----------             -------     -----

08/89  201-846-2460^  althea      New Brunswick       NJ  3/12/24  24
  AT&T 3B2/310 - Unix SVR3.1, no fee.  USENET, email, C development,
  games.  Single line.
  Contact: rjd@althea.UUCP (Robert Diamond)
10/89  206-328-4944   polari      Seatle              WA  3/12     24
  Equip ???;  8-lines, Trailblazer on 206-328-1468;  $30/year (flat rate);
  Multi-user games, chat, full USENET.
  Contact: uunet!microsoft!happym!polari!bruceki
10/89  212-420-0527   magpie      NYC                 NY  3/12/24/96  24
  ? - UNIX SYSV - 2, Magpie BBS, no fee, Authors: Magpie/UNIX,/MSDOS
  two lines plus anonymous uucp: 212-677-9487 (9600 bps Telebit modem)
  NOTE: 9487 reserved for registered Magpie sysops & anon uucp
  Contact: Steve Manes, {rutgers|cmcl2|uunet}!hombre!magpie!manes	
10/89  212-675-7059   marob       NYC                 NY  3/12/24  24
  386 SCO-XENIX 2.2, XBBS, magpie bbs, no fee, limit 60 min
  Telebit Trailblazer (9600 PEP) only 212-675-8438
  Contact:  {philabs|rutgers|cmcl2}!{phri|hombre}!marob!clifford
05/89  212-879-9031^  dasys1      NYC                 NY  12/24    24
  Unistride - SYS V, multiple lines, fee $5/mo  AKA Big Electric Cat
  USENET, games, multi-user chat, email, login: new, passwd: new
  Contact: ...!rutgers!cmcl2!rsweeney or rsweeney@dasys1.UUCP
09/89  213-376-5714^  pnet02      Redondo Bch         CA  3/12/24  24
  XENIX (also 213-374-7404) no fee, 90 min limit, login: pnet id: new
  some USENET, net-work e-mail, multi-threaded conferencing
09/89  213-397-3137^  stb         Santa Monica        CA  3/12/24  24
  AT&T 3b1;  BBS and shell access;  uucp-anon: ogin: uucp NO PASSWD
  3 line on rotory -3137 2400 baud.
03/88  213-459-5891   amazing     Pacific Palisades   CA  3/12/24  24
  AMT 286 - Microport  David's Amazing BBS  Fee $7.50/month;$35/6;$60/year
  5 lines on rotary; Unique original software with conferencing, electronic
  bar, matchmaking, no file up/downloading
07/88  214-247-2367   ozdaltx     Dallas              TX  3/12/24  24
  INTEC/SCO XENIX 2.2.1, OZ BBS, Membership only adult BBS, fee $40
  year. Multiple lines.  Closed system, carries limited USENET
  newsgroups. Login: guest (no PW).  Voice verification on all new users.
07/89  214-824-7881   attctc      Dallas              TX  3/12/24  24
  3b2/522 - UNIX, no fee, various time limits, 8 lines 2.8 GB online
  uucp-anon --> 214-741-2130  ogin: uupdsrc word: Public
  uucp-anon info in: /bbsys4/README     (Formerly node name killer)
11/89  215-348-9727   lgnp1       Doylestown          PA  3/12/24/96  24
  SCO-XENIX -- Telebit access.  UUCP access only;  Fee;  Services include
  feeds/routing for UUCP E-mail and USENET News;  Home of the Nixpub lists
  Contact: phil@ls.com.
    anon-uucp: nuucp  NO PWD  (download /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub
                                     or /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub.short)
09/89  216-582-2441   ncoast      Cleveland           OH  12/24/96  24
  80386 Mylex, SCO Xenix;  600 meg. storage;  XBBS and Shell;  USENET
  (newsfeeds available), E-Mail; donations requested; login as "bbs"
  for BBS and "makeuser" for new users.
  Telebit used on 216-237-5486.
08/88  217-529-3223   pallas      Springfield         IL  3/12/24  24
  Convrgnt Minifrme, multiple lines, 200 meg Minnie bbs $25 donation
10/89  219-289-0286   nstar       South Bend          IN  3/12/24/96  24
  Equip ???, UNIX 3.2; 300 Meg On-line; 4 lines at 9600 baud --
  (listed) - Hayes V-Series, (287-9020) - HST, (289-3745) - PEP;
  Full USENET, AKCS Software; Contact ..!iuvax!ndcheg!ndmath!nstar!larry
08/88  312-283-0559^  chinet      Chicago             IL  3/12/24  24
  3b2/300 - SYS V 3.1, multiple lines, Picospan BBS, system & BBS free
  Extra phone lines and usenet, $50/yr.
10/89  312-338-0632^  point       Chicago             IL  3/12/24/96  24
  North Shore / Rogers Park area of Chicago.  386 - ISC 2.01 (SysV3.2),
  multiple lines, Telebit PEP on 338-3261, USRobotics HST on 338-1036,
  AKCS bbs, some usenet conferences available.  200+ MB online storage.
  Downloads, full usenet & shell access in the works.
04/89  313-623-6309   nucleus     Clarkston           MI  12/24    24
  286 - Unix System V, no fee. Shell access, full usenet access, online games,
  AKCS conferencing system, some public domain sources online, extensive tape
  library of public domain source code
02/88  313-994-6333   m-net       Ann Arbor           MI  3/12     24
  Altos 68020 - SYS III, limits unstated, fee for extended service
  Picospan conference system, multiple lines, 160 meg, packet radio
08/89  313-996-4644^  anet        Ann Arbor           MI  3/12     24
  Altos 68000 - Sys III, no limits, 1st month free, fees range up to $20/
  month (negotiable), accepts equipment/software in lieu of fees, Picospan
  conferencing, 120M, non-profit, user-supported, community-based, ideal
  autodidact educational system.  Tax-deductible donations okay.
08/89  314-474-4581   gensis      Columbia            MO  3/12/24/48/96  24
  Gateway 386 system w/ SCO Xenix V/386, DataFlex, Oracle, CHARM, & VP/ix.
  No fee.  Online gaming, game design, and (oddly enough) data base design
  are the main focus.  Modem is Microcom MNP 6.
10/89  404-321-5020^  jdyx        Atlanta             GA  12/24/96  24
  386/ix 2.0.2.  XBBS. Usenet (alt, gnu, most comp and a few others) and 
  shell access.  Second line (2400 below) (404) 325-1719.  200+ meg current
  Usenet and GNU sources.  Specializing in graphics and ray-tracing under 
  386/ix (with/with out X11).  Yearly fee for shell and/or downloads.  
  Telebit access.  Contact: ...gatech!emory!jdyx!tpf (Tom Friedel)
05/88  407-380-6228   rtmvax      Orlando             FL  3/12/24  24
  mVAX-I - Ultrix-32 V1.2  USENET & UUCP Email Gateway. XBBS front end for
  new user subscribing. No Fees. Primary function is Technical exchange.
  Contact: { cbosgd!codas, hoptoad!peora }!rtmvax!rob 
09/89  408-245-7726^  uuwest      Sunnyvale           CA  3/12/24  24
  SCO-XENIX, Waffle. No fee, USENET news (news.*, music, comics, telecom, etc)
  The Dark Side of the Moon BBS. This system has been in operation since 1985.
  Login: new Contact: (UUCP) ames!uuwest!request (Domain) request@darkside.com
04/88  408-247-4810   sharks      Santa Clara         CA  3/12     24
  Altos 886/80/80  - XENIX 3.2f AKA: Shark's Head BBS,  BBCS Network
  Multiple lines,no fee for non-members,members $25 year
  Restricted sh access and UUCP/Usenet access for advanced members
11/89  408-423-9995   cruzio      Santa Cruz          CA  12/24    24
  Tandy 4000, Xenix 2.3.*, Caucus 3.*;  focus on Santa Cruz activity
  (ie directory of community and goverment organizations, events, ...);
  Multiple lines;  no shell; fee: $18/quarter.
  Contact: ...!uunet!cruzio!chris
10/89  408-725-0561^  portal      Cupertino           CA  3/12/24  24
  Networked Suns (SunOS), multiple lines, Telenet access, no shell access
  fees: $10/month + Telenet charges (if used) @ various rates/times
  conferencing, multi user chats, usenet 
02/89  408-997-9119^  netcom      San Jose            CA  3/12/24/96  24
  Unix System V -- Shell Access [Bourne, Korn, C-Shell], BBS, USENET,
  Languages: C, Lisp, Prolog, Clips, (Ada soon), $10 / month, login as
  'guest' no password.  Contact netcom!bobr.
10/89  412-431-8649   eklektik    Pittsburgh          PA  3/12/24  24
  UNIX PC- SYSV - UNaXcess BBS, new system - donation requested for shell,
  login: bbs for BBS, uucp-mail, limited Usenet news feeds.  Gaming SIGS.
  Contact:  ...!gatech!emoryu1!eklektik!anthony
11/89  415-332-6106^  well        Sausalito           CA  12/24    24
  6-processor Sequent Balance (32032); UUCP and USENET access; multiple
  lines; access via CPN; PICOSPAN BBS; $3/hour.  Contact (415) 332-4335
06/88  415-582-7691   cpro        Hayward             CA  12/24    24
  Microport SYSV 2, UNaXcess bbs, no fee, 60 min limit, shell access
11/89  415-623-8642   jack        Fremont             CA  3/12/24  24
  3b2/522.  2 BBS's.  E-mail, USENET News, and NFS links to 2 3b1's.  No
  fee.  5 lines on rotary.  Contact: steve@jack.SNS.COM5 lines on rotary.
07/89  415-753-5265^  wet         San Francisco       CA  3/12/24  24
  386 SYS V.3.  Wetware Diversions.  $15 registration, $0.01/minute.
  Public Access UNIX System:  uucp, PicoSpan bbs, full Usenet News,
  multiple lines, shell access.  Newusers get initial credit!
  contact:{ucsfcca|claris|hoptoad}!wet!cc (Christopher Cilley)
05/89  415-783-2543   esfenn      Hayward             CA  3/12/24  24
  System ????; USENET news; E-mail; No charges; Contact esfenn!william.
11/89  416-452-0926   telly       Brampton            ON  12/24/96  24
  386 SysVr3.2; proprietary menu-based BBS includes Usenet site searching.
  News (all groups, incl biz, pubnet, gnu, CanConfMail), mail (including
  to/from Internet, Bitnet), many archives. Feeds available. $75(Cdn)/year.
  Contact: Evan Leibovitch, evan@telly.on.ca, uunet!attcan!telly!evan
12/88  416-461-2608   tmsoft      Toronto             ON  3/12/24/96  24
  NS32016, Sys5r2, shell; news+mail $30/mo, general-timesharing $60/mo
  All newsgroups.  Willing to setup mail/news connections.
  Contact: Dave Mason <mason@tmsoft> / Login: newuser
07/89  416-654-8854   ziebmef     Toronto             ON  3/12/24/96  24
  AT&T 3B1, Sys V, shell, news, mail, no fee (donations accepted)
  Carries most newsgroups (willing to add extra ones on request)
  Telebit access, willing to give mail feeds
  Contact: Chris Siebenmann, {utzoo!telly,ncrcan}!ziebmef!cks
08/89  502-968-5401   disk        Louisville          KY  3/12     24
  386 clone, Microport System V, 600 meg.  6 lines 5401 thru 5406.
  rarrying most USENET groups, Shell access, games, downloads,
  multi-user chat, and more.  Rate info available via a free trial
12/88  503-254-0458   bucket      Portland            OR  3/12/24  24
  Tektronix 6130, UTek 2.3(4.2BSD-derived).  Bit Bucket BBS publically
  available; login as 'bbs'.  BBS is message only.  Users intereseted in
  access to Unix should contact SYSOP via the BBS or send EMail to
  ..tektronix!tessi!bucket!rickb.  Unix services include USENET News,
  EMail, and all tools/games/utility access. Alternate dial-in lines
  available for Unix users.
11/89  503-297-3211^  m2xenix     Portland            OR  3/12/24  24
  '386/20, Xenix 2.3.  Shell accounts available, NO BBS.  No fee.  E-mail,
  USENET News, program development.
  Contact: ...!uunet!{intelhf|oresoft}!m2xenix!news
05/89  503-640-4262^  agora       PDX                 OR  3/12/24  24
  Intel Xenix-286, $2/mo or $20/yr, news, mail, games, programming
  two lines with trunk-hunt, 4380 supports MNP level 3.
  Contact: Alan Batie, tektronix!tessi!agora!batie
10/88  512-346-2339   bigtex      Austin              TX  96       24
  Equip unknown, no shell, no fee, anonymous uucp ONLY, Telebit 9600/PEP
  mail & newsfeeds (limited) available.  Carries GNU software.
  anon login: nuucp NO PASSWD, file list /usr3/index
  Contact: ...!uunet!utastro!bigtex!james	
07/89  512-832-8835   rpp386      Austin              TX  12/24    24
  386 SYSV, no shell, no bbs, anonymous uucp file transfer site only, no fee
  uucp and kermit server available, login uucp or kermit NO PASSWD
10/89  513-779-8209   cinnet      Cincinnati          OH  12/24/96  24
  80386, ISC 386/ix 2.02, Telebit access, 1 line; $7.50/Month; shell
  access, Usenet access; news feeds available;
  login: newact password: new user to register for shell access
05/89  516-872-2137   lilink      Long Island         NY  12/24    24
  80386/20 Mhz. , three lines, News/Mail/Shell access. Online games,
  conferencing, full program development system, full text processing.
  We carry ALL Usenet groups.  Dues are  $10/month (unlimited access).
  Accounts are filled by application/phone verification. Login: new
  Alternate numbers: 516-872-2138 & 516-872-2349
07/89  517-487-3356   lunapark    E. Lansing          MI  12/24    24
  Compaq 386/20 SCO-XENIX 2.3.1, lunabbs bulletin board & conferencing
  system, no fee, login: bbs  no password.  Primarily UNIX software
  with focus on TeX and Postscript, also some ATARI-ST and IBM-PC stuff
  2400/1200 --> 8 N 1
  Contact: ...!uunet!frith!lunapark!larry
12/88  518-346-8033   sixhub      upstate             NY  3/12/24  24
  PC Designs GV386.  hub machine of the upstate NY UNIX users group (*IX)
  two line reserved for incoming, bbs no fee, news & email fee $15/year
  Smorgasboard of BBS systems, UNaXcess and XBBS online,
  Citadel BBS now in production. Contact: davidsen@sixhub.uucp.
09/88  602-941-2005   xroads      Phoenix             AZ  12/24    24
  Motorola VME1121, UNIX 5.2, Crossroads BBS, Fee $30/yr + $.50/.25 (call)
  prime (evenings)/non-prime, USENET news, multi-chat, online games,
  movie reviews, adventure games, dos unix/xenix files for dload, multi lines
08/89  603-880-8120   ubbs-nh     Nashua              NH  3/12/24/96  24
  New England Unix Archive Site.  Multiple lines.  Services include E-Mail,
  full or partial news feeds.  XBBS access $25/year, User Accounts or News 
  Feeds available $60/year (1 hour/day) or $120/year (2 hours/day).
  Contact:  noel@ubbs-nh or {decvax}!ubbs-nh!noel or leave message on the
  bbs.  Voice:  603 595-2947
08/89  605-348-2738   loft386     Rapid City          SD  3/12/24/96  24
  80386 SYS V/386 Rel 3.2, Usenet mail/news via UUNET, UUNET archive access.
  NO BBS!  News feeds avaliable.  400 meg hd.  Fees: $10/month or $25/quarter.
  Call (605) 343-8760 and talk to Doug Ingraham to arrange an account or email
08/88  608-273-2657   madnix      Madison             WI  3/12/24  24
  286 SCO-XENIX, shell, no fee, USENET news, mail, login: newuser
  Contact: ray@madnix
08/89  612-473-2295   pnet51      Minneapolis         MN  3/12/24  24
  Equip ?, Xenix, multi-line, no fee, some Usenet news, email, multi-threaded
  conferencing, login: pnet id: new, PC Pursuitable
  UUCP: {rosevax, crash}!orbit!pnet51!admin
08/89  615-896-8716   raider      Murfreesboro        TN  12/24    24
  Tandy 4000 XENIX, XBBS, shell accounts, news and mail, newsfeeds
  available. Two line system; second dialup is 615-896-7905.
  Contact: root@raider.MFEE.TN.US (Bob Reineri); NO CHARGE.
07/89  616-457-1964   wybbs       Jenison             MI  3/12/24  24
  286 - SCO-XENIX 2.2.1, no fees, two lines, shell access, usenet news,
  150 meg storage, XBBS, interests: ham radio, xenix
  AKA: Consultants Connection  Contact: danielw@wybbs.UUCP
  Alternate phone #: 616-457-9909 (max 1200 baud)
11/89  617-739-9753   world       Brookline           MA  3/12/24/96  24
  Sun 4/280, SunOS 4.03;  Shell, USENET, E-Mail, UUCP and home of the
  Open Book Initiative (text project);  fees: 8a-6p $8/hr, 6p-12a $5/hr,
  12a-8a $2.50/hr;  Multiple lines: 2400 MNP used on listed number,
  Telebits used on others;  login as "new";  Contact: geb@world.std.com
07/88  619-444-7006^  pnet01      El Cajon            CA  3/12/24  24
  BSD Unix, 3 lines, login: pnet id: new, some USENET, email, conferencing 
  Home of P-Net software, mail to crash!bblue or pnet01!bblue for info.
  Contributions requested
  Unix accounts available for regulars, PC Pursuit access 2/88.
10/88  703-281-7997^  grebyn      Vienna              VA  3/12/24/96  24
  Vax/Ultrix.  $25/month.  GNU EMACS, USENET, PC/BLUE archives, Telebit on 7998
  and 7999, archives, Ada repository, comp.sources.(misc,unix,games) archives, 
  net.sources archives, 3 C compilers, Ada compiler,  500MB disk, multiple lines
11/89  708-272-5912^  igloo       Northbrook          IL  12/24/96  24
  3B2-300;  accounts by invitation only, no limit/no fee;  full usenet;
  132megs HD;  2 lines rotary, 9600 telebit on 272-5917
  Contact: igloo!postmaster
11/89  708-301-2100^  jolnet      Joliet              IL  3/12/24  24
  3b2/400 - Unix, public access and contributions, No fee for postnews.
  5 lines  AKCS bbs.  Free Newsfeeds available.  ~450 MB online storage.
  Free Shell and Usenet access.  Telebit Trailblazer access (2104).
  Telenet access. 
11/89  708-566-8911^  ddsw1       Mundelein           IL  3/12/24/96  24
  Televideo 386 -SCO XENIX 386, guest usr 1 hr daily, fee extends use
  AKCS bbs, fee $30/6 months $50/year, Authors of AKCS bbs
  multiple lines, 9600 bps available, anonymous uucp, ~/README for info
  Contact: Karl Denninger (...!ddsw1!karl) Voice: (312) 566-8910
11/89  708-833-8126^  vpnet       Villa Park          IL  12/24/96  24
  386 Clone - Interactive 386/ix R2.0 (3.2), no fee. Akcs linked bbs
  including several Usenet conf's. No charge for shells. Trailblazer. 
  Mail lisbon@vpnet.UUCP
07/89  713-438-5018   sugar       Houston             TX  3/12/24/96  24
  386/AT (2) networked - Bell Technologies V/386, usenet, news, downloads
  Homegrown BBS software, Trailblazer+ access, currently no charges
10/89  713-668-7176^  nuchat      Houston             TX  3/12/24/96  24
  i386;  USENET, Mail, Shell Access;  300M On-line;  Trailbazer Used;
  No fee.
12/88  714-635-2863   dhw68k      Anaheim             CA  12/24    24
  Unistride 2.1, no fee, also 714-385-1915, Trailblazer on both lines,
  USENET News, /bin/sh or /bin/csh available
05/89  714-662-7450   turnkey     Inglewood           CA  12/24    24
  286 - Xenix SYSV, XBBS
11/89  714-821-9671   alphacm     Cypress             CA  12/24/96  24
  386 - SCO-XENIX, no fee, Home of XBBS, 90 minute per login, 4 lines,
  9600 baud via MicroComm/Hayes (v.29)
    uucp-anon:  ogin: nuucp  NO PASSWD
05/89  714-842-5851   conexch     Santa Ana           CA  3/12/24  24
  386 - SCO Xenix - Free Unix guest login and PC-DOS bbs login, one
  hour inital time limit, USENET news, shell access granted on request &
  $25/quarter donation.  Anon uucp: ogin: nuucp  NO PASSWD.  List of
  available Unix files resides in /usr3/public/FILES.
08/88  714-894-2246   stanton     Irvine              CA  3/12/24  24
  286 - SCO Xenix - donation requested, limit 240 min, XBBS, USENET news
  UNIX access granted on request through BBS, 20$/year, access includes
  C development system (XENIX/MSDOS), PROCALC 1-2-3 clone, FOXBASE+
  anon uucp: ogin: nuucp, no word, 2400/1200/300 MNP supported
05/88  719-632-4111   chariot     Colo Sprgs          CO  3/12     24
  Convrgnt Minifrme - SYS V, multiple lines, fee $12/mo Picospan
08/89  801-943-7947^  i-core      Salt Lake City      UT  3/12/24/96  24
  286 SYS V, Unidel BBS, a.k.a. Bitsko's Bar & Grill, no limit, no fee,
  UseNet and Citadel feeds available, home of Unidel BBS, Telebit 19200 used
  Contact: ken@i-core.UUCP or uunet!iconsys!caeco!i-core!ken
12/88  802-865-3614   tnl         Burlington          VT  3/12/24  24
  80386 w/ SCO XENIX. No Fee.  2 hr session limit.  XBBS/USENET, shell.
  Login as 'new' for a shell account, no validation.  AKA: Northern Lights.
08/88  813-952-1981   usource     Sarasota            FL  12/24    -24
  386 - SCO-XENIX, fee depends on services provided, no fee for bbs. New users
  subscribe by logging in as 'help' or 'newuser' (no password).  Primary
  purpose is technical forum. 6pm-8am M-Th, 24 hrs weeekends (6pm Fri-8am Mon)
  uucp-anon: 1200/2400 bps --> ogin: auucp  word: gateway
  uucp-anon directory: /usr/spool/uucppublic; contact: frank@usource.UUCP
08/88  814-333-6728   sir-alan    Meadville           PA  3/12/24  24
  Tandy XENIX/68000 03.01.02, Allegheny College, UNaXcess BBS
  uucp-anon: ogin: pdsrc  NO PASSWD
  uucp-anon directory: /usr/spool/pdsrc/all.subjects 
  Telebit TB+ available at 814 337 0894, now operating.
  Contact: sir-alan!mikes 
05/88  814-337-3159   oncoast     Meadville           PA  3/12/24/96  24
  Tandy 12/6000, no fee, no bbs, archive site, USR HST 9600, cycle 24/96/12
  vols 1 - 13 of mod.sources/comp.sources.unix, comp.sources.misc
  New stuff on sir-alan, older on oncoast. 2 uucp logins "uucp" and "pdsrc"
  files list =  /usr/spool/uucppublic/my.directory or /usr/spool/pdsrc/
09/89  916-649-0161   sactoh0     Sacramento          CA  12/24/96  24
  3B2/310 SYSV.2, SAC_UNIX;  $2/month, limit 90 min, 2 lines, TB on line,
  2400/1200 baud on 916-722-6519;  USENET, E-Mail, Games;  login: new
  Contact: ..pacbell!sactoh0!sysop
089  919-493-7111^  wolves      Durham              NC  3/12/24  24
  AMS 386/25 - UNIX SysVr3.2, XBBS, no fee for bbs.  Rates for UNIX access
  and USENET are being determined.  Developing yet another UNIX bbs (ideas
  welcome!)  Single line, telebit coming soon.
  Contact: wolves!ggw or wolves!sysop  [...duke!dukcds!wolves!...]
NOTE:  ^ means the site is reachable using PC Pursuit.
This list is maintained by Phil Eschallier on lgnp1.  Any additions,
deletions, or corrections should be sent to one of the addresses below.
The nixpub listings are kept as current as possible.  However, you use this
data at your own risk and cost -- all standard disclaimers apply!!!
      Lists available from lgnp1 via anonomous uucp.
                            +1 215 348 9727 [Telebit access]
                     login: nuucp  NO PWD   [no rmail permitted]
                 this list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub
                short list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub.short
      or from news groups pubnet.nixpub, comp.misc or alt.bbs.
E-MAIL ...
  uucp: ..!uunet!lgnp1!{ phil | nixpub }
    or: { phil | nixpub }@LS.COM
   CIS: 71076,1576
  COMPAQ, IBM, PC Pursuit, [SCO] XENIX, UNIX, etc. are trademarks of the
  respective companies.

nixpub@lgnp1.LS.COM (NIXPUB Coordinator) (11/21/89)

                          nixpub short listing
     Open Access UNIX (*NIX) Sites [Fee / No Fee] for mapped sites only
                          [ November 20, 1989 ]

Systems listed (75)
Legend: fee/contribution ($), no fee (-$), hours (24), not (-24)
        shell (S), USENET news (N), email (M), multiple lines (T) 
        Telebit 9600 bps on main number (+P), Telebit on other line[s] (P)
        Courier 9600 bps on main number (+H), Courier on other line[s] (H) 
        anonymous uucp (A), archive site ONLY - see long form list (@)
        @~ = anonymous uucp archive site listed in ANONIX (mike@cpmain)
        Dialable thru PC Pursuit (^)

Date   Telephone #    Sys-name   Location          Baud        Legend
-----  ------------   --------   -----------       -------     ---------
08/89  201-846-2460^  althea     New Brunswic  NJ  3/12/24     24 -$ M N S 
10/89  206-328-4944   polari     Seatle        WA  3/12        24 $ M N P S T
10/89  212-420-0527   magpie     NYC           NY  3/12/24/96  24 -$ T P
10/89  212-675-7059   marob      NYC           NY  12/24       24 -$ A
05/89  212-879-9031^  dasys1     NYC           NY  12/24       24 $ S N M T
09/89  213-376-5714^  pnet02     Redondo Bch   CA  3/12/24     24 -$ M N T
09/89  213-397-3137^  stb        Santa Monica  CA  3/12/24     24 -$ S A
11/88  213-459-5891   amazing    Pac Palisade  CA  3/12/24     24 $ T
07/88  214-247-2367   ozdaltx    Dallas        TX  3/12/24     24 $ N T
07/89  214-741-2130   attctc     Dallas        TX  3/12/24     24 -$ N M S T A
11/89  215-348-9727   lgnp1      Doylestown    PA  3/12/24/96  24 $ A M N +P
09/89  216-582-2441   ncoast     Cleveland     OH  12/24/96    24 $ S N M P T
08/88  217-529-3223   pallas     Springfield   IL  3/12/24     24 $ T
10/89  219-289-0286   nstar      South Bend    IN  3/12/24/96  24 -$ H M N P S T
08/88  312-283-0559^  chinet     Chicago       IL  3/12/24     24 $ N T
10/89  312-338-0632^  point      Chicago       IL  3/12/24/96  24 -$ N P S T
04/89  313-623-6309   nucleus    Clarkston     MI  12/24       24 $ S N M
11/88  313-994-6333   m-net      Ann Arbor     MI  3/12        24 $ T
08/89  313-996-4644^  anet       Ann Arbor     MI  3/12        24 $ T
08/89  314-474-4581   gensis     Columbia      MO  3/12/24/96  24 -$ M S 
10/89  404-321-5020^  jdyx       Atlanta       GA  12/24       24 $ M N +P S T
05/88  407-380-6228   rtmvax     Orlando       FL  3/12/24     24 -$ N M
09/89  408-245-7726^  uuwest     Sunnyvale     CA  3/12/24     24 -$ N
04/88  408-247-4810   sharks     Santa Clara   CA  3/12        24 $ S N M T
11/89  408-423-9995   cruzio     Santa Cruz    CA  12/24       24 $ M T
10/89  408-725-0561^  portal     Cupertino     CA  3/12/24     24 $ -S N M T
02/89  408-997-9119^  netcom     San Jose      CA  3/12/24/96  24 $ M N S
10/89  412-431-8649   eklektik   Pittsburgh    PA  3/12/24     24 $ S N M 
11/89  415-332-6106^  well       Sausalito     CA  12/24       24 $ M N S T
06/88  415-582-7691   cpro       Hayward       CA  12/24       24 -$ S
11/89  415-623-8652   jack       Fremont       CA  3/12/24     24 -$ M N T
07/89  415-753-5265^  wet        San Francisc  CA  3/12/24     24 $ M N S T
05/89  415-783-2543   esfenn     Hayward       CA  3/12/24     24 -$ M N S 
11/89  416-452-0926   telly      Brampton      ON  12/24/96    +P 24 $ M N
12/88  416-461-2608   tmsoft     Toronto       ON  3/12/24/96  24 $ S M N
07/89  416-654-8854   ziebmef    Toronto       ON  3/12/24/96  24 +P M N S T
08/89  502-968-5401   disk       Louisville    KY  3/12        24 $ M N S T
12/88  503-254-0458   bucket     Portland      OR  3/12/24     24 -$ N M T
11/89  503-297-3211^  m2xenix    Portland      OR  3/12/24     24 -$ M N S 
05/89  503-640-4262^  agora      PDX           OR  3/12/24     24 $ M N S T
10/88  512-346-2339   bigtex     Austin        TX  96          +P 24 -S -$ A @~
07/89  512-832-8835   rpp386     Austin        TX  12/24       24 @ -$ -S A T
10/89  513-779-8209   cinnet     Cincinnati    OH  12/24/96    24 $ M N +P S 
05/89  516-872-2137   lilink     Long Island   NY  12/24       24 $ M N S T
07/89  517-487-3356   lunapark   E. Lansing    MI  12/24       24 -$
12/88  518-346-8033   sixhub     upstate       NY  3/12/24     24 $ S N M T
09/88  602-941-2005   xroads     Phoenix       AZ  3/12/24     24 $ N T
08/89  603-880-8120   ubbs-nh    Nashua        NH  3/12/24/96  24 -$ M N +P S T
08/89  605-348-2738   loft386    Rapid City    SD  3/12/24/96  24 $ M N +P S 
08/88  608-273-2657   madnix     Madison       WI  3/12/24     24 -$ S N M
08/89  612-473-2295   pnet51     Minneapolis   MN  3/12/24     24 -$ N M T
08/89  615-896-8716   raider     Murfreesboro  TN  12/24       24 -$ S N M T
07/89  616-457-1964   wybbs      Jenison       MI  3/12/24     24 -$ S N T
11/89  617-739-9753   world      Brookline     MA  3/12/24/96  24 $ M N P S T
07/88  619-444-7006^  pnet01     El Cajon      CA  3/12/24     24 $ N M S T
10/88  703-281-7997^  grebyn     Vienna        VA  3/12/24/96  24 $ N M T P
11/89  708-272-5912^  igloo      Northbrook    IL  12/24/96    24 -$ S N T P
11/89  708-301-2100^  jolnet     Joliet        IL  3/12/24     24 -$ +P M N S T
08/88  312-566-8911^  ddsw1      Mundelein     IL  3/12/24/96  24 $ S N M T A P
11/89  708-833-8126^  vpnet      Villa Park    IL  12/24/96    24 -$ +P M N S 
07/89  713-438-5018   sugar      Houston       TX  3/12/24/96  24 -$ N +P
10/89  713-668-7176^  nuchat     Houston       TX  3/12/24/96  24 -$ M N +P S
12/88  714-635-2863   dhw68k     Anaheim       CA  12/24       24 -$ T
05/89  714-662-7450   turnkey    Inglewood     CA  12/24       24 -$
11/89  714-821-9671   alphacm    Cypress       CA  12/24/96    24 -$ T H A
05/89  714-842-5851   conexch    Santa Ana     CA  3/12/24     24 $ A M N S
08/88  714-894-2246   stanton    Irvine        CA  3/12/24     24 $ S N
05/88  719-632-4111   chariot    Colo Sprgs    CO  3/12        24 $ T
08/89  801-943-7947^  i-core     Salt Lake Ci  UT  3/12/24/96  +P 24 -$ A N
06/88  802-865-3614   tnl        Burlington    VT  3/12/24     24 -$ S N M
08/88  813-952-1981   usource    Sarasota      FL  12/24       -24 -$ A
08/88  814-333-6728   sir-alan   Meadville     PA  3/12/24     24 -$ A P
05/88  814-337-3159   oncoast    Meadville     PA  3/12/24/96  +H 24 @ -$ -S A
09/89  916-649-0161   sactoh0    Sacramento    CA  12/24/96    24 $ M N +P S T
08/89  919-493-7111^  wolves     Durham        NC  3/12/24     24 $ M N S 
NOTE:  ^ means the site is reachable using PC Pursuit.
This list is maintained by Phil Eschallier on lgnp1.  Any additions,
deletions, or corrections should be sent to one of the addresses below.
The nixpub listings are kept as current as possible.  However, you use this
data at your own risk and cost -- all standard disclaimers apply!!!
      Lists available from lgnp1 via anonomous uucp.
                            +1 215 348 9727 [Telebit access]
                     login: nuucp  NO PWD   [no rmail permitted]
                 this list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub.short
                 long list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub
      or from news groups pubnet.nixpub, comp.misc or alt.bbs
E-MAIL ...
  uucp: ..!uunet!lgnp1!{ phil | nixpub }
    or: { phil | nixpub }@LS.COM
  COMPAQ, IBM, PC Pursuit, [SCO] XENIX, UNIX, etc. are trademarks of the
  respective companies.

nixpub@lgnp1.LS.COM (NIXPUB Coordinator) (11/27/89)

                          nixpub long listing
     Open Access UNIX (*NIX) Sites [Fee / No Fee] for mapped sites only
                         [ November 26, 1989 ]

Systems listed (75):
 [  agora, alphacm, althea, amazing, anet, attctc, bigtex, bucket, chariot  ]
 [  chinet, cinnet, conexch, contact, cpro, cruzio, dasys1, ddsw1, dhw68k   ]
 [  disk, eklektik, esfenn, gensis, grebyn, i-core, igloo, jack, jdyx       ]
 [  jolnet, lgnp1, lilink, loft386, lunapark, m-net, m2xenix, madnix        ]
 [  magpie, marob, ncoast, netcom, nstar, nuchat, nucleus, oncoast, ozdaltx ]
 [  pallas, pnet01, pnet02, pnet51, point, polari, portal, raider, rpp386   ]
 [  rtmvax, sactoh0, sharks, sixhub, stanton, stb, sugar, telly, tmsoft     ]
 [  tnl, turnkey, ubbs-nh, usource, uuwest, vpnet, well, wet, wolves, world ]
 [  wybbs, xroads, ziebmef                                                  ]

Date   Telephone #    Sys-name    Location                Baud        Hours
-----  ------------   --------    -----------             -------     -----

08/89  201-846-2460^  althea      New Brunswick       NJ  3/12/24  24
  AT&T 3B2/310 - Unix SVR3.1, no fee.  USENET, email, C development,
  games.  Single line.
  Contact: rjd@althea.UUCP (Robert Diamond)
10/89  206-328-4944   polari      Seatle              WA  3/12     24
  Equip ???;  8-lines, Trailblazer on 206-328-1468;  $30/year (flat rate);
  Multi-user games, chat, full USENET.
  Contact: uunet!microsoft!happym!polari!bruceki
10/89  212-420-0527   magpie      NYC                 NY  3/12/24/96  24
  ? - UNIX SYSV - 2, Magpie BBS, no fee, Authors: Magpie/UNIX,/MSDOS
  two lines plus anonymous uucp: 212-677-9487 (9600 bps Telebit modem)
  NOTE: 9487 reserved for registered Magpie sysops & anon uucp
  Contact: Steve Manes, {rutgers|cmcl2|uunet}!hombre!magpie!manes	
10/89  212-675-7059   marob       NYC                 NY  3/12/24  24
  386 SCO-XENIX 2.2, XBBS, magpie bbs, no fee, limit 60 min
  Telebit Trailblazer (9600 PEP) only 212-675-8438
  Contact:  {philabs|rutgers|cmcl2}!{phri|hombre}!marob!clifford
05/89  212-879-9031^  dasys1      NYC                 NY  12/24    24
  Unistride - SYS V, multiple lines, fee $5/mo  AKA Big Electric Cat
  USENET, games, multi-user chat, email, login: new, passwd: new
  Contact: ...!rutgers!cmcl2!rsweeney or rsweeney@dasys1.UUCP
09/89  213-376-5714^  pnet02      Redondo Bch         CA  3/12/24  24
  XENIX (also 213-374-7404) no fee, 90 min limit, login: pnet id: new
  some USENET, net-work e-mail, multi-threaded conferencing
09/89  213-397-3137^  stb         Santa Monica        CA  3/12/24  24
  AT&T 3b1;  BBS and shell access;  uucp-anon: ogin: uucp NO PASSWD
  3 line on rotory -3137 2400 baud.
03/88  213-459-5891   amazing     Pacific Palisades   CA  3/12/24  24
  AMT 286 - Microport  David's Amazing BBS  Fee $7.50/month;$35/6;$60/year
  5 lines on rotary; Unique original software with conferencing, electronic
  bar, matchmaking, no file up/downloading
07/88  214-247-2367   ozdaltx     Dallas              TX  3/12/24  24
  INTEC/SCO XENIX 2.2.1, OZ BBS, Membership only adult BBS, fee $40
  year. Multiple lines.  Closed system, carries limited USENET
  newsgroups. Login: guest (no PW).  Voice verification on all new users.
11/89  214-824-7881   attctc      Dallas              TX  3/12/24  24
  3b2/522 - UNIX, no fee, various time limits, 8 lines 2.8 GB online
  uucp-anon --> 214-741-2130  ogin: uupdsrc word: Public
  uucp-anon info in: /bbsys4/README     (Formerly node name killer)
11/89  215-348-9727   lgnp1       Doylestown          PA  3/12/24/96  24
  SCO-XENIX -- Telebit access.  UUCP access only;  Fee;  Services include
  feeds/routing for UUCP E-mail and USENET News;  Home of the Nixpub lists
  Contact: phil@ls.com.
    anon-uucp: nuucp  NO PWD  (download /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub
                                     or /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub.short)
09/89  216-582-2441   ncoast      Cleveland           OH  12/24/96  24
  80386 Mylex, SCO Xenix;  600 meg. storage;  XBBS and Shell;  USENET
  (newsfeeds available), E-Mail; donations requested; login as "bbs"
  for BBS and "makeuser" for new users.
  Telebit used on 216-237-5486.
08/88  217-529-3223   pallas      Springfield         IL  3/12/24  24
  Convrgnt Minifrme, multiple lines, 200 meg Minnie bbs $25 donation
10/89  219-289-0286   nstar       South Bend          IN  3/12/24/96  24
  Equip ???, UNIX 3.2; 300 Meg On-line; 4 lines at 9600 baud --
  (listed) - Hayes V-Series, (287-9020) - HST, (289-3745) - PEP;
  Full USENET, AKCS Software; Contact ..!iuvax!ndcheg!ndmath!nstar!larry
08/88  312-283-0559^  chinet      Chicago             IL  3/12/24  24
  3b2/300 - SYS V 3.1, multiple lines, Picospan BBS, system & BBS free
  Extra phone lines and usenet, $50/yr.
10/89  312-338-0632^  point       Chicago             IL  3/12/24/96  24
  North Shore / Rogers Park area of Chicago.  386 - ISC 2.01 (SysV3.2),
  multiple lines, Telebit PEP on 338-3261, USRobotics HST on 338-1036,
  AKCS bbs, some usenet conferences available.  200+ MB online storage.
  Downloads, full usenet & shell access in the works.
04/89  313-623-6309   nucleus     Clarkston           MI  12/24    24
  286 - Unix System V, no fee. Shell access, full usenet access, online games,
  AKCS conferencing system, some public domain sources online, extensive tape
  library of public domain source code
02/88  313-994-6333   m-net       Ann Arbor           MI  3/12     24
  Altos 68020 - SYS III, limits unstated, fee for extended service
  Picospan conference system, multiple lines, 160 meg, packet radio
08/89  313-996-4644^  anet        Ann Arbor           MI  3/12     24
  Altos 68000 - Sys III, no limits, 1st month free, fees range up to $20/
  month (negotiable), accepts equipment/software in lieu of fees, Picospan
  conferencing, 120M, non-profit, user-supported, community-based, ideal
  autodidact educational system.  Tax-deductible donations okay.
08/89  314-474-4581   gensis      Columbia            MO  3/12/24/48/96  24
  Gateway 386 system w/ SCO Xenix V/386, DataFlex, Oracle, CHARM, & VP/ix.
  No fee.  Online gaming, game design, and (oddly enough) data base design
  are the main focus.  Modem is Microcom MNP 6.
10/89  404-321-5020^  jdyx        Atlanta             GA  12/24/96  24
  386/ix 2.0.2.  XBBS. Usenet (alt, gnu, most comp and a few others) and 
  shell access.  Second line (2400 below) (404) 325-1719.  200+ meg current
  Usenet and GNU sources.  Specializing in graphics and ray-tracing under 
  386/ix (with/with out X11).  Yearly fee for shell and/or downloads.  
  Telebit access.  Contact: ...gatech!emory!jdyx!tpf (Tom Friedel)
05/88  407-380-6228   rtmvax      Orlando             FL  3/12/24  24
  mVAX-I - Ultrix-32 V1.2  USENET & UUCP Email Gateway. XBBS front end for
  new user subscribing. No Fees. Primary function is Technical exchange.
  Contact: { cbosgd!codas, hoptoad!peora }!rtmvax!rob 
09/89  408-245-7726^  uuwest      Sunnyvale           CA  3/12/24  24
  SCO-XENIX, Waffle. No fee, USENET news (news.*, music, comics, telecom, etc)
  The Dark Side of the Moon BBS. This system has been in operation since 1985.
  Login: new Contact: (UUCP) ames!uuwest!request (Domain) request@darkside.com
04/88  408-247-4810   sharks      Santa Clara         CA  3/12     24
  Altos 886/80/80  - XENIX 3.2f AKA: Shark's Head BBS,  BBCS Network
  Multiple lines,no fee for non-members,members $25 year
  Restricted sh access and UUCP/Usenet access for advanced members
11/89  408-423-9995   cruzio      Santa Cruz          CA  12/24    24
  Tandy 4000, Xenix 2.3.*, Caucus 3.*;  focus on Santa Cruz activity
  (ie directory of community and goverment organizations, events, ...);
  Multiple lines;  no shell; fee: $18/quarter.
  Contact: ...!uunet!cruzio!chris
10/89  408-725-0561^  portal      Cupertino           CA  3/12/24  24
  Networked Suns (SunOS), multiple lines, Telenet access, no shell access
  fees: $10/month + Telenet charges (if used) @ various rates/times
  conferencing, multi user chats, usenet 
02/89  408-997-9119^  netcom      San Jose            CA  3/12/24/96  24
  Unix System V -- Shell Access [Bourne, Korn, C-Shell], BBS, USENET,
  Languages: C, Lisp, Prolog, Clips, (Ada soon), $10 / month, login as
  'guest' no password.  Contact netcom!bobr.
10/89  412-431-8649   eklektik    Pittsburgh          PA  3/12/24  24
  UNIX PC- SYSV - UNaXcess BBS, new system - donation requested for shell,
  login: bbs for BBS, uucp-mail, limited Usenet news feeds.  Gaming SIGS.
  Contact:  ...!gatech!emoryu1!eklektik!anthony
11/89  415-332-6106^  well        Sausalito           CA  12/24    24
  6-processor Sequent Balance (32032); UUCP and USENET access; multiple
  lines; access via CPN; PICOSPAN BBS; $3/hour.  Contact (415) 332-4335
06/88  415-582-7691   cpro        Hayward             CA  12/24    24
  Microport SYSV 2, UNaXcess bbs, no fee, 60 min limit, shell access
11/89  415-623-8642   jack        Fremont             CA  3/12/24  24
  3b2/522.  2 BBS's.  E-mail, USENET News, and NFS links to 2 3b1's.  No
  fee.  5 lines on rotary.  Contact: steve@jack.SNS.COM5 lines on rotary.
07/89  415-753-5265^  wet         San Francisco       CA  3/12/24  24
  386 SYS V.3.  Wetware Diversions.  $15 registration, $0.01/minute.
  Public Access UNIX System:  uucp, PicoSpan bbs, full Usenet News,
  multiple lines, shell access.  Newusers get initial credit!
  contact:{ucsfcca|claris|hoptoad}!wet!cc (Christopher Cilley)
05/89  415-783-2543   esfenn      Hayward             CA  3/12/24  24
  System ????; USENET news; E-mail; No charges; Contact esfenn!william.
11/89  416-438-2855   contact     Toronto             ONT  3/12/24  24
  386 clone - Xenix 2.3.1, fee optional. USENET, email, multi-user chat,
  Contact: eisen@contact.UUCP martin loeffler
11/89  416-452-0926   telly       Brampton            ON  12/24/96  24
  386 SysVr3.2; proprietary menu-based BBS includes Usenet site searching.
  News (all groups, incl biz, pubnet, gnu, CanConfMail), mail (including
  to/from Internet, Bitnet), many archives. Feeds available. $75(Cdn)/year.
  Contact: Evan Leibovitch, evan@telly.on.ca, uunet!attcan!telly!evan
12/88  416-461-2608   tmsoft      Toronto             ON  3/12/24/96  24
  NS32016, Sys5r2, shell; news+mail $30/mo, general-timesharing $60/mo
  All newsgroups.  Willing to setup mail/news connections.
  Contact: Dave Mason <mason@tmsoft> / Login: newuser
07/89  416-654-8854   ziebmef     Toronto             ON  3/12/24/96  24
  AT&T 3B1, Sys V, shell, news, mail, no fee (donations accepted)
  Carries most newsgroups (willing to add extra ones on request)
  Telebit access, willing to give mail feeds
  Contact: Chris Siebenmann, {utzoo!telly,ncrcan}!ziebmef!cks
08/89  502-968-5401   disk        Louisville          KY  3/12     24
  386 clone, Microport System V, 600 meg.  6 lines 5401 thru 5406.
  rarrying most USENET groups, Shell access, games, downloads,
  multi-user chat, and more.  Rate info available via a free trial
12/88  503-254-0458   bucket      Portland            OR  3/12/24  24
  Tektronix 6130, UTek 2.3(4.2BSD-derived).  Bit Bucket BBS publically
  available; login as 'bbs'.  BBS is message only.  Users intereseted in
  access to Unix should contact SYSOP via the BBS or send EMail to
  ..tektronix!tessi!bucket!rickb.  Unix services include USENET News,
  EMail, and all tools/games/utility access. Alternate dial-in lines
  available for Unix users.
11/89  503-297-3211^  m2xenix     Portland            OR  3/12/24  24
  '386/20, Xenix 2.3.  Shell accounts available, NO BBS.  No fee.  E-mail,
  USENET News, program development.
  Contact: ...!uunet!{intelhf|oresoft}!m2xenix!news
05/89  503-640-4262^  agora       PDX                 OR  3/12/24  24
  Intel Xenix-286, $2/mo or $20/yr, news, mail, games, programming
  two lines with trunk-hunt, 4380 supports MNP level 3.
  Contact: Alan Batie, tektronix!tessi!agora!batie
10/88  512-346-2339   bigtex      Austin              TX  96       24
  Equip unknown, no shell, no fee, anonymous uucp ONLY, Telebit 9600/PEP
  mail & newsfeeds (limited) available.  Carries GNU software.
  anon login: nuucp NO PASSWD, file list /usr3/index
  Contact: ...!uunet!utastro!bigtex!james	
07/89  512-832-8835   rpp386      Austin              TX  12/24    24
  386 SYSV, no shell, no bbs, anonymous uucp file transfer site only, no fee
  uucp and kermit server available, login uucp or kermit NO PASSWD
10/89  513-779-8209   cinnet      Cincinnati          OH  12/24/96  24
  80386, ISC 386/ix 2.02, Telebit access, 1 line; $7.50/Month; shell
  access, Usenet access; news feeds available;
  login: newact password: new user to register for shell access
05/89  516-872-2137   lilink      Long Island         NY  12/24    24
  80386/20 Mhz. , three lines, News/Mail/Shell access. Online games,
  conferencing, full program development system, full text processing.
  We carry ALL Usenet groups.  Dues are  $10/month (unlimited access).
  Accounts are filled by application/phone verification. Login: new
  Alternate numbers: 516-872-2138 & 516-872-2349
07/89  517-487-3356   lunapark    E. Lansing          MI  12/24    24
  Compaq 386/20 SCO-XENIX 2.3.1, lunabbs bulletin board & conferencing
  system, no fee, login: bbs  no password.  Primarily UNIX software
  with focus on TeX and Postscript, also some ATARI-ST and IBM-PC stuff
  2400/1200 --> 8 N 1
  Contact: ...!uunet!frith!lunapark!larry
12/88  518-346-8033   sixhub      upstate             NY  3/12/24  24
  PC Designs GV386.  hub machine of the upstate NY UNIX users group (*IX)
  two line reserved for incoming, bbs no fee, news & email fee $15/year
  Smorgasboard of BBS systems, UNaXcess and XBBS online,
  Citadel BBS now in production. Contact: davidsen@sixhub.uucp.
09/88  602-941-2005   xroads      Phoenix             AZ  12/24    24
  Motorola VME1121, UNIX 5.2, Crossroads BBS, Fee $30/yr + $.50/.25 (call)
  prime (evenings)/non-prime, USENET news, multi-chat, online games,
  movie reviews, adventure games, dos unix/xenix files for dload, multi lines
08/89  603-880-8120   ubbs-nh     Nashua              NH  3/12/24/96  24
  New England Unix Archive Site.  Multiple lines.  Services include E-Mail,
  full or partial news feeds.  XBBS access $25/year, User Accounts or News 
  Feeds available $60/year (1 hour/day) or $120/year (2 hours/day).
  Contact:  noel@ubbs-nh or {decvax}!ubbs-nh!noel or leave message on the
  bbs.  Voice:  603 595-2947
08/89  605-348-2738   loft386     Rapid City          SD  3/12/24/96  24
  80386 SYS V/386 Rel 3.2, Usenet mail/news via UUNET, UUNET archive access.
  NO BBS!  News feeds avaliable.  400 meg hd.  Fees: $10/month or $25/quarter.
  Call (605) 343-8760 and talk to Doug Ingraham to arrange an account or email
08/88  608-273-2657   madnix      Madison             WI  3/12/24  24
  286 SCO-XENIX, shell, no fee, USENET news, mail, login: newuser
  Contact: ray@madnix
08/89  612-473-2295   pnet51      Minneapolis         MN  3/12/24  24
  Equip ?, Xenix, multi-line, no fee, some Usenet news, email, multi-threaded
  conferencing, login: pnet id: new, PC Pursuitable
  UUCP: {rosevax, crash}!orbit!pnet51!admin
08/89  615-896-8716   raider      Murfreesboro        TN  12/24    24
  Tandy 4000 XENIX, XBBS, shell accounts, news and mail, newsfeeds
  available. Two line system; second dialup is 615-896-7905.
  Contact: root@raider.MFEE.TN.US (Bob Reineri); NO CHARGE.
11/89  616-457-1964   wybbs       Jenison             MI  3/12/24/PEP  24
  286 - SCO-XENIX 2.2.1, no fees, two lines, shell access, usenet news,
  150 meg storage, XBBS, Telebit, interests: ham radio, xenix 
  AKA: Consultants Connection  Contact: wybbs!danielw@sharkey.cc.umich.edu
  Alternate phone #: 616-457-9909 (max 2400 baud)
11/89  617-739-9753   world       Brookline           MA  3/12/24/96  24
  Sun 4/280, SunOS 4.03;  Shell, USENET, E-Mail, UUCP and home of the
  Open Book Initiative (text project);  fees: 8a-6p $8/hr, 6p-12a $5/hr,
  12a-8a $2.50/hr;  Multiple lines: 2400 MNP used on listed number,
  Telebits used on others;  login as "new";  Contact: geb@world.std.com
07/88  619-444-7006^  pnet01      El Cajon            CA  3/12/24  24
  BSD Unix, 3 lines, login: pnet id: new, some USENET, email, conferencing 
  Home of P-Net software, mail to crash!bblue or pnet01!bblue for info.
  Contributions requested
  Unix accounts available for regulars, PC Pursuit access 2/88.
10/88  703-281-7997^  grebyn      Vienna              VA  3/12/24/96  24
  Vax/Ultrix.  $25/month.  GNU EMACS, USENET, PC/BLUE archives, Telebit on 7998
  and 7999, archives, Ada repository, comp.sources.(misc,unix,games) archives, 
  net.sources archives, 3 C compilers, Ada compiler,  500MB disk, multiple lines
11/89  708-272-5912^  igloo       Northbrook          IL  12/24/96  24
  3B2-300;  accounts by invitation only, no limit/no fee;  full usenet;
  132megs HD;  2 lines rotary, 9600 telebit on 272-5917
  Contact: igloo!postmaster
11/89  708-301-2100^  jolnet      Joliet              IL  3/12/24  24
  3b2/400 - Unix, public access and contributions, No fee for postnews.
  5 lines  AKCS bbs.  Free Newsfeeds available.  ~450 MB online storage.
  Free Shell and Usenet access.  Telebit Trailblazer access (2104).
  Telenet access. 
11/89  708-566-8911^  ddsw1       Mundelein           IL  3/12/24/96  24
  Televideo 386 -SCO XENIX 386, guest usr 1 hr daily, fee extends use
  AKCS bbs, fee $30/6 months $50/year, Authors of AKCS bbs
  multiple lines, 9600 bps available, anonymous uucp, ~/README for info
  Contact: Karl Denninger (...!ddsw1!karl) Voice: (312) 566-8910
11/89  708-833-8126^  vpnet       Villa Park          IL  12/24/96  24
  386 Clone - Interactive 386/ix R2.0 (3.2), no fee. Akcs linked bbs
  including several Usenet conf's. No charge for shells. Trailblazer. 
  Mail lisbon@vpnet.UUCP
07/89  713-438-5018   sugar       Houston             TX  3/12/24/96  24
  386/AT (2) networked - Bell Technologies V/386, usenet, news, downloads
  Homegrown BBS software, Trailblazer+ access, currently no charges
10/89  713-668-7176^  nuchat      Houston             TX  3/12/24/96  24
  i386;  USENET, Mail, Shell Access;  300M On-line;  Trailbazer Used;
  No fee.
12/88  714-635-2863   dhw68k      Anaheim             CA  12/24    24
  Unistride 2.1, no fee, also 714-385-1915, Trailblazer on both lines,
  USENET News, /bin/sh or /bin/csh available
05/89  714-662-7450   turnkey     Inglewood           CA  12/24    24
  286 - Xenix SYSV, XBBS
11/89  714-821-9671   alphacm     Cypress             CA  12/24/96  24
  386 - SCO-XENIX, no fee, Home of XBBS, 90 minute per login, 4 lines,
  9600 baud via MicroComm/Hayes (v.29)
    uucp-anon:  ogin: nuucp  NO PASSWD
05/89  714-842-5851   conexch     Santa Ana           CA  3/12/24  24
  386 - SCO Xenix - Free Unix guest login and PC-DOS bbs login, one
  hour inital time limit, USENET news, shell access granted on request &
  $25/quarter donation.  Anon uucp: ogin: nuucp  NO PASSWD.  List of
  available Unix files resides in /usr3/public/FILES.
08/88  714-894-2246   stanton     Irvine              CA  3/12/24  24
  286 - SCO Xenix - donation requested, limit 240 min, XBBS, USENET news
  UNIX access granted on request through BBS, 20$/year, access includes
  C development system (XENIX/MSDOS), PROCALC 1-2-3 clone, FOXBASE+
  anon uucp: ogin: nuucp, no word, 2400/1200/300 MNP supported
05/88  719-632-4111   chariot     Colo Sprgs          CO  3/12     24
  Convrgnt Minifrme - SYS V, multiple lines, fee $12/mo Picospan
08/89  801-943-7947^  i-core      Salt Lake City      UT  3/12/24/96  24
  286 SYS V, Unidel BBS, a.k.a. Bitsko's Bar & Grill, no limit, no fee,
  UseNet and Citadel feeds available, home of Unidel BBS, Telebit 19200 used
  Contact: ken@i-core.UUCP or uunet!iconsys!caeco!i-core!ken
12/88  802-865-3614   tnl         Burlington          VT  3/12/24  24
  80386 w/ SCO XENIX. No Fee.  2 hr session limit.  XBBS/USENET, shell.
  Login as 'new' for a shell account, no validation.  AKA: Northern Lights.
08/88  813-952-1981   usource     Sarasota            FL  12/24    -24
  386 - SCO-XENIX, fee depends on services provided, no fee for bbs. New users
  subscribe by logging in as 'help' or 'newuser' (no password).  Primary
  purpose is technical forum. 6pm-8am M-Th, 24 hrs weeekends (6pm Fri-8am Mon)
  uucp-anon: 1200/2400 bps --> ogin: auucp  word: gateway
  uucp-anon directory: /usr/spool/uucppublic; contact: frank@usource.UUCP
05/88  814-337-3159   oncoast     Meadville           PA  3/12/24/96  24
  Tandy 12/6000, no fee, no bbs, archive site, USR HST 9600, cycle 24/96/12
  vols 1 - 13 of mod.sources/comp.sources.unix, comp.sources.misc
  New stuff on sir-alan, older on oncoast. 2 uucp logins "uucp" and "pdsrc"
  files list =  /usr/spool/uucppublic/my.directory or /usr/spool/pdsrc/
09/89  916-649-0161   sactoh0     Sacramento          CA  12/24/96  24
  3B2/310 SYSV.2, SAC_UNIX;  $2/month, limit 90 min, 2 lines, TB on line,
  2400/1200 baud on 916-722-6519;  USENET, E-Mail, Games;  login: new
  Contact: ..pacbell!sactoh0!sysop
089  919-493-7111^  wolves      Durham              NC  3/12/24  24
  AMS 386/25 - UNIX SysVr3.2, XBBS, no fee for bbs.  Rates for UNIX access
  and USENET are being determined.  Developing yet another UNIX bbs (ideas
  welcome!)  Single line, telebit coming soon.
  Contact: wolves!ggw or wolves!sysop  [...duke!dukcds!wolves!...]
NOTE:  ^ means the site is reachable using PC Pursuit.
This list is maintained by Phil Eschallier on lgnp1.  Any additions,
deletions, or corrections should be sent to one of the addresses below.
The nixpub listings are kept as current as possible.  However, you use this
data at your own risk and cost -- all standard disclaimers apply!!!
      Lists available from lgnp1 via anonomous uucp.
                            +1 215 348 9727 [Telebit access]
                     login: nuucp  NO PWD   [no rmail permitted]
                 this list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub
                short list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub.short
      or from news groups pubnet.nixpub, comp.misc or alt.bbs.
E-MAIL ...
  uucp: ..!uunet!lgnp1!{ phil | nixpub }
    or: { phil | nixpub }@LS.COM
   CIS: 71076,1576
  COMPAQ, IBM, PC Pursuit, [SCO] XENIX, UNIX, etc. are trademarks of the
  respective companies.

nixpub@lgnp1.LS.COM (NIXPUB Coordinator) (11/27/89)

                          nixpub short listing
     Open Access UNIX (*NIX) Sites [Fee / No Fee] for mapped sites only
                          [ November 26, 1989 ]

Systems listed (75)
Legend: fee/contribution ($), no fee (-$), hours (24), not (-24)
        shell (S), USENET news (N), email (M), multiple lines (T) 
        Telebit PEP speed on main number (+P), Telebit on other line[s] (P)
        Courier 9600 bps on main number (+H), Courier on other line[s] (H) 
        V.32 on main number (+V), V.32 on other line[s] (H) 
        anonymous uucp (A), archive site ONLY - see long form list (@)
        Dialable thru PC Pursuit (^)

Date   Telephone #    Sys-name   Location          Baud        Legend
-----  ------------   --------   -----------       -------     ---------
08/89  201-846-2460^  althea     New Brunswic  NJ  3/12/24     24 -$ M N S 
10/89  206-328-4944   polari     Seatle        WA  3/12        24 $ M N P S T
10/89  212-420-0527   magpie     NYC           NY  3/12/24/96  24 -$ T P
10/89  212-675-7059   marob      NYC           NY  12/24       24 -$ A
05/89  212-879-9031^  dasys1     NYC           NY  12/24       24 $ S N M T
09/89  213-376-5714^  pnet02     Redondo Bch   CA  3/12/24     24 -$ M N T
09/89  213-397-3137^  stb        Santa Monica  CA  3/12/24     24 -$ S A
11/88  213-459-5891   amazing    Pac Palisade  CA  3/12/24     24 $ T
07/88  214-247-2367   ozdaltx    Dallas        TX  3/12/24     24 $ N T
11/89  214-741-2130   attctc     Dallas        TX  3/12/24     24 -$ N M S T A
11/89  215-348-9727   lgnp1      Doylestown    PA  3/12/24/96  24 $ A M N +P
09/89  216-582-2441   ncoast     Cleveland     OH  12/24/96    24 $ S N M P T
08/88  217-529-3223   pallas     Springfield   IL  3/12/24     24 $ T
10/89  219-289-0286   nstar      South Bend    IN  3/12/24/96  24 -$ H M N P S T
08/88  312-283-0559^  chinet     Chicago       IL  3/12/24     24 $ N T
10/89  312-338-0632^  point      Chicago       IL  3/12/24/96  24 -$ H N P S T
04/89  313-623-6309   nucleus    Clarkston     MI  12/24       24 $ S N M
11/88  313-994-6333   m-net      Ann Arbor     MI  3/12        24 $ T
08/89  313-996-4644^  anet       Ann Arbor     MI  3/12        24 $ T
08/89  314-474-4581   gensis     Columbia      MO  3/12/24/96  24 -$ M S 
10/89  404-321-5020^  jdyx       Atlanta       GA  12/24       24 $ M N +P S T
05/88  407-380-6228   rtmvax     Orlando       FL  3/12/24     24 -$ N M
09/89  408-245-7726^  uuwest     Sunnyvale     CA  3/12/24     24 -$ N
04/88  408-247-4810   sharks     Santa Clara   CA  3/12        24 $ S N M T
11/89  408-423-9995   cruzio     Santa Cruz    CA  12/24       24 $ M T
10/89  408-725-0561^  portal     Cupertino     CA  3/12/24     24 $ -S N M T
02/89  408-997-9119^  netcom     San Jose      CA  3/12/24/96  24 $ M N S
10/89  412-431-8649   eklektik   Pittsburgh    PA  3/12/24     24 $ S N M 
11/89  415-332-6106^  well       Sausalito     CA  12/24       24 $ M N S T
06/88  415-582-7691   cpro       Hayward       CA  12/24       24 -$ S
11/89  415-623-8652   jack       Fremont       CA  3/12/24     24 -$ M N T
07/89  415-753-5265^  wet        San Francisc  CA  3/12/24     24 $ M N S T
05/89  415-783-2543   esfenn     Hayward       CA  3/12/24     24 -$ M N S 
11/89  416-438-2855   contact    Toronto       ONT  3/12/24     24 -$ M N S T
11/89  416-452-0926   telly      Brampton      ON  12/24/96    +P 24 $ M N
12/88  416-461-2608   tmsoft     Toronto       ON  3/12/24/96  24 $ S M N
07/89  416-654-8854   ziebmef    Toronto       ON  3/12/24/96  24 +P M N S T
08/89  502-968-5401   disk       Louisville    KY  3/12        24 $ M N S T
12/88  503-254-0458   bucket     Portland      OR  3/12/24     24 -$ N M S T
11/89  503-297-3211^  m2xenix    Portland      OR  3/12/24     24 -$ M N S 
05/89  503-640-4262^  agora      PDX           OR  3/12/24     24 $ M N S T
10/88  512-346-2339   bigtex     Austin        TX  96          24 -$ +P A
07/89  512-832-8835   rpp386     Austin        TX  12/24       24 @ -$ A T
10/89  513-779-8209   cinnet     Cincinnati    OH  12/24/96    24 $ M N +P S 
05/89  516-872-2137   lilink     Long Island   NY  12/24       24 $ M N S T
07/89  517-487-3356   lunapark   E. Lansing    MI  12/24       24 -$
12/88  518-346-8033   sixhub     upstate       NY  3/12/24     24 $ N M S T
09/88  602-941-2005   xroads     Phoenix       AZ  3/12/24     24 $ N T
08/89  603-880-8120   ubbs-nh    Nashua        NH  3/12/24/96  24 -$ M N +P S T
08/89  605-348-2738   loft386    Rapid City    SD  3/12/24/96  24 $ M N +P S 
08/88  608-273-2657   madnix     Madison       WI  3/12/24     24 -$ S N M
08/89  612-473-2295   pnet51     Minneapolis   MN  3/12/24     24 -$ N M T
08/89  615-896-8716   raider     Murfreesboro  TN  12/24       24 -$ S N M T
07/89  616-457-1964   wybbs      Jenison       MI  3/12/24/96  24 -$ +P M N S T
11/89  617-739-9753   world      Brookline     MA  3/12/24/96  24 $ M N P S T
07/88  619-444-7006^  pnet01     El Cajon      CA  3/12/24     24 $ N M S T
10/88  703-281-7997^  grebyn     Vienna        VA  3/12/24/96  24 $ N M T P
11/89  708-272-5912^  igloo      Northbrook    IL  12/24/96    24 -$ S N T P
11/89  708-301-2100^  jolnet     Joliet        IL  3/12/24     24 -$ P M N S T
08/88  312-566-8911^  ddsw1      Mundelein     IL  3/12/24/96  24 $ A S N M P T
11/89  708-833-8126^  vpnet      Villa Park    IL  12/24/96    24 -$ +P M N S 
07/89  713-438-5018   sugar      Houston       TX  3/12/24/96  24 -$ N +P
10/89  713-668-7176^  nuchat     Houston       TX  3/12/24/96  24 -$ M N +P S
12/88  714-635-2863   dhw68k     Anaheim       CA  12/24       24 -$ T
05/89  714-662-7450   turnkey    Inglewood     CA  12/24       24 -$
11/89  714-821-9671   alphacm    Cypress       CA  12/24/96    24 -$ T H A
05/89  714-842-5851   conexch    Santa Ana     CA  3/12/24     24 $ A M N S
08/88  714-894-2246   stanton    Irvine        CA  3/12/24     24 $ S N
05/88  719-632-4111   chariot    Colo Sprgs    CO  3/12        24 $ T
08/89  801-943-7947^  i-core     Salt Lake Ci  UT  3/12/24/96  +P 24 -$ A N
06/88  802-865-3614   tnl        Burlington    VT  3/12/24     24 -$ S N M
08/88  813-952-1981   usource    Sarasota      FL  12/24       -24 -$ A
05/88  814-337-3159   oncoast    Meadville     PA  3/12/24/96  +H 24 @ -$ -S A
09/89  916-649-0161   sactoh0    Sacramento    CA  12/24/96    24 $ M N +P S T
08/89  919-493-7111^  wolves     Durham        NC  3/12/24     24 $ M N S 
NOTE:  ^ means the site is reachable using PC Pursuit.
This list is maintained by Phil Eschallier on lgnp1.  Any additions,
deletions, or corrections should be sent to one of the addresses below.
The nixpub listings are kept as current as possible.  However, you use this
data at your own risk and cost -- all standard disclaimers apply!!!
      Lists available from lgnp1 via anonomous uucp.
                            +1 215 348 9727 [Telebit access]
                     login: nuucp  NO PWD   [no rmail permitted]
                 this list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub.short
                 long list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub
      or from news groups pubnet.nixpub, comp.misc or alt.bbs
E-MAIL ...
  uucp: ..!uunet!lgnp1!{ phil | nixpub }
    or: { phil | nixpub }@LS.COM
  COMPAQ, IBM, PC Pursuit, [SCO] XENIX, UNIX, etc. are trademarks of the
  respective companies.

nixpub@lgnp1.LS.COM (NIXPUB Coordinator) (12/15/89)

                          nixpub long listing
     Open Access UNIX (*NIX) Sites [Fee / No Fee] for mapped sites only
                         [ December 14, 1989 ]

Systems listed (76):
 [   agora     alphacm   althea    amazing   anet      attctc    bigtex    ]
 [   bucket    chinet    cinnet    conexch   contact   cpro      cruzio    ]
 [   dasys1    ddsw1     dhw68k    disk      eklektik  esfenn    gensis    ]
 [   grebyn    i-core    igloo     jack      jdyx      jolnet    lgnp1     ]
 [   lilink    loft386   lunapark  m-net     m2xenix   madnix    magpie    ]
 [   marob     ncoast    netcom    nstar     nuchat    nucleus   nycenet   ]
 [   oldcolo   ozdaltx   pallas    pnet01    pnet02    pnet51    point     ]
 [   polari    portal    raider    rpp386    rtmvax    sactoh0   sharks    ]
 [   sir-alan  sixhub    stanton   stb       sugar     telly     tmsoft    ]
 [   tnl       turnkey   ubbs-nh   usource   uuwest    vpnet     well      ]
 [   wet       wolves    world     wybbs     xroads    ziebmef             ]

Date   Telephone #    Sys-name    Location                Baud        Hours
-----  ------------   --------    -----------             -------     -----

08/89  201-846-2460^  althea      New Brunswick       NJ  3/12/24  24
  AT&T 3B2/310 - Unix SVR3.1, no fee.  USENET, email, C development,
  games.  Single line.
  Contact: rjd@althea.UUCP (Robert Diamond)
10/89  206-328-4944   polari      Seatle              WA  3/12     24
  Equip ???;  8-lines, Trailblazer on 206-328-1468;  $30/year (flat rate);
  Multi-user games, chat, full USENET.
  Contact: uunet!microsoft!happym!polari!bruceki
12/89  212-420-0527   magpie      NYC                 NY  3/12/24/96  24
  ? - UNIX SYSV - 2, Magpie BBS, no fee, Authors: Magpie/UNIX,/MSDOS
  two lines plus anonymous uucp: 212-677-9487 (9600 bps Telebit modem)
  NOTE: 9487 reserved for registered Magpie sysops & anon uucp
  Contact: Steve Manes, {rutgers|cmcl2|uunet}!hombre!magpie!manes	
12/89  212-675-7059   marob       NYC                 NY  3/12/24/96  24
  386 SCO-XENIX 2.2, XBBS, no fee, limit 60 min.
  Telebit Trailblazer (9600 PEP) only 212-675-8438
  Contact:  {philabs|rutgers|cmcl2}!{phri|hombre}!marob!clifford
05/89  212-879-9031^  dasys1      NYC                 NY  12/24    24
  Unistride - SYS V, multiple lines, fee $5/mo  AKA Big Electric Cat
  USENET, games, multi-user chat, email, login: new, passwd: new
  Contact: ...!rutgers!cmcl2!rsweeney or rsweeney@dasys1.UUCP
09/89  213-376-5714^  pnet02      Redondo Bch         CA  3/12/24  24
  XENIX (also 213-374-7404) no fee, 90 min limit, login: pnet id: new
  some USENET, net-work e-mail, multi-threaded conferencing
09/89  213-397-3137^  stb         Santa Monica        CA  3/12/24  24
  AT&T 3b1;  BBS and shell access;  uucp-anon: ogin: uucp NO PASSWD
  3 line on rotory -3137 2400 baud.
03/88  213-459-5891   amazing     Pacific Palisades   CA  3/12/24  24
  AMT 286 - Microport  David's Amazing BBS  Fee $7.50/month;$35/6;$60/year
  5 lines on rotary; Unique original software with conferencing, electronic
  bar, matchmaking, no file up/downloading
07/88  214-247-2367   ozdaltx     Dallas              TX  3/12/24  24
  INTEC/SCO XENIX 2.2.1, OZ BBS, Membership only adult BBS, fee $40
  year. Multiple lines.  Closed system, carries limited USENET
  newsgroups. Login: guest (no PW).  Voice verification on all new users.
11/89  214-824-7881   attctc      Dallas              TX  3/12/24  24
  3b2/522 - UNIX, no fee, various time limits, 8 lines 2.8 GB online
  uucp-anon --> 214-741-2130  ogin: uupdsrc word: Public
  uucp-anon info in: /bbsys4/README     (Formerly node name killer)
11/89  215-348-9727   lgnp1       Doylestown          PA  3/12/24/96  24
  '286 mutt w/ SCO-XENIX -- Telebit on dial in line.  UUCP access only ...
  Public access to the nixpub lists using anon-uucp [see footer of this list].
  Fee services include feeds/routing for E-mail and USENET News, plus access
  to *NIX specific PD source code library.  Contact: phil@ls.com.
09/89  216-582-2441   ncoast      Cleveland           OH  12/24/96  24
  80386 Mylex, SCO Xenix;  600 meg. storage;  XBBS and Shell;  USENET
  (newsfeeds available), E-Mail; donations requested; login as "bbs"
  for BBS and "makeuser" for new users.
  Telebit used on 216-237-5486.
08/88  217-529-3223   pallas      Springfield         IL  3/12/24  24
  Convrgnt Minifrme, multiple lines, 200 meg Minnie bbs $25 donation
10/89  219-289-0286   nstar       South Bend          IN  3/12/24/96  24
  Equip ???, UNIX 3.2; 300 Meg On-line; 4 lines at 9600 baud --
  (listed) - Hayes V-Series, (287-9020) - HST, (289-3745) - PEP;
  Full USENET, AKCS Software; Contact ..!iuvax!ndcheg!ndmath!nstar!larry
08/88  312-283-0559^  chinet      Chicago             IL  3/12/24  24
  3b2/300 - SYS V 3.1, multiple lines, Picospan BBS, system & BBS free
  Extra phone lines and usenet, $50/yr.
10/89  312-338-0632^  point       Chicago             IL  3/12/24/96  24
  North Shore / Rogers Park area of Chicago.  386 - ISC 2.01 (SysV3.2),
  multiple lines, Telebit PEP on 338-3261, USRobotics HST on 338-1036,
  AKCS bbs, some usenet conferences available.  200+ MB online storage.
  Downloads, full usenet & shell access in the works.
04/89  313-623-6309   nucleus     Clarkston           MI  12/24    24
  286 - Unix System V, no fee. Shell access, full usenet access, online games,
  AKCS conferencing system, some public domain sources online, extensive tape
  library of public domain source code
02/88  313-994-6333   m-net       Ann Arbor           MI  3/12     24
  Altos 68020 - SYS III, limits unstated, fee for extended service
  Picospan conference system, multiple lines, 160 meg, packet radio
08/89  313-996-4644^  anet        Ann Arbor           MI  3/12     24
  Altos 68000 - Sys III, no limits, 1st month free, fees range up to $20/
  month (negotiable), accepts equipment/software in lieu of fees, Picospan
  conferencing, 120M, non-profit, user-supported, community-based, ideal
  autodidact educational system.  Tax-deductible donations okay.
08/89  314-474-4581   gensis      Columbia            MO  3/12/24/48/96  24
  Gateway 386 system w/ SCO Xenix V/386, DataFlex, Oracle, CHARM, & VP/ix.
  No fee.  Online gaming, game design, and (oddly enough) data base design
  are the main focus.  Modem is Microcom MNP 6.
10/89  404-321-5020^  jdyx        Atlanta             GA  12/24/96  24
  386/ix 2.0.2.  XBBS. Usenet (alt, gnu, most comp and a few others) and 
  shell access.  Second line (2400 below) (404) 325-1719.  200+ meg current
  Usenet and GNU sources.  Specializing in graphics and ray-tracing under 
  386/ix (with/with out X11).  Yearly fee for shell and/or downloads.  
  Telebit access.  Contact: ...gatech!emory!jdyx!tpf (Tom Friedel)
05/88  407-380-6228   rtmvax      Orlando             FL  3/12/24  24
  mVAX-I - Ultrix-32 V1.2  USENET & UUCP Email Gateway. XBBS front end for
  new user subscribing. No Fees. Primary function is Technical exchange.
  Contact: { cbosgd!codas, hoptoad!peora }!rtmvax!rob 
09/89  408-245-7726^  uuwest      Sunnyvale           CA  3/12/24  24
  SCO-XENIX, Waffle. No fee, USENET news (news.*, music, comics, telecom, etc)
  The Dark Side of the Moon BBS. This system has been in operation since 1985.
  Login: new Contact: (UUCP) ames!uuwest!request (Domain) request@darkside.com
04/88  408-247-4810   sharks      Santa Clara         CA  3/12     24
  Altos 886/80/80  - XENIX 3.2f AKA: Shark's Head BBS,  BBCS Network
  Multiple lines,no fee for non-members,members $25 year
  Restricted sh access and UUCP/Usenet access for advanced members
11/89  408-423-9995   cruzio      Santa Cruz          CA  12/24    24
  Tandy 4000, Xenix 2.3.*, Caucus 3.*;  focus on Santa Cruz activity
  (ie directory of community and goverment organizations, events, ...);
  Multiple lines;  no shell; fee: $18/quarter.
  Contact: ...!uunet!cruzio!chris
10/89  408-725-0561^  portal      Cupertino           CA  3/12/24  24
  Networked Suns (SunOS), multiple lines, Telenet access, no shell access
  fees: $10/month + Telenet charges (if used) @ various rates/times
  conferencing, multi user chats, usenet 
02/89  408-997-9119^  netcom      San Jose            CA  3/12/24/96  24
  Unix System V -- Shell Access [Bourne, Korn, C-Shell], BBS, USENET,
  Languages: C, Lisp, Prolog, Clips, (Ada soon), $10 / month, login as
  'guest' no password.  Contact netcom!bobr.
10/89  412-431-8649   eklektik    Pittsburgh          PA  3/12/24  24
  UNIX PC- SYSV - UNaXcess BBS, new system - donation requested for shell,
  login: bbs for BBS, uucp-mail, limited Usenet news feeds.  Gaming SIGS.
  Contact:  ...!gatech!emoryu1!eklektik!anthony
11/89  415-332-6106^  well        Sausalito           CA  12/24    24
  6-processor Sequent Balance (32032); UUCP and USENET access; multiple
  lines; access via CPN; PICOSPAN BBS; $3/hour.  Contact (415) 332-4335
06/88  415-582-7691   cpro        Hayward             CA  12/24    24
  Microport SYSV 2, UNaXcess bbs, no fee, 60 min limit, shell access
11/89  415-623-8642   jack        Fremont             CA  3/12/24  24
  3b2/522.  2 BBS's.  E-mail, USENET News, and NFS links to 2 3b1's.  No
  fee.  5 lines on rotary.  Contact: steve@jack.SNS.COM5 lines on rotary.
07/89  415-753-5265^  wet         San Francisco       CA  3/12/24  24
  386 SYS V.3.  Wetware Diversions.  $15 registration, $0.01/minute.
  Public Access UNIX System:  uucp, PicoSpan bbs, full Usenet News,
  multiple lines, shell access.  Newusers get initial credit!
  contact:{ucsfcca|claris|hoptoad}!wet!cc (Christopher Cilley)
05/89  415-783-2543   esfenn      Hayward             CA  3/12/24  24
  System ????; USENET news; E-mail; No charges; Contact esfenn!william.
11/89  416-438-2855   contact     Toronto             ONT  3/12/24  24
  386 clone - Xenix 2.3.1, fee optional. USENET, email, multi-user chat,
  Contact: eisen@contact.UUCP martin loeffler
11/89  416-452-0926   telly       Brampton            ON  12/24/96  24
  386 SysVr3.2; proprietary menu-based BBS includes Usenet site searching.
  News (all groups, incl biz, pubnet, gnu, CanConfMail), mail (including
  to/from Internet, Bitnet), many archives. Feeds available. $75(Cdn)/year.
  Contact: Evan Leibovitch, evan@telly.on.ca, uunet!attcan!telly!evan
12/88  416-461-2608   tmsoft      Toronto             ON  3/12/24/96  24
  NS32016, Sys5r2, shell; news+mail $30/mo, general-timesharing $60/mo
  All newsgroups.  Willing to setup mail/news connections.
  Contact: Dave Mason <mason@tmsoft> / Login: newuser
07/89  416-654-8854   ziebmef     Toronto             ON  3/12/24/96  24
  AT&T 3B1, Sys V, shell, news, mail, no fee (donations accepted)
  Carries most newsgroups (willing to add extra ones on request)
  Telebit access, willing to give mail feeds
  Contact: Chris Siebenmann, {utzoo!telly,ncrcan}!ziebmef!cks
08/89  502-968-5401   disk        Louisville          KY  3/12     24
  386 clone, Microport System V, 600 meg.  6 lines 5401 thru 5406.
  rarrying most USENET groups, Shell access, games, downloads,
  multi-user chat, and more.  Rate info available via a free trial
12/88  503-254-0458   bucket      Portland            OR  3/12/24  24
  Tektronix 6130, UTek 2.3(4.2BSD-derived).  Bit Bucket BBS publically
  available; login as 'bbs'.  BBS is message only.  Users intereseted in
  access to Unix should contact SYSOP via the BBS or send EMail to
  ..tektronix!tessi!bucket!rickb.  Unix services include USENET News,
  EMail, and all tools/games/utility access. Alternate dial-in lines
  available for Unix users.
11/89  503-297-3211^  m2xenix     Portland            OR  3/12/24  24
  '386/20, Xenix 2.3.  Shell accounts available, NO BBS.  No fee.  E-mail,
  USENET News, program development.
  Contact: ...!uunet!{intelhf|oresoft}!m2xenix!news or on Fido at 297-9145
05/89  503-640-4262^  agora       PDX                 OR  3/12/24  24
  Intel Xenix-286, $2/mo or $20/yr, news, mail, games, programming
  two lines with trunk-hunt, 4380 supports MNP level 3.
  Contact: Alan Batie, tektronix!tessi!agora!batie
10/88  512-346-2339   bigtex      Austin              TX  96       24
  Equip unknown, no shell, no fee, anonymous uucp ONLY, Telebit 9600/PEP
  mail & newsfeeds (limited) available.  Carries GNU software.
  anon login: nuucp NO PASSWD, file list /usr3/index
  Contact: ...!uunet!utastro!bigtex!james	
07/89  512-832-8835   rpp386      Austin              TX  12/24    24
  386 SYSV, no shell, no bbs, anonymous uucp file transfer site only, no fee
  uucp and kermit server available, login uucp or kermit NO PASSWD
10/89  513-779-8209   cinnet      Cincinnati          OH  12/24/96  24
  80386, ISC 386/ix 2.02, Telebit access, 1 line; $7.50/Month; shell
  access, Usenet access; news feeds available;
  login: newact password: new user to register for shell access
05/89  516-872-2137   lilink      Long Island         NY  12/24    24
  80386/20 Mhz. , three lines, News/Mail/Shell access. Online games,
  conferencing, full program development system, full text processing.
  We carry ALL Usenet groups.  Dues are  $10/month (unlimited access).
  Accounts are filled by application/phone verification. Login: new
  Alternate numbers: 516-872-2138 & 516-872-2349
07/89  517-487-3356   lunapark    E. Lansing          MI  12/24    24
  Compaq 386/20 SCO-XENIX 2.3.1, lunabbs bulletin board & conferencing
  system, no fee, login: bbs  no password.  Primarily UNIX software
  with focus on TeX and Postscript, also some ATARI-ST and IBM-PC stuff
  2400/1200 --> 8 N 1
  Contact: ...!uunet!frith!lunapark!larry
12/88  518-346-8033   sixhub      upstate             NY  3/12/24  24
  PC Designs GV386.  hub machine of the upstate NY UNIX users group (*IX)
  two line reserved for incoming, bbs no fee, news & email fee $15/year
  Smorgasboard of BBS systems, UNaXcess and XBBS online,
  Citadel BBS now in production. Contact: davidsen@sixhub.uucp.
09/88  602-941-2005   xroads      Phoenix             AZ  12/24    24
  Motorola VME1121, UNIX 5.2, Crossroads BBS, Fee $30/yr + $.50/.25 (call)
  prime (evenings)/non-prime, USENET news, multi-chat, online games,
  movie reviews, adventure games, dos unix/xenix files for dload, multi lines
08/89  603-880-8120   ubbs-nh     Nashua              NH  3/12/24/96  24
  New England Unix Archive Site.  Multiple lines.  Services include E-Mail,
  full or partial news feeds.  XBBS access $25/year, User Accounts or News 
  Feeds available $60/year (1 hour/day) or $120/year (2 hours/day).
  Contact:  noel@ubbs-nh or {decvax}!ubbs-nh!noel or leave message on the
  bbs.  Voice:  603 595-2947
08/89  605-348-2738   loft386     Rapid City          SD  3/12/24/96  24
  80386 SYS V/386 Rel 3.2, Usenet mail/news via UUNET, UUNET archive access.
  NO BBS!  News feeds avaliable.  400 meg hd.  Fees: $10/month or $25/quarter.
  Call (605) 343-8760 and talk to Doug Ingraham to arrange an account or email
08/88  608-273-2657   madnix      Madison             WI  3/12/24  24
  286 SCO-XENIX, shell, no fee, USENET news, mail, login: newuser
  Contact: ray@madnix
08/89  612-473-2295   pnet51      Minneapolis         MN  3/12/24  24
  Equip ?, Xenix, multi-line, no fee, some Usenet news, email, multi-threaded
  conferencing, login: pnet id: new, PC Pursuitable
  UUCP: {rosevax, crash}!orbit!pnet51!admin
08/89  615-896-8716   raider      Murfreesboro        TN  12/24    24
  Tandy 4000 XENIX, XBBS, shell accounts, news and mail, newsfeeds
  available. Two line system; second dialup is 615-896-7905.
  Contact: root@raider.MFEE.TN.US (Bob Reineri); NO CHARGE.
11/89  616-457-1964   wybbs       Jenison             MI  3/12/24/PEP  24
  286 - SCO-XENIX 2.2.1, no fees, two lines, shell access, usenet news,
  150 meg storage, XBBS, Telebit, interests: ham radio, xenix 
  AKA: Consultants Connection  Contact: wybbs!danielw@sharkey.cc.umich.edu
  Alternate phone #: 616-457-9909 (max 2400 baud)
11/89  617-739-9753   world       Brookline           MA  3/12/24/96  24
  Sun 4/280, SunOS 4.03;  Shell, USENET, E-Mail, UUCP and home of the
  Open Book Initiative (text project);  fees: 8a-6p $8/hr, 6p-12a $5/hr,
  12a-8a $2.50/hr;  Multiple lines: 2400 MNP used on listed number,
  Telebits used on others;  login as "new";  Contact: geb@world.std.com
07/88  619-444-7006^  pnet01      El Cajon            CA  3/12/24  24
  BSD Unix, 3 lines, login: pnet id: new, some USENET, email, conferencing 
  Home of P-Net software, mail to crash!bblue or pnet01!bblue for info.
  Contributions requested
  Unix accounts available for regulars, PC Pursuit access 2/88.
10/88  703-281-7997^  grebyn      Vienna              VA  3/12/24/96  24
  Vax/Ultrix.  $25/month.  GNU EMACS, USENET, PC/BLUE archives, Telebit on 7998
  and 7999, archives, Ada repository, comp.sources.(misc,unix,games) archives, 
  net.sources archives, 3 C compilers, Ada compiler,  500MB disk, multiple lines
11/89  708-272-5912^  igloo       Northbrook          IL  12/24/96  24
  3B2-300;  accounts by invitation only, no limit/no fee;  full usenet;
  132megs HD;  2 lines rotary, 9600 telebit on 272-5917
  Contact: igloo!postmaster
11/89  708-301-2100^  jolnet      Joliet              IL  3/12/24  24
  3b2/400 - Unix, public access and contributions, No fee for postnews.
  5 lines  AKCS bbs.  Free Newsfeeds available.  ~450 MB online storage.
  Free Shell and Usenet access.  Telebit Trailblazer access (2104).
  Telenet access. 
11/89  708-566-8911^  ddsw1       Mundelein           IL  3/12/24/96  24
  Televideo 386 -SCO XENIX 386, guest usr 1 hr daily, fee extends use
  AKCS bbs, fee $30/6 months $50/year, Authors of AKCS bbs
  multiple lines, 9600 bps available, anonymous uucp, ~/README for info
  Contact: Karl Denninger (...!ddsw1!karl) Voice: (312) 566-8910
11/89  708-833-8126^  vpnet       Villa Park          IL  12/24/96  24
  386 Clone - Interactive 386/ix R2.0 (3.2), no fee. Akcs linked bbs
  including several Usenet conf's. No charge for shells. Trailblazer. 
  Mail lisbon@vpnet.UUCP
07/89  713-438-5018   sugar       Houston             TX  3/12/24/96  24
  386/AT (2) networked - Bell Technologies V/386, usenet, news, downloads
  Homegrown BBS software, Trailblazer+ access, currently no charges
10/89  713-668-7176^  nuchat      Houston             TX  3/12/24/96  24
  i386;  USENET, Mail, Shell Access;  300M On-line;  Trailbazer Used;
  No fee.
12/88  714-635-2863   dhw68k      Anaheim             CA  12/24    24
  Unistride 2.1, no fee, also 714-385-1915, Trailblazer on both lines,
  USENET News, /bin/sh or /bin/csh available
05/89  714-662-7450   turnkey     Inglewood           CA  12/24    24
  286 - Xenix SYSV, XBBS
11/89  714-821-9671   alphacm     Cypress             CA  12/24/96  24
  386 - SCO-XENIX, no fee, Home of XBBS, 90 minute per login, 4 lines,
  9600 baud via MicroComm/Hayes (v.29)
    uucp-anon:  ogin: nuucp  NO PASSWD
05/89  714-842-5851   conexch     Santa Ana           CA  3/12/24  24
  386 - SCO Xenix - Free Unix guest login and PC-DOS bbs login, one
  hour inital time limit, USENET news, shell access granted on request &
  $25/quarter donation.  Anon uucp: ogin: nuucp  NO PASSWD.  List of
  available Unix files resides in /usr3/public/FILES.
08/88  714-894-2246   stanton     Irvine              CA  3/12/24  24
  286 - SCO Xenix - donation requested, limit 240 min, XBBS, USENET news
  UNIX access granted on request through BBS, 20$/year, access includes
  C development system (XENIX/MSDOS), PROCALC 1-2-3 clone, FOXBASE+
  anon uucp: ogin: nuucp, no word, 2400/1200/300 MNP supported
12/89  719-632-4111   oldcolo     Colo Spgs           CO  12/24/96  24
  386 - SCO-XENIX  frontend,  2 CT  Miniframes  backend,  e-mail 
  conferencing,  databases,   Naplps Graphics, USENET news. 7 lines 
  8N1,  2400 on 2906,  USR  Dual  9600  on 2658.   Self registering   
  for  limited  free  access    (political,    policy, marketplace) 
  Subscriptions $10, 15, 18 mo for full use. Dave Hughes SYSOP.
12/89  800-344-8280   nycenet     New York            NY  3/12/24  24
  Generic '386, SCO-XENIX 2.3;  Runs Magpie BBS software;  16 lines;  No fee,
  Toll free call (no int'l access), 45 minute limit.
  contact: buzz@nycenet.nycboe.edu
08/89  801-943-7947^  i-core      Salt Lake City      UT  3/12/24/96  24
  286 SYS V, Unidel BBS, a.k.a. Bitsko's Bar & Grill, no limit, no fee,
  UseNet and Citadel feeds available, home of Unidel BBS, Telebit 19200 used
  Contact: ken@i-core.UUCP or uunet!iconsys!caeco!i-core!ken
12/88  802-865-3614   tnl         Burlington          VT  3/12/24  24
  80386 w/ SCO XENIX. No Fee.  2 hr session limit.  XBBS/USENET, shell.
  Login as 'new' for a shell account, no validation.  AKA: Northern Lights.
08/88  813-952-1981   usource     Sarasota            FL  12/24    -24
  386 - SCO-XENIX, fee depends on services provided, no fee for bbs. New users
  subscribe by logging in as 'help' or 'newuser' (no password).  Primary
  purpose is technical forum. 6pm-8am M-Th, 24 hrs weeekends (6pm Fri-8am Mon)
  uucp-anon: 1200/2400 bps --> ogin: auucp  word: gateway
  uucp-anon directory: /usr/spool/uucppublic; contact: frank@usource.UUCP
12/89  814-337-0348   sir-alan    Meadville           PA  3/12/24/96  24
  SCO XENIX 2.3.3, no fee, BBS, archive site, USR HST on 337 0348 (24/12/96/3),
  TB+ on 337 3159 (24/19.2/96/12); archive site (1GB filesystem) for comp.
  sources.[games,misc,sun,unix,x], some alt.sources, XENIX(68K/286/386).
  uucp-anon: ogin: pdsrc NO PASSWD
  uucp-anon directory: /u/pdsrc, /u/pubdir, /u/uunet, help in /u/pubdir/HELP 
  Contact: sir-alan!mikes@uunet.uu.net  (814 337 5528 voice)
09/89  916-649-0161   sactoh0     Sacramento          CA  12/24/96  24
  3B2/310 SYSV.2, SAC_UNIX;  $2/month, limit 90 min, 2 lines, TB on line,
  2400/1200 baud on 916-722-6519;  USENET, E-Mail, Games;  login: new
  Contact: ..pacbell!sactoh0!sysop
089  919-493-7111^  wolves      Durham              NC  3/12/24  24
  AMS 386/25 - UNIX SysVr3.2, XBBS, no fee for bbs.  Rates for UNIX access
  and USENET are being determined.  Developing yet another UNIX bbs (ideas
  welcome!)  Single line, telebit coming soon.
  Contact: wolves!ggw or wolves!sysop  [...duke!dukcds!wolves!...]
NOTE:  ^ means the site is reachable using PC Pursuit.
This list is maintained by Phil Eschallier on lgnp1.  Any additions,
deletions, or corrections should be sent to one of the addresses below.
The nixpub listings are kept as current as possible.  However, you use this
data at your own risk and cost -- all standard disclaimers apply!!!
      Lists available from lgnp1 via anonomous uucp.
                            +1 215 348 9727 [Telebit access]
                     login: nuucp  NO PWD   [no rmail permitted]
                 this list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub
                short list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub.short
      or from news groups pubnet.nixpub, comp.misc or alt.bbs.
E-MAIL ...
  uucp: ..!uunet!lgnp1!{ phil | nixpub }
domain: { phil | nixpub }@LS.COM
   CIS: 71076,1576
  COMPAQ, IBM, PC Pursuit, [SCO] XENIX, UNIX, etc. are trademarks of the
  respective companies.

nixpub@lgnp1.LS.COM (NIXPUB Coordinator) (12/15/89)

                          nixpub short listing
     Open Access UNIX (*NIX) Sites [Fee / No Fee] for mapped sites only
                          [ December 14, 1989 ]

Systems listed (76)
Legend: fee/contribution ($), no fee (-$), hours (24), not (-24)
        shell (S), USENET news (N), email (M), multiple lines (T) 
        Telebit PEP speed on main number (+P), Telebit on other line[s] (P)
        Courier 9600 bps on main number (+H), Courier on other line[s] (H) 
        V.32 on main number (+V), V.32 on other line[s] (H) 
        anonymous uucp (A), archive site ONLY - see long form list (@)
        Dialable thru PC Pursuit (^)

Date   Telephone #    Sys-name   Location          Baud        Legend
-----  ------------   --------   -----------       -------     ---------
08/89  201-846-2460^  althea     New Brunswic  NJ  3/12/24     24 -$ M N S 
10/89  206-328-4944   polari     Seatle        WA  3/12        24 $ M N P S T
12/89  212-420-0527   magpie     NYC           NY  3/12/24/96  24 -$ A T P
12/89  212-675-7059   marob      NYC           NY  3/12/24/96  24 -$ A
05/89  212-879-9031^  dasys1     NYC           NY  12/24       24 $ S N M T
09/89  213-376-5714^  pnet02     Redondo Bch   CA  3/12/24     24 -$ M N T
09/89  213-397-3137^  stb        Santa Monica  CA  3/12/24     24 -$ S A
11/88  213-459-5891   amazing    Pac Palisade  CA  3/12/24     24 $ T
07/88  214-247-2367   ozdaltx    Dallas        TX  3/12/24     24 $ N T
11/89  214-741-2130   attctc     Dallas        TX  3/12/24     24 -$ N M S T A
11/89  215-348-9727   lgnp1      Doylestown    PA  3/12/24/96  24 $ A M N +P
09/89  216-582-2441   ncoast     Cleveland     OH  12/24/96    24 $ S N M P T
08/88  217-529-3223   pallas     Springfield   IL  3/12/24     24 $ T
10/89  219-289-0286   nstar      South Bend    IN  3/12/24/96  24 -$ H M N P S T
08/88  312-283-0559^  chinet     Chicago       IL  3/12/24     24 $ N T
10/89  312-338-0632^  point      Chicago       IL  3/12/24/96  24 -$ H N P S T
04/89  313-623-6309   nucleus    Clarkston     MI  12/24       24 $ S N M
11/88  313-994-6333   m-net      Ann Arbor     MI  3/12        24 $ T
08/89  313-996-4644^  anet       Ann Arbor     MI  3/12        24 $ T
08/89  314-474-4581   gensis     Columbia      MO  3/12/24/96  24 -$ M S 
10/89  404-321-5020^  jdyx       Atlanta       GA  12/24       24 $ M N +P S T
05/88  407-380-6228   rtmvax     Orlando       FL  3/12/24     24 -$ N M
09/89  408-245-7726^  uuwest     Sunnyvale     CA  3/12/24     24 -$ N
04/88  408-247-4810   sharks     Santa Clara   CA  3/12        24 $ S N M T
11/89  408-423-9995   cruzio     Santa Cruz    CA  12/24       24 $ M T
10/89  408-725-0561^  portal     Cupertino     CA  3/12/24     24 $ -S N M T
02/89  408-997-9119^  netcom     San Jose      CA  3/12/24/96  24 $ M N S
10/89  412-431-8649   eklektik   Pittsburgh    PA  3/12/24     24 $ S N M 
11/89  415-332-6106^  well       Sausalito     CA  12/24       24 $ M N S T
06/88  415-582-7691   cpro       Hayward       CA  12/24       24 -$ S
11/89  415-623-8652   jack       Fremont       CA  3/12/24     24 -$ M N T
07/89  415-753-5265^  wet        San Francisc  CA  3/12/24     24 $ M N S T
05/89  415-783-2543   esfenn     Hayward       CA  3/12/24     24 -$ M N S 
11/89  416-438-2855   contact    Toronto       ONT  3/12/24     24 -$ M N S T
11/89  416-452-0926   telly      Brampton      ON  12/24/96    +P 24 $ M N
12/88  416-461-2608   tmsoft     Toronto       ON  3/12/24/96  24 $ S M N
07/89  416-654-8854   ziebmef    Toronto       ON  3/12/24/96  24 +P M N S T
08/89  502-968-5401   disk       Louisville    KY  3/12        24 $ M N S T
12/88  503-254-0458   bucket     Portland      OR  3/12/24     24 -$ N M S T
11/89  503-297-3211^  m2xenix    Portland      OR  3/12/24     24 -$ M N S 
05/89  503-640-4262^  agora      PDX           OR  3/12/24     24 $ M N S T
10/88  512-346-2339   bigtex     Austin        TX  96          24 -$ +P A
07/89  512-832-8835   rpp386     Austin        TX  12/24       24 @ -$ A T
10/89  513-779-8209   cinnet     Cincinnati    OH  12/24/96    24 $ M N +P S 
05/89  516-872-2137   lilink     Long Island   NY  12/24       24 $ M N S T
07/89  517-487-3356   lunapark   E. Lansing    MI  12/24       24 -$
12/88  518-346-8033   sixhub     upstate       NY  3/12/24     24 $ N M S T
09/88  602-941-2005   xroads     Phoenix       AZ  3/12/24     24 $ N T
08/89  603-880-8120   ubbs-nh    Nashua        NH  3/12/24/96  24 -$ M N +P S T
08/89  605-348-2738   loft386    Rapid City    SD  3/12/24/96  24 $ M N +P S 
08/88  608-273-2657   madnix     Madison       WI  3/12/24     24 -$ S N M
08/89  612-473-2295   pnet51     Minneapolis   MN  3/12/24     24 -$ N M T
08/89  615-896-8716   raider     Murfreesboro  TN  12/24       24 -$ S N M T
07/89  616-457-1964   wybbs      Jenison       MI  3/12/24/96  24 -$ +P M N S T
11/89  617-739-9753   world      Brookline     MA  3/12/24/96  24 $ M N P S T
07/88  619-444-7006^  pnet01     El Cajon      CA  3/12/24     24 $ N M S T
10/88  703-281-7997^  grebyn     Vienna        VA  3/12/24/96  24 $ N M T P
11/89  708-272-5912^  igloo      Northbrook    IL  12/24/96    24 -$ S N T P
11/89  708-301-2100^  jolnet     Joliet        IL  3/12/24     24 -$ P M N S T
08/88  312-566-8911^  ddsw1      Mundelein     IL  3/12/24/96  24 $ A S N M P T
11/89  708-833-8126^  vpnet      Villa Park    IL  12/24/96    24 -$ +P M N S 
07/89  713-438-5018   sugar      Houston       TX  3/12/24/96  24 -$ N +P
10/89  713-668-7176^  nuchat     Houston       TX  3/12/24/96  24 -$ M N +P S
12/88  714-635-2863   dhw68k     Anaheim       CA  12/24       24 -$ T
05/89  714-662-7450   turnkey    Inglewood     CA  12/24       24 -$
11/89  714-821-9671   alphacm    Cypress       CA  12/24/96    24 -$ T H A
05/89  714-842-5851   conexch    Santa Ana     CA  3/12/24     24 $ A M N S
08/88  714-894-2246   stanton    Irvine        CA  3/12/24     24 $ S N
12/89  719-632-4111   oldcolo    Colo Spgs     CO  12/24/96    24 $ H M N T
12/89  800-344-8280   nycenet    New York      NY  3/12/24     24 -$ T
08/89  801-943-7947^  i-core     Salt Lake Ci  UT  3/12/24/96  +P 24 -$ A N
06/88  802-865-3614   tnl        Burlington    VT  3/12/24     24 -$ S N M
08/88  813-952-1981   usource    Sarasota      FL  12/24       -24 -$ A
12/89  814-337-0348   sir-alan   Meadville     PA  3/12/24/96  24 -$ A H P
09/89  916-649-0161   sactoh0    Sacramento    CA  12/24/96    24 $ M N +P S T
08/89  919-493-7111^  wolves     Durham        NC  3/12/24     24 $ M N S 
NOTE:  ^ means the site is reachable using PC Pursuit.
This list is maintained by Phil Eschallier on lgnp1.  Any additions,
deletions, or corrections should be sent to one of the addresses below.
The nixpub listings are kept as current as possible.  However, you use this
data at your own risk and cost -- all standard disclaimers apply!!!
      Lists available from lgnp1 via anonomous uucp.
                            +1 215 348 9727 [Telebit access]
                     login: nuucp  NO PWD   [no rmail permitted]
                 this list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub.short
                 long list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub
      or from news groups pubnet.nixpub, comp.misc or alt.bbs
E-MAIL ...
  uucp: ..!uunet!lgnp1!{ phil | nixpub }
domain: { phil | nixpub }@LS.COM
  COMPAQ, IBM, PC Pursuit, [SCO] XENIX, UNIX, etc. are trademarks of the
  respective companies.

nixpub@lgnp1.LS.COM (NIXPUB Coordinator) (01/10/90)

                          nixpub long listing
     Open Access UNIX (*NIX) Sites [Fee / No Fee] for mapped sites only
                          [ January 9, 1990 ]

Systems listed (77):
 [   agora     alphacm   althea    amazing   anet      attctc    bigtex    ]
 [   bucket    chinet    cinnet    conexch   contact   cpro      cruzio    ]
 [   dasys1    ddsw1     dhw68k    disk      eklektik  esfenn    gagme     ]
 [   gensis    grebyn    i-core    igloo     jack      jdyx      jolnet    ]
 [   lgnp1     lilink    loft386   lunapark  m-net     m2xenix   madnix    ]
 [   magpie    marob     ncoast    netcom    nstar     nuchat    nucleus   ]
 [   nycenet   oldcolo   ozdaltx   pallas    pnet01    pnet02    pnet51    ]
 [   point     polari    portal    raider    rpp386    rtmvax    sactoh0   ]
 [   sharks    sir-alan  sixhub    stanton   stb       sugar     telly     ]
 [   tmsoft    tnl       turnkey   ubbs-nh   usource   uuwest    vpnet     ]
 [   well      wet       wolves    world     wybbs     xroads    ziebmef   ]

Date   Telephone #    Sys-name    Location                Baud        Hours
-----  ------------   --------    -----------             -------     -----

08/89  201-846-2460^  althea      New Brunswick       NJ  3/12/24  24
  AT&T 3B2/310 - Unix SVR3.1, no fee.  USENET, email, C development,
  games.  Single line.
  Contact: rjd@althea.UUCP (Robert Diamond)
10/89  206-328-4944   polari      Seatle              WA  3/12     24
  Equip ???;  8-lines, Trailblazer on 206-328-1468;  $30/year (flat rate);
  Multi-user games, chat, full USENET.
  Contact: uunet!microsoft!happym!polari!bruceki
12/89  212-420-0527   magpie      NYC                 NY  3/12/24/96  24
  ? - UNIX SYSV - 2, Magpie BBS, no fee, Authors: Magpie/UNIX,/MSDOS
  two lines plus anonymous uucp: 212-677-9487 (9600 bps Telebit modem)
  NOTE: 9487 reserved for registered Magpie sysops & anon uucp
  Contact: Steve Manes, {rutgers|cmcl2|uunet}!hombre!magpie!manes	
12/89  212-675-7059   marob       NYC                 NY  3/12/24/96  24
  386 SCO-XENIX 2.2, XBBS, no fee, limit 60 min.
  Telebit Trailblazer (9600 PEP) only 212-675-8438
  Contact:  {philabs|rutgers|cmcl2}!{phri|hombre}!marob!clifford
05/89  212-879-9031^  dasys1      NYC                 NY  12/24    24
  Unistride - SYS V, multiple lines, fee $5/mo  AKA Big Electric Cat
  USENET, games, multi-user chat, email, login: new, passwd: new
  Contact: ...!rutgers!cmcl2!rsweeney or rsweeney@dasys1.UUCP
09/89  213-376-5714^  pnet02      Redondo Bch         CA  3/12/24  24
  XENIX (also 213-374-7404) no fee, 90 min limit, login: pnet id: new
  some USENET, net-work e-mail, multi-threaded conferencing
09/89  213-397-3137^  stb         Santa Monica        CA  3/12/24  24
  AT&T 3b1;  BBS and shell access;  uucp-anon: ogin: uucp NO PASSWD
  3 line on rotory -3137 2400 baud.
03/88  213-459-5891   amazing     Pacific Palisades   CA  3/12/24  24
  AMT 286 - Microport  David's Amazing BBS  Fee $7.50/month;$35/6;$60/year
  5 lines on rotary; Unique original software with conferencing, electronic
  bar, matchmaking, no file up/downloading
07/88  214-247-2367   ozdaltx     Dallas              TX  3/12/24  24
  INTEC/SCO XENIX 2.2.1, OZ BBS, Membership only adult BBS, fee $40
  year. Multiple lines.  Closed system, carries limited USENET
  newsgroups. Login: guest (no PW).  Voice verification on all new users.
11/89  214-824-7881   attctc      Dallas              TX  3/12/24  24
  3b2/522 - UNIX, no fee, various time limits, 8 lines 2.8 GB online
  uucp-anon --> 214-741-2130  ogin: uupdsrc word: Public
  uucp-anon info in: /bbsys4/README     (Formerly node name killer)
01/90  215-348-9727   lgnp1       Doylestown          PA  3/12/24/96  24
  '386 mutt w/ SCO-XENIX -- Telebit on dial in line.  UUCP access only ...
  Public access to the nixpub lists using anon-uucp [see footer of this list].
  Fee services include feeds/routing for E-mail and USENET News, plus access
  to *NIX specific PD source code library.  Contact: phil@ls.com.
01/90  216-582-2460   ncoast      Cleveland           OH  12/24/96  24
  80386 Mylex, SCO Xenix;  600 meg. storage;  XBBS and Shell;  USENET
  (newsfeeds available), E-Mail; donations requested; login as "bbs"
  for BBS and "makeuser" for new users.
  Telebit used on 216-237-5486.
08/88  217-529-3223   pallas      Springfield         IL  3/12/24  24
  Convrgnt Minifrme, multiple lines, 200 meg Minnie bbs $25 donation
01/90  219-289-0286   nstar       South Bend          IN  3/12/24/96  24
  386/25, Unix System V 3.2; 4 high speed lines all locked at 19.2 kbps, 
  Hayes V-Series V.42bis lead number listed,  Trailblazer on 289-3745, USR 
  HST 14.4 carrier on 287-9020; full Usenet, AKCS threaded conferencing,
  downloads, mail, currently no fees, registration required and verified, 
  NO GAMES, feeds available; contact news@nstar
08/88  312-283-0559^  chinet      Chicago             IL  3/12/24  24
  3b2/300 - SYS V 3.1, multiple lines, Picospan BBS, system & BBS free
  Extra phone lines and usenet, $50/yr.
10/89  312-338-0632^  point       Chicago             IL  3/12/24/96  24
  North Shore / Rogers Park area of Chicago.  386 - ISC 2.01 (SysV3.2),
  multiple lines, Telebit PEP on 338-3261, USRobotics HST on 338-1036,
  AKCS bbs, some usenet conferences available.  200+ MB online storage.
  Downloads, full usenet & shell access in the works.
04/89  313-623-6309   nucleus     Clarkston           MI  12/24    24
  286 - Unix System V, no fee. Shell access, full usenet access, online games,
  AKCS conferencing system, some public domain sources online, extensive tape
  library of public domain source code
02/88  313-994-6333   m-net       Ann Arbor           MI  3/12     24
  Altos 68020 - SYS III, limits unstated, fee for extended service
  Picospan conference system, multiple lines, 160 meg, packet radio
08/89  313-996-4644^  anet        Ann Arbor           MI  3/12     24
  Altos 68000 - Sys III, no limits, 1st month free, fees range up to $20/
  month (negotiable), accepts equipment/software in lieu of fees, Picospan
  conferencing, 120M, non-profit, user-supported, community-based, ideal
  autodidact educational system.  Tax-deductible donations okay.
08/89  314-474-4581   gensis      Columbia            MO  3/12/24/48/96  24
  Gateway 386 system w/ SCO Xenix V/386, DataFlex, Oracle, CHARM, & VP/ix.
  No fee.  Online gaming, game design, and (oddly enough) data base design
  are the main focus.  Modem is Microcom MNP 6.
10/89  404-321-5020^  jdyx        Atlanta             GA  12/24/96  24
  386/ix 2.0.2.  XBBS. Usenet (alt, gnu, most comp and a few others) and 
  shell access.  Second line (2400 below) (404) 325-1719.  200+ meg current
  Usenet and GNU sources.  Specializing in graphics and ray-tracing under 
  386/ix (with/with out X11).  Yearly fee for shell and/or downloads.  
  Telebit access.  Contact: ...gatech!emory!jdyx!tpf (Tom Friedel)
05/88  407-380-6228   rtmvax      Orlando             FL  3/12/24  24
  mVAX-I - Ultrix-32 V1.2  USENET & UUCP Email Gateway. XBBS front end for
  new user subscribing. No Fees. Primary function is Technical exchange.
  Contact: { cbosgd!codas, hoptoad!peora }!rtmvax!rob 
09/89  408-245-7726^  uuwest      Sunnyvale           CA  3/12/24  24
  SCO-XENIX, Waffle. No fee, USENET news (news.*, music, comics, telecom, etc)
  The Dark Side of the Moon BBS. This system has been in operation since 1985.
  Login: new Contact: (UUCP) ames!uuwest!request (Domain) request@darkside.com
04/88  408-247-4810   sharks      Santa Clara         CA  3/12     24
  Altos 886/80/80  - XENIX 3.2f AKA: Shark's Head BBS,  BBCS Network
  Multiple lines,no fee for non-members,members $25 year
  Restricted sh access and UUCP/Usenet access for advanced members
11/89  408-423-9995   cruzio      Santa Cruz          CA  12/24    24
  Tandy 4000, Xenix 2.3.*, Caucus 3.*;  focus on Santa Cruz activity
  (ie directory of community and goverment organizations, events, ...);
  Multiple lines;  no shell; fee: $18/quarter.
  Contact: ...!uunet!cruzio!chris
10/89  408-725-0561^  portal      Cupertino           CA  3/12/24  24
  Networked Suns (SunOS), multiple lines, Telenet access, no shell access
  fees: $10/month + Telenet charges (if used) @ various rates/times
  conferencing, multi user chats, usenet 
02/89  408-997-9119^  netcom      San Jose            CA  3/12/24/96  24
  Unix System V -- Shell Access [Bourne, Korn, C-Shell], BBS, USENET,
  Languages: C, Lisp, Prolog, Clips, (Ada soon), $10 / month, login as
  'guest' no password.  Contact netcom!bobr.
10/89  412-431-8649   eklektik    Pittsburgh          PA  3/12/24  24
  UNIX PC- SYSV - UNaXcess BBS, new system - donation requested for shell,
  login: bbs for BBS, uucp-mail, limited Usenet news feeds.  Gaming SIGS.
  Contact:  ...!gatech!emoryu1!eklektik!anthony
11/89  415-332-6106^  well        Sausalito           CA  12/24    24
  6-processor Sequent Balance (32032); UUCP and USENET access; multiple
  lines; access via CPN; PICOSPAN BBS; $3/hour.  Contact (415) 332-4335
06/88  415-582-7691   cpro        Hayward             CA  12/24    24
  Microport SYSV 2, UNaXcess bbs, no fee, 60 min limit, shell access
11/89  415-623-8642   jack        Fremont             CA  3/12/24  24
  3b2/522.  2 BBS's.  E-mail, USENET News, and NFS links to 2 3b1's.  No
  fee.  5 lines on rotary.  Contact: steve@jack.SNS.COM5 lines on rotary.
07/89  415-753-5265^  wet         San Francisco       CA  3/12/24  24
  386 SYS V.3.  Wetware Diversions.  $15 registration, $0.01/minute.
  Public Access UNIX System:  uucp, PicoSpan bbs, full Usenet News,
  multiple lines, shell access.  Newusers get initial credit!
  contact:{ucsfcca|claris|hoptoad}!wet!cc (Christopher Cilley)
05/89  415-783-2543   esfenn      Hayward             CA  3/12/24  24
  System ????; USENET news; E-mail; No charges; Contact esfenn!william.
11/89  416-438-2855   contact     Toronto             ONT  3/12/24  24
  386 clone - Xenix 2.3.1, fee optional. USENET, email, multi-user chat,
  Contact: eisen@contact.UUCP martin loeffler
11/89  416-452-0926   telly       Brampton            ON  12/24/96  24
  386 SysVr3.2; proprietary menu-based BBS includes Usenet site searching.
  News (all groups, incl biz, pubnet, gnu, CanConfMail), mail (including
  to/from Internet, Bitnet), many archives. Feeds available. $75(Cdn)/year.
  Contact: Evan Leibovitch, evan@telly.on.ca, uunet!attcan!telly!evan
12/88  416-461-2608   tmsoft      Toronto             ON  3/12/24/96  24
  NS32016, Sys5r2, shell; news+mail $30/mo, general-timesharing $60/mo
  All newsgroups.  Willing to setup mail/news connections.
  Contact: Dave Mason <mason@tmsoft> / Login: newuser
07/89  416-654-8854   ziebmef     Toronto             ON  3/12/24/96  24
  AT&T 3B1, Sys V, shell, news, mail, no fee (donations accepted)
  Carries most newsgroups (willing to add extra ones on request)
  Telebit access, willing to give mail feeds
  Contact: Chris Siebenmann, {utzoo!telly,ncrcan}!ziebmef!cks
08/89  502-968-5401   disk        Louisville          KY  3/12     24
  386 clone, Microport System V, 600 meg.  6 lines 5401 thru 5406.
  rarrying most USENET groups, Shell access, games, downloads,
  multi-user chat, and more.  Rate info available via a free trial
12/88  503-254-0458   bucket      Portland            OR  3/12/24  24
  Tektronix 6130, UTek 2.3(4.2BSD-derived).  Bit Bucket BBS publically
  available; login as 'bbs'.  BBS is message only.  Users intereseted in
  access to Unix should contact SYSOP via the BBS or send EMail to
  ..tektronix!tessi!bucket!rickb.  Unix services include USENET News,
  EMail, and all tools/games/utility access. Alternate dial-in lines
  available for Unix users.
12/89  503-297-3211^  m2xenix     Portland            OR  3/12/24  24
  '386/20, Xenix 2.3.  Shell accounts available, NO BBS.  No fee.  E-mail,
  USENET News, program development.
  Contact: ...!uunet!m2xenix!news or on Fido at 297-9145
05/89  503-640-4262^  agora       PDX                 OR  3/12/24  24
  Intel Xenix-286, $2/mo or $20/yr, news, mail, games, programming
  two lines with trunk-hunt, 4380 supports MNP level 3.
  Contact: Alan Batie, tektronix!tessi!agora!batie
01/90  512-346-2339   bigtex      Austin              TX  96       24
  SysVr3.2 i386, anonymous shell, no fee, anonymous uucp ONLY,
  Telebit 9600/PEP; Mail links available.  Carries GNU software.
  anon uucp login: nuucp NO PASSWD, file list /usr3/index
  anon shell login: guest NO PASSWD, chroot'd to /usr3
  Contact: james@bigtex.cactus.org
07/89  512-832-8835   rpp386      Austin              TX  12/24    24
  386 SYSV, no shell, no bbs, anonymous uucp file transfer site only, no fee
  uucp and kermit server available, login uucp or kermit NO PASSWD
10/89  513-779-8209   cinnet      Cincinnati          OH  12/24/96  24
  80386, ISC 386/ix 2.02, Telebit access, 1 line; $7.50/Month; shell
  access, Usenet access; news feeds available;
  login: newact password: new user to register for shell access
05/89  516-872-2137   lilink      Long Island         NY  12/24    24
  80386/20 Mhz. , three lines, News/Mail/Shell access. Online games,
  conferencing, full program development system, full text processing.
  We carry ALL Usenet groups.  Dues are  $10/month (unlimited access).
  Accounts are filled by application/phone verification. Login: new
  Alternate numbers: 516-872-2138 & 516-872-2349
01/90  517-487-3356   lunapark    E. Lansing          MI  12/24    24
  Compaq 386/20 SCO-UNIX 3.2, lunabbs bulletin board & conferencing
  system, no fee, login: bbs password: lunabbs.  Primarily UNIX software
  with focus on TeX and Postscript, also some ATARI-ST and IBM-PC stuff
  2400/1200 --> 8 N 1
  Contact: ...!{mailrus,uunet}!frith!lunapark!larry
12/88  518-346-8033   sixhub      upstate             NY  3/12/24  24
  PC Designs GV386.  hub machine of the upstate NY UNIX users group (*IX)
  two line reserved for incoming, bbs no fee, news & email fee $15/year
  Smorgasboard of BBS systems, UNaXcess and XBBS online,
  Citadel BBS now in production. Contact: davidsen@sixhub.uucp.
09/88  602-941-2005   xroads      Phoenix             AZ  12/24    24
  Motorola VME1121, UNIX 5.2, Crossroads BBS, Fee $30/yr + $.50/.25 (call)
  prime (evenings)/non-prime, USENET news, multi-chat, online games,
  movie reviews, adventure games, dos unix/xenix files for dload, multi lines
08/89  603-880-8120   ubbs-nh     Nashua              NH  3/12/24/96  24
  New England Unix Archive Site.  Multiple lines.  Services include E-Mail,
  full or partial news feeds.  XBBS access $25/year, User Accounts or News 
  Feeds available $60/year (1 hour/day) or $120/year (2 hours/day).
  Contact:  noel@ubbs-nh or {decvax}!ubbs-nh!noel or leave message on the
  bbs.  Voice:  603 595-2947
08/89  605-348-2738   loft386     Rapid City          SD  3/12/24/96  24
  80386 SYS V/386 Rel 3.2, Usenet mail/news via UUNET, UUNET archive access.
  NO BBS!  News feeds avaliable.  400 meg hd.  Fees: $10/month or $25/quarter.
  Call (605) 343-8760 and talk to Doug Ingraham to arrange an account or email
08/88  608-273-2657   madnix      Madison             WI  3/12/24  24
  286 SCO-XENIX, shell, no fee, USENET news, mail, login: newuser
  Contact: ray@madnix
08/89  612-473-2295   pnet51      Minneapolis         MN  3/12/24  24
  Equip ?, Xenix, multi-line, no fee, some Usenet news, email, multi-threaded
  conferencing, login: pnet id: new, PC Pursuitable
  UUCP: {rosevax, crash}!orbit!pnet51!admin
08/89  615-896-8716   raider      Murfreesboro        TN  12/24    24
  Tandy 4000 XENIX, XBBS, shell accounts, news and mail, newsfeeds
  available. Two line system; second dialup is 615-896-7905.
  Contact: root@raider.MFEE.TN.US (Bob Reineri); NO CHARGE.
11/89  616-457-1964   wybbs       Jenison             MI  3/12/24/PEP  24
  286 - SCO-XENIX 2.2.1, no fees, two lines, shell access, usenet news,
  150 meg storage, XBBS, Telebit, interests: ham radio, xenix 
  AKA: Consultants Connection  Contact: wybbs!danielw@sharkey.cc.umich.edu
  Alternate phone #: 616-457-9909 (max 2400 baud)
01/90  617-739-9753   world       Brookline           MA  3/12/24/96  24
  Sun 4/280, SunOS 4.03;  Shell, USENET, E-Mail, UUCP and home of the
  Open Book Initiative (text project);  fees: $5/mo + $3/mo (8a-8p) and
  $2/mo (8p-8a);  Multiple lines: 2400 MNP used on listed number,
  Telebits used on others;  login as "new";  Contact: geb@world.std.com
07/88  619-444-7006^  pnet01      El Cajon            CA  3/12/24  24
  BSD Unix, 3 lines, login: pnet id: new, some USENET, email, conferencing 
  Home of P-Net software, mail to crash!bblue or pnet01!bblue for info.
  Contributions requested
  Unix accounts available for regulars, PC Pursuit access 2/88.
12/89  703-281-7997^  grebyn      Vienna              VA  3/12/24  24
  Vax/Ultrix.  $25/month.  GNU EMACS, USENET, PC/BLUE archives, Telebit used
  for uucp only, archives, Ada repository, comp.sources.(misc,unix,games)
  archives, net.sources archives, 3 C compilers, Ada compiler,  1.2GB disk,
  multiple lines
11/89  708-272-5912^  igloo       Northbrook          IL  12/24/96  24
  3B2-300;  accounts by invitation only, no limit/no fee;  full usenet;
  132megs HD;  2 lines rotary, 9600 telebit on 272-5917
  Contact: igloo!postmaster
11/89  708-301-2100^  jolnet      Joliet              IL  3/12/24  24
  3b2/400 - Unix, public access and contributions, No fee for postnews.
  5 lines  AKCS bbs.  Free Newsfeeds available.  ~450 MB online storage.
  Free Shell and Usenet access.  Telebit Trailblazer access (2104).
  Telenet access. 
01/90  708-318-7133   gagme       Niles               IL  12/24    24
  3B2/300 - System V 3.2.  E-mail, netnews, sources.  Donation
  requested but not required.
11/89  708-566-8911^  ddsw1       Mundelein           IL  3/12/24/96  24
  Televideo 386 -SCO XENIX 386, guest usr 1 hr daily, fee extends use
  AKCS bbs, fee $30/6 months $50/year, Authors of AKCS bbs
  multiple lines, 9600 bps available, anonymous uucp, ~/README for info
  Contact: Karl Denninger (...!ddsw1!karl) Voice: (312) 566-8910
11/89  708-833-8126^  vpnet       Villa Park          IL  12/24/96  24
  386 Clone - Interactive 386/ix R2.0 (3.2), no fee. Akcs linked bbs
  including several Usenet conf's. No charge for shells. Trailblazer. 
  Mail lisbon@vpnet.UUCP
07/89  713-438-5018   sugar       Houston             TX  3/12/24/96  24
  386/AT (2) networked - Bell Technologies V/386, usenet, news, downloads
  Homegrown BBS software, Trailblazer+ access, currently no charges
10/89  713-668-7176^  nuchat      Houston             TX  3/12/24/96  24
  i386;  USENET, Mail, Shell Access;  300M On-line;  Trailbazer Used;
  No fee.
12/88  714-635-2863   dhw68k      Anaheim             CA  12/24    24
  Unistride 2.1, no fee, also 714-385-1915, Trailblazer on both lines,
  USENET News, /bin/sh or /bin/csh available
05/89  714-662-7450   turnkey     Inglewood           CA  12/24    24
  286 - Xenix SYSV, XBBS
11/89  714-821-9671   alphacm     Cypress             CA  12/24/96  24
  386 - SCO-XENIX, no fee, Home of XBBS, 90 minute per login, 4 lines,
  9600 baud via MicroComm/Hayes (v.29)
    uucp-anon:  ogin: nuucp  NO PASSWD
05/89  714-842-5851   conexch     Santa Ana           CA  3/12/24  24
  386 - SCO Xenix - Free Unix guest login and PC-DOS bbs login, one
  hour inital time limit, USENET news, shell access granted on request &
  $25/quarter donation.  Anon uucp: ogin: nuucp  NO PASSWD.  List of
  available Unix files resides in /usr3/public/FILES.
08/88  714-894-2246   stanton     Irvine              CA  3/12/24  24
  286 - SCO Xenix - donation requested, limit 240 min, XBBS, USENET news
  UNIX access granted on request through BBS, 20$/year, access includes
  C development system (XENIX/MSDOS), PROCALC 1-2-3 clone, FOXBASE+
  anon uucp: ogin: nuucp, no word, 2400/1200/300 MNP supported
12/89  719-632-4111   oldcolo     Colo Spgs           CO  12/24/96  24
  386 - SCO-XENIX  frontend,  2 CT  Miniframes  backend,  e-mail 
  conferencing,  databases,   Naplps Graphics, USENET news. 7 lines 
  8N1,  2400 on 2906,  USR  Dual  9600  on 2658.   Self registering   
  for  limited  free  access    (political,    policy, marketplace) 
  Subscriptions $10, 15, 18 mo for full use. Dave Hughes SYSOP.
12/89  800-344-8280   nycenet     New York            NY  3/12/24  24
  Generic '386, SCO-XENIX 2.3;  Runs Magpie BBS software;  16 lines;  No fee,
  Toll free call (no int'l access), 45 minute limit.
  contact: buzz@nycenet.nycboe.edu
08/89  801-943-7947^  i-core      Salt Lake City      UT  3/12/24/96  24
  286 SYS V, Unidel BBS, a.k.a. Bitsko's Bar & Grill, no limit, no fee,
  UseNet and Citadel feeds available, home of Unidel BBS, Telebit 19200 used
  Contact: ken@i-core.UUCP or uunet!iconsys!caeco!i-core!ken
12/88  802-865-3614   tnl         Burlington          VT  3/12/24  24
  80386 w/ SCO XENIX. No Fee.  2 hr session limit.  XBBS/USENET, shell.
  Login as 'new' for a shell account, no validation.  AKA: Northern Lights.
08/88  813-952-1981   usource     Sarasota            FL  12/24    -24
  386 - SCO-XENIX, fee depends on services provided, no fee for bbs. New users
  subscribe by logging in as 'help' or 'newuser' (no password).  Primary
  purpose is technical forum. 6pm-8am M-Th, 24 hrs weeekends (6pm Fri-8am Mon)
  uucp-anon: 1200/2400 bps --> ogin: auucp  word: gateway
  uucp-anon directory: /usr/spool/uucppublic; contact: frank@usource.UUCP
12/89  814-337-0348   sir-alan    Meadville           PA  3/12/24/96  24
  SCO XENIX 2.3.3, no fee, BBS, archive site, USR HST on 337 0348 (24/12/96/3),
  TB+ on 337 3159 (24/19.2/96/12); archive site (1GB filesystem) for comp.
  sources.[games,misc,sun,unix,x], some alt.sources, XENIX(68K/286/386).
  uucp-anon: ogin: pdsrc NO PASSWD
  uucp-anon directory: /u/pdsrc, /u/pubdir, /u/uunet, help in /u/pubdir/HELP 
  Contact: sir-alan!mikes@uunet.uu.net  (814 337 5528 voice)
09/89  916-649-0161   sactoh0     Sacramento          CA  12/24/96  24
  3B2/310 SYSV.2, SAC_UNIX;  $2/month, limit 90 min, 2 lines, TB on line,
  2400/1200 baud on 916-722-6519;  USENET, E-Mail, Games;  login: new
  Contact: ..pacbell!sactoh0!sysop
089  919-493-7111^  wolves      Durham              NC  3/12/24  24
  AMS 386/25 - UNIX SysVr3.2, XBBS, no fee for bbs.  Rates for UNIX access
  and USENET are being determined.  Developing yet another UNIX bbs (ideas
  welcome!)  Single line, telebit coming soon.
  Contact: wolves!ggw or wolves!sysop  [...duke!dukcds!wolves!...]
NOTE:  ^ means the site is reachable using PC Pursuit.
This list is maintained by Phil Eschallier on lgnp1.  Any additions,
deletions, or corrections should be sent to one of the addresses below.
The nixpub listings are kept as current as possible.  However, you use this
data at your own risk and cost -- all standard disclaimers apply!!!
      Lists available from lgnp1 via anonomous uucp.
                            +1 215 348 9727 [Telebit access]
                     login: nuucp  NO PWD   [no rmail permitted]
                 this list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub
                short list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub.short
      or from news groups pubnet.nixpub, comp.misc or alt.bbs.
E-MAIL ...
  uucp: ..!uunet!lgnp1!{ phil | nixpub }
domain: { phil | nixpub }@LS.COM
   CIS: 71076,1576
  COMPAQ, IBM, PC Pursuit, [SCO] XENIX, UNIX, etc. are trademarks of the
  respective companies.

nixpub@lgnp1.LS.COM (NIXPUB Coordinator) (01/10/90)

                          nixpub short listing
     Open Access UNIX (*NIX) Sites [Fee / No Fee] for mapped sites only
                          [ January 9 , 1990 ]

Systems listed (77)
Legend: fee/contribution ($), no fee (-$), hours (24), not (-24)
        shell (S), USENET news (N), email (M), multiple lines (T) 
        Telebit PEP speed on main number (+P), Telebit on other line[s] (P)
        Courier 9600 bps on main number (+H), Courier on other line[s] (H) 
        V.32 on main number (+V), V.32 on other line[s] (H) 
        anonymous uucp (A), archive site ONLY - see long form list (@)
        Dialable thru PC Pursuit (^)

Date   Telephone #    Sys-name   Location          Baud        Legend
-----  ------------   --------   -----------       -------     ---------
08/89  201-846-2460^  althea     New Brunswic  NJ  3/12/24     24 -$ M N S 
10/89  206-328-4944   polari     Seatle        WA  3/12        24 $ M N P S T
12/89  212-420-0527   magpie     NYC           NY  3/12/24/96  24 -$ A T P
12/89  212-675-7059   marob      NYC           NY  3/12/24/96  24 -$ A
05/89  212-879-9031^  dasys1     NYC           NY  12/24       24 $ S N M T
09/89  213-376-5714^  pnet02     Redondo Bch   CA  3/12/24     24 -$ M N T
09/89  213-397-3137^  stb        Santa Monica  CA  3/12/24     24 -$ S A
11/88  213-459-5891   amazing    Pac Palisade  CA  3/12/24     24 $ T
07/88  214-247-2367   ozdaltx    Dallas        TX  3/12/24     24 $ N T
11/89  214-741-2130   attctc     Dallas        TX  3/12/24     24 -$ N M S T A
01/90  215-348-9727   lgnp1      Doylestown    PA  3/12/24/96  24 $ A M N +P
01/90  216-582-2460   ncoast     Cleveland     OH  12/24/96    24 $ S N M P T
08/88  217-529-3223   pallas     Springfield   IL  3/12/24     24 $ T
01/90  219-289-0286   nstar      South Bend    IN  3/12/24/96  24 -$ H M N P S T
08/88  312-283-0559^  chinet     Chicago       IL  3/12/24     24 $ N T
10/89  312-338-0632^  point      Chicago       IL  3/12/24/96  24 -$ H N P S T
04/89  313-623-6309   nucleus    Clarkston     MI  12/24       24 $ S N M
11/88  313-994-6333   m-net      Ann Arbor     MI  3/12        24 $ T
08/89  313-996-4644^  anet       Ann Arbor     MI  3/12        24 $ T
08/89  314-474-4581   gensis     Columbia      MO  3/12/24/96  24 -$ M S 
10/89  404-321-5020^  jdyx       Atlanta       GA  12/24       24 $ M N +P S T
05/88  407-380-6228   rtmvax     Orlando       FL  3/12/24     24 -$ N M
09/89  408-245-7726^  uuwest     Sunnyvale     CA  3/12/24     24 -$ N
04/88  408-247-4810   sharks     Santa Clara   CA  3/12        24 $ S N M T
11/89  408-423-9995   cruzio     Santa Cruz    CA  12/24       24 $ M T
10/89  408-725-0561^  portal     Cupertino     CA  3/12/24     24 $ -S N M T
02/89  408-997-9119^  netcom     San Jose      CA  3/12/24/96  24 $ M N S
10/89  412-431-8649   eklektik   Pittsburgh    PA  3/12/24     24 $ S N M 
11/89  415-332-6106^  well       Sausalito     CA  12/24       24 $ M N S T
06/88  415-582-7691   cpro       Hayward       CA  12/24       24 -$ S
11/89  415-623-8652   jack       Fremont       CA  3/12/24     24 -$ M N T
07/89  415-753-5265^  wet        San Francisc  CA  3/12/24     24 $ M N S T
05/89  415-783-2543   esfenn     Hayward       CA  3/12/24     24 -$ M N S 
11/89  416-438-2855   contact    Toronto       ONT  3/12/24     24 -$ M N S T
11/89  416-452-0926   telly      Brampton      ON  12/24/96    +P 24 $ M N
12/88  416-461-2608   tmsoft     Toronto       ON  3/12/24/96  24 $ S M N
07/89  416-654-8854   ziebmef    Toronto       ON  3/12/24/96  24 +P M N S T
08/89  502-968-5401   disk       Louisville    KY  3/12        24 $ M N S T
12/88  503-254-0458   bucket     Portland      OR  3/12/24     24 -$ N M S T
12/89  503-297-3211^  m2xenix    Portland      OR  3/12/24     24 -$ M N S 
05/89  503-640-4262^  agora      PDX           OR  3/12/24     24 $ M N S T
01/90  512-346-2339   bigtex     Austin        TX  96          24 -$ +P A
07/89  512-832-8835   rpp386     Austin        TX  12/24       24 @ -$ A T
10/89  513-779-8209   cinnet     Cincinnati    OH  12/24/96    24 $ M N +P S 
05/89  516-872-2137   lilink     Long Island   NY  12/24       24 $ M N S T
01/90  517-487-3356   lunapark   E. Lansing    MI  12/24       24 -$
12/88  518-346-8033   sixhub     upstate       NY  3/12/24     24 $ N M S T
09/88  602-941-2005   xroads     Phoenix       AZ  3/12/24     24 $ N T
08/89  603-880-8120   ubbs-nh    Nashua        NH  3/12/24/96  24 -$ M N +P S T
08/89  605-348-2738   loft386    Rapid City    SD  3/12/24/96  24 $ M N +P S 
08/88  608-273-2657   madnix     Madison       WI  3/12/24     24 -$ S N M
08/89  612-473-2295   pnet51     Minneapolis   MN  3/12/24     24 -$ N M T
08/89  615-896-8716   raider     Murfreesboro  TN  12/24       24 -$ S N M T
07/89  616-457-1964   wybbs      Jenison       MI  3/12/24/96  24 -$ +P M N S T
01/90  617-739-9753   world      Brookline     MA  3/12/24/96  24 $ M N P S T
07/88  619-444-7006^  pnet01     El Cajon      CA  3/12/24     24 $ N M S T
12/89  703-281-7997^  grebyn     Vienna        VA  3/12/24     24 $ N M T
11/89  708-272-5912^  igloo      Northbrook    IL  12/24/96    24 -$ S N T P
11/89  708-301-2100^  jolnet     Joliet        IL  3/12/24     24 -$ P M N S T
01/90  708-318-7133   gagme      Niles         IL  12/24       24 $ M N S
08/88  312-566-8911^  ddsw1      Mundelein     IL  3/12/24/96  24 $ A S N M P T
11/89  708-833-8126^  vpnet      Villa Park    IL  12/24/96    24 -$ +P M N S 
07/89  713-438-5018   sugar      Houston       TX  3/12/24/96  24 -$ N +P
10/89  713-668-7176^  nuchat     Houston       TX  3/12/24/96  24 -$ M N +P S
12/88  714-635-2863   dhw68k     Anaheim       CA  12/24       24 -$ T
05/89  714-662-7450   turnkey    Inglewood     CA  12/24       24 -$
11/89  714-821-9671   alphacm    Cypress       CA  12/24/96    24 -$ T H A
05/89  714-842-5851   conexch    Santa Ana     CA  3/12/24     24 $ A M N S
08/88  714-894-2246   stanton    Irvine        CA  3/12/24     24 $ S N
12/89  719-632-4111   oldcolo    Colo Spgs     CO  12/24/96    24 $ H M N T
12/89  800-344-8280   nycenet    New York      NY  3/12/24     24 -$ T
08/89  801-943-7947^  i-core     Salt Lake Ci  UT  3/12/24/96  +P 24 -$ A N
06/88  802-865-3614   tnl        Burlington    VT  3/12/24     24 -$ S N M
08/88  813-952-1981   usource    Sarasota      FL  12/24       -24 -$ A
12/89  814-337-0348   sir-alan   Meadville     PA  3/12/24/96  24 -$ A H P
09/89  916-649-0161   sactoh0    Sacramento    CA  12/24/96    24 $ M N +P S T
08/89  919-493-7111^  wolves     Durham        NC  3/12/24     24 $ M N S 
NOTE:  ^ means the site is reachable using PC Pursuit.
This list is maintained by Phil Eschallier on lgnp1.  Any additions,
deletions, or corrections should be sent to one of the addresses below.
The nixpub listings are kept as current as possible.  However, you use this
data at your own risk and cost -- all standard disclaimers apply!!!
      Lists available from lgnp1 via anonomous uucp.
                            +1 215 348 9727 [Telebit access]
                     login: nuucp  NO PWD   [no rmail permitted]
                 this list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub.short
                 long list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub
      or from news groups pubnet.nixpub, comp.misc or alt.bbs
E-MAIL ...
  uucp: ..!uunet!lgnp1!{ phil | nixpub }
domain: { phil | nixpub }@LS.COM
  COMPAQ, IBM, PC Pursuit, [SCO] XENIX, UNIX, etc. are trademarks of the
  respective companies.

bzs@world.std.com (Barry Shein) (01/11/90)

>01/90  617-739-9753   world       Brookline           MA  3/12/24/96  24
>  Sun 4/280, SunOS 4.03;  Shell, USENET, E-Mail, UUCP and home of the
>  Open Book Initiative (text project);  fees: $5/mo + $3/mo (8a-8p) and
>  $2/mo (8p-8a);  Multiple lines: 2400 MNP used on listed number,
>  Telebits used on others;  login as "new";  Contact: geb@world.std.com

Those $3/mo and $2/mo entries should be $3/hour and $2/hour.

Sorry for the interruption, we now return you to your regular
        -Barry Shein

Software Tool & Die, Purveyors to the Trade         | bzs@world.std.com
1330 Beacon St, Brookline, MA 02146, (617) 739-0202 | {xylogics,uunet}world!bzs

nixpub@lgnp1.LS.COM (NIXPUB Coordinator) (01/13/90)

                          nixpub long listing
     Open Access UNIX (*NIX) Sites [Fee / No Fee] for mapped sites only
                          [ January 11, 1990 ]

Systems listed (77):
 [   agora     alphacm   althea    amazing   anet      attctc    bigtex    ]
 [   bucket    chinet    cinnet    conexch   contact   cpro      cruzio    ]
 [   dasys1    ddsw1     dhw68k    disk      eklektik  esfenn    gagme     ]
 [   gensis    grebyn    i-core    igloo     jack      jdyx      jolnet    ]
 [   lgnp1     lilink    loft386   lunapark  m-net     m2xenix   madnix    ]
 [   magpie    marob     ncoast    netcom    nstar     nuchat    nucleus   ]
 [   nycenet   oldcolo   ozdaltx   pallas    pnet01    pnet02    pnet51    ]
 [   point     polari    portal    raider    rpp386    rtmvax    sactoh0   ]
 [   sharks    sir-alan  sixhub    stanton   stb       sugar     telly     ]
 [   tmsoft    tnl       turnkey   ubbs-nh   usource   uuwest    vpnet     ]
 [   well      wet       wolves    world     wybbs     xroads    ziebmef   ]

Date   Telephone #    Sys-name    Location                Baud        Hours
-----  ------------   --------    -----------             -------     -----

08/89  201-846-2460^  althea      New Brunswick       NJ  3/12/24  24
  AT&T 3B2/310 - Unix SVR3.1, no fee.  USENET, email, C development,
  games.  Single line.
  Contact: rjd@althea.UUCP (Robert Diamond)
10/89  206-328-4944   polari      Seatle              WA  3/12     24
  Equip ???;  8-lines, Trailblazer on 206-328-1468;  $30/year (flat rate);
  Multi-user games, chat, full USENET.
  Contact: uunet!microsoft!happym!polari!bruceki
12/89  212-420-0527   magpie      NYC                 NY  3/12/24/96  24
  ? - UNIX SYSV - 2, Magpie BBS, no fee, Authors: Magpie/UNIX,/MSDOS
  two lines plus anonymous uucp: 212-677-9487 (9600 bps Telebit modem)
  NOTE: 9487 reserved for registered Magpie sysops & anon uucp
  Contact: Steve Manes, {rutgers|cmcl2|uunet}!hombre!magpie!manes	
12/89  212-675-7059   marob       NYC                 NY  3/12/24/96  24
  386 SCO-XENIX 2.2, XBBS, no fee, limit 60 min.
  Telebit Trailblazer (9600 PEP) only 212-675-8438
  Contact:  {philabs|rutgers|cmcl2}!{phri|hombre}!marob!clifford
05/89  212-879-9031^  dasys1      NYC                 NY  12/24    24
  Unistride - SYS V, multiple lines, fee $5/mo  AKA Big Electric Cat
  USENET, games, multi-user chat, email, login: new, passwd: new
  Contact: ...!rutgers!cmcl2!rsweeney or rsweeney@dasys1.UUCP
09/89  213-376-5714^  pnet02      Redondo Bch         CA  3/12/24  24
  XENIX (also 213-374-7404) no fee, 90 min limit, login: pnet id: new
  some USENET, net-work e-mail, multi-threaded conferencing
09/89  213-397-3137^  stb         Santa Monica        CA  3/12/24  24
  AT&T 3b1;  BBS and shell access;  uucp-anon: ogin: uucp NO PASSWD
  3 line on rotory -3137 2400 baud.
03/88  213-459-5891   amazing     Pacific Palisades   CA  3/12/24  24
  AMT 286 - Microport  David's Amazing BBS  Fee $7.50/month;$35/6;$60/year
  5 lines on rotary; Unique original software with conferencing, electronic
  bar, matchmaking, no file up/downloading
07/88  214-247-2367   ozdaltx     Dallas              TX  3/12/24  24
  INTEC/SCO XENIX 2.2.1, OZ BBS, Membership only adult BBS, fee $40
  year. Multiple lines.  Closed system, carries limited USENET
  newsgroups. Login: guest (no PW).  Voice verification on all new users.
11/89  214-824-7881   attctc      Dallas              TX  3/12/24  24
  3b2/522 - UNIX, no fee, various time limits, 8 lines 2.8 GB online
  uucp-anon --> 214-741-2130  ogin: uupdsrc word: Public
  uucp-anon info in: /bbsys4/README     (Formerly node name killer)
01/90  215-348-9727   lgnp1       Doylestown          PA  3/12/24/96  24
  '386 mutt w/ SCO-XENIX -- Telebit on dial in line.  UUCP access only ...
  Public access to the nixpub lists using anon-uucp [see footer of this list].
  Fee services include feeds/routing for E-mail and USENET News, plus access
  to *NIX specific PD source code library.  Contact: phil@ls.com.
01/90  216-582-2460   ncoast      Cleveland           OH  12/24/96  24
  80386 Mylex, SCO Xenix;  600 meg. storage;  XBBS and Shell;  USENET
  (newsfeeds available), E-Mail; donations requested; login as "bbs"
  for BBS and "makeuser" for new users.
  Telebit used on 216-237-5486.
08/88  217-529-3223   pallas      Springfield         IL  3/12/24  24
  Convrgnt Minifrme, multiple lines, 200 meg Minnie bbs $25 donation
01/90  219-289-0286   nstar       South Bend          IN  3/12/24/96  24
  386/25, Unix System V 3.2; 4 high speed lines all locked at 19.2 kbps, 
  Hayes V-Series V.42bis lead number listed,  Trailblazer on 289-3745, USR 
  HST 14.4 carrier on 287-9020; full Usenet, AKCS threaded conferencing,
  downloads, mail, currently no fees, registration required and verified, 
  NO GAMES, feeds available; contact news@nstar
08/88  312-283-0559^  chinet      Chicago             IL  3/12/24  24
  3b2/300 - SYS V 3.1, multiple lines, Picospan BBS, system & BBS free
  Extra phone lines and usenet, $50/yr.
10/89  312-338-0632^  point       Chicago             IL  3/12/24/96  24
  North Shore / Rogers Park area of Chicago.  386 - ISC 2.01 (SysV3.2),
  multiple lines, Telebit PEP on 338-3261, USRobotics HST on 338-1036,
  AKCS bbs, some usenet conferences available.  200+ MB online storage.
  Downloads, full usenet & shell access in the works.
04/89  313-623-6309   nucleus     Clarkston           MI  12/24    24
  286 - Unix System V, no fee. Shell access, full usenet access, online games,
  AKCS conferencing system, some public domain sources online, extensive tape
  library of public domain source code
02/88  313-994-6333   m-net       Ann Arbor           MI  3/12     24
  Altos 68020 - SYS III, limits unstated, fee for extended service
  Picospan conference system, multiple lines, 160 meg, packet radio
08/89  313-996-4644^  anet        Ann Arbor           MI  3/12     24
  Altos 68000 - Sys III, no limits, 1st month free, fees range up to $20/
  month (negotiable), accepts equipment/software in lieu of fees, Picospan
  conferencing, 120M, non-profit, user-supported, community-based, ideal
  autodidact educational system.  Tax-deductible donations okay.
08/89  314-474-4581   gensis      Columbia            MO  3/12/24/48/96  24
  Gateway 386 system w/ SCO Xenix V/386, DataFlex, Oracle, CHARM, & VP/ix.
  No fee.  Online gaming, game design, and (oddly enough) data base design
  are the main focus.  Modem is Microcom MNP 6.
10/89  404-321-5020^  jdyx        Atlanta             GA  12/24/96  24
  386/ix 2.0.2.  XBBS. Usenet (alt, gnu, most comp and a few others) and 
  shell access.  Second line (2400 below) (404) 325-1719.  200+ meg current
  Usenet and GNU sources.  Specializing in graphics and ray-tracing under 
  386/ix (with/with out X11).  Yearly fee for shell and/or downloads.  
  Telebit access.  Contact: ...gatech!emory!jdyx!tpf (Tom Friedel)
05/88  407-380-6228   rtmvax      Orlando             FL  3/12/24  24
  mVAX-I - Ultrix-32 V1.2  USENET & UUCP Email Gateway. XBBS front end for
  new user subscribing. No Fees. Primary function is Technical exchange.
  Contact: { cbosgd!codas, hoptoad!peora }!rtmvax!rob 
09/89  408-245-7726^  uuwest      Sunnyvale           CA  3/12/24  24
  SCO-XENIX, Waffle. No fee, USENET news (news.*, music, comics, telecom, etc)
  The Dark Side of the Moon BBS. This system has been in operation since 1985.
  Login: new Contact: (UUCP) ames!uuwest!request (Domain) request@darkside.com
04/88  408-247-4810   sharks      Santa Clara         CA  3/12     24
  Altos 886/80/80  - XENIX 3.2f AKA: Shark's Head BBS,  BBCS Network
  Multiple lines,no fee for non-members,members $25 year
  Restricted sh access and UUCP/Usenet access for advanced members
11/89  408-423-9995   cruzio      Santa Cruz          CA  12/24    24
  Tandy 4000, Xenix 2.3.*, Caucus 3.*;  focus on Santa Cruz activity
  (ie directory of community and goverment organizations, events, ...);
  Multiple lines;  no shell; fee: $18/quarter.
  Contact: ...!uunet!cruzio!chris
10/89  408-725-0561^  portal      Cupertino           CA  3/12/24  24
  Networked Suns (SunOS), multiple lines, Telenet access, no shell access
  fees: $10/month + Telenet charges (if used) @ various rates/times
  conferencing, multi user chats, usenet 
02/89  408-997-9119^  netcom      San Jose            CA  3/12/24/96  24
  Unix System V -- Shell Access [Bourne, Korn, C-Shell], BBS, USENET,
  Languages: C, Lisp, Prolog, Clips, (Ada soon), $10 / month, login as
  'guest' no password.  Contact netcom!bobr.
10/89  412-431-8649   eklektik    Pittsburgh          PA  3/12/24  24
  UNIX PC- SYSV - UNaXcess BBS, new system - donation requested for shell,
  login: bbs for BBS, uucp-mail, limited Usenet news feeds.  Gaming SIGS.
  Contact:  ...!gatech!emoryu1!eklektik!anthony
11/89  415-332-6106^  well        Sausalito           CA  12/24    24
  6-processor Sequent Balance (32032); UUCP and USENET access; multiple
  lines; access via CPN; PICOSPAN BBS; $3/hour.  Contact (415) 332-4335
06/88  415-582-7691   cpro        Hayward             CA  12/24    24
  Microport SYSV 2, UNaXcess bbs, no fee, 60 min limit, shell access
11/89  415-623-8642   jack        Fremont             CA  3/12/24  24
  3b2/522.  2 BBS's.  E-mail, USENET News, and NFS links to 2 3b1's.  No
  fee.  5 lines on rotary.  Contact: steve@jack.SNS.COM5 lines on rotary.
07/89  415-753-5265^  wet         San Francisco       CA  3/12/24  24
  386 SYS V.3.  Wetware Diversions.  $15 registration, $0.01/minute.
  Public Access UNIX System:  uucp, PicoSpan bbs, full Usenet News,
  multiple lines, shell access.  Newusers get initial credit!
  contact:{ucsfcca|claris|hoptoad}!wet!cc (Christopher Cilley)
05/89  415-783-2543   esfenn      Hayward             CA  3/12/24  24
  System ????; USENET news; E-mail; No charges; Contact esfenn!william.
11/89  416-438-2855   contact     Toronto             ONT  3/12/24  24
  386 clone - Xenix 2.3.1, fee optional. USENET, email, multi-user chat,
  Contact: eisen@contact.UUCP martin loeffler
11/89  416-452-0926   telly       Brampton            ON  12/24/96  24
  386 SysVr3.2; proprietary menu-based BBS includes Usenet site searching.
  News (all groups, incl biz, pubnet, gnu, CanConfMail), mail (including
  to/from Internet, Bitnet), many archives. Feeds available. $75(Cdn)/year.
  Contact: Evan Leibovitch, evan@telly.on.ca, uunet!attcan!telly!evan
12/88  416-461-2608   tmsoft      Toronto             ON  3/12/24/96  24
  NS32016, Sys5r2, shell; news+mail $30/mo, general-timesharing $60/mo
  All newsgroups.  Willing to setup mail/news connections.
  Contact: Dave Mason <mason@tmsoft> / Login: newuser
07/89  416-654-8854   ziebmef     Toronto             ON  3/12/24/96  24
  AT&T 3B1, Sys V, shell, news, mail, no fee (donations accepted)
  Carries most newsgroups (willing to add extra ones on request)
  Telebit access, willing to give mail feeds
  Contact: Chris Siebenmann, {utzoo!telly,ncrcan}!ziebmef!cks
08/89  502-968-5401   disk        Louisville          KY  3/12     24
  386 clone, Microport System V, 600 meg.  6 lines 5401 thru 5406.
  rarrying most USENET groups, Shell access, games, downloads,
  multi-user chat, and more.  Rate info available via a free trial
12/88  503-254-0458   bucket      Portland            OR  3/12/24  24
  Tektronix 6130, UTek 2.3(4.2BSD-derived).  Bit Bucket BBS publically
  available; login as 'bbs'.  BBS is message only.  Users intereseted in
  access to Unix should contact SYSOP via the BBS or send EMail to
  ..tektronix!tessi!bucket!rickb.  Unix services include USENET News,
  EMail, and all tools/games/utility access. Alternate dial-in lines
  available for Unix users.
12/89  503-297-3211^  m2xenix     Portland            OR  3/12/24  24
  '386/20, Xenix 2.3.  Shell accounts available, NO BBS.  No fee.  E-mail,
  USENET News, program development.
  Contact: ...!uunet!m2xenix!news or on Fido at 297-9145
05/89  503-640-4262^  agora       PDX                 OR  3/12/24  24
  Intel Xenix-286, $2/mo or $20/yr, news, mail, games, programming
  two lines with trunk-hunt, 4380 supports MNP level 3.
  Contact: Alan Batie, tektronix!tessi!agora!batie
01/90  512-346-2339   bigtex      Austin              TX  96       24
  SysVr3.2 i386, anonymous shell, no fee, anonymous uucp ONLY,
  Telebit 9600/PEP; Mail links available.  Carries GNU software.
  anon uucp login: nuucp NO PASSWD, file list /usr3/index
  anon shell login: guest NO PASSWD, chroot'd to /usr3
  Contact: james@bigtex.cactus.org
07/89  512-832-8835   rpp386      Austin              TX  12/24    24
  386 SYSV, no shell, no bbs, anonymous uucp file transfer site only, no fee
  uucp and kermit server available, login uucp or kermit NO PASSWD
10/89  513-779-8209   cinnet      Cincinnati          OH  12/24/96  24
  80386, ISC 386/ix 2.02, Telebit access, 1 line; $7.50/Month; shell
  access, Usenet access; news feeds available;
  login: newact password: new user to register for shell access
05/89  516-872-2137   lilink      Long Island         NY  12/24    24
  80386/20 Mhz. , three lines, News/Mail/Shell access. Online games,
  conferencing, full program development system, full text processing.
  We carry ALL Usenet groups.  Dues are  $10/month (unlimited access).
  Accounts are filled by application/phone verification. Login: new
  Alternate numbers: 516-872-2138 & 516-872-2349
01/90  517-487-3356   lunapark    E. Lansing          MI  12/24    24
  Compaq 386/20 SCO-UNIX 3.2, lunabbs bulletin board & conferencing
  system, no fee, login: bbs password: lunabbs.  Primarily UNIX software
  with focus on TeX and Postscript, also some ATARI-ST and IBM-PC stuff
  2400/1200 --> 8 N 1
  Contact: ...!{mailrus,uunet}!frith!lunapark!larry
12/88  518-346-8033   sixhub      upstate             NY  3/12/24  24
  PC Designs GV386.  hub machine of the upstate NY UNIX users group (*IX)
  two line reserved for incoming, bbs no fee, news & email fee $15/year
  Smorgasboard of BBS systems, UNaXcess and XBBS online,
  Citadel BBS now in production. Contact: davidsen@sixhub.uucp.
09/88  602-941-2005   xroads      Phoenix             AZ  12/24    24
  Motorola VME1121, UNIX 5.2, Crossroads BBS, Fee $30/yr + $.50/.25 (call)
  prime (evenings)/non-prime, USENET news, multi-chat, online games,
  movie reviews, adventure games, dos unix/xenix files for dload, multi lines
08/89  603-880-8120   ubbs-nh     Nashua              NH  3/12/24/96  24
  New England Unix Archive Site.  Multiple lines.  Services include E-Mail,
  full or partial news feeds.  XBBS access $25/year, User Accounts or News 
  Feeds available $60/year (1 hour/day) or $120/year (2 hours/day).
  Contact:  noel@ubbs-nh or {decvax}!ubbs-nh!noel or leave message on the
  bbs.  Voice:  603 595-2947
08/89  605-348-2738   loft386     Rapid City          SD  3/12/24/96  24
  80386 SYS V/386 Rel 3.2, Usenet mail/news via UUNET, UUNET archive access.
  NO BBS!  News feeds avaliable.  400 meg hd.  Fees: $10/month or $25/quarter.
  Call (605) 343-8760 and talk to Doug Ingraham to arrange an account or email
08/88  608-273-2657   madnix      Madison             WI  3/12/24  24
  286 SCO-XENIX, shell, no fee, USENET news, mail, login: newuser
  Contact: ray@madnix
08/89  612-473-2295   pnet51      Minneapolis         MN  3/12/24  24
  Equip ?, Xenix, multi-line, no fee, some Usenet news, email, multi-threaded
  conferencing, login: pnet id: new, PC Pursuitable
  UUCP: {rosevax, crash}!orbit!pnet51!admin
08/89  615-896-8716   raider      Murfreesboro        TN  12/24    24
  Tandy 4000 XENIX, XBBS, shell accounts, news and mail, newsfeeds
  available. Two line system; second dialup is 615-896-7905.
  Contact: root@raider.MFEE.TN.US (Bob Reineri); NO CHARGE.
11/89  616-457-1964   wybbs       Jenison             MI  3/12/24/PEP  24
  286 - SCO-XENIX 2.2.1, no fees, two lines, shell access, usenet news,
  150 meg storage, XBBS, Telebit, interests: ham radio, xenix 
  AKA: Consultants Connection  Contact: wybbs!danielw@sharkey.cc.umich.edu
  Alternate phone #: 616-457-9909 (max 2400 baud)
01/90  617-739-9753   world       Brookline           MA  3/12/24/96  24
  Sun 4/280, SunOS 4.03;  Shell, USENET, E-Mail, UUCP and home of the
  Open Book Initiative (text project);  fees: $5/mo + $3/hr (8a-8p) and
  $2/hr (8p-8a);  Multiple lines: 2400 MNP used on listed number,
  Telebits used on others;  login as "new";  Contact: geb@world.std.com
07/88  619-444-7006^  pnet01      El Cajon            CA  3/12/24  24
  BSD Unix, 3 lines, login: pnet id: new, some USENET, email, conferencing 
  Home of P-Net software, mail to crash!bblue or pnet01!bblue for info.
  Contributions requested
  Unix accounts available for regulars, PC Pursuit access 2/88.
12/89  703-281-7997^  grebyn      Vienna              VA  3/12/24  24
  Vax/Ultrix.  $25/month.  GNU EMACS, USENET, PC/BLUE archives, Telebit used
  for uucp only, archives, Ada repository, comp.sources.(misc,unix,games)
  archives, net.sources archives, 3 C compilers, Ada compiler,  1.2GB disk,
  multiple lines
11/89  708-272-5912^  igloo       Northbrook          IL  12/24/96  24
  3B2-300;  accounts by invitation only, no limit/no fee;  full usenet;
  132megs HD;  2 lines rotary, 9600 telebit on 272-5917
  Contact: igloo!postmaster
11/89  708-301-2100^  jolnet      Joliet              IL  3/12/24  24
  3b2/400 - Unix, public access and contributions, No fee for postnews.
  5 lines  AKCS bbs.  Free Newsfeeds available.  ~450 MB online storage.
  Free Shell and Usenet access.  Telebit Trailblazer access (2104).
  Telenet access. 
01/90  708-318-7133   gagme       Niles               IL  12/24    24
  3B2/300 - System V 3.2.  E-mail, netnews, sources.  Donation
  requested but not required.
11/89  708-566-8911^  ddsw1       Mundelein           IL  3/12/24/96  24
  Televideo 386 -SCO XENIX 386, guest usr 1 hr daily, fee extends use
  AKCS bbs, fee $30/6 months $50/year, Authors of AKCS bbs
  multiple lines, 9600 bps available, anonymous uucp, ~/README for info
  Contact: Karl Denninger (...!ddsw1!karl) Voice: (312) 566-8910
11/89  708-833-8126^  vpnet       Villa Park          IL  12/24/96  24
  386 Clone - Interactive 386/ix R2.0 (3.2), no fee. Akcs linked bbs
  including several Usenet conf's. No charge for shells. Trailblazer. 
  Mail lisbon@vpnet.UUCP
07/89  713-438-5018   sugar       Houston             TX  3/12/24/96  24
  386/AT (2) networked - Bell Technologies V/386, usenet, news, downloads
  Homegrown BBS software, Trailblazer+ access, currently no charges
10/89  713-668-7176^  nuchat      Houston             TX  3/12/24/96  24
  i386;  USENET, Mail, Shell Access;  300M On-line;  Trailbazer Used;
  No fee.
12/88  714-635-2863   dhw68k      Anaheim             CA  12/24    24
  Unistride 2.1, no fee, also 714-385-1915, Trailblazer on both lines,
  USENET News, /bin/sh or /bin/csh available
05/89  714-662-7450   turnkey     Inglewood           CA  12/24    24
  286 - Xenix SYSV, XBBS
11/89  714-821-9671   alphacm     Cypress             CA  12/24/96  24
  386 - SCO-XENIX, no fee, Home of XBBS, 90 minute per login, 4 lines,
  9600 baud via MicroComm/Hayes (v.29)
    uucp-anon:  ogin: nuucp  NO PASSWD
05/89  714-842-5851   conexch     Santa Ana           CA  3/12/24  24
  386 - SCO Xenix - Free Unix guest login and PC-DOS bbs login, one
  hour inital time limit, USENET news, shell access granted on request &
  $25/quarter donation.  Anon uucp: ogin: nuucp  NO PASSWD.  List of
  available Unix files resides in /usr3/public/FILES.
08/88  714-894-2246   stanton     Irvine              CA  3/12/24  24
  286 - SCO Xenix - donation requested, limit 240 min, XBBS, USENET news
  UNIX access granted on request through BBS, 20$/year, access includes
  C development system (XENIX/MSDOS), PROCALC 1-2-3 clone, FOXBASE+
  anon uucp: ogin: nuucp, no word, 2400/1200/300 MNP supported
12/89  719-632-4111   oldcolo     Colo Spgs           CO  12/24/96  24
  386 - SCO-XENIX  frontend,  2 CT  Miniframes  backend,  e-mail 
  conferencing,  databases,   Naplps Graphics, USENET news. 7 lines 
  8N1,  2400 on 2906,  USR  Dual  9600  on 2658.   Self registering   
  for  limited  free  access    (political,    policy, marketplace) 
  Subscriptions $10, 15, 18 mo for full use. Dave Hughes SYSOP.
12/89  800-344-8280   nycenet     New York            NY  3/12/24  24
  Generic '386, SCO-XENIX 2.3;  Runs Magpie BBS software;  16 lines;  No fee,
  Toll free call (no int'l access), 45 minute limit.
  contact: buzz@nycenet.nycboe.edu
08/89  801-943-7947^  i-core      Salt Lake City      UT  3/12/24/96  24
  286 SYS V, Unidel BBS, a.k.a. Bitsko's Bar & Grill, no limit, no fee,
  UseNet and Citadel feeds available, home of Unidel BBS, Telebit 19200 used
  Contact: ken@i-core.UUCP or uunet!iconsys!caeco!i-core!ken
12/88  802-865-3614   tnl         Burlington          VT  3/12/24  24
  80386 w/ SCO XENIX. No Fee.  2 hr session limit.  XBBS/USENET, shell.
  Login as 'new' for a shell account, no validation.  AKA: Northern Lights.
08/88  813-952-1981   usource     Sarasota            FL  12/24    -24
  386 - SCO-XENIX, fee depends on services provided, no fee for bbs. New users
  subscribe by logging in as 'help' or 'newuser' (no password).  Primary
  purpose is technical forum. 6pm-8am M-Th, 24 hrs weeekends (6pm Fri-8am Mon)
  uucp-anon: 1200/2400 bps --> ogin: auucp  word: gateway
  uucp-anon directory: /usr/spool/uucppublic; contact: frank@usource.UUCP
12/89  814-337-0348   sir-alan    Meadville           PA  3/12/24/96  24
  SCO XENIX 2.3.3, no fee, BBS, archive site, USR HST on 337 0348 (24/12/96/3),
  TB+ on 337 3159 (24/19.2/96/12); archive site (1GB filesystem) for comp.
  sources.[games,misc,sun,unix,x], some alt.sources, XENIX(68K/286/386).
  uucp-anon: ogin: pdsrc NO PASSWD
  uucp-anon directory: /u/pdsrc, /u/pubdir, /u/uunet, help in /u/pubdir/HELP 
  Contact: sir-alan!mikes@uunet.uu.net  (814 337 5528 voice)
09/89  916-649-0161   sactoh0     Sacramento          CA  12/24/96  24
  3B2/310 SYSV.2, SAC_UNIX;  $2/month, limit 90 min, 2 lines, TB on line,
  2400/1200 baud on 916-722-6519;  USENET, E-Mail, Games;  login: new
  Contact: ..pacbell!sactoh0!sysop
089  919-493-7111^  wolves      Durham              NC  3/12/24  24
  AMS 386/25 - UNIX SysVr3.2, XBBS, no fee for bbs.  Rates for UNIX access
  and USENET are being determined.  Developing yet another UNIX bbs (ideas
  welcome!)  Single line, telebit coming soon.
  Contact: wolves!ggw or wolves!sysop  [...duke!dukcds!wolves!...]
NOTE:  ^ means the site is reachable using PC Pursuit.
This list is maintained by Phil Eschallier on lgnp1.  Any additions,
deletions, or corrections should be sent to one of the addresses below.
The nixpub listings are kept as current as possible.  However, you use this
data at your own risk and cost -- all standard disclaimers apply!!!
      Lists available from lgnp1 via anonomous uucp.
                            +1 215 348 9727 [Telebit access]
                     login: nuucp  NO PWD   [no rmail permitted]
                 this list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub
                short list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub.short
      or from news groups pubnet.nixpub, comp.misc or alt.bbs.
E-MAIL ...
  uucp: ..!uunet!lgnp1!{ phil | nixpub }
domain: { phil | nixpub }@LS.COM
   CIS: 71076,1576
  COMPAQ, IBM, PC Pursuit, [SCO] XENIX, UNIX, etc. are trademarks of the
  respective companies.

nixpub@lgnp1.LS.COM (NIXPUB Coordinator) (01/13/90)

                          nixpub short listing
     Open Access UNIX (*NIX) Sites [Fee / No Fee] for mapped sites only
                          [ January 11, 1990 ]

Systems listed (77)
Legend: fee/contribution ($), no fee (-$), hours (24), not (-24)
        shell (S), USENET news (N), email (M), multiple lines (T) 
        Telebit PEP speed on main number (+P), Telebit on other line[s] (P)
        Courier 9600 bps on main number (+H), Courier on other line[s] (H) 
        V.32 on main number (+V), V.32 on other line[s] (H) 
        anonymous uucp (A), archive site ONLY - see long form list (@)
        Dialable thru PC Pursuit (^)

Date   Telephone #    Sys-name   Location          Baud        Legend
-----  ------------   --------   -----------       -------     ---------
08/89  201-846-2460^  althea     New Brunswic  NJ  3/12/24     24 -$ M N S 
10/89  206-328-4944   polari     Seatle        WA  3/12        24 $ M N P S T
12/89  212-420-0527   magpie     NYC           NY  3/12/24/96  24 -$ A T P
12/89  212-675-7059   marob      NYC           NY  3/12/24/96  24 -$ A
05/89  212-879-9031^  dasys1     NYC           NY  12/24       24 $ S N M T
09/89  213-376-5714^  pnet02     Redondo Bch   CA  3/12/24     24 -$ M N T
09/89  213-397-3137^  stb        Santa Monica  CA  3/12/24     24 -$ S A
11/88  213-459-5891   amazing    Pac Palisade  CA  3/12/24     24 $ T
07/88  214-247-2367   ozdaltx    Dallas        TX  3/12/24     24 $ N T
11/89  214-741-2130   attctc     Dallas        TX  3/12/24     24 -$ N M S T A
01/90  215-348-9727   lgnp1      Doylestown    PA  3/12/24/96  24 $ A M N +P
01/90  216-582-2460   ncoast     Cleveland     OH  12/24/96    24 $ S N M P T
08/88  217-529-3223   pallas     Springfield   IL  3/12/24     24 $ T
01/90  219-289-0286   nstar      South Bend    IN  3/12/24/96  24 -$ H M N P S T
08/88  312-283-0559^  chinet     Chicago       IL  3/12/24     24 $ N T
10/89  312-338-0632^  point      Chicago       IL  3/12/24/96  24 -$ H N P S T
04/89  313-623-6309   nucleus    Clarkston     MI  12/24       24 $ S N M
11/88  313-994-6333   m-net      Ann Arbor     MI  3/12        24 $ T
08/89  313-996-4644^  anet       Ann Arbor     MI  3/12        24 $ T
08/89  314-474-4581   gensis     Columbia      MO  3/12/24/96  24 -$ M S 
10/89  404-321-5020^  jdyx       Atlanta       GA  12/24       24 $ M N +P S T
05/88  407-380-6228   rtmvax     Orlando       FL  3/12/24     24 -$ N M
09/89  408-245-7726^  uuwest     Sunnyvale     CA  3/12/24     24 -$ N
04/88  408-247-4810   sharks     Santa Clara   CA  3/12        24 $ S N M T
11/89  408-423-9995   cruzio     Santa Cruz    CA  12/24       24 $ M T
10/89  408-725-0561^  portal     Cupertino     CA  3/12/24     24 $ -S N M T
02/89  408-997-9119^  netcom     San Jose      CA  3/12/24/96  24 $ M N S
10/89  412-431-8649   eklektik   Pittsburgh    PA  3/12/24     24 $ S N M 
11/89  415-332-6106^  well       Sausalito     CA  12/24       24 $ M N S T
06/88  415-582-7691   cpro       Hayward       CA  12/24       24 -$ S
11/89  415-623-8652   jack       Fremont       CA  3/12/24     24 -$ M N T
07/89  415-753-5265^  wet        San Francisc  CA  3/12/24     24 $ M N S T
05/89  415-783-2543   esfenn     Hayward       CA  3/12/24     24 -$ M N S 
11/89  416-438-2855   contact    Toronto       ONT  3/12/24     24 -$ M N S T
11/89  416-452-0926   telly      Brampton      ON  12/24/96    +P 24 $ M N
12/88  416-461-2608   tmsoft     Toronto       ON  3/12/24/96  24 $ S M N
07/89  416-654-8854   ziebmef    Toronto       ON  3/12/24/96  24 +P M N S T
08/89  502-968-5401   disk       Louisville    KY  3/12        24 $ M N S T
12/88  503-254-0458   bucket     Portland      OR  3/12/24     24 -$ N M S T
12/89  503-297-3211^  m2xenix    Portland      OR  3/12/24     24 -$ M N S 
05/89  503-640-4262^  agora      PDX           OR  3/12/24     24 $ M N S T
01/90  512-346-2339   bigtex     Austin        TX  96          24 -$ +P A
07/89  512-832-8835   rpp386     Austin        TX  12/24       24 @ -$ A T
10/89  513-779-8209   cinnet     Cincinnati    OH  12/24/96    24 $ M N +P S 
05/89  516-872-2137   lilink     Long Island   NY  12/24       24 $ M N S T
01/90  517-487-3356   lunapark   E. Lansing    MI  12/24       24 -$
12/88  518-346-8033   sixhub     upstate       NY  3/12/24     24 $ N M S T
09/88  602-941-2005   xroads     Phoenix       AZ  3/12/24     24 $ N T
08/89  603-880-8120   ubbs-nh    Nashua        NH  3/12/24/96  24 -$ M N +P S T
08/89  605-348-2738   loft386    Rapid City    SD  3/12/24/96  24 $ M N +P S 
08/88  608-273-2657   madnix     Madison       WI  3/12/24     24 -$ S N M
08/89  612-473-2295   pnet51     Minneapolis   MN  3/12/24     24 -$ N M T
08/89  615-896-8716   raider     Murfreesboro  TN  12/24       24 -$ S N M T
07/89  616-457-1964   wybbs      Jenison       MI  3/12/24/96  24 -$ +P M N S T
01/90  617-739-9753   world      Brookline     MA  3/12/24/96  24 $ M N P S T
07/88  619-444-7006^  pnet01     El Cajon      CA  3/12/24     24 $ N M S T
12/89  703-281-7997^  grebyn     Vienna        VA  3/12/24     24 $ N M T
11/89  708-272-5912^  igloo      Northbrook    IL  12/24/96    24 -$ S N T P
11/89  708-301-2100^  jolnet     Joliet        IL  3/12/24     24 -$ P M N S T
01/90  708-318-7133   gagme      Niles         IL  12/24       24 $ M N S
08/88  312-566-8911^  ddsw1      Mundelein     IL  3/12/24/96  24 $ A S N M P T
11/89  708-833-8126^  vpnet      Villa Park    IL  12/24/96    24 -$ +P M N S 
07/89  713-438-5018   sugar      Houston       TX  3/12/24/96  24 -$ N +P
10/89  713-668-7176^  nuchat     Houston       TX  3/12/24/96  24 -$ M N +P S
12/88  714-635-2863   dhw68k     Anaheim       CA  12/24       24 -$ T
05/89  714-662-7450   turnkey    Inglewood     CA  12/24       24 -$
11/89  714-821-9671   alphacm    Cypress       CA  12/24/96    24 -$ T H A
05/89  714-842-5851   conexch    Santa Ana     CA  3/12/24     24 $ A M N S
08/88  714-894-2246   stanton    Irvine        CA  3/12/24     24 $ S N
12/89  719-632-4111   oldcolo    Colo Spgs     CO  12/24/96    24 $ H M N T
12/89  800-344-8280   nycenet    New York      NY  3/12/24     24 -$ T
08/89  801-943-7947^  i-core     Salt Lake Ci  UT  3/12/24/96  +P 24 -$ A N
06/88  802-865-3614   tnl        Burlington    VT  3/12/24     24 -$ S N M
08/88  813-952-1981   usource    Sarasota      FL  12/24       -24 -$ A
12/89  814-337-0348   sir-alan   Meadville     PA  3/12/24/96  24 -$ A H P
09/89  916-649-0161   sactoh0    Sacramento    CA  12/24/96    24 $ M N +P S T
08/89  919-493-7111^  wolves     Durham        NC  3/12/24     24 $ M N S 
NOTE:  ^ means the site is reachable using PC Pursuit.
This list is maintained by Phil Eschallier on lgnp1.  Any additions,
deletions, or corrections should be sent to one of the addresses below.
The nixpub listings are kept as current as possible.  However, you use this
data at your own risk and cost -- all standard disclaimers apply!!!
      Lists available from lgnp1 via anonomous uucp.
                            +1 215 348 9727 [Telebit access]
                     login: nuucp  NO PWD   [no rmail permitted]
                 this list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub.short
                 long list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub
      or from news groups pubnet.nixpub, comp.misc or alt.bbs
E-MAIL ...
  uucp: ..!uunet!lgnp1!{ phil | nixpub }
domain: { phil | nixpub }@LS.COM
  COMPAQ, IBM, PC Pursuit, [SCO] XENIX, UNIX, etc. are trademarks of the
  respective companies.

nixpub@lgnp1.LS.COM (NIXPUB Coordinator) (01/15/90)

                          nixpub long listing
     Open Access UNIX (*NIX) Sites [Fee / No Fee] for mapped sites only
                          [ January 15, 1990 ]

Systems listed (79):
 [   agora     alphacm   althea    amazing   anet      attctc    bigtex    ]
 [   bucket    chinet    cinnet    conexch   contact   cpro      cruzio    ]
 [   dasys1    ddsw1     dhw68k    disk      eklektik  esfenn    gagme     ]
 [   gensis    grebyn    i-core    igloo     jack      jdyx      jolnet    ]
 [   lgnp1     lilink    loft386   lunapark  m-net     m2xenix   madnix    ]
 [   magpie    marob     medsys    ncoast    netcom    nstar     nuchat    ]
 [   nucleus   nycenet   oldcolo   ozdaltx   pallas    pnet01    pnet02    ]
 [   pnet12    pnet51    point     polari    portal    raider    rpp386    ]
 [   rtmvax    sactoh0   sharks    sir-alan  sixhub    stanton   stb       ]
 [   sugar     telly     tmsoft    tnl       turnkey   ubbs-nh   usource   ]
 [   uuwest    vpnet     well      wet       wolves    world     wybbs     ]
 [   xroads    ziebmef                                                     ]

Date   Telephone #    Sys-name    Location                Baud        Hours
-----  ------------   --------    -----------             -------     -----

08/89  201-846-2460^  althea      New Brunswick       NJ  3/12/24  24
  AT&T 3B2/310 - Unix SVR3.1, no fee.  USENET, email, C development,
  games.  Single line.
  Contact: rjd@althea.UUCP (Robert Diamond)
10/89  206-328-4944   polari      Seatle              WA  3/12     24
  Equip ???;  8-lines, Trailblazer on 206-328-1468;  $30/year (flat rate);
  Multi-user games, chat, full USENET.
  Contact: uunet!microsoft!happym!polari!bruceki
12/89  212-420-0527   magpie      NYC                 NY  3/12/24/96  24
  ? - UNIX SYSV - 2, Magpie BBS, no fee, Authors: Magpie/UNIX,/MSDOS
  two lines plus anonymous uucp: 212-677-9487 (9600 bps Telebit modem)
  NOTE: 9487 reserved for registered Magpie sysops & anon uucp
  Contact: Steve Manes, {rutgers|cmcl2|uunet}!hombre!magpie!manes	
12/89  212-675-7059   marob       NYC                 NY  3/12/24/96  24
  386 SCO-XENIX 2.2, XBBS, no fee, limit 60 min.
  Telebit Trailblazer (9600 PEP) only 212-675-8438
  Contact:  {philabs|rutgers|cmcl2}!{phri|hombre}!marob!clifford
05/89  212-879-9031^  dasys1      NYC                 NY  12/24    24
  Unistride - SYS V, multiple lines, fee $5/mo  AKA Big Electric Cat
  USENET, games, multi-user chat, email, login: new, passwd: new
  Contact: ...!rutgers!cmcl2!rsweeney or rsweeney@dasys1.UUCP
09/89  213-376-5714^  pnet02      Redondo Bch         CA  3/12/24  24
  XENIX (also 213-374-7404) no fee, 90 min limit, login: pnet id: new
  some USENET, net-work e-mail, multi-threaded conferencing
09/89  213-397-3137^  stb         Santa Monica        CA  3/12/24  24
  AT&T 3b1;  BBS and shell access;  uucp-anon: ogin: uucp NO PASSWD
  3 line on rotory -3137 2400 baud.
03/88  213-459-5891   amazing     Pacific Palisades   CA  3/12/24  24
  AMT 286 - Microport  David's Amazing BBS  Fee $7.50/month;$35/6;$60/year
  5 lines on rotary; Unique original software with conferencing, electronic
  bar, matchmaking, no file up/downloading
07/88  214-247-2367   ozdaltx     Dallas              TX  3/12/24  24
  INTEC/SCO XENIX 2.2.1, OZ BBS, Membership only adult BBS, fee $40
  year. Multiple lines.  Closed system, carries limited USENET
  newsgroups. Login: guest (no PW).  Voice verification on all new users.
11/89  214-824-7881   attctc      Dallas              TX  3/12/24  24
  3b2/522 - UNIX, no fee, various time limits, 8 lines 2.8 GB online
  uucp-anon --> 214-741-2130  ogin: uupdsrc word: Public
  uucp-anon info in: /bbsys4/README     (Formerly node name killer)
01/90  215-348-9727   lgnp1       Doylestown          PA  3/12/24/96  24
  '386 mutt w/ SCO-XENIX -- Telebit on dial in line.  UUCP access only ...
  Public access to the nixpub lists using anon-uucp [see footer of this list].
  Fee services include feeds/routing for E-mail and USENET News, plus access
  to *NIX specific PD source code library.  Contact: phil@ls.com.
01/90  216-582-2460   ncoast      Cleveland           OH  12/24/96  24
  80386 Mylex, SCO Xenix;  600 meg. storage;  XBBS and Shell;  USENET
  (newsfeeds available), E-Mail; donations requested; login as "bbs"
  for BBS and "makeuser" for new users.
  Telebit used on 216-237-5486.
08/88  217-529-3223   pallas      Springfield         IL  3/12/24  24
  Convrgnt Minifrme, multiple lines, 200 meg Minnie bbs $25 donation
01/90  219-289-0286   nstar       South Bend          IN  3/12/24/96  24
  386/25, Unix System V 3.2; 4 high speed lines all locked at 19.2 kbps, 
  Hayes V-Series V.42bis lead number listed,  Trailblazer on 289-3745, USR 
  HST 14.4 carrier on 287-9020; full Usenet, AKCS threaded conferencing,
  downloads, mail, currently no fees, registration required and verified, 
  NO GAMES, feeds available; contact news@nstar
08/88  312-283-0559^  chinet      Chicago             IL  3/12/24  24
  3b2/300 - SYS V 3.1, multiple lines, Picospan BBS, system & BBS free
  Extra phone lines and usenet, $50/yr.
10/89  312-338-0632^  point       Chicago             IL  3/12/24/96  24
  North Shore / Rogers Park area of Chicago.  386 - ISC 2.01 (SysV3.2),
  multiple lines, Telebit PEP on 338-3261, USRobotics HST on 338-1036,
  AKCS bbs, some usenet conferences available.  200+ MB online storage.
  Downloads, full usenet & shell access in the works.
04/89  313-623-6309   nucleus     Clarkston           MI  12/24    24
  286 - Unix System V, no fee. Shell access, full usenet access, online games,
  AKCS conferencing system, some public domain sources online, extensive tape
  library of public domain source code
02/88  313-994-6333   m-net       Ann Arbor           MI  3/12     24
  Altos 68020 - SYS III, limits unstated, fee for extended service
  Picospan conference system, multiple lines, 160 meg, packet radio
08/89  313-996-4644^  anet        Ann Arbor           MI  3/12     24
  Altos 68000 - Sys III, no limits, 1st month free, fees range up to $20/
  month (negotiable), accepts equipment/software in lieu of fees, Picospan
  conferencing, 120M, non-profit, user-supported, community-based, ideal
  autodidact educational system.  Tax-deductible donations okay.
08/89  314-474-4581   gensis      Columbia            MO  3/12/24/48/96  24
  Gateway 386 system w/ SCO Xenix V/386, DataFlex, Oracle, CHARM, & VP/ix.
  No fee.  Online gaming, game design, and (oddly enough) data base design
  are the main focus.  Modem is Microcom MNP 6.
10/89  404-321-5020^  jdyx        Atlanta             GA  12/24/96  24
  386/ix 2.0.2.  XBBS. Usenet (alt, gnu, most comp and a few others) and 
  shell access.  Second line (2400 below) (404) 325-1719.  200+ meg current
  Usenet and GNU sources.  Specializing in graphics and ray-tracing under 
  386/ix (with/with out X11).  Yearly fee for shell and/or downloads.  
  Telebit access.  Contact: ...gatech!emory!jdyx!tpf (Tom Friedel)
05/88  407-380-6228   rtmvax      Orlando             FL  3/12/24  24
  mVAX-I - Ultrix-32 V1.2  USENET & UUCP Email Gateway. XBBS front end for
  new user subscribing. No Fees. Primary function is Technical exchange.
  Contact: { cbosgd!codas, hoptoad!peora }!rtmvax!rob 
09/89  408-245-7726^  uuwest      Sunnyvale           CA  3/12/24  24
  SCO-XENIX, Waffle. No fee, USENET news (news.*, music, comics, telecom, etc)
  The Dark Side of the Moon BBS. This system has been in operation since 1985.
  Login: new Contact: (UUCP) ames!uuwest!request (Domain) request@darkside.com
04/88  408-247-4810   sharks      Santa Clara         CA  3/12     24
  Altos 886/80/80  - XENIX 3.2f AKA: Shark's Head BBS,  BBCS Network
  Multiple lines,no fee for non-members,members $25 year
  Restricted sh access and UUCP/Usenet access for advanced members
11/89  408-423-9995   cruzio      Santa Cruz          CA  12/24    24
  Tandy 4000, Xenix 2.3.*, Caucus 3.*;  focus on Santa Cruz activity
  (ie directory of community and goverment organizations, events, ...);
  Multiple lines;  no shell; fee: $18/quarter.
  Contact: ...!uunet!cruzio!chris
10/89  408-725-0561^  portal      Cupertino           CA  3/12/24  24
  Networked Suns (SunOS), multiple lines, Telenet access, no shell access
  fees: $10/month + Telenet charges (if used) @ various rates/times
  conferencing, multi user chats, usenet 
02/89  408-997-9119^  netcom      San Jose            CA  3/12/24/96  24
  Unix System V -- Shell Access [Bourne, Korn, C-Shell], BBS, USENET,
  Languages: C, Lisp, Prolog, Clips, (Ada soon), $10 / month, login as
  'guest' no password.  Contact netcom!bobr.
10/89  412-431-8649   eklektik    Pittsburgh          PA  3/12/24  24
  UNIX PC- SYSV - UNaXcess BBS, new system - donation requested for shell,
  login: bbs for BBS, uucp-mail, limited Usenet news feeds.  Gaming SIGS.
  Contact:  ...!gatech!emoryu1!eklektik!anthony
11/89  415-332-6106^  well        Sausalito           CA  12/24    24
  6-processor Sequent Balance (32032); UUCP and USENET access; multiple
  lines; access via CPN; PICOSPAN BBS; $3/hour.  Contact (415) 332-4335
06/88  415-582-7691   cpro        Hayward             CA  12/24    24
  Microport SYSV 2, UNaXcess bbs, no fee, 60 min limit, shell access
11/89  415-623-8642   jack        Fremont             CA  3/12/24  24
  3b2/522.  2 BBS's.  E-mail, USENET News, and NFS links to 2 3b1's.  No
  fee.  5 lines on rotary.  Contact: steve@jack.SNS.COM5 lines on rotary.
07/89  415-753-5265^  wet         San Francisco       CA  3/12/24  24
  386 SYS V.3.  Wetware Diversions.  $15 registration, $0.01/minute.
  Public Access UNIX System:  uucp, PicoSpan bbs, full Usenet News,
  multiple lines, shell access.  Newusers get initial credit!
  contact:{ucsfcca|claris|hoptoad}!wet!cc (Christopher Cilley)
05/89  415-783-2543   esfenn      Hayward             CA  3/12/24  24
  System ????; USENET news; E-mail; No charges; Contact esfenn!william.
11/89  416-438-2855   contact     Toronto             ONT  3/12/24  24
  386 clone - Xenix 2.3.1, fee optional. USENET, email, multi-user chat,
  Contact: eisen@contact.UUCP martin loeffler
11/89  416-452-0926   telly       Brampton            ON  12/24/96  24
  386 SysVr3.2; proprietary menu-based BBS includes Usenet site searching.
  News (all groups, incl biz, pubnet, gnu, CanConfMail), mail (including
  to/from Internet, Bitnet), many archives. Feeds available. $75(Cdn)/year.
  Contact: Evan Leibovitch, evan@telly.on.ca, uunet!attcan!telly!evan
12/88  416-461-2608   tmsoft      Toronto             ON  3/12/24/96  24
  NS32016, Sys5r2, shell; news+mail $30/mo, general-timesharing $60/mo
  All newsgroups.  Willing to setup mail/news connections.
  Contact: Dave Mason <mason@tmsoft> / Login: newuser
07/89  416-654-8854   ziebmef     Toronto             ON  3/12/24/96  24
  AT&T 3B1, Sys V, shell, news, mail, no fee (donations accepted)
  Carries most newsgroups (willing to add extra ones on request)
  Telebit access, willing to give mail feeds
  Contact: Chris Siebenmann, {utzoo!telly,ncrcan}!ziebmef!cks
01/90  502-968-5401   disk        Louisville          KY  3/12     24
  386 clone, Interactive System V 3.2, 600 meg.  6 lines 5401 thru 5406.
  Carrying most USENET groups, Shell access, multi-user games(including Realm)
  multi-user chat, downloads, and more.  Rate info available via a free trial
  account. Also offering news/mail feeds to the local area. Now reachable
  via Starlink!
12/88  503-254-0458   bucket      Portland            OR  3/12/24  24
  Tektronix 6130, UTek 2.3(4.2BSD-derived).  Bit Bucket BBS publically
  available; login as 'bbs'.  BBS is message only.  Users intereseted in
  access to Unix should contact SYSOP via the BBS or send EMail to
  ..tektronix!tessi!bucket!rickb.  Unix services include USENET News,
  EMail, and all tools/games/utility access. Alternate dial-in lines
  available for Unix users.
12/89  503-297-3211^  m2xenix     Portland            OR  3/12/24  24
  '386/20, Xenix 2.3.  Shell accounts available, NO BBS.  No fee.  E-mail,
  USENET News, program development.
  Contact: ...!uunet!m2xenix!news or on Fido at 297-9145
05/89  503-640-4262^  agora       PDX                 OR  3/12/24  24
  Intel Xenix-286, $2/mo or $20/yr, news, mail, games, programming
  two lines with trunk-hunt, 4380 supports MNP level 3.
  Contact: Alan Batie, tektronix!tessi!agora!batie
01/90  512-346-2339   bigtex      Austin              TX  96       24
  SysVr3.2 i386, anonymous shell, no fee, anonymous uucp ONLY,
  Telebit 9600/PEP; Mail links available.  Carries GNU software.
  anon uucp login: nuucp NO PASSWD, file list /usr3/index
  anon shell login: guest NO PASSWD, chroot'd to /usr3
  Contact: james@bigtex.cactus.org
07/89  512-832-8835   rpp386      Austin              TX  12/24    24
  386 SYSV, no shell, no bbs, anonymous uucp file transfer site only, no fee
  uucp and kermit server available, login uucp or kermit NO PASSWD
10/89  513-779-8209   cinnet      Cincinnati          OH  12/24/96  24
  80386, ISC 386/ix 2.02, Telebit access, 1 line; $7.50/Month; shell
  access, Usenet access; news feeds available;
  login: newact password: new user to register for shell access
05/89  516-872-2137   lilink      Long Island         NY  12/24    24
  80386/20 Mhz. , three lines, News/Mail/Shell access. Online games,
  conferencing, full program development system, full text processing.
  We carry ALL Usenet groups.  Dues are  $10/month (unlimited access).
  Accounts are filled by application/phone verification. Login: new
  Alternate numbers: 516-872-2138 & 516-872-2349
01/90  517-487-3356   lunapark    E. Lansing          MI  12/24    24
  Compaq 386/20 SCO-UNIX 3.2, lunabbs bulletin board & conferencing
  system, no fee, login: bbs password: lunabbs.  Primarily UNIX software
  with focus on TeX and Postscript, also some ATARI-ST and IBM-PC stuff
  2400/1200 --> 8 N 1
  Contact: ...!{mailrus,uunet}!frith!lunapark!larry
12/88  518-346-8033   sixhub      upstate             NY  3/12/24  24
  PC Designs GV386.  hub machine of the upstate NY UNIX users group (*IX)
  two line reserved for incoming, bbs no fee, news & email fee $15/year
  Smorgasboard of BBS systems, UNaXcess and XBBS online,
  Citadel BBS now in production. Contact: davidsen@sixhub.uucp.
09/88  602-941-2005   xroads      Phoenix             AZ  12/24    24
  Motorola VME1121, UNIX 5.2, Crossroads BBS, Fee $30/yr + $.50/.25 (call)
  prime (evenings)/non-prime, USENET news, multi-chat, online games,
  movie reviews, adventure games, dos unix/xenix files for dload, multi lines
08/89  603-880-8120   ubbs-nh     Nashua              NH  3/12/24/96  24
  New England Unix Archive Site.  Multiple lines.  Services include E-Mail,
  full or partial news feeds.  XBBS access $25/year, User Accounts or News 
  Feeds available $60/year (1 hour/day) or $120/year (2 hours/day).
  Contact:  noel@ubbs-nh or {decvax}!ubbs-nh!noel or leave message on the
  bbs.  Voice:  603 595-2947
08/89  605-348-2738   loft386     Rapid City          SD  3/12/24/96  24
  80386 SYS V/386 Rel 3.2, Usenet mail/news via UUNET, UUNET archive access.
  NO BBS!  News feeds avaliable.  400 meg hd.  Fees: $10/month or $25/quarter.
  Call (605) 343-8760 and talk to Doug Ingraham to arrange an account or email
08/88  608-273-2657   madnix      Madison             WI  3/12/24  24
  286 SCO-XENIX, shell, no fee, USENET news, mail, login: newuser
  Contact: ray@madnix
08/89  612-473-2295   pnet51      Minneapolis         MN  3/12/24  24
  Equip ?, Xenix, multi-line, no fee, some Usenet news, email, multi-threaded
  conferencing, login: pnet id: new, PC Pursuitable
  UUCP: {rosevax, crash}!orbit!pnet51!admin
01/90  615-288-3957   medsys      Kingport            TN  12/24/96  24
  386  SCO-UNIX 3.2, XBBS, no fee, limit 90 min.
  Telebit PEP, USENET, login: bbs   password: bbs
  anon uucp --> medsys Any ACU (speed) 16152883957 ogin: nuucp  ssword: \r
  Contact: uunet!medsys!laverne (LaVerne E. Olney)
08/89  615-896-8716   raider      Murfreesboro        TN  12/24    24
  Tandy 4000 XENIX, XBBS, shell accounts, news and mail, newsfeeds
  available. Two line system; second dialup is 615-896-7905.
  Contact: root@raider.MFEE.TN.US (Bob Reineri); NO CHARGE.
11/89  616-457-1964   wybbs       Jenison             MI  3/12/24/PEP  24
  286 - SCO-XENIX 2.2.1, no fees, two lines, shell access, usenet news,
  150 meg storage, XBBS, Telebit, interests: ham radio, xenix 
  AKA: Consultants Connection  Contact: wybbs!danielw@sharkey.cc.umich.edu
  Alternate phone #: 616-457-9909 (max 2400 baud)
01/90  617-739-9753   world       Brookline           MA  3/12/24/96  24
  Sun 4/280, SunOS 4.03;  Shell, USENET, E-Mail, UUCP and home of the
  Open Book Initiative (text project);  fees: $5/mo + $3/hr (8a-8p) and
  $2/hr (8p-8a);  Multiple lines: 2400 MNP used on listed number,
  Telebits used on others;  login as "new";  Contact: geb@world.std.com
01/90  619-259-7757   pnet12      Del Mar             CA  3/12/24/96  24
  Xenix, multi-line, no fee, full Usenet, email, multithreaded conferencing
  login: pnet   id: new
  Contact: ...!uunet!serene!pnet12!rfarris
07/88  619-444-7006^  pnet01      El Cajon            CA  3/12/24  24
  BSD Unix, 3 lines, login: pnet id: new, some USENET, email, conferencing 
  Home of P-Net software, mail to crash!bblue or pnet01!bblue for info.
  Contributions requested
  Unix accounts available for regulars, PC Pursuit access 2/88.
12/89  703-281-7997^  grebyn      Vienna              VA  3/12/24  24
  Vax/Ultrix.  $25/month.  GNU EMACS, USENET, PC/BLUE archives, Telebit used
  for uucp only, archives, Ada repository, comp.sources.(misc,unix,games)
  archives, net.sources archives, 3 C compilers, Ada compiler,  1.2GB disk,
  multiple lines
11/89  708-272-5912^  igloo       Northbrook          IL  12/24/96  24
  3B2-300;  accounts by invitation only, no limit/no fee;  full usenet;
  132megs HD;  2 lines rotary, 9600 telebit on 272-5917
  Contact: igloo!postmaster
11/89  708-301-2100^  jolnet      Joliet              IL  3/12/24  24
  3b2/400 - Unix, public access and contributions, No fee for postnews.
  5 lines  AKCS bbs.  Free Newsfeeds available.  ~450 MB online storage.
  Free Shell and Usenet access.  Telebit Trailblazer access (2104).
  Telenet access. 
01/90  708-318-7133   gagme       Niles               IL  12/24    24
  3B2/300 - System V 3.2.  E-mail, netnews, sources.  Donation
  requested but not required.
11/89  708-566-8911^  ddsw1       Mundelein           IL  3/12/24/96  24
  Televideo 386 -SCO XENIX 386, guest usr 1 hr daily, fee extends use
  AKCS bbs, fee $30/6 months $50/year, Authors of AKCS bbs
  multiple lines, 9600 bps available, anonymous uucp, ~/README for info
  Contact: Karl Denninger (...!ddsw1!karl) Voice: (312) 566-8910
11/89  708-833-8126^  vpnet       Villa Park          IL  12/24/96  24
  386 Clone - Interactive 386/ix R2.0 (3.2), no fee. Akcs linked bbs
  including several Usenet conf's. No charge for shells. Trailblazer. 
  Mail lisbon@vpnet.UUCP
07/89  713-438-5018   sugar       Houston             TX  3/12/24/96  24
  386/AT (2) networked - Bell Technologies V/386, usenet, news, downloads
  Homegrown BBS software, Trailblazer+ access, currently no charges
10/89  713-668-7176^  nuchat      Houston             TX  3/12/24/96  24
  i386;  USENET, Mail, Shell Access;  300M On-line;  Trailbazer Used;
  No fee.
12/88  714-635-2863   dhw68k      Anaheim             CA  12/24    24
  Unistride 2.1, no fee, also 714-385-1915, Trailblazer on both lines,
  USENET News, /bin/sh or /bin/csh available
05/89  714-662-7450   turnkey     Inglewood           CA  12/24    24
  286 - Xenix SYSV, XBBS
11/89  714-821-9671   alphacm     Cypress             CA  12/24/96  24
  386 - SCO-XENIX, no fee, Home of XBBS, 90 minute per login, 4 lines,
  9600 baud via MicroComm/Hayes (v.29)
    uucp-anon:  ogin: nuucp  NO PASSWD
05/89  714-842-5851   conexch     Santa Ana           CA  3/12/24  24
  386 - SCO Xenix - Free Unix guest login and PC-DOS bbs login, one
  hour inital time limit, USENET news, shell access granted on request &
  $25/quarter donation.  Anon uucp: ogin: nuucp  NO PASSWD.  List of
  available Unix files resides in /usr3/public/FILES.
08/88  714-894-2246   stanton     Irvine              CA  3/12/24  24
  286 - SCO Xenix - donation requested, limit 240 min, XBBS, USENET news
  UNIX access granted on request through BBS, 20$/year, access includes
  C development system (XENIX/MSDOS), PROCALC 1-2-3 clone, FOXBASE+
  anon uucp: ogin: nuucp, no word, 2400/1200/300 MNP supported
12/89  719-632-4111   oldcolo     Colo Spgs           CO  12/24/96  24
  386 - SCO-XENIX  frontend,  2 CT  Miniframes  backend,  e-mail 
  conferencing,  databases,   Naplps Graphics, USENET news. 7 lines 
  8N1,  2400 on 2906,  USR  Dual  9600  on 2658.   Self registering   
  for  limited  free  access    (political,    policy, marketplace) 
  Subscriptions $10, 15, 18 mo for full use. Dave Hughes SYSOP.
12/89  800-344-8280   nycenet     New York            NY  3/12/24  24
  Generic '386, SCO-XENIX 2.3;  Runs Magpie BBS software;  16 lines;  No fee,
  Toll free call (no int'l access), 45 minute limit.
  contact: buzz@nycenet.nycboe.edu
01/90  801-269-0670^  i-core      Salt Lake City      UT  3/12/24/96  24
  286 SYS V, Unidel BBS and Newsreader; a.k.a. Bitsko's Bar & Grill BBS,
  no limit, no fee; UseNet and Citadel feeds available.  Home of Unidel
  room-based newsreader and UNIX Citadel network gateway; Telebit 19200
  Contact: ken@i-core.UUCP or uunet!iconsys!caeco!i-core!ken
12/88  802-865-3614   tnl         Burlington          VT  3/12/24  24
  80386 w/ SCO XENIX. No Fee.  2 hr session limit.  XBBS/USENET, shell.
  Login as 'new' for a shell account, no validation.  AKA: Northern Lights.
08/88  813-952-1981   usource     Sarasota            FL  12/24    -24
  386 - SCO-XENIX, fee depends on services provided, no fee for bbs. New users
  subscribe by logging in as 'help' or 'newuser' (no password).  Primary
  purpose is technical forum. 6pm-8am M-Th, 24 hrs weeekends (6pm Fri-8am Mon)
  uucp-anon: 1200/2400 bps --> ogin: auucp  word: gateway
  uucp-anon directory: /usr/spool/uucppublic; contact: frank@usource.UUCP
12/89  814-337-0348   sir-alan    Meadville           PA  3/12/24/96  24
  SCO XENIX 2.3.3, no fee, BBS, archive site, USR HST on 337 0348 (24/12/96/3),
  TB+ on 337 3159 (24/19.2/96/12); archive site (1GB filesystem) for comp.
  sources.[games,misc,sun,unix,x], some alt.sources, XENIX(68K/286/386).
  uucp-anon: ogin: pdsrc NO PASSWD
  uucp-anon directory: /u/pdsrc, /u/pubdir, /u/uunet, help in /u/pubdir/HELP 
  Contact: sir-alan!mikes@uunet.uu.net  (814 337 5528 voice)
09/89  916-649-0161   sactoh0     Sacramento          CA  12/24/96  24
  3B2/310 SYSV.2, SAC_UNIX;  $2/month, limit 90 min, 2 lines, TB on line,
  2400/1200 baud on 916-722-6519;  USENET, E-Mail, Games;  login: new
  Contact: ..pacbell!sactoh0!sysop
089  919-493-7111^  wolves      Durham              NC  3/12/24  24
  AMS 386/25 - UNIX SysVr3.2, XBBS, no fee for bbs.  Rates for UNIX access
  and USENET are being determined.  Developing yet another UNIX bbs (ideas
  welcome!)  Single line, telebit coming soon.
  Contact: wolves!ggw or wolves!sysop  [...duke!dukcds!wolves!...]
NOTE:  ^ means the site is reachable using PC Pursuit.
This list is maintained by Phil Eschallier on lgnp1.  Any additions,
deletions, or corrections should be sent to one of the addresses below.
The nixpub listings are kept as current as possible.  However, you use this
data at your own risk and cost -- all standard disclaimers apply!!!
      Lists available from lgnp1 via anonomous uucp.
                            +1 215 348 9727 [Telebit access]
                     login: nuucp  NO PWD   [no rmail permitted]
                 this list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub
                short list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub.short
      or from news groups pubnet.nixpub, comp.misc or alt.bbs.
E-MAIL ...
  uucp: ..!uunet!lgnp1!{ phil | nixpub }
domain: { phil | nixpub }@LS.COM
   CIS: 71076,1576
  COMPAQ, IBM, PC Pursuit, [SCO] XENIX, UNIX, etc. are trademarks of the
  respective companies.

nixpub@lgnp1.LS.COM (NIXPUB Coordinator) (01/15/90)

                          nixpub short listing
     Open Access UNIX (*NIX) Sites [Fee / No Fee] for mapped sites only
                          [ January 15, 1990 ]

Systems listed (79)
Legend: fee/contribution ($), no fee (-$), hours (24), not (-24)
        shell (S), USENET news (N), email (M), multiple lines (T) 
        Telebit PEP speed on main number (+P), Telebit on other line[s] (P)
        Courier 9600 bps on main number (+H), Courier on other line[s] (H) 
        V.32 on main number (+V), V.32 on other line[s] (H) 
        anonymous uucp (A), archive site ONLY - see long form list (@)
        Dialable thru PC Pursuit (^)

Date   Telephone #    Sys-name   Location          Baud        Legend
-----  ------------   --------   -----------       -------     ---------
08/89  201-846-2460^  althea     New Brunswic  NJ  3/12/24     24 -$ M N S 
10/89  206-328-4944   polari     Seatle        WA  3/12        24 $ M N P S T
12/89  212-420-0527   magpie     NYC           NY  3/12/24/96  24 -$ A T P
12/89  212-675-7059   marob      NYC           NY  3/12/24/96  24 -$ A
05/89  212-879-9031^  dasys1     NYC           NY  12/24       24 $ S N M T
09/89  213-376-5714^  pnet02     Redondo Bch   CA  3/12/24     24 -$ M N T
09/89  213-397-3137^  stb        Santa Monica  CA  3/12/24     24 -$ S A
11/88  213-459-5891   amazing    Pac Palisade  CA  3/12/24     24 $ T
07/88  214-247-2367   ozdaltx    Dallas        TX  3/12/24     24 $ N T
11/89  214-741-2130   attctc     Dallas        TX  3/12/24     24 -$ N M S T A
01/90  215-348-9727   lgnp1      Doylestown    PA  3/12/24/96  24 $ A M N +P
01/90  216-582-2460   ncoast     Cleveland     OH  12/24/96    24 $ S N M P T
08/88  217-529-3223   pallas     Springfield   IL  3/12/24     24 $ T
01/90  219-289-0286   nstar      South Bend    IN  3/12/24/96  24 -$ H M N P S T
08/88  312-283-0559^  chinet     Chicago       IL  3/12/24     24 $ N T
10/89  312-338-0632^  point      Chicago       IL  3/12/24/96  24 -$ H N P S T
04/89  313-623-6309   nucleus    Clarkston     MI  12/24       24 $ S N M
11/88  313-994-6333   m-net      Ann Arbor     MI  3/12        24 $ T
08/89  313-996-4644^  anet       Ann Arbor     MI  3/12        24 $ T
08/89  314-474-4581   gensis     Columbia      MO  3/12/24/96  24 -$ M S 
10/89  404-321-5020^  jdyx       Atlanta       GA  12/24       24 $ M N +P S T
05/88  407-380-6228   rtmvax     Orlando       FL  3/12/24     24 -$ N M
09/89  408-245-7726^  uuwest     Sunnyvale     CA  3/12/24     24 -$ N
04/88  408-247-4810   sharks     Santa Clara   CA  3/12        24 $ S N M T
11/89  408-423-9995   cruzio     Santa Cruz    CA  12/24       24 $ M T
10/89  408-725-0561^  portal     Cupertino     CA  3/12/24     24 $ -S N M T
02/89  408-997-9119^  netcom     San Jose      CA  3/12/24/96  24 $ M N S
10/89  412-431-8649   eklektik   Pittsburgh    PA  3/12/24     24 $ S N M 
11/89  415-332-6106^  well       Sausalito     CA  12/24       24 $ M N S T
06/88  415-582-7691   cpro       Hayward       CA  12/24       24 -$ S
11/89  415-623-8652   jack       Fremont       CA  3/12/24     24 -$ M N T
07/89  415-753-5265^  wet        San Francisc  CA  3/12/24     24 $ M N S T
05/89  415-783-2543   esfenn     Hayward       CA  3/12/24     24 -$ M N S 
11/89  416-438-2855   contact    Toronto       ONT  3/12/24     24 -$ M N S T
11/89  416-452-0926   telly      Brampton      ON  12/24/96    +P 24 $ M N
12/88  416-461-2608   tmsoft     Toronto       ON  3/12/24/96  24 $ S M N
07/89  416-654-8854   ziebmef    Toronto       ON  3/12/24/96  24 +P M N S T
01/90  502-968-5401   disk       Louisville    KY  3/12        24 $ M N S T
12/88  503-254-0458   bucket     Portland      OR  3/12/24     24 -$ N M S T
12/89  503-297-3211^  m2xenix    Portland      OR  3/12/24     24 -$ M N S 
05/89  503-640-4262^  agora      PDX           OR  3/12/24     24 $ M N S T
01/90  512-346-2339   bigtex     Austin        TX  96          24 -$ +P A
07/89  512-832-8835   rpp386     Austin        TX  12/24       24 @ -$ A T
10/89  513-779-8209   cinnet     Cincinnati    OH  12/24/96    24 $ M N +P S 
05/89  516-872-2137   lilink     Long Island   NY  12/24       24 $ M N S T
01/90  517-487-3356   lunapark   E. Lansing    MI  12/24       24 -$
12/88  518-346-8033   sixhub     upstate       NY  3/12/24     24 $ N M S T
09/88  602-941-2005   xroads     Phoenix       AZ  3/12/24     24 $ N T
08/89  603-880-8120   ubbs-nh    Nashua        NH  3/12/24/96  24 -$ M N +P S T
08/89  605-348-2738   loft386    Rapid City    SD  3/12/24/96  24 $ M N +P S 
08/88  608-273-2657   madnix     Madison       WI  3/12/24     24 -$ S N M
08/89  612-473-2295   pnet51     Minneapolis   MN  3/12/24     24 -$ N M T
01/90  615-288-3957   medsys     Kinkport      TN  12/24/96    24 -$ A N +P
08/89  615-896-8716   raider     Murfreesboro  TN  12/24       24 -$ S N M T
07/89  616-457-1964   wybbs      Jenison       MI  3/12/24/96  24 -$ +P M N S T
01/90  617-739-9753   world      Brookline     MA  3/12/24/96  24 $ M N P S T
01/90  619-259-7757   pnet12     Del Mar       CA  3/12/24/96  24 -$ M N P T
07/88  619-444-7006^  pnet01     El Cajon      CA  3/12/24     24 $ N M S T
12/89  703-281-7997^  grebyn     Vienna        VA  3/12/24     24 $ N M T
11/89  708-272-5912^  igloo      Northbrook    IL  12/24/96    24 -$ S N T P
11/89  708-301-2100^  jolnet     Joliet        IL  3/12/24     24 -$ P M N S T
01/90  708-318-7133   gagme      Niles         IL  12/24       24 $ M N S
08/88  312-566-8911^  ddsw1      Mundelein     IL  3/12/24/96  24 $ A S N M P T
11/89  708-833-8126^  vpnet      Villa Park    IL  12/24/96    24 -$ +P M N S 
07/89  713-438-5018   sugar      Houston       TX  3/12/24/96  24 -$ N +P
10/89  713-668-7176^  nuchat     Houston       TX  3/12/24/96  24 -$ M N +P S
12/88  714-635-2863   dhw68k     Anaheim       CA  12/24       24 -$ T
05/89  714-662-7450   turnkey    Inglewood     CA  12/24       24 -$
11/89  714-821-9671   alphacm    Cypress       CA  12/24/96    24 -$ T H A
05/89  714-842-5851   conexch    Santa Ana     CA  3/12/24     24 $ A M N S
08/88  714-894-2246   stanton    Irvine        CA  3/12/24     24 $ S N
12/89  719-632-4111   oldcolo    Colo Spgs     CO  12/24/96    24 $ H M N T
12/89  800-344-8280   nycenet    New York      NY  3/12/24     24 -$ T
01/90  801-269-0670^  i-core     Salt Lake Ci  UT  3/12/24/96  +P 24 -$ A N
06/88  802-865-3614   tnl        Burlington    VT  3/12/24     24 -$ S N M
08/88  813-952-1981   usource    Sarasota      FL  12/24       -24 -$ A
12/89  814-337-0348   sir-alan   Meadville     PA  3/12/24/96  24 -$ A H P
09/89  916-649-0161   sactoh0    Sacramento    CA  12/24/96    24 $ M N +P S T
08/89  919-493-7111^  wolves     Durham        NC  3/12/24     24 $ M N S 
NOTE:  ^ means the site is reachable using PC Pursuit.
This list is maintained by Phil Eschallier on lgnp1.  Any additions,
deletions, or corrections should be sent to one of the addresses below.
The nixpub listings are kept as current as possible.  However, you use this
data at your own risk and cost -- all standard disclaimers apply!!!
      Lists available from lgnp1 via anonomous uucp.
                            +1 215 348 9727 [Telebit access]
                     login: nuucp  NO PWD   [no rmail permitted]
                 this list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub.short
                 long list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub
      or from news groups pubnet.nixpub, comp.misc or alt.bbs
E-MAIL ...
  uucp: ..!uunet!lgnp1!{ phil | nixpub }
domain: { phil | nixpub }@LS.COM
  COMPAQ, IBM, PC Pursuit, [SCO] XENIX, UNIX, etc. are trademarks of the
  respective companies.

nixpub@lgnp1.LS.COM (NIXPUB Coordinator) (02/01/90)

                          nixpub long listing
     Open Access UNIX (*NIX) Sites [Fee / No Fee] for mapped sites only
                          [ February 1, 1990 ]

Systems listed (79):
 [   agora     alphacm   althea    amazing   anet      attctc    bigtex    ]
 [   bucket    chinet    cinnet    conexch   contact   cpro      cruzio    ]
 [   dasys1    ddsw1     dhw68k    disk      eklektik  esfenn    gagme     ]
 [   gensis    grebyn    i-core    igloo     jack      jdyx      jolnet    ]
 [   lgnp1     lilink    loft386   lunapark  m-net     m2xenix   madnix    ]
 [   magpie    marob     medsys    ncoast    netcom    nstar     nuchat    ]
 [   nucleus   nycenet   oldcolo   ozdaltx   pallas    pnet01    pnet02    ]
 [   pnet12    pnet51    point     polari    portal    raider    rpp386    ]
 [   rtmvax    sactoh0   sharks    sir-alan  sixhub    stanton   stb       ]
 [   sugar     telly     tmsoft    tnl       turnkey   ubbs-nh   usource   ]
 [   uuwest    vpnet     well      wet       wolves    world     wybbs     ]
 [   xroads    ziebmef                                                     ]

Date   Telephone #    Sys-name    Location                Baud        Hours
-----  ------------   --------    -----------             -------     -----

08/89  201-846-2460^  althea      New Brunswick       NJ  3/12/24  24
  AT&T 3B2/310 - Unix SVR3.1, no fee.  USENET, email, C development,
  games.  Single line.
  Contact: rjd@althea.UUCP (Robert Diamond)
10/89  206-328-4944   polari      Seatle              WA  3/12     24
  Equip ???;  8-lines, Trailblazer on 206-328-1468;  $30/year (flat rate);
  Multi-user games, chat, full USENET.
  Contact: uunet!microsoft!happym!polari!bruceki
12/89  212-420-0527   magpie      NYC                 NY  3/12/24/96  24
  ? - UNIX SYSV - 2, Magpie BBS, no fee, Authors: Magpie/UNIX,/MSDOS
  two lines plus anonymous uucp: 212-677-9487 (9600 bps Telebit modem)
  NOTE: 9487 reserved for registered Magpie sysops & anon uucp
  Contact: Steve Manes, {rutgers|cmcl2|uunet}!hombre!magpie!manes	
12/89  212-675-7059   marob       NYC                 NY  3/12/24/96  24
  386 SCO-XENIX 2.2, XBBS, no fee, limit 60 min.
  Telebit Trailblazer (9600 PEP) only 212-675-8438
  Contact:  {philabs|rutgers|cmcl2}!{phri|hombre}!marob!clifford
05/89  212-879-9031^  dasys1      NYC                 NY  12/24    24
  Unistride - SYS V, multiple lines, fee $5/mo  AKA Big Electric Cat
  USENET, games, multi-user chat, email, login: new, passwd: new
  Contact: ...!rutgers!cmcl2!rsweeney or rsweeney@dasys1.UUCP
09/89  213-376-5714^  pnet02      Redondo Bch         CA  3/12/24  24
  XENIX (also 213-374-7404) no fee, 90 min limit, login: pnet id: new
  some USENET, net-work e-mail, multi-threaded conferencing
09/89  213-397-3137^  stb         Santa Monica        CA  3/12/24  24
  AT&T 3b1;  BBS and shell access;  uucp-anon: ogin: uucp NO PASSWD
  3 line on rotory -3137 2400 baud.
03/88  213-459-5891   amazing     Pacific Palisades   CA  3/12/24  24
  AMT 286 - Microport  David's Amazing BBS  Fee $7.50/month;$35/6;$60/year
  5 lines on rotary; Unique original software with conferencing, electronic
  bar, matchmaking, no file up/downloading
07/88  214-247-2367   ozdaltx     Dallas              TX  3/12/24  24
  INTEC/SCO XENIX 2.2.1, OZ BBS, Membership only adult BBS, fee $40
  year. Multiple lines.  Closed system, carries limited USENET
  newsgroups. Login: guest (no PW).  Voice verification on all new users.
11/89  214-824-7881   attctc      Dallas              TX  3/12/24  24
  3b2/522 - UNIX, no fee, various time limits, 8 lines 2.8 GB online
  uucp-anon --> 214-741-2130  ogin: uupdsrc word: Public
  uucp-anon info in: /bbsys4/README     (Formerly node name killer)
01/90  215-348-9727   lgnp1       Doylestown          PA  3/12/24/96  24
  '386 mutt w/ SCO-XENIX -- Telebit on dial in line.  UUCP access only ...
  Public access to the nixpub lists using anon-uucp [see footer of this list].
  Fee services include feeds/routing for E-mail and USENET News, plus access
  to *NIX specific PD source code library.  Contact: phil@ls.com.
01/90  216-582-2460   ncoast      Cleveland           OH  12/24/96  24
  80386 Mylex, SCO Xenix;  600 meg. storage;  XBBS and Shell;  USENET
  (newsfeeds available), E-Mail; donations requested; login as "bbs"
  for BBS and "makeuser" for new users.
  Telebit used on 216-237-5486.
01/90  217-525-9019   pallas      Springfield         IL  3/12/24/96  24
  AT&T 6386, 380 meg disk space;  4 lines w/ USRobotics Dual Standard modems;
  BBS available at no fee (UBBS), shell access for $50/year;  "guest" login
01/90  219-289-0286   nstar       South Bend          IN  3/12/24/96  24
  386/25, Unix System V 3.2; 4 high speed lines all locked at 19.2 kbps, 
  Hayes V-Series V.42bis lead number listed,  Trailblazer on 289-3745, USR 
  HST 14.4 carrier on 287-9020; full Usenet, AKCS threaded conferencing,
  downloads, mail, currently no fees, registration required and verified, 
  NO GAMES, feeds available; contact news@nstar
08/88  312-283-0559^  chinet      Chicago             IL  3/12/24  24
  3b2/300 - SYS V 3.1, multiple lines, Picospan BBS, system & BBS free
  Extra phone lines and usenet, $50/yr.
10/89  312-338-0632^  point       Chicago             IL  3/12/24/96  24
  North Shore / Rogers Park area of Chicago.  386 - ISC 2.01 (SysV3.2),
  multiple lines, Telebit PEP on 338-3261, USRobotics HST on 338-1036,
  AKCS bbs, some usenet conferences available.  200+ MB online storage.
  Downloads, full usenet & shell access in the works.
04/89  313-623-6309   nucleus     Clarkston           MI  12/24    24
  286 - Unix System V, no fee. Shell access, full usenet access, online games,
  AKCS conferencing system, some public domain sources online, extensive tape
  library of public domain source code
02/88  313-994-6333   m-net       Ann Arbor           MI  3/12     24
  Altos 68020 - SYS III, limits unstated, fee for extended service
  Picospan conference system, multiple lines, 160 meg, packet radio
08/89  313-996-4644^  anet        Ann Arbor           MI  3/12     24
  Altos 68000 - Sys III, no limits, 1st month free, fees range up to $20/
  month (negotiable), accepts equipment/software in lieu of fees, Picospan
  conferencing, 120M, non-profit, user-supported, community-based, ideal
  autodidact educational system.  Tax-deductible donations okay.
08/89  314-474-4581   gensis      Columbia            MO  3/12/24/48/96  24
  Gateway 386 system w/ SCO Xenix V/386, DataFlex, Oracle, CHARM, & VP/ix.
  No fee.  Online gaming, game design, and (oddly enough) data base design
  are the main focus.  Modem is Microcom MNP 6.
10/89  404-321-5020^  jdyx        Atlanta             GA  12/24/96  24
  386/ix 2.0.2.  XBBS. Usenet (alt, gnu, most comp and a few others) and 
  shell access.  Second line (2400 below) (404) 325-1719.  200+ meg current
  Usenet and GNU sources.  Specializing in graphics and ray-tracing under 
  386/ix (with/with out X11).  Yearly fee for shell and/or downloads.  
  Telebit access.  Contact: ...gatech!emory!jdyx!tpf (Tom Friedel)
05/88  407-380-6228   rtmvax      Orlando             FL  3/12/24  24
  mVAX-I - Ultrix-32 V1.2  USENET & UUCP Email Gateway. XBBS front end for
  new user subscribing. No Fees. Primary function is Technical exchange.
  Contact: { cbosgd!codas, hoptoad!peora }!rtmvax!rob 
09/89  408-245-7726^  uuwest      Sunnyvale           CA  3/12/24  24
  SCO-XENIX, Waffle. No fee, USENET news (news.*, music, comics, telecom, etc)
  The Dark Side of the Moon BBS. This system has been in operation since 1985.
  Login: new Contact: (UUCP) ames!uuwest!request (Domain) request@darkside.com
04/88  408-247-4810   sharks      Santa Clara         CA  3/12     24
  Altos 886/80/80  - XENIX 3.2f AKA: Shark's Head BBS,  BBCS Network
  Multiple lines,no fee for non-members,members $25 year
  Restricted sh access and UUCP/Usenet access for advanced members
11/89  408-423-9995   cruzio      Santa Cruz          CA  12/24    24
  Tandy 4000, Xenix 2.3.*, Caucus 3.*;  focus on Santa Cruz activity
  (ie directory of community and goverment organizations, events, ...);
  Multiple lines;  no shell; fee: $18/quarter.
  Contact: ...!uunet!cruzio!chris
10/89  408-725-0561^  portal      Cupertino           CA  3/12/24  24
  Networked Suns (SunOS), multiple lines, Telenet access, no shell access
  fees: $10/month + Telenet charges (if used) @ various rates/times
  conferencing, multi user chats, usenet 
02/89  408-997-9119^  netcom      San Jose            CA  3/12/24/96  24
  Unix System V -- Shell Access [Bourne, Korn, C-Shell], BBS, USENET,
  Languages: C, Lisp, Prolog, Clips, (Ada soon), $10 / month, login as
  'guest' no password.  Contact netcom!bobr.
10/89  412-431-8649   eklektik    Pittsburgh          PA  3/12/24  24
  UNIX PC- SYSV - UNaXcess BBS, new system - donation requested for shell,
  login: bbs for BBS, uucp-mail, limited Usenet news feeds.  Gaming SIGS.
  Contact:  ...!gatech!emoryu1!eklektik!anthony
11/89  415-332-6106^  well        Sausalito           CA  12/24    24
  6-processor Sequent Balance (32032); UUCP and USENET access; multiple
  lines; access via CPN; PICOSPAN BBS; $3/hour.  Contact (415) 332-4335
06/88  415-582-7691   cpro        Hayward             CA  12/24    24
  Microport SYSV 2, UNaXcess bbs, no fee, 60 min limit, shell access
11/89  415-623-8642   jack        Fremont             CA  3/12/24  24
  3b2/522.  2 BBS's.  E-mail, USENET News, and NFS links to 2 3b1's.  No
  fee.  5 lines on rotary.  Contact: steve@jack.SNS.COM5 lines on rotary.
07/89  415-753-5265^  wet         San Francisco       CA  3/12/24  24
  386 SYS V.3.  Wetware Diversions.  $15 registration, $0.01/minute.
  Public Access UNIX System:  uucp, PicoSpan bbs, full Usenet News,
  multiple lines, shell access.  Newusers get initial credit!
  contact:{ucsfcca|claris|hoptoad}!wet!cc (Christopher Cilley)
05/89  415-783-2543   esfenn      Hayward             CA  3/12/24  24
  System ????; USENET news; E-mail; No charges; Contact esfenn!william.
11/89  416-438-2855   contact     Toronto             ONT  3/12/24  24
  386 clone - Xenix 2.3.1, fee optional. USENET, email, multi-user chat,
  Contact: eisen@contact.UUCP martin loeffler
11/89  416-452-0926   telly       Brampton            ON  12/24/96  24
  386 SysVr3.2; proprietary menu-based BBS includes Usenet site searching.
  News (all groups, incl biz, pubnet, gnu, CanConfMail), mail (including
  to/from Internet, Bitnet), many archives. Feeds available. $75(Cdn)/year.
  Contact: Evan Leibovitch, evan@telly.on.ca, uunet!attcan!telly!evan
12/88  416-461-2608   tmsoft      Toronto             ON  3/12/24/96  24
  NS32016, Sys5r2, shell; news+mail $30/mo, general-timesharing $60/mo
  All newsgroups.  Willing to setup mail/news connections.
  Contact: Dave Mason <mason@tmsoft> / Login: newuser
07/89  416-654-8854   ziebmef     Toronto             ON  3/12/24/96  24
  AT&T 3B1, Sys V, shell, news, mail, no fee (donations accepted)
  Carries most newsgroups (willing to add extra ones on request)
  Telebit access, willing to give mail feeds
  Contact: Chris Siebenmann, {utzoo!telly,ncrcan}!ziebmef!cks
01/90  502-968-5401   disk        Louisville          KY  3/12     24
  386 clone, Interactive System V 3.2, 600 meg.  6 lines 5401 thru 5406.
  Carrying most USENET groups, Shell access, multi-user games(including Realm)
  multi-user chat, downloads, and more.  Rate info available via a free trial
  account. Also offering news/mail feeds to the local area. Now reachable
  via Starlink!
12/88  503-254-0458   bucket      Portland            OR  3/12/24  24
  Tektronix 6130, UTek 2.3(4.2BSD-derived).  Bit Bucket BBS publically
  available; login as 'bbs'.  BBS is message only.  Users intereseted in
  access to Unix should contact SYSOP via the BBS or send EMail to
  ..tektronix!tessi!bucket!rickb.  Unix services include USENET News,
  EMail, and all tools/games/utility access. Alternate dial-in lines
  available for Unix users.
12/89  503-297-3211^  m2xenix     Portland            OR  3/12/24  24
  '386/20, Xenix 2.3.  Shell accounts available, NO BBS.  No fee.  E-mail,
  USENET News, program development.
  Contact: ...!uunet!m2xenix!news or on Fido at 297-9145
05/89  503-640-4262^  agora       PDX                 OR  3/12/24  24
  Intel Xenix-286, $2/mo or $20/yr, news, mail, games, programming
  two lines with trunk-hunt, 4380 supports MNP level 3.
  Contact: Alan Batie, tektronix!tessi!agora!batie
01/90  512-346-2339   bigtex      Austin              TX  96       24
  SysVr3.2 i386, anonymous shell, no fee, anonymous uucp ONLY,
  Telebit 9600/PEP; Mail links available.  Carries GNU software.
  anon uucp login: nuucp NO PASSWD, file list /usr3/index
  anon shell login: guest NO PASSWD, chroot'd to /usr3
  Contact: james@bigtex.cactus.org
07/89  512-832-8835   rpp386      Austin              TX  12/24    24
  386 SYSV, no shell, no bbs, anonymous uucp file transfer site only, no fee
  uucp and kermit server available, login uucp or kermit NO PASSWD
10/89  513-779-8209   cinnet      Cincinnati          OH  12/24/96  24
  80386, ISC 386/ix 2.02, Telebit access, 1 line; $7.50/Month; shell
  access, Usenet access; news feeds available;
  login: newact password: new user to register for shell access
05/89  516-872-2137   lilink      Long Island         NY  12/24    24
  80386/20 Mhz. , three lines, News/Mail/Shell access. Online games,
  conferencing, full program development system, full text processing.
  We carry ALL Usenet groups.  Dues are  $10/month (unlimited access).
  Accounts are filled by application/phone verification. Login: new
  Alternate numbers: 516-872-2138 & 516-872-2349
01/90  517-487-3356   lunapark    E. Lansing          MI  12/24    24
  Compaq 386/20 SCO-UNIX 3.2, lunabbs bulletin board & conferencing
  system, no fee, login: bbs password: lunabbs.  Primarily UNIX software
  with focus on TeX and Postscript, also some ATARI-ST and IBM-PC stuff
  2400/1200 --> 8 N 1
  Contact: ...!{mailrus,uunet}!frith!lunapark!larry
12/88  518-346-8033   sixhub      upstate             NY  3/12/24  24
  PC Designs GV386.  hub machine of the upstate NY UNIX users group (*IX)
  two line reserved for incoming, bbs no fee, news & email fee $15/year
  Smorgasboard of BBS systems, UNaXcess and XBBS online,
  Citadel BBS now in production. Contact: davidsen@sixhub.uucp.
09/88  602-941-2005   xroads      Phoenix             AZ  12/24    24
  Motorola VME1121, UNIX 5.2, Crossroads BBS, Fee $30/yr + $.50/.25 (call)
  prime (evenings)/non-prime, USENET news, multi-chat, online games,
  movie reviews, adventure games, dos unix/xenix files for dload, multi lines
08/89  603-880-8120   ubbs-nh     Nashua              NH  3/12/24/96  24
  New England Unix Archive Site.  Multiple lines.  Services include E-Mail,
  full or partial news feeds.  XBBS access $25/year, User Accounts or News 
  Feeds available $60/year (1 hour/day) or $120/year (2 hours/day).
  Contact:  noel@ubbs-nh or {decvax}!ubbs-nh!noel or leave message on the
  bbs.  Voice:  603 595-2947
08/89  605-348-2738   loft386     Rapid City          SD  3/12/24/96  24
  80386 SYS V/386 Rel 3.2, Usenet mail/news via UUNET, UUNET archive access.
  NO BBS!  News feeds avaliable.  400 meg hd.  Fees: $10/month or $25/quarter.
  Call (605) 343-8760 and talk to Doug Ingraham to arrange an account or email
08/88  608-273-2657   madnix      Madison             WI  3/12/24  24
  286 SCO-XENIX, shell, no fee, USENET news, mail, login: newuser
  Contact: ray@madnix
08/89  612-473-2295   pnet51      Minneapolis         MN  3/12/24  24
  Equip ?, Xenix, multi-line, no fee, some Usenet news, email, multi-threaded
  conferencing, login: pnet id: new, PC Pursuitable
  UUCP: {rosevax, crash}!orbit!pnet51!admin
01/90  615-288-3957   medsys      Kingport            TN  12/24/96  24
  386  SCO-UNIX 3.2, XBBS, no fee, limit 90 min.
  Telebit PEP, USENET, login: bbs   password: bbs
  anon uucp --> medsys Any ACU (speed) 16152883957 ogin: nuucp  ssword: \r
  Contact: uunet!medsys!laverne (LaVerne E. Olney)
08/89  615-896-8716   raider      Murfreesboro        TN  12/24    24
  Tandy 4000 XENIX, XBBS, shell accounts, news and mail, newsfeeds
  available. Two line system; second dialup is 615-896-7905.
  Contact: root@raider.MFEE.TN.US (Bob Reineri); NO CHARGE.
01/90  616-457-1964   wybbs       Jenison             MI  3/12/24/96  24
  386 - SCO-XENIX 2.3.2, no fees, two lines, shell access, usenet news,
  150 meg storage, XBBS, Telebit access, interests: ham radio, xenix 
  AKA: Consultants Connection  Contact: danielw%wybbs@sharkey.cc.umich.edu
  Alternate phone #: 616-457-9909 (max 2400 baud)
01/90  617-739-9753   world       Brookline           MA  3/12/24/96  24
  Sun 4/280, SunOS 4.03;  Shell, USENET, E-Mail, UUCP and home of the
  Open Book Initiative (text project);  fees: $5/mo + $3/hr (8a-8p) and
  $2/hr (8p-8a);  Multiple lines: 2400 MNP used on listed number,
  Telebits used on others;  login as "new";  Contact: geb@world.std.com
01/90  619-259-7757   pnet12      Del Mar             CA  3/12/24/96  24
  Xenix, multi-line, no fee, full Usenet, email, multithreaded conferencing
  login: pnet   id: new
  Contact: ...!uunet!serene!pnet12!rfarris
07/88  619-444-7006^  pnet01      El Cajon            CA  3/12/24  24
  BSD Unix, 3 lines, login: pnet id: new, some USENET, email, conferencing 
  Home of P-Net software, mail to crash!bblue or pnet01!bblue for info.
  Contributions requested
  Unix accounts available for regulars, PC Pursuit access 2/88.
12/89  703-281-7997^  grebyn      Vienna              VA  3/12/24  24
  Vax/Ultrix.  $25/month.  GNU EMACS, USENET, PC/BLUE archives, Telebit used
  for uucp only, archives, Ada repository, comp.sources.(misc,unix,games)
  archives, net.sources archives, 3 C compilers, Ada compiler,  1.2GB disk,
  multiple lines
11/89  708-272-5912^  igloo       Northbrook          IL  12/24/96  24
  3B2-300;  accounts by invitation only, no limit/no fee;  full usenet;
  132megs HD;  2 lines rotary, 9600 telebit on 272-5917
  Contact: igloo!postmaster
11/89  708-301-2100^  jolnet      Joliet              IL  3/12/24  24
  3b2/400 - Unix, public access and contributions, No fee for postnews.
  5 lines  AKCS bbs.  Free Newsfeeds available.  ~450 MB online storage.
  Free Shell and Usenet access.  Telebit Trailblazer access (2104).
  Telenet access. 
01/90  708-318-7133   gagme       Niles               IL  12/24    24
  3B2/300 - System V 3.2.  E-mail, netnews, sources.  Donation
  requested but not required.
11/89  708-566-8911^  ddsw1       Mundelein           IL  3/12/24/96  24
  Televideo 386 -SCO XENIX 386, guest usr 1 hr daily, fee extends use
  AKCS bbs, fee $30/6 months $50/year, Authors of AKCS bbs
  multiple lines, 9600 bps available, anonymous uucp, ~/README for info
  Contact: Karl Denninger (...!ddsw1!karl) Voice: (312) 566-8910
11/89  708-833-8126^  vpnet       Villa Park          IL  12/24/96  24
  386 Clone - Interactive 386/ix R2.0 (3.2), no fee. Akcs linked bbs
  including several Usenet conf's. No charge for shells. Trailblazer. 
  Mail lisbon@vpnet.UUCP
07/89  713-438-5018   sugar       Houston             TX  3/12/24/96  24
  386/AT (2) networked - Bell Technologies V/386, usenet, news, downloads
  Homegrown BBS software, Trailblazer+ access, currently no charges
10/89  713-668-7176^  nuchat      Houston             TX  3/12/24/96  24
  i386;  USENET, Mail, Shell Access;  300M On-line;  Trailbazer Used;
  No fee.
12/88  714-635-2863   dhw68k      Anaheim             CA  12/24    24
  Unistride 2.1, no fee, also 714-385-1915, Trailblazer on both lines,
  USENET News, /bin/sh or /bin/csh available
05/89  714-662-7450   turnkey     Inglewood           CA  12/24    24
  286 - Xenix SYSV, XBBS
01/90  714-821-9671   alphacm     Cypress             CA  12/24/96  24
  386 - SCO-XENIX, no fee, Home of XBBS, 90 minute per login, 4 lines,
  Trailblazer pluses in use.
    uucp-anon:  ogin: nuucp  NO PASSWD
05/89  714-842-5851   conexch     Santa Ana           CA  3/12/24  24
  386 - SCO Xenix - Free Unix guest login and PC-DOS bbs login, one
  hour inital time limit, USENET news, shell access granted on request &
  $25/quarter donation.  Anon uucp: ogin: nuucp  NO PASSWD.  List of
  available Unix files resides in /usr3/public/FILES.
08/88  714-894-2246   stanton     Irvine              CA  3/12/24  24
  286 - SCO Xenix - donation requested, limit 240 min, XBBS, USENET news
  UNIX access granted on request through BBS, 20$/year, access includes
  C development system (XENIX/MSDOS), PROCALC 1-2-3 clone, FOXBASE+
  anon uucp: ogin: nuucp, no word, 2400/1200/300 MNP supported
12/89  719-632-4111   oldcolo     Colo Spgs           CO  12/24/96  24
  386 - SCO-XENIX  frontend,  2 CT  Miniframes  backend,  e-mail 
  conferencing,  databases,   Naplps Graphics, USENET news. 7 lines 
  8N1,  2400 on 2906,  USR  Dual  9600  on 2658.   Self registering   
  for  limited  free  access    (political,    policy, marketplace) 
  Subscriptions $10, 15, 18 mo for full use. Dave Hughes SYSOP.
12/89  800-344-8280   nycenet     New York            NY  3/12/24  24
  Generic '386, SCO-XENIX 2.3;  Runs Magpie BBS software;  16 lines;  No fee,
  Toll free call (no int'l access), 45 minute limit.
  contact: buzz@nycenet.nycboe.edu
01/90  801-269-0670^  i-core      Salt Lake City      UT  3/12/24/96  24
  286 SYS V, Unidel BBS and Newsreader; a.k.a. Bitsko's Bar & Grill BBS,
  no limit, no fee; UseNet and Citadel feeds available.  Home of Unidel
  room-based newsreader and UNIX Citadel network gateway; Telebit 19200
  Contact: ken@i-core.UUCP or uunet!iconsys!caeco!i-core!ken
01/90  802-865-3614   tnl         Burlington          VT  3/12/24  24
  80386 w/ SCO XENIX. No Fee.  2 hr session limit.  XBBS/USENET, shell.
  Login as 'new' for a shell account, no validation.  AKA: Northern Lights.
  Contact: norstar@tnl.UUCP or uunet!uvm-gen!tnl!norstar (Daniel Ray)
08/88  813-952-1981   usource     Sarasota            FL  12/24    -24
  386 - SCO-XENIX, fee depends on services provided, no fee for bbs. New users
  subscribe by logging in as 'help' or 'newuser' (no password).  Primary
  purpose is technical forum. 6pm-8am M-Th, 24 hrs weeekends (6pm Fri-8am Mon)
  uucp-anon: 1200/2400 bps --> ogin: auucp  word: gateway
  uucp-anon directory: /usr/spool/uucppublic; contact: frank@usource.UUCP
12/89  814-337-0348   sir-alan    Meadville           PA  3/12/24/96  24
  SCO XENIX 2.3.3, no fee, BBS, archive site, USR HST on 337 0348 (24/12/96/3),
  TB+ on 337 3159 (24/19.2/96/12); archive site (1GB filesystem) for comp.
  sources.[games,misc,sun,unix,x], some alt.sources, XENIX(68K/286/386).
  uucp-anon: ogin: pdsrc NO PASSWD
  uucp-anon directory: /u/pdsrc, /u/pubdir, /u/uunet, help in /u/pubdir/HELP 
  Contact: sir-alan!mikes@uunet.uu.net  (814 337 5528 voice)
09/89  916-649-0161   sactoh0     Sacramento          CA  12/24/96  24
  3B2/310 SYSV.2, SAC_UNIX;  $2/month, limit 90 min, 2 lines, TB on line,
  2400/1200 baud on 916-722-6519;  USENET, E-Mail, Games;  login: new
  Contact: ..pacbell!sactoh0!sysop
089  919-493-7111^  wolves      Durham              NC  3/12/24  24
  AMS 386/25 - UNIX SysVr3.2, XBBS, no fee for bbs.  Rates for UNIX access
  and USENET are being determined.  Developing yet another UNIX bbs (ideas
  welcome!)  Single line, telebit coming soon.
  Contact: wolves!ggw or wolves!sysop  [...duke!dukcds!wolves!...]
NOTE:  ^ means the site is reachable using PC Pursuit.
This list is maintained by Phil Eschallier on lgnp1.  Any additions,
deletions, or corrections should be sent to one of the addresses below.
The nixpub listings are kept as current as possible.  However, you use this
data at your own risk and cost -- all standard disclaimers apply!!!
      Lists available from lgnp1 via anonomous uucp.
                            +1 215 348 9727 [Telebit access]
                     login: nuucp  NO PWD   [no rmail permitted]
                 this list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub
                short list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub.short
      or from news groups pubnet.nixpub, comp.misc or alt.bbs.
E-MAIL ...
  uucp: ..!uunet!lgnp1!{ phil | nixpub }
domain: { phil | nixpub }@LS.COM
   CIS: 71076,1576
  COMPAQ, IBM, PC Pursuit, [SCO] XENIX, UNIX, etc. are trademarks of the
  respective companies.

nixpub@lgnp1.LS.COM (NIXPUB Coordinator) (02/01/90)

                          nixpub short listing
     Open Access UNIX (*NIX) Sites [Fee / No Fee] for mapped sites only
                          [ February 1, 1990 ]

Systems listed (79)
Legend: fee/contribution ($), no fee (-$), hours (24), not (-24)
        shell (S), USENET news (N), email (M), multiple lines (T) 
        Telebit PEP speed on main number (+P), Telebit on other line[s] (P)
        Courier 9600 bps on main number (+H), Courier on other line[s] (H) 
        V.32 on main number (+V), V.32 on other line[s] (V) 
        anonymous uucp (A), archive site ONLY - see long form list (@)
        Dialable thru PC Pursuit (^)

Date   Telephone #    Sys-name   Location          Baud        Legend
-----  ------------   --------   -----------       -------     ---------
08/89  201-846-2460^  althea     New Brunswic  NJ  3/12/24     24 -$ M N S 
10/89  206-328-4944   polari     Seatle        WA  3/12        24 $ M N P S T
12/89  212-420-0527   magpie     NYC           NY  3/12/24/96  24 -$ A T P
12/89  212-675-7059   marob      NYC           NY  3/12/24/96  24 -$ A
05/89  212-879-9031^  dasys1     NYC           NY  12/24       24 $ S N M T
09/89  213-376-5714^  pnet02     Redondo Bch   CA  3/12/24     24 -$ M N T
09/89  213-397-3137^  stb        Santa Monica  CA  3/12/24     24 -$ S A
11/88  213-459-5891   amazing    Pac Palisade  CA  3/12/24     24 $ T
07/88  214-247-2367   ozdaltx    Dallas        TX  3/12/24     24 $ N T
11/89  214-741-2130   attctc     Dallas        TX  3/12/24     24 -$ N M S T A
01/90  215-348-9727   lgnp1      Doylestown    PA  3/12/24/96  24 $ A M N +P
01/90  216-582-2460   ncoast     Cleveland     OH  12/24/96    24 $ S N M P T
01/90  217-525-9019   pallas     Springfield   IL  3/12/24/96  24 $ H M S T V
01/90  219-289-0286   nstar      South Bend    IN  3/12/24/96  24 -$ H M N P S T
08/88  312-283-0559^  chinet     Chicago       IL  3/12/24     24 $ N T
10/89  312-338-0632^  point      Chicago       IL  3/12/24/96  24 -$ H N P S T
04/89  313-623-6309   nucleus    Clarkston     MI  12/24       24 $ S N M
11/88  313-994-6333   m-net      Ann Arbor     MI  3/12        24 $ T
08/89  313-996-4644^  anet       Ann Arbor     MI  3/12        24 $ T
08/89  314-474-4581   gensis     Columbia      MO  3/12/24/96  24 -$ M S 
10/89  404-321-5020^  jdyx       Atlanta       GA  12/24       24 $ M N +P S T
05/88  407-380-6228   rtmvax     Orlando       FL  3/12/24     24 -$ N M
09/89  408-245-7726^  uuwest     Sunnyvale     CA  3/12/24     24 -$ N
04/88  408-247-4810   sharks     Santa Clara   CA  3/12        24 $ S N M T
11/89  408-423-9995   cruzio     Santa Cruz    CA  12/24       24 $ M T
10/89  408-725-0561^  portal     Cupertino     CA  3/12/24     24 $ -S N M T
02/89  408-997-9119^  netcom     San Jose      CA  3/12/24/96  24 $ M N S
10/89  412-431-8649   eklektik   Pittsburgh    PA  3/12/24     24 $ S N M 
11/89  415-332-6106^  well       Sausalito     CA  12/24       24 $ M N S T
06/88  415-582-7691   cpro       Hayward       CA  12/24       24 -$ S
11/89  415-623-8652   jack       Fremont       CA  3/12/24     24 -$ M N T
07/89  415-753-5265^  wet        San Francisc  CA  3/12/24     24 $ M N S T
05/89  415-783-2543   esfenn     Hayward       CA  3/12/24     24 -$ M N S 
11/89  416-438-2855   contact    Toronto       ONT  3/12/24     24 -$ M N S T
11/89  416-452-0926   telly      Brampton      ON  12/24/96    +P 24 $ M N
12/88  416-461-2608   tmsoft     Toronto       ON  3/12/24/96  24 $ S M N
07/89  416-654-8854   ziebmef    Toronto       ON  3/12/24/96  24 +P M N S T
01/90  502-968-5401   disk       Louisville    KY  3/12        24 $ M N S T
12/88  503-254-0458   bucket     Portland      OR  3/12/24     24 -$ N M S T
12/89  503-297-3211^  m2xenix    Portland      OR  3/12/24     24 -$ M N S 
05/89  503-640-4262^  agora      PDX           OR  3/12/24     24 $ M N S T
01/90  512-346-2339   bigtex     Austin        TX  96          24 -$ +P A
07/89  512-832-8835   rpp386     Austin        TX  12/24       24 @ -$ A T
10/89  513-779-8209   cinnet     Cincinnati    OH  12/24/96    24 $ M N +P S 
05/89  516-872-2137   lilink     Long Island   NY  12/24       24 $ M N S T
01/90  517-487-3356   lunapark   E. Lansing    MI  12/24       24 -$
12/88  518-346-8033   sixhub     upstate       NY  3/12/24     24 $ N M S T
09/88  602-941-2005   xroads     Phoenix       AZ  3/12/24     24 $ N T
08/89  603-880-8120   ubbs-nh    Nashua        NH  3/12/24/96  24 -$ M N +P S T
08/89  605-348-2738   loft386    Rapid City    SD  3/12/24/96  24 $ M N +P S 
08/88  608-273-2657   madnix     Madison       WI  3/12/24     24 -$ S N M
08/89  612-473-2295   pnet51     Minneapolis   MN  3/12/24     24 -$ N M T
01/90  615-288-3957   medsys     Kinkport      TN  12/24/96    24 -$ A N +P
08/89  615-896-8716   raider     Murfreesboro  TN  12/24       24 -$ S N M T
01/90  616-457-1964   wybbs      Jenison       MI  3/12/24/96  24 -$ +P M N S T
01/90  617-739-9753   world      Brookline     MA  3/12/24/96  24 $ M N P S T
01/90  619-259-7757   pnet12     Del Mar       CA  3/12/24/96  24 -$ M N P T
07/88  619-444-7006^  pnet01     El Cajon      CA  3/12/24     24 $ N M S T
12/89  703-281-7997^  grebyn     Vienna        VA  3/12/24     24 $ N M T
11/89  708-272-5912^  igloo      Northbrook    IL  12/24/96    24 -$ S N T P
11/89  708-301-2100^  jolnet     Joliet        IL  3/12/24     24 -$ P M N S T
01/90  708-318-7133   gagme      Niles         IL  12/24       24 $ M N S
08/88  312-566-8911^  ddsw1      Mundelein     IL  3/12/24/96  24 $ A S N M P T
11/89  708-833-8126^  vpnet      Villa Park    IL  12/24/96    24 -$ +P M N S 
07/89  713-438-5018   sugar      Houston       TX  3/12/24/96  24 -$ N +P
10/89  713-668-7176^  nuchat     Houston       TX  3/12/24/96  24 -$ M N +P S
12/88  714-635-2863   dhw68k     Anaheim       CA  12/24       24 -$ T
05/89  714-662-7450   turnkey    Inglewood     CA  12/24       24 -$
01/90  714-821-9671   alphacm    Cypress       CA  12/24/96    24 -$ A +P T
05/89  714-842-5851   conexch    Santa Ana     CA  3/12/24     24 $ A M N S
08/88  714-894-2246   stanton    Irvine        CA  3/12/24     24 $ S N
12/89  719-632-4111   oldcolo    Colo Spgs     CO  12/24/96    24 $ H M N T
12/89  800-344-8280   nycenet    New York      NY  3/12/24     24 -$ T
01/90  801-269-0670^  i-core     Salt Lake Ci  UT  3/12/24/96  +P 24 -$ A N
01/90  802-865-3614   tnl        Burlington    VT  3/12/24     24 -$ S N M
08/88  813-952-1981   usource    Sarasota      FL  12/24       -24 -$ A
12/89  814-337-0348   sir-alan   Meadville     PA  3/12/24/96  24 -$ A H P
09/89  916-649-0161   sactoh0    Sacramento    CA  12/24/96    24 $ M N +P S T
08/89  919-493-7111^  wolves     Durham        NC  3/12/24     24 $ M N S 
NOTE:  ^ means the site is reachable using PC Pursuit.
This list is maintained by Phil Eschallier on lgnp1.  Any additions,
deletions, or corrections should be sent to one of the addresses below.
The nixpub listings are kept as current as possible.  However, you use this
data at your own risk and cost -- all standard disclaimers apply!!!
      Lists available from lgnp1 via anonomous uucp.
                            +1 215 348 9727 [Telebit access]
                     login: nuucp  NO PWD   [no rmail permitted]
                 this list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub.short
                 long list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub
      or from news groups pubnet.nixpub, comp.misc or alt.bbs
E-MAIL ...
  uucp: ..!uunet!lgnp1!{ phil | nixpub }
domain: { phil | nixpub }@LS.COM
  COMPAQ, IBM, PC Pursuit, [SCO] XENIX, UNIX, etc. are trademarks of the
  respective companies.

nixpub@lgnp1.LS.COM (NIXPUB Coordinator) (02/09/90)

                          nixpub long listing
     Open Access UNIX (*NIX) Sites [Fee / No Fee] for mapped sites only
                          [ February 8, 1990 ]

Systems listed (78):
 [   agora     alphacm   althea    amazing   anet      attctc    bigtex    ]
 [   bucket    chinet    cinnet    conexch   contact   cpro      cruzio    ]
 [   dasys1    ddsw1     dhw68k    disk      eklektik  esfenn    gagme     ]
 [   gensis    grebyn    i-core    igloo     jack      jdyx      jolnet    ]
 [   lgnp1     loft386   lunapark  m-net     m2xenix   madnix    magpie    ]
 [   marob     medsys    ncoast    netcom    nstar     nuchat    nucleus   ]
 [   nycenet   oldcolo   ozdaltx   pallas    pnet01    pnet02    pnet12    ]
 [   pnet51    point     polari    portal    raider    rpp386    rtmvax    ]
 [   sactoh0   sharks    sir-alan  sixhub    stanton   stb       sugar     ]
 [   telly     tmsoft    tnl       turnkey   ubbs-nh   usource   uuwest    ]
 [   vpnet     well      wet       wolves    world     wybbs     xroads    ]
 [   ziebmef                                                               ]

Date   Telephone #    Sys-name    Location                Baud        Hours
-----  ------------   --------    -----------             -------     -----

08/89  201-846-2460^  althea      New Brunswick       NJ  3/12/24  24
  AT&T 3B2/310 - Unix SVR3.1, no fee.  USENET, email, C development,
  games.  Single line.
  Contact: rjd@althea.UUCP (Robert Diamond)
10/89  206-328-4944   polari      Seatle              WA  3/12     24
  Equip ???;  8-lines, Trailblazer on 206-328-1468;  $30/year (flat rate);
  Multi-user games, chat, full USENET.
  Contact: uunet!microsoft!happym!polari!bruceki
12/89  212-420-0527   magpie      NYC                 NY  3/12/24/96  24
  ? - UNIX SYSV - 2, Magpie BBS, no fee, Authors: Magpie/UNIX,/MSDOS
  two lines plus anonymous uucp: 212-677-9487 (9600 bps Telebit modem)
  NOTE: 9487 reserved for registered Magpie sysops & anon uucp
  Contact: Steve Manes, {rutgers|cmcl2|uunet}!hombre!magpie!manes	
12/89  212-675-7059   marob       NYC                 NY  3/12/24/96  24
  386 SCO-XENIX 2.2, XBBS, no fee, limit 60 min.
  Telebit Trailblazer (9600 PEP) only 212-675-8438
  Contact:  {philabs|rutgers|cmcl2}!{phri|hombre}!marob!clifford
05/89  212-879-9031^  dasys1      NYC                 NY  12/24    24
  Unistride - SYS V, multiple lines, fee $5/mo  AKA Big Electric Cat
  USENET, games, multi-user chat, email, login: new, passwd: new
  Contact: ...!rutgers!cmcl2!rsweeney or rsweeney@dasys1.UUCP
09/89  213-376-5714^  pnet02      Redondo Bch         CA  3/12/24  24
  XENIX (also 213-374-7404) no fee, 90 min limit, login: pnet id: new
  some USENET, net-work e-mail, multi-threaded conferencing
09/89  213-397-3137^  stb         Santa Monica        CA  3/12/24  24
  AT&T 3b1;  BBS and shell access;  uucp-anon: ogin: uucp NO PASSWD
  3 line on rotory -3137 2400 baud.
03/88  213-459-5891   amazing     Pacific Palisades   CA  3/12/24  24
  AMT 286 - Microport  David's Amazing BBS  Fee $7.50/month;$35/6;$60/year
  5 lines on rotary; Unique original software with conferencing, electronic
  bar, matchmaking, no file up/downloading
07/88  214-247-2367   ozdaltx     Dallas              TX  3/12/24  24
  INTEC/SCO XENIX 2.2.1, OZ BBS, Membership only adult BBS, fee $40
  year. Multiple lines.  Closed system, carries limited USENET
  newsgroups. Login: guest (no PW).  Voice verification on all new users.
11/89  214-824-7881   attctc      Dallas              TX  3/12/24  24
  3b2/522 - UNIX, no fee, various time limits, 8 lines 2.8 GB online
  uucp-anon --> 214-741-2130  ogin: uupdsrc word: Public
  uucp-anon info in: /bbsys4/README     (Formerly node name killer)
01/90  215-348-9727   lgnp1       Doylestown          PA  3/12/24/96  24
  '386 mutt w/ SCO-XENIX -- Telebit on dial in line.  UUCP access only ...
  Public access to the nixpub lists using anon-uucp [see footer of this list].
  Fee services include feeds/routing for E-mail and USENET News, plus access
  to *NIX specific PD source code library.  Contact: phil@ls.com.
01/90  216-582-2460   ncoast      Cleveland           OH  12/24/96  24
  80386 Mylex, SCO Xenix;  600 meg. storage;  XBBS and Shell;  USENET
  (newsfeeds available), E-Mail; donations requested; login as "bbs"
  for BBS and "makeuser" for new users.
  Telebit used on 216-237-5486.
01/90  217-525-9019   pallas      Springfield         IL  3/12/24/96  24
  AT&T 6386, 380 meg disk space;  4 lines w/ USRobotics Dual Standard modems;
  BBS available at no fee (UBBS), shell access for $50/year;  "guest" login
01/90  219-289-0286   nstar       South Bend          IN  3/12/24/96  24
  386/25, Unix System V 3.2; 4 high speed lines all locked at 19.2 kbps, 
  Hayes V-Series V.42bis lead number listed,  Trailblazer on 289-3745, USR 
  HST 14.4 carrier on 287-9020; full Usenet, AKCS threaded conferencing,
  downloads, mail, currently no fees, registration required and verified, 
  NO GAMES, feeds available; contact news@nstar
08/88  312-283-0559^  chinet      Chicago             IL  3/12/24  24
  3b2/300 - SYS V 3.1, multiple lines, Picospan BBS, system & BBS free
  Extra phone lines and usenet, $50/yr.
10/89  312-338-0632^  point       Chicago             IL  3/12/24/96  24
  North Shore / Rogers Park area of Chicago.  386 - ISC 2.01 (SysV3.2),
  multiple lines, Telebit PEP on 338-3261, USRobotics HST on 338-1036,
  AKCS bbs, some usenet conferences available.  200+ MB online storage.
  Downloads, full usenet & shell access in the works.
04/89  313-623-6309   nucleus     Clarkston           MI  12/24    24
  286 - Unix System V, no fee. Shell access, full usenet access, online games,
  AKCS conferencing system, some public domain sources online, extensive tape
  library of public domain source code
02/88  313-994-6333   m-net       Ann Arbor           MI  3/12     24
  Altos 68020 - SYS III, limits unstated, fee for extended service
  Picospan conference system, multiple lines, 160 meg, packet radio
08/89  313-996-4644^  anet        Ann Arbor           MI  3/12     24
  Altos 68000 - Sys III, no limits, 1st month free, fees range up to $20/
  month (negotiable), accepts equipment/software in lieu of fees, Picospan
  conferencing, 120M, non-profit, user-supported, community-based, ideal
  autodidact educational system.  Tax-deductible donations okay.
08/89  314-474-4581   gensis      Columbia            MO  3/12/24/48/96  24
  Gateway 386 system w/ SCO Xenix V/386, DataFlex, Oracle, CHARM, & VP/ix.
  No fee.  Online gaming, game design, and (oddly enough) data base design
  are the main focus.  Modem is Microcom MNP 6.
10/89  404-321-5020^  jdyx        Atlanta             GA  12/24/96  24
  386/ix 2.0.2.  XBBS. Usenet (alt, gnu, most comp and a few others) and 
  shell access.  Second line (2400 below) (404) 325-1719.  200+ meg current
  Usenet and GNU sources.  Specializing in graphics and ray-tracing under 
  386/ix (with/with out X11).  Yearly fee for shell and/or downloads.  
  Telebit access.  Contact: ...gatech!emory!jdyx!tpf (Tom Friedel)
05/88  407-380-6228   rtmvax      Orlando             FL  3/12/24  24
  mVAX-I - Ultrix-32 V1.2  USENET & UUCP Email Gateway. XBBS front end for
  new user subscribing. No Fees. Primary function is Technical exchange.
  Contact: { cbosgd!codas, hoptoad!peora }!rtmvax!rob 
09/89  408-245-7726^  uuwest      Sunnyvale           CA  3/12/24  24
  SCO-XENIX, Waffle. No fee, USENET news (news.*, music, comics, telecom, etc)
  The Dark Side of the Moon BBS. This system has been in operation since 1985.
  Login: new Contact: (UUCP) ames!uuwest!request (Domain) request@darkside.com
04/88  408-247-4810   sharks      Santa Clara         CA  3/12     24
  Altos 886/80/80  - XENIX 3.2f AKA: Shark's Head BBS,  BBCS Network
  Multiple lines,no fee for non-members,members $25 year
  Restricted sh access and UUCP/Usenet access for advanced members
02/90  408-249-0290^  netcom      San Jose            CA  12/24/96  24
  UNIX Sysv r3.2 (486)  - USENET (21 days), UUNET Sources, News Feeds, Shell 
  Access (Bourne, Korn, C),  UUCP support, E-Mail, Compilers. Fee $10.00/mo +
  one time Registration of $10.00.  Login as guest (no password).
  Telebit on (408) 249-0576.
02/90  408-423-9995   cruzio      Santa Cruz          CA  12/24    24
  Tandy 4000, Xenix 2.3.*, Caucus 3.*;  focus on Santa Cruz activity
  (ie directory of community and goverment organizations, events, ...);
  USENET Support;  Multiple lines;  no shell; fee: $15/quarter.
  Contact: ...!uunet!cruzio!chris
10/89  408-725-0561^  portal      Cupertino           CA  3/12/24  24
  Networked Suns (SunOS), multiple lines, Telenet access, no shell access
  fees: $10/month + Telenet charges (if used) @ various rates/times
  conferencing, multi user chats, usenet 
10/89  412-431-8649   eklektik    Pittsburgh          PA  3/12/24  24
  UNIX PC- SYSV - UNaXcess BBS, new system - donation requested for shell,
  login: bbs for BBS, uucp-mail, limited Usenet news feeds.  Gaming SIGS.
  Contact:  ...!gatech!emoryu1!eklektik!anthony
11/89  415-332-6106^  well        Sausalito           CA  12/24    24
  6-processor Sequent Balance (32032); UUCP and USENET access; multiple
  lines; access via CPN; PICOSPAN BBS; $3/hour.  Contact (415) 332-4335
06/88  415-582-7691   cpro        Hayward             CA  12/24    24
  Microport SYSV 2, UNaXcess bbs, no fee, 60 min limit, shell access
11/89  415-623-8642   jack        Fremont             CA  3/12/24  24
  3b2/522.  2 BBS's.  E-mail, USENET News, and NFS links to 2 3b1's.  No
  fee.  5 lines on rotary.  Contact: steve@jack.SNS.COM5 lines on rotary.
07/89  415-753-5265^  wet         San Francisco       CA  3/12/24  24
  386 SYS V.3.  Wetware Diversions.  $15 registration, $0.01/minute.
  Public Access UNIX System:  uucp, PicoSpan bbs, full Usenet News,
  multiple lines, shell access.  Newusers get initial credit!
  contact:{ucsfcca|claris|hoptoad}!wet!cc (Christopher Cilley)
05/89  415-783-2543   esfenn      Hayward             CA  3/12/24  24
  System ????; USENET news; E-mail; No charges; Contact esfenn!william.
11/89  416-438-2855   contact     Toronto             ONT  3/12/24  24
  386 clone - Xenix 2.3.1, fee optional. USENET, email, multi-user chat,
  Contact: eisen@contact.UUCP martin loeffler
11/89  416-452-0926   telly       Brampton            ON  12/24/96  24
  386 SysVr3.2; proprietary menu-based BBS includes Usenet site searching.
  News (all groups, incl biz, pubnet, gnu, CanConfMail), mail (including
  to/from Internet, Bitnet), many archives. Feeds available. $75(Cdn)/year.
  Contact: Evan Leibovitch, evan@telly.on.ca, uunet!attcan!telly!evan
12/88  416-461-2608   tmsoft      Toronto             ON  3/12/24/96  24
  NS32016, Sys5r2, shell; news+mail $30/mo, general-timesharing $60/mo
  All newsgroups.  Willing to setup mail/news connections.
  Contact: Dave Mason <mason@tmsoft> / Login: newuser
07/89  416-654-8854   ziebmef     Toronto             ON  3/12/24/96  24
  AT&T 3B1, Sys V, shell, news, mail, no fee (donations accepted)
  Carries most newsgroups (willing to add extra ones on request)
  Telebit access, willing to give mail feeds
  Contact: Chris Siebenmann, {utzoo!telly,ncrcan}!ziebmef!cks
01/90  502-968-5401   disk        Louisville          KY  3/12     24
  386 clone, Interactive System V 3.2, 600 meg.  6 lines 5401 thru 5406.
  Carrying most USENET groups, Shell access, multi-user games(including Realm)
  multi-user chat, downloads, and more.  Rate info available via a free trial
  account. Also offering news/mail feeds to the local area. Now reachable
  via Starlink!
12/88  503-254-0458   bucket      Portland            OR  3/12/24  24
  Tektronix 6130, UTek 2.3(4.2BSD-derived).  Bit Bucket BBS publically
  available; login as 'bbs'.  BBS is message only.  Users intereseted in
  access to Unix should contact SYSOP via the BBS or send EMail to
  ..tektronix!tessi!bucket!rickb.  Unix services include USENET News,
  EMail, and all tools/games/utility access. Alternate dial-in lines
  available for Unix users.
12/89  503-297-3211^  m2xenix     Portland            OR  3/12/24  24
  '386/20, Xenix 2.3.  Shell accounts available, NO BBS.  No fee.  E-mail,
  USENET News, program development.
  Contact: ...!uunet!m2xenix!news or on Fido at 297-9145
05/89  503-640-4262^  agora       PDX                 OR  3/12/24  24
  Intel Xenix-286, $2/mo or $20/yr, news, mail, games, programming
  two lines with trunk-hunt, 4380 supports MNP level 3.
  Contact: Alan Batie, tektronix!tessi!agora!batie
01/90  512-346-2339   bigtex      Austin              TX  96       24
  SysVr3.2 i386, anonymous shell, no fee, anonymous uucp ONLY,
  Telebit 9600/PEP; Mail links available.  Carries GNU software.
  anon uucp login: nuucp NO PASSWD, file list /usr3/index
  anon shell login: guest NO PASSWD, chroot'd to /usr3
  Contact: james@bigtex.cactus.org
07/89  512-832-8835   rpp386      Austin              TX  12/24    24
  386 SYSV, no shell, no bbs, anonymous uucp file transfer site only, no fee
  uucp and kermit server available, login uucp or kermit NO PASSWD
10/89  513-779-8209   cinnet      Cincinnati          OH  12/24/96  24
  80386, ISC 386/ix 2.02, Telebit access, 1 line; $7.50/Month; shell
  access, Usenet access; news feeds available;
  login: newact password: new user to register for shell access
01/90  517-487-3356   lunapark    E. Lansing          MI  12/24    24
  Compaq 386/20 SCO-UNIX 3.2, lunabbs bulletin board & conferencing
  system, no fee, login: bbs password: lunabbs.  Primarily UNIX software
  with focus on TeX and Postscript, also some ATARI-ST and IBM-PC stuff
  2400/1200 --> 8 N 1
  Contact: ...!{mailrus,uunet}!frith!lunapark!larry
12/88  518-346-8033   sixhub      upstate             NY  3/12/24  24
  PC Designs GV386.  hub machine of the upstate NY UNIX users group (*IX)
  two line reserved for incoming, bbs no fee, news & email fee $15/year
  Smorgasboard of BBS systems, UNaXcess and XBBS online,
  Citadel BBS now in production. Contact: davidsen@sixhub.uucp.
09/88  602-941-2005   xroads      Phoenix             AZ  12/24    24
  Motorola VME1121, UNIX 5.2, Crossroads BBS, Fee $30/yr + $.50/.25 (call)
  prime (evenings)/non-prime, USENET news, multi-chat, online games,
  movie reviews, adventure games, dos unix/xenix files for dload, multi lines
08/89  603-880-8120   ubbs-nh     Nashua              NH  3/12/24/96  24
  New England Unix Archive Site.  Multiple lines.  Services include E-Mail,
  full or partial news feeds.  XBBS access $25/year, User Accounts or News 
  Feeds available $60/year (1 hour/day) or $120/year (2 hours/day).
  Contact:  noel@ubbs-nh or {decvax}!ubbs-nh!noel or leave message on the
  bbs.  Voice:  603 595-2947
08/89  605-348-2738   loft386     Rapid City          SD  3/12/24/96  24
  80386 SYS V/386 Rel 3.2, Usenet mail/news via UUNET, UUNET archive access.
  NO BBS!  News feeds avaliable.  400 meg hd.  Fees: $10/month or $25/quarter.
  Call (605) 343-8760 and talk to Doug Ingraham to arrange an account or email
08/88  608-273-2657   madnix      Madison             WI  3/12/24  24
  286 SCO-XENIX, shell, no fee, USENET news, mail, login: newuser
  Contact: ray@madnix
08/89  612-473-2295   pnet51      Minneapolis         MN  3/12/24  24
  Equip ?, Xenix, multi-line, no fee, some Usenet news, email, multi-threaded
  conferencing, login: pnet id: new, PC Pursuitable
  UUCP: {rosevax, crash}!orbit!pnet51!admin
01/90  615-288-3957   medsys      Kingport            TN  12/24/96  24
  386  SCO-UNIX 3.2, XBBS, no fee, limit 90 min.
  Telebit PEP, USENET, login: bbs   password: bbs
  anon uucp --> medsys Any ACU (speed) 16152883957 ogin: nuucp  ssword: \r
  Contact: uunet!medsys!laverne (LaVerne E. Olney)
08/89  615-896-8716   raider      Murfreesboro        TN  12/24    24
  Tandy 4000 XENIX, XBBS, shell accounts, news and mail, newsfeeds
  available. Two line system; second dialup is 615-896-7905.
  Contact: root@raider.MFEE.TN.US (Bob Reineri); NO CHARGE.
01/90  616-457-1964   wybbs       Jenison             MI  3/12/24/96  24
  386 - SCO-XENIX 2.3.2, no fees, two lines, shell access, usenet news,
  150 meg storage, XBBS, Telebit access, interests: ham radio, xenix 
  AKA: Consultants Connection  Contact: danielw%wybbs@sharkey.cc.umich.edu
  Alternate phone #: 616-457-9909 (max 2400 baud)
01/90  617-739-9753   world       Brookline           MA  3/12/24/96  24
  Sun 4/280, SunOS 4.03;  Shell, USENET, E-Mail, UUCP and home of the
  Open Book Initiative (text project);  fees: $5/mo + $3/hr (8a-8p) and
  $2/hr (8p-8a);  Multiple lines: 2400 MNP used on listed number,
  Telebits used on others;  login as "new";  Contact: geb@world.std.com
01/90  619-259-7757   pnet12      Del Mar             CA  3/12/24/96  24
  Xenix, multi-line, no fee, full Usenet, email, multithreaded conferencing
  login: pnet   id: new
  Contact: ...!uunet!serene!pnet12!rfarris
07/88  619-444-7006^  pnet01      El Cajon            CA  3/12/24  24
  BSD Unix, 3 lines, login: pnet id: new, some USENET, email, conferencing 
  Home of P-Net software, mail to crash!bblue or pnet01!bblue for info.
  Contributions requested
  Unix accounts available for regulars, PC Pursuit access 2/88.
12/89  703-281-7997^  grebyn      Vienna              VA  3/12/24  24
  Vax/Ultrix.  $25/month.  GNU EMACS, USENET, PC/BLUE archives, Telebit used
  for uucp only, archives, Ada repository, comp.sources.(misc,unix,games)
  archives, net.sources archives, 3 C compilers, Ada compiler,  1.2GB disk,
  multiple lines
11/89  708-272-5912^  igloo       Northbrook          IL  12/24/96  24
  3B2-300;  accounts by invitation only, no limit/no fee;  full usenet;
  132megs HD;  2 lines rotary, 9600 telebit on 272-5917
  Contact: igloo!postmaster
11/89  708-301-2100^  jolnet      Joliet              IL  3/12/24  24
  3b2/400 - Unix, public access and contributions, No fee for postnews.
  5 lines  AKCS bbs.  Free Newsfeeds available.  ~450 MB online storage.
  Free Shell and Usenet access.  Telebit Trailblazer access (2104).
  Telenet access. 
01/90  708-318-7133   gagme       Niles               IL  12/24    24
  3B2/300 - System V 3.2.  E-mail, netnews, sources.  Donation
  requested but not required.
11/89  708-566-8911^  ddsw1       Mundelein           IL  3/12/24/96  24
  Televideo 386 -SCO XENIX 386, guest usr 1 hr daily, fee extends use
  AKCS bbs, fee $30/6 months $50/year, Authors of AKCS bbs
  multiple lines, 9600 bps available, anonymous uucp, ~/README for info
  Contact: Karl Denninger (...!ddsw1!karl) Voice: (312) 566-8910
11/89  708-833-8126^  vpnet       Villa Park          IL  12/24/96  24
  386 Clone - Interactive 386/ix R2.0 (3.2), no fee. Akcs linked bbs
  including several Usenet conf's. No charge for shells. Trailblazer. 
  Mail lisbon@vpnet.UUCP
07/89  713-438-5018   sugar       Houston             TX  3/12/24/96  24
  386/AT (2) networked - Bell Technologies V/386, usenet, news, downloads
  Homegrown BBS software, Trailblazer+ access, currently no charges
10/89  713-668-7176^  nuchat      Houston             TX  3/12/24/96  24
  i386;  USENET, Mail, Shell Access;  300M On-line;  Trailbazer Used;
  No fee.
12/88  714-635-2863   dhw68k      Anaheim             CA  12/24    24
  Unistride 2.1, no fee, also 714-385-1915, Trailblazer on both lines,
  USENET News, /bin/sh or /bin/csh available
05/89  714-662-7450   turnkey     Inglewood           CA  12/24    24
  286 - Xenix SYSV, XBBS
01/90  714-821-9671   alphacm     Cypress             CA  12/24/96  24
  386 - SCO-XENIX, no fee, Home of XBBS, 90 minute per login, 4 lines,
  Trailblazer pluses in use.
    uucp-anon:  ogin: nuucp  NO PASSWD
05/89  714-842-5851   conexch     Santa Ana           CA  3/12/24  24
  386 - SCO Xenix - Free Unix guest login and PC-DOS bbs login, one
  hour inital time limit, USENET news, shell access granted on request &
  $25/quarter donation.  Anon uucp: ogin: nuucp  NO PASSWD.  List of
  available Unix files resides in /usr3/public/FILES.
08/88  714-894-2246   stanton     Irvine              CA  3/12/24  24
  286 - SCO Xenix - donation requested, limit 240 min, XBBS, USENET news
  UNIX access granted on request through BBS, 20$/year, access includes
  C development system (XENIX/MSDOS), PROCALC 1-2-3 clone, FOXBASE+
  anon uucp: ogin: nuucp, no word, 2400/1200/300 MNP supported
12/89  719-632-4111   oldcolo     Colo Spgs           CO  12/24/96  24
  386 - SCO-XENIX  frontend,  2 CT  Miniframes  backend,  e-mail 
  conferencing,  databases,   Naplps Graphics, USENET news. 7 lines 
  8N1,  2400 on 2906,  USR  Dual  9600  on 2658.   Self registering   
  for  limited  free  access    (political,    policy, marketplace) 
  Subscriptions $10, 15, 18 mo for full use. Dave Hughes SYSOP.
12/89  800-344-8280   nycenet     New York            NY  3/12/24  24
  Generic '386, SCO-XENIX 2.3;  Runs Magpie BBS software;  16 lines;  No fee,
  Toll free call (no int'l access), 45 minute limit.
  contact: buzz@nycenet.nycboe.edu
01/90  801-269-0670^  i-core      Salt Lake City      UT  3/12/24/96  24
  286 SYS V, Unidel BBS and Newsreader; a.k.a. Bitsko's Bar & Grill BBS,
  no limit, no fee; UseNet and Citadel feeds available.  Home of Unidel
  room-based newsreader and UNIX Citadel network gateway; Telebit 19200
  Contact: ken@i-core.UUCP or uunet!iconsys!caeco!i-core!ken
01/90  802-865-3614   tnl         Burlington          VT  3/12/24  24
  80386 w/ SCO XENIX. No Fee.  2 hr session limit.  XBBS/USENET, shell.
  Login as 'new' for a shell account, no validation.  AKA: Northern Lights.
  Contact: norstar@tnl.UUCP or uunet!uvm-gen!tnl!norstar (Daniel Ray)
08/88  813-952-1981   usource     Sarasota            FL  12/24    -24
  386 - SCO-XENIX, fee depends on services provided, no fee for bbs. New users
  subscribe by logging in as 'help' or 'newuser' (no password).  Primary
  purpose is technical forum. 6pm-8am M-Th, 24 hrs weeekends (6pm Fri-8am Mon)
  uucp-anon: 1200/2400 bps --> ogin: auucp  word: gateway
  uucp-anon directory: /usr/spool/uucppublic; contact: frank@usource.UUCP
02/90  814-337-0348   sir-alan    Meadville           PA  3/12/24/96  24
  SCO XENIX 2.3; no fee; XBBS; USR DS on 337-0348(24/96/12), TB+ on
  337-3159(24/19.2/12); archive site for comp.sources.[games,misc,sun,unix,x],
  some alt.sources, XENIX(68K/286/386), files from UUNET(X11R3,TeX,etc.).
  uucp-anon: ogin: pdsrc NO PASSWD
  uucp-anon directory: /u/pdsrc, /u/pubdir, /u/uunet, help in /u/pubdir/HELP 
  Contact: sir-alan!mikes@uunet.uu.net  (814-337-5528 voice)
09/89  916-649-0161   sactoh0     Sacramento          CA  12/24/96  24
  3B2/310 SYSV.2, SAC_UNIX;  $2/month, limit 90 min, 2 lines, TB on line,
  2400/1200 baud on 916-722-6519;  USENET, E-Mail, Games;  login: new
  Contact: ..pacbell!sactoh0!sysop
089  919-493-7111^  wolves      Durham              NC  3/12/24  24
  AMS 386/25 - UNIX SysVr3.2, XBBS, no fee for bbs.  Rates for UNIX access
  and USENET are being determined.  Developing yet another UNIX bbs (ideas
  welcome!)  Single line, telebit coming soon.
  Contact: wolves!ggw or wolves!sysop  [...duke!dukcds!wolves!...]
NOTE:  ^ means the site is reachable using PC Pursuit.
This list is maintained by Phil Eschallier on lgnp1.  Any additions,
deletions, or corrections should be sent to one of the addresses below.
The nixpub listings are kept as current as possible.  However, you use this
data at your own risk and cost -- all standard disclaimers apply!!!
      Lists available from lgnp1 via anonomous uucp.
                            +1 215 348 9727 [Telebit access]
                     login: nuucp  NO PWD   [no rmail permitted]
                 this list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub
                short list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub.short
      or from news groups pubnet.nixpub, comp.misc or alt.bbs.
E-MAIL ...
  uucp: ..!uunet!lgnp1!{ phil | nixpub }
domain: { phil | nixpub }@LS.COM
   CIS: 71076,1576
  COMPAQ, IBM, PC Pursuit, [SCO] XENIX, UNIX, etc. are trademarks of the
  respective companies.

nixpub@lgnp1.LS.COM (NIXPUB Coordinator) (02/09/90)

                          nixpub short listing
     Open Access UNIX (*NIX) Sites [Fee / No Fee] for mapped sites only
                          [ February 8, 1990 ]

Systems listed (78)
Legend: fee/contribution ($), no fee (-$), hours (24), not (-24)
        shell (S), USENET news (N), email (M), multiple lines (T) 
        Telebit PEP speed on main number (+P), Telebit on other line[s] (P)
        Courier 9600 bps on main number (+H), Courier on other line[s] (H) 
        V.32 on main number (+V), V.32 on other line[s] (V) 
        anonymous uucp (A), archive site ONLY - see long form list (@)
        Dialable thru PC Pursuit (^)

Date   Telephone #    Sys-name   Location          Baud        Legend
-----  ------------   --------   -----------       -------     ---------
08/89  201-846-2460^  althea     New Brunswic  NJ  3/12/24     24 -$ M N S 
10/89  206-328-4944   polari     Seatle        WA  3/12        24 $ M N P S T
12/89  212-420-0527   magpie     NYC           NY  3/12/24/96  24 -$ A T P
12/89  212-675-7059   marob      NYC           NY  3/12/24/96  24 -$ A
05/89  212-879-9031^  dasys1     NYC           NY  12/24       24 $ S N M T
09/89  213-376-5714^  pnet02     Redondo Bch   CA  3/12/24     24 -$ M N T
09/89  213-397-3137^  stb        Santa Monica  CA  3/12/24     24 -$ S A
11/88  213-459-5891   amazing    Pac Palisade  CA  3/12/24     24 $ T
07/88  214-247-2367   ozdaltx    Dallas        TX  3/12/24     24 $ N T
11/89  214-741-2130   attctc     Dallas        TX  3/12/24     24 -$ N M S T A
01/90  215-348-9727   lgnp1      Doylestown    PA  3/12/24/96  24 $ A M N +P
01/90  216-582-2460   ncoast     Cleveland     OH  12/24/96    24 $ S N M P T
01/90  217-525-9019   pallas     Springfield   IL  3/12/24/96  24 $ H M S T V
01/90  219-289-0286   nstar      South Bend    IN  3/12/24/96  24 -$ H M N P S T
08/88  312-283-0559^  chinet     Chicago       IL  3/12/24     24 $ N T
10/89  312-338-0632^  point      Chicago       IL  3/12/24/96  24 -$ H N P S T
04/89  313-623-6309   nucleus    Clarkston     MI  12/24       24 $ S N M
11/88  313-994-6333   m-net      Ann Arbor     MI  3/12        24 $ T
08/89  313-996-4644^  anet       Ann Arbor     MI  3/12        24 $ T
08/89  314-474-4581   gensis     Columbia      MO  3/12/24/96  24 -$ M S 
10/89  404-321-5020^  jdyx       Atlanta       GA  12/24       24 $ M N +P S T
05/88  407-380-6228   rtmvax     Orlando       FL  3/12/24     24 -$ N M
09/89  408-245-7726^  uuwest     Sunnyvale     CA  3/12/24     24 -$ N
04/88  408-247-4810   sharks     Santa Clara   CA  3/12        24 $ S N M T
02/90  408-249-0290^  netcom     San Jose      CA  12/24/96    24 $ M N P S T
02/90  408-423-9995   cruzio     Santa Cruz    CA  12/24       24 $ M T
10/89  408-725-0561^  portal     Cupertino     CA  3/12/24     24 $ -S N M T
10/89  412-431-8649   eklektik   Pittsburgh    PA  3/12/24     24 $ S N M 
11/89  415-332-6106^  well       Sausalito     CA  12/24       24 $ M N S T
06/88  415-582-7691   cpro       Hayward       CA  12/24       24 -$ S
11/89  415-623-8652   jack       Fremont       CA  3/12/24     24 -$ M N T
07/89  415-753-5265^  wet        San Francisc  CA  3/12/24     24 $ M N S T
05/89  415-783-2543   esfenn     Hayward       CA  3/12/24     24 -$ M N S 
11/89  416-438-2855   contact    Toronto       ONT  3/12/24     24 -$ M N S T
11/89  416-452-0926   telly      Brampton      ON  12/24/96    +P 24 $ M N
12/88  416-461-2608   tmsoft     Toronto       ON  3/12/24/96  24 $ S M N
07/89  416-654-8854   ziebmef    Toronto       ON  3/12/24/96  24 +P M N S T
01/90  502-968-5401   disk       Louisville    KY  3/12        24 $ M N S T
12/88  503-254-0458   bucket     Portland      OR  3/12/24     24 -$ N M S T
12/89  503-297-3211^  m2xenix    Portland      OR  3/12/24     24 -$ M N S 
05/89  503-640-4262^  agora      PDX           OR  3/12/24     24 $ M N S T
01/90  512-346-2339   bigtex     Austin        TX  96          24 -$ +P A
07/89  512-832-8835   rpp386     Austin        TX  12/24       24 @ -$ A T
10/89  513-779-8209   cinnet     Cincinnati    OH  12/24/96    24 $ M N +P S 
01/90  517-487-3356   lunapark   E. Lansing    MI  12/24       24 -$
12/88  518-346-8033   sixhub     upstate       NY  3/12/24     24 $ N M S T
09/88  602-941-2005   xroads     Phoenix       AZ  3/12/24     24 $ N T
08/89  603-880-8120   ubbs-nh    Nashua        NH  3/12/24/96  24 -$ M N +P S T
08/89  605-348-2738   loft386    Rapid City    SD  3/12/24/96  24 $ M N +P S 
08/88  608-273-2657   madnix     Madison       WI  3/12/24     24 -$ S N M
08/89  612-473-2295   pnet51     Minneapolis   MN  3/12/24     24 -$ N M T
01/90  615-288-3957   medsys     Kinkport      TN  12/24/96    24 -$ A N +P
08/89  615-896-8716   raider     Murfreesboro  TN  12/24       24 -$ S N M T
01/90  616-457-1964   wybbs      Jenison       MI  3/12/24/96  24 -$ +P M N S T
01/90  617-739-9753   world      Brookline     MA  3/12/24/96  24 $ M N P S T
01/90  619-259-7757   pnet12     Del Mar       CA  3/12/24/96  24 -$ M N P T
07/88  619-444-7006^  pnet01     El Cajon      CA  3/12/24     24 $ N M S T
12/89  703-281-7997^  grebyn     Vienna        VA  3/12/24     24 $ N M T
11/89  708-272-5912^  igloo      Northbrook    IL  12/24/96    24 -$ S N T P
11/89  708-301-2100^  jolnet     Joliet        IL  3/12/24     24 -$ P M N S T
01/90  708-318-7133   gagme      Niles         IL  12/24       24 $ M N S
08/88  312-566-8911^  ddsw1      Mundelein     IL  3/12/24/96  24 $ A S N M P T
11/89  708-833-8126^  vpnet      Villa Park    IL  12/24/96    24 -$ +P M N S 
07/89  713-438-5018   sugar      Houston       TX  3/12/24/96  24 -$ N +P
10/89  713-668-7176^  nuchat     Houston       TX  3/12/24/96  24 -$ M N +P S
12/88  714-635-2863   dhw68k     Anaheim       CA  12/24       24 -$ T
05/89  714-662-7450   turnkey    Inglewood     CA  12/24       24 -$
01/90  714-821-9671   alphacm    Cypress       CA  12/24/96    24 -$ A +P T
05/89  714-842-5851   conexch    Santa Ana     CA  3/12/24     24 $ A M N S
08/88  714-894-2246   stanton    Irvine        CA  3/12/24     24 $ S N
12/89  719-632-4111   oldcolo    Colo Spgs     CO  12/24/96    24 $ H M N T
12/89  800-344-8280   nycenet    New York      NY  3/12/24     24 -$ T
01/90  801-269-0670^  i-core     Salt Lake Ci  UT  3/12/24/96  +P 24 -$ A N
01/90  802-865-3614   tnl        Burlington    VT  3/12/24     24 -$ S N M
08/88  813-952-1981   usource    Sarasota      FL  12/24       -24 -$ A
02/90  814-337-0348   sir-alan   Meadville     PA  3/12/24/96  24 -$ A+HMPTV
09/89  916-649-0161   sactoh0    Sacramento    CA  12/24/96    24 $ M N +P S T
08/89  919-493-7111^  wolves     Durham        NC  3/12/24     24 $ M N S 
NOTE:  ^ means the site is reachable using PC Pursuit.
This list is maintained by Phil Eschallier on lgnp1.  Any additions,
deletions, or corrections should be sent to one of the addresses below.
The nixpub listings are kept as current as possible.  However, you use this
data at your own risk and cost -- all standard disclaimers apply!!!
      Lists available from lgnp1 via anonomous uucp.
                            +1 215 348 9727 [Telebit access]
                     login: nuucp  NO PWD   [no rmail permitted]
                 this list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub.short
                 long list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub
      or from news groups pubnet.nixpub, comp.misc or alt.bbs
E-MAIL ...
  uucp: ..!uunet!lgnp1!{ phil | nixpub }
domain: { phil | nixpub }@LS.COM
  COMPAQ, IBM, PC Pursuit, [SCO] XENIX, UNIX, etc. are trademarks of the
  respective companies.

nixpub@lgnp1.LS.COM (NIXPUB Coordinator) (03/18/90)

                          nixpub long listing
     Open Access UNIX (*NIX) Sites [Fee / No Fee] for mapped sites only
                           [ March 18, 1990 ]

Systems listed (74):
 [   agora     alphacm   althea    amazing   anet      bigtex    bucket    ]
 [   chinet    cinnet    compnect  conexch   contact   cpro      cruzio    ]
 [   dasys1    ddsw1     dhw68k    disk      eklektik  esfenn    gagme     ]
 [   gensis    grebyn    i-core    igloo     jack      jdyx      lgnp1     ]
 [   loft386   lunapark  m-net     m2xenix   madnix    magpie    marob     ]
 [   medsys    ncoast    netcom    nstar     nuchat    nucleas   oldcolo   ]
 [   ozdaltx   pallas    pnet01    pnet02    pnet12    pnet51    point     ]
 [   polari    portal    raider    rtmvax    sactoh    sir-alan  sixhub    ]
 [   stanton   stb       sugar     telly     tmsoft    tnl       turnkey   ]
 [   usource   uuwest    vpnet     well      wet       wolves    world     ]
 [   wybbs     xroads    ziebmef   zorch                                   ]

Date   Telephone #    Sys-name    Location                Baud        Hours
-----  ------------   --------    -----------             -------     -----

08/89  201-846-2460^  althea      New Brunswick       NJ  3/12/24  24
  AT&T 3B2/310 - Unix SVR3.1, no fee.  USENET, email, C development,
  games.  Single line.
  Contact: rjd@althea.UUCP (Robert Diamond)
02/90  206-328-4944   polari      Seatlle             WA  3/12     24
  Equip ???;  8-lines, Trailblazer on 206-328-1468;  $30/year (flat rate);
  Multi-user games, chat, full USENET.
  Contact: uunet!microsoft!happym!polari!bruceki
12/89  212-420-0527   magpie      NYC                 NY  3/12/24/96  24
  ? - UNIX SYSV - 2, Magpie BBS, no fee, Authors: Magpie/UNIX,/MSDOS
  two lines plus anonymous uucp: 212-677-9487 (9600 bps Telebit modem)
  NOTE: 9487 reserved for registered Magpie sysops & anon uucp
  Contact: Steve Manes, {rutgers|cmcl2|uunet}!hombre!magpie!manes	
03/90  212-447-1522^  dasys1      NYC                 NY  3/12/24   24
  Unistride - SYS V, multiple lines, fee $5/mo  AKA Big Electric Cat
  USENET, games, multi-user chat, email, login: new, passwd: new
  Contact: ...!rutgers!cmcl2!rsweeney or rsweeney@dasys1.UUCP
02/90  212-675-7059   marob       NYC                 NY  3/12/24/96  24
  386 SCO-XENIX 2.2, XBBS, no fee, limit 60 min.
  Telebit Trailblazer (9600 PEP) only 212-675-8438
  Contact:  {philabs|rutgers|cmcl2}!{phri|hombre}!marob!clifford
09/89  213-376-5714^  pnet02      Redondo Bch         CA  3/12/24  24
  XENIX (also 213-374-7404) no fee, 90 min limit, login: pnet id: new
  some USENET, net-work e-mail, multi-threaded conferencing
09/89  213-397-3137^  stb         Santa Monica        CA  3/12/24  24
  AT&T 3b1;  BBS and shell access;  uucp-anon: ogin: uucp NO PASSWD
  3 line on rotory -3137 2400 baud.
03/88  213-459-5891   amazing     Pacific Palisades   CA  3/12/24  24
  AMT 286 - Microport  David's Amazing BBS  Fee $7.50/month;$35/6;$60/year
  5 lines on rotary; Unique original software with conferencing, electronic
  bar, matchmaking, no file up/downloading
07/88  214-247-2367   ozdaltx     Dallas              TX  3/12/24  24
  INTEC/SCO XENIX 2.2.1, OZ BBS, Membership only adult BBS, fee $40
  year. Multiple lines.  Closed system, carries limited USENET
  newsgroups. Login: guest (no PW).  Voice verification on all new users.
01/90  215-348-9727   lgnp1       Doylestown          PA  3/12/24/96  24
  '386 mutt w/ SCO-XENIX -- Telebit on dial in line.  UUCP access only ...
  Public access to the nixpub lists using anon-uucp [see footer of this list].
  Fee services include feeds/routing for E-mail and USENET News, plus access
  to *NIX specific PD source code library.  Contact: phil@ls.com.
01/90  216-582-2460   ncoast      Cleveland           OH  12/24/96  24
  80386 Mylex, SCO Xenix;  600 meg. storage;  XBBS and Shell;  USENET
  (newsfeeds available), E-Mail; donations requested; login as "bbs"
  for BBS and "makeuser" for new users.
  Telebit used on 216-237-5486.
01/90  217-525-9019   pallas      Springfield         IL  3/12/24/96  24
  AT&T 6386, 380 meg disk space;  4 lines w/ USRobotics Dual Standard modems;
  BBS available at no fee (UBBS), shell access for $50/year;  "guest" login
03/90  219-289-0286   nstar       Notre Dame/South Bend  IN  24/96    24
  01/90  219-289-0286   nstar       Notre Dame/South Bend   IN  24/96  24
  386/25, Unix System V 3.2; 4 high speed lines all locked at 19.2 kbps, 
  Hayes V-Series V.42 lead number listed,  Trailblazer on 289-3745, USR 
  HST 14.4 carrier on 287-9020; full Usenet, threaded conferencing, Waffle,
  downloads, mail, currently no fees, registration required and verified, 
  NO GAMES, feeds available; contact root@nstar
09/90  312-283-0559^  chinet      Chicago             IL  3/12/24/96  24
  '386, SysVr3.2.1;  Multiple lines including Telebit and HST;
  Picospan BBS (free), USENET at $50/year (available to guests on
10/89  312-338-0632^  point       Chicago             IL  3/12/24/96  24
  North Shore / Rogers Park area of Chicago.  386 - ISC 2.01 (SysV3.2),
  multiple lines, Telebit PEP on 338-3261, USRobotics HST on 338-1036,
  AKCS bbs, some usenet conferences available.  200+ MB online storage.
  Downloads, full usenet & shell access in the works.
03/90  313-623-6309   nucleus     Clarkston           MI  12/24    24
  AMI 386 - ESIX 5.3.2, no fee. Shell access, full usenet access, online games,
  AKCS conferencing system, large online sources archive and extensive tape
  library of public domain source code.  Contact: jeff@nucleus.mi.org
02/88  313-994-6333   m-net       Ann Arbor           MI  3/12     24
  Altos 68020 - SYS III, limits unstated, fee for extended service
  Picospan conference system, multiple lines, 160 meg, packet radio
08/89  313-996-4644^  anet        Ann Arbor           MI  3/12     24
  Altos 68000 - Sys III, no limits, 1st month free, fees range up to $20/
  month (negotiable), accepts equipment/software in lieu of fees, Picospan
  conferencing, 120M, non-profit, user-supported, community-based, ideal
  autodidact educational system.  Tax-deductible donations okay.
08/89  314-474-4581   gensis      Columbia            MO  3/12/24/48/96  24
  Gateway 386 system w/ SCO Xenix V/386, DataFlex, Oracle, CHARM, & VP/ix.
  No fee.  Online gaming, game design, and (oddly enough) data base design
  are the main focus.  Modem is Microcom MNP 6.
10/89  404-321-5020^  jdyx        Atlanta             GA  12/24/96  24
  386/ix 2.0.2.  XBBS. Usenet (alt, gnu, most comp and a few others) and 
  shell access.  Second line (2400 below) (404) 325-1719.  200+ meg current
  Usenet and GNU sources.  Specializing in graphics and ray-tracing under 
  386/ix (with/with out X11).  Yearly fee for shell and/or downloads.  
  Telebit access.  Contact: ...gatech!emory!jdyx!tpf (Tom Friedel)
05/88  407-380-6228   rtmvax      Orlando             FL  3/12/24  24
  mVAX-I - Ultrix-32 V1.2  USENET & UUCP Email Gateway. XBBS front end for
  new user subscribing. No Fees. Primary function is Technical exchange.
  Contact: { cbosgd!codas, hoptoad!peora }!rtmvax!rob 
09/89  408-245-7726^  uuwest      Sunnyvale           CA  3/12/24  24
  SCO-XENIX, Waffle. No fee, USENET news (news.*, music, comics, telecom, etc)
  The Dark Side of the Moon BBS. This system has been in operation since 1985.
  Login: new Contact: (UUCP) ames!uuwest!request (Domain) request@darkside.com
02/90  408-249-0290^  netcom      San Jose            CA  12/24/96  24
  UNIX Sysv r3.2 (486)  - USENET (21 days), UUNET Sources, News Feeds, Shell 
  Access (Bourne, Korn, C),  UUCP support, E-Mail, Compilers. Fee $10.00/mo +
  one time Registration of $10.00.  Login as guest (no password).
  Telebit on (408) 249-0576.
02/90  408-423-9995   cruzio      Santa Cruz          CA  12/24    24
  Tandy 4000, Xenix 2.3.*, Caucus 3.*;  focus on Santa Cruz activity
  (ie directory of community and goverment organizations, events, ...);
  USENET Support;  Multiple lines;  no shell; fee: $15/quarter.
  Contact: ...!uunet!cruzio!chris
10/89  408-725-0561^  portal      Cupertino           CA  3/12/24  24
  Networked Suns (SunOS), multiple lines, Telenet access, no shell access
  fees: $10/month + Telenet charges (if used) @ various rates/times
  conferencing, multi user chats, usenet 
02/90  408-996-7358^  zorch       Cupertino           CA  12/24    24
  Wicat 200 - Unix SVR2; 4 lines, 1200 only on 7361, 7378, 7386; $10/month,
  $100/year, flat rate, no time limit.  Email, USENET, games, utilities,
  online man pages, Bourne, C, Korn shells.  400M online, 80M source archive.
  Registration required, verified; login as newuser, password public.
  Contact: scott@zorch.SF-Bay.ORG or (ames|pyramid|vsi1)!zorch!scott
10/89  412-431-8649   eklektik    Pittsburgh          PA  3/12/24  24
  UNIX PC- SYSV - UNaXcess BBS, new system - donation requested for shell,
  login: bbs for BBS, uucp-mail, limited Usenet news feeds.  Gaming SIGS.
  Contact:  ...!gatech!emoryu1!eklektik!anthony
11/89  415-332-6106^  well        Sausalito           CA  12/24    24
  6-processor Sequent Balance (32032); UUCP and USENET access; multiple
  lines; access via CPN; PICOSPAN BBS; $3/hour.  Contact (415) 332-4335
06/88  415-582-7691   cpro        Hayward             CA  12/24    24
  Microport SYSV 2, UNaXcess bbs, no fee, 60 min limit, shell access
11/89  415-623-8642   jack        Fremont             CA  3/12/24  24
  3b2/522.  2 BBS's.  E-mail, USENET News, and NFS links to 2 3b1's.  No
  fee.  5 lines on rotary.  Contact: steve@jack.SNS.COM5 lines on rotary.
07/89  415-753-5265^  wet         San Francisco       CA  3/12/24  24
  386 SYS V.3.  Wetware Diversions.  $15 registration, $0.01/minute.
  Public Access UNIX System:  uucp, PicoSpan bbs, full Usenet News,
  multiple lines, shell access.  Newusers get initial credit!
  contact:{ucsfcca|claris|hoptoad}!wet!cc (Christopher Cilley)
05/89  415-783-2543   esfenn      Hayward             CA  3/12/24  24
  System ????; USENET news; E-mail; No charges; Contact esfenn!william.
11/89  416-438-2855   contact     Toronto             ONT  3/12/24  24
  386 clone - Xenix 2.3.1, fee optional. USENET, email, multi-user chat,
  Contact: eisen@contact.UUCP martin loeffler
11/89  416-452-0926   telly       Brampton            ON  12/24/96  24
  386 SysVr3.2; proprietary menu-based BBS includes Usenet site searching.
  News (all groups, incl biz, pubnet, gnu, CanConfMail), mail (including
  to/from Internet, Bitnet), many archives. Feeds available. $75(Cdn)/year.
  Contact: Evan Leibovitch, evan@telly.on.ca, uunet!attcan!telly!evan
12/88  416-461-2608   tmsoft      Toronto             ON  3/12/24/96  24
  NS32016, Sys5r2, shell; news+mail $30/mo, general-timesharing $60/mo
  All newsgroups.  Willing to setup mail/news connections.
  Contact: Dave Mason <mason@tmsoft> / Login: newuser
07/89  416-654-8854   ziebmef     Toronto             ON  3/12/24/96  24
  AT&T 3B1, Sys V, shell, news, mail, no fee (donations accepted)
  Carries most newsgroups (willing to add extra ones on request)
  Telebit access, willing to give mail feeds
  Contact: Chris Siebenmann, {utzoo!telly,ncrcan}!ziebmef!cks
01/90  502-968-5401   disk        Louisville          KY  3/12     24
  386 clone, Interactive System V 3.2, 600 meg.  6 lines 5401 thru 5406.
  Carrying most USENET groups, Shell access, multi-user games(including Realm)
  multi-user chat, downloads, and more.  Rate info available via a free trial
  account. Also offering news/mail feeds to the local area. Now reachable
  via Starlink!
12/88  503-254-0458   bucket      Portland            OR  3/12/24  24
  Tektronix 6130, UTek 2.3(4.2BSD-derived).  Bit Bucket BBS publically
  available; login as 'bbs'.  BBS is message only.  Users intereseted in
  access to Unix should contact SYSOP via the BBS or send EMail to
  ..tektronix!tessi!bucket!rickb.  Unix services include USENET News,
  EMail, and all tools/games/utility access. Alternate dial-in lines
  available for Unix users.
12/89  503-297-3211^  m2xenix     Portland            OR  3/12/24  24
  '386/20, Xenix 2.3.  Shell accounts available, NO BBS.  No fee.  E-mail,
  USENET News, program development.
  Contact: ...!uunet!m2xenix!news or on Fido at 297-9145
05/89  503-640-4262^  agora       PDX                 OR  3/12/24  24
  Intel Xenix-286, $2/mo or $20/yr, news, mail, games, programming
  two lines with trunk-hunt, 4380 supports MNP level 3.
  Contact: Alan Batie, tektronix!tessi!agora!batie
01/90  512-346-2339   bigtex      Austin              TX  96       24
  SysVr3.2 i386, anonymous shell, no fee, anonymous uucp ONLY,
  Telebit 9600/PEP; Mail links available.  Carries GNU software.
  anon uucp login: nuucp NO PASSWD, file list /usr3/index
  anon shell login: guest NO PASSWD, chroot'd to /usr3
  Contact: james@bigtex.cactus.org
10/89  513-779-8209   cinnet      Cincinnati          OH  12/24/96  24
  80386, ISC 386/ix 2.02, Telebit access, 1 line; $7.50/Month; shell
  access, Usenet access; news feeds available;
  login: newact password: new user to register for shell access
01/90  517-487-3356   lunapark    E. Lansing          MI  12/24    24
  Compaq 386/20 SCO-UNIX 3.2, lunabbs bulletin board & conferencing
  system, no fee, login: bbs password: lunabbs.  Primarily UNIX software
  with focus on TeX and Postscript, also some ATARI-ST and IBM-PC stuff
  2400/1200 --> 8 N 1
  Contact: ...!{mailrus,uunet}!frith!lunapark!larry
12/88  518-346-8033   sixhub      upstate             NY  3/12/24  24
  PC Designs GV386.  hub machine of the upstate NY UNIX users group (*IX)
  two line reserved for incoming, bbs no fee, news & email fee $15/year
  Smorgasboard of BBS systems, UNaXcess and XBBS online,
  Citadel BBS now in production. Contact: davidsen@sixhub.uucp.
09/88  602-941-2005   xroads      Phoenix             AZ  12/24    24
  Motorola VME1121, UNIX 5.2, Crossroads BBS, Fee $30/yr + $.50/.25 (call)
  prime (evenings)/non-prime, USENET news, multi-chat, online games,
  movie reviews, adventure games, dos unix/xenix files for dload, multi lines
08/89  605-348-2738   loft386     Rapid City          SD  3/12/24/96  24
  80386 SYS V/386 Rel 3.2, Usenet mail/news via UUNET, UUNET archive access.
  NO BBS!  News feeds avaliable.  400 meg hd.  Fees: $10/month or $25/quarter.
  Call (605) 343-8760 and talk to Doug Ingraham to arrange an account or email
08/88  608-273-2657   madnix      Madison             WI  3/12/24  24
  286 SCO-XENIX, shell, no fee, USENET news, mail, login: newuser
  Contact: ray@madnix
08/89  612-473-2295   pnet51      Minneapolis         MN  3/12/24  24
  Equip ?, Xenix, multi-line, no fee, some Usenet news, email, multi-threaded
  conferencing, login: pnet id: new, PC Pursuitable
  UUCP: {rosevax, crash}!orbit!pnet51!admin
01/90  615-288-3957   medsys      Kingport            TN  12/24/96  24
  386  SCO-UNIX 3.2, XBBS, no fee, limit 90 min.
  Telebit PEP, USENET, login: bbs   password: bbs
  anon uucp --> medsys Any ACU (speed) 16152883957 ogin: nuucp  ssword: \r
  Contact: uunet!medsys!laverne (LaVerne E. Olney)
03/90  615-896-8716   raider      Murfreesboro        TN  12/24    24
  WAFFLE BBS, no charge, shell accounts $40/yr,$25/6,$15/3. News and
  mail links free of charge; just one hop from uunet. Limited archives.
  19.2kb coming soon. Contact: root@raider.MFEE.TN.US (Bob Reineri)
02/90  616-457-1964   wybbs       Jenison             MI  3/12/24/96  24
  386 - SCO-XENIX 2.3.2, no fees, two lines, shell access, usenet news,
  150 meg storage, XBBS, Telebit access, interests: ham radio, xenix 
  AKA: Consultants Connection  Contact: danielw%wybbs@sharkey.cc.umich.edu
  Alternate phone #: 616-457-9909 (max 2400 baud)
01/90  617-739-9753   world       Brookline           MA  3/12/24/96  24
  Sun 4/280, SunOS 4.03;  Shell, USENET, E-Mail, UUCP and home of the
  Open Book Initiative (text project);  fees: $5/mo + $3/hr (8a-8p) and
  $2/hr (8p-8a);  Multiple lines: 2400 MNP used on listed number,
  Telebits used on others;  login as "new";  Contact: geb@world.std.com
01/90  619-259-7757   pnet12      Del Mar             CA  3/12/24/96  24
  Xenix, multi-line, no fee, full Usenet, email, multithreaded conferencing
  login: pnet   id: new
  Contact: ...!uunet!serene!pnet12!rfarris
07/88  619-444-7006^  pnet01      El Cajon            CA  3/12/24  24
  BSD Unix, 3 lines, login: pnet id: new, some USENET, email, conferencing 
  Home of P-Net software, mail to crash!bblue or pnet01!bblue for info.
  Contributions requested
  Unix accounts available for regulars, PC Pursuit access 2/88.
12/89  703-281-7997^  grebyn      Vienna              VA  3/12/24  24
  Vax/Ultrix.  $25/month.  GNU EMACS, USENET, PC/BLUE archives, Telebit used
  for uucp only, archives, Ada repository, comp.sources.(misc,unix,games)
  archives, net.sources archives, 3 C compilers, Ada compiler,  1.2GB disk,
  multiple lines
11/89  708-272-5912^  igloo       Northbrook          IL  12/24/96  24
  3B2-300;  accounts by invitation only, no limit/no fee;  full usenet;
  132megs HD;  2 lines rotary, 9600 telebit on 272-5917
  Contact: igloo!postmaster
01/90  708-318-7133   gagme       Niles               IL  12/24    24
  3B2/300 - System V 3.2.  E-mail, netnews, sources.  Donation
  requested but not required.
11/89  708-566-8911^  ddsw1       Mundelein           IL  3/12/24/96  24
  Televideo 386 -SCO XENIX 386, guest usr 1 hr daily, fee extends use
  AKCS bbs, fee $30/6 months $50/year, Authors of AKCS bbs
  multiple lines, 9600 bps available, anonymous uucp, ~/README for info
  Contact: Karl Denninger (...!ddsw1!karl) Voice: (312) 566-8910
11/89  708-833-8126^  vpnet       Villa Park          IL  12/24/96  24
  386 Clone - Interactive 386/ix R2.0 (3.2), no fee. Akcs linked bbs
  including several Usenet conf's. No charge for shells. Trailblazer. 
  Mail lisbon@vpnet.UUCP
07/89  713-438-5018   sugar       Houston             TX  3/12/24/96  24
  386/AT (2) networked - Bell Technologies V/386, usenet, news, downloads
  Homegrown BBS software, Trailblazer+ access, currently no charges
10/89  713-668-7176^  nuchat      Houston             TX  3/12/24/96  24
  i386;  USENET, Mail, Shell Access;  300M On-line;  Trailbazer Used;
  No fee.
12/88  714-635-2863   dhw68k      Anaheim             CA  12/24    24
  Unistride 2.1, no fee, also 714-385-1915, Trailblazer on both lines,
  USENET News, /bin/sh or /bin/csh available
05/89  714-662-7450   turnkey     Inglewood           CA  12/24    24
  286 - Xenix SYSV, XBBS
01/90  714-821-9671   alphacm     Cypress             CA  12/24/96  24
  386 - SCO-XENIX, no fee, Home of XBBS, 90 minute per login, 4 lines,
  Trailblazer pluses in use.
    uucp-anon:  ogin: nuucp  NO PASSWD
05/89  714-842-5851   conexch     Santa Ana           CA  3/12/24  24
  386 - SCO Xenix - Free Unix guest login and PC-DOS bbs login, one
  hour inital time limit, USENET news, shell access granted on request &
  $25/quarter donation.  Anon uucp: ogin: nuucp  NO PASSWD.  List of
  available Unix files resides in /usr3/public/FILES.
08/88  714-894-2246   stanton     Irvine              CA  3/12/24  24
  286 - SCO Xenix - donation requested, limit 240 min, XBBS, USENET news
  UNIX access granted on request through BBS, 20$/year, access includes
  C development system (XENIX/MSDOS), PROCALC 1-2-3 clone, FOXBASE+
  anon uucp: ogin: nuucp, no word, 2400/1200/300 MNP supported
03/90  717-657-4997   compnect    Harrisburg          PA  3/12/24  24
  Equip ???;  The Data Factory BBS;  Multiple line, 1200 baud on 675-4992;
  No fee, restricted access to adult areas, some USENET, no shell;
  Contact: ...!uunet!wa3wbu!compnect!dave.
12/89  719-632-4111   oldcolo     Colo Spgs           CO  12/24/96  24
  386 - SCO-XENIX  frontend,  2 CT  Miniframes  backend,  e-mail 
  conferencing,  databases,   Naplps Graphics, USENET news. 7 lines 
  8N1,  2400 on 2906,  USR  Dual  9600  on 2658.   Self registering   
  for  limited  free  access    (political,    policy, marketplace) 
  Subscriptions $10, 15, 18 mo for full use. Dave Hughes SYSOP.
01/90  801-269-0670^  i-core      Salt Lake City      UT  3/12/24/96  24
  286 SYS V, Unidel BBS and Newsreader; a.k.a. Bitsko's Bar & Grill BBS,
  no limit, no fee; UseNet and Citadel feeds available.  Home of Unidel
  room-based newsreader and UNIX Citadel network gateway; Telebit 19200
  Contact: ken@i-core.UUCP or uunet!iconsys!caeco!i-core!ken
01/90  802-865-3614   tnl         Burlington          VT  3/12/24  24
  80386 w/ SCO XENIX. No Fee.  2 hr session limit.  XBBS/USENET, shell.
  Login as 'new' for a shell account, no validation.  AKA: Northern Lights.
  Contact: norstar@tnl.UUCP or uunet!uvm-gen!tnl!norstar (Daniel Ray)
08/88  813-952-1981   usource     Sarasota            FL  12/24    -24
  386 - SCO-XENIX, fee depends on services provided, no fee for bbs. New users
  subscribe by logging in as 'help' or 'newuser' (no password).  Primary
  purpose is technical forum. 6pm-8am M-Th, 24 hrs weeekends (6pm Fri-8am Mon)
  uucp-anon: 1200/2400 bps --> ogin: auucp  word: gateway
  uucp-anon directory: /usr/spool/uucppublic; contact: frank@usource.UUCP
02/90  814-337-0348   sir-alan    Meadville           PA  3/12/24/96  24
  SCO XENIX 2.3; no fee; XBBS; USR DS on 337-0348(24/96/12), TB+ on
  337-3159(24/19.2/12); archive site for comp.sources.[games,misc,sun,unix,x],
  some alt.sources, XENIX(68K/286/386), files from UUNET(X11R3,TeX,etc.).
  uucp-anon: ogin: pdsrc NO PASSWD
  uucp-anon directory: /u/pdsrc, /u/pubdir, /u/uunet, help in /u/pubdir/HELP 
  Contact: sir-alan!mikes@uunet.uu.net  (814-337-5528 voice)
09/89  916-649-0161   sactoh0     Sacramento          CA  12/24/96  24
  3B2/310 SYSV.2, SAC_UNIX;  $2/month, limit 90 min, 2 lines, TB on line,
  2400/1200 baud on 916-722-6519;  USENET, E-Mail, Games;  login: new
  Contact: ..pacbell!sactoh0!sysop
089  919-493-7111^  wolves      Durham              NC  3/12/24  24
  AMS 386/25 - UNIX SysVr3.2, XBBS, no fee for bbs.  Rates for UNIX access
  and USENET are being determined.  Developing yet another UNIX bbs (ideas
  welcome!)  Single line, telebit coming soon.
  Contact: wolves!ggw or wolves!sysop  [...duke!dukcds!wolves!...]
NOTE:  ^ means the site is reachable using PC Pursuit.
This list is maintained by Phil Eschallier on lgnp1.  Any additions,
deletions, or corrections should be sent to one of the addresses below.
The nixpub listings are kept as current as possible.  However, you use this
data at your own risk and cost -- all standard disclaimers apply!!!
      Lists available from lgnp1 via anonomous uucp.
                            +1 215 348 9727 [Telebit access]
                     login: nuucp  NO PWD   [no rmail permitted]
                 this list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub
                short list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub.short
      or from news groups pubnet.nixpub, comp.misc or alt.bbs.
E-MAIL ...
  uucp: ..!uunet!lgnp1!{ phil | nixpub }
domain: { phil | nixpub }@LS.COM
   CIS: 71076,1576
  COMPAQ, IBM, PC Pursuit, [SCO] XENIX, UNIX, etc. are trademarks of the
  respective companies.

nixpub@lgnp1.LS.COM (NIXPUB Coordinator) (03/18/90)

                          nixpub short listing
     Open Access UNIX (*NIX) Sites [Fee / No Fee] for mapped sites only
                           [ March 18, 1990 ]

Systems listed (74)
Legend: fee/contribution ($), no fee (-$), hours (24), not (-24)
        shell (S), USENET news (N), email (M), multiple lines (T) 
        Telebit PEP speed on main number (+P), Telebit on other line[s] (P)
        Courier 9600 bps on main number (+H), Courier on other line[s] (H) 
        V.32 on main number (+V), V.32 on other line[s] (V) 
        anonymous uucp (A), archive site ONLY - see long form list (@)
        Dialable thru PC Pursuit (^)

Date   Telephone #    Sys-name   Location          Baud        Legend
-----  ------------   --------   -----------       -------     ---------
08/89  201-846-2460^  althea     New Brunswic  NJ  3/12/24     24 -$ M N S 
02/90  206-328-4944   polari     Seattle       WA  3/12        24 $ M N P S T
12/89  212-420-0527   magpie     NYC           NY  3/12/24/96  24 -$ A T P
03/90  212-447-1522^  dasys1     NYC           NY  3/12/24     24 $ S N M T
02/90  212-675-7059   marob      NYC           NY  3/12/24/96  24 -$ A P T
09/89  213-376-5714^  pnet02     Redondo Bch   CA  3/12/24     24 -$ M N T
09/89  213-397-3137^  stb        Santa Monica  CA  3/12/24     24 -$ S A
11/88  213-459-5891   amazing    Pac Palisade  CA  3/12/24     24 $ T
07/88  214-247-2367   ozdaltx    Dallas        TX  3/12/24     24 $ N T
01/90  215-348-9727   lgnp1      Doylestown    PA  3/12/24/96  24 $ A M N +P
01/90  216-582-2460   ncoast     Cleveland     OH  12/24/96    24 $ S N M P T
01/90  217-525-9019   pallas     Springfield   IL  3/12/24/96  24 $ H M S T V
03/90  219-289-0286   nstar      Notre Dame/S  IN  24/96       24 -$ H M N P S T
09/90  312-283-0559^  chinet     Chicago       IL  3/12/24/96  24 $ H N P T
10/89  312-338-0632^  point      Chicago       IL  3/12/24/96  24 -$ H N P S T
03/90  313-623-6309   nucleus    Clarkston     MI  12/24       24 -$ M N S
11/88  313-994-6333   m-net      Ann Arbor     MI  3/12        24 $ T
08/89  313-996-4644^  anet       Ann Arbor     MI  3/12        24 $ T
08/89  314-474-4581   gensis     Columbia      MO  3/12/24/96  24 -$ M S 
10/89  404-321-5020^  jdyx       Atlanta       GA  12/24       24 $ M N +P S T
05/88  407-380-6228   rtmvax     Orlando       FL  3/12/24     24 -$ N M
09/89  408-245-7726^  uuwest     Sunnyvale     CA  3/12/24     24 -$ N
02/90  408-249-0290^  netcom     San Jose      CA  12/24/96    24 $ M N P S T
02/90  408-423-9995   cruzio     Santa Cruz    CA  12/24       24 $ M T
10/89  408-725-0561^  portal     Cupertino     CA  3/12/24     24 $ -S N M T
02/90  408-996-7358^  zorch      Cupertino     CA  12/24       24 $ M N T
10/89  412-431-8649   eklektik   Pittsburgh    PA  3/12/24     24 $ S N M 
11/89  415-332-6106^  well       Sausalito     CA  12/24       24 $ M N S T
06/88  415-582-7691   cpro       Hayward       CA  12/24       24 -$ S
11/89  415-623-8652   jack       Fremont       CA  3/12/24     24 -$ M N T
07/89  415-753-5265^  wet        San Francisc  CA  3/12/24     24 $ M N S T
05/89  415-783-2543   esfenn     Hayward       CA  3/12/24     24 -$ M N S 
11/89  416-438-2855   contact    Toronto       ONT  3/12/24     24 -$ M N S T
11/89  416-452-0926   telly      Brampton      ON  12/24/96    +P 24 $ M N
12/88  416-461-2608   tmsoft     Toronto       ON  3/12/24/96  24 $ S M N
07/89  416-654-8854   ziebmef    Toronto       ON  3/12/24/96  24 +P M N S T
01/90  502-968-5401   disk       Louisville    KY  3/12        24 $ M N S T
12/88  503-254-0458   bucket     Portland      OR  3/12/24     24 -$ N M S T
12/89  503-297-3211^  m2xenix    Portland      OR  3/12/24     24 -$ M N S 
05/89  503-640-4262^  agora      PDX           OR  3/12/24     24 $ M N S T
01/90  512-346-2339   bigtex     Austin        TX  96          24 -$ +P A
10/89  513-779-8209   cinnet     Cincinnati    OH  12/24/96    24 $ M N +P S 
01/90  517-487-3356   lunapark   E. Lansing    MI  12/24       24 -$
12/88  518-346-8033   sixhub     upstate       NY  3/12/24     24 $ N M S T
09/88  602-941-2005   xroads     Phoenix       AZ  3/12/24     24 $ N T
08/89  605-348-2738   loft386    Rapid City    SD  3/12/24/96  24 $ M N +P S 
08/88  608-273-2657   madnix     Madison       WI  3/12/24     24 -$ S N M
08/89  612-473-2295   pnet51     Minneapolis   MN  3/12/24     24 -$ N M T
01/90  615-288-3957   medsys     Kinkport      TN  12/24/96    24 -$ A N +P
03/90  615-896-8716   raider     Murfreesboro  TN  12/24       24 -$ M N S
02/90  616-457-1964   wybbs      Jenison       MI  3/12/24/96  24 -$ +P M N S T
01/90  617-739-9753   world      Brookline     MA  3/12/24/96  24 $ M N P S T
01/90  619-259-7757   pnet12     Del Mar       CA  3/12/24/96  24 -$ M N P T
07/88  619-444-7006^  pnet01     El Cajon      CA  3/12/24     24 $ N M S T
12/89  703-281-7997^  grebyn     Vienna        VA  3/12/24     24 $ N M T
11/89  708-272-5912^  igloo      Northbrook    IL  12/24/96    24 -$ S N T P
01/90  708-318-7133   gagme      Niles         IL  12/24       24 $ M N S
08/88  312-566-8911^  ddsw1      Mundelein     IL  3/12/24/96  24 $ A S N M P T
11/89  708-833-8126^  vpnet      Villa Park    IL  12/24/96    24 -$ +P M N S 
07/89  713-438-5018   sugar      Houston       TX  3/12/24/96  24 -$ N +P
10/89  713-668-7176^  nuchat     Houston       TX  3/12/24/96  24 -$ M N +P S
12/88  714-635-2863   dhw68k     Anaheim       CA  12/24       24 -$ T
05/89  714-662-7450   turnkey    Inglewood     CA  12/24       24 -$
01/90  714-821-9671   alphacm    Cypress       CA  12/24/96    24 -$ A +P T
05/89  714-842-5851   conexch    Santa Ana     CA  3/12/24     24 $ A M N S
08/88  714-894-2246   stanton    Irvine        CA  3/12/24     24 $ S N
03/90  717-657-4997   compnect   Harrisburg    PA  3/12/24     24 -$ M N T
12/89  719-632-4111   oldcolo    Colo Spgs     CO  12/24/96    24 $ H M N T
01/90  801-269-0670^  i-core     Salt Lake Ci  UT  3/12/24/96  +P 24 -$ A N
01/90  802-865-3614   tnl        Burlington    VT  3/12/24     24 -$ S N M
08/88  813-952-1981   usource    Sarasota      FL  12/24       -24 -$ A
02/90  814-337-0348   sir-alan   Meadville     PA  3/12/24/96  24 -$ A+HMPTV
09/89  916-649-0161   sactoh0    Sacramento    CA  12/24/96    24 $ M N +P S T
08/89  919-493-7111^  wolves     Durham        NC  3/12/24     24 $ M N S 
NOTE:  ^ means the site is reachable using PC Pursuit.
This list is maintained by Phil Eschallier on lgnp1.  Any additions,
deletions, or corrections should be sent to one of the addresses below.
The nixpub listings are kept as current as possible.  However, you use this
data at your own risk and cost -- all standard disclaimers apply!!!
      Lists available from lgnp1 via anonomous uucp.
                            +1 215 348 9727 [Telebit access]
                     login: nuucp  NO PWD   [no rmail permitted]
                 this list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub.short
                 long list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub
      or from news groups pubnet.nixpub, comp.misc or alt.bbs
E-MAIL ...
  uucp: ..!uunet!lgnp1!{ phil | nixpub }
domain: { phil | nixpub }@LS.COM
  COMPAQ, IBM, PC Pursuit, [SCO] XENIX, UNIX, etc. are trademarks of the
  respective companies.

nixpub@lgnp1.LS.COM (Nixpub Coordinator) (05/31/90)

                          nixpub long listing
     Open Access UNIX (*NIX) Sites [Fee / No Fee] for mapped sites only
                            [ May 31, 1990 ]

Systems listed (80):
 [   agora     alphacm   althea    amazing   anet      anonaly   bigtex    ]
 [   btr       bucket    chinet    cinnet    compnect  conexch   contact   ]
 [   cpro      cruzio    dasys1    ddsw1     dhw68k    disk      eklektik  ]
 [   esfenn    gagme     gensis    grebyn    i-core    igloo     jack      ]
 [   jdyx      lgnp1     loft386   lunapark  m-net     m2xenix   madnix    ]
 [   magpie    marob     medsys    mindlink  mixcom    ncoast    netcom    ]
 [   nuchat    nucleas   oldcolo   ozdaltx   pallas    pnet01    pnet12    ]
 [   pnet51    point     polari    portal    quack     raider    rtmvax    ]
 [   sactoh    sir-alan  sixhub    stanton   stb       sugar     techbook  ]
 [   telly     tmsoft    tnl       turnkey   usource   uunet     uuwest    ]
 [   vpnet     wb3ffv    well      wet       wolves    world     wybbs     ]
 [   xroads    ziebmef   zorch                                             ]

Date   Telephone #    Sys-name    Location                Baud        Hours
-----  ------------   --------    -----------             -------     -----

04/90  206-328-4944   polari      Seattle             WA  3/12     24
  Equip ???;  8-lines, Trailblazer on 206-328-1468;  $30/year (flat rate);
  Multi-user games, chat, full USENET.
  Contact: uunet!microsoft!happym!polari!bruceki
04/90  209-952-5347   quack       Stockton            CA  3/12/24/96  24
  Sun 2/170, SunOS 4.0;  Aka - The Duck Pond;  XBBS at no charge,
  Shell - $2/mo ($4/mo expanded quota);  Trailblazer access;  login: bbs.
12/89  212-420-0527   magpie      NYC                 NY  3/12/24/96  24
  ? - UNIX SYSV - 2, Magpie BBS, no fee, Authors: Magpie/UNIX,/MSDOS
  two lines plus anonymous uucp: 212-677-9487 (9600 bps Telebit modem)
  NOTE: 9487 reserved for registered Magpie sysops & anon uucp
  Contact: Steve Manes, {rutgers|cmcl2|uunet}!hombre!magpie!manes	
03/90  212-447-1522^  dasys1      NYC                 NY  3/12/24   24
  Unistride - SYS V, multiple lines, fee $5/mo  AKA Big Electric Cat
  USENET, games, multi-user chat, email, login: new, passwd: new
  Contact: ...!rutgers!cmcl2!rsweeney or rsweeney@dasys1.UUCP
02/90  212-675-7059   marob       NYC                 NY  3/12/24/96  24
  386 SCO-XENIX 2.2, XBBS, no fee, limit 60 min.
  Telebit Trailblazer (9600 PEP) only 212-675-8438
  Contact:  {philabs|rutgers|cmcl2}!{phri|hombre}!marob!clifford
04/90  213-397-3137^  stb         Santa Monica        CA  3/12/24  24
  AT&T 3b1;  BBS and shell access;  uucp-anon: ogin: uucp NO PASSWD
  3 line on rotary -3137 2400 baud.
03/88  213-459-5891   amazing     Pacific Palisades   CA  3/12/24  24
  AMT 286 - Microport  David's Amazing BBS  Fee $7.50/month;$35/6;$60/year
  5 lines on rotary; Unique original software with conferencing, electronic
  bar, matchmaking, no file up/downloading
07/88  214-247-2367   ozdaltx     Dallas              TX  3/12/24  24
  INTEC/SCO XENIX 2.2.1, OZ BBS, Membership only adult BBS, fee $40
  year. Multiple lines.  Closed system, carries limited USENET
  newsgroups. Login: guest (no PW).  Voice verification on all new users.
01/90  215-348-9727   lgnp1       Doylestown          PA  3/12/24/96  24
  '386 mutt w/ SCO-XENIX -- Telebit on dial in line.  UUCP access only ...
  Public access to the nixpub lists using anon-uucp [see footer of this list].
  Fee services include feeds/routing for E-mail and USENET News, plus access
  to *NIX specific PD source code library.  Contact: phil@ls.com.
01/90  216-582-2460   ncoast      Cleveland           OH  12/24/96  24
  80386 Mylex, SCO Xenix;  600 meg. storage;  XBBS and Shell;  USENET
  (newsfeeds available), E-Mail; donations requested; login as "bbs"
  for BBS and "makeuser" for new users.
  Telebit used on 216-237-5486.
01/90  217-525-9019   pallas      Springfield         IL  3/12/24/96  24
  AT&T 6386, 380 meg disk space;  4 lines w/ USRobotics Dual Standard modems;
  BBS available at no fee (UBBS), shell access for $50/year;  "guest" login
04/90  301-625-0817   wb3ffv      Baltimore           MD  12/24/96  24
  80386, UNIX V.3.2;  XBBS for HAM radio enthusiasts;  780 meg online;
  Multiple lines, dial in - Hayes 2400, 9482 - MultiTech V32, 9663 - Tb+;
  Some USENET;  Anon-UUCP available;  Login as bbs (8-N-1).
04/90  312-283-0559^  chinet      Chicago             IL  3/12/24/96  24
  '386, SysVr3.2.1;  Multiple lines including Telebit and HST;
  Picospan BBS (free), USENET at $50/year (available to guests on
10/89  312-338-0632^  point       Chicago             IL  3/12/24/96  24
  North Shore / Rogers Park area of Chicago.  386 - ISC 2.01 (SysV3.2),
  multiple lines, Telebit PEP on 338-3261, USRobotics HST on 338-1036,
  AKCS bbs, some usenet conferences available.  200+ MB online storage.
  Downloads, full usenet & shell access in the works.
03/90  313-623-6309   nucleus     Clarkston           MI  12/24    24
  AMI 386 - ESIX 5.3.2, no fee. Shell access, full usenet access, online games,
  AKCS conferencing system, large online sources archive and extensive tape
  library of public domain source code.  Contact: jeff@nucleus.mi.org
02/88  313-994-6333   m-net       Ann Arbor           MI  3/12     24
  Altos 68020 - SYS III, limits unstated, fee for extended service
  Picospan conference system, multiple lines, 160 meg, packet radio
08/89  313-996-4644^  anet        Ann Arbor           MI  3/12     24
  Altos 68000 - Sys III, no limits, 1st month free, fees range up to $20/
  month (negotiable), accepts equipment/software in lieu of fees, Picospan
  conferencing, 120M, non-profit, user-supported, community-based, ideal
  autodidact educational system.  Tax-deductible donations okay.
08/89  314-474-4581   gensis      Columbia            MO  3/12/24/48/96  24
  Gateway 386 system w/ SCO Xenix V/386, DataFlex, Oracle, CHARM, & VP/ix.
  No fee.  Online gaming, game design, and (oddly enough) data base design
  are the main focus.  Modem is Microcom MNP 6.
05/90  401-455-0347   anomaly     Esmond              RI  3/12/24/96  24
  CSS Laboratories 386, SCO Xenix 2.3.2;  No fees;  XBBS (Shell available
  to qualified users), login is 'bbs';  USENET News feeds available;
  Trailblazer+ on-line.
10/89  404-321-5020^  jdyx        Atlanta             GA  12/24/96  24
  386/ix 2.0.2.  XBBS. Usenet (alt, gnu, most comp and a few others) and 
  shell access.  Second line (2400 below) (404) 325-1719.  200+ meg current
  Usenet and GNU sources.  Specializing in graphics and ray-tracing under 
  386/ix (with/with out X11).  Yearly fee for shell and/or downloads.  
  Telebit access.  Contact: ...gatech!emory!jdyx!tpf (Tom Friedel)
05/88  407-380-6228   rtmvax      Orlando             FL  3/12/24  24
  mVAX-I - Ultrix-32 V1.2  USENET & UUCP Email Gateway. XBBS front end for
  new user subscribing. No Fees. Primary function is Technical exchange.
  Contact: { cbosgd!codas, hoptoad!peora }!rtmvax!rob 
09/89  408-245-7726^  uuwest      Sunnyvale           CA  3/12/24  24
  SCO-XENIX, Waffle. No fee, USENET news (news.*, music, comics, telecom, etc)
  The Dark Side of the Moon BBS. This system has been in operation since 1985.
  Login: new Contact: (UUCP) ames!uuwest!request (Domain) request@darkside.com
02/90  408-249-0290^  netcom      San Jose            CA  12/24/96  24
  UNIX Sysv r3.2 (486)  - USENET (21 days), UUNET Sources, News Feeds, Shell 
  Access (Bourne, Korn, C),  UUCP support, E-Mail, Compilers. Fee $10.00/mo +
  one time Registration of $10.00.  Login as guest (no password).
  Telebit on (408) 249-0576.
02/90  408-423-9995   cruzio      Santa Cruz          CA  12/24    24
  Tandy 4000, Xenix 2.3.*, Caucus 3.*;  focus on Santa Cruz activity
  (ie directory of community and goverment organizations, events, ...);
  USENET Support;  Multiple lines;  no shell; fee: $15/quarter.
  Contact: ...!uunet!cruzio!chris
10/89  408-725-0561^  portal      Cupertino           CA  3/12/24  24
  Networked Suns (SunOS), multiple lines, Telenet access, no shell access
  fees: $10/month + Telenet charges (if used) @ various rates/times
  conferencing, multi user chats, usenet 
02/90  408-996-7358^  zorch       Cupertino           CA  12/24    24
  Wicat 200 - Unix SVR2; 4 lines, 1200 only on 7361, 7378, 7386; $10/month,
  $100/year, flat rate, no time limit.  Email, USENET, games, utilities,
  online man pages, Bourne, C, Korn shells.  400M online, 80M source archive.
  Registration required, verified; login as newuser, password public.
  Contact: scott@zorch.SF-Bay.ORG or (ames|pyramid|vsi1)!zorch!scott
05/90  412-431-8649   eklektik    Pittsburgh          PA  3/12/24  24
  UNIX PC- SYSV - UNaXcess BBS, donation requested for shell,
  login: bbs for BBS, limited Usenet news (amiga and gaming groups).  
  RPG mailing list, rec.games.frp and rec.music.dylan archive.
  Alternate number: 431-3064,
  Contact:  anthony@eklektik.pgh.pa.us or anthony@cs.pitt.edu
05/90  414-241-5469   mixcom      Milwaukee           WI  3/12/24  24
  80386, SCO UNIX 3.2;  MIX (Milwaukee Information eXchange;  Fee charged
  for shell, E-Mail, and full USENET, $50 - 12 mo, $35 - 6 mo, $20 - 3 mo;
  Multiple lines;  Contact: sysop@mixcom.UUCP  (...!uwm.edu!mixcom!sysop)
11/89  415-332-6106^  well        Sausalito           CA  12/24    24
  6-processor Sequent Balance (32032); UUCP and USENET access; multiple
  lines; access via CPN; PICOSPAN BBS; $3/hour.  Contact (415) 332-4335
06/88  415-582-7691   cpro        Hayward             CA  12/24    24
  Microport SYSV 2, UNaXcess bbs, no fee, 60 min limit, shell access
11/89  415-623-8642   jack        Fremont             CA  3/12/24  24
  3b2/522.  2 BBS's.  E-mail, USENET News, and NFS links to 2 3b1's.  No
  fee.  5 lines on rotary.  Contact: steve@jack.SNS.COM5 lines on rotary.
07/89  415-753-5265^  wet         San Francisco       CA  3/12/24  24
  386 SYS V.3.  Wetware Diversions.  $15 registration, $0.01/minute.
  Public Access UNIX System:  uucp, PicoSpan bbs, full Usenet News,
  multiple lines, shell access.  Newusers get initial credit!
  contact:{ucsfcca|claris|hoptoad}!wet!cc (Christopher Cilley)
05/89  415-783-2543   esfenn      Hayward             CA  3/12/24  24
  System ????; USENET news; E-mail; No charges; Contact esfenn!william.
05/90  415-967-9443^  btr         Mountain View       CA  3/12/24  24
  Sun (SunOS UNIX), shell access, e-mail, netnews, uucp, can access by
  Telenet PC Pursuit, multiple lines, Telebit, flat rate: $10/month.
  For sign-up information please send e-mail to Customer Service at
  cs@btr.com or ..!{decwrl,fernwood,mips}!btr!cs
  or call 415-966-1429 Voice.
04/90  416-438-2855   contact     Toronto             ON  3/12/24  24
  386 clone - Xenix 2.3.1, fee optional. USENET, email, multi-user chat,
  Contact: eisen@contact.UUCP martin loeffler
11/89  416-452-0926   telly       Brampton            ON  12/24/96  24
  386 SysVr3.2; proprietary menu-based BBS includes Usenet site searching.
  News (all groups, incl biz, pubnet, gnu, CanConfMail), mail (including
  to/from Internet, Bitnet), many archives. Feeds available. $75(Cdn)/year.
  Contact: Evan Leibovitch, evan@telly.on.ca, uunet!attcan!telly!evan
12/88  416-461-2608   tmsoft      Toronto             ON  3/12/24/96  24
  NS32016, Sys5r2, shell; news+mail $30/mo, general-timesharing $60/mo
  All newsgroups.  Willing to setup mail/news connections.
  Contact: Dave Mason <mason@tmsoft> / Login: newuser
07/89  416-654-8854   ziebmef     Toronto             ON  3/12/24/96  24
  AT&T 3B1, Sys V, shell, news, mail, no fee (donations accepted)
  Carries most newsgroups (willing to add extra ones on request)
  Telebit access, willing to give mail feeds
  Contact: Chris Siebenmann, {utzoo!telly,ncrcan}!ziebmef!cks
01/90  502-968-5401   disk        Louisville          KY  3/12     24
  386 clone, Interactive System V 3.2, 600 meg.  6 lines 5401 thru 5406.
  Carrying most USENET groups, Shell access, multi-user games(including Realm)
  multi-user chat, downloads, and more.  Rate info available via a free trial
  account. Also offering news/mail feeds to the local area. Now reachable
  via Starlink!
12/88  503-254-0458   bucket      Portland            OR  3/12/24  24
  Tektronix 6130, UTek 2.3(4.2BSD-derived).  Bit Bucket BBS publically
  available; login as 'bbs'.  BBS is message only.  Users intereseted in
  access to Unix should contact SYSOP via the BBS or send EMail to
  ..tektronix!tessi!bucket!rickb.  Unix services include USENET News,
  EMail, and all tools/games/utility access. Alternate dial-in lines
  available for Unix users.
12/89  503-297-3211^  m2xenix     Portland            OR  3/12/24  24
  '386/20, Xenix 2.3.  Shell accounts available, NO BBS.  No fee.  E-mail,
  USENET News, program development.
  Contact: ...!uunet!m2xenix!news or on Fido at 297-9145
05/89  503-640-4262^  agora       PDX                 OR  3/12/24  24
  Intel Xenix-286, $2/mo or $20/yr, news, mail, games, programming
  two lines with trunk-hunt, 4380 supports MNP level 3.
  Contact: Alan Batie, tektronix!tessi!agora!batie
05/90  503-644-8135^  techbook    Portland            OR  12/24    24
  80386, UNIX V.3.2; XBBS & some downloads for unregistered users, shell
  accounts & full set of Usenet & FidoNet newsgroups available to 
  registered users ($25/year); System answers at 8-N-1; login as BBS.
01/90  512-346-2339   bigtex      Austin              TX  96       24
  SysVr3.2 i386, anonymous shell, no fee, anonymous uucp ONLY,
  Telebit 9600/PEP; Mail links available.  Carries GNU software.
  anon uucp login: nuucp NO PASSWD, file list /usr3/index
  anon shell login: guest NO PASSWD, chroot'd to /usr3
  Contact: james@bigtex.cactus.org
10/89  513-779-8209   cinnet      Cincinnati          OH  12/24/96  24
  80386, ISC 386/ix 2.02, Telebit access, 1 line; $7.50/Month; shell
  access, Usenet access; news feeds available;
  login: newact password: new user to register for shell access
01/90  517-487-3356   lunapark    E. Lansing          MI  12/24    24
  Compaq 386/20 SCO-UNIX 3.2, lunabbs bulletin board & conferencing
  system, no fee, login: bbs password: lunabbs.  Primarily UNIX software
  with focus on TeX and Postscript, also some ATARI-ST and IBM-PC stuff
  2400/1200 --> 8 N 1
  Contact: ...!{mailrus,uunet}!frith!lunapark!larry
12/88  518-346-8033   sixhub      upstate             NY  3/12/24  24
  PC Designs GV386.  hub machine of the upstate NY UNIX users group (*IX)
  two line reserved for incoming, bbs no fee, news & email fee $15/year
  Smorgasboard of BBS systems, UNaXcess and XBBS online,
  Citadel BBS now in production. Contact: davidsen@sixhub.uucp.
09/88  602-941-2005   xroads      Phoenix             AZ  12/24    24
  Motorola VME1121, UNIX 5.2, Crossroads BBS, Fee $30/yr + $.50/.25 (call)
  prime (evenings)/non-prime, USENET news, multi-chat, online games,
  movie reviews, adventure games, dos unix/xenix files for dload, multi lines
05/90  604-576-1214   mindlink    Vancouver           BC  3/12/24  24
  Equip ???;  No shell;  Fee of $45/year for BBS access;  E-Mail, USENET,
  hundreds of megs of file downloads;  Operating since 1986.
08/89  605-348-2738   loft386     Rapid City          SD  3/12/24/96  24
  80386 SYS V/386 Rel 3.2, Usenet mail/news via UUNET, UUNET archive access.
  NO BBS!  News feeds avaliable.  400 meg hd.  Fees: $10/month or $25/quarter.
  Call (605) 343-8760 and talk to Doug Ingraham to arrange an account or email
08/88  608-273-2657   madnix      Madison             WI  3/12/24  24
  286 SCO-XENIX, shell, no fee, USENET news, mail, login: newuser
  Contact: ray@madnix
09/90  612-473-2295^  pnet51      Minneapolis         MN  3/12/24  24
  Equip ?, Xenix, multi-line, no fee, some Usenet news, email, multi-threaded
  conferencing, login: pnet id: new, PC Pursuitable
  UUCP: {rosevax, crash}!orbit!pnet51!admin
04/90  615-288-3957   medsys      Kingsport           TN  12/24/96  24
  386  SCO-UNIX 3.2, XBBS, no fee, limit 90 min.
  Telebit PEP, USENET, login: bbs   password: bbs
  anon uucp --> medsys Any ACU (speed) 16152883957 ogin: nuucp  ssword: \r
  Contact: uunet!medsys!laverne (LaVerne E. Olney)
03/90  615-896-8716   raider      Murfreesboro        TN  12/24    24
  WAFFLE BBS, no charge, shell accounts $40/yr,$25/6,$15/3. News and
  mail links free of charge; just one hop from uunet. Limited archives.
  19.2kb coming soon. Contact: root@raider.MFEE.TN.US (Bob Reineri)
05/90  616-457-1964   wybbs       Jenison             MI  3/12/24/96  24
  386 - SCO-XENIX 2.3.2, two lines, XBBS for new users, mail in for shell 
  access, usenet news, 150 meg storage, Telebit. Interests: ham radio, xenix 
  AKA: Consultants Connection  Contact: danielw%wybbs@sharkey.cc.umich.edu
  Alternate phone #: 616-457-9909 (max 2400 baud). Anonymous UUCP available.
01/90  617-739-9753   world       Brookline           MA  3/12/24/96  24
  Sun 4/280, SunOS 4.03;  Shell, USENET, E-Mail, UUCP and home of the
  Open Book Initiative (text project);  fees: $5/mo + $3/hr (8a-8p) and
  $2/hr (8p-8a);  Multiple lines: 2400 MNP used on listed number,
  Telebits used on others;  login as "new";  Contact: geb@world.std.com
01/90  619-259-7757   pnet12      Del Mar             CA  3/12/24/96  24
  Xenix, multi-line, no fee, full Usenet, email, multithreaded conferencing
  login: pnet   id: new
  Contact: ...!uunet!serene!pnet12!rfarris
07/88  619-444-7006^  pnet01      El Cajon            CA  3/12/24  24
  BSD Unix, 3 lines, login: pnet id: new, some USENET, email, conferencing 
  Home of P-Net software, mail to crash!bblue or pnet01!bblue for info.
  Contributions requested
  Unix accounts available for regulars, PC Pursuit access 2/88.
12/89  703-281-7997^  grebyn      Vienna              VA  3/12/24  24
  Vax/Ultrix.  $25/month.  GNU EMACS, USENET, PC/BLUE archives, Telebit used
  for uucp only, archives, Ada repository, comp.sources.(misc,unix,games)
  archives, net.sources archives, 3 C compilers, Ada compiler,  1.2GB disk,
  multiple lines
11/89  708-272-5912^  igloo       Northbrook          IL  12/24/96  24
  3B2-300;  accounts by invitation only, no limit/no fee;  full usenet;
  132megs HD;  2 lines rotary, 9600 telebit on 272-5917
  Contact: igloo!postmaster
05/90  708-318-7133^  gagme       Niles               IL  12/24    24
  3B2/300 - System V 3.2.  E-mail, netnews, sources, access to anonymous
  ftp, local message base, etc.
04/90  708-808-7300^  ddsw1       Wheeling            IL  3/12/24/96  24
  GT-3020 80386 system, ISC 2.0.2;  guest users 1 hr daily in AKCS BBS;
  fee for shell, regular Usenet access, unlimited use & hardware discounts;
  Authors of AKCS bbs;  fee $75/year or $7/month, 7 lines, 19200 available on 
  (708) 808-7306, anonymous uucp (nuucp) from 12 midnight to 6 AM, 
  ~/DIRECTORY/README for info on anon uucp.
  Contact: Karl Denninger (ddsw1!karl, karl@ddsw1.MCS.COM), Voice (708) 808-7200
11/89  708-833-8126^  vpnet       Villa Park          IL  12/24/96  24
  386 Clone - Interactive 386/ix R2.0 (3.2), no fee. Akcs linked bbs
  including several Usenet conf's. No charge for shells. Trailblazer. 
  Mail lisbon@vpnet.UUCP
07/89  713-438-5018   sugar       Houston             TX  3/12/24/96  24
  386/AT (2) networked - Bell Technologies V/386, usenet, news, downloads
  Homegrown BBS software, Trailblazer+ access, currently no charges
10/89  713-668-7176^  nuchat      Houston             TX  3/12/24/96  24
  i386;  USENET, Mail, Shell Access;  300M On-line;  Trailbazer Used;
  No fee.
12/88  714-635-2863   dhw68k      Anaheim             CA  12/24    24
  Unistride 2.1, no fee, also 714-385-1915, Trailblazer on both lines,
  USENET News, /bin/sh or /bin/csh available
05/89  714-662-7450   turnkey     Inglewood           CA  12/24    24
  286 - Xenix SYSV, XBBS
01/90  714-821-9671   alphacm     Cypress             CA  12/24/96  24
  386 - SCO-XENIX, no fee, Home of XBBS, 90 minute per login, 4 lines,
  Trailblazer pluses in use.
    uucp-anon:  ogin: nuucp  NO PASSWD
05/89  714-842-5851   conexch     Santa Ana           CA  3/12/24  24
  386 - SCO Xenix - Free Unix guest login and PC-DOS bbs login, one
  hour inital time limit, USENET news, shell access granted on request &
  $25/quarter donation.  Anon uucp: ogin: nuucp  NO PASSWD.  List of
  available Unix files resides in /usr3/public/FILES.
08/88  714-894-2246   stanton     Irvine              CA  3/12/24  24
  286 - SCO Xenix - donation requested, limit 240 min, XBBS, USENET news
  UNIX access granted on request through BBS, 20$/year, access includes
  C development system (XENIX/MSDOS), PROCALC 1-2-3 clone, FOXBASE+
  anon uucp: ogin: nuucp, no word, 2400/1200/300 MNP supported
03/90  717-657-4997   compnect    Harrisburg          PA  3/12/24  24
  Equip ???;  The Data Factory BBS;  Multiple line, 1200 baud on 675-4992;
  No fee, restricted access to adult areas, some USENET, no shell;
  Contact: ...!uunet!wa3wbu!compnect!dave.
12/89  719-632-4111   oldcolo     Colo Spgs           CO  12/24/96  24
  386 - SCO-XENIX  frontend,  2 CT  Miniframes  backend,  e-mail 
  conferencing,  databases,   Naplps Graphics, USENET news. 7 lines 
  8N1,  2400 on 2906,  USR  Dual  9600  on 2658.   Self registering   
  for  limited  free  access    (political,    policy, marketplace) 
  Subscriptions $10, 15, 18 mo for full use. Dave Hughes SYSOP.
01/90  801-269-0670^  i-core      Salt Lake City      UT  3/12/24/96  24
  286 SYS V, Unidel BBS and Newsreader; a.k.a. Bitsko's Bar & Grill BBS,
  no limit, no fee; UseNet and Citadel feeds available.  Home of Unidel
  room-based newsreader and UNIX Citadel network gateway; Telebit 19200
  Contact: ken@i-core.UUCP or uunet!iconsys!caeco!i-core!ken
01/90  802-865-3614   tnl         Burlington          VT  3/12/24  24
  80386 w/ SCO XENIX. No Fee.  2 hr session limit.  XBBS/USENET, shell.
  Login as 'new' for a shell account, no validation.  AKA: Northern Lights.
  Contact: norstar@tnl.UUCP or uunet!uvm-gen!tnl!norstar (Daniel Ray)
08/88  813-952-1981   usource     Sarasota            FL  12/24    -24
  386 - SCO-XENIX, fee depends on services provided, no fee for bbs. New users
  subscribe by logging in as 'help' or 'newuser' (no password).  Primary
  purpose is technical forum. 6pm-8am M-Th, 24 hrs weeekends (6pm Fri-8am Mon)
  uucp-anon: 1200/2400 bps --> ogin: auucp  word: gateway
  uucp-anon directory: /usr/spool/uucppublic; contact: frank@usource.UUCP
05/90  814-337-0348   sir-alan    Meadville           PA  12/24/19.2/38  24
  SCO XENIX 2.3; no fee; XBBS; USR DS on 337-0348(300-38.4K), TB+ on
  337-3159(300-19.2K); archive site for comp.sources.[games,misc,sun,unix,x],
  some alt.sources, XENIX(68K/286/386), files from UUNET(X11R3,TeX,etc.).
  uucp-anon: ogin: pdsrc NO PASSWD
  uucp-anon directory: /u/pdsrc, /u/pubdir, /u/uunet, help in /u/pubdir/HELP 
  Contact: sir-alan!mikes@uunet.uu.net  (814-337-5528 voice)
05/90  900-468-7727   uunet       Falls Church        VA  3/12/24/96  24
  Sequent S81, Dynix 3.0.17(9);  UUNET Communication Services;  No Shell;
  Anonymous UUCP, fee $0.40/min -- billed by the telephone company [Not
  available in Virginia!], login: uucp (no passwd);  Multiple lines, PEP
  and V.32 available;  grab "uunet!~/help for more info" ...
  Full internet mail and USENET available via full-blown accounts,
  Contact: info@uunet.uu.net or call [voice] 703-876-5050.
05/90  908-846-2460^  althea      New Brunswick       NJ  3/12/24  24
  AT&T 3B2/310 - Unix SVR3.1, no fee.  USENET, email, C development,
  games.  Single line.
  Contact: rjd@althea.UUCP (Robert Diamond)
09/89  916-649-0161   sactoh0     Sacramento          CA  12/24/96  24
  3B2/310 SYSV.2, SAC_UNIX;  $2/month, limit 90 min, 2 lines, TB on line,
  2400/1200 baud on 916-722-6519;  USENET, E-Mail, Games;  login: new
  Contact: ..pacbell!sactoh0!sysop
089  919-493-7111^  wolves      Durham              NC  3/12/24  24
  AMS 386/25 - UNIX SysVr3.2, XBBS, no fee for bbs.  Rates for UNIX access
  and USENET are being determined.  Developing yet another UNIX bbs (ideas
  welcome!)  Single line, telebit coming soon.
  Contact: wolves!ggw or wolves!sysop  [...duke!dukcds!wolves!...]
NOTE:  ^ means the site is reachable using PC Pursuit.
The nixpub listings are kept as current as possible.  However, you use this
data at your own risk and cost -- all standard disclaimers apply!!!
Any additions, deletions, or corrections should be sent to nixpub@ls.com.
      Lists are available from any of the following:
            o  anonymous uucp from lgnp1 --
                    +1 215 348 9727 [Telebit access]
                    login: nuucp  NO PWD   [no rmail permitted]
                this list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub
               short list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub.short
            o  USENET, regular posts to --
            o  the nixpub mailing list --
                    to be included or deleted from this distribution,
                    send mail to nixpub-request@ls.com.
  COMPAQ, IBM, PC Pursuit, [SCO] XENIX, UNIX, etc. are trademarks of the
  respective companies.

nixpub@lgnp1.LS.COM (Nixpub Coordinator) (05/31/90)

                          nixpub short listing
     Open Access UNIX (*NIX) Sites [Fee / No Fee] for mapped sites only
                            [ May 31, 1990 ]

Systems listed (80)
Legend: fee/contribution ($), no fee (-$), hours (24), not (-24)
        shell (S), USENET news (N), email (M), multiple lines (T) 
        Telebit PEP speed on main number (+P), Telebit on other line[s] (P)
        Courier 9600 bps on main number (+H), Courier on other line[s] (H) 
        V.32 on main number (+V), V.32 on other line[s] (V) 
        anonymous uucp (A), archive site ONLY - see long form list (@)
        Dialable thru PC Pursuit (^)

Date   Telephone #    Sys-name   Location          Baud        Legend
-----  ------------   --------   -----------       -------     ---------
04/90  206-328-4944   polari     Seattle       WA  3/12        24 $ MNPST
04/90  209-952-5347   quack      Stockton      CA  3/12/24/96  24 $ MN+PS
12/89  212-420-0527   magpie     NYC           NY  3/12/24/96  24 -$ APT
03/90  212-447-1522^  dasys1     NYC           NY  3/12/24     24 $ MNST
02/90  212-675-7059   marob      NYC           NY  3/12/24/96  24 -$ APT
04/90  213-397-3137^  stb        Santa Monica  CA  3/12/24     24 -$ AS
11/88  213-459-5891   amazing    Pac Palisade  CA  3/12/24     24 $ T
07/88  214-247-2367   ozdaltx    Dallas        TX  3/12/24     24 $ NT
01/90  215-348-9727   lgnp1      Doylestown    PA  3/12/24/96  24 $ AMN+P
01/90  216-582-2460   ncoast     Cleveland     OH  12/24/96    24 $ SNMPT
01/90  217-525-9019   pallas     Springfield   IL  3/12/24/96  24 $ HMSTV
04/90  301-625-0817   wb3ffv     Baltimore     MD  12/24/96    24 ANPTV
04/90  312-283-0559^  chinet     Chicago       IL  3/12/24/96  24 $ HNPT
10/89  312-338-0632^  point      Chicago       IL  3/12/24/96  24 -$ HNPST
03/90  313-623-6309   nucleus    Clarkston     MI  12/24       24 -$ MNS
11/88  313-994-6333   m-net      Ann Arbor     MI  3/12        24 $ T
08/89  313-996-4644^  anet       Ann Arbor     MI  3/12        24 $ T
08/89  314-474-4581   gensis     Columbia      MO  3/12/24/96  24 -$ MS 
05/90  401-455-0347   anomaly    Esmond        RI  3/12/24/96  24 -$ MN+PS
10/89  404-321-5020^  jdyx       Atlanta       GA  12/24       24 $ MN+PST
05/88  407-380-6228   rtmvax     Orlando       FL  3/12/24     24 -$ NM
09/89  408-245-7726^  uuwest     Sunnyvale     CA  3/12/24     24 -$ N
02/90  408-249-0290^  netcom     San Jose      CA  12/24/96    24 $ MNPST
02/90  408-423-9995   cruzio     Santa Cruz    CA  12/24       24 $ MT
10/89  408-725-0561^  portal     Cupertino     CA  3/12/24     24 $ MNT
02/90  408-996-7358^  zorch      Cupertino     CA  12/24       24 $ MNT
05/90  412-431-8649   eklektik   Pittsburgh    PA  3/12/24     24 $ MNST
05/90  414-241-5469   mixcom     Milwaukee     WI  3/12/24     24 $ MNST
11/89  415-332-6106^  well       Sausalito     CA  12/24       24 $ MNST
06/88  415-582-7691   cpro       Hayward       CA  12/24       24 -$ S
11/89  415-623-8652   jack       Fremont       CA  3/12/24     24 -$ MNT
07/89  415-753-5265^  wet        San Francisc  CA  3/12/24     24 $ MNST
05/89  415-783-2543   esfenn     Hayward       CA  3/12/24     24 -$ MNS 
05/90  415-967-9443^  btr        Mountain Vie  CA  3/12/24     24 $ HMNPSTV
04/90  416-438-2855   contact    Toronto       ON  3/12/24     24 -$ MNST
11/89  416-452-0926   telly      Brampton      ON  12/24/96    24 $ MN+P
12/88  416-461-2608   tmsoft     Toronto       ON  3/12/24/96  24 $ MNS
07/89  416-654-8854   ziebmef    Toronto       ON  3/12/24/96  24 MN+PST
01/90  502-968-5401   disk       Louisville    KY  3/12        24 $ MNST
12/88  503-254-0458   bucket     Portland      OR  3/12/24     24 -$ MNST
12/89  503-297-3211^  m2xenix    Portland      OR  3/12/24     24 -$ MNS 
05/89  503-640-4262^  agora      PDX           OR  3/12/24     24 $ MNST
05/90  503-644-8135^  techbook   Portland      OR  12/24       24 $ MNST
01/90  512-346-2339   bigtex     Austin        TX  96          24 -$ A+P
10/89  513-779-8209   cinnet     Cincinnati    OH  12/24/96    24 $ MN+PS 
01/90  517-487-3356   lunapark   E. Lansing    MI  12/24       24 -$
12/88  518-346-8033   sixhub     upstate       NY  3/12/24     24 $ NMST
09/88  602-941-2005   xroads     Phoenix       AZ  3/12/24     24 $ NT
05/90  604-576-1214   mindlink   Vancouver     BC  3/12/24     24 $ HMNPT
08/89  605-348-2738   loft386    Rapid City    SD  3/12/24/96  24 $ MN+PS 
08/88  608-273-2657   madnix     Madison       WI  3/12/24     24 -$ MNS
04/90  612-473-2295^  pnet51     Minneapolis   MN  3/12/24     24 -$ NMT
04/90  615-288-3957   medsys     Kingsport     TN  12/24/96    24 -$ AN+P
03/90  615-896-8716   raider     Murfreesboro  TN  12/24       24 -$ MNS
05/90  616-457-1964   wybbs      Jenison       MI  3/12/24/96  24 -$ MN+PST
01/90  617-739-9753   world      Brookline     MA  3/12/24/96  24 $ MNPST
01/90  619-259-7757   pnet12     Del Mar       CA  3/12/24/96  24 -$ MNPT
07/88  619-444-7006^  pnet01     El Cajon      CA  3/12/24     24 $ MNST
12/89  703-281-7997^  grebyn     Vienna        VA  3/12/24     24 $ MNT
11/89  708-272-5912^  igloo      Northbrook    IL  12/24/96    24 -$ NPST
05/90  708-318-7133^  gagme      Niles         IL  12/24       24 $ MNS
05/90  708-808-7300^  ddsw1      Mundelein     IL  3/12/24/96  24 $ AMNPST
11/89  708-833-8126^  vpnet      Villa Park    IL  12/24/96    24 -$ MN+PS
07/89  713-438-5018   sugar      Houston       TX  3/12/24/96  24 -$ N+P
10/89  713-668-7176^  nuchat     Houston       TX  3/12/24/96  24 -$ MN+PS
12/88  714-635-2863   dhw68k     Anaheim       CA  12/24       24 -$ T
05/89  714-662-7450   turnkey    Inglewood     CA  12/24       24 -$
01/90  714-821-9671   alphacm    Cypress       CA  12/24/96    24 -$ A+PT
05/89  714-842-5851   conexch    Santa Ana     CA  3/12/24     24 $ AMNS
08/88  714-894-2246   stanton    Irvine        CA  3/12/24     24 $ NS
03/90  717-657-4997   compnect   Harrisburg    PA  3/12/24     24 -$ MNT
12/89  719-632-4111   oldcolo    Colo Spgs     CO  12/24/96    24 $ HMNT
01/90  801-269-0670^  i-core     Salt Lake Ci  UT  3/12/24/96  24 -$ AN+P
01/90  802-865-3614   tnl        Burlington    VT  3/12/24     24 -$ MNS
08/88  813-952-1981   usource    Sarasota      FL  12/24       -24 -$ A
05/90  814-337-0348   sir-alan   Meadville     PA  12/24/19.2  24 -$ A+HMPTV
05/90  900-468-7727   uunet      Falls Church  VA  3/12/24/96  24 $ AMN+PT+V
05/90  908-846-2460^  althea     New Brunswic  NJ  3/12/24     24 -$ MNS 
09/89  916-649-0161   sactoh0    Sacramento    CA  12/24/96    24 $ MN+PST
08/89  919-493-7111^  wolves     Durham        NC  3/12/24     24 $ MNS 
NOTE:  ^ means the site is reachable using PC Pursuit.
The nixpub listings are kept as current as possible.  However, you use this
data at your own risk and cost -- all standard disclaimers apply!!!
Any additions, deletions, or corrections should be sent to nixpub@ls.com.
      Lists are available from any of the following:
            o  anonymous uucp from lgnp1 --
                    +1 215 348 9727 [Telebit access]
                    login: nuucp  NO PWD   [no rmail permitted]
                this list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub.short
                long list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub
            o  USENET, regular posts to --
            o  the nixpub mailing list --
                    to be included or deleted from this distribution,
                    send mail to nixpub-request@ls.com.
  COMPAQ, IBM, PC Pursuit, [SCO] XENIX, UNIX, etc. are trademarks of the
  respective companies.

nixpub@lgnp1.LS.COM (Nixpub Coordinator) (07/31/90)

                          nixpub long listing
     Open Access UNIX (*NIX) Sites [Fee / No Fee] for mapped sites only
                           [ July 31, 1990 ]

Systems listed (78):
 [   agora     alphacm   althea    amazing   anet      anomaly   bigtex    ]
 [   btr       bucket    chinet    cinnet    compnect  conexch   contact   ]
 [   cruzio    dasys1    ddsw1     dhw68k    disk      eklektik  gagme     ]
 [   gensis    grebyn    i-core    igloo     jdyx      lgnp1     loft386   ]
 [   lunapark  m-net     m2xenix   madnix    magpie    marob     medsys    ]
 [   mindlink  mixcom    ncoast    netcom    nstar     nuchat    nucleus   ]
 [   oldcolo   ozdaltx   pallas    pnet01    pnet12    pnet51    point     ]
 [   polari    portal    quack     raider    rtmvax    sactoh0   sir-alan  ]
 [   sixhub    stanton   stb       sugar     techbook  telly     tmsoft    ]
 [   tnl       turnkey   usource   uunet     uuwest    vpnet     wb3ffv    ]
 [   well      wet       wolves    world     wybbs     xroads    ziebmef   ]
 [   zorch                                                                 ]

Date   Telephone #    Sys-name    Location                Baud        Hours
-----  ------------   --------    -----------             -------     -----

04/90  206-328-4944   polari      Seattle             WA  3/12     24
  Equip ???;  8-lines, Trailblazer on 206-328-1468;  $30/year (flat rate);
  Multi-user games, chat, full USENET.
  Contact: uunet!microsoft!happym!polari!bruceki
04/90  209-952-5347   quack       Stockton            CA  3/12/24/96  24
  Sun 2/170, SunOS 4.0;  Aka - The Duck Pond;  XBBS at no charge,
  Shell - $2/mo ($4/mo expanded quota);  Trailblazer access;  login: bbs.
12/89  212-420-0527   magpie      NYC                 NY  3/12/24/96  24
  ? - UNIX SYSV - 2, Magpie BBS, no fee, Authors: Magpie/UNIX,/MSDOS
  two lines plus anonymous uucp: 212-677-9487 (9600 bps Telebit modem)
  NOTE: 9487 reserved for registered Magpie sysops & anon uucp
  Contact: Steve Manes, {rutgers|cmcl2|uunet}!hombre!magpie!manes	
03/90  212-447-1522^  dasys1      NYC                 NY  3/12/24   24
  Unistride - SYS V, multiple lines, fee $5/mo  AKA Big Electric Cat
  USENET, games, multi-user chat, email, login: new, passwd: new
  Contact: ...!rutgers!cmcl2!rsweeney or rsweeney@dasys1.UUCP
02/90  212-675-7059   marob       NYC                 NY  3/12/24/96  24
  386 SCO-XENIX 2.2, XBBS, no fee, limit 60 min.
  Telebit Trailblazer (9600 PEP) only 212-675-8438
  Contact:  {philabs|rutgers|cmcl2}!{phri|hombre}!marob!clifford
04/90  213-397-3137^  stb         Santa Monica        CA  3/12/24  24
  AT&T 3b1;  BBS and shell access;  uucp-anon: ogin: uucp NO PASSWD
  3 line on rotary -3137 2400 baud.
03/88  213-459-5891   amazing     Pacific Palisades   CA  3/12/24  24
  AMT 286 - Microport  David's Amazing BBS  Fee $7.50/month;$35/6;$60/year
  5 lines on rotary; Unique original software with conferencing, electronic
  bar, matchmaking, no file up/downloading
07/88  214-247-2367   ozdaltx     Dallas              TX  3/12/24  24
  INTEC/SCO XENIX 2.2.1, OZ BBS, Membership only adult BBS, fee $40
  year. Multiple lines.  Closed system, carries limited USENET
  newsgroups. Login: guest (no PW).  Voice verification on all new users.
06/90  215-348-9727   lgnp1       Doylestown          PA  3/12/24/96  24
  '386 mutt w/ SCO-XENIX -- Telebit on dial in line.  UUCP and 'guest' account
  only ...  Public access to the nixpub lists [see footer of this list].
  Fee services include feeds/routing for E-mail and USENET News, plus access
  to *NIX specific PD source code library.  Contact: phil@ls.com.
01/90  216-582-2460   ncoast      Cleveland           OH  12/24/96  24
  80386 Mylex, SCO Xenix;  600 meg. storage;  XBBS and Shell;  USENET
  (newsfeeds available), E-Mail; donations requested; login as "bbs"
  for BBS and "makeuser" for new users.
  Telebit used on 216-237-5486.
01/90  217-525-9019   pallas      Springfield         IL  3/12/24/96  24
  AT&T 6386, 380 meg disk space;  4 lines w/ USRobotics Dual Standard modems;
  BBS available at no fee (UBBS), shell access for $50/year;  "guest" login
07/90  219-289-0282   nstar       Notre Dame          IN  24/96    24
  AT&T SysV 3.2, 5 lines - all high speed modems, hundreds of megabytes of 
  files, complete backbone newsfeed, free feeds available via PEP, no shell 
  accounts, anonymous uucp logins for files, restricted internet access via 
  SLIP, BBS (on-line usenet access): $30/year; contact larry@nstar
04/90  301-625-0817   wb3ffv      Baltimore           MD  12/24/96  24
  80386, UNIX V.3.2;  XBBS for HAM radio enthusiasts;  780 meg online;
  Multiple lines, dial in - Hayes 2400, 9482 - MultiTech V32, 9663 - Tb+;
  Some USENET;  Anon-UUCP available;  Login as bbs (8-N-1).
04/90  312-283-0559^  chinet      Chicago             IL  3/12/24/96  24
  '386, SysVr3.2.1;  Multiple lines including Telebit and HST;
  Picospan BBS (free), USENET at $50/year (available to guests on
10/89  312-338-0632^  point       Chicago             IL  3/12/24/96  24
  North Shore / Rogers Park area of Chicago.  386 - ISC 2.01 (SysV3.2),
  multiple lines, Telebit PEP on 338-3261, USRobotics HST on 338-1036,
  AKCS bbs, some usenet conferences available.  200+ MB online storage.
  Downloads, full usenet & shell access in the works.
06/90  313-623-6309   nucleus     Clarkston           MI  12/24    24
  AMI 80386 - ESIX 5.3.2, large online sources archive accessable by
  anonymous UUCP, login: nuucp, nucleus!/user/src/LISTING lists
  available public domain/shareware source code.  Contact: jeff@nucleus.mi.org
02/88  313-994-6333   m-net       Ann Arbor           MI  3/12     24
  Altos 68020 - SYS III, limits unstated, fee for extended service
  Picospan conference system, multiple lines, 160 meg, packet radio
08/89  313-996-4644^  anet        Ann Arbor           MI  3/12     24
  Altos 68000 - Sys III, no limits, 1st month free, fees range up to $20/
  month (negotiable), accepts equipment/software in lieu of fees, Picospan
  conferencing, 120M, non-profit, user-supported, community-based, ideal
  autodidact educational system.  Tax-deductible donations okay.
08/89  314-474-4581   gensis      Columbia            MO  3/12/24/48/96  24
  Gateway 386 system w/ SCO Xenix V/386, DataFlex, Oracle, CHARM, & VP/ix.
  No fee.  Online gaming, game design, and (oddly enough) data base design
  are the main focus.  Modem is Microcom MNP 6.
05/90  401-455-0347   anomaly     Esmond              RI  3/12/24/96  24
  CSS Laboratories 386, SCO Xenix 2.3.2;  No fees;  XBBS (Shell available
  to qualified users), login is 'bbs';  USENET News feeds available;
  Trailblazer+ on-line.
10/89  404-321-5020^  jdyx        Atlanta             GA  12/24/96  24
  386/ix 2.0.2.  XBBS. Usenet (alt, gnu, most comp and a few others) and 
  shell access.  Second line (2400 below) (404) 325-1719.  200+ meg current
  Usenet and GNU sources.  Specializing in graphics and ray-tracing under 
  386/ix (with/with out X11).  Yearly fee for shell and/or downloads.  
  Telebit access.  Contact: ...gatech!emory!jdyx!tpf (Tom Friedel)
05/88  407-380-6228   rtmvax      Orlando             FL  3/12/24  24
  mVAX-I - Ultrix-32 V1.2  USENET & UUCP Email Gateway. XBBS front end for
  new user subscribing. No Fees. Primary function is Technical exchange.
  Contact: { cbosgd!codas, hoptoad!peora }!rtmvax!rob 
09/89  408-245-7726^  uuwest      Sunnyvale           CA  3/12/24  24
  SCO-XENIX, Waffle. No fee, USENET news (news.*, music, comics, telecom, etc)
  The Dark Side of the Moon BBS. This system has been in operation since 1985.
  Login: new Contact: (UUCP) ames!uuwest!request (Domain) request@darkside.com
02/90  408-249-0290^  netcom      San Jose            CA  12/24/96  24
  UNIX Sysv r3.2 (486)  - USENET (21 days), UUNET Sources, News Feeds, Shell 
  Access (Bourne, Korn, C),  UUCP support, E-Mail, Compilers. Fee $10.00/mo +
  one time Registration of $10.00.  Login as guest (no password).
  Telebit on (408) 249-0576.
02/90  408-423-9995   cruzio      Santa Cruz          CA  12/24    24
  Tandy 4000, Xenix 2.3.*, Caucus 3.*;  focus on Santa Cruz activity
  (ie directory of community and goverment organizations, events, ...);
  USENET Support;  Multiple lines;  no shell; fee: $15/quarter.
  Contact: ...!uunet!cruzio!chris
10/89  408-725-0561^  portal      Cupertino           CA  3/12/24  24
  Networked Suns (SunOS), multiple lines, Telenet access, no shell access
  fees: $10/month + Telenet charges (if used) @ various rates/times
  conferencing, multi user chats, usenet 
02/90  408-996-7358^  zorch       Cupertino           CA  12/24    24
  Wicat 200 - Unix SVR2; 4 lines, 1200 only on 7361, 7378, 7386; $10/month,
  $100/year, flat rate, no time limit.  Email, USENET, games, utilities,
  online man pages, Bourne, C, Korn shells.  400M online, 80M source archive.
  Registration required, verified; login as newuser, password public.
  Contact: scott@zorch.SF-Bay.ORG or (ames|pyramid|vsi1)!zorch!scott
05/90  412-431-8649   eklektik    Pittsburgh          PA  3/12/24  24
  UNIX PC- SYSV - UNaXcess BBS, donation requested for shell,
  login: bbs for BBS, limited Usenet news (amiga and gaming groups).  
  RPG mailing list, rec.games.frp and rec.music.dylan archive.
  Alternate number: 431-3064,
  Contact:  anthony@eklektik.pgh.pa.us or anthony@cs.pitt.edu
07/90  414-241-5469   mixcom      Milwaukee           WI  3/12/24  24
  80386, SCO UNIX 3.2;  MIX (Milwaukee Information eXchange;  Fee charged
  for shell, E-Mail, and full USENET, $50 - 12 mo, $35 - 6 mo, $20 - 3 mo;
  Multiple lines;  login as 'newuser' passwd 'newuser' ...
  Contact: sysop@mixcom.UUCP (...!uwm.edu!mixcom!sysop) [414-962-8172 voice]
11/89  415-332-6106^  well        Sausalito           CA  12/24    24
  6-processor Sequent Balance (32032); UUCP and USENET access; multiple
  lines; access via CPN; PICOSPAN BBS; $3/hour.  Contact (415) 332-4335
07/89  415-753-5265^  wet         San Francisco       CA  3/12/24  24
  386 SYS V.3.  Wetware Diversions.  $15 registration, $0.01/minute.
  Public Access UNIX System:  uucp, PicoSpan bbs, full Usenet News,
  multiple lines, shell access.  Newusers get initial credit!
  contact:{ucsfcca|claris|hoptoad}!wet!cc (Christopher Cilley)
05/90  415-967-9443^  btr         Mountain View       CA  3/12/24  24
  Sun (SunOS UNIX), shell access, e-mail, netnews, uucp, can access by
  Telenet PC Pursuit, multiple lines, Telebit, flat rate: $10/month.
  For sign-up information please send e-mail to Customer Service at
  cs@btr.com or ..!{decwrl,fernwood,mips}!btr!cs
  or call 415-966-1429 Voice.
04/90  416-438-2855   contact     Toronto             ON  3/12/24  24
  386 clone - Xenix 2.3.1, fee optional. USENET, email, multi-user chat,
  Contact: eisen@contact.UUCP martin loeffler
11/89  416-452-0926   telly       Brampton            ON  12/24/96  24
  386 SysVr3.2; proprietary menu-based BBS includes Usenet site searching.
  News (all groups, incl biz, pubnet, gnu, CanConfMail), mail (including
  to/from Internet, Bitnet), many archives. Feeds available. $75(Cdn)/year.
  Contact: Evan Leibovitch, evan@telly.on.ca, uunet!attcan!telly!evan
12/88  416-461-2608   tmsoft      Toronto             ON  3/12/24/96  24
  NS32016, Sys5r2, shell; news+mail $30/mo, general-timesharing $60/mo
  All newsgroups.  Willing to setup mail/news connections.
  Contact: Dave Mason <mason@tmsoft> / Login: newuser
07/89  416-654-8854   ziebmef     Toronto             ON  3/12/24/96  24
  AT&T 3B1, Sys V, shell, news, mail, no fee (donations accepted)
  Carries most newsgroups (willing to add extra ones on request)
  Telebit access, willing to give mail feeds
  Contact: Chris Siebenmann, {utzoo!telly,ncrcan}!ziebmef!cks
01/90  502-968-5401   disk        Louisville          KY  3/12     24
  386 clone, Interactive System V 3.2, 600 meg.  6 lines 5401 thru 5406.
  Carrying most USENET groups, Shell access, multi-user games(including Realm)
  multi-user chat, downloads, and more.  Rate info available via a free trial
  account. Also offering news/mail feeds to the local area. Now reachable
  via Starlink!
12/88  503-254-0458   bucket      Portland            OR  3/12/24  24
  Tektronix 6130, UTek 2.3(4.2BSD-derived).  Bit Bucket BBS publically
  available; login as 'bbs'.  BBS is message only.  Users intereseted in
  access to Unix should contact SYSOP via the BBS or send EMail to
  ..tektronix!tessi!bucket!rickb.  Unix services include USENET News,
  EMail, and all tools/games/utility access. Alternate dial-in lines
  available for Unix users.
12/89  503-297-3211^  m2xenix     Portland            OR  3/12/24  24
  '386/20, Xenix 2.3.  Shell accounts available, NO BBS.  No fee.  E-mail,
  USENET News, program development.
  Contact: ...!uunet!m2xenix!news or on Fido at 297-9145
05/89  503-640-4262^  agora       PDX                 OR  3/12/24  24
  Intel Xenix-286, $2/mo or $20/yr, news, mail, games, programming
  two lines with trunk-hunt, 4380 supports MNP level 3.
  Contact: Alan Batie, tektronix!tessi!agora!batie
05/90  503-644-8135^  techbook    Portland            OR  12/24    24
  80386, UNIX V.3.2; XBBS & some downloads for unregistered users, shell
  accounts & full set of Usenet & FidoNet newsgroups available to 
  registered users ($25/year); System answers at 8-N-1; login as BBS.
01/90  512-346-2339   bigtex      Austin              TX  96       24
  SysVr3.2 i386, anonymous shell, no fee, anonymous uucp ONLY,
  Telebit 9600/PEP; Mail links available.  Carries GNU software.
  anon uucp login: nuucp NO PASSWD, file list /usr3/index
  anon shell login: guest NO PASSWD, chroot'd to /usr3
  Contact: james@bigtex.cactus.org
10/89  513-779-8209   cinnet      Cincinnati          OH  12/24/96  24
  80386, ISC 386/ix 2.02, Telebit access, 1 line; $7.50/Month; shell
  access, Usenet access; news feeds available;
  login: newact password: new user to register for shell access
06/90  514-844-9179   tnl         Montreal            PQ  3/12/24  24
  80386 w/ SCO XENIX. No Fee.  2 hr session limit.  XBBS/USENET, shell.
  Login as 'new' for a shell account, no validation.  AKA: Northern Lights.
  Contact: norstar@tnl.UUCP or uunet!uvm-gen!tnl!norstar (Daniel Ray)
01/90  517-487-3356   lunapark    E. Lansing          MI  12/24    24
  Compaq 386/20 SCO-UNIX 3.2, lunabbs bulletin board & conferencing
  system, no fee, login: bbs password: lunabbs.  Primarily UNIX software
  with focus on TeX and Postscript, also some ATARI-ST and IBM-PC stuff
  2400/1200 --> 8 N 1
  Contact: ...!{mailrus,uunet}!frith!lunapark!larry
12/88  518-346-8033   sixhub      upstate             NY  3/12/24  24
  PC Designs GV386.  hub machine of the upstate NY UNIX users group (*IX)
  two line reserved for incoming, bbs no fee, news & email fee $15/year
  Smorgasboard of BBS systems, UNaXcess and XBBS online,
  Citadel BBS now in production. Contact: davidsen@sixhub.uucp.
09/88  602-941-2005   xroads      Phoenix             AZ  12/24    24
  Motorola VME1121, UNIX 5.2, Crossroads BBS, Fee $30/yr + $.50/.25 (call)
  prime (evenings)/non-prime, USENET news, multi-chat, online games,
  movie reviews, adventure games, dos unix/xenix files for dload, multi lines
05/90  604-576-1214   mindlink    Vancouver           BC  3/12/24  24
  Equip ???;  No shell;  Fee of $45/year for BBS access;  E-Mail, USENET,
  hundreds of megs of file downloads;  Operating since 1986.
08/89  605-348-2738   loft386     Rapid City          SD  3/12/24/96  24
  80386 SYS V/386 Rel 3.2, Usenet mail/news via UUNET, UUNET archive access.
  NO BBS!  News feeds avaliable.  400 meg hd.  Fees: $10/month or $25/quarter.
  Call (605) 343-8760 and talk to Doug Ingraham to arrange an account or email
08/88  608-273-2657   madnix      Madison             WI  3/12/24  24
  286 SCO-XENIX, shell, no fee, USENET news, mail, login: newuser
  Contact: ray@madnix
09/90  612-473-2295^  pnet51      Minneapolis         MN  3/12/24  24
  Equip ?, Xenix, multi-line, no fee, some Usenet news, email, multi-threaded
  conferencing, login: pnet id: new, PC Pursuitable
  UUCP: {rosevax, crash}!orbit!pnet51!admin
04/90  615-288-3957   medsys      Kingsport           TN  12/24/96  24
  386  SCO-UNIX 3.2, XBBS, no fee, limit 90 min.
  Telebit PEP, USENET, login: bbs   password: bbs
  anon uucp --> medsys Any ACU (speed) 16152883957 ogin: nuucp  ssword: \r
  Contact: uunet!medsys!laverne (LaVerne E. Olney)
03/90  615-896-8716   raider      Murfreesboro        TN  12/24    24
  WAFFLE BBS, no charge, shell accounts $40/yr,$25/6,$15/3. News and
  mail links free of charge; just one hop from uunet. Limited archives.
  19.2kb coming soon. Contact: root@raider.MFEE.TN.US (Bob Reineri)
05/90  616-457-1964   wybbs       Jenison             MI  3/12/24/96  24
  386 - SCO-XENIX 2.3.2, two lines, XBBS for new users, mail in for shell 
  access, usenet news, 150 meg storage, Telebit. Interests: ham radio, xenix 
  AKA: Consultants Connection  Contact: danielw%wybbs@sharkey.cc.umich.edu
  Alternate phone #: 616-457-9909 (max 2400 baud). Anonymous UUCP available.
01/90  617-739-9753   world       Brookline           MA  3/12/24/96  24
  Sun 4/280, SunOS 4.03;  Shell, USENET, E-Mail, UUCP and home of the
  Open Book Initiative (text project);  fees: $5/mo + $3/hr (8a-8p) and
  $2/hr (8p-8a);  Multiple lines: 2400 MNP used on listed number,
  Telebits used on others;  login as "new";  Contact: geb@world.std.com
01/90  619-259-7757   pnet12      Del Mar             CA  3/12/24/96  24
  Xenix, multi-line, no fee, full Usenet, email, multithreaded conferencing
  login: pnet   id: new
  Contact: ...!uunet!serene!pnet12!rfarris
07/88  619-444-7006^  pnet01      El Cajon            CA  3/12/24  24
  BSD Unix, 3 lines, login: pnet id: new, some USENET, email, conferencing 
  Home of P-Net software, mail to crash!bblue or pnet01!bblue for info.
  Contributions requested
  Unix accounts available for regulars, PC Pursuit access 2/88.
12/89  703-281-7997^  grebyn      Vienna              VA  3/12/24  24
  Vax/Ultrix.  $25/month.  GNU EMACS, USENET, PC/BLUE archives, Telebit used
  for uucp only, archives, Ada repository, comp.sources.(misc,unix,games)
  archives, net.sources archives, 3 C compilers, Ada compiler,  1.2GB disk,
  multiple lines
11/89  708-272-5912^  igloo       Northbrook          IL  12/24/96  24
  3B2-300;  accounts by invitation only, no limit/no fee;  full usenet;
  132megs HD;  2 lines rotary, 9600 telebit on 272-5917
  Contact: igloo!postmaster
05/90  708-318-7133^  gagme       Niles               IL  12/24    24
  3B2/300 - System V 3.2.  E-mail, netnews, sources, access to anonymous
  ftp, local message base, etc.
04/90  708-808-7300^  ddsw1       Wheeling            IL  3/12/24/96  24
  GT-3020 80386 system, ISC 2.0.2;  guest users 1 hr daily in AKCS BBS;
  fee for shell, regular Usenet access, unlimited use & hardware discounts;
  Authors of AKCS bbs;  fee $75/year or $7/month, 7 lines, 19200 available on 
  (708) 808-7306, anonymous uucp (nuucp) from 12 midnight to 6 AM, 
  ~/DIRECTORY/README for info on anon uucp.
  Contact: Karl Denninger (ddsw1!karl, karl@ddsw1.MCS.COM), Voice (708) 808-7200
11/89  708-833-8126^  vpnet       Villa Park          IL  12/24/96  24
  386 Clone - Interactive 386/ix R2.0 (3.2), no fee. Akcs linked bbs
  including several Usenet conf's. No charge for shells. Trailblazer. 
  Mail lisbon@vpnet.UUCP
07/89  713-438-5018   sugar       Houston             TX  3/12/24/96  24
  386/AT (2) networked - Bell Technologies V/386, usenet, news, downloads
  Homegrown BBS software, Trailblazer+ access, currently no charges
10/89  713-668-7176^  nuchat      Houston             TX  3/12/24/96  24
  i386;  USENET, Mail, Shell Access;  300M On-line;  Trailbazer Used;
  No fee.
12/88  714-635-2863   dhw68k      Anaheim             CA  12/24    24
  Unistride 2.1, no fee, also 714-385-1915, Trailblazer on both lines,
  USENET News, /bin/sh or /bin/csh available
05/89  714-662-7450   turnkey     Inglewood           CA  12/24    24
  286 - Xenix SYSV, XBBS
01/90  714-821-9671   alphacm     Cypress             CA  12/24/96  24
  386 - SCO-XENIX, no fee, Home of XBBS, 90 minute per login, 4 lines,
  Trailblazer pluses in use.
    uucp-anon:  ogin: nuucp  NO PASSWD
05/89  714-842-5851   conexch     Santa Ana           CA  3/12/24  24
  386 - SCO Xenix - Free Unix guest login and PC-DOS bbs login, one
  hour inital time limit, USENET news, shell access granted on request &
  $25/quarter donation.  Anon uucp: ogin: nuucp  NO PASSWD.  List of
  available Unix files resides in /usr3/public/FILES.
08/88  714-894-2246   stanton     Irvine              CA  3/12/24  24
  286 - SCO Xenix - donation requested, limit 240 min, XBBS, USENET news
  UNIX access granted on request through BBS, 20$/year, access includes
  C development system (XENIX/MSDOS), PROCALC 1-2-3 clone, FOXBASE+
  anon uucp: ogin: nuucp, no word, 2400/1200/300 MNP supported
03/90  717-657-4997   compnect    Harrisburg          PA  3/12/24  24
  Equip ???;  The Data Factory BBS;  Multiple line, 1200 baud on 675-4992;
  No fee, restricted access to adult areas, some USENET, no shell;
  Contact: ...!uunet!wa3wbu!compnect!dave.
12/89  719-632-4111   oldcolo     Colo Spgs           CO  12/24/96  24
  386 - SCO-XENIX  frontend,  2 CT  Miniframes  backend,  e-mail 
  conferencing,  databases,   Naplps Graphics, USENET news. 7 lines 
  8N1,  2400 on 2906,  USR  Dual  9600  on 2658.   Self registering   
  for  limited  free  access    (political,    policy, marketplace) 
  Subscriptions $10, 15, 18 mo for full use. Dave Hughes SYSOP.
01/90  801-269-0670^  i-core      Salt Lake City      UT  3/12/24/96  24
  286 SYS V, Unidel BBS and Newsreader; a.k.a. Bitsko's Bar & Grill BBS,
  no limit, no fee; UseNet and Citadel feeds available.  Home of Unidel
  room-based newsreader and UNIX Citadel network gateway; Telebit 19200
  Contact: ken@i-core.UUCP or uunet!iconsys!caeco!i-core!ken
08/88  813-952-1981   usource     Sarasota            FL  12/24    -24
  386 - SCO-XENIX, fee depends on services provided, no fee for bbs. New users
  subscribe by logging in as 'help' or 'newuser' (no password).  Primary
  purpose is technical forum. 6pm-8am M-Th, 24 hrs weeekends (6pm Fri-8am Mon)
  uucp-anon: 1200/2400 bps --> ogin: auucp  word: gateway
  uucp-anon directory: /usr/spool/uucppublic; contact: frank@usource.UUCP
05/90  814-337-0348   sir-alan    Meadville           PA  12/24/19.2/38  24
  SCO XENIX 2.3; no fee; XBBS; USR DS on 337-0348(300-38.4K), TB+ on
  337-3159(300-19.2K); archive site for comp.sources.[games,misc,sun,unix,x],
  some alt.sources, XENIX(68K/286/386), files from UUNET(X11R3,TeX,etc.).
  uucp-anon: ogin: pdsrc NO PASSWD
  uucp-anon directory: /u/pdsrc, /u/pubdir, /u/uunet, help in /u/pubdir/HELP 
  Contact: sir-alan!mikes@uunet.uu.net  (814-337-5528 voice)
05/90  900-468-7727   uunet       Falls Church        VA  3/12/24/96  24
  Sequent S81, Dynix 3.0.17(9);  UUNET Communication Services;  No Shell;
  Anonymous UUCP, fee $0.40/min -- billed by the telephone company [Not
  available in Virginia!], login: uucp (no passwd);  Multiple lines, PEP
  and V.32 available;  grab "uunet!~/help for more info" ...
  Full internet mail and USENET available via full-blown accounts,
  Contact: info@uunet.uu.net or call [voice] 703-876-5050.
05/90  908-846-2460^  althea      New Brunswick       NJ  3/12/24  24
  AT&T 3B2/310 - Unix SVR3.1, no fee.  USENET, email, C development,
  games.  Single line.
  Contact: rjd@althea.UUCP (Robert Diamond)
09/89  916-649-0161   sactoh0     Sacramento          CA  12/24/96  24
  3B2/310 SYSV.2, SAC_UNIX;  $2/month, limit 90 min, 2 lines, TB on line,
  2400/1200 baud on 916-722-6519;  USENET, E-Mail, Games;  login: new
  Contact: ..pacbell!sactoh0!sysop
089  919-493-7111^  wolves      Durham              NC  3/12/24  24
  AMS 386/25 - UNIX SysVr3.2, XBBS, no fee for bbs.  Rates for UNIX access
  and USENET are being determined.  Developing yet another UNIX bbs (ideas
  welcome!)  Single line, telebit coming soon.
  Contact: wolves!ggw or wolves!sysop  [...duke!dukcds!wolves!...]
NOTE:  ^ means the site is reachable using PC Pursuit.
The nixpub listings are kept as current as possible.  However, you use this
data at your own risk and cost -- all standard disclaimers apply!!!
Any additions, deletions, or corrections should be sent to nixpub@ls.com.
      Lists are available via any of the following:
            o  anonymous uucp from lgnp1 --
                    +1 215 348 9727 [Telebit access]
                    login: nuucp  NO PWD   [no rmail permitted]
                this list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub
               short list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub.short
            o  restricted guest account on lgnp1 --
                    login as 'guest', [X/Y/Z]modem and ascii supported.
            o  USENET, regular posts to --
            o  the nixpub electronic mailing list --
                    to be included or deleted from this distribution,
                    send mail to nixpub-request@ls.com.
  COMPAQ, IBM, PC Pursuit, [SCO] XENIX, UNIX, etc. are trademarks of the
  respective companies.

nixpub@lgnp1.LS.COM (Nixpub Coordinator) (07/31/90)

                          nixpub short listing
     Open Access UNIX (*NIX) Sites [Fee / No Fee] for mapped sites only
                           [ July 31, 1990 ]

Systems listed (78)
Legend: fee/contribution ($), no fee (-$), hours (24), not (-24)
        shell (S), USENET news (N), email (M), multiple lines (T) 
        Telebit PEP speed on main number (+P), Telebit on other line[s] (P)
        Courier 9600 bps on main number (+H), Courier on other line[s] (H) 
        V.32 on main number (+V), V.32 on other line[s] (V) 
        anonymous uucp (A), archive site ONLY - see long form list (@)
        Dialable thru PC Pursuit (^)

Date   Telephone #    Sys-name   Location          Baud        Legend
-----  ------------   --------   -----------       -------     ---------
04/90  206-328-4944   polari     Seattle       WA  3/12        24 $ MNPST
04/90  209-952-5347   quack      Stockton      CA  3/12/24/96  24 $ MN+PS
12/89  212-420-0527   magpie     NYC           NY  3/12/24/96  24 -$ APT
03/90  212-447-1522^  dasys1     NYC           NY  3/12/24     24 $ MNST
02/90  212-675-7059   marob      NYC           NY  3/12/24/96  24 -$ APT
04/90  213-397-3137^  stb        Santa Monica  CA  3/12/24     24 -$ AS
11/88  213-459-5891   amazing    Pac Palisade  CA  3/12/24     24 $ T
07/88  214-247-2367   ozdaltx    Dallas        TX  3/12/24     24 $ NT
06/90  215-348-9727   lgnp1      Doylestown    PA  3/12/24/96  24 $ AMN+PS
01/90  216-582-2460   ncoast     Cleveland     OH  12/24/96    24 $ SNMPT
01/90  217-525-9019   pallas     Springfield   IL  3/12/24/96  24 $ HMSTV
07/90  219-289-0282   nstar      Notre Dame    IN  24/96       24 $ AMN+PT
04/90  301-625-0817   wb3ffv     Baltimore     MD  12/24/96    24 ANPTV
04/90  312-283-0559^  chinet     Chicago       IL  3/12/24/96  24 $ HNPT
10/89  312-338-0632^  point      Chicago       IL  3/12/24/96  24 -$ HNPST
03/90  313-623-6309   nucleus    Clarkston     MI  12/24       24 -$ AM
11/88  313-994-6333   m-net      Ann Arbor     MI  3/12        24 $ T
08/89  313-996-4644^  anet       Ann Arbor     MI  3/12        24 $ T
08/89  314-474-4581   gensis     Columbia      MO  3/12/24/96  24 -$ MS 
05/90  401-455-0347   anomaly    Esmond        RI  3/12/24/96  24 -$ MN+PS
10/89  404-321-5020^  jdyx       Atlanta       GA  12/24       24 $ MN+PST
05/88  407-380-6228   rtmvax     Orlando       FL  3/12/24     24 -$ NM
09/89  408-245-7726^  uuwest     Sunnyvale     CA  3/12/24     24 -$ N
02/90  408-249-0290^  netcom     San Jose      CA  12/24/96    24 $ MNPST
02/90  408-423-9995   cruzio     Santa Cruz    CA  12/24       24 $ MT
10/89  408-725-0561^  portal     Cupertino     CA  3/12/24     24 $ MNT
02/90  408-996-7358^  zorch      Cupertino     CA  12/24       24 $ MNT
05/90  412-431-8649   eklektik   Pittsburgh    PA  3/12/24     24 $ MNST
07/90  414-241-5469   mixcom     Milwaukee     WI  3/12/24     24 $ MNST
11/89  415-332-6106^  well       Sausalito     CA  12/24       24 $ MNST
07/89  415-753-5265^  wet        San Francisc  CA  3/12/24     24 $ MNST
05/90  415-967-9443^  btr        Mountain Vie  CA  3/12/24     24 $ HMNPSTV
04/90  416-438-2855   contact    Toronto       ON  3/12/24     24 -$ MNST
11/89  416-452-0926   telly      Brampton      ON  12/24/96    24 $ MN+P
12/88  416-461-2608   tmsoft     Toronto       ON  3/12/24/96  24 $ MNS
07/89  416-654-8854   ziebmef    Toronto       ON  3/12/24/96  24 MN+PST
01/90  502-968-5401   disk       Louisville    KY  3/12        24 $ MNST
12/88  503-254-0458   bucket     Portland      OR  3/12/24     24 -$ MNST
12/89  503-297-3211^  m2xenix    Portland      OR  3/12/24     24 -$ MNS 
05/89  503-640-4262^  agora      PDX           OR  3/12/24     24 $ MNST
05/90  503-644-8135^  techbook   Portland      OR  12/24       24 $ MNST
01/90  512-346-2339   bigtex     Austin        TX  96          24 -$ A+P
10/89  513-779-8209   cinnet     Cincinnati    OH  12/24/96    24 $ MN+PS 
06/90  514-844-9179   tnl        Montreal      PQ  3/12/24     24 -$ MS
01/90  517-487-3356   lunapark   E. Lansing    MI  12/24       24 -$
12/88  518-346-8033   sixhub     upstate       NY  3/12/24     24 $ NMST
09/88  602-941-2005   xroads     Phoenix       AZ  3/12/24     24 $ NT
05/90  604-576-1214   mindlink   Vancouver     BC  3/12/24     24 $ HMNPT
08/89  605-348-2738   loft386    Rapid City    SD  3/12/24/96  24 $ MN+PS 
08/88  608-273-2657   madnix     Madison       WI  3/12/24     24 -$ MNS
04/90  612-473-2295^  pnet51     Minneapolis   MN  3/12/24     24 -$ NMT
04/90  615-288-3957   medsys     Kingsport     TN  12/24/96    24 -$ AN+P
03/90  615-896-8716   raider     Murfreesboro  TN  12/24       24 -$ MNS
05/90  616-457-1964   wybbs      Jenison       MI  3/12/24/96  24 -$ MN+PST
01/90  617-739-9753   world      Brookline     MA  3/12/24/96  24 $ MNPST
01/90  619-259-7757   pnet12     Del Mar       CA  3/12/24/96  24 -$ MNPT
07/88  619-444-7006^  pnet01     El Cajon      CA  3/12/24     24 $ MNST
12/89  703-281-7997^  grebyn     Vienna        VA  3/12/24     24 $ MNT
11/89  708-272-5912^  igloo      Northbrook    IL  12/24/96    24 -$ NPST
05/90  708-318-7133^  gagme      Niles         IL  12/24       24 $ MNS
05/90  708-808-7300^  ddsw1      Mundelein     IL  3/12/24/96  24 $ AMNPST
11/89  708-833-8126^  vpnet      Villa Park    IL  12/24/96    24 -$ MN+PS
07/89  713-438-5018   sugar      Houston       TX  3/12/24/96  24 -$ N+P
10/89  713-668-7176^  nuchat     Houston       TX  3/12/24/96  24 -$ MN+PS
12/88  714-635-2863   dhw68k     Anaheim       CA  12/24       24 -$ T
05/89  714-662-7450   turnkey    Inglewood     CA  12/24       24 -$
01/90  714-821-9671   alphacm    Cypress       CA  12/24/96    24 -$ A+PT
05/89  714-842-5851   conexch    Santa Ana     CA  3/12/24     24 $ AMNS
08/88  714-894-2246   stanton    Irvine        CA  3/12/24     24 $ NS
03/90  717-657-4997   compnect   Harrisburg    PA  3/12/24     24 -$ MNT
12/89  719-632-4111   oldcolo    Colo Spgs     CO  12/24/96    24 $ HMNT
01/90  801-269-0670^  i-core     Salt Lake Ci  UT  3/12/24/96  24 -$ AN+P
08/88  813-952-1981   usource    Sarasota      FL  12/24       -24 -$ A
05/90  814-337-0348   sir-alan   Meadville     PA  12/24/19.2  24 -$ A+HMPTV
05/90  900-468-7727   uunet      Falls Church  VA  3/12/24/96  24 $ AMN+PT+V
05/90  908-846-2460^  althea     New Brunswic  NJ  3/12/24     24 -$ MNS 
09/89  916-649-0161   sactoh0    Sacramento    CA  12/24/96    24 $ MN+PST
08/89  919-493-7111^  wolves     Durham        NC  3/12/24     24 $ MNS 
NOTE:  ^ means the site is reachable using PC Pursuit.
The nixpub listings are kept as current as possible.  However, you use this
data at your own risk and cost -- all standard disclaimers apply!!!
Any additions, deletions, or corrections should be sent to nixpub@ls.com.
      Lists are available from any of the following:
            o  anonymous uucp from lgnp1 --
                    +1 215 348 9727 [Telebit access]
                    login: nuucp  NO PWD   [no rmail permitted]
                this list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub.short
                long list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub
            o  restricted guest account on lgnp1 --
                    login as 'guest', [X/Y/Z]modem and ascii supported.
            o  USENET, regular posts to --
            o  the nixpub electronic mailing list --
                    to be included or deleted from this distribution,
                    send mail to nixpub-request@ls.com.
  COMPAQ, IBM, PC Pursuit, [SCO] XENIX, UNIX, etc. are trademarks of the
  respective companies.

phil@lgnp1.LS.COM (Phil Eschallier) (08/15/90)

                          nixpub long listing
     Open Access UNIX (*NIX) Sites [Fee / No Fee] for mapped sites only
                           [ August 12, 1990 ]

Systems listed (80):
 [   agora     alphacm   althea    amazing   anet      anomaly   bigtex    ]
 [   btr       bucket    chinet    cinnet    compnect  conexch   contact   ]
 [   cruzio    ddsw1     dhw68k    disk      eklektik  eskimo    gagme     ]
 [   gensis    grebyn    i-core    igloo     jdyx      lgnp1     loft386   ]
 [   lopez     lunapark  m-net     m2xenix   madnix    magpie    marob     ]
 [   medsys    mindlink  mixcom    ncoast    netcom    nstar     nuchat    ]
 [   nucleus   oldcolo   ozdaltx   pallas    pnet01    pnet12    pnet51    ]
 [   point     polari    portal    quack     raider    rtmvax    sactoh0   ]
 [   sir-alan  sixhub    stanton   stb       sugar     techbook  telesys   ]
 [   telly     tmsoft    tnl       turnkey   usource   uunet     uuwest    ]
 [   vpnet     wb3ffv    well      wet       wolves    world     wybbs     ]
 [   xroads    ziebmef   zorch                                             ]

Date   Telephone #    Sys-name    Location                Baud        Hours
-----  ------------   --------    -----------             -------     -----

04/90  206-328-4944   polari      Seattle             WA  3/12     24
  Equip ???;  8-lines, Trailblazer on 206-328-1468;  $30/year (flat rate);
  Multi-user games, chat, full USENET.
  Contact: uunet!microsoft!happym!polari!bruceki
08/90  206-367-3837   eskimo      Seattle             WA  3/12/24  24
  Tandy 6000 Xenix - Everett Tel 206-742-1150. Five lines. First 2 weeks
  free, $48/year or $6/month thereafter. Shell access, C, Fortran, Pascal,
  unique conference, smart mail, messages, upload/download, other apps.
  Western Washington BBS List, 60 games online, free uucp connections.
08/90  209-952-5347   quack       Stockton            CA  3/12/24/96  24
  Sun 2/170, SunOS 4.0;  Aka - The Duck Pond;  BBS at no charge,
  Shell - $2/mo ($4/mo expanded quota);  Trailblazer access;  login: bbs.
  Contact: uop.edu!quack!postmaster or quack!postmaster@uop.edu
12/89  212-420-0527   magpie      NYC                 NY  3/12/24/96  24
  ? - UNIX SYSV - 2, Magpie BBS, no fee, Authors: Magpie/UNIX,/MSDOS
  two lines plus anonymous uucp: 212-677-9487 (9600 bps Telebit modem)
  NOTE: 9487 reserved for registered Magpie sysops & anon uucp
  Contact: Steve Manes, {rutgers|cmcl2|uunet}!hombre!magpie!manes	
02/90  212-675-7059   marob       NYC                 NY  3/12/24/96  24
  386 SCO-XENIX 2.2, XBBS, no fee, limit 60 min.
  Telebit Trailblazer (9600 PEP) only 212-675-8438
  Contact:  {philabs|rutgers|cmcl2}!{phri|hombre}!marob!clifford
04/90  213-397-3137^  stb         Santa Monica        CA  3/12/24  24
  AT&T 3b1;  BBS and shell access;  uucp-anon: ogin: uucp NO PASSWD
  3 line on rotary -3137 2400 baud.
03/88  213-459-5891   amazing     Pacific Palisades   CA  3/12/24  24
  AMT 286 - Microport  David's Amazing BBS  Fee $7.50/month;$35/6;$60/year
  5 lines on rotary; Unique original software with conferencing, electronic
  bar, matchmaking, no file up/downloading
07/88  214-247-2367   ozdaltx     Dallas              TX  3/12/24  24
  INTEC/SCO XENIX 2.2.1, OZ BBS, Membership only adult BBS, fee $40
  year. Multiple lines.  Closed system, carries limited USENET
  newsgroups. Login: guest (no PW).  Voice verification on all new users.
06/90  215-348-9727   lgnp1       Doylestown          PA  3/12/24/96  24
  '386 mutt w/ SCO-XENIX -- Telebit on dial in line.  UUCP and 'guest' account
  only ...  Public access to the nixpub lists [see footer of this list].
  Fee services include feeds/routing for E-mail and USENET News, plus access
  to *NIX specific PD source code library.  Contact: phil@ls.com.
01/90  216-582-2460   ncoast      Cleveland           OH  12/24/96  24
  80386 Mylex, SCO Xenix;  600 meg. storage;  XBBS and Shell;  USENET
  (newsfeeds available), E-Mail; donations requested; login as "bbs"
  for BBS and "makeuser" for new users.
  Telebit used on 216-237-5486.
01/90  217-525-9019   pallas      Springfield         IL  3/12/24/96  24
  AT&T 6386, 380 meg disk space;  4 lines w/ USRobotics Dual Standard modems;
  BBS available at no fee (UBBS), shell access for $50/year;  "guest" login
07/90  219-289-0282   nstar       Notre Dame          IN  24/96    24
  AT&T SysV 3.2, 5 lines - all high speed modems, hundreds of megabytes of 
  files, complete backbone newsfeed, free feeds available via PEP, no shell 
  accounts, anonymous uucp logins for files, restricted internet access via 
  SLIP, BBS (on-line usenet access): $30/year; contact larry@nstar
04/90  301-625-0817   wb3ffv      Baltimore           MD  12/24/96  24
  80386, UNIX V.3.2;  XBBS for HAM radio enthusiasts;  780 meg online;
  Multiple lines, dial in - Hayes 2400, 9482 - MultiTech V32, 9663 - Tb+;
  Some USENET;  Anon-UUCP available;  Login as bbs (8-N-1).
04/90  312-283-0559^  chinet      Chicago             IL  3/12/24/96  24
  '386, SysVr3.2.1;  Multiple lines including Telebit and HST;
  Picospan BBS (free), USENET at $50/year (available to guests on
10/89  312-338-0632^  point       Chicago             IL  3/12/24/96  24
  North Shore / Rogers Park area of Chicago.  386 - ISC 2.01 (SysV3.2),
  multiple lines, Telebit PEP on 338-3261, USRobotics HST on 338-1036,
  AKCS bbs, some usenet conferences available.  200+ MB online storage.
  Downloads, full usenet & shell access in the works.
06/90  313-623-6309   nucleus     Clarkston           MI  12/24    24
  AMI 80386 - ESIX 5.3.2, large online sources archive accessable by
  anonymous UUCP, login: nuucp, nucleus!/user/src/LISTING lists
  available public domain/shareware source code.  Contact: jeff@nucleus.mi.org
02/88  313-994-6333   m-net       Ann Arbor           MI  3/12     24
  Altos 68020 - SYS III, limits unstated, fee for extended service
  Picospan conference system, multiple lines, 160 meg, packet radio
08/89  313-996-4644^  anet        Ann Arbor           MI  3/12     24
  Altos 68000 - Sys III, no limits, 1st month free, fees range up to $20/
  month (negotiable), accepts equipment/software in lieu of fees, Picospan
  conferencing, 120M, non-profit, user-supported, community-based, ideal
  autodidact educational system.  Tax-deductible donations okay.
08/89  314-474-4581   gensis      Columbia            MO  3/12/24/48/96  24
  Gateway 386 system w/ SCO Xenix V/386, DataFlex, Oracle, CHARM, & VP/ix.
  No fee.  Online gaming, game design, and (oddly enough) data base design
  are the main focus.  Modem is Microcom MNP 6.
08/90  401-455-0347   anomaly     Esmond              RI  3/12/24/96  24
  CSS Laboratories 386, SCO Xenix 2.3.2; Trailblazer+; No fees; Waffle BBS,
  newusers log in as 'bbs' (no pw.) Shell accounts available to qualified
  users. USENET feeds available, limited feeds for non-PEP sites. XENIX
  software archive site, anonymous uucp login: xxcp  pass: xenix
  Software listing & download directions in ~/SOFTLIST and ~/ARCHELP
10/89  404-321-5020^  jdyx        Atlanta             GA  12/24/96  24
  386/ix 2.0.2.  XBBS. Usenet (alt, gnu, most comp and a few others) and 
  shell access.  Second line (2400 below) (404) 325-1719.  200+ meg current
  Usenet and GNU sources.  Specializing in graphics and ray-tracing under 
  386/ix (with/with out X11).  Yearly fee for shell and/or downloads.  
  Telebit access.  Contact: ...gatech!emory!jdyx!tpf (Tom Friedel)
05/88  407-380-6228   rtmvax      Orlando             FL  3/12/24  24
  mVAX-I - Ultrix-32 V1.2  USENET & UUCP Email Gateway. XBBS front end for
  new user subscribing. No Fees. Primary function is Technical exchange.
  Contact: { cbosgd!codas, hoptoad!peora }!rtmvax!rob 
09/89  408-245-7726^  uuwest      Sunnyvale           CA  3/12/24  24
  SCO-XENIX, Waffle. No fee, USENET news (news.*, music, comics, telecom, etc)
  The Dark Side of the Moon BBS. This system has been in operation since 1985.
  Login: new Contact: (UUCP) ames!uuwest!request (Domain) request@darkside.com
02/90  408-249-0290^  netcom      San Jose            CA  12/24/96  24
  UNIX Sysv r3.2 (486)  - USENET (21 days), UUNET Sources, News Feeds, Shell 
  Access (Bourne, Korn, C),  UUCP support, E-Mail, Compilers. Fee $10.00/mo +
  one time Registration of $10.00.  Login as guest (no password).
  Telebit on (408) 249-0576.
02/90  408-423-9995   cruzio      Santa Cruz          CA  12/24    24
  Tandy 4000, Xenix 2.3.*, Caucus 3.*;  focus on Santa Cruz activity
  (ie directory of community and goverment organizations, events, ...);
  USENET Support;  Multiple lines;  no shell; fee: $15/quarter.
  Contact: ...!uunet!cruzio!chris
10/89  408-725-0561^  portal      Cupertino           CA  3/12/24  24
  Networked Suns (SunOS), multiple lines, Telenet access, no shell access
  fees: $10/month + Telenet charges (if used) @ various rates/times
  conferencing, multi user chats, usenet 
02/90  408-996-7358^  zorch       Cupertino           CA  12/24    24
  Wicat 200 - Unix SVR2; 4 lines, 1200 only on 7361, 7378, 7386; $10/month,
  $100/year, flat rate, no time limit.  Email, USENET, games, utilities,
  online man pages, Bourne, C, Korn shells.  400M online, 80M source archive.
  Registration required, verified; login as newuser, password public.
  Contact: scott@zorch.SF-Bay.ORG or (ames|pyramid|vsi1)!zorch!scott
05/90  412-431-8649   eklektik    Pittsburgh          PA  3/12/24  24
  UNIX PC- SYSV - UNaXcess BBS, donation requested for shell,
  login: bbs for BBS, limited Usenet news (amiga and gaming groups).  
  RPG mailing list, rec.games.frp and rec.music.dylan archive.
  Alternate number: 431-3064,
  Contact:  anthony@eklektik.pgh.pa.us or anthony@cs.pitt.edu
07/90  414-241-5469   mixcom      Milwaukee           WI  3/12/24  24
  80386, SCO UNIX 3.2;  MIX (Milwaukee Information eXchange;  Fee charged
  for shell, E-Mail, and full USENET, $50 - 12 mo, $35 - 6 mo, $20 - 3 mo;
  Multiple lines;  login as 'newuser' passwd 'newuser' ...
  Contact: sysop@mixcom.UUCP (...!uwm.edu!mixcom!sysop) [414-962-8172 voice]
11/89  415-332-6106^  well        Sausalito           CA  12/24    24
  6-processor Sequent Balance (32032); UUCP and USENET access; multiple
  lines; access via CPN; PICOSPAN BBS; $3/hour.  Contact (415) 332-4335
07/89  415-753-5265^  wet         San Francisco       CA  3/12/24  24
  386 SYS V.3.  Wetware Diversions.  $15 registration, $0.01/minute.
  Public Access UNIX System:  uucp, PicoSpan bbs, full Usenet News,
  multiple lines, shell access.  Newusers get initial credit!
  contact:{ucsfcca|claris|hoptoad}!wet!cc (Christopher Cilley)
05/90  415-967-9443^  btr         Mountain View       CA  3/12/24  24
  Sun (SunOS UNIX), shell access, e-mail, netnews, uucp, can access by
  Telenet PC Pursuit, multiple lines, Telebit, flat rate: $10/month.
  For sign-up information please send e-mail to Customer Service at
  cs@btr.com or ..!{decwrl,fernwood,mips}!btr!cs
  or call 415-966-1429 Voice.
04/90  416-438-2855   contact     Toronto             ON  3/12/24  24
  386 clone - Xenix 2.3.1, fee optional. USENET, email, multi-user chat,
  Contact: eisen@contact.UUCP martin loeffler
11/89  416-452-0926   telly       Brampton            ON  12/24/96  24
  386 SysVr3.2; proprietary menu-based BBS includes Usenet site searching.
  News (all groups, incl biz, pubnet, gnu, CanConfMail), mail (including
  to/from Internet, Bitnet), many archives. Feeds available. $75(Cdn)/year.
  Contact: Evan Leibovitch, evan@telly.on.ca, uunet!attcan!telly!evan
12/88  416-461-2608   tmsoft      Toronto             ON  3/12/24/96  24
  NS32016, Sys5r2, shell; news+mail $30/mo, general-timesharing $60/mo
  All newsgroups.  Willing to setup mail/news connections.
  Contact: Dave Mason <mason@tmsoft> / Login: newuser
07/89  416-654-8854   ziebmef     Toronto             ON  3/12/24/96  24
  AT&T 3B1, Sys V, shell, news, mail, no fee (donations accepted)
  Carries most newsgroups (willing to add extra ones on request)
  Telebit access, willing to give mail feeds
  Contact: Chris Siebenmann, {utzoo!telly,ncrcan}!ziebmef!cks
01/90  502-968-5401   disk        Louisville          KY  3/12     24
  386 clone, Interactive System V 3.2, 600 meg.  6 lines 5401 thru 5406.
  Carrying most USENET groups, Shell access, multi-user games(including Realm)
  multi-user chat, downloads, and more.  Rate info available via a free trial
  account. Also offering news/mail feeds to the local area. Now reachable
  via Starlink!
12/88  503-254-0458   bucket      Portland            OR  3/12/24  24
  Tektronix 6130, UTek 2.3(4.2BSD-derived).  Bit Bucket BBS publically
  available; login as 'bbs'.  BBS is message only.  Users intereseted in
  access to Unix should contact SYSOP via the BBS or send EMail to
  ..tektronix!tessi!bucket!rickb.  Unix services include USENET News,
  EMail, and all tools/games/utility access. Alternate dial-in lines
  available for Unix users.
12/89  503-297-3211^  m2xenix     Portland            OR  3/12/24  24
  '386/20, Xenix 2.3.  Shell accounts available, NO BBS.  No fee.  E-mail,
  USENET News, program development.
  Contact: ...!uunet!m2xenix!news or on Fido at 297-9145
08/90  503-640-4262^  agora       PDX                 OR  3/12/24  24
  Intel Unix V/386, $2/mo or $20/yr, news, mail, games, programming.
  Three lines with trunk-hunt, 640-4380 supports MNP level 3; the
  third line (648-7596) is only 1200/300.
  Contact: Alan Batie, tektronix!tessi!agora!batie
05/90  503-644-8135^  techbook    Portland            OR  12/24    24
  80386, UNIX V.3.2; XBBS & some downloads for unregistered users, shell
  accounts & full set of Usenet & FidoNet newsgroups available to 
  registered users ($25/year); System answers at 8-N-1; login as BBS.
01/90  512-346-2339   bigtex      Austin              TX  96       24
  SysVr3.2 i386, anonymous shell, no fee, anonymous uucp ONLY,
  Telebit 9600/PEP; Mail links available.  Carries GNU software.
  anon uucp login: nuucp NO PASSWD, file list /usr3/index
  anon shell login: guest NO PASSWD, chroot'd to /usr3
  Contact: james@bigtex.cactus.org
10/89  513-779-8209   cinnet      Cincinnati          OH  12/24/96  24
  80386, ISC 386/ix 2.02, Telebit access, 1 line; $7.50/Month; shell
  access, Usenet access; news feeds available;
  login: newact password: new user to register for shell access
08/90  514-844-9179   tnl         Montreal            PQ  3/12/24  24
  80386 w/ SCO XENIX. No Fee.  2 hr session limit.  XBBS/USENET, shell.
  Login as 'new' for a shell account, no validation.  AKA: Northern Lights.
  Contact: norstar@tnl.CAM.ORG (Daniel Ray)
01/90  517-487-3356   lunapark    E. Lansing          MI  12/24    24
  Compaq 386/20 SCO-UNIX 3.2, lunabbs bulletin board & conferencing
  system, no fee, login: bbs password: lunabbs.  Primarily UNIX software
  with focus on TeX and Postscript, also some ATARI-ST and IBM-PC stuff
  2400/1200 --> 8 N 1
  Contact: ...!{mailrus,uunet}!frith!lunapark!larry
12/88  518-346-8033   sixhub      upstate             NY  3/12/24  24
  PC Designs GV386.  hub machine of the upstate NY UNIX users group (*IX)
  two line reserved for incoming, bbs no fee, news & email fee $15/year
  Smorgasboard of BBS systems, UNaXcess and XBBS online,
  Citadel BBS now in production. Contact: davidsen@sixhub.uucp.
09/88  602-941-2005   xroads      Phoenix             AZ  12/24    24
  Motorola VME1121, UNIX 5.2, Crossroads BBS, Fee $30/yr + $.50/.25 (call)
  prime (evenings)/non-prime, USENET news, multi-chat, online games,
  movie reviews, adventure games, dos unix/xenix files for dload, multi lines
05/90  604-576-1214   mindlink    Vancouver           BC  3/12/24  24
  Equip ???;  No shell;  Fee of $45/year for BBS access;  E-Mail, USENET,
  hundreds of megs of file downloads;  Operating since 1986.
08/89  605-348-2738   loft386     Rapid City          SD  3/12/24/96  24
  80386 SYS V/386 Rel 3.2, Usenet mail/news via UUNET, UUNET archive access.
  NO BBS!  News feeds avaliable.  400 meg hd.  Fees: $10/month or $25/quarter.
  Call (605) 343-8760 and talk to Doug Ingraham to arrange an account or email
08/88  608-273-2657   madnix      Madison             WI  3/12/24  24
  286 SCO-XENIX, shell, no fee, USENET news, mail, login: newuser
  Contact: ray@madnix
09/90  612-473-2295^  pnet51      Minneapolis         MN  3/12/24  24
  Equip ?, Xenix, multi-line, no fee, some Usenet news, email, multi-threaded
  conferencing, login: pnet id: new, PC Pursuitable
  UUCP: {rosevax, crash}!orbit!pnet51!admin
04/90  615-288-3957   medsys      Kingsport           TN  12/24/96  24
  386  SCO-UNIX 3.2, XBBS, no fee, limit 90 min.
  Telebit PEP, USENET, login: bbs   password: bbs
  anon uucp --> medsys Any ACU (speed) 16152883957 ogin: nuucp  ssword: \r
  Contact: uunet!medsys!laverne (LaVerne E. Olney)
03/90  615-896-8716   raider      Murfreesboro        TN  12/24    24
  WAFFLE BBS, no charge, shell accounts $40/yr,$25/6,$15/3. News and
  mail links free of charge; just one hop from uunet. Limited archives.
  19.2kb coming soon. Contact: root@raider.MFEE.TN.US (Bob Reineri)
05/90  616-457-1964   wybbs       Jenison             MI  3/12/24/96  24
  386 - SCO-XENIX 2.3.2, two lines, XBBS for new users, mail in for shell 
  access, usenet news, 150 meg storage, Telebit. Interests: ham radio, xenix 
  AKA: Consultants Connection  Contact: danielw%wybbs@sharkey.cc.umich.edu
  Alternate phone #: 616-457-9909 (max 2400 baud). Anonymous UUCP available.
01/90  617-739-9753   world       Brookline           MA  3/12/24/96  24
  Sun 4/280, SunOS 4.03;  Shell, USENET, E-Mail, UUCP and home of the
  Open Book Initiative (text project);  fees: $5/mo + $3/hr (8a-8p) and
  $2/hr (8p-8a);  Multiple lines: 2400 MNP used on listed number,
  Telebits used on others;  login as "new";  Contact: geb@world.std.com
01/90  619-259-7757   pnet12      Del Mar             CA  3/12/24/96  24
  Xenix, multi-line, no fee, full Usenet, email, multithreaded conferencing
  login: pnet   id: new
  Contact: ...!uunet!serene!pnet12!rfarris
07/88  619-444-7006^  pnet01      El Cajon            CA  3/12/24  24
  BSD Unix, 3 lines, login: pnet id: new, some USENET, email, conferencing 
  Home of P-Net software, mail to crash!bblue or pnet01!bblue for info.
  Contributions requested
  Unix accounts available for regulars, PC Pursuit access 2/88.
08/90  619-483-3890^  telesys     San Diego           CA  12/24/96  24
  SCO Xenix 386; Telebit; XBBS (No Fee) login: bbs; Xenix tested software
  for download (No Registration); Shell Accounts available for access to
  USENET, email and full news feeds ($45/year); uucp-anon: use nuucp NOPWD
  Contact: crash!telesys!kreed or kreed@telesys.cts.com
12/89  703-281-7997^  grebyn      Vienna              VA  3/12/24  24
  Vax/Ultrix.  $25/month.  GNU EMACS, USENET, PC/BLUE archives, Telebit used
  for uucp only, archives, Ada repository, comp.sources.(misc,unix,games)
  archives, net.sources archives, 3 C compilers, Ada compiler,  1.2GB disk,
  multiple lines
11/89  708-272-5912^  igloo       Northbrook          IL  12/24/96  24
  3B2-300;  accounts by invitation only, no limit/no fee;  full usenet;
  132megs HD;  2 lines rotary, 9600 telebit on 272-5917
  Contact: igloo!postmaster
05/90  708-318-7133^  gagme       Niles               IL  12/24    24
  3B2/300 - System V 3.2.  E-mail, netnews, sources, access to anonymous
  ftp, local message base, etc.
04/90  708-808-7300^  ddsw1       Wheeling            IL  3/12/24/96  24
  GT-3020 80386 system, ISC 2.0.2;  guest users 1 hr daily in AKCS BBS;
  fee for shell, regular Usenet access, unlimited use & hardware discounts;
  Authors of AKCS bbs;  fee $75/year or $7/month, 7 lines, 19200 available on 
  (708) 808-7306, anonymous uucp (nuucp) from 12 midnight to 6 AM, 
  ~/DIRECTORY/README for info on anon uucp.
  Contact: Karl Denninger (ddsw1!karl, karl@ddsw1.MCS.COM), Voice (708) 808-7200
11/89  708-833-8126^  vpnet       Villa Park          IL  12/24/96  24
  386 Clone - Interactive 386/ix R2.0 (3.2), no fee. Akcs linked bbs
  including several Usenet conf's. No charge for shells. Trailblazer. 
  Mail lisbon@vpnet.UUCP
07/89  713-438-5018   sugar       Houston             TX  3/12/24/96  24
  386/AT (2) networked - Bell Technologies V/386, usenet, news, downloads
  Homegrown BBS software, Trailblazer+ access, currently no charges
10/89  713-668-7176^  nuchat      Houston             TX  3/12/24/96  24
  i386;  USENET, Mail, Shell Access;  300M On-line;  Trailbazer Used;
  No fee.
12/88  714-635-2863   dhw68k      Anaheim             CA  12/24    24
  Unistride 2.1, no fee, also 714-385-1915, Trailblazer on both lines,
  USENET News, /bin/sh or /bin/csh available
05/89  714-662-7450   turnkey     Inglewood           CA  12/24    24
  286 - Xenix SYSV, XBBS
01/90  714-821-9671   alphacm     Cypress             CA  12/24/96  24
  386 - SCO-XENIX, no fee, Home of XBBS, 90 minute per login, 4 lines,
  Trailblazer pluses in use.
    uucp-anon:  ogin: nuucp  NO PASSWD
05/89  714-842-5851   conexch     Santa Ana           CA  3/12/24  24
  386 - SCO Xenix - Free Unix guest login and PC-DOS bbs login, one
  hour inital time limit, USENET news, shell access granted on request &
  $25/quarter donation.  Anon uucp: ogin: nuucp  NO PASSWD.  List of
  available Unix files resides in /usr3/public/FILES.
08/88  714-894-2246   stanton     Irvine              CA  3/12/24  24
  286 - SCO Xenix - donation requested, limit 240 min, XBBS, USENET news
  UNIX access granted on request through BBS, 20$/year, access includes
  C development system (XENIX/MSDOS), PROCALC 1-2-3 clone, FOXBASE+
  anon uucp: ogin: nuucp, no word, 2400/1200/300 MNP supported
03/90  717-657-4997   compnect    Harrisburg          PA  3/12/24  24
  Equip ???;  The Data Factory BBS;  Multiple line, 1200 baud on 675-4992;
  No fee, restricted access to adult areas, some USENET, no shell;
  Contact: ...!uunet!wa3wbu!compnect!dave.
12/89  719-632-4111   oldcolo     Colo Spgs           CO  12/24/96  24
  386 - SCO-XENIX  frontend,  2 CT  Miniframes  backend,  e-mail 
  conferencing,  databases,   Naplps Graphics, USENET news. 7 lines 
  8N1,  2400 on 2906,  USR  Dual  9600  on 2658.   Self registering   
  for  limited  free  access    (political,    policy, marketplace) 
  Subscriptions $10, 15, 18 mo for full use. Dave Hughes SYSOP.
01/90  801-269-0670^  i-core      Salt Lake City      UT  3/12/24/96  24
  286 SYS V, Unidel BBS and Newsreader; a.k.a. Bitsko's Bar & Grill BBS,
  no limit, no fee; UseNet and Citadel feeds available.  Home of Unidel
  room-based newsreader and UNIX Citadel network gateway; Telebit 19200
  Contact: ken@i-core.UUCP or uunet!iconsys!caeco!i-core!ken
08/88  813-952-1981   usource     Sarasota            FL  12/24    -24
  386 - SCO-XENIX, fee depends on services provided, no fee for bbs. New users
  subscribe by logging in as 'help' or 'newuser' (no password).  Primary
  purpose is technical forum. 6pm-8am M-Th, 24 hrs weeekends (6pm Fri-8am Mon)
  uucp-anon: 1200/2400 bps --> ogin: auucp  word: gateway
  uucp-anon directory: /usr/spool/uucppublic; contact: frank@usource.UUCP
05/90  814-337-0348   sir-alan    Meadville           PA  12/24/19.2/38  24
  SCO XENIX 2.3; no fee; XBBS; USR DS on 337-0348(300-38.4K), TB+ on
  337-3159(300-19.2K); archive site for comp.sources.[games,misc,sun,unix,x],
  some alt.sources, XENIX(68K/286/386), files from UUNET(X11R3,TeX,etc.).
  uucp-anon: ogin: pdsrc NO PASSWD
  uucp-anon directory: /u/pdsrc, /u/pubdir, /u/uunet, help in /u/pubdir/HELP 
  Contact: sir-alan!mikes@uunet.uu.net  (814-337-5528 voice)
05/90  900-468-7727   uunet       Falls Church        VA  3/12/24/96  24
  Sequent S81, Dynix 3.0.17(9);  UUNET Communication Services;  No Shell;
  Anonymous UUCP, fee $0.40/min -- billed by the telephone company [Not
  available in Virginia!], login: uucp (no passwd);  Multiple lines, PEP
  and V.32 available;  grab "uunet!~/help for more info" ...
  Full internet mail and USENET available via full-blown accounts,
  Contact: info@uunet.uu.net or call [voice] 703-876-5050.
08/90  906-228-4399   lopez       Marquette           MI  3/12/24  24
  Compaq Deskpro 286, SCO Xenix; Running STARBASE II Software.
  Great White North UPLink, Inc. (Non Profit) 100+ local rooms, PLUS
  USENET, Multi Channel Chat, 5 ports, $30 yr, flat rate for full access
  to net news, mail.  Upper Michigan's ORIGINAL BBS (since 1983)
  Contact: Gary Bourgois ...rutgers!sharkey!lopez!flash (flash@lopez.UUCP)
05/90  908-846-2460^  althea      New Brunswick       NJ  3/12/24  24
  AT&T 3B2/310 - Unix SVR3.1, no fee.  USENET, email, C development,
  games.  Single line.
  Contact: rjd@althea.UUCP (Robert Diamond)
09/89  916-649-0161   sactoh0     Sacramento          CA  12/24/96  24
  3B2/310 SYSV.2, SAC_UNIX;  $2/month, limit 90 min, 2 lines, TB on line,
  2400/1200 baud on 916-722-6519;  USENET, E-Mail, Games;  login: new
  Contact: ..pacbell!sactoh0!sysop
089  919-493-7111^  wolves      Durham              NC  3/12/24  24
  AMS 386/25 - UNIX SysVr3.2, XBBS, no fee for bbs.  Rates for UNIX access
  and USENET are being determined.  Developing yet another UNIX bbs (ideas
  welcome!)  Single line, telebit coming soon.
  Contact: wolves!ggw or wolves!sysop  [...duke!dukcds!wolves!...]
NOTE:  ^ means the site is reachable using PC Pursuit.
The nixpub listings are kept as current as possible.  However, you use this
data at your own risk and cost -- all standard disclaimers apply!!!
Any additions, deletions, or corrections should be sent to nixpub@ls.com.
      Lists are available via any of the following:
            o  anonymous uucp from lgnp1 --
                    +1 215 348 9727 [Telebit access]
                    login: nuucp  NO PWD   [no rmail permitted]
                this list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub
               short list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub.short
            o  restricted guest account on lgnp1 --
                    login as 'guest', [X/Y/Z]modem and ascii supported.
            o  USENET, regular posts to --
            o  the nixpub electronic mailing list --
                    to be included or deleted from this distribution,
                    send mail to nixpub-request@ls.com.
  COMPAQ, IBM, PC Pursuit, [SCO] XENIX, UNIX, etc. are trademarks of the
  respective companies.
Phil Eschallier   * Domain: phil@ls.com           SNAIL: 248B Union Street
                  *   UUCP: ...!uunet!lgnp1!phil         Doylestown, PA  18901
Lagniappe Systems *    CIS: 71076,1576            VOICE: +1 215 348 9721
Computer Services *

phil@lgnp1.LS.COM (Phil Eschallier) (08/15/90)

                          nixpub short listing
     Open Access UNIX (*NIX) Sites [Fee / No Fee] for mapped sites only
                          [ August 12, 1990 ]

Systems listed (80)
Legend: fee/contribution ($), no fee (-$), hours (24), not (-24)
        shell (S), USENET news (N), email (M), multiple lines (T) 
        Telebit PEP speed on main number (+P), Telebit on other line[s] (P)
        Courier 9600 bps on main number (+H), Courier on other line[s] (H) 
        V.32 on main number (+V), V.32 on other line[s] (V) 
        anonymous uucp (A), archive site ONLY - see long form list (@)
        Dialable thru PC Pursuit (^)

Date   Telephone #    Sys-name   Location          Baud        Legend
-----  ------------   --------   -----------       -------     ---------
04/90  206-328-4944   polari     Seattle       WA  3/12        24 $ MNPST
08/90  206-367-3837   eskimo     Seattle       WA  3/12/24     24 $ AMST
08/90  209-952-5347   quack      Stockton      CA  3/12/24/96  24 $ MN+PS
12/89  212-420-0527   magpie     NYC           NY  3/12/24/96  24 -$ APT
02/90  212-675-7059   marob      NYC           NY  3/12/24/96  24 -$ APT
04/90  213-397-3137^  stb        Santa Monica  CA  3/12/24     24 -$ AS
11/88  213-459-5891   amazing    Pac Palisade  CA  3/12/24     24 $ T
07/88  214-247-2367   ozdaltx    Dallas        TX  3/12/24     24 $ NT
06/90  215-348-9727   lgnp1      Doylestown    PA  3/12/24/96  24 $ AMN+PS
01/90  216-582-2460   ncoast     Cleveland     OH  12/24/96    24 $ SNMPT
01/90  217-525-9019   pallas     Springfield   IL  3/12/24/96  24 $ HMSTV
07/90  219-289-0282   nstar      Notre Dame    IN  24/96       24 $ AMN+PT
04/90  301-625-0817   wb3ffv     Baltimore     MD  12/24/96    24 ANPTV
04/90  312-283-0559^  chinet     Chicago       IL  3/12/24/96  24 $ HNPT
10/89  312-338-0632^  point      Chicago       IL  3/12/24/96  24 -$ HNPST
03/90  313-623-6309   nucleus    Clarkston     MI  12/24       24 -$ AM
11/88  313-994-6333   m-net      Ann Arbor     MI  3/12        24 $ T
08/89  313-996-4644^  anet       Ann Arbor     MI  3/12        24 $ T
08/89  314-474-4581   gensis     Columbia      MO  3/12/24/96  24 -$ MS 
08/90  401-455-0347   anomaly    Esmond        RI  3/12/24/96  24 -$ MN+PS
10/89  404-321-5020^  jdyx       Atlanta       GA  12/24       24 $ MN+PST
05/88  407-380-6228   rtmvax     Orlando       FL  3/12/24     24 -$ NM
09/89  408-245-7726^  uuwest     Sunnyvale     CA  3/12/24     24 -$ N
02/90  408-249-0290^  netcom     San Jose      CA  12/24/96    24 $ MNPST
02/90  408-423-9995   cruzio     Santa Cruz    CA  12/24       24 $ MT
10/89  408-725-0561^  portal     Cupertino     CA  3/12/24     24 $ MNT
02/90  408-996-7358^  zorch      Cupertino     CA  12/24       24 $ MNT
05/90  412-431-8649   eklektik   Pittsburgh    PA  3/12/24     24 $ MNST
07/90  414-241-5469   mixcom     Milwaukee     WI  3/12/24     24 $ MNST
11/89  415-332-6106^  well       Sausalito     CA  12/24       24 $ MNST
07/89  415-753-5265^  wet        San Francisc  CA  3/12/24     24 $ MNST
05/90  415-967-9443^  btr        Mountain Vie  CA  3/12/24     24 $ HMNPSTV
04/90  416-438-2855   contact    Toronto       ON  3/12/24     24 -$ MNST
11/89  416-452-0926   telly      Brampton      ON  12/24/96    24 $ MN+P
12/88  416-461-2608   tmsoft     Toronto       ON  3/12/24/96  24 $ MNS
07/89  416-654-8854   ziebmef    Toronto       ON  3/12/24/96  24 MN+PST
01/90  502-968-5401   disk       Louisville    KY  3/12        24 $ MNST
12/88  503-254-0458   bucket     Portland      OR  3/12/24     24 -$ MNST
12/89  503-297-3211^  m2xenix    Portland      OR  3/12/24     24 -$ MNS 
08/90  503-640-4262^  agora      PDX           OR  3/12/24     24 $ MNST
05/90  503-644-8135^  techbook   Portland      OR  12/24       24 $ MNST
01/90  512-346-2339   bigtex     Austin        TX  96          24 -$ A+P
10/89  513-779-8209   cinnet     Cincinnati    OH  12/24/96    24 $ MN+PS 
08/90  514-844-9179   tnl        Montreal      PQ  3/12/24     24 -$ MNS
01/90  517-487-3356   lunapark   E. Lansing    MI  12/24       24 -$
12/88  518-346-8033   sixhub     upstate       NY  3/12/24     24 $ NMST
09/88  602-941-2005   xroads     Phoenix       AZ  3/12/24     24 $ NT
05/90  604-576-1214   mindlink   Vancouver     BC  3/12/24     24 $ HMNPT
08/89  605-348-2738   loft386    Rapid City    SD  3/12/24/96  24 $ MN+PS 
08/88  608-273-2657   madnix     Madison       WI  3/12/24     24 -$ MNS
04/90  612-473-2295^  pnet51     Minneapolis   MN  3/12/24     24 -$ NMT
04/90  615-288-3957   medsys     Kingsport     TN  12/24/96    24 -$ AN+P
03/90  615-896-8716   raider     Murfreesboro  TN  12/24       24 -$ MNS
05/90  616-457-1964   wybbs      Jenison       MI  3/12/24/96  24 -$ MN+PST
01/90  617-739-9753   world      Brookline     MA  3/12/24/96  24 $ MNPST
01/90  619-259-7757   pnet12     Del Mar       CA  3/12/24/96  24 -$ MNPT
07/88  619-444-7006^  pnet01     El Cajon      CA  3/12/24     24 $ MNST
08/90  619-483-3890^  telesys    San Diego     CA  12/24/96    24 -$ AMN+PS
12/89  703-281-7997^  grebyn     Vienna        VA  3/12/24     24 $ MNT
11/89  708-272-5912^  igloo      Northbrook    IL  12/24/96    24 -$ NPST
05/90  708-318-7133^  gagme      Niles         IL  12/24       24 $ MNS
05/90  708-808-7300^  ddsw1      Mundelein     IL  3/12/24/96  24 $ AMNPST
11/89  708-833-8126^  vpnet      Villa Park    IL  12/24/96    24 -$ MN+PS
07/89  713-438-5018   sugar      Houston       TX  3/12/24/96  24 -$ N+P
10/89  713-668-7176^  nuchat     Houston       TX  3/12/24/96  24 -$ MN+PS
12/88  714-635-2863   dhw68k     Anaheim       CA  12/24       24 -$ T
05/89  714-662-7450   turnkey    Inglewood     CA  12/24       24 -$
01/90  714-821-9671   alphacm    Cypress       CA  12/24/96    24 -$ A+PT
05/89  714-842-5851   conexch    Santa Ana     CA  3/12/24     24 $ AMNS
08/88  714-894-2246   stanton    Irvine        CA  3/12/24     24 $ NS
03/90  717-657-4997   compnect   Harrisburg    PA  3/12/24     24 -$ MNT
12/89  719-632-4111   oldcolo    Colo Spgs     CO  12/24/96    24 $ HMNT
01/90  801-269-0670^  i-core     Salt Lake Ci  UT  3/12/24/96  24 -$ AN+P
08/88  813-952-1981   usource    Sarasota      FL  12/24       -24 -$ A
05/90  814-337-0348   sir-alan   Meadville     PA  12/24/19.2  24 -$ A+HMPTV
05/90  900-468-7727   uunet      Falls Church  VA  3/12/24/96  24 $ AMN+PT+V
08/90  906-228-4399   lopez      Marquette     MI  3/12/24     24 $ MNT
05/90  908-846-2460^  althea     New Brunswic  NJ  3/12/24     24 -$ MNS 
09/89  916-649-0161   sactoh0    Sacramento    CA  12/24/96    24 $ MN+PST
08/89  919-493-7111^  wolves     Durham        NC  3/12/24     24 $ MNS 
NOTE:  ^ means the site is reachable using PC Pursuit.
The nixpub listings are kept as current as possible.  However, you use this
data at your own risk and cost -- all standard disclaimers apply!!!
Any additions, deletions, or corrections should be sent to nixpub@ls.com.
      Lists are available from any of the following:
            o  anonymous uucp from lgnp1 --
                    +1 215 348 9727 [Telebit access]
                    login: nuucp  NO PWD   [no rmail permitted]
                this list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub.short
                long list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub
            o  restricted guest account on lgnp1 --
                    login as 'guest', [X/Y/Z]modem and ascii supported.
            o  USENET, regular posts to --
            o  the nixpub electronic mailing list --
                    to be included or deleted from this distribution,
                    send mail to nixpub-request@ls.com.
  COMPAQ, IBM, PC Pursuit, [SCO] XENIX, UNIX, etc. are trademarks of the
  respective companies.
Phil Eschallier   * Domain: phil@ls.com           SNAIL: 248B Union Street
                  *   UUCP: ...!uunet!lgnp1!phil         Doylestown, PA  18901
Lagniappe Systems *    CIS: 71076,1576            VOICE: +1 215 348 9721
Computer Services *

phil@lgnp1.LS.COM (Phil Eschallier) (08/20/90)

                          nixpub long listing
     Open Access UNIX (*NIX) Sites [Fee / No Fee] for mapped sites only
                           [ August 20, 1990 ]

Systems listed (81):
 [   admiral   agora     alphacm   althea    amazing   anet      anomaly   ]
 [   bigtex    btr       bucket    chinet    cinnet    compnect  conexch   ]
 [   contact   cruzio    ddsw1     dhw68k    disk      eklektik  eskimo    ]
 [   gagme     gensis    grebyn    i-core    igloo     jdyx      lgnp1     ]
 [   loft386   lopez     lunapark  m-net     m2xenix   madnix    magpie    ]
 [   marob     medsys    mindlink  mixcom    ncoast    netcom    nstar     ]
 [   nuchat    nucleus   oldcolo   ozdaltx   pallas    pnet01    pnet12    ]
 [   pnet51    point     polari    portal    quack     raider    rtmvax    ]
 [   sactoh0   sir-alan  sixhub    stanton   stb       sugar     techbook  ]
 [   telesys   telly     tmsoft    tnl       turnkey   usource   uunet     ]
 [   uuwest    vpnet     wb3ffv    well      wet       wolves    world     ]
 [   wybbs     xroads    ziebmef   zorch                                   ]

Date   Telephone #    Sys-name    Location                Baud        Hours
-----  ------------   --------    -----------             -------     -----

08/90  203-661-2873   admiral     Greenwich           CT  3/12/24/96  24
  Xenix/386 2.3.3. Line 1: 203-661-1279, USR HST Dual; Line 2: -2967
  Microcom AX/9624c; Line 3: -2873 Telebit T2500; Line 4: -0450, 2400.
  Magpie/386 BBS, chat, interactive games, SIGS for Unix/IBM/Mac/Amiga.
  BBS name is The Grid. All users are welcome, no strings attached.
  No fee, anonymous UUCP, login: nuucp, no PW. 230 megs disk, for
  more information, contact: ...!uunet!sir-alan!admiral!admiral.
04/90  206-328-4944   polari      Seattle             WA  3/12     24
  Equip ???;  8-lines, Trailblazer on 206-328-1468;  $30/year (flat rate);
  Multi-user games, chat, full USENET.
  Contact: uunet!microsoft!happym!polari!bruceki
08/90  206-367-3837   eskimo      Seattle             WA  3/12/24  24
  Tandy 6000 Xenix - Everett Tel 206-742-1150. Five lines. First 2 weeks
  free, $48/year or $6/month thereafter. Shell access, C, Fortran, Pascal,
  unique conference, smart mail, messages, upload/download, other apps.
  Western Washington BBS List, 60 games online, free uucp connections.
08/90  209-952-5347   quack       Stockton            CA  3/12/24/96  24
  Sun 2/170, SunOS 4.0;  Aka - The Duck Pond;  BBS at no charge,
  Shell - $2/mo ($4/mo expanded quota);  Trailblazer access;  login: bbs.
  Contact: ...!quack!postmaster or postmaster@quack.sac.ca.us
12/89  212-420-0527   magpie      NYC                 NY  3/12/24/96  24
  ? - UNIX SYSV - 2, Magpie BBS, no fee, Authors: Magpie/UNIX,/MSDOS
  two lines plus anonymous uucp: 212-677-9487 (9600 bps Telebit modem)
  NOTE: 9487 reserved for registered Magpie sysops & anon uucp
  Contact: Steve Manes, {rutgers|cmcl2|uunet}!hombre!magpie!manes	
02/90  212-675-7059   marob       NYC                 NY  3/12/24/96  24
  386 SCO-XENIX 2.2, XBBS, no fee, limit 60 min.
  Telebit Trailblazer (9600 PEP) only 212-675-8438
  Contact:  {philabs|rutgers|cmcl2}!{phri|hombre}!marob!clifford
04/90  213-397-3137^  stb         Santa Monica        CA  3/12/24  24
  AT&T 3b1;  BBS and shell access;  uucp-anon: ogin: uucp NO PASSWD
  3 line on rotary -3137 2400 baud.
03/88  213-459-5891   amazing     Pacific Palisades   CA  3/12/24  24
  AMT 286 - Microport  David's Amazing BBS  Fee $7.50/month;$35/6;$60/year
  5 lines on rotary; Unique original software with conferencing, electronic
  bar, matchmaking, no file up/downloading
07/88  214-247-2367   ozdaltx     Dallas              TX  3/12/24  24
  INTEC/SCO XENIX 2.2.1, OZ BBS, Membership only adult BBS, fee $40
  year. Multiple lines.  Closed system, carries limited USENET
  newsgroups. Login: guest (no PW).  Voice verification on all new users.
06/90  215-348-9727   lgnp1       Doylestown          PA  3/12/24/96  24
  '386 mutt w/ SCO-XENIX -- Telebit on dial in line.  UUCP and 'guest' account
  only ...  Public access to the nixpub lists [see footer of this list].
  Fee services include feeds/routing for E-mail and USENET News, plus access
  to *NIX specific PD source code library.  Contact: phil@ls.com.
01/90  216-582-2460   ncoast      Cleveland           OH  12/24/96  24
  80386 Mylex, SCO Xenix;  600 meg. storage;  XBBS and Shell;  USENET
  (newsfeeds available), E-Mail; donations requested; login as "bbs"
  for BBS and "makeuser" for new users.
  Telebit used on 216-237-5486.
01/90  217-525-9019   pallas      Springfield         IL  3/12/24/96  24
  AT&T 6386, 380 meg disk space;  4 lines w/ USRobotics Dual Standard modems;
  BBS available at no fee (UBBS), shell access for $50/year;  "guest" login
07/90  219-289-0282   nstar       Notre Dame          IN  24/96    24
  AT&T SysV 3.2, 5 lines - all high speed modems, hundreds of megabytes of 
  files, complete backbone newsfeed, free feeds available via PEP, no shell 
  accounts, anonymous uucp logins for files, restricted internet access via 
  SLIP, BBS (on-line usenet access): $30/year; contact larry@nstar
04/90  301-625-0817   wb3ffv      Baltimore           MD  12/24/96  24
  80386, UNIX V.3.2;  XBBS for HAM radio enthusiasts;  780 meg online;
  Multiple lines, dial in - Hayes 2400, 9482 - MultiTech V32, 9663 - Tb+;
  Some USENET;  Anon-UUCP available;  Login as bbs (8-N-1).
04/90  312-283-0559^  chinet      Chicago             IL  3/12/24/96  24
  '386, SysVr3.2.1;  Multiple lines including Telebit and HST;
  Picospan BBS (free), USENET at $50/year (available to guests on
10/89  312-338-0632^  point       Chicago             IL  3/12/24/96  24
  North Shore / Rogers Park area of Chicago.  386 - ISC 2.01 (SysV3.2),
  multiple lines, Telebit PEP on 338-3261, USRobotics HST on 338-1036,
  AKCS bbs, some usenet conferences available.  200+ MB online storage.
  Downloads, full usenet & shell access in the works.
06/90  313-623-6309   nucleus     Clarkston           MI  12/24    24
  AMI 80386 - ESIX 5.3.2, large online sources archive accessable by
  anonymous UUCP, login: nuucp, nucleus!/user/src/LISTING lists
  available public domain/shareware source code.  Contact: jeff@nucleus.mi.org
02/88  313-994-6333   m-net       Ann Arbor           MI  3/12     24
  Altos 68020 - SYS III, limits unstated, fee for extended service
  Picospan conference system, multiple lines, 160 meg, packet radio
08/89  313-996-4644^  anet        Ann Arbor           MI  3/12     24
  Altos 68000 - Sys III, no limits, 1st month free, fees range up to $20/
  month (negotiable), accepts equipment/software in lieu of fees, Picospan
  conferencing, 120M, non-profit, user-supported, community-based, ideal
  autodidact educational system.  Tax-deductible donations okay.
08/89  314-474-4581   gensis      Columbia            MO  3/12/24/48/96  24
  Gateway 386 system w/ SCO Xenix V/386, DataFlex, Oracle, CHARM, & VP/ix.
  No fee.  Online gaming, game design, and (oddly enough) data base design
  are the main focus.  Modem is Microcom MNP 6.
08/90  401-455-0347   anomaly     Esmond              RI  3/12/24/96  24
  CSS Laboratories 386, SCO Xenix 2.3.2; Trailblazer+; No fees; Waffle BBS,
  newusers log in as 'bbs' (no pw.) Shell accounts available to qualified
  users. USENET feeds available, limited feeds for non-PEP sites. XENIX
  software archive site, anonymous uucp login: xxcp  pass: xenix
  Software listing & download directions in ~/SOFTLIST and ~/ARCHELP
10/89  404-321-5020^  jdyx        Atlanta             GA  12/24/96  24
  386/ix 2.0.2.  XBBS. Usenet (alt, gnu, most comp and a few others) and 
  shell access.  Second line (2400 below) (404) 325-1719.  200+ meg current
  Usenet and GNU sources.  Specializing in graphics and ray-tracing under 
  386/ix (with/with out X11).  Yearly fee for shell and/or downloads.  
  Telebit access.  Contact: ...gatech!emory!jdyx!tpf (Tom Friedel)
05/88  407-380-6228   rtmvax      Orlando             FL  3/12/24  24
  mVAX-I - Ultrix-32 V1.2  USENET & UUCP Email Gateway. XBBS front end for
  new user subscribing. No Fees. Primary function is Technical exchange.
  Contact: { cbosgd!codas, hoptoad!peora }!rtmvax!rob 
09/89  408-245-7726^  uuwest      Sunnyvale           CA  3/12/24  24
  SCO-XENIX, Waffle. No fee, USENET news (news.*, music, comics, telecom, etc)
  The Dark Side of the Moon BBS. This system has been in operation since 1985.
  Login: new Contact: (UUCP) ames!uuwest!request (Domain) request@darkside.com
02/90  408-249-0290^  netcom      San Jose            CA  12/24/96  24
  UNIX Sysv r3.2 (486)  - USENET (21 days), UUNET Sources, News Feeds, Shell 
  Access (Bourne, Korn, C),  UUCP support, E-Mail, Compilers. Fee $10.00/mo +
  one time Registration of $10.00.  Login as guest (no password).
  Telebit on (408) 249-0576.
02/90  408-423-9995   cruzio      Santa Cruz          CA  12/24    24
  Tandy 4000, Xenix 2.3.*, Caucus 3.*;  focus on Santa Cruz activity
  (ie directory of community and goverment organizations, events, ...);
  USENET Support;  Multiple lines;  no shell; fee: $15/quarter.
  Contact: ...!uunet!cruzio!chris
10/89  408-725-0561^  portal      Cupertino           CA  3/12/24  24
  Networked Suns (SunOS), multiple lines, Telenet access, no shell access
  fees: $10/month + Telenet charges (if used) @ various rates/times
  conferencing, multi user chats, usenet 
02/90  408-996-7358^  zorch       Cupertino           CA  12/24    24
  Wicat 200 - Unix SVR2; 4 lines, 1200 only on 7361, 7378, 7386; $10/month,
  $100/year, flat rate, no time limit.  Email, USENET, games, utilities,
  online man pages, Bourne, C, Korn shells.  400M online, 80M source archive.
  Registration required, verified; login as newuser, password public.
  Contact: scott@zorch.SF-Bay.ORG or (ames|pyramid|vsi1)!zorch!scott
05/90  412-431-8649   eklektik    Pittsburgh          PA  3/12/24  24
  UNIX PC- SYSV - UNaXcess BBS, donation requested for shell,
  login: bbs for BBS, limited Usenet news (amiga and gaming groups).  
  RPG mailing list, rec.games.frp and rec.music.dylan archive.
  Alternate number: 431-3064,
  Contact:  anthony@eklektik.pgh.pa.us or anthony@cs.pitt.edu
07/90  414-241-5469   mixcom      Milwaukee           WI  3/12/24  24
  80386, SCO UNIX 3.2;  MIX (Milwaukee Information eXchange;  Fee charged
  for shell, E-Mail, and full USENET, $50 - 12 mo, $35 - 6 mo, $20 - 3 mo;
  Multiple lines;  login as 'newuser' passwd 'newuser' ...
  Contact: sysop@mixcom.UUCP (...!uwm.edu!mixcom!sysop) [414-962-8172 voice]
11/89  415-332-6106^  well        Sausalito           CA  12/24    24
  6-processor Sequent Balance (32032); UUCP and USENET access; multiple
  lines; access via CPN; PICOSPAN BBS; $3/hour.  Contact (415) 332-4335
07/89  415-753-5265^  wet         San Francisco       CA  3/12/24  24
  386 SYS V.3.  Wetware Diversions.  $15 registration, $0.01/minute.
  Public Access UNIX System:  uucp, PicoSpan bbs, full Usenet News,
  multiple lines, shell access.  Newusers get initial credit!
  contact:{ucsfcca|claris|hoptoad}!wet!cc (Christopher Cilley)
05/90  415-967-9443^  btr         Mountain View       CA  3/12/24  24
  Sun (SunOS UNIX), shell access, e-mail, netnews, uucp, can access by
  Telenet PC Pursuit, multiple lines, Telebit, flat rate: $10/month.
  For sign-up information please send e-mail to Customer Service at
  cs@btr.com or ..!{decwrl,fernwood,mips}!btr!cs
  or call 415-966-1429 Voice.
04/90  416-438-2855   contact     Toronto             ON  3/12/24  24
  386 clone - Xenix 2.3.1, fee optional. USENET, email, multi-user chat,
  Contact: eisen@contact.UUCP martin loeffler
11/89  416-452-0926   telly       Brampton            ON  12/24/96  24
  386 SysVr3.2; proprietary menu-based BBS includes Usenet site searching.
  News (all groups, incl biz, pubnet, gnu, CanConfMail), mail (including
  to/from Internet, Bitnet), many archives. Feeds available. $75(Cdn)/year.
  Contact: Evan Leibovitch, evan@telly.on.ca, uunet!attcan!telly!evan
12/88  416-461-2608   tmsoft      Toronto             ON  3/12/24/96  24
  NS32016, Sys5r2, shell; news+mail $30/mo, general-timesharing $60/mo
  All newsgroups.  Willing to setup mail/news connections.
  Contact: Dave Mason <mason@tmsoft> / Login: newuser
07/89  416-654-8854   ziebmef     Toronto             ON  3/12/24/96  24
  AT&T 3B1, Sys V, shell, news, mail, no fee (donations accepted)
  Carries most newsgroups (willing to add extra ones on request)
  Telebit access, willing to give mail feeds
  Contact: Chris Siebenmann, {utzoo!telly,ncrcan}!ziebmef!cks
01/90  502-968-5401   disk        Louisville          KY  3/12     24
  386 clone, Interactive System V 3.2, 600 meg.  6 lines 5401 thru 5406.
  Carrying most USENET groups, Shell access, multi-user games(including Realm)
  multi-user chat, downloads, and more.  Rate info available via a free trial
  account. Also offering news/mail feeds to the local area. Now reachable
  via Starlink!
12/88  503-254-0458   bucket      Portland            OR  3/12/24  24
  Tektronix 6130, UTek 2.3(4.2BSD-derived).  Bit Bucket BBS publically
  available; login as 'bbs'.  BBS is message only.  Users intereseted in
  access to Unix should contact SYSOP via the BBS or send EMail to
  ..tektronix!tessi!bucket!rickb.  Unix services include USENET News,
  EMail, and all tools/games/utility access. Alternate dial-in lines
  available for Unix users.
12/89  503-297-3211^  m2xenix     Portland            OR  3/12/24  24
  '386/20, Xenix 2.3.  Shell accounts available, NO BBS.  No fee.  E-mail,
  USENET News, program development.
  Contact: ...!uunet!m2xenix!news or on Fido at 297-9145
08/90  503-640-4262^  agora       PDX                 OR  3/12/24  24
  Intel Unix V/386, $2/mo or $20/yr, news, mail, games, programming.
  Three lines with trunk-hunt, 640-4380 supports MNP level 3; the
  third line (648-7596) is only 1200/300.
  Contact: Alan Batie, tektronix!tessi!agora!batie
05/90  503-644-8135^  techbook    Portland            OR  12/24    24
  80386, UNIX V.3.2; XBBS & some downloads for unregistered users, shell
  accounts & full set of Usenet & FidoNet newsgroups available to 
  registered users ($25/year); System answers at 8-N-1; login as BBS.
01/90  512-346-2339   bigtex      Austin              TX  96       24
  SysVr3.2 i386, anonymous shell, no fee, anonymous uucp ONLY,
  Telebit 9600/PEP; Mail links available.  Carries GNU software.
  anon uucp login: nuucp NO PASSWD, file list /usr3/index
  anon shell login: guest NO PASSWD, chroot'd to /usr3
  Contact: james@bigtex.cactus.org
10/89  513-779-8209   cinnet      Cincinnati          OH  12/24/96  24
  80386, ISC 386/ix 2.02, Telebit access, 1 line; $7.50/Month; shell
  access, Usenet access; news feeds available;
  login: newact password: new user to register for shell access
08/90  514-844-9179   tnl         Montreal            PQ  3/12/24  24
  80386 w/ SCO XENIX. No Fee.  2 hr session limit.  XBBS/USENET, shell.
  Login as 'new' for a shell account, no validation.  AKA: Northern Lights.
  Contact: norstar@tnl.CAM.ORG (Daniel Ray)
01/90  517-487-3356   lunapark    E. Lansing          MI  12/24    24
  Compaq 386/20 SCO-UNIX 3.2, lunabbs bulletin board & conferencing
  system, no fee, login: bbs password: lunabbs.  Primarily UNIX software
  with focus on TeX and Postscript, also some ATARI-ST and IBM-PC stuff
  2400/1200 --> 8 N 1
  Contact: ...!{mailrus,uunet}!frith!lunapark!larry
12/88  518-346-8033   sixhub      upstate             NY  3/12/24  24
  PC Designs GV386.  hub machine of the upstate NY UNIX users group (*IX)
  two line reserved for incoming, bbs no fee, news & email fee $15/year
  Smorgasboard of BBS systems, UNaXcess and XBBS online,
  Citadel BBS now in production. Contact: davidsen@sixhub.uucp.
09/88  602-941-2005   xroads      Phoenix             AZ  12/24    24
  Motorola VME1121, UNIX 5.2, Crossroads BBS, Fee $30/yr + $.50/.25 (call)
  prime (evenings)/non-prime, USENET news, multi-chat, online games,
  movie reviews, adventure games, dos unix/xenix files for dload, multi lines
05/90  604-576-1214   mindlink    Vancouver           BC  3/12/24  24
  Equip ???;  No shell;  Fee of $45/year for BBS access;  E-Mail, USENET,
  hundreds of megs of file downloads;  Operating since 1986.
08/89  605-348-2738   loft386     Rapid City          SD  3/12/24/96  24
  80386 SYS V/386 Rel 3.2, Usenet mail/news via UUNET, UUNET archive access.
  NO BBS!  News feeds avaliable.  400 meg hd.  Fees: $10/month or $25/quarter.
  Call (605) 343-8760 and talk to Doug Ingraham to arrange an account or email
08/88  608-273-2657   madnix      Madison             WI  3/12/24  24
  286 SCO-XENIX, shell, no fee, USENET news, mail, login: newuser
  Contact: ray@madnix
09/90  612-473-2295^  pnet51      Minneapolis         MN  3/12/24  24
  Equip ?, Xenix, multi-line, no fee, some Usenet news, email, multi-threaded
  conferencing, login: pnet id: new, PC Pursuitable
  UUCP: {rosevax, crash}!orbit!pnet51!admin
04/90  615-288-3957   medsys      Kingsport           TN  12/24/96  24
  386  SCO-UNIX 3.2, XBBS, no fee, limit 90 min.
  Telebit PEP, USENET, login: bbs   password: bbs
  anon uucp --> medsys Any ACU (speed) 16152883957 ogin: nuucp  ssword: \r
  Contact: uunet!medsys!laverne (LaVerne E. Olney)
08/90  615-896-8716   raider      Murfreesboro        TN  12/24    24
  WAFFLE BBS, no charge, shell accounts $40/yr,$25/6,$15/3. USENET news and
  mail links $25/yr,$15/6,$10/3;just one hop from uunet. Limited archives.
  Second line 896-7905. Contact: uunet!mjbtn!raider!root (Bob Reineri)
05/90  616-457-1964   wybbs       Jenison             MI  3/12/24/96  24
  386 - SCO-XENIX 2.3.2, two lines, XBBS for new users, mail in for shell 
  access, usenet news, 150 meg storage, Telebit. Interests: ham radio, xenix 
  AKA: Consultants Connection  Contact: danielw%wybbs@sharkey.cc.umich.edu
  Alternate phone #: 616-457-9909 (max 2400 baud). Anonymous UUCP available.
01/90  617-739-9753   world       Brookline           MA  3/12/24/96  24
  Sun 4/280, SunOS 4.03;  Shell, USENET, E-Mail, UUCP and home of the
  Open Book Initiative (text project);  fees: $5/mo + $3/hr (8a-8p) and
  $2/hr (8p-8a);  Multiple lines: 2400 MNP used on listed number,
  Telebits used on others;  login as "new";  Contact: geb@world.std.com
01/90  619-259-7757   pnet12      Del Mar             CA  3/12/24/96  24
  Xenix, multi-line, no fee, full Usenet, email, multithreaded conferencing
  login: pnet   id: new
  Contact: ...!uunet!serene!pnet12!rfarris
07/88  619-444-7006^  pnet01      El Cajon            CA  3/12/24  24
  BSD Unix, 3 lines, login: pnet id: new, some USENET, email, conferencing 
  Home of P-Net software, mail to crash!bblue or pnet01!bblue for info.
  Contributions requested
  Unix accounts available for regulars, PC Pursuit access 2/88.
08/90  619-483-3890^  telesys     San Diego           CA  12/24/96  24
  SCO Xenix 386; Telebit; XBBS (No Fee) login: bbs; Xenix tested software
  for download (No Registration); Shell Accounts available for access to
  USENET, email and full news feeds ($45/year); uucp-anon: use nuucp NOPWD
  Contact: crash!telesys!kreed or kreed@telesys.cts.com
12/89  703-281-7997^  grebyn      Vienna              VA  3/12/24  24
  Vax/Ultrix.  $25/month.  GNU EMACS, USENET, PC/BLUE archives, Telebit used
  for uucp only, archives, Ada repository, comp.sources.(misc,unix,games)
  archives, net.sources archives, 3 C compilers, Ada compiler,  1.2GB disk,
  multiple lines
11/89  708-272-5912^  igloo       Northbrook          IL  12/24/96  24
  3B2-300;  accounts by invitation only, no limit/no fee;  full usenet;
  132megs HD;  2 lines rotary, 9600 telebit on 272-5917
  Contact: igloo!postmaster
05/90  708-318-7133^  gagme       Niles               IL  12/24    24
  3B2/300 - System V 3.2.  E-mail, netnews, sources, access to anonymous
  ftp, local message base, etc.
04/90  708-808-7300^  ddsw1       Wheeling            IL  3/12/24/96  24
  GT-3020 80386 system, ISC 2.0.2;  guest users 1 hr daily in AKCS BBS;
  fee for shell, regular Usenet access, unlimited use & hardware discounts;
  Authors of AKCS bbs;  fee $75/year or $7/month, 7 lines, 19200 available on 
  (708) 808-7306, anonymous uucp (nuucp) from 12 midnight to 6 AM, 
  ~/DIRECTORY/README for info on anon uucp.
  Contact: Karl Denninger (ddsw1!karl, karl@ddsw1.MCS.COM), Voice (708) 808-7200
11/89  708-833-8126^  vpnet       Villa Park          IL  12/24/96  24
  386 Clone - Interactive 386/ix R2.0 (3.2), no fee. Akcs linked bbs
  including several Usenet conf's. No charge for shells. Trailblazer. 
  Mail lisbon@vpnet.UUCP
07/89  713-438-5018   sugar       Houston             TX  3/12/24/96  24
  386/AT (2) networked - Bell Technologies V/386, usenet, news, downloads
  Homegrown BBS software, Trailblazer+ access, currently no charges
10/89  713-668-7176^  nuchat      Houston             TX  3/12/24/96  24
  i386;  USENET, Mail, Shell Access;  300M On-line;  Trailbazer Used;
  No fee.
12/88  714-635-2863   dhw68k      Anaheim             CA  12/24    24
  Unistride 2.1, no fee, also 714-385-1915, Trailblazer on both lines,
  USENET News, /bin/sh or /bin/csh available
05/89  714-662-7450   turnkey     Inglewood           CA  12/24    24
  286 - Xenix SYSV, XBBS
01/90  714-821-9671   alphacm     Cypress             CA  12/24/96  24
  386 - SCO-XENIX, no fee, Home of XBBS, 90 minute per login, 4 lines,
  Trailblazer pluses in use.
    uucp-anon:  ogin: nuucp  NO PASSWD
05/89  714-842-5851   conexch     Santa Ana           CA  3/12/24  24
  386 - SCO Xenix - Free Unix guest login and PC-DOS bbs login, one
  hour inital time limit, USENET news, shell access granted on request &
  $25/quarter donation.  Anon uucp: ogin: nuucp  NO PASSWD.  List of
  available Unix files resides in /usr3/public/FILES.
08/88  714-894-2246   stanton     Irvine              CA  3/12/24  24
  286 - SCO Xenix - donation requested, limit 240 min, XBBS, USENET news
  UNIX access granted on request through BBS, 20$/year, access includes
  C development system (XENIX/MSDOS), PROCALC 1-2-3 clone, FOXBASE+
  anon uucp: ogin: nuucp, no word, 2400/1200/300 MNP supported
03/90  717-657-4997   compnect    Harrisburg          PA  3/12/24  24
  Equip ???;  The Data Factory BBS;  Multiple line, 1200 baud on 675-4992;
  No fee, restricted access to adult areas, some USENET, no shell;
  Contact: ...!uunet!wa3wbu!compnect!dave.
12/89  719-632-4111   oldcolo     Colo Spgs           CO  12/24/96  24
  386 - SCO-XENIX  frontend,  2 CT  Miniframes  backend,  e-mail 
  conferencing,  databases,   Naplps Graphics, USENET news. 7 lines 
  8N1,  2400 on 2906,  USR  Dual  9600  on 2658.   Self registering   
  for  limited  free  access    (political,    policy, marketplace) 
  Subscriptions $10, 15, 18 mo for full use. Dave Hughes SYSOP.
01/90  801-269-0670^  i-core      Salt Lake City      UT  3/12/24/96  24
  286 SYS V, Unidel BBS and Newsreader; a.k.a. Bitsko's Bar & Grill BBS,
  no limit, no fee; UseNet and Citadel feeds available.  Home of Unidel
  room-based newsreader and UNIX Citadel network gateway; Telebit 19200
  Contact: ken@i-core.UUCP or uunet!iconsys!caeco!i-core!ken
08/88  813-952-1981   usource     Sarasota            FL  12/24    -24
  386 - SCO-XENIX, fee depends on services provided, no fee for bbs. New users
  subscribe by logging in as 'help' or 'newuser' (no password).  Primary
  purpose is technical forum. 6pm-8am M-Th, 24 hrs weeekends (6pm Fri-8am Mon)
  uucp-anon: 1200/2400 bps --> ogin: auucp  word: gateway
  uucp-anon directory: /usr/spool/uucppublic; contact: frank@usource.UUCP
05/90  814-337-0348   sir-alan    Meadville           PA  12/24/19.2/38  24
  SCO XENIX 2.3; no fee; XBBS; USR DS on 337-0348(300-38.4K), TB+ on
  337-3159(300-19.2K); archive site for comp.sources.[games,misc,sun,unix,x],
  some alt.sources, XENIX(68K/286/386), files from UUNET(X11R3,TeX,etc.).
  uucp-anon: ogin: pdsrc NO PASSWD
  uucp-anon directory: /u/pdsrc, /u/pubdir, /u/uunet, help in /u/pubdir/HELP 
  Contact: sir-alan!mikes@uunet.uu.net  (814-337-5528 voice)
05/90  900-468-7727   uunet       Falls Church        VA  3/12/24/96  24
  Sequent S81, Dynix 3.0.17(9);  UUNET Communication Services;  No Shell;
  Anonymous UUCP, fee $0.40/min -- billed by the telephone company [Not
  available in Virginia!], login: uucp (no passwd);  Multiple lines, PEP
  and V.32 available;  grab "uunet!~/help for more info" ...
  Full internet mail and USENET available via full-blown accounts,
  Contact: info@uunet.uu.net or call [voice] 703-876-5050.
08/90  906-228-4399   lopez       Marquette           MI  3/12/24  24
  Compaq Deskpro 286, SCO Xenix; Running STARBASE II Software.
  Great White North UPLink, Inc. (Non Profit) 100+ local rooms, PLUS
  USENET, Multi Channel Chat, 5 ports, $30 yr, flat rate for full access
  to net news, mail.  Upper Michigan's ORIGINAL BBS (since 1983)
  Contact: Gary Bourgois ...rutgers!sharkey!lopez!flash (flash@lopez.UUCP)
05/90  908-846-2460^  althea      New Brunswick       NJ  3/12/24  24
  AT&T 3B2/310 - Unix SVR3.1, no fee.  USENET, email, C development,
  games.  Single line.
  Contact: rjd@althea.UUCP (Robert Diamond)
09/89  916-649-0161   sactoh0     Sacramento          CA  12/24/96  24
  3B2/310 SYSV.2, SAC_UNIX;  $2/month, limit 90 min, 2 lines, TB on line,
  2400/1200 baud on 916-722-6519;  USENET, E-Mail, Games;  login: new
  Contact: ..pacbell!sactoh0!sysop
089  919-493-7111^  wolves      Durham              NC  3/12/24  24
  AMS 386/25 - UNIX SysVr3.2, XBBS, no fee for bbs.  Rates for UNIX access
  and USENET are being determined.  Developing yet another UNIX bbs (ideas
  welcome!)  Single line, telebit coming soon.
  Contact: wolves!ggw or wolves!sysop  [...duke!dukcds!wolves!...]
NOTE:  ^ means the site is reachable using PC Pursuit.
The nixpub listings are kept as current as possible.  However, you use this
data at your own risk and cost -- all standard disclaimers apply!!!
Any additions, deletions, or corrections should be sent to nixpub@ls.com.
      Lists are available via any of the following:
            o  anonymous uucp from lgnp1 --
                    +1 215 348 9727 [Telebit access]
                    login: nuucp  NO PWD   [no rmail permitted]
                this list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub
               short list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub.short
            o  restricted guest account on lgnp1 --
                    login as 'guest', [X/Y/Z]modem and ascii supported.
            o  USENET, regular posts to --
            o  the nixpub electronic mailing list --
                    to be included or deleted from this distribution,
                    send mail to nixpub-request@ls.com.
  COMPAQ, IBM, PC Pursuit, [SCO] XENIX, UNIX, etc. are trademarks of the
  respective companies.
Phil Eschallier   * Domain: phil@ls.com           SNAIL: 248B Union Street
                  *   UUCP: ...!uunet!lgnp1!phil         Doylestown, PA  18901
Lagniappe Systems *    CIS: 71076,1576            VOICE: +1 215 348 9721
Computer Services *

phil@lgnp1.LS.COM (Phil Eschallier) (08/20/90)

                          nixpub short listing
     Open Access UNIX (*NIX) Sites [Fee / No Fee] for mapped sites only
                          [ August 20, 1990 ]

Systems listed (81)
Legend: fee/contribution ($), no fee (-$), hours (24), not (-24)
        shell (S), USENET news (N), email (M), multiple lines (T) 
        Telebit PEP speed on main number (+P), Telebit on other line[s] (P)
        Courier 9600 bps on main number (+H), Courier on other line[s] (H) 
        V.32 on main number (+V), V.32 on other line[s] (V) 
        anonymous uucp (A), archive site ONLY - see long form list (@)
        Dialable thru PC Pursuit (^)

Date   Telephone #    Sys-name   Location          Baud        Legend
-----  ------------   --------   -----------       -------     ---------
08/90  203-661-2873   admiral    Greenwich     CT  3/12/24/96  24 -$ AH+P+V
04/90  206-328-4944   polari     Seattle       WA  3/12        24 $ MNPST
08/90  206-367-3837   eskimo     Seattle       WA  3/12/24     24 $ AMST
08/90  209-952-5347   quack      Stockton      CA  3/12/24/96  24 $ MN+PS
12/89  212-420-0527   magpie     NYC           NY  3/12/24/96  24 -$ APT
02/90  212-675-7059   marob      NYC           NY  3/12/24/96  24 -$ APT
04/90  213-397-3137^  stb        Santa Monica  CA  3/12/24     24 -$ AS
11/88  213-459-5891   amazing    Pac Palisade  CA  3/12/24     24 $ T
07/88  214-247-2367   ozdaltx    Dallas        TX  3/12/24     24 $ NT
06/90  215-348-9727   lgnp1      Doylestown    PA  3/12/24/96  24 $ AMN+PS
01/90  216-582-2460   ncoast     Cleveland     OH  12/24/96    24 $ SNMPT
01/90  217-525-9019   pallas     Springfield   IL  3/12/24/96  24 $ HMSTV
07/90  219-289-0282   nstar      Notre Dame    IN  24/96       24 $ AMN+PT
04/90  301-625-0817   wb3ffv     Baltimore     MD  12/24/96    24 ANPTV
04/90  312-283-0559^  chinet     Chicago       IL  3/12/24/96  24 $ HNPT
10/89  312-338-0632^  point      Chicago       IL  3/12/24/96  24 -$ HNPST
03/90  313-623-6309   nucleus    Clarkston     MI  12/24       24 -$ AM
11/88  313-994-6333   m-net      Ann Arbor     MI  3/12        24 $ T
08/89  313-996-4644^  anet       Ann Arbor     MI  3/12        24 $ T
08/89  314-474-4581   gensis     Columbia      MO  3/12/24/96  24 -$ MS 
08/90  401-455-0347   anomaly    Esmond        RI  3/12/24/96  24 -$ MN+PS
10/89  404-321-5020^  jdyx       Atlanta       GA  12/24       24 $ MN+PST
05/88  407-380-6228   rtmvax     Orlando       FL  3/12/24     24 -$ NM
09/89  408-245-7726^  uuwest     Sunnyvale     CA  3/12/24     24 -$ N
02/90  408-249-0290^  netcom     San Jose      CA  12/24/96    24 $ MNPST
02/90  408-423-9995   cruzio     Santa Cruz    CA  12/24       24 $ MT
10/89  408-725-0561^  portal     Cupertino     CA  3/12/24     24 $ MNT
02/90  408-996-7358^  zorch      Cupertino     CA  12/24       24 $ MNT
05/90  412-431-8649   eklektik   Pittsburgh    PA  3/12/24     24 $ MNST
07/90  414-241-5469   mixcom     Milwaukee     WI  3/12/24     24 $ MNST
11/89  415-332-6106^  well       Sausalito     CA  12/24       24 $ MNST
07/89  415-753-5265^  wet        San Francisc  CA  3/12/24     24 $ MNST
05/90  415-967-9443^  btr        Mountain Vie  CA  3/12/24     24 $ HMNPSTV
04/90  416-438-2855   contact    Toronto       ON  3/12/24     24 -$ MNST
11/89  416-452-0926   telly      Brampton      ON  12/24/96    24 $ MN+P
12/88  416-461-2608   tmsoft     Toronto       ON  3/12/24/96  24 $ MNS
07/89  416-654-8854   ziebmef    Toronto       ON  3/12/24/96  24 MN+PST
01/90  502-968-5401   disk       Louisville    KY  3/12        24 $ MNST
12/88  503-254-0458   bucket     Portland      OR  3/12/24     24 -$ MNST
12/89  503-297-3211^  m2xenix    Portland      OR  3/12/24     24 -$ MNS 
08/90  503-640-4262^  agora      PDX           OR  3/12/24     24 $ MNST
05/90  503-644-8135^  techbook   Portland      OR  12/24       24 $ MNST
01/90  512-346-2339   bigtex     Austin        TX  96          24 -$ A+P
10/89  513-779-8209   cinnet     Cincinnati    OH  12/24/96    24 $ MN+PS 
08/90  514-844-9179   tnl        Montreal      PQ  3/12/24     24 -$ MNS
01/90  517-487-3356   lunapark   E. Lansing    MI  12/24       24 -$
12/88  518-346-8033   sixhub     upstate       NY  3/12/24     24 $ NMST
09/88  602-941-2005   xroads     Phoenix       AZ  3/12/24     24 $ NT
05/90  604-576-1214   mindlink   Vancouver     BC  3/12/24     24 $ HMNPT
08/89  605-348-2738   loft386    Rapid City    SD  3/12/24/96  24 $ MN+PS 
08/88  608-273-2657   madnix     Madison       WI  3/12/24     24 -$ MNS
04/90  612-473-2295^  pnet51     Minneapolis   MN  3/12/24     24 -$ NMT
04/90  615-288-3957   medsys     Kingsport     TN  12/24/96    24 -$ AN+P
08/90  615-896-8716   raider     Murfreesboro  TN  12/24       24 $ MNST
05/90  616-457-1964   wybbs      Jenison       MI  3/12/24/96  24 -$ MN+PST
01/90  617-739-9753   world      Brookline     MA  3/12/24/96  24 $ MNPST
01/90  619-259-7757   pnet12     Del Mar       CA  3/12/24/96  24 -$ MNPT
07/88  619-444-7006^  pnet01     El Cajon      CA  3/12/24     24 $ MNST
08/90  619-483-3890^  telesys    San Diego     CA  12/24/96    24 -$ AMN+PS
12/89  703-281-7997^  grebyn     Vienna        VA  3/12/24     24 $ MNT
11/89  708-272-5912^  igloo      Northbrook    IL  12/24/96    24 -$ NPST
05/90  708-318-7133^  gagme      Niles         IL  12/24       24 $ MNS
05/90  708-808-7300^  ddsw1      Mundelein     IL  3/12/24/96  24 $ AMNPST
11/89  708-833-8126^  vpnet      Villa Park    IL  12/24/96    24 -$ MN+PS
07/89  713-438-5018   sugar      Houston       TX  3/12/24/96  24 -$ N+P
10/89  713-668-7176^  nuchat     Houston       TX  3/12/24/96  24 -$ MN+PS
12/88  714-635-2863   dhw68k     Anaheim       CA  12/24       24 -$ T
05/89  714-662-7450   turnkey    Inglewood     CA  12/24       24 -$
01/90  714-821-9671   alphacm    Cypress       CA  12/24/96    24 -$ A+PT
05/89  714-842-5851   conexch    Santa Ana     CA  3/12/24     24 $ AMNS
08/88  714-894-2246   stanton    Irvine        CA  3/12/24     24 $ NS
03/90  717-657-4997   compnect   Harrisburg    PA  3/12/24     24 -$ MNT
12/89  719-632-4111   oldcolo    Colo Spgs     CO  12/24/96    24 $ HMNT
01/90  801-269-0670^  i-core     Salt Lake Ci  UT  3/12/24/96  24 -$ AN+P
08/88  813-952-1981   usource    Sarasota      FL  12/24       -24 -$ A
05/90  814-337-0348   sir-alan   Meadville     PA  12/24/19.2  24 -$ A+HMPTV
05/90  900-468-7727   uunet      Falls Church  VA  3/12/24/96  24 $ AMN+PT+V
08/90  906-228-4399   lopez      Marquette     MI  3/12/24     24 $ MNT
05/90  908-846-2460^  althea     New Brunswic  NJ  3/12/24     24 -$ MNS 
09/89  916-649-0161   sactoh0    Sacramento    CA  12/24/96    24 $ MN+PST
08/89  919-493-7111^  wolves     Durham        NC  3/12/24     24 $ MNS 
NOTE:  ^ means the site is reachable using PC Pursuit.
The nixpub listings are kept as current as possible.  However, you use this
data at your own risk and cost -- all standard disclaimers apply!!!
Any additions, deletions, or corrections should be sent to nixpub@ls.com.
      Lists are available from any of the following:
            o  anonymous uucp from lgnp1 --
                    +1 215 348 9727 [Telebit access]
                    login: nuucp  NO PWD   [no rmail permitted]
                this list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub.short
                long list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub
            o  restricted guest account on lgnp1 --
                    login as 'guest', [X/Y/Z]modem and ascii supported.
            o  USENET, regular posts to --
            o  the nixpub electronic mailing list --
                    to be included or deleted from this distribution,
                    send mail to nixpub-request@ls.com.
  COMPAQ, IBM, PC Pursuit, [SCO] XENIX, UNIX, etc. are trademarks of the
  respective companies.
Phil Eschallier   * Domain: phil@ls.com           SNAIL: 248B Union Street
                  *   UUCP: ...!uunet!lgnp1!phil         Doylestown, PA  18901
Lagniappe Systems *    CIS: 71076,1576            VOICE: +1 215 348 9721
Computer Services *

phil@lgnp1.LS.COM (Phil Eschallier) (10/02/90)

                          nixpub long listing
     Open Access UNIX (*NIX) Sites [Fee / No Fee] for mapped sites only
                          [ October 2, 1990 ]

Systems listed (85):
 [   admiral   agora     alphacm   althea    amazing   anet      anomaly   ]
 [   atrium    bigtex    btr       bucket    chinet    cinnet    compnect  ]
 [   conexch   contact   cruzio    ddsw1     dhw68k    disk      eklektik  ]
 [   eskimo    gagme     gensis    grebyn    i-core    igloo     jdyx      ]
 [   kk4fs     lgnp1     loft386   lopez     lunapark  m-net     m2xenix   ]
 [   madnix    magpie    marob     medsys    mindlink  mixcom    ncoast    ]
 [   netcom    nstar     nuchat    nucleus   oldcolo   ozdaltx   pallas    ]
 [   pnet01    pnet12    pnet51    point     polari    portal    quack     ]
 [   raider    rtmvax    sactoh0   sir-alan  sixhub    stanton   stb       ]
 [   sugar     techbook  telesys   telly     tmsoft    tnl       tronsbox  ]
 [   turnkey   usource   uunet     uuwest    vpnet     wb3ffv    well      ]
 [   wet       wolves    woodowl   world     wybbs     xroads    ziebmef   ]
 [   zorch                                                                 ] 

Date   Telephone #    Sys-name    Location                Baud        Hours
-----  ------------   --------    -----------             -------     -----

09/90  201-759-8450   tronsbox    Belleville          NJ  3/12/24/96  24
  Equip ???, UNIX 3.2;  Provides shell for some users, menu driven BBS with
  GIF and text downloads, adult discussion section;  USENET, E-Mail (feeds
  available);  Multiple line (-8568 300 - 2400 baud).
08/90  203-661-2873   admiral     Greenwich           CT  3/12/24/96  24
  Xenix/386 2.3.3. Line 1: 203-661-1279, USR HST Dual; Line 2: -2967
  Microcom AX/9624c; Line 3: -2873 Telebit T2500; Line 4: -0450, 2400.
  Magpie/386 BBS, chat, interactive games, SIGS for Unix/IBM/Mac/Amiga.
  BBS name is The Grid. All users are welcome, no strings attached.
  No fee, anonymous UUCP, login: nuucp, no PW. 230 megs disk, for
  more information, contact: ...!uunet!sir-alan!admiral!admiral.
10/90  206-328-4944   polari      Seattle             WA  3/12     24
  Equip ???;  8-lines, Trailblazer on 206-328-1468;  $40/year (flat rate);
  Multi-user games, chat, full USENET.
  Contact: uunet!microsoft!happym!polari!bruceki
08/90  206-367-3837   eskimo      Seattle             WA  3/12/24  24
  Tandy 6000 Xenix - Everett Tel 206-742-1150. Five lines. First 2 weeks
  free, $48/year or $6/month thereafter. Shell access, C, Fortran, Pascal,
  unique conference, smart mail, messages, upload/download, other apps.
  Western Washington BBS List, 60 games online, free uucp connections.
08/90  209-952-5347   quack       Stockton            CA  3/12/24/96  24
  Sun 2/170, SunOS 4.0;  Aka - The Duck Pond;  BBS at no charge,
  Shell - $2/mo ($4/mo expanded quota);  Trailblazer access;  login: bbs.
  Contact: ...!quack!postmaster or postmaster@quack.sac.ca.us
12/89  212-420-0527   magpie      NYC                 NY  3/12/24/96  24
  ? - UNIX SYSV - 2, Magpie BBS, no fee, Authors: Magpie/UNIX,/MSDOS
  two lines plus anonymous uucp: 212-677-9487 (9600 bps Telebit modem)
  NOTE: 9487 reserved for registered Magpie sysops & anon uucp
  Contact: Steve Manes, {rutgers|cmcl2|uunet}!hombre!magpie!manes	
02/90  212-675-7059   marob       NYC                 NY  3/12/24/96  24
  386 SCO-XENIX 2.2, XBBS, no fee, limit 60 min.
  Telebit Trailblazer (9600 PEP) only 212-675-8438
  Contact:  {philabs|rutgers|cmcl2}!{phri|hombre}!marob!clifford
04/90  213-397-3137^  stb         Santa Monica        CA  3/12/24  24
  AT&T 3b1;  BBS and shell access;  uucp-anon: ogin: uucp NO PASSWD
  3 line on rotary -3137 2400 baud.
03/88  213-459-5891   amazing     Pacific Palisades   CA  3/12/24  24
  AMT 286 - Microport  David's Amazing BBS  Fee $7.50/month;$35/6;$60/year
  5 lines on rotary; Unique original software with conferencing, electronic
  bar, matchmaking, no file up/downloading
08/90  214-247-2367   ozdaltx     Dallas              TX  12/24    24
  OZ, membership only adult BBS (over 18), fee $60/year.  Four lines.
  Carries about 100 popular newsgroups and makes available the clarinet
  news feed (subscribed) from United Press on a same day basis.  No shell.
  Login: guest (no PW).  New users added weekly. Login: help  (no PW).
06/90  215-348-9727   lgnp1       Doylestown          PA  3/12/24/96  24
  '386 mutt w/ SCO-XENIX -- Telebit on dial in line.  UUCP and 'guest' account
  only ...  Public access to the nixpub lists [see footer of this list].
  Fee services include feeds/routing for E-mail and USENET News, plus access
  to *NIX specific PD source code library.  Contact: phil@ls.com.
01/90  216-582-2460   ncoast      Cleveland           OH  12/24/96  24
  80386 Mylex, SCO Xenix;  600 meg. storage;  XBBS and Shell;  USENET
  (newsfeeds available), E-Mail; donations requested; login as "bbs"
  for BBS and "makeuser" for new users.
  Telebit used on 216-237-5486.
01/90  217-525-9019   pallas      Springfield         IL  3/12/24/96  24
  AT&T 6386, 380 meg disk space;  4 lines w/ USRobotics Dual Standard modems;
  BBS available at no fee (UBBS), shell access for $50/year;  "guest" login
10/90  219-289-0282   nstar       Notre Dame          IN  24/96    24
  AT&T SysV 3.2, 5 lines - all high speed modems, 1199 megabytes of 
  files, complete backbone newsfeed, feeds available via PEP, no shell
  accounts, restricted internet access via SL/IP, TBBS like modified
  version of Waffle BBS, 854 newsgroups + files + email for members;
  SIMTEL20 + UUNET archive site $30/year; contact sysop@nstar
04/90  301-625-0817   wb3ffv      Baltimore           MD  12/24/96  24
  80386, UNIX V.3.2;  XBBS for HAM radio enthusiasts;  780 meg online;
  Multiple lines, dial in - Hayes 2400, 9482 - MultiTech V32, 9663 - Tb+;
  Some USENET;  Anon-UUCP available;  Login as bbs (8-N-1).
04/90  312-283-0559^  chinet      Chicago             IL  3/12/24/96  24
  '386, SysVr3.2.1;  Multiple lines including Telebit and HST;
  Picospan BBS (free), USENET at $50/year (available to guests on
10/89  312-338-0632^  point       Chicago             IL  3/12/24/96  24
  North Shore / Rogers Park area of Chicago.  386 - ISC 2.01 (SysV3.2),
  multiple lines, Telebit PEP on 338-3261, USRobotics HST on 338-1036,
  AKCS bbs, some usenet conferences available.  200+ MB online storage.
  Downloads, full usenet & shell access in the works.
09/90  312-714-8568^  gagme       Chicago             IL  12/24    24
  3B2/300 - System V 3.2.  E-mail, netnews, sources, access to anonymous
  ftp, local message base, etc.
06/90  313-623-6309   nucleus     Clarkston           MI  12/24    24
  AMI 80386 - ESIX 5.3.2, large online sources archive accessable by
  anonymous UUCP, login: nuucp, nucleus!/user/src/LISTING lists
  available public domain/shareware source code.  Contact: jeff@nucleus.mi.org
10/90  313-994-6333   m-net       Ann Arbor           MI  3/12/24  24
  Altos 68020 - Sys III, no limits; New SysOp/Owner; fee for extended service;
  The HOME of PicoSpan Conferencing software; 15 lines, 240 Megs; packet radio,
  100% user supported; USENET; 2 dialouts, Trailblazer+ UUCP in/out; On-line
  games (including nethack & empire); E-Mail; C & Fortran compilers, multi-
  user party, access to Borne, Korn, C, BBS & Menu; on-line man pages;
  contact: Dave Parks kite@m-net.ann-arbor.mi.us
08/89  313-996-4644^  anet        Ann Arbor           MI  3/12     24
  Altos 68000 - Sys III, no limits, 1st month free, fees range up to $20/
  month (negotiable), accepts equipment/software in lieu of fees, Picospan
  conferencing, 120M, non-profit, user-supported, community-based, ideal
  autodidact educational system.  Tax-deductible donations okay.
08/89  314-474-4581   gensis      Columbia            MO  3/12/24/48/96  24
  Gateway 386 system w/ SCO Xenix V/386, DataFlex, Oracle, CHARM, & VP/ix.
  No fee.  Online gaming, game design, and (oddly enough) data base design
  are the main focus.  Modem is Microcom MNP 6.
08/90  401-455-0347   anomaly     Esmond              RI  3/12/24/96  24
  CSS Laboratories 386, SCO Xenix 2.3.2; Trailblazer+; No fees; Waffle BBS,
  newusers log in as 'bbs' (no pw.) Shell accounts available to qualified
  users. USENET feeds available, limited feeds for non-PEP sites. XENIX
  software archive site, anonymous uucp login: xxcp  pass: xenix
  Software listing & download directions in ~/SOFTLIST and ~/ARCHELP
10/89  404-321-5020^  jdyx        Atlanta             GA  12/24/96  24
  386/ix 2.0.2.  XBBS. Usenet (alt, gnu, most comp and a few others) and 
  shell access.  Second line (2400 below) (404) 325-1719.  200+ meg current
  Usenet and GNU sources.  Specializing in graphics and ray-tracing under 
  386/ix (with/with out X11).  Yearly fee for shell and/or downloads.  
  Telebit access.  Contact: ...gatech!emory!jdyx!tpf (Tom Friedel)
05/88  407-380-6228   rtmvax      Orlando             FL  3/12/24  24
  mVAX-I - Ultrix-32 V1.2  USENET & UUCP Email Gateway. XBBS front end for
  new user subscribing. No Fees. Primary function is Technical exchange.
  Contact: { cbosgd!codas, hoptoad!peora }!rtmvax!rob 
09/89  408-245-7726^  uuwest      Sunnyvale           CA  3/12/24  24
  SCO-XENIX, Waffle. No fee, USENET news (news.*, music, comics, telecom, etc)
  The Dark Side of the Moon BBS. This system has been in operation since 1985.
  Login: new Contact: (UUCP) ames!uuwest!request (Domain) request@darkside.com
02/90  408-249-0290^  netcom      San Jose            CA  12/24/96  24
  UNIX Sysv r3.2 (486)  - USENET (21 days), UUNET Sources, News Feeds, Shell 
  Access (Bourne, Korn, C),  UUCP support, E-Mail, Compilers. Fee $10.00/mo +
  one time Registration of $10.00.  Login as guest (no password).
  Telebit on (408) 249-0576.
02/90  408-423-9995   cruzio      Santa Cruz          CA  12/24    24
  Tandy 4000, Xenix 2.3.*, Caucus 3.*;  focus on Santa Cruz activity
  (ie directory of community and goverment organizations, events, ...);
  USENET Support;  Multiple lines;  no shell; fee: $15/quarter.
  Contact: ...!uunet!cruzio!chris
10/89  408-725-0561^  portal      Cupertino           CA  3/12/24  24
  Networked Suns (SunOS), multiple lines, Telenet access, no shell access
  fees: $10/month + Telenet charges (if used) @ various rates/times
  conferencing, multi user chats, usenet 
02/90  408-996-7358^  zorch       Cupertino           CA  12/24    24
  Wicat 200 - Unix SVR2; 4 lines, 1200 only on 7361, 7378, 7386; $10/month,
  $100/year, flat rate, no time limit.  Email, USENET, games, utilities,
  online man pages, Bourne, C, Korn shells.  400M online, 80M source archive.
  Registration required, verified; login as newuser, password public.
  Contact: scott@zorch.SF-Bay.ORG or (ames|pyramid|vsi1)!zorch!scott
05/90  412-431-8649   eklektik    Pittsburgh          PA  3/12/24  24
  UNIX PC- SYSV - UNaXcess BBS, donation requested for shell,
  login: bbs for BBS, limited Usenet news (amiga and gaming groups).  
  RPG mailing list, rec.games.frp and rec.music.dylan archive.
  Alternate number: 431-3064,
  Contact:  anthony@eklektik.pgh.pa.us or anthony@cs.pitt.edu
07/90  414-241-5469   mixcom      Milwaukee           WI  3/12/24  24
  80386, SCO UNIX 3.2;  MIX (Milwaukee Information eXchange;  Fee charged
  for shell, E-Mail, and full USENET, $50 - 12 mo, $35 - 6 mo, $20 - 3 mo;
  Multiple lines;  login as 'newuser' passwd 'newuser' ...
  Contact: sysop@mixcom.UUCP (...!uwm.edu!mixcom!sysop) [414-962-8172 voice]
08/90  415-294-8591   woodowl     Livermore           CA  3/12/24/96  24
  Xenix/386 3.2.1.  Waffle/XENIX BBS,  Usenet Access;  All users are
  welcome, no strings attached;  No fee;  For more information
  contact: ...!ames!pacbell!dplace!woodowl!william  william@woodowl
11/89  415-332-6106^  well        Sausalito           CA  12/24    24
  6-processor Sequent Balance (32032); UUCP and USENET access; multiple
  lines; access via CPN; PICOSPAN BBS; $3/hour.  Contact (415) 332-4335
08/89  415-753-5265^  wet         San Francisco       CA  12/24    24
  386 SYS V.3.  Wetware Diversions.  $15 registration, $0.01/minute.
  Public Access UNIX System:  uucp, PicoSpan bbs, full Usenet News,
  multiple lines, shell access.  Newusers get initial credit!
  contact:{ucsfcca|claris|hoptoad|well}!wet!cc (Christopher Cilley)
05/90  415-967-9443^  btr         Mountain View       CA  3/12/24  24
  Sun (SunOS UNIX), shell access, e-mail, netnews, uucp, can access by
  Telenet PC Pursuit, multiple lines, Telebit, flat rate: $10/month.
  For sign-up information please send e-mail to Customer Service at
  cs@btr.com or ..!{decwrl,fernwood,mips}!btr!cs
  or call 415-966-1429 Voice.
04/90  416-438-2855   contact     Toronto             ON  3/12/24  24
  386 clone - Xenix 2.3.1, fee optional. USENET, email, multi-user chat,
  Contact: eisen@contact.UUCP martin loeffler
11/89  416-452-0926   telly       Brampton            ON  12/24/96  24
  386 SysVr3.2; proprietary menu-based BBS includes Usenet site searching.
  News (all groups, incl biz, pubnet, gnu, CanConfMail), mail (including
  to/from Internet, Bitnet), many archives. Feeds available. $75(Cdn)/year.
  Contact: Evan Leibovitch, evan@telly.on.ca, uunet!attcan!telly!evan
12/88  416-461-2608   tmsoft      Toronto             ON  3/12/24/96  24
  NS32016, Sys5r2, shell; news+mail $30/mo, general-timesharing $60/mo
  All newsgroups.  Willing to setup mail/news connections.
  Contact: Dave Mason <mason@tmsoft> / Login: newuser
07/89  416-654-8854   ziebmef     Toronto             ON  3/12/24/96  24
  AT&T 3B1, Sys V, shell, news, mail, no fee (donations accepted)
  Carries most newsgroups (willing to add extra ones on request)
  Telebit access, willing to give mail feeds
  Contact: Chris Siebenmann, {utzoo!telly,ncrcan}!ziebmef!cks
01/90  502-968-5401   disk        Louisville          KY  3/12     24
  386 clone, Interactive System V 3.2, 600 meg.  6 lines 5401 thru 5406.
  Carrying most USENET groups, Shell access, multi-user games(including Realm)
  multi-user chat, downloads, and more.  Rate info available via a free trial
  account. Also offering news/mail feeds to the local area. Now reachable
  via Starlink!
12/88  503-254-0458   bucket      Portland            OR  3/12/24  24
  Tektronix 6130, UTek 2.3(4.2BSD-derived).  Bit Bucket BBS publically
  available; login as 'bbs'.  BBS is message only.  Users intereseted in
  access to Unix should contact SYSOP via the BBS or send EMail to
  ..tektronix!tessi!bucket!rickb.  Unix services include USENET News,
  EMail, and all tools/games/utility access. Alternate dial-in lines
  available for Unix users.
12/89  503-297-3211^  m2xenix     Portland            OR  3/12/24  24
  '386/20, Xenix 2.3.  Shell accounts available, NO BBS.  No fee.  E-mail,
  USENET News, program development.
  Contact: ...!uunet!m2xenix!news or on Fido at 297-9145
08/90  503-640-4262^  agora       PDX                 OR  3/12/24  24
  Intel Unix V/386, $2/mo or $20/yr, news, mail, games, programming.
  Three lines with trunk-hunt, 640-4380 supports MNP level 3; the
  third line (648-7596) is only 1200/300.
  Contact: Alan Batie, tektronix!tessi!agora!batie
05/90  503-644-8135^  techbook    Portland            OR  12/24    24
  80386, UNIX V.3.2; XBBS & some downloads for unregistered users, shell
  accounts & full set of Usenet & FidoNet newsgroups available to 
  registered users ($25/year); System answers at 8-N-1; login as BBS.
01/90  512-346-2339   bigtex      Austin              TX  96       24
  SysVr3.2 i386, anonymous shell, no fee, anonymous uucp ONLY,
  Telebit 9600/PEP; Mail links available.  Carries GNU software.
  anon uucp login: nuucp NO PASSWD, file list /usr3/index
  anon shell login: guest NO PASSWD, chroot'd to /usr3
  Contact: james@bigtex.cactus.org
10/89  513-779-8209   cinnet      Cincinnati          OH  12/24/96  24
  80386, ISC 386/ix 2.02, Telebit access, 1 line; $7.50/Month; shell
  access, Usenet access; news feeds available;
  login: newact password: new user to register for shell access
08/90  514-844-9179   tnl         Montreal            PQ  3/12/24  24
  80386 w/ SCO XENIX. No Fee.  2 hr session limit.  XBBS/USENET, shell.
  Login as 'new' for a shell account, no validation.  AKA: Northern Lights.
  Contact: norstar@tnl.CAM.ORG (Daniel Ray)
01/90  517-487-3356   lunapark    E. Lansing          MI  12/24    24
  Compaq 386/20 SCO-UNIX 3.2, lunabbs bulletin board & conferencing
  system, no fee, login: bbs password: lunabbs.  Primarily UNIX software
  with focus on TeX and Postscript, also some ATARI-ST and IBM-PC stuff
  2400/1200 --> 8 N 1
  Contact: ...!{mailrus,uunet}!frith!lunapark!larry
12/88  518-346-8033   sixhub      upstate             NY  3/12/24  24
  PC Designs GV386.  hub machine of the upstate NY UNIX users group (*IX)
  two line reserved for incoming, bbs no fee, news & email fee $15/year
  Smorgasboard of BBS systems, UNaXcess and XBBS online,
  Citadel BBS now in production. Contact: davidsen@sixhub.uucp.
10/90  602-829-3760^  atrium      Phoenix             AZ  3/12/24/96  24
  Xenix/386 2.3.2.  9600 baud HST service.  login: mm;  International
  electronic pen-pal service;  Contact: sysop@atrium.ucm.org.
09/88  602-941-2005   xroads      Phoenix             AZ  12/24    24
  Motorola VME1121, UNIX 5.2, Crossroads BBS, Fee $30/yr + $.50/.25 (call)
  prime (evenings)/non-prime, USENET news, multi-chat, online games,
  movie reviews, adventure games, dos unix/xenix files for dload, multi lines
05/90  604-576-1214   mindlink    Vancouver           BC  3/12/24  24
  Equip ???;  No shell;  Fee of $45/year for BBS access;  E-Mail, USENET,
  hundreds of megs of file downloads;  Operating since 1986.
08/89  605-348-2738   loft386     Rapid City          SD  3/12/24/96  24
  80386 SYS V/386 Rel 3.2, Usenet mail/news via UUNET, UUNET archive access.
  NO BBS!  News feeds avaliable.  400 meg hd.  Fees: $10/month or $25/quarter.
  Call (605) 343-8760 and talk to Doug Ingraham to arrange an account or email
08/88  608-273-2657   madnix      Madison             WI  3/12/24  24
  286 SCO-XENIX, shell, no fee, USENET news, mail, login: newuser
  Contact: ray@madnix
09/90  612-473-2295^  pnet51      Minneapolis         MN  3/12/24  24
  Equip ?, Xenix, multi-line, no fee, some Usenet news, email, multi-threaded
  conferencing, login: pnet id: new, PC Pursuitable
  UUCP: {rosevax, crash}!orbit!pnet51!admin
08/90  615-283-0864   kk4fs       Johnson City        TN  3/12/24  24
  286 clone - Waffle.  No fee, 25 USENET newsgroups, E-MAIL, no shell, games.
  Free Speech Forum BBS.  login: new.
  Contact: Paul Schmidt, kk4fs!root.
04/90  615-288-3957   medsys      Kingsport           TN  12/24/96  24
  386  SCO-UNIX 3.2, XBBS, no fee, limit 90 min.
  Telebit PEP, USENET, login: bbs   password: bbs
  anon uucp --> medsys Any ACU (speed) 16152883957 ogin: nuucp  ssword: \r
  Contact: uunet!medsys!laverne (LaVerne E. Olney)
08/90  615-896-8716   raider      Murfreesboro        TN  12/24    24
  WAFFLE BBS, no charge, shell accounts $40/yr,$25/6,$15/3. USENET news and
  mail links $25/yr,$15/6,$10/3;just one hop from uunet. Limited archives.
  Second line 896-7905. Contact: uunet!mjbtn!raider!root (Bob Reineri)
05/90  616-457-1964   wybbs       Jenison             MI  3/12/24/96  24
  386 - SCO-XENIX 2.3.2, two lines, XBBS for new users, mail in for shell 
  access, usenet news, 150 meg storage, Telebit. Interests: ham radio, xenix 
  AKA: Consultants Connection  Contact: danielw%wybbs@sharkey.cc.umich.edu
  Alternate phone #: 616-457-9909 (max 2400 baud). Anonymous UUCP available.
01/90  617-739-9753   world       Brookline           MA  3/12/24/96  24
  Sun 4/280, SunOS 4.03;  Shell, USENET, E-Mail, UUCP and home of the
  Open Book Initiative (text project);  fees: $5/mo + $3/hr (8a-8p) and
  $2/hr (8p-8a);  Multiple lines: 2400 MNP used on listed number,
  Telebits used on others;  login as "new";  Contact: geb@world.std.com
01/90  619-259-7757   pnet12      Del Mar             CA  3/12/24/96  24
  Xenix, multi-line, no fee, full Usenet, email, multithreaded conferencing
  login: pnet   id: new
  Contact: ...!uunet!serene!pnet12!rfarris
07/88  619-444-7006^  pnet01      El Cajon            CA  3/12/24  24
  BSD Unix, 3 lines, login: pnet id: new, some USENET, email, conferencing 
  Home of P-Net software, mail to crash!bblue or pnet01!bblue for info.
  Contributions requested
  Unix accounts available for regulars, PC Pursuit access 2/88.
08/90  619-483-3890^  telesys     San Diego           CA  12/24/96  24
  SCO Xenix 386; Telebit; XBBS (No Fee) login: bbs; Xenix tested software
  for download (No Registration); Shell Accounts available for access to
  USENET, email and full news feeds ($45/year); uucp-anon: use nuucp NOPWD
  Contact: crash!telesys!kreed or kreed@telesys.cts.com
12/89  703-281-7997^  grebyn      Vienna              VA  3/12/24  24
  Vax/Ultrix.  $25/month.  GNU EMACS, USENET, PC/BLUE archives, Telebit used
  for uucp only, archives, Ada repository, comp.sources.(misc,unix,games)
  archives, net.sources archives, 3 C compilers, Ada compiler,  1.2GB disk,
  multiple lines
11/89  708-272-5912^  igloo       Northbrook          IL  12/24/96  24
  3B2-300;  accounts by invitation only, no limit/no fee;  full usenet;
  132megs HD;  2 lines rotary, 9600 telebit on 272-5917
  Contact: igloo!postmaster
04/90  708-808-7300^  ddsw1       Wheeling            IL  3/12/24/96  24
  GT-3020 80386 system, ISC 2.0.2;  guest users 1 hr daily in AKCS BBS;
  fee for shell, regular Usenet access, unlimited use & hardware discounts;
  Authors of AKCS bbs;  fee $75/year or $7/month, 7 lines, 19200 available on 
  (708) 808-7306, anonymous uucp (nuucp) from 12 midnight to 6 AM, 
  ~/DIRECTORY/README for info on anon uucp.
  Contact: Karl Denninger (ddsw1!karl, karl@ddsw1.MCS.COM), Voice (708) 808-7200
08/90  708-833-8126^  vpnet       Villa Park          IL  12/24/96  24
  386 Clone - Interactive 386/ix R2.0 (3.2), no fee;  Akcs linked bbs
  including several Usenet conf's;  Shells available for minimum contribution;
  Two Trailblazers;  Contact: lisbon@vpnet.chi.il.us.
07/89  713-438-5018   sugar       Houston             TX  3/12/24/96  24
  386/AT (2) networked - Bell Technologies V/386, usenet, news, downloads
  Homegrown BBS software, Trailblazer+ access, currently no charges
10/89  713-668-7176^  nuchat      Houston             TX  3/12/24/96  24
  i386;  USENET, Mail, Shell Access;  300M On-line;  Trailbazer Used;
  No fee.
12/88  714-635-2863   dhw68k      Anaheim             CA  12/24    24
  Unistride 2.1, no fee, also 714-385-1915, Trailblazer on both lines,
  USENET News, /bin/sh or /bin/csh available
05/89  714-662-7450   turnkey     Inglewood           CA  12/24    24
  286 - Xenix SYSV, XBBS
01/90  714-821-9671   alphacm     Cypress             CA  12/24/96  24
  386 - SCO-XENIX, no fee, Home of XBBS, 90 minute per login, 4 lines,
  Trailblazer pluses in use.
    uucp-anon:  ogin: nuucp  NO PASSWD
05/89  714-842-5851   conexch     Santa Ana           CA  3/12/24  24
  386 - SCO Xenix - Free Unix guest login and PC-DOS bbs login, one
  hour inital time limit, USENET news, shell access granted on request &
  $25/quarter donation.  Anon uucp: ogin: nuucp  NO PASSWD.  List of
  available Unix files resides in /usr3/public/FILES.
08/88  714-894-2246   stanton     Irvine              CA  3/12/24  24
  286 - SCO Xenix - donation requested, limit 240 min, XBBS, USENET news
  UNIX access granted on request through BBS, 20$/year, access includes
  C development system (XENIX/MSDOS), PROCALC 1-2-3 clone, FOXBASE+
  anon uucp: ogin: nuucp, no word, 2400/1200/300 MNP supported
03/90  717-657-4997   compnect    Harrisburg          PA  3/12/24  24
  Equip ???;  The Data Factory BBS;  Multiple line, 1200 baud on 675-4992;
  No fee, restricted access to adult areas, some USENET, no shell;
  Contact: ...!uunet!wa3wbu!compnect!dave.
12/89  719-632-4111   oldcolo     Colo Spgs           CO  12/24/96  24
  386 - SCO-XENIX  frontend,  2 CT  Miniframes  backend,  e-mail 
  conferencing,  databases,   Naplps Graphics, USENET news. 7 lines 
  8N1,  2400 on 2906,  USR  Dual  9600  on 2658.   Self registering   
  for  limited  free  access    (political,    policy, marketplace) 
  Subscriptions $10, 15, 18 mo for full use. Dave Hughes SYSOP.
01/90  801-269-0670^  i-core      Salt Lake City      UT  3/12/24/96  24
  286 SYS V, Unidel BBS and Newsreader; a.k.a. Bitsko's Bar & Grill BBS,
  no limit, no fee; UseNet and Citadel feeds available.  Home of Unidel
  room-based newsreader and UNIX Citadel network gateway; Telebit 19200
  Contact: ken@i-core.UUCP or uunet!iconsys!caeco!i-core!ken
08/88  813-952-1981   usource     Sarasota            FL  12/24    -24
  386 - SCO-XENIX, fee depends on services provided, no fee for bbs. New users
  subscribe by logging in as 'help' or 'newuser' (no password).  Primary
  purpose is technical forum. 6pm-8am M-Th, 24 hrs weeekends (6pm Fri-8am Mon)
  uucp-anon: 1200/2400 bps --> ogin: auucp  word: gateway
  uucp-anon directory: /usr/spool/uucppublic; contact: frank@usource.UUCP
05/90  814-337-0348   sir-alan    Meadville           PA  12/24/19.2/38  24
  SCO XENIX 2.3; no fee; XBBS; USR DS on 337-0348(300-38.4K), TB+ on
  337-3159(300-19.2K); archive site for comp.sources.[games,misc,sun,unix,x],
  some alt.sources, XENIX(68K/286/386), files from UUNET(X11R3,TeX,etc.).
  uucp-anon: ogin: pdsrc NO PASSWD
  uucp-anon directory: /u/pdsrc, /u/pubdir, /u/uunet, help in /u/pubdir/HELP 
  Contact: sir-alan!mikes@uunet.uu.net  (814-337-5528 voice)
05/90  900-468-7727   uunet       Falls Church        VA  3/12/24/96  24
  Sequent S81, Dynix 3.0.17(9);  UUNET Communication Services;  No Shell;
  Anonymous UUCP, fee $0.40/min -- billed by the telephone company [Not
  available in Virginia!], login: uucp (no passwd);  Multiple lines, PEP
  and V.32 available;  grab "uunet!~/help for more info" ...
  Full internet mail and USENET available via full-blown accounts,
  Contact: info@uunet.uu.net or call [voice] 703-876-5050.
08/90  906-228-4399   lopez       Marquette           MI  3/12/24  24
  Compaq Deskpro 286, SCO Xenix; Running STARBASE II Software.
  Great White North UPLink, Inc. (Non Profit) 100+ local rooms, PLUS
  USENET, Multi Channel Chat, 5 ports, $30 yr, flat rate for full access
  to net news, mail.  Upper Michigan's ORIGINAL BBS (since 1983)
  Contact: Gary Bourgois ...rutgers!sharkey!lopez!flash (flash@lopez.UUCP)
05/90  908-846-2460^  althea      New Brunswick       NJ  3/12/24  24
  AT&T 3B2/310 - Unix SVR3.1, no fee.  USENET, email, C development,
  games.  Single line.
  Contact: rjd@althea.UUCP (Robert Diamond)
08/90  916-649-0161   sactoh0     Sacramento          CA  12/24/96  24
  3B2/310 SYVR3.2; SAC_UNIX, sactoh0.SAC.CA.US;  $2/month, limit 90 min;
  3 lines, 2400/1200 baud on 722-6519 & -5068, TB+ on (916) 649-0161;
  USENET, E-Mail, some games; login: new
  Contact: root@sactoh0.SAC.CA.US   or   ..ames!pacbell!sactoh0!root
089  919-493-7111^  wolves      Durham              NC  3/12/24  24
  AMS 386/25 - UNIX SysVr3.2, XBBS, no fee for bbs.  Rates for UNIX access
  and USENET are being determined.  Developing yet another UNIX bbs (ideas
  welcome!)  Single line, telebit coming soon.
  Contact: wolves!ggw or wolves!sysop  [...duke!dukcds!wolves!...]
NOTE:  ^ means the site is reachable using PC Pursuit.
The nixpub listings are kept as current as possible.  However, you use this
data at your own risk and cost -- all standard disclaimers apply!!!
Any additions, deletions, or corrections should be sent to nixpub@ls.com.
      Lists are available via any of the following:
            o  anonymous uucp from lgnp1 --
                    +1 215 348 9727 [Telebit access]
                    login: nuucp  NO PWD   [no rmail permitted]
                this list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub
               short list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub.short
            o  restricted guest account on lgnp1 --
                    login as 'guest', [X/Y/Z]modem and ascii supported.
            o  USENET, regular posts to --
            o  the nixpub electronic mailing list --
                    to be included or deleted from this distribution,
                    send mail to nixpub-request@ls.com.
  COMPAQ, IBM, PC Pursuit, [SCO] XENIX, UNIX, etc. are trademarks of the
  respective companies.
Phil Eschallier   * Domain: phil@ls.com           SNAIL: 248B Union Street
                  *   UUCP: ...!uunet!lgnp1!phil         Doylestown, PA  18901
Lagniappe Systems *    CIS: 71076,1576            VOICE: +1 215 348 9721
Computer Services *

phil@lgnp1.LS.COM (Phil Eschallier) (10/02/90)

                          nixpub short listing
     Open Access UNIX (*NIX) Sites [Fee / No Fee] for mapped sites only
                           [ October 2, 1990 ]

Systems listed (85)
Legend: fee/contribution ($), no fee (-$), hours (24), not (-24)
        shell (S), USENET news (N), email (M), multiple lines (T) 
        Telebit PEP speed on main number (+P), Telebit on other line[s] (P)
        Courier 9600 bps on main number (+H), Courier on other line[s] (H) 
        V.32 on main number (+V), V.32 on other line[s] (V) 
        anonymous uucp (A), archive site ONLY - see long form list (@)
        Dialable thru PC Pursuit (^)

Date   Telephone #    Sys-name   Location          Baud        Legend
-----  ------------   --------   -----------       -------     ---------
09/90  201-759-8450   tronsbox   Belleville    NJ  3/12/24/96  24 -$ MN+PST
08/90  203-661-2873   admiral    Greenwich     CT  3/12/24/96  24 -$ AH+P+V
10/90  206-328-4944   polari     Seattle       WA  3/12        24 $ MNPST
08/90  206-367-3837   eskimo     Seattle       WA  3/12/24     24 $ AMST
08/90  209-952-5347   quack      Stockton      CA  3/12/24/96  24 $ MN+PS
12/89  212-420-0527   magpie     NYC           NY  3/12/24/96  24 -$ APT
02/90  212-675-7059   marob      NYC           NY  3/12/24/96  24 -$ APT
04/90  213-397-3137^  stb        Santa Monica  CA  3/12/24     24 -$ AS
11/88  213-459-5891   amazing    Pac Palisade  CA  3/12/24     24 $ T
08/90  214-247-2367   ozdaltx    Dallas        TX  12/24       24 $ NT
06/90  215-348-9727   lgnp1      Doylestown    PA  3/12/24/96  24 $ AMN+PS
01/90  216-582-2460   ncoast     Cleveland     OH  12/24/96    24 $ SNMPT
01/90  217-525-9019   pallas     Springfield   IL  3/12/24/96  24 $ HMSTV
10/90  219-289-0282   nstar      Notre Dame    IN  24/96       24 $ AMN+PT
04/90  301-625-0817   wb3ffv     Baltimore     MD  12/24/96    24 ANPTV
04/90  312-283-0559^  chinet     Chicago       IL  3/12/24/96  24 $ HNPT
10/89  312-338-0632^  point      Chicago       IL  3/12/24/96  24 -$ HNPST
09/90  312-714-8568^  gagme      Chicago       IL  12/24       24 $ MNS
03/90  313-623-6309   nucleus    Clarkston     MI  12/24       24 -$ AM
10/90  313-994-6333   m-net      Ann Arbor     MI  3/12/24     24 -$ MNPST
08/89  313-996-4644^  anet       Ann Arbor     MI  3/12        24 $ T
08/89  314-474-4581   gensis     Columbia      MO  3/12/24/96  24 -$ MS 
08/90  401-455-0347   anomaly    Esmond        RI  3/12/24/96  24 -$ MN+PS
10/89  404-321-5020^  jdyx       Atlanta       GA  12/24       24 $ MN+PST
05/88  407-380-6228   rtmvax     Orlando       FL  3/12/24     24 -$ NM
09/89  408-245-7726^  uuwest     Sunnyvale     CA  3/12/24     24 -$ N
02/90  408-249-0290^  netcom     San Jose      CA  12/24/96    24 $ MNPST
02/90  408-423-9995   cruzio     Santa Cruz    CA  12/24       24 $ MT
10/89  408-725-0561^  portal     Cupertino     CA  3/12/24     24 $ MNT
02/90  408-996-7358^  zorch      Cupertino     CA  12/24       24 $ MNT
05/90  412-431-8649   eklektik   Pittsburgh    PA  3/12/24     24 $ MNST
07/90  414-241-5469   mixcom     Milwaukee     WI  3/12/24     24 $ MNST
08/90  415-294-8591   woodowl    Livermore     CA  3/12/24/96  24 -$ N
11/89  415-332-6106^  well       Sausalito     CA  12/24       24 $ MNST
08/89  415-753-5265^  wet        San Francisc  CA  12/24       24 $ MNPSTV
05/90  415-967-9443^  btr        Mountain Vie  CA  3/12/24     24 $ HMNPSTV
04/90  416-438-2855   contact    Toronto       ON  3/12/24     24 -$ MNST
11/89  416-452-0926   telly      Brampton      ON  12/24/96    24 $ MN+P
12/88  416-461-2608   tmsoft     Toronto       ON  3/12/24/96  24 $ MNS
07/89  416-654-8854   ziebmef    Toronto       ON  3/12/24/96  24 MN+PST
01/90  502-968-5401   disk       Louisville    KY  3/12        24 $ MNST
12/88  503-254-0458   bucket     Portland      OR  3/12/24     24 -$ MNST
12/89  503-297-3211^  m2xenix    Portland      OR  3/12/24     24 -$ MNS 
08/90  503-640-4262^  agora      PDX           OR  3/12/24     24 $ MNST
05/90  503-644-8135^  techbook   Portland      OR  12/24       24 $ MNST
01/90  512-346-2339   bigtex     Austin        TX  96          24 -$ A+P
10/89  513-779-8209   cinnet     Cincinnati    OH  12/24/96    24 $ MN+PS 
08/90  514-844-9179   tnl        Montreal      PQ  3/12/24     24 -$ MNS
01/90  517-487-3356   lunapark   E. Lansing    MI  12/24       24 -$
12/88  518-346-8033   sixhub     upstate       NY  3/12/24     24 $ NMST
10/90  602-829-3760^  atrium     Phoenix       AZ  3/12/24/96  24 -$ +H
09/88  602-941-2005   xroads     Phoenix       AZ  3/12/24     24 $ NT
05/90  604-576-1214   mindlink   Vancouver     BC  3/12/24     24 $ HMNPT
08/89  605-348-2738   loft386    Rapid City    SD  3/12/24/96  24 $ MN+PS 
08/88  608-273-2657   madnix     Madison       WI  3/12/24     24 -$ MNS
04/90  612-473-2295^  pnet51     Minneapolis   MN  3/12/24     24 -$ NMT
08/90  615-283-0864   kk4fs      Johnson City  TN  3/12/24     24 -$ MN
04/90  615-288-3957   medsys     Kingsport     TN  12/24/96    24 -$ AN+P
08/90  615-896-8716   raider     Murfreesboro  TN  12/24       24 $ MNST
05/90  616-457-1964   wybbs      Jenison       MI  3/12/24/96  24 -$ MN+PST
01/90  617-739-9753   world      Brookline     MA  3/12/24/96  24 $ MNPST
01/90  619-259-7757   pnet12     Del Mar       CA  3/12/24/96  24 -$ MNPT
07/88  619-444-7006^  pnet01     El Cajon      CA  3/12/24     24 $ MNST
08/90  619-483-3890^  telesys    San Diego     CA  12/24/96    24 -$ AMN+PS
12/89  703-281-7997^  grebyn     Vienna        VA  3/12/24     24 $ MNT
11/89  708-272-5912^  igloo      Northbrook    IL  12/24/96    24 -$ NPST
05/90  708-808-7300^  ddsw1      Mundelein     IL  3/12/24/96  24 $ AMNPST
08/90  708-833-8126^  vpnet      Villa Park    IL  12/24/96    24 -$ MNPST
07/89  713-438-5018   sugar      Houston       TX  3/12/24/96  24 -$ N+P
10/89  713-668-7176^  nuchat     Houston       TX  3/12/24/96  24 -$ MN+PS
12/88  714-635-2863   dhw68k     Anaheim       CA  12/24       24 -$ T
05/89  714-662-7450   turnkey    Inglewood     CA  12/24       24 -$
01/90  714-821-9671   alphacm    Cypress       CA  12/24/96    24 -$ A+PT
05/89  714-842-5851   conexch    Santa Ana     CA  3/12/24     24 $ AMNS
08/88  714-894-2246   stanton    Irvine        CA  3/12/24     24 $ NS
03/90  717-657-4997   compnect   Harrisburg    PA  3/12/24     24 -$ MNT
12/89  719-632-4111   oldcolo    Colo Spgs     CO  12/24/96    24 $ HMNT
01/90  801-269-0670^  i-core     Salt Lake Ci  UT  3/12/24/96  24 -$ AN+P
08/88  813-952-1981   usource    Sarasota      FL  12/24       -24 -$ A
05/90  814-337-0348   sir-alan   Meadville     PA  12/24/19.2  24 -$ A+HMPTV
05/90  900-468-7727   uunet      Falls Church  VA  3/12/24/96  24 $ AMN+PT+V
08/90  906-228-4399   lopez      Marquette     MI  3/12/24     24 $ MNT
05/90  908-846-2460^  althea     New Brunswic  NJ  3/12/24     24 -$ MNS 
08/90  916-649-0161   sactoh0    Sacramento    CA  12/24/96    24 $ MN+PST
08/89  919-493-7111^  wolves     Durham        NC  3/12/24     24 $ MNS 
NOTE:  ^ means the site is reachable using PC Pursuit.
The nixpub listings are kept as current as possible.  However, you use this
data at your own risk and cost -- all standard disclaimers apply!!!
Any additions, deletions, or corrections should be sent to nixpub@ls.com.
      Lists are available from any of the following:
            o  anonymous uucp from lgnp1 --
                    +1 215 348 9727 [Telebit access]
                    login: nuucp  NO PWD   [no rmail permitted]
                this list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub.short
                long list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub
            o  restricted guest account on lgnp1 --
                    login as 'guest', [X/Y/Z]modem and ascii supported.
            o  USENET, regular posts to --
            o  the nixpub electronic mailing list --
                    to be included or deleted from this distribution,
                    send mail to nixpub-request@ls.com.
  COMPAQ, IBM, PC Pursuit, [SCO] XENIX, UNIX, etc. are trademarks of the
  respective companies.
Phil Eschallier   * Domain: phil@ls.com           SNAIL: 248B Union Street
                  *   UUCP: ...!uunet!lgnp1!phil         Doylestown, PA  18901
Lagniappe Systems *    CIS: 71076,1576            VOICE: +1 215 348 9721
Computer Services *

phil@lgnp1.LS.COM (Phil Eschallier) (10/04/90)

                          nixpub long listing
     Open Access UNIX (*NIX) Sites [Fee / No Fee] for mapped sites only
                          [ October 3, 1990 ]

Systems listed (86):
 [   admiral   agora     alphacm   althea    amazing   anet      anomaly   ]
 [   atrium    bigtex    btr       bucket    chinet    cinnet    compnect  ]
 [   conexch   contact   cruzio    ddsw1     dhw68k    disk      eklektik  ]
 [   eskimo    gagme     gensis    grebyn    i-core    igloo     ibmpcug   ]
 [   jdyx      kk4fs     lgnp1     loft386   lopez     lunapark  m-net     ]
 [   m2xenix   madnix    magpie    marob     medsys    mindlink  mixcom    ]
 [   ncoast    netcom    nstar     nuchat    nucleus   oldcolo   ozdaltx   ]
 [   pallas    pnet01    pnet12    pnet51    point     polari    portal    ]
 [   quack     raider    rtmvax    sactoh0   sir-alan  sixhub    stanton   ]
 [   stb       sugar     techbook  telesys   telly     tmsoft    tnl       ]
 [   tronsbox  turnkey   usource   uunet     uuwest    vpnet     wb3ffv    ]
 [   well      wet       wolves    woodowl   world     wybbs     xroads    ]
 [   ziebmef   zorch                                                       ] 

Date   Telephone #    Sys-name    Location                Baud        Hours
-----  ------------   --------    -----------             -------     -----

09/90  201-759-8450   tronsbox    Belleville          NJ  3/12/24/96  24
  Equip ???, UNIX 3.2;  Provides shell for some users, menu driven BBS with
  GIF and text downloads, adult discussion section;  USENET, E-Mail (feeds
  available);  Multiple line (-8568 300 - 2400 baud).
08/90  203-661-2873   admiral     Greenwich           CT  3/12/24/96  24
  Xenix/386 2.3.3. Line 1: 203-661-1279, USR HST Dual; Line 2: -2967
  Microcom AX/9624c; Line 3: -2873 Telebit T2500; Line 4: -0450, 2400.
  Magpie/386 BBS, chat, interactive games, SIGS for Unix/IBM/Mac/Amiga.
  BBS name is The Grid. All users are welcome, no strings attached.
  No fee, anonymous UUCP, login: nuucp, no PW. 230 megs disk, for
  more information, contact: ...!uunet!sir-alan!admiral!admiral.
10/90  206-328-4944   polari      Seattle             WA  3/12     24
  Equip ???;  8-lines, Trailblazer on 206-328-1468;  $40/year (flat rate);
  Multi-user games, chat, full USENET.
  Contact: uunet!microsoft!happym!polari!bruceki
08/90  206-367-3837   eskimo      Seattle             WA  3/12/24  24
  Tandy 6000 Xenix - Everett Tel 206-742-1150. Five lines. First 2 weeks
  free, $48/year or $6/month thereafter. Shell access, C, Fortran, Pascal,
  unique conference, smart mail, messages, upload/download, other apps.
  Western Washington BBS List, 60 games online, free uucp connections.
08/90  209-952-5347   quack       Stockton            CA  3/12/24/96  24
  Sun 2/170, SunOS 4.0;  Aka - The Duck Pond;  BBS at no charge,
  Shell - $2/mo ($4/mo expanded quota);  Trailblazer access;  login: bbs.
  Contact: ...!quack!postmaster or postmaster@quack.sac.ca.us
12/89  212-420-0527   magpie      NYC                 NY  3/12/24/96  24
  ? - UNIX SYSV - 2, Magpie BBS, no fee, Authors: Magpie/UNIX,/MSDOS
  two lines plus anonymous uucp: 212-677-9487 (9600 bps Telebit modem)
  NOTE: 9487 reserved for registered Magpie sysops & anon uucp
  Contact: Steve Manes, {rutgers|cmcl2|uunet}!hombre!magpie!manes	
02/90  212-675-7059   marob       NYC                 NY  3/12/24/96  24
  386 SCO-XENIX 2.2, XBBS, no fee, limit 60 min.
  Telebit Trailblazer (9600 PEP) only 212-675-8438
  Contact:  {philabs|rutgers|cmcl2}!{phri|hombre}!marob!clifford
04/90  213-397-3137^  stb         Santa Monica        CA  3/12/24  24
  AT&T 3b1;  BBS and shell access;  uucp-anon: ogin: uucp NO PASSWD
  3 line on rotary -3137 2400 baud.
03/88  213-459-5891   amazing     Pacific Palisades   CA  3/12/24  24
  AMT 286 - Microport  David's Amazing BBS  Fee $7.50/month;$35/6;$60/year
  5 lines on rotary; Unique original software with conferencing, electronic
  bar, matchmaking, no file up/downloading
08/90  214-247-2367   ozdaltx     Dallas              TX  12/24    24
  OZ, membership only adult BBS (over 18), fee $60/year.  Four lines.
  Carries about 100 popular newsgroups and makes available the clarinet
  news feed (subscribed) from United Press on a same day basis.  No shell.
  Login: guest (no PW).  New users added weekly. Login: help  (no PW).
06/90  215-348-9727   lgnp1       Doylestown          PA  3/12/24/96  24
  '386 mutt w/ SCO-XENIX -- Telebit on dial in line.  UUCP and 'guest' account
  only ...  Public access to the nixpub lists [see footer of this list].
  Fee services include feeds/routing for E-mail and USENET News, plus access
  to *NIX specific PD source code library.  Contact: phil@ls.com.
01/90  216-582-2460   ncoast      Cleveland           OH  12/24/96  24
  80386 Mylex, SCO Xenix;  600 meg. storage;  XBBS and Shell;  USENET
  (newsfeeds available), E-Mail; donations requested; login as "bbs"
  for BBS and "makeuser" for new users.
  Telebit used on 216-237-5486.
01/90  217-525-9019   pallas      Springfield         IL  3/12/24/96  24
  AT&T 6386, 380 meg disk space;  4 lines w/ USRobotics Dual Standard modems;
  BBS available at no fee (UBBS), shell access for $50/year;  "guest" login
10/90  219-289-0282   nstar       Notre Dame          IN  24/96    24
  AT&T SysV 3.2, 5 lines - all high speed modems, 1199 megabytes of 
  files, complete backbone newsfeed, feeds available via PEP, no shell
  accounts, restricted internet access via SL/IP, TBBS like modified
  version of Waffle BBS, 854 newsgroups + files + email for members;
  SIMTEL20 + UUNET archive site $30/year; contact sysop@nstar
04/90  301-625-0817   wb3ffv      Baltimore           MD  12/24/96  24
  80386, UNIX V.3.2;  XBBS for HAM radio enthusiasts;  780 meg online;
  Multiple lines, dial in - Hayes 2400, 9482 - MultiTech V32, 9663 - Tb+;
  Some USENET;  Anon-UUCP available;  Login as bbs (8-N-1).
04/90  312-283-0559^  chinet      Chicago             IL  3/12/24/96  24
  '386, SysVr3.2.1;  Multiple lines including Telebit and HST;
  Picospan BBS (free), USENET at $50/year (available to guests on
10/89  312-338-0632^  point       Chicago             IL  3/12/24/96  24
  North Shore / Rogers Park area of Chicago.  386 - ISC 2.01 (SysV3.2),
  multiple lines, Telebit PEP on 338-3261, USRobotics HST on 338-1036,
  AKCS bbs, some usenet conferences available.  200+ MB online storage.
  Downloads, full usenet & shell access in the works.
09/90  312-714-8568^  gagme       Chicago             IL  12/24    24
  3B2/300 - System V 3.2.  E-mail, netnews, sources, access to anonymous
  ftp, local message base, etc.
06/90  313-623-6309   nucleus     Clarkston           MI  12/24    24
  AMI 80386 - ESIX 5.3.2, large online sources archive accessable by
  anonymous UUCP, login: nuucp, nucleus!/user/src/LISTING lists
  available public domain/shareware source code.  Contact: jeff@nucleus.mi.org
10/90  313-994-6333   m-net       Ann Arbor           MI  3/12/24  24
  Altos 68020 - Sys III, no limits; New SysOp/Owner; fee for extended service;
  The HOME of PicoSpan Conferencing software; 15 lines, 240 Megs; packet radio,
  100% user supported; USENET; 2 dialouts, Trailblazer+ UUCP in/out; On-line
  games (including nethack & empire); E-Mail; C & Fortran compilers, multi-
  user party, access to Borne, Korn, C, BBS & Menu; on-line man pages;
  contact: Dave Parks kite@m-net.ann-arbor.mi.us
08/89  313-996-4644^  anet        Ann Arbor           MI  3/12     24
  Altos 68000 - Sys III, no limits, 1st month free, fees range up to $20/
  month (negotiable), accepts equipment/software in lieu of fees, Picospan
  conferencing, 120M, non-profit, user-supported, community-based, ideal
  autodidact educational system.  Tax-deductible donations okay.
08/89  314-474-4581   gensis      Columbia            MO  3/12/24/48/96  24
  Gateway 386 system w/ SCO Xenix V/386, DataFlex, Oracle, CHARM, & VP/ix.
  No fee.  Online gaming, game design, and (oddly enough) data base design
  are the main focus.  Modem is Microcom MNP 6.
08/90  401-455-0347   anomaly     Esmond              RI  3/12/24/96  24
  CSS Laboratories 386, SCO Xenix 2.3.2; Trailblazer+; No fees; Waffle BBS,
  newusers log in as 'bbs' (no pw.) Shell accounts available to qualified
  users. USENET feeds available, limited feeds for non-PEP sites. XENIX
  software archive site, anonymous uucp login: xxcp  pass: xenix
  Software listing & download directions in ~/SOFTLIST and ~/ARCHELP
10/89  404-321-5020^  jdyx        Atlanta             GA  12/24/96  24
  386/ix 2.0.2.  XBBS. Usenet (alt, gnu, most comp and a few others) and 
  shell access.  Second line (2400 below) (404) 325-1719.  200+ meg current
  Usenet and GNU sources.  Specializing in graphics and ray-tracing under 
  386/ix (with/with out X11).  Yearly fee for shell and/or downloads.  
  Telebit access.  Contact: ...gatech!emory!jdyx!tpf (Tom Friedel)
05/88  407-380-6228   rtmvax      Orlando             FL  3/12/24  24
  mVAX-I - Ultrix-32 V1.2  USENET & UUCP Email Gateway. XBBS front end for
  new user subscribing. No Fees. Primary function is Technical exchange.
  Contact: { cbosgd!codas, hoptoad!peora }!rtmvax!rob 
09/89  408-245-7726^  uuwest      Sunnyvale           CA  3/12/24  24
  SCO-XENIX, Waffle. No fee, USENET news (news.*, music, comics, telecom, etc)
  The Dark Side of the Moon BBS. This system has been in operation since 1985.
  Login: new Contact: (UUCP) ames!uuwest!request (Domain) request@darkside.com
02/90  408-249-0290^  netcom      San Jose            CA  12/24/96  24
  UNIX Sysv r3.2 (486)  - USENET (21 days), UUNET Sources, News Feeds, Shell 
  Access (Bourne, Korn, C),  UUCP support, E-Mail, Compilers. Fee $10.00/mo +
  one time Registration of $10.00.  Login as guest (no password).
  Telebit on (408) 249-0576.
02/90  408-423-9995   cruzio      Santa Cruz          CA  12/24    24
  Tandy 4000, Xenix 2.3.*, Caucus 3.*;  focus on Santa Cruz activity
  (ie directory of community and goverment organizations, events, ...);
  USENET Support;  Multiple lines;  no shell; fee: $15/quarter.
  Contact: ...!uunet!cruzio!chris
10/89  408-725-0561^  portal      Cupertino           CA  3/12/24  24
  Networked Suns (SunOS), multiple lines, Telenet access, no shell access
  fees: $10/month + Telenet charges (if used) @ various rates/times
  conferencing, multi user chats, usenet 
02/90  408-996-7358^  zorch       Cupertino           CA  12/24    24
  Wicat 200 - Unix SVR2; 4 lines, 1200 only on 7361, 7378, 7386; $10/month,
  $100/year, flat rate, no time limit.  Email, USENET, games, utilities,
  online man pages, Bourne, C, Korn shells.  400M online, 80M source archive.
  Registration required, verified; login as newuser, password public.
  Contact: scott@zorch.SF-Bay.ORG or (ames|pyramid|vsi1)!zorch!scott
05/90  412-431-8649   eklektik    Pittsburgh          PA  3/12/24  24
  UNIX PC- SYSV - UNaXcess BBS, donation requested for shell,
  login: bbs for BBS, limited Usenet news (amiga and gaming groups).  
  RPG mailing list, rec.games.frp and rec.music.dylan archive.
  Alternate number: 431-3064,
  Contact:  anthony@eklektik.pgh.pa.us or anthony@cs.pitt.edu
07/90  414-241-5469   mixcom      Milwaukee           WI  3/12/24  24
  80386, SCO UNIX 3.2;  MIX (Milwaukee Information eXchange;  Fee charged
  for shell, E-Mail, and full USENET, $50 - 12 mo, $35 - 6 mo, $20 - 3 mo;
  Multiple lines;  login as 'newuser' passwd 'newuser' ...
  Contact: sysop@mixcom.UUCP (...!uwm.edu!mixcom!sysop) [414-962-8172 voice]
08/90  415-294-8591   woodowl     Livermore           CA  3/12/24/96  24
  Xenix/386 3.2.1.  Waffle/XENIX BBS,  Usenet Access;  All users are
  welcome, no strings attached;  No fee;  For more information
  contact: ...!ames!pacbell!dplace!woodowl!william  william@woodowl
11/89  415-332-6106^  well        Sausalito           CA  12/24    24
  6-processor Sequent Balance (32032); UUCP and USENET access; multiple
  lines; access via CPN; PICOSPAN BBS; $3/hour.  Contact (415) 332-4335
08/89  415-753-5265^  wet         San Francisco       CA  12/24    24
  386 SYS V.3.  Wetware Diversions.  $15 registration, $0.01/minute.
  Public Access UNIX System:  uucp, PicoSpan bbs, full Usenet News,
  multiple lines, shell access.  Newusers get initial credit!
  contact:{ucsfcca|claris|hoptoad|well}!wet!cc (Christopher Cilley)
05/90  415-967-9443^  btr         Mountain View       CA  3/12/24  24
  Sun (SunOS UNIX), shell access, e-mail, netnews, uucp, can access by
  Telenet PC Pursuit, multiple lines, Telebit, flat rate: $10/month.
  For sign-up information please send e-mail to Customer Service at
  cs@btr.com or ..!{decwrl,fernwood,mips}!btr!cs
  or call 415-966-1429 Voice.
04/90  416-438-2855   contact     Toronto             ON  3/12/24  24
  386 clone - Xenix 2.3.1, fee optional. USENET, email, multi-user chat,
  Contact: eisen@contact.UUCP martin loeffler
11/89  416-452-0926   telly       Brampton            ON  12/24/96  24
  386 SysVr3.2; proprietary menu-based BBS includes Usenet site searching.
  News (all groups, incl biz, pubnet, gnu, CanConfMail), mail (including
  to/from Internet, Bitnet), many archives. Feeds available. $75(Cdn)/year.
  Contact: Evan Leibovitch, evan@telly.on.ca, uunet!attcan!telly!evan
12/88  416-461-2608   tmsoft      Toronto             ON  3/12/24/96  24
  NS32016, Sys5r2, shell; news+mail $30/mo, general-timesharing $60/mo
  All newsgroups.  Willing to setup mail/news connections.
  Contact: Dave Mason <mason@tmsoft> / Login: newuser
07/89  416-654-8854   ziebmef     Toronto             ON  3/12/24/96  24
  AT&T 3B1, Sys V, shell, news, mail, no fee (donations accepted)
  Carries most newsgroups (willing to add extra ones on request)
  Telebit access, willing to give mail feeds
  Contact: Chris Siebenmann, {utzoo!telly,ncrcan}!ziebmef!cks
10/90  +44-81-863-66  ibmpcug     Harrow, Middlesex   UK  3/12/24/96  24
  Equip ???, XENIX/386 2.3.1; Usenet, Mail, download areas, multi user games,
  UNIX games, chat.  Hourly UUCP via trailblazer to UKC (main uucp node for UK)
  50 pounds sterling a year (approx).
  Contact: Matthew Farwell <dylan@ibmpcug.co.uk>
01/90  502-968-5401   disk        Louisville          KY  3/12     24
  386 clone, Interactive System V 3.2, 600 meg.  6 lines 5401 thru 5406.
  Carrying most USENET groups, Shell access, multi-user games(including Realm)
  multi-user chat, downloads, and more.  Rate info available via a free trial
  account. Also offering news/mail feeds to the local area. Now reachable
  via Starlink!
12/88  503-254-0458   bucket      Portland            OR  3/12/24  24
  Tektronix 6130, UTek 2.3(4.2BSD-derived).  Bit Bucket BBS publically
  available; login as 'bbs'.  BBS is message only.  Users intereseted in
  access to Unix should contact SYSOP via the BBS or send EMail to
  ..tektronix!tessi!bucket!rickb.  Unix services include USENET News,
  EMail, and all tools/games/utility access. Alternate dial-in lines
  available for Unix users.
12/89  503-297-3211^  m2xenix     Portland            OR  3/12/24  24
  '386/20, Xenix 2.3.  Shell accounts available, NO BBS.  No fee.  E-mail,
  USENET News, program development.
  Contact: ...!uunet!m2xenix!news or on Fido at 297-9145
08/90  503-640-4262^  agora       PDX                 OR  3/12/24  24
  Intel Unix V/386, $2/mo or $20/yr, news, mail, games, programming.
  Three lines with trunk-hunt, 640-4380 supports MNP level 3; the
  third line (648-7596) is only 1200/300.
  Contact: Alan Batie, tektronix!tessi!agora!batie
05/90  503-644-8135^  techbook    Portland            OR  12/24    24
  80386, UNIX V.3.2; XBBS & some downloads for unregistered users, shell
  accounts & full set of Usenet & FidoNet newsgroups available to 
  registered users ($25/year); System answers at 8-N-1; login as BBS.
01/90  512-346-2339   bigtex      Austin              TX  96       24
  SysVr3.2 i386, anonymous shell, no fee, anonymous uucp ONLY,
  Telebit 9600/PEP; Mail links available.  Carries GNU software.
  anon uucp login: nuucp NO PASSWD, file list /usr3/index
  anon shell login: guest NO PASSWD, chroot'd to /usr3
  Contact: james@bigtex.cactus.org
10/89  513-779-8209   cinnet      Cincinnati          OH  12/24/96  24
  80386, ISC 386/ix 2.02, Telebit access, 1 line; $7.50/Month; shell
  access, Usenet access; news feeds available;
  login: newact password: new user to register for shell access
08/90  514-844-9179   tnl         Montreal            PQ  3/12/24  24
  80386 w/ SCO XENIX. No Fee.  2 hr session limit.  XBBS/USENET, shell.
  Login as 'new' for a shell account, no validation.  AKA: Northern Lights.
  Contact: norstar@tnl.CAM.ORG (Daniel Ray)
01/90  517-487-3356   lunapark    E. Lansing          MI  12/24    24
  Compaq 386/20 SCO-UNIX 3.2, lunabbs bulletin board & conferencing
  system, no fee, login: bbs password: lunabbs.  Primarily UNIX software
  with focus on TeX and Postscript, also some ATARI-ST and IBM-PC stuff
  2400/1200 --> 8 N 1
  Contact: ...!{mailrus,uunet}!frith!lunapark!larry
12/88  518-346-8033   sixhub      upstate             NY  3/12/24  24
  PC Designs GV386.  hub machine of the upstate NY UNIX users group (*IX)
  two line reserved for incoming, bbs no fee, news & email fee $15/year
  Smorgasboard of BBS systems, UNaXcess and XBBS online,
  Citadel BBS now in production. Contact: davidsen@sixhub.uucp.
10/90  602-829-3760^  atrium      Phoenix             AZ  3/12/24/96  24
  Xenix/386 2.3.2.  9600 baud HST service.  login: mm;  International
  electronic pen-pal service;  Contact: sysop@atrium.ucm.org.
09/88  602-941-2005   xroads      Phoenix             AZ  12/24    24
  Motorola VME1121, UNIX 5.2, Crossroads BBS, Fee $30/yr + $.50/.25 (call)
  prime (evenings)/non-prime, USENET news, multi-chat, online games,
  movie reviews, adventure games, dos unix/xenix files for dload, multi lines
05/90  604-576-1214   mindlink    Vancouver           BC  3/12/24  24
  Equip ???;  No shell;  Fee of $45/year for BBS access;  E-Mail, USENET,
  hundreds of megs of file downloads;  Operating since 1986.
08/89  605-348-2738   loft386     Rapid City          SD  3/12/24/96  24
  80386 SYS V/386 Rel 3.2, Usenet mail/news via UUNET, UUNET archive access.
  NO BBS!  News feeds avaliable.  400 meg hd.  Fees: $10/month or $25/quarter.
  Call (605) 343-8760 and talk to Doug Ingraham to arrange an account or email
08/88  608-273-2657   madnix      Madison             WI  3/12/24  24
  286 SCO-XENIX, shell, no fee, USENET news, mail, login: newuser
  Contact: ray@madnix
09/90  612-473-2295^  pnet51      Minneapolis         MN  3/12/24  24
  Equip ?, Xenix, multi-line, no fee, some Usenet news, email, multi-threaded
  conferencing, login: pnet id: new, PC Pursuitable
  UUCP: {rosevax, crash}!orbit!pnet51!admin
08/90  615-283-0864   kk4fs       Johnson City        TN  3/12/24  24
  286 clone - Waffle.  No fee, 25 USENET newsgroups, E-MAIL, no shell, games.
  Free Speech Forum BBS.  login: new.
  Contact: Paul Schmidt, kk4fs!root.
04/90  615-288-3957   medsys      Kingsport           TN  12/24/96  24
  386  SCO-UNIX 3.2, XBBS, no fee, limit 90 min.
  Telebit PEP, USENET, login: bbs   password: bbs
  anon uucp --> medsys Any ACU (speed) 16152883957 ogin: nuucp  ssword: \r
  Contact: uunet!medsys!laverne (LaVerne E. Olney)
08/90  615-896-8716   raider      Murfreesboro        TN  12/24    24
  WAFFLE BBS, no charge, shell accounts $40/yr,$25/6,$15/3. USENET news and
  mail links $25/yr,$15/6,$10/3;just one hop from uunet. Limited archives.
  Second line 896-7905. Contact: uunet!mjbtn!raider!root (Bob Reineri)
05/90  616-457-1964   wybbs       Jenison             MI  3/12/24/96  24
  386 - SCO-XENIX 2.3.2, two lines, XBBS for new users, mail in for shell 
  access, usenet news, 150 meg storage, Telebit. Interests: ham radio, xenix 
  AKA: Consultants Connection  Contact: danielw%wybbs@sharkey.cc.umich.edu
  Alternate phone #: 616-457-9909 (max 2400 baud). Anonymous UUCP available.
01/90  617-739-9753   world       Brookline           MA  3/12/24/96  24
  Sun 4/280, SunOS 4.03;  Shell, USENET, E-Mail, UUCP and home of the
  Open Book Initiative (text project);  fees: $5/mo + $3/hr (8a-8p) and
  $2/hr (8p-8a);  Multiple lines: 2400 MNP used on listed number,
  Telebits used on others;  login as "new";  Contact: geb@world.std.com
01/90  619-259-7757   pnet12      Del Mar             CA  3/12/24/96  24
  Xenix, multi-line, no fee, full Usenet, email, multithreaded conferencing
  login: pnet   id: new
  Contact: ...!uunet!serene!pnet12!rfarris
07/88  619-444-7006^  pnet01      El Cajon            CA  3/12/24  24
  BSD Unix, 3 lines, login: pnet id: new, some USENET, email, conferencing 
  Home of P-Net software, mail to crash!bblue or pnet01!bblue for info.
  Contributions requested
  Unix accounts available for regulars, PC Pursuit access 2/88.
08/90  619-483-3890^  telesys     San Diego           CA  12/24/96  24
  SCO Xenix 386; Telebit; XBBS (No Fee) login: bbs; Xenix tested software
  for download (No Registration); Shell Accounts available for access to
  USENET, email and full news feeds ($45/year); uucp-anon: use nuucp NOPWD
  Contact: crash!telesys!kreed or kreed@telesys.cts.com
12/89  703-281-7997^  grebyn      Vienna              VA  3/12/24  24
  Vax/Ultrix.  $25/month.  GNU EMACS, USENET, PC/BLUE archives, Telebit used
  for uucp only, archives, Ada repository, comp.sources.(misc,unix,games)
  archives, net.sources archives, 3 C compilers, Ada compiler,  1.2GB disk,
  multiple lines
11/89  708-272-5912^  igloo       Northbrook          IL  12/24/96  24
  3B2-300;  accounts by invitation only, no limit/no fee;  full usenet;
  132megs HD;  2 lines rotary, 9600 telebit on 272-5917
  Contact: igloo!postmaster
04/90  708-808-7300^  ddsw1       Wheeling            IL  3/12/24/96  24
  GT-3020 80386 system, ISC 2.0.2;  guest users 1 hr daily in AKCS BBS;
  fee for shell, regular Usenet access, unlimited use & hardware discounts;
  Authors of AKCS bbs;  fee $75/year or $7/month, 7 lines, 19200 available on 
  (708) 808-7306, anonymous uucp (nuucp) from 12 midnight to 6 AM, 
  ~/DIRECTORY/README for info on anon uucp.
  Contact: Karl Denninger (ddsw1!karl, karl@ddsw1.MCS.COM), Voice (708) 808-7200
08/90  708-833-8126^  vpnet       Villa Park          IL  12/24/96  24
  386 Clone - Interactive 386/ix R2.0 (3.2), no fee;  Akcs linked bbs
  including several Usenet conf's;  Shells available for minimum contribution;
  Two Trailblazers;  Contact: lisbon@vpnet.chi.il.us.
07/89  713-438-5018   sugar       Houston             TX  3/12/24/96  24
  386/AT (2) networked - Bell Technologies V/386, usenet, news, downloads
  Homegrown BBS software, Trailblazer+ access, currently no charges
10/89  713-668-7176^  nuchat      Houston             TX  3/12/24/96  24
  i386;  USENET, Mail, Shell Access;  300M On-line;  Trailbazer Used;
  No fee.
12/88  714-635-2863   dhw68k      Anaheim             CA  12/24    24
  Unistride 2.1, no fee, also 714-385-1915, Trailblazer on both lines,
  USENET News, /bin/sh or /bin/csh available
05/89  714-662-7450   turnkey     Inglewood           CA  12/24    24
  286 - Xenix SYSV, XBBS
01/90  714-821-9671   alphacm     Cypress             CA  12/24/96  24
  386 - SCO-XENIX, no fee, Home of XBBS, 90 minute per login, 4 lines,
  Trailblazer pluses in use.
    uucp-anon:  ogin: nuucp  NO PASSWD
05/89  714-842-5851   conexch     Santa Ana           CA  3/12/24  24
  386 - SCO Xenix - Free Unix guest login and PC-DOS bbs login, one
  hour inital time limit, USENET news, shell access granted on request &
  $25/quarter donation.  Anon uucp: ogin: nuucp  NO PASSWD.  List of
  available Unix files resides in /usr3/public/FILES.
08/88  714-894-2246   stanton     Irvine              CA  3/12/24  24
  286 - SCO Xenix - donation requested, limit 240 min, XBBS, USENET news
  UNIX access granted on request through BBS, 20$/year, access includes
  C development system (XENIX/MSDOS), PROCALC 1-2-3 clone, FOXBASE+
  anon uucp: ogin: nuucp, no word, 2400/1200/300 MNP supported
03/90  717-657-4997   compnect    Harrisburg          PA  3/12/24  24
  Equip ???;  The Data Factory BBS;  Multiple line, 1200 baud on 675-4992;
  No fee, restricted access to adult areas, some USENET, no shell;
  Contact: ...!uunet!wa3wbu!compnect!dave.
12/89  719-632-4111   oldcolo     Colo Spgs           CO  12/24/96  24
  386 - SCO-XENIX  frontend,  2 CT  Miniframes  backend,  e-mail 
  conferencing,  databases,   Naplps Graphics, USENET news. 7 lines 
  8N1,  2400 on 2906,  USR  Dual  9600  on 2658.   Self registering   
  for  limited  free  access    (political,    policy, marketplace) 
  Subscriptions $10, 15, 18 mo for full use. Dave Hughes SYSOP.
01/90  801-269-0670^  i-core      Salt Lake City      UT  3/12/24/96  24
  286 SYS V, Unidel BBS and Newsreader; a.k.a. Bitsko's Bar & Grill BBS,
  no limit, no fee; UseNet and Citadel feeds available.  Home of Unidel
  room-based newsreader and UNIX Citadel network gateway; Telebit 19200
  Contact: ken@i-core.UUCP or uunet!iconsys!caeco!i-core!ken
08/88  813-952-1981   usource     Sarasota            FL  12/24    -24
  386 - SCO-XENIX, fee depends on services provided, no fee for bbs. New users
  subscribe by logging in as 'help' or 'newuser' (no password).  Primary
  purpose is technical forum. 6pm-8am M-Th, 24 hrs weeekends (6pm Fri-8am Mon)
  uucp-anon: 1200/2400 bps --> ogin: auucp  word: gateway
  uucp-anon directory: /usr/spool/uucppublic; contact: frank@usource.UUCP
05/90  814-337-0348   sir-alan    Meadville           PA  12/24/19.2/38  24
  SCO XENIX 2.3; no fee; XBBS; USR DS on 337-0348(300-38.4K), TB+ on
  337-3159(300-19.2K); archive site for comp.sources.[games,misc,sun,unix,x],
  some alt.sources, XENIX(68K/286/386), files from UUNET(X11R3,TeX,etc.).
  uucp-anon: ogin: pdsrc NO PASSWD
  uucp-anon directory: /u/pdsrc, /u/pubdir, /u/uunet, help in /u/pubdir/HELP 
  Contact: sir-alan!mikes@uunet.uu.net  (814-337-5528 voice)
05/90  900-468-7727   uunet       Falls Church        VA  3/12/24/96  24
  Sequent S81, Dynix 3.0.17(9);  UUNET Communication Services;  No Shell;
  Anonymous UUCP, fee $0.40/min -- billed by the telephone company [Not
  available in Virginia!], login: uucp (no passwd);  Multiple lines, PEP
  and V.32 available;  grab "uunet!~/help for more info" ...
  Full internet mail and USENET available via full-blown accounts,
  Contact: info@uunet.uu.net or call [voice] 703-876-5050.
08/90  906-228-4399   lopez       Marquette           MI  3/12/24  24
  Compaq Deskpro 286, SCO Xenix; Running STARBASE II Software.
  Great White North UPLink, Inc. (Non Profit) 100+ local rooms, PLUS
  USENET, Multi Channel Chat, 5 ports, $30 yr, flat rate for full access
  to net news, mail.  Upper Michigan's ORIGINAL BBS (since 1983)
  Contact: Gary Bourgois ...rutgers!sharkey!lopez!flash (flash@lopez.UUCP)
05/90  908-846-2460^  althea      New Brunswick       NJ  3/12/24  24
  AT&T 3B2/310 - Unix SVR3.1, no fee.  USENET, email, C development,
  games.  Single line.
  Contact: rjd@althea.UUCP (Robert Diamond)
08/90  916-649-0161   sactoh0     Sacramento          CA  12/24/96  24
  3B2/310 SYVR3.2; SAC_UNIX, sactoh0.SAC.CA.US;  $2/month, limit 90 min;
  3 lines, 2400/1200 baud on 722-6519 & -5068, TB+ on (916) 649-0161;
  USENET, E-Mail, some games; login: new
  Contact: root@sactoh0.SAC.CA.US   or   ..ames!pacbell!sactoh0!root
089  919-493-7111^  wolves      Durham              NC  3/12/24  24
  AMS 386/25 - UNIX SysVr3.2, XBBS, no fee for bbs.  Rates for UNIX access
  and USENET are being determined.  Developing yet another UNIX bbs (ideas
  welcome!)  Single line, telebit coming soon.
  Contact: wolves!ggw or wolves!sysop  [...duke!dukcds!wolves!...]
NOTE:  ^ means the site is reachable using PC Pursuit.
The nixpub listings are kept as current as possible.  However, you use this
data at your own risk and cost -- all standard disclaimers apply!!!
Any additions, deletions, or corrections should be sent to nixpub@ls.com.
      Lists are available via any of the following:
            o  anonymous uucp from lgnp1 --
                    +1 215 348 9727 [Telebit access]
                    login: nuucp  NO PWD   [no rmail permitted]
                this list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub
               short list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub.short
            o  restricted guest account on lgnp1 --
                    login as 'guest', [X/Y/Z]modem and ascii supported.
            o  USENET, regular posts to --
            o  the nixpub electronic mailing list --
                    to be included or deleted from this distribution,
                    send mail to nixpub-request@ls.com.
  COMPAQ, IBM, PC Pursuit, [SCO] XENIX, UNIX, etc. are trademarks of the
  respective companies.
Phil Eschallier   * Domain: phil@ls.com           SNAIL: 248B Union Street
                  *   UUCP: ...!uunet!lgnp1!phil         Doylestown, PA  18901
Lagniappe Systems *    CIS: 71076,1576            VOICE: +1 215 348 9721
Computer Services *

phil@lgnp1.LS.COM (Phil Eschallier) (10/07/90)

                          nixpub long listing
     Open Access UNIX (*NIX) Sites [Fee / No Fee] for mapped sites only
                          [ October 7, 1990 ]

Systems listed (87):
 [   actrix    admiral   agora     alphacm   althea    amazing   anet      ]
 [   anomaly   atrium    bigtex    btr       bucket    chinet    cinnet    ]
 [   compnect  conexch   contact   cruzio    ddsw1     dhw68k    disk      ]
 [   eklektik  eskimo    gagme     gensis    grebyn    i-core    igloo     ]
 [   ibmpcug   jdyx      kk4fs     lgnp1     loft386   lopez     lunapark  ]
 [   m-net     m2xenix   madnix    magpie    marob     medsys    mindlink  ]
 [   mixcom    ncoast    netcom    nstar     nuchat    nucleus   oldcolo   ]
 [   ozdaltx   pallas    pnet01    pnet12    pnet51    point     polari    ]
 [   portal    quack     raider    rtmvax    sactoh0   sir-alan  sixhub    ]
 [   stanton   stb       sugar     techbook  telesys   telly     tmsoft    ]
 [   tnl       tronsbox  turnkey   usource   uunet     uuwest    vpnet     ]
 [   wb3ffv    well      wet       wolves    woodowl   world     wybbs     ]
 [   xroads    ziebmef   zorch                                             ] 

Last  Telephone #     Sys-name   Location                Baud         Hours
----- ------------    --------   -----------             -------      -----

09/90 201-759-8450    tronsbox   Belleville          NJ  3/12/24/96   24
  Equip ???, UNIX 3.2;  Provides shell for some users, menu driven BBS with
  GIF and text downloads, adult discussion section;  USENET, E-Mail (feeds
  available);  Multiple line (-8568 300 - 2400 baud).
08/90 203-661-2873    admiral    Greenwich           CT  3/12/24/96   24
  Xenix/386 2.3.3. Line 1: 203-661-1279, USR HST Dual; Line 2: -2967
  Microcom AX/9624c; Line 3: -2873 Telebit T2500; Line 4: -0450, 2400.
  Magpie/386 BBS, chat, interactive games, SIGS for Unix/IBM/Mac/Amiga.
  BBS name is The Grid. All users are welcome, no strings attached.
  No fee, anonymous UUCP, login: nuucp, no PW. 230 megs disk, for
  more information, contact: ...!uunet!sir-alan!admiral!admiral.
10/90 206-328-4944    polari     Seattle             WA  3/12         24
  Equip ???;  8-lines, Trailblazer on 206-328-1468;  $40/year (flat rate);
  Multi-user games, chat, full USENET.
  Contact: uunet!microsoft!happym!polari!bruceki
08/90 206-367-3837    eskimo     Seattle             WA  3/12/24      24
  Tandy 6000 Xenix - Everett Tel 206-742-1150. Five lines. First 2 weeks
  free, $48/year or $6/month thereafter. Shell access, C, Fortran, Pascal,
  unique conference, smart mail, messages, upload/download, other apps.
  Western Washington BBS List, 60 games online, free uucp connections.
08/90 209-952-5347    quack      Stockton            CA  3/12/24/96   24
  Sun 2/170, SunOS 4.0;  Aka - The Duck Pond;  BBS at no charge,
  Shell - $2/mo ($4/mo expanded quota);  Trailblazer access;  login: bbs.
  Contact: ...!quack!postmaster or postmaster@quack.sac.ca.us
12/89 212-420-0527    magpie     NYC                 NY  3/12/24/96   24
  ? - UNIX SYSV - 2, Magpie BBS, no fee, Authors: Magpie/UNIX,/MSDOS
  two lines plus anonymous uucp: 212-677-9487 (9600 bps Telebit modem)
  NOTE: 9487 reserved for registered Magpie sysops & anon uucp
  Contact: Steve Manes, {rutgers|cmcl2|uunet}!hombre!magpie!manes	
02/90 212-675-7059    marob      NYC                 NY  3/12/24/96   24
  386 SCO-XENIX 2.2, XBBS, no fee, limit 60 min.
  Telebit Trailblazer (9600 PEP) only 212-675-8438
  Contact:  {philabs|rutgers|cmcl2}!{phri|hombre}!marob!clifford
04/90 213-397-3137^   stb        Santa Monica        CA  3/12/24      24
  AT&T 3b1;  BBS and shell access;  uucp-anon: ogin: uucp NO PASSWD
  3 line on rotary -3137 2400 baud.
03/88 213-459-5891    amazing    Pacific Palisades   CA  3/12/24      24
  AMT 286 - Microport  David's Amazing BBS  Fee $7.50/month;$35/6;$60/year
  5 lines on rotary; Unique original software with conferencing, electronic
  bar, matchmaking, no file up/downloading
08/90 214-247-2367    ozdaltx    Dallas              TX  12/24        24
  OZ, membership only adult BBS (over 18), fee $60/year.  Four lines.
  Carries about 100 popular newsgroups and makes available the clarinet
  news feed (subscribed) from United Press on a same day basis.  No shell.
  Login: guest (no PW).  New users added weekly. Login: help  (no PW).
06/90 215-348-9727    lgnp1      Doylestown          PA  3/12/24/96   24
  '386 mutt w/ SCO-XENIX -- Telebit on dial in line.  UUCP and 'guest' account
  only ...  Public access to the nixpub lists [see footer of this list].
  Fee services include feeds/routing for E-mail and USENET News, plus access
  to *NIX specific PD source code library.  Contact: phil@ls.com.
01/90 216-582-2460    ncoast     Cleveland           OH  12/24/96     24
  80386 Mylex, SCO Xenix;  600 meg. storage;  XBBS and Shell;  USENET
  (newsfeeds available), E-Mail; donations requested; login as "bbs"
  for BBS and "makeuser" for new users.
  Telebit used on 216-237-5486.
01/90 217-525-9019    pallas     Springfield         IL  3/12/24/96   24
  AT&T 6386, 380 meg disk space;  4 lines w/ USRobotics Dual Standard modems;
  BBS available at no fee (UBBS), shell access for $50/year;  "guest" login
10/90 219-289-0282    nstar      Notre Dame          IN  24/96        24
  AT&T SysV 3.2, 5 lines - all high speed modems, 1199 megabytes of 
  files, complete backbone newsfeed, feeds available via PEP, no shell
  accounts, restricted internet access via SL/IP, TBBS like modified
  version of Waffle BBS, 854 newsgroups + files + email for members;
  SIMTEL20 + UUNET archive site $30/year; contact sysop@nstar
04/90 301-625-0817    wb3ffv     Baltimore           MD  12/24/96     24
  80386, UNIX V.3.2;  XBBS for HAM radio enthusiasts;  780 meg online;
  Multiple lines, dial in - Hayes 2400, 9482 - MultiTech V32, 9663 - Tb+;
  Some USENET;  Anon-UUCP available;  Login as bbs (8-N-1).
04/90 312-283-0559^   chinet     Chicago             IL  3/12/24/96   24
  '386, SysVr3.2.1;  Multiple lines including Telebit and HST;
  Picospan BBS (free), USENET at $50/year (available to guests on
10/89 312-338-0632^   point      Chicago             IL  3/12/24/96   24
  North Shore / Rogers Park area of Chicago.  386 - ISC 2.01 (SysV3.2),
  multiple lines, Telebit PEP on 338-3261, USRobotics HST on 338-1036,
  AKCS bbs, some usenet conferences available.  200+ MB online storage.
  Downloads, full usenet & shell access in the works.
09/90 312-714-8568^   gagme      Chicago             IL  12/24        24
  3B2/300 - System V 3.2.  E-mail, netnews, sources, access to anonymous
  ftp, local message base, etc.
06/90 313-623-6309    nucleus    Clarkston           MI  12/24        24
  AMI 80386 - ESIX 5.3.2, large online sources archive accessable by
  anonymous UUCP, login: nuucp, nucleus!/user/src/LISTING lists
  available public domain/shareware source code.  Contact: jeff@nucleus.mi.org
10/90 313-994-6333    m-net      Ann Arbor           MI  3/12/24      24
  Altos 68020 - Sys III, no limits; New SysOp/Owner; fee for extended service;
  The HOME of PicoSpan Conferencing software; 15 lines, 240 Megs; packet radio,
  100% user supported; USENET; 2 dialouts, Trailblazer+ UUCP in/out; On-line
  games (including nethack & empire); E-Mail; C & Fortran compilers, multi-
  user party, access to Borne, Korn, C, BBS & Menu; on-line man pages;
  contact: Dave Parks kite@m-net.ann-arbor.mi.us
08/89 313-996-4644^   anet       Ann Arbor           MI  3/12         24
  Altos 68000 - Sys III, no limits, 1st month free, fees range up to $20/
  month (negotiable), accepts equipment/software in lieu of fees, Picospan
  conferencing, 120M, non-profit, user-supported, community-based, ideal
  autodidact educational system.  Tax-deductible donations okay.
08/89 314-474-4581    gensis     Columbia            MO  3/12/24/48/96  24
  Gateway 386 system w/ SCO Xenix V/386, DataFlex, Oracle, CHARM, & VP/ix.
  No fee.  Online gaming, game design, and (oddly enough) data base design
  are the main focus.  Modem is Microcom MNP 6.
08/90 401-455-0347    anomaly    Esmond              RI  3/12/24/96   24
  CSS Laboratories 386, SCO Xenix 2.3.2; Trailblazer+; No fees; Waffle BBS,
  newusers log in as 'bbs' (no pw.) Shell accounts available to qualified
  users. USENET feeds available, limited feeds for non-PEP sites. XENIX
  software archive site, anonymous uucp login: xxcp  pass: xenix
  Software listing & download directions in ~/SOFTLIST and ~/ARCHELP
10/89 404-321-5020^   jdyx       Atlanta             GA  12/24/96     24
  386/ix 2.0.2.  XBBS. Usenet (alt, gnu, most comp and a few others) and 
  shell access.  Second line (2400 below) (404) 325-1719.  200+ meg current
  Usenet and GNU sources.  Specializing in graphics and ray-tracing under 
  386/ix (with/with out X11).  Yearly fee for shell and/or downloads.  
  Telebit access.  Contact: ...gatech!emory!jdyx!tpf (Tom Friedel)
05/88 407-380-6228    rtmvax     Orlando             FL  3/12/24      24
  mVAX-I - Ultrix-32 V1.2  USENET & UUCP Email Gateway. XBBS front end for
  new user subscribing. No Fees. Primary function is Technical exchange.
  Contact: { cbosgd!codas, hoptoad!peora }!rtmvax!rob 
09/89 408-245-7726^   uuwest     Sunnyvale           CA  3/12/24      24
  SCO-XENIX, Waffle. No fee, USENET news (news.*, music, comics, telecom, etc)
  The Dark Side of the Moon BBS. This system has been in operation since 1985.
  Login: new Contact: (UUCP) ames!uuwest!request (Domain) request@darkside.com
02/90 408-249-0290^   netcom     San Jose            CA  12/24/96     24
  UNIX Sysv r3.2 (486)  - USENET (21 days), UUNET Sources, News Feeds, Shell 
  Access (Bourne, Korn, C),  UUCP support, E-Mail, Compilers. Fee $10.00/mo +
  one time Registration of $10.00.  Login as guest (no password).
  Telebit on (408) 249-0576.
02/90 408-423-9995    cruzio     Santa Cruz          CA  12/24        24
  Tandy 4000, Xenix 2.3.*, Caucus 3.*;  focus on Santa Cruz activity
  (ie directory of community and goverment organizations, events, ...);
  USENET Support;  Multiple lines;  no shell; fee: $15/quarter.
  Contact: ...!uunet!cruzio!chris
10/89 408-725-0561^   portal     Cupertino           CA  3/12/24      24
  Networked Suns (SunOS), multiple lines, Telenet access, no shell access
  fees: $10/month + Telenet charges (if used) @ various rates/times
  conferencing, multi user chats, usenet 
02/90 408-996-7358^   zorch      Cupertino           CA  12/24        24
  Wicat 200 - Unix SVR2; 4 lines, 1200 only on 7361, 7378, 7386; $10/month,
  $100/year, flat rate, no time limit.  Email, USENET, games, utilities,
  online man pages, Bourne, C, Korn shells.  400M online, 80M source archive.
  Registration required, verified; login as newuser, password public.
  Contact: scott@zorch.SF-Bay.ORG or (ames|pyramid|vsi1)!zorch!scott
05/90 412-431-8649    eklektik   Pittsburgh          PA  3/12/24      24
  UNIX PC- SYSV - UNaXcess BBS, donation requested for shell,
  login: bbs for BBS, limited Usenet news (amiga and gaming groups).  
  RPG mailing list, rec.games.frp and rec.music.dylan archive.
  Alternate number: 431-3064,
  Contact:  anthony@eklektik.pgh.pa.us or anthony@cs.pitt.edu
07/90 414-241-5469    mixcom     Milwaukee           WI  3/12/24      24
  80386, SCO UNIX 3.2;  MIX (Milwaukee Information eXchange;  Fee charged
  for shell, E-Mail, and full USENET, $50 - 12 mo, $35 - 6 mo, $20 - 3 mo;
  Multiple lines;  login as 'newuser' passwd 'newuser' ...
  Contact: sysop@mixcom.UUCP (...!uwm.edu!mixcom!sysop) [414-962-8172 voice]
08/90 415-294-8591    woodowl    Livermore           CA  3/12/24/96   24
  Xenix/386 3.2.1.  Waffle/XENIX BBS,  Usenet Access;  All users are
  welcome, no strings attached;  No fee;  For more information
  contact: ...!ames!pacbell!dplace!woodowl!william  william@woodowl
11/89 415-332-6106^   well       Sausalito           CA  12/24        24
  6-processor Sequent Balance (32032); UUCP and USENET access; multiple
  lines; access via CPN; PICOSPAN BBS; $3/hour.  Contact (415) 332-4335
08/89 415-753-5265^   wet        San Francisco       CA  12/24        24
  386 SYS V.3.  Wetware Diversions.  $15 registration, $0.01/minute.
  Public Access UNIX System:  uucp, PicoSpan bbs, full Usenet News,
  multiple lines, shell access.  Newusers get initial credit!
  contact:{ucsfcca|claris|hoptoad|well}!wet!cc (Christopher Cilley)
05/90 415-967-9443^   btr        Mountain View       CA  3/12/24      24
  Sun (SunOS UNIX), shell access, e-mail, netnews, uucp, can access by
  Telenet PC Pursuit, multiple lines, Telebit, flat rate: $10/month.
  For sign-up information please send e-mail to Customer Service at
  cs@btr.com or ..!{decwrl,fernwood,mips}!btr!cs
  or call 415-966-1429 Voice.
04/90 416-438-2855    contact    Toronto             ON  3/12/24      24
  386 clone - Xenix 2.3.1, fee optional. USENET, email, multi-user chat,
  Contact: eisen@contact.UUCP martin loeffler
11/89 416-452-0926    telly      Brampton            ON  12/24/96     24
  386 SysVr3.2; proprietary menu-based BBS includes Usenet site searching.
  News (all groups, incl biz, pubnet, gnu, CanConfMail), mail (including
  to/from Internet, Bitnet), many archives. Feeds available. $75(Cdn)/year.
  Contact: Evan Leibovitch, evan@telly.on.ca, uunet!attcan!telly!evan
12/88 416-461-2608    tmsoft     Toronto             ON  3/12/24/96   24
  NS32016, Sys5r2, shell; news+mail $30/mo, general-timesharing $60/mo
  All newsgroups.  Willing to setup mail/news connections.
  Contact: Dave Mason <mason@tmsoft> / Login: newuser
07/89 416-654-8854    ziebmef    Toronto             ON  3/12/24/96   24
  AT&T 3B1, Sys V, shell, news, mail, no fee (donations accepted)
  Carries most newsgroups (willing to add extra ones on request)
  Telebit access, willing to give mail feeds
  Contact: Chris Siebenmann, {utzoo!telly,ncrcan}!ziebmef!cks
10/90 +44-81-863-6646 ibmpcug    Harrow, Middlesex   UK  3/12/24/96   24
  Compaq Deskpro, XENIX/386 2.3.1; Usenet, Mail, download areas, multi user
  games, UNIX games, chat.  Hourly UUCP via trailblazer to UKC (main uucp
  node for UK) 50 pounds sterling a year (approx).
  Contact: Matthew Farwell <dylan@ibmpcug.co.uk>
01/90 502-968-5401    disk       Louisville          KY  3/12         24
  386 clone, Interactive System V 3.2, 600 meg.  6 lines 5401 thru 5406.
  Carrying most USENET groups, Shell access, multi-user games(including Realm)
  multi-user chat, downloads, and more.  Rate info available via a free trial
  account. Also offering news/mail feeds to the local area. Now reachable
  via Starlink!
12/88 503-254-0458    bucket     Portland            OR  3/12/24      24
  Tektronix 6130, UTek 2.3(4.2BSD-derived).  Bit Bucket BBS publically
  available; login as 'bbs'.  BBS is message only.  Users intereseted in
  access to Unix should contact SYSOP via the BBS or send EMail to
  ..tektronix!tessi!bucket!rickb.  Unix services include USENET News,
  EMail, and all tools/games/utility access. Alternate dial-in lines
  available for Unix users.
12/89 503-297-3211^   m2xenix    Portland            OR  3/12/24      24
  '386/20, Xenix 2.3.  Shell accounts available, NO BBS.  No fee.  E-mail,
  USENET News, program development.
  Contact: ...!uunet!m2xenix!news or on Fido at 297-9145
08/90 503-640-4262^   agora      PDX                 OR  3/12/24      24
  Intel Unix V/386, $2/mo or $20/yr, news, mail, games, programming.
  Three lines with trunk-hunt, 640-4380 supports MNP level 3; the
  third line (648-7596) is only 1200/300.
  Contact: Alan Batie, tektronix!tessi!agora!batie
10/90 503-644-8135^   techbook   Portland            OR  12/24        24
  80386, UNIX V.3.2; XBBS & some downloads for unregistered users, shell
  accounts & full set of Usenet & FidoNet newsgroups available to registered
  users ($45/year or $5/mo); System answers at 8-N-1; login as BBS.
01/90 512-346-2339    bigtex     Austin              TX  96           24
  SysVr3.2 i386, anonymous shell, no fee, anonymous uucp ONLY,
  Telebit 9600/PEP; Mail links available.  Carries GNU software.
  anon uucp login: nuucp NO PASSWD, file list /usr3/index
  anon shell login: guest NO PASSWD, chroot'd to /usr3
  Contact: james@bigtex.cactus.org
10/89 513-779-8209    cinnet     Cincinnati          OH  12/24/96     24
  80386, ISC 386/ix 2.02, Telebit access, 1 line; $7.50/Month; shell
  access, Usenet access; news feeds available;
  login: newact password: new user to register for shell access
08/90 514-844-9179    tnl        Montreal            PQ  3/12/24      24
  80386 w/ SCO XENIX. No Fee.  2 hr session limit.  XBBS/USENET, shell.
  Login as 'new' for a shell account, no validation.  AKA: Northern Lights.
  Contact: norstar@tnl.CAM.ORG (Daniel Ray)
01/90 517-487-3356    lunapark   E. Lansing          MI  12/24        24
  Compaq 386/20 SCO-UNIX 3.2, lunabbs bulletin board & conferencing
  system, no fee, login: bbs password: lunabbs.  Primarily UNIX software
  with focus on TeX and Postscript, also some ATARI-ST and IBM-PC stuff
  2400/1200 --> 8 N 1
  Contact: ...!{mailrus,uunet}!frith!lunapark!larry
12/88 518-346-8033    sixhub     upstate             NY  3/12/24      24
  PC Designs GV386.  hub machine of the upstate NY UNIX users group (*IX)
  two line reserved for incoming, bbs no fee, news & email fee $15/year
  Smorgasboard of BBS systems, UNaXcess and XBBS online,
  Citadel BBS now in production. Contact: davidsen@sixhub.uucp.
10/90 602-829-3760^   atrium     Phoenix             AZ  3/12/24/96   24
  Xenix/386 2.3.2.  9600 baud HST service.  login: mm;  International
  electronic pen-pal service;  Contact: sysop@atrium.ucm.org.
09/88 602-941-2005    xroads     Phoenix             AZ  12/24        24
  Motorola VME1121, UNIX 5.2, Crossroads BBS, Fee $30/yr + $.50/.25 (call)
  prime (evenings)/non-prime, USENET news, multi-chat, online games,
  movie reviews, adventure games, dos unix/xenix files for dload, multi lines
05/90 604-576-1214    mindlink   Vancouver           BC  3/12/24      24
  Equip ???;  No shell;  Fee of $45/year for BBS access;  E-Mail, USENET,
  hundreds of megs of file downloads;  Operating since 1986.
08/89 605-348-2738    loft386    Rapid City          SD  3/12/24/96   24
  80386 SYS V/386 Rel 3.2, Usenet mail/news via UUNET, UUNET archive access.
  NO BBS!  News feeds avaliable.  400 meg hd.  Fees: $10/month or $25/quarter.
  Call (605) 343-8760 and talk to Doug Ingraham to arrange an account or email
08/88 608-273-2657    madnix     Madison             WI  3/12/24      24
  286 SCO-XENIX, shell, no fee, USENET news, mail, login: newuser
  Contact: ray@madnix
09/90 612-473-2295^   pnet51     Minneapolis         MN  3/12/24      24
  Equip ?, Xenix, multi-line, no fee, some Usenet news, email, multi-threaded
  conferencing, login: pnet id: new, PC Pursuitable
  UUCP: {rosevax, crash}!orbit!pnet51!admin
08/90 615-283-0864    kk4fs      Johnson City        TN  3/12/24      24
  286 clone - Waffle.  No fee, 25 USENET newsgroups, E-MAIL, no shell, games.
  Free Speech Forum BBS.  login: new.
  Contact: Paul Schmidt, kk4fs!root.
04/90 615-288-3957    medsys     Kingsport           TN  12/24/96     24
  386  SCO-UNIX 3.2, XBBS, no fee, limit 90 min.
  Telebit PEP, USENET, login: bbs   password: bbs
  anon uucp --> medsys Any ACU (speed) 16152883957 ogin: nuucp  ssword: \r
  Contact: uunet!medsys!laverne (LaVerne E. Olney)
08/90 615-896-8716    raider     Murfreesboro        TN  12/24        24
  WAFFLE BBS, no charge, shell accounts $40/yr,$25/6,$15/3. USENET news and
  mail links $25/yr,$15/6,$10/3;just one hop from uunet. Limited archives.
  Second line 896-7905. Contact: uunet!mjbtn!raider!root (Bob Reineri)
05/90 616-457-1964    wybbs      Jenison             MI  3/12/24/96   24
  386 - SCO-XENIX 2.3.2, two lines, XBBS for new users, mail in for shell 
  access, usenet news, 150 meg storage, Telebit. Interests: ham radio, xenix 
  AKA: Consultants Connection  Contact: danielw%wybbs@sharkey.cc.umich.edu
  Alternate phone #: 616-457-9909 (max 2400 baud). Anonymous UUCP available.
01/90 617-739-9753    world      Brookline           MA  3/12/24/96   24
  Sun 4/280, SunOS 4.03;  Shell, USENET, E-Mail, UUCP and home of the
  Open Book Initiative (text project);  fees: $5/mo + $3/hr (8a-8p) and
  $2/hr (8p-8a);  Multiple lines: 2400 MNP used on listed number,
  Telebits used on others;  login as "new";  Contact: geb@world.std.com
01/90 619-259-7757    pnet12     Del Mar             CA  3/12/24/96   24
  Xenix, multi-line, no fee, full Usenet, email, multithreaded conferencing
  login: pnet   id: new
  Contact: ...!uunet!serene!pnet12!rfarris
07/88 619-444-7006^   pnet01     El Cajon            CA  3/12/24      24
  BSD Unix, 3 lines, login: pnet id: new, some USENET, email, conferencing 
  Home of P-Net software, mail to crash!bblue or pnet01!bblue for info.
  Contributions requested
  Unix accounts available for regulars, PC Pursuit access 2/88.
08/90 619-483-3890^   telesys    San Diego           CA  12/24/96     24
  SCO Xenix 386; Telebit; XBBS (No Fee) login: bbs; Xenix tested software
  for download (No Registration); Shell Accounts available for access to
  USENET, email and full news feeds ($45/year); uucp-anon: use nuucp NOPWD
  Contact: crash!telesys!kreed or kreed@telesys.cts.com
10/90 +644-895-857    actrix     New Zealand             3/12/24      24
  Zenith 386/33, 750 Mb disk. ISC 2.02 386/ix; 3 lines, provides shell
  for some users; full USEnet access, XBBS system (heavily modified);
  Fee: NZ$54 p.a.; Hundreds of megabytes of files, including Amiga,
  Apple //, Atari, Macintosh, CP/M, MS-DOS and UNIX source and binaries.
  Contact: paul@actrix.co.nz
12/89 703-281-7997^   grebyn     Vienna              VA  3/12/24      24
  Vax/Ultrix.  $25/month.  GNU EMACS, USENET, PC/BLUE archives, Telebit used
  for uucp only, archives, Ada repository, comp.sources.(misc,unix,games)
  archives, net.sources archives, 3 C compilers, Ada compiler,  1.2GB disk,
  multiple lines
11/89 708-272-5912^   igloo      Northbrook          IL  12/24/96     24
  3B2-300;  accounts by invitation only, no limit/no fee;  full usenet;
  132megs HD;  2 lines rotary, 9600 telebit on 272-5917
  Contact: igloo!postmaster
04/90 708-808-7300^   ddsw1      Wheeling            IL  3/12/24/96   24
  GT-3020 80386 system, ISC 2.0.2;  guest users 1 hr daily in AKCS BBS;
  fee for shell, regular Usenet access, unlimited use & hardware discounts;
  Authors of AKCS bbs;  fee $75/year or $7/month, 7 lines, 19200 available on 
  (708) 808-7306, anonymous uucp (nuucp) from 12 midnight to 6 AM, 
  ~/DIRECTORY/README for info on anon uucp.
  Contact: Karl Denninger (ddsw1!karl, karl@ddsw1.MCS.COM), Voice (708) 808-7200
08/90 708-833-8126^   vpnet      Villa Park          IL  12/24/96     24
  386 Clone - Interactive 386/ix R2.0 (3.2), no fee;  Akcs linked bbs
  including several Usenet conf's;  Shells available for minimum contribution;
  Two Trailblazers;  Contact: lisbon@vpnet.chi.il.us.
07/89 713-438-5018    sugar      Houston             TX  3/12/24/96   24
  386/AT (2) networked - Bell Technologies V/386, usenet, news, downloads
  Homegrown BBS software, Trailblazer+ access, currently no charges
10/89 713-668-7176^   nuchat     Houston             TX  3/12/24/96   24
  i386;  USENET, Mail, Shell Access;  300M On-line;  Trailbazer Used;
  No fee.
12/88 714-635-2863    dhw68k     Anaheim             CA  12/24        24
  Unistride 2.1, no fee, also 714-385-1915, Trailblazer on both lines,
  USENET News, /bin/sh or /bin/csh available
05/89 714-662-7450    turnkey    Inglewood           CA  12/24        24
  286 - Xenix SYSV, XBBS
01/90 714-821-9671    alphacm    Cypress             CA  12/24/96     24
  386 - SCO-XENIX, no fee, Home of XBBS, 90 minute per login, 4 lines,
  Trailblazer pluses in use.
    uucp-anon:  ogin: nuucp  NO PASSWD
05/89 714-842-5851    conexch    Santa Ana           CA  3/12/24      24
  386 - SCO Xenix - Free Unix guest login and PC-DOS bbs login, one
  hour inital time limit, USENET news, shell access granted on request &
  $25/quarter donation.  Anon uucp: ogin: nuucp  NO PASSWD.  List of
  available Unix files resides in /usr3/public/FILES.
08/88 714-894-2246    stanton    Irvine              CA  3/12/24      24
  286 - SCO Xenix - donation requested, limit 240 min, XBBS, USENET news
  UNIX access granted on request through BBS, 20$/year, access includes
  C development system (XENIX/MSDOS), PROCALC 1-2-3 clone, FOXBASE+
  anon uucp: ogin: nuucp, no word, 2400/1200/300 MNP supported
10/90 717-657-4997    compnect   Harrisburg          PA  3/12/24/96   24
  DTK Keene 2000, Uport SysV/386;  The Data Factory BBS (and others);
  Multiple line, 2400 baud on 675-4992; No fee, restricted access to
  adult areas, some USENET, no shell;
  Contact: ...!uunet!wa3wbu!compnect!dave.
12/89 719-632-4111    oldcolo    Colo Spgs           CO  12/24/96     24
  386 - SCO-XENIX  frontend,  2 CT  Miniframes  backend,  e-mail 
  conferencing,  databases,   Naplps Graphics, USENET news. 7 lines 
  8N1,  2400 on 2906,  USR  Dual  9600  on 2658.   Self registering   
  for  limited  free  access    (political,    policy, marketplace) 
  Subscriptions $10, 15, 18 mo for full use. Dave Hughes SYSOP.
01/90 801-269-0670^   i-core     Salt Lake City      UT  3/12/24/96   24
  286 SYS V, Unidel BBS and Newsreader; a.k.a. Bitsko's Bar & Grill BBS,
  no limit, no fee; UseNet and Citadel feeds available.  Home of Unidel
  room-based newsreader and UNIX Citadel network gateway; Telebit 19200
  Contact: ken@i-core.UUCP or uunet!iconsys!caeco!i-core!ken
08/88 813-952-1981    usource    Sarasota            FL  12/24        -24
  386 - SCO-XENIX, fee depends on services provided, no fee for bbs. New users
  subscribe by logging in as 'help' or 'newuser' (no password).  Primary
  purpose is technical forum. 6pm-8am M-Th, 24 hrs weeekends (6pm Fri-8am Mon)
  uucp-anon: 1200/2400 bps --> ogin: auucp  word: gateway
  uucp-anon directory: /usr/spool/uucppublic; contact: frank@usource.UUCP
05/90 814-337-0348    sir-alan   Meadville           PA  12/24/19.2/38  24
  SCO XENIX 2.3; no fee; XBBS; USR DS on 337-0348(300-38.4K), TB+ on
  337-3159(300-19.2K); archive site for comp.sources.[games,misc,sun,unix,x],
  some alt.sources, XENIX(68K/286/386), files from UUNET(X11R3,TeX,etc.).
  uucp-anon: ogin: pdsrc NO PASSWD
  uucp-anon directory: /u/pdsrc, /u/pubdir, /u/uunet, help in /u/pubdir/HELP 
  Contact: sir-alan!mikes@uunet.uu.net  (814-337-5528 voice)
05/90 900-468-7727    uunet      Falls Church        VA  3/12/24/96   24
  Sequent S81, Dynix 3.0.17(9);  UUNET Communication Services;  No Shell;
  Anonymous UUCP, fee $0.40/min -- billed by the telephone company [Not
  available in Virginia!], login: uucp (no passwd);  Multiple lines, PEP
  and V.32 available;  grab "uunet!~/help for more info" ...
  Full internet mail and USENET available via full-blown accounts,
  Contact: info@uunet.uu.net or call [voice] 703-876-5050.
08/90 906-228-4399    lopez      Marquette           MI  3/12/24      24
  Compaq Deskpro 286, SCO Xenix; Running STARBASE II Software.
  Great White North UPLink, Inc. (Non Profit) 100+ local rooms, PLUS
  USENET, Multi Channel Chat, 5 ports, $30 yr, flat rate for full access
  to net news, mail.  Upper Michigan's ORIGINAL BBS (since 1983)
  Contact: Gary Bourgois ...rutgers!sharkey!lopez!flash (flash@lopez.UUCP)
05/90 908-846-2460^   althea     New Brunswick       NJ  3/12/24      24
  AT&T 3B2/310 - Unix SVR3.1, no fee.  USENET, email, C development,
  games.  Single line.
  Contact: rjd@althea.UUCP (Robert Diamond)
08/90 916-649-0161    sactoh0    Sacramento          CA  12/24/96     24
  3B2/310 SYVR3.2; SAC_UNIX, sactoh0.SAC.CA.US;  $2/month, limit 90 min;
  3 lines, 2400/1200 baud on 722-6519 & -5068, TB+ on (916) 649-0161;
  USENET, E-Mail, some games; login: new
  Contact: root@sactoh0.SAC.CA.US   or   ..ames!pacbell!sactoh0!root
089 919-493-7111^   wolves     Durham              NC  3/12/24      24
  AMS 386/25 - UNIX SysVr3.2, XBBS, no fee for bbs.  Rates for UNIX access
  and USENET are being determined.  Developing yet another UNIX bbs (ideas
  welcome!)  Single line, telebit coming soon.
  Contact: wolves!ggw or wolves!sysop  [...duke!dukcds!wolves!...]
NOTE:  ^ means the site is reachable using PC Pursuit.
The nixpub listings are kept as current as possible.  However, you use this
data at your own risk and cost -- all standard disclaimers apply!!!
Any additions, deletions, or corrections should be sent to nixpub@ls.com.
      Lists are available via any of the following:
            o  anonymous uucp from lgnp1 --
                    +1 215 348 9727 [Telebit access]
                    login: nuucp  NO PWD   [no rmail permitted]
                this list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub
               short list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub.short
            o  restricted guest account on lgnp1 --
                    login as 'guest', [X/Y/Z]modem and ascii supported.
            o  USENET, regular posts to --
            o  the nixpub electronic mailing list --
                    to be included or deleted from this distribution,
                    send mail to nixpub-request@ls.com.
  COMPAQ, IBM, PC Pursuit, [SCO] XENIX, UNIX, etc. are trademarks of the
  respective companies.
Phil Eschallier   * Domain: phil@ls.com           SNAIL: 248B Union Street
                  *   UUCP: ...!uunet!lgnp1!phil         Doylestown, PA  18901
Lagniappe Systems *    CIS: 71076,1576            VOICE: +1 215 348 9721
Computer Services *

phil@lgnp1.LS.COM (Phil Eschallier) (10/07/90)

                          nixpub short listing
     Open Access UNIX (*NIX) Sites [Fee / No Fee] for mapped sites only
                           [ October 7, 1990 ]

Systems listed (87)
Legend: fee/contribution ($), no fee (-$), hours (24), not (-24)
        shell (S), USENET news (N), email (M), multiple lines (T) 
        Telebit PEP speed on main number (+P), Telebit on other line[s] (P)
        Courier 9600 bps on main number (+H), Courier on other line[s] (H) 
        V.32 on main number (+V), V.32 on other line[s] (V) 
        anonymous uucp (A), archive site ONLY - see long form list (@)
        Dialable thru PC Pursuit (^)

Date   Telephone #     Sys-name  Location          Baud        Legend
-----  ------------    --------  -----------       -------     ---------
09/90  201-759-8450    tronsbox  Belleville    NJ  3/12/24/96  24 -$ MN+PST
08/90  203-661-2873    admiral   Greenwich     CT  3/12/24/96  24 -$ AH+P+V
10/90  206-328-4944    polari    Seattle       WA  3/12        24 $ MNPST
08/90  206-367-3837    eskimo    Seattle       WA  3/12/24     24 $ AMST
08/90  209-952-5347    quack     Stockton      CA  3/12/24/96  24 $ MN+PS
12/89  212-420-0527    magpie    NYC           NY  3/12/24/96  24 -$ APT
02/90  212-675-7059    marob     NYC           NY  3/12/24/96  24 -$ APT
04/90  213-397-3137^   stb       Santa Monica  CA  3/12/24     24 -$ AS
11/88  213-459-5891    amazing   Pac Palisade  CA  3/12/24     24 $ T
08/90  214-247-2367    ozdaltx   Dallas        TX  12/24       24 $ NT
06/90  215-348-9727    lgnp1     Doylestown    PA  3/12/24/96  24 $ AMN+PS
01/90  216-582-2460    ncoast    Cleveland     OH  12/24/96    24 $ SNMPT
01/90  217-525-9019    pallas    Springfield   IL  3/12/24/96  24 $ HMSTV
10/90  219-289-0282    nstar     Notre Dame    IN  24/96       24 $ AMN+PT
04/90  301-625-0817    wb3ffv    Baltimore     MD  12/24/96    24 ANPTV
04/90  312-283-0559^   chinet    Chicago       IL  3/12/24/96  24 $ HNPT
10/89  312-338-0632^   point     Chicago       IL  3/12/24/96  24 -$ HNPST
09/90  312-714-8568^   gagme     Chicago       IL  12/24       24 $ MNS
03/90  313-623-6309    nucleus   Clarkston     MI  12/24       24 -$ AM
10/90  313-994-6333    m-net     Ann Arbor     MI  3/12/24     24 -$ MNPST
08/89  313-996-4644^   anet      Ann Arbor     MI  3/12        24 $ T
08/89  314-474-4581    gensis    Columbia      MO  3/12/24/96  24 -$ MS 
08/90  401-455-0347    anomaly   Esmond        RI  3/12/24/96  24 -$ MN+PS
10/89  404-321-5020^   jdyx      Atlanta       GA  12/24       24 $ MN+PST
05/88  407-380-6228    rtmvax    Orlando       FL  3/12/24     24 -$ NM
09/89  408-245-7726^   uuwest    Sunnyvale     CA  3/12/24     24 -$ N
02/90  408-249-0290^   netcom    San Jose      CA  12/24/96    24 $ MNPST
02/90  408-423-9995    cruzio    Santa Cruz    CA  12/24       24 $ MT
10/89  408-725-0561^   portal    Cupertino     CA  3/12/24     24 $ MNT
02/90  408-996-7358^   zorch     Cupertino     CA  12/24       24 $ MNT
05/90  412-431-8649    eklektik  Pittsburgh    PA  3/12/24     24 $ MNST
07/90  414-241-5469    mixcom    Milwaukee     WI  3/12/24     24 $ MNST
08/90  415-294-8591    woodowl   Livermore     CA  3/12/24/96  24 -$ N
11/89  415-332-6106^   well      Sausalito     CA  12/24       24 $ MNST
08/89  415-753-5265^   wet       San Francisc  CA  12/24       24 $ MNPSTV
05/90  415-967-9443^   btr       Mountain Vie  CA  3/12/24     24 $ HMNPSTV
04/90  416-438-2855    contact   Toronto       ON  3/12/24     24 -$ MNST
11/89  416-452-0926    telly     Brampton      ON  12/24/96    24 $ MN+P
12/88  416-461-2608    tmsoft    Toronto       ON  3/12/24/96  24 $ MNS
07/89  416-654-8854    ziebmef   Toronto       ON  3/12/24/96  24 MN+PST
10/90  +44-81-863-6646 ibmpcug   Harrow, Midd  UK  3/12/24/96  24 $ MNPT+V
01/90  502-968-5401    disk      Louisville    KY  3/12        24 $ MNST
12/88  503-254-0458    bucket    Portland      OR  3/12/24     24 -$ MNST
12/89  503-297-3211^   m2xenix   Portland      OR  3/12/24     24 -$ MNS 
08/90  503-640-4262^   agora     PDX           OR  3/12/24     24 $ MNST
10/90  503-644-8135^   techbook  Portland      OR  12/24       24 $ MNST
01/90  512-346-2339    bigtex    Austin        TX  96          24 -$ A+P
10/89  513-779-8209    cinnet    Cincinnati    OH  12/24/96    24 $ MN+PS 
08/90  514-844-9179    tnl       Montreal      PQ  3/12/24     24 -$ MNS
01/90  517-487-3356    lunapark  E. Lansing    MI  12/24       24 -$
12/88  518-346-8033    sixhub    upstate       NY  3/12/24     24 $ NMST
10/90  602-829-3760^   atrium    Phoenix       AZ  3/12/24/96  24 -$ +H
09/88  602-941-2005    xroads    Phoenix       AZ  3/12/24     24 $ NT
05/90  604-576-1214    mindlink  Vancouver     BC  3/12/24     24 $ HMNPT
08/89  605-348-2738    loft386   Rapid City    SD  3/12/24/96  24 $ MN+PS 
08/88  608-273-2657    madnix    Madison       WI  3/12/24     24 -$ MNS
04/90  612-473-2295^   pnet51    Minneapolis   MN  3/12/24     24 -$ NMT
08/90  615-283-0864    kk4fs     Johnson City  TN  3/12/24     24 -$ MN
04/90  615-288-3957    medsys    Kingsport     TN  12/24/96    24 -$ AN+P
08/90  615-896-8716    raider    Murfreesboro  TN  12/24       24 $ MNST
05/90  616-457-1964    wybbs     Jenison       MI  3/12/24/96  24 -$ MN+PST
01/90  617-739-9753    world     Brookline     MA  3/12/24/96  24 $ MNPST
01/90  619-259-7757    pnet12    Del Mar       CA  3/12/24/96  24 -$ MNPT
07/88  619-444-7006^   pnet01    El Cajon      CA  3/12/24     24 $ MNST
08/90  619-483-3890^   telesys   San Diego     CA  12/24/96    24 -$ AMN+PS
10/90  +644-895-857    actrix    New Zealand       3/12/24     24 $ MNS
12/89  703-281-7997^   grebyn    Vienna        VA  3/12/24     24 $ MNT
11/89  708-272-5912^   igloo     Northbrook    IL  12/24/96    24 -$ NPST
05/90  708-808-7300^   ddsw1     Mundelein     IL  3/12/24/96  24 $ AMNPST
08/90  708-833-8126^   vpnet     Villa Park    IL  12/24/96    24 -$ MNPST
07/89  713-438-5018    sugar     Houston       TX  3/12/24/96  24 -$ N+P
10/89  713-668-7176^   nuchat    Houston       TX  3/12/24/96  24 -$ MN+PS
12/88  714-635-2863    dhw68k    Anaheim       CA  12/24       24 -$ T
05/89  714-662-7450    turnkey   Inglewood     CA  12/24       24 -$
01/90  714-821-9671    alphacm   Cypress       CA  12/24/96    24 -$ A+PT
05/89  714-842-5851    conexch   Santa Ana     CA  3/12/24     24 $ AMNS
08/88  714-894-2246    stanton   Irvine        CA  3/12/24     24 $ NS
10/90  717-657-4997    compnect  Harrisburg    PA  3/12/24/96  24 -$ NT
12/89  719-632-4111    oldcolo   Colo Spgs     CO  12/24/96    24 $ HMNT
01/90  801-269-0670^   i-core    Salt Lake Ci  UT  3/12/24/96  24 -$ AN+P
08/88  813-952-1981    usource   Sarasota      FL  12/24       -24 -$ A
05/90  814-337-0348    sir-alan  Meadville     PA  12/24/19.2  24 -$ A+HMPTV
05/90  900-468-7727    uunet     Falls Church  VA  3/12/24/96  24 $ AMN+PT+V
08/90  906-228-4399    lopez     Marquette     MI  3/12/24     24 $ MNT
05/90  908-846-2460^   althea    New Brunswic  NJ  3/12/24     24 -$ MNS 
08/90  916-649-0161    sactoh0   Sacramento    CA  12/24/96    24 $ MN+PST
08/89  919-493-7111^   wolves    Durham        NC  3/12/24     24 $ MNS 
NOTE:  ^ means the site is reachable using PC Pursuit.
The nixpub listings are kept as current as possible.  However, you use this
data at your own risk and cost -- all standard disclaimers apply!!!
Any additions, deletions, or corrections should be sent to nixpub@ls.com.
      Lists are available from any of the following:
            o  anonymous uucp from lgnp1 --
                    +1 215 348 9727 [Telebit access]
                    login: nuucp  NO PWD   [no rmail permitted]
                this list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub.short
                long list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub
            o  restricted guest account on lgnp1 --
                    login as 'guest', [X/Y/Z]modem and ascii supported.
            o  USENET, regular posts to --
            o  the nixpub electronic mailing list --
                    to be included or deleted from this distribution,
                    send mail to nixpub-request@ls.com.
  COMPAQ, IBM, PC Pursuit, [SCO] XENIX, UNIX, etc. are trademarks of the
  respective companies.
Phil Eschallier   * Domain: phil@ls.com           SNAIL: 248B Union Street
                  *   UUCP: ...!uunet!lgnp1!phil         Doylestown, PA  18901
Lagniappe Systems *    CIS: 71076,1576            VOICE: +1 215 348 9721
Computer Services *

phil@lgnp1.LS.COM (Phil Eschallier) (11/12/90)

                          nixpub long listing
     Open Access UNIX (*NIX) Sites [Fee / No Fee] for mapped sites only
                         [ November 15, 1990 ]

Systems listed (85):
 [   admiral   agora     alphacm   althea    amazing   anet      anomaly   ]
 [   atrium    bigtex    btr       bucket    chinet    cinnet    compnect  ]
 [   conexch   contact   cruzio    ddsw1     dhw68k    disk      eklektik  ]
 [   eskimo    gagme     gensis    grebyn    i-core    igloo     jdyx      ]
 [   kk4fs     lgnp1     loft386   lopez     lunapark  m-net     m2xenix   ]
 [   madnix    magpie    marob     medsys    mindlink  mixcom    ncoast    ]
 [   netcom    nstar     nuchat    nucleus   oldcolo   ozdaltx   pallas    ]
 [   pnet01    pnet12    pnet51    point     polari    portal    quack     ]
 [   raider    rtmvax    sactoh0   sir-alan  sixhub    stanton   stb       ]
 [   sugar     techbook  telesys   telly     tmsoft    tnl       tronsbox  ]
 [   turnkey   usource   uunet     uuwest    vpnet     wb3ffv    well      ]
 [   wet       wolves    woodowl   world     wybbs     xroads    ziebmef   ]
 [   zorch                                                                 ] 

Last   Telephone #    Sys-name    Location                Baud        Hours
-----  ------------   --------    -----------             -------     -----

09/90  201-759-8450   tronsbox    Belleville          NJ  3/12/24/96  24
  Equip ???, UNIX 3.2;  Provides shell for some users, menu driven BBS with
  GIF and text downloads, adult discussion section;  USENET, E-Mail (feeds
  available);  Multiple line (-8568 300 - 2400 baud).
08/90  203-661-2873   admiral     Greenwich           CT  3/12/24/96  24
  Xenix/386 2.3.3. Line 1: 203-661-1279, USR HST Dual; Line 2: -2967
  Microcom AX/9624c; Line 3: -2873 Telebit T2500; Line 4: -0450, 2400.
  Magpie/386 BBS, chat, interactive games, SIGS for Unix/IBM/Mac/Amiga.
  BBS name is The Grid. All users are welcome, no strings attached.
  No fee, anonymous UUCP, login: nuucp, no PW. 230 megs disk, for
  more information, contact: ...!uunet!sir-alan!admiral!admiral.
10/90  206-328-4944   polari      Seattle             WA  3/12     24
  Equip ???;  8-lines, Trailblazer on 206-328-1468;  $40/year (flat rate);
  Multi-user games, chat, full USENET.
  Contact: uunet!microsoft!happym!polari!bruceki
08/90  206-367-3837   eskimo      Seattle             WA  3/12/24  24
  Tandy 6000 Xenix - Everett Tel 206-742-1150. Five lines. First 2 weeks
  free, $48/year or $6/month thereafter. Shell access, C, Fortran, Pascal,
  unique conference, smart mail, messages, upload/download, other apps.
  Western Washington BBS List, 60 games online, free uucp connections.
08/90  209-952-5347   quack       Stockton            CA  3/12/24/96  24
  Sun 2/170, SunOS 4.0;  Aka - The Duck Pond;  BBS at no charge,
  Shell - $2/mo ($4/mo expanded quota);  Trailblazer access;  login: bbs.
  Contact: ...!quack!postmaster or postmaster@quack.sac.ca.us
12/89  212-420-0527   magpie      NYC                 NY  3/12/24/96  24
  ? - UNIX SYSV - 2, Magpie BBS, no fee, Authors: Magpie/UNIX,/MSDOS
  two lines plus anonymous uucp: 212-677-9487 (9600 bps Telebit modem)
  NOTE: 9487 reserved for registered Magpie sysops & anon uucp
  Contact: Steve Manes, {rutgers|cmcl2|uunet}!hombre!magpie!manes	
02/90  212-675-7059   marob       NYC                 NY  3/12/24/96  24
  386 SCO-XENIX 2.2, XBBS, no fee, limit 60 min.
  Telebit Trailblazer (9600 PEP) only 212-675-8438
  Contact:  {philabs|rutgers|cmcl2}!{phri|hombre}!marob!clifford
04/90  213-397-3137^  stb         Santa Monica        CA  3/12/24  24
  AT&T 3b1;  BBS and shell access;  uucp-anon: ogin: uucp NO PASSWD
  3 line on rotary -3137 2400 baud.
03/88  213-459-5891   amazing     Pacific Palisades   CA  3/12/24  24
  AMT 286 - Microport  David's Amazing BBS  Fee $7.50/month;$35/6;$60/year
  5 lines on rotary; Unique original software with conferencing, electronic
  bar, matchmaking, no file up/downloading
08/90  214-247-2367   ozdaltx     Dallas              TX  12/24    24
  OZ, membership only adult BBS (over 18), fee $60/year.  Four lines.
  Carries about 100 popular newsgroups and makes available the clarinet
  news feed (subscribed) from United Press on a same day basis.  No shell.
  Login: guest (no PW).  New users added weekly. Login: help  (no PW).
06/90  215-348-9727   lgnp1       Doylestown          PA  3/12/24/96  24
  '386 mutt w/ SCO-XENIX -- Telebit on dial in line.  UUCP and 'guest' account
  only ...  Public access to the nixpub lists [see footer of this list].
  Fee services include feeds/routing for E-mail and USENET News, plus access
  to *NIX specific PD source code library.  Contact: phil@ls.com.
01/90  216-582-2460   ncoast      Cleveland           OH  12/24/96  24
  80386 Mylex, SCO Xenix;  600 meg. storage;  XBBS and Shell;  USENET
  (newsfeeds available), E-Mail; donations requested; login as "bbs"
  for BBS and "makeuser" for new users.
  Telebit used on 216-237-5486.
01/90  217-525-9019   pallas      Springfield         IL  3/12/24/96  24
  AT&T 6386, 380 meg disk space;  4 lines w/ USRobotics Dual Standard modems;
  BBS available at no fee (UBBS), shell access for $50/year;  "guest" login
11/90  219-289-0282   nstar       Notre Dame          IN  24/96    24
  '386/33 ISC SysV 3.2 2.20, 5 lines locked at 19.2kbps supporting 14.4
  USR HST and Telebits, 1199 megabytes of files, complete backbone 
  newsfeed, feeds available via PEP, no shell accounts, TBBS/QuickBBS
  like bbs software, 910 newsgroups + files + email for members; 
  SIMTEL20/UUNET/GNU archive site $30/year; contact sysop@nstar
04/90  301-625-0817   wb3ffv      Baltimore           MD  12/24/96  24
  80386, UNIX V.3.2;  XBBS for HAM radio enthusiasts;  780 meg online;
  Multiple lines, dial in - Hayes 2400, 9482 - MultiTech V32, 9663 - Tb+;
  Some USENET;  Anon-UUCP available;  Login as bbs (8-N-1).
04/90  312-283-0559^  chinet      Chicago             IL  3/12/24/96  24
  '386, SysVr3.2.1;  Multiple lines including Telebit and HST;
  Picospan BBS (free), USENET at $50/year (available to guests on
10/89  312-338-0632^  point       Chicago             IL  3/12/24/96  24
  North Shore / Rogers Park area of Chicago.  386 - ISC 2.01 (SysV3.2),
  multiple lines, Telebit PEP on 338-3261, USRobotics HST on 338-1036,
  AKCS bbs, some usenet conferences available.  200+ MB online storage.
  Downloads, full usenet & shell access in the works.
09/90  312-714-8568^  gagme       Chicago             IL  12/24    24
  3B2/300 - System V 3.2.  E-mail, netnews, sources, access to anonymous
  ftp, local message base, etc.
06/90  313-623-6309   nucleus     Clarkston           MI  12/24    24
  AMI 80386 - ESIX 5.3.2, large online sources archive accessable by
  anonymous UUCP, login: nuucp, nucleus!/user/src/LISTING lists
  available public domain/shareware source code.  Contact: jeff@nucleus.mi.org
10/90  313-994-6333   m-net       Ann Arbor           MI  3/12/24  24
  Altos 68020 - Sys III, no limits; New SysOp/Owner; fee for extended service;
  The HOME of PicoSpan Conferencing software; 15 lines, 240 Megs; packet radio,
  100% user supported; USENET; 2 dialouts, Trailblazer+ UUCP in/out; On-line
  games (including nethack & empire); E-Mail; C & Fortran compilers, multi-
  user party, access to Borne, Korn, C, BBS & Menu; on-line man pages;
  contact: Dave Parks kite@m-net.ann-arbor.mi.us
08/89  313-996-4644^  anet        Ann Arbor           MI  3/12     24
  Altos 68000 - Sys III, no limits, 1st month free, fees range up to $20/
  month (negotiable), accepts equipment/software in lieu of fees, Picospan
  conferencing, 120M, non-profit, user-supported, community-based, ideal
  autodidact educational system.  Tax-deductible donations okay.
08/89  314-474-4581   gensis      Columbia            MO  3/12/24/48/96  24
  Gateway 386 system w/ SCO Xenix V/386, DataFlex, Oracle, CHARM, & VP/ix.
  No fee.  Online gaming, game design, and (oddly enough) data base design
  are the main focus.  Modem is Microcom MNP 6.
08/90  401-455-0347   anomaly     Esmond              RI  3/12/24/96  24
  CSS Laboratories 386, SCO Xenix 2.3.2; Trailblazer+; No fees; Waffle BBS,
  newusers log in as 'bbs' (no pw.) Shell accounts available to qualified
  users. USENET feeds available, limited feeds for non-PEP sites. XENIX
  software archive site, anonymous uucp login: xxcp  pass: xenix
  Software listing & download directions in ~/SOFTLIST and ~/ARCHELP
10/89  404-321-5020^  jdyx        Atlanta             GA  12/24/96  24
  386/ix 2.0.2.  XBBS. Usenet (alt, gnu, most comp and a few others) and 
  shell access.  Second line (2400 below) (404) 325-1719.  200+ meg current
  Usenet and GNU sources.  Specializing in graphics and ray-tracing under 
  386/ix (with/with out X11).  Yearly fee for shell and/or downloads.  
  Telebit access.  Contact: ...gatech!emory!jdyx!tpf (Tom Friedel)
05/88  407-380-6228   rtmvax      Orlando             FL  3/12/24  24
  mVAX-I - Ultrix-32 V1.2  USENET & UUCP Email Gateway. XBBS front end for
  new user subscribing. No Fees. Primary function is Technical exchange.
  Contact: { cbosgd!codas, hoptoad!peora }!rtmvax!rob 
09/89  408-245-7726^  uuwest      Sunnyvale           CA  3/12/24  24
  SCO-XENIX, Waffle. No fee, USENET news (news.*, music, comics, telecom, etc)
  The Dark Side of the Moon BBS. This system has been in operation since 1985.
  Login: new Contact: (UUCP) ames!uuwest!request (Domain) request@darkside.com
02/90  408-249-0290^  netcom      San Jose            CA  12/24/96  24
  UNIX Sysv r3.2 (486)  - USENET (21 days), UUNET Sources, News Feeds, Shell 
  Access (Bourne, Korn, C),  UUCP support, E-Mail, Compilers. Fee $10.00/mo +
  one time Registration of $10.00.  Login as guest (no password).
  Telebit on (408) 249-0576.
02/90  408-423-9995   cruzio      Santa Cruz          CA  12/24    24
  Tandy 4000, Xenix 2.3.*, Caucus 3.*;  focus on Santa Cruz activity
  (ie directory of community and goverment organizations, events, ...);
  USENET Support;  Multiple lines;  no shell; fee: $15/quarter.
  Contact: ...!uunet!cruzio!chris
10/89  408-725-0561^  portal      Cupertino           CA  3/12/24  24
  Networked Suns (SunOS), multiple lines, Telenet access, no shell access
  fees: $10/month + Telenet charges (if used) @ various rates/times
  conferencing, multi user chats, usenet 
02/90  408-996-7358^  zorch       Cupertino           CA  12/24    24
  Wicat 200 - Unix SVR2; 4 lines, 1200 only on 7361, 7378, 7386; $10/month,
  $100/year, flat rate, no time limit.  Email, USENET, games, utilities,
  online man pages, Bourne, C, Korn shells.  400M online, 80M source archive.
  Registration required, verified; login as newuser, password public.
  Contact: scott@zorch.SF-Bay.ORG or (ames|pyramid|vsi1)!zorch!scott
05/90  412-431-8649   eklektik    Pittsburgh          PA  3/12/24  24
  UNIX PC- SYSV - UNaXcess BBS, donation requested for shell,
  login: bbs for BBS, limited Usenet news (amiga and gaming groups).  
  RPG mailing list, rec.games.frp and rec.music.dylan archive.
  Alternate number: 431-3064,
  Contact:  anthony@eklektik.pgh.pa.us or anthony@cs.pitt.edu
07/90  414-241-5469   mixcom      Milwaukee           WI  3/12/24  24
  80386, SCO UNIX 3.2;  MIX (Milwaukee Information eXchange;  Fee charged
  for shell, E-Mail, and full USENET, $50 - 12 mo, $35 - 6 mo, $20 - 3 mo;
  Multiple lines;  login as 'newuser' passwd 'newuser' ...
  Contact: sysop@mixcom.UUCP (...!uwm.edu!mixcom!sysop) [414-962-8172 voice]
08/90  415-294-8591   woodowl     Livermore           CA  3/12/24/96  24
  Xenix/386 3.2.1.  Waffle/XENIX BBS,  Usenet Access;  All users are
  welcome, no strings attached;  No fee;  For more information
  contact: ...!ames!pacbell!dplace!woodowl!william  william@woodowl
11/89  415-332-6106^  well        Sausalito           CA  12/24    24
  6-processor Sequent Balance (32032); UUCP and USENET access; multiple
  lines; access via CPN; PICOSPAN BBS; $3/hour.  Contact (415) 332-4335
08/89  415-753-5265^  wet         San Francisco       CA  12/24    24
  386 SYS V.3.  Wetware Diversions.  $15 registration, $0.01/minute.
  Public Access UNIX System:  uucp, PicoSpan bbs, full Usenet News,
  multiple lines, shell access.  Newusers get initial credit!
  contact:{ucsfcca|claris|hoptoad|well}!wet!cc (Christopher Cilley)
05/90  415-967-9443^  btr         Mountain View       CA  3/12/24  24
  Sun (SunOS UNIX), shell access, e-mail, netnews, uucp, can access by
  Telenet PC Pursuit, multiple lines, Telebit, flat rate: $10/month.
  For sign-up information please send e-mail to Customer Service at
  cs@btr.com or ..!{decwrl,fernwood,mips}!btr!cs
  or call 415-966-1429 Voice.
04/90  416-438-2855   contact     Toronto             ON  3/12/24  24
  386 clone - Xenix 2.3.1, fee optional. USENET, email, multi-user chat,
  Contact: eisen@contact.UUCP martin loeffler
11/89  416-452-0926   telly       Brampton            ON  12/24/96  24
  386 SysVr3.2; proprietary menu-based BBS includes Usenet site searching.
  News (all groups, incl biz, pubnet, gnu, CanConfMail), mail (including
  to/from Internet, Bitnet), many archives. Feeds available. $75(Cdn)/year.
  Contact: Evan Leibovitch, evan@telly.on.ca, uunet!attcan!telly!evan
12/88  416-461-2608   tmsoft      Toronto             ON  3/12/24/96  24
  NS32016, Sys5r2, shell; news+mail $30/mo, general-timesharing $60/mo
  All newsgroups.  Willing to setup mail/news connections.
  Contact: Dave Mason <mason@tmsoft> / Login: newuser
07/89  416-654-8854   ziebmef     Toronto             ON  3/12/24/96  24
  AT&T 3B1, Sys V, shell, news, mail, no fee (donations accepted)
  Carries most newsgroups (willing to add extra ones on request)
  Telebit access, willing to give mail feeds
  Contact: Chris Siebenmann, {utzoo!telly,ncrcan}!ziebmef!cks
01/90  502-968-5401   disk        Louisville          KY  3/12     24
  386 clone, Interactive System V 3.2, 600 meg.  6 lines 5401 thru 5406.
  Carrying most USENET groups, Shell access, multi-user games(including Realm)
  multi-user chat, downloads, and more.  Rate info available via a free trial
  account. Also offering news/mail feeds to the local area. Now reachable
  via Starlink!
12/88  503-254-0458   bucket      Portland            OR  3/12/24  24
  Tektronix 6130, UTek 2.3(4.2BSD-derived).  Bit Bucket BBS publically
  available; login as 'bbs'.  BBS is message only.  Users intereseted in
  access to Unix should contact SYSOP via the BBS or send EMail to
  ..tektronix!tessi!bucket!rickb.  Unix services include USENET News,
  EMail, and all tools/games/utility access. Alternate dial-in lines
  available for Unix users.
12/89  503-297-3211^  m2xenix     Portland            OR  3/12/24  24
  '386/20, Xenix 2.3.  Shell accounts available, NO BBS.  No fee.  E-mail,
  USENET News, program development.
  Contact: ...!uunet!m2xenix!news or on Fido at 297-9145
08/90  503-640-4262^  agora       PDX                 OR  3/12/24  24
  Intel Unix V/386, $2/mo or $20/yr, news, mail, games, programming.
  Three lines with trunk-hunt, 640-4380 supports MNP level 3; the
  third line (648-7596) is only 1200/300.
  Contact: Alan Batie, tektronix!tessi!agora!batie
05/90  503-644-8135^  techbook    Portland            OR  12/24    24
  80386, UNIX V.3.2; XBBS & some downloads for unregistered users, shell
  accounts & full set of Usenet & FidoNet newsgroups available to 
  registered users ($25/year); System answers at 8-N-1; login as BBS.
01/90  512-346-2339   bigtex      Austin              TX  96       24
  SysVr3.2 i386, anonymous shell, no fee, anonymous uucp ONLY,
  Telebit 9600/PEP; Mail links available.  Carries GNU software.
  anon uucp login: nuucp NO PASSWD, file list /usr3/index
  anon shell login: guest NO PASSWD, chroot'd to /usr3
  Contact: james@bigtex.cactus.org
10/89  513-779-8209   cinnet      Cincinnati          OH  12/24/96  24
  80386, ISC 386/ix 2.02, Telebit access, 1 line; $7.50/Month; shell
  access, Usenet access; news feeds available;
  login: newact password: new user to register for shell access
08/90  514-844-9179   tnl         Montreal            PQ  3/12/24  24
  80386 w/ SCO XENIX. No Fee.  2 hr session limit.  XBBS/USENET, shell.
  Login as 'new' for a shell account, no validation.  AKA: Northern Lights.
  Contact: norstar@tnl.CAM.ORG (Daniel Ray)
01/90  517-487-3356   lunapark    E. Lansing          MI  12/24    24
  Compaq 386/20 SCO-UNIX 3.2, lunabbs bulletin board & conferencing
  system, no fee, login: bbs password: lunabbs.  Primarily UNIX software
  with focus on TeX and Postscript, also some ATARI-ST and IBM-PC stuff
  2400/1200 --> 8 N 1
  Contact: ...!{mailrus,uunet}!frith!lunapark!larry
12/88  518-346-8033   sixhub      upstate             NY  3/12/24  24
  PC Designs GV386.  hub machine of the upstate NY UNIX users group (*IX)
  two line reserved for incoming, bbs no fee, news & email fee $15/year
  Smorgasboard of BBS systems, UNaXcess and XBBS online,
  Citadel BBS now in production. Contact: davidsen@sixhub.uucp.
10/90  602-829-3760^  atrium      Phoenix             AZ  3/12/24/96  24
  Xenix/386 2.3.2.  9600 baud HST service.  login: mm;  International
  electronic pen-pal service;  Contact: sysop@atrium.ucm.org.
09/88  602-941-2005   xroads      Phoenix             AZ  12/24    24
  Motorola VME1121, UNIX 5.2, Crossroads BBS, Fee $30/yr + $.50/.25 (call)
  prime (evenings)/non-prime, USENET news, multi-chat, online games,
  movie reviews, adventure games, dos unix/xenix files for dload, multi lines
05/90  604-576-1214   mindlink    Vancouver           BC  3/12/24  24
  Equip ???;  No shell;  Fee of $45/year for BBS access;  E-Mail, USENET,
  hundreds of megs of file downloads;  Operating since 1986.
08/89  605-348-2738   loft386     Rapid City          SD  3/12/24/96  24
  80386 SYS V/386 Rel 3.2, Usenet mail/news via UUNET, UUNET archive access.
  NO BBS!  News feeds avaliable.  400 meg hd.  Fees: $10/month or $25/quarter.
  Call (605) 343-8760 and talk to Doug Ingraham to arrange an account or email
08/88  608-273-2657   madnix      Madison             WI  3/12/24  24
  286 SCO-XENIX, shell, no fee, USENET news, mail, login: newuser
  Contact: ray@madnix
09/90  612-473-2295^  pnet51      Minneapolis         MN  3/12/24  24
  Equip ?, Xenix, multi-line, no fee, some Usenet news, email, multi-threaded
  conferencing, login: pnet id: new, PC Pursuitable
  UUCP: {rosevax, crash}!orbit!pnet51!admin
08/90  615-283-0864   kk4fs       Johnson City        TN  3/12/24  24
  286 clone - Waffle.  No fee, 25 USENET newsgroups, E-MAIL, no shell, games.
  Free Speech Forum BBS.  login: new.
  Contact: Paul Schmidt, kk4fs!root.
04/90  615-288-3957   medsys      Kingsport           TN  12/24/96  24
  386  SCO-UNIX 3.2, XBBS, no fee, limit 90 min.
  Telebit PEP, USENET, login: bbs   password: bbs
  anon uucp --> medsys Any ACU (speed) 16152883957 ogin: nuucp  ssword: \r
  Contact: uunet!medsys!laverne (LaVerne E. Olney)
08/90  615-896-8716   raider      Murfreesboro        TN  12/24    24
  WAFFLE BBS, no charge, shell accounts $40/yr,$25/6,$15/3. USENET news and
  mail links $25/yr,$15/6,$10/3;just one hop from uunet. Limited archives.
  Second line 896-7905. Contact: uunet!mjbtn!raider!root (Bob Reineri)
05/90  616-457-1964   wybbs       Jenison             MI  3/12/24/96  24
  386 - SCO-XENIX 2.3.2, two lines, XBBS for new users, mail in for shell 
  access, usenet news, 150 meg storage, Telebit. Interests: ham radio, xenix 
  AKA: Consultants Connection  Contact: danielw%wybbs@sharkey.cc.umich.edu
  Alternate phone #: 616-457-9909 (max 2400 baud). Anonymous UUCP available.
11/90  617-739-9753   world       Brookline           MA  3/12/24/96  24
  Sun 4/280, SunOS 4.0.3;  Shell, USENET, E-Mail, UUCP, IRC, Alternet
  connection to the Internet, and home of the Open Book Initiative
  (text project), multiple lines;  fees: $5/mo + $2/hr or $20/20hrs per month;
  Contact: geb@world.std.com
01/90  619-259-7757   pnet12      Del Mar             CA  3/12/24/96  24
  Xenix, multi-line, no fee, full Usenet, email, multithreaded conferencing
  login: pnet   id: new
  Contact: ...!uunet!serene!pnet12!rfarris
07/88  619-444-7006^  pnet01      El Cajon            CA  3/12/24  24
  BSD Unix, 3 lines, login: pnet id: new, some USENET, email, conferencing 
  Home of P-Net software, mail to crash!bblue or pnet01!bblue for info.
  Contributions requested
  Unix accounts available for regulars, PC Pursuit access 2/88.
08/90  619-483-3890^  telesys     San Diego           CA  12/24/96  24
  SCO Xenix 386; Telebit; XBBS (No Fee) login: bbs; Xenix tested software
  for download (No Registration); Shell Accounts available for access to
  USENET, email and full news feeds ($45/year); uucp-anon: use nuucp NOPWD
  Contact: crash!telesys!kreed or kreed@telesys.cts.com
12/89  703-281-7997^  grebyn      Vienna              VA  3/12/24  24
  Vax/Ultrix.  $25/month.  GNU EMACS, USENET, PC/BLUE archives, Telebit used
  for uucp only, archives, Ada repository, comp.sources.(misc,unix,games)
  archives, net.sources archives, 3 C compilers, Ada compiler,  1.2GB disk,
  multiple lines
11/89  708-272-5912^  igloo       Northbrook          IL  12/24/96  24
  3B2-300;  accounts by invitation only, no limit/no fee;  full usenet;
  132megs HD;  2 lines rotary, 9600 telebit on 272-5917
  Contact: igloo!postmaster
04/90  708-808-7300^  ddsw1       Wheeling            IL  3/12/24/96  24
  GT-3020 80386 system, ISC 2.0.2;  guest users 1 hr daily in AKCS BBS;
  fee for shell, regular Usenet access, unlimited use & hardware discounts;
  Authors of AKCS bbs;  fee $75/year or $7/month, 7 lines, 19200 available on 
  (708) 808-7306, anonymous uucp (nuucp) from 12 midnight to 6 AM, 
  ~/DIRECTORY/README for info on anon uucp.
  Contact: Karl Denninger (ddsw1!karl, karl@ddsw1.MCS.COM), Voice (708) 808-7200
08/90  708-833-8126^  vpnet       Villa Park          IL  12/24/96  24
  386 Clone - Interactive 386/ix R2.0 (3.2), no fee;  Akcs linked bbs
  including several Usenet conf's;  Shells available for minimum contribution;
  Two Trailblazers;  Contact: lisbon@vpnet.chi.il.us.
07/89  713-438-5018   sugar       Houston             TX  3/12/24/96  24
  386/AT (2) networked - Bell Technologies V/386, usenet, news, downloads
  Homegrown BBS software, Trailblazer+ access, currently no charges
10/89  713-668-7176^  nuchat      Houston             TX  3/12/24/96  24
  i386;  USENET, Mail, Shell Access;  300M On-line;  Trailbazer Used;
  No fee.
12/88  714-635-2863   dhw68k      Anaheim             CA  12/24    24
  Unistride 2.1, no fee, also 714-385-1915, Trailblazer on both lines,
  USENET News, /bin/sh or /bin/csh available
05/89  714-662-7450   turnkey     Inglewood           CA  12/24    24
  286 - Xenix SYSV, XBBS
01/90  714-821-9671   alphacm     Cypress             CA  12/24/96  24
  386 - SCO-XENIX, no fee, Home of XBBS, 90 minute per login, 4 lines,
  Trailblazer pluses in use.
    uucp-anon:  ogin: nuucp  NO PASSWD
05/89  714-842-5851   conexch     Santa Ana           CA  3/12/24  24
  386 - SCO Xenix - Free Unix guest login and PC-DOS bbs login, one
  hour inital time limit, USENET news, shell access granted on request &
  $25/quarter donation.  Anon uucp: ogin: nuucp  NO PASSWD.  List of
  available Unix files resides in /usr3/public/FILES.
08/88  714-894-2246   stanton     Irvine              CA  3/12/24  24
  286 - SCO Xenix - donation requested, limit 240 min, XBBS, USENET news
  UNIX access granted on request through BBS, 20$/year, access includes
  C development system (XENIX/MSDOS), PROCALC 1-2-3 clone, FOXBASE+
  anon uucp: ogin: nuucp, no word, 2400/1200/300 MNP supported
03/90  717-657-4997   compnect    Harrisburg          PA  3/12/24  24
  Equip ???;  The Data Factory BBS;  Multiple line, 1200 baud on 675-4992;
  No fee, restricted access to adult areas, some USENET, no shell;
  Contact: ...!uunet!wa3wbu!compnect!dave.
12/89  719-632-4111   oldcolo     Colo Spgs           CO  12/24/96  24
  386 - SCO-XENIX  frontend,  2 CT  Miniframes  backend,  e-mail 
  conferencing,  databases,   Naplps Graphics, USENET news. 7 lines 
  8N1,  2400 on 2906,  USR  Dual  9600  on 2658.   Self registering   
  for  limited  free  access    (political,    policy, marketplace) 
  Subscriptions $10, 15, 18 mo for full use. Dave Hughes SYSOP.
01/90  801-269-0670^  i-core      Salt Lake City      UT  3/12/24/96  24
  286 SYS V, Unidel BBS and Newsreader; a.k.a. Bitsko's Bar & Grill BBS,
  no limit, no fee; UseNet and Citadel feeds available.  Home of Unidel
  room-based newsreader and UNIX Citadel network gateway; Telebit 19200
  Contact: ken@i-core.UUCP or uunet!iconsys!caeco!i-core!ken
08/88  813-952-1981   usource     Sarasota            FL  12/24    -24
  386 - SCO-XENIX, fee depends on services provided, no fee for bbs. New users
  subscribe by logging in as 'help' or 'newuser' (no password).  Primary
  purpose is technical forum. 6pm-8am M-Th, 24 hrs weeekends (6pm Fri-8am Mon)
  uucp-anon: 1200/2400 bps --> ogin: auucp  word: gateway
  uucp-anon directory: /usr/spool/uucppublic; contact: frank@usource.UUCP
05/90  814-337-0348   sir-alan    Meadville           PA  12/24/19.2/38  24
  SCO XENIX 2.3; no fee; XBBS; USR DS on 337-0348(300-38.4K), TB+ on
  337-3159(300-19.2K); archive site for comp.sources.[games,misc,sun,unix,x],
  some alt.sources, XENIX(68K/286/386), files from UUNET(X11R3,TeX,etc.).
  uucp-anon: ogin: pdsrc NO PASSWD
  uucp-anon directory: /u/pdsrc, /u/pubdir, /u/uunet, help in /u/pubdir/HELP 
  Contact: sir-alan!mikes@uunet.uu.net  (814-337-5528 voice)
05/90  900-468-7727   uunet       Falls Church        VA  3/12/24/96  24
  Sequent S81, Dynix 3.0.17(9);  UUNET Communication Services;  No Shell;
  Anonymous UUCP, fee $0.40/min -- billed by the telephone company [Not
  available in Virginia!], login: uucp (no passwd);  Multiple lines, PEP
  and V.32 available;  grab "uunet!~/help for more info" ...
  Full internet mail and USENET available via full-blown accounts,
  Contact: info@uunet.uu.net or call [voice] 703-876-5050.
08/90  906-228-4399   lopez       Marquette           MI  3/12/24  24
  Compaq Deskpro 286, SCO Xenix; Running STARBASE II Software.
  Great White North UPLink, Inc. (Non Profit) 100+ local rooms, PLUS
  USENET, Multi Channel Chat, 5 ports, $30 yr, flat rate for full access
  to net news, mail.  Upper Michigan's ORIGINAL BBS (since 1983)
  Contact: Gary Bourgois ...rutgers!sharkey!lopez!flash (flash@lopez.UUCP)
05/90  908-846-2460^  althea      New Brunswick       NJ  3/12/24  24
  AT&T 3B2/310 - Unix SVR3.1, no fee.  USENET, email, C development,
  games.  Single line.
  Contact: rjd@althea.UUCP (Robert Diamond)
08/90  916-649-0161   sactoh0     Sacramento          CA  12/24/96  24
  3B2/310 SYVR3.2; SAC_UNIX, sactoh0.SAC.CA.US;  $2/month, limit 90 min;
  3 lines, 2400/1200 baud on 722-6519 & -5068, TB+ on (916) 649-0161;
  USENET, E-Mail, some games; login: new
  Contact: root@sactoh0.SAC.CA.US   or   ..ames!pacbell!sactoh0!root
10/89  919-493-7111^  wolves      Durham              NC  3/12/24  24
  AMS 386/25 - UNIX SysVr3.2, XBBS, no fee for bbs.  Rates for UNIX access
  and USENET are being determined.  Developing yet another UNIX bbs (ideas
  welcome!)  Single line, telebit coming soon.
  Contact: wolves!ggw or wolves!sysop  [...duke!dukcds!wolves!...]
NOTE:  ^ means the site is reachable using PC Pursuit.
The nixpub listings are kept as current as possible.  However, you use this
data at your own risk and cost -- all standard disclaimers apply!!!
Any additions, deletions, or corrections should be sent to nixpub@ls.com.
      Lists are available via any of the following:
            o  anonymous uucp from lgnp1 --
                    +1 215 348 9727 [Telebit access]
                    login: nuucp  NO PWD   [no rmail permitted]
                this list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub
               short list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub.short
            o  restricted guest account on lgnp1 --
                    login as 'guest', [X/Y/Z]modem and ascii supported.
            o  USENET, regular posts to --
            o  the nixpub electronic mailing list --
                    to be included or deleted from this distribution,
                    send mail to nixpub-request@ls.com.
  COMPAQ, IBM, PC Pursuit, [SCO] XENIX, UNIX, etc. are trademarks of the
  respective companies.
Phil Eschallier   * Domain: phil@ls.com           SNAIL: 248B Union Street
                  *   UUCP: ...!uunet!lgnp1!phil         Doylestown, PA  18901
Lagniappe Systems *    CIS: 71076,1576            VOICE: +1 215 348 9721
Computer Services *

phil@lgnp1.LS.COM (Phil Eschallier) (11/12/90)

                          nixpub short listing
     Open Access UNIX (*NIX) Sites [Fee / No Fee] for mapped sites only
                          [ November 15, 1990 ]

Systems listed (85)
Legend: fee/contribution ($), no fee (-$), hours (24), not (-24)
        shell (S), USENET news (N), email (M), multiple lines (T) 
        Telebit PEP speed on main number (+P), Telebit on other line[s] (P)
        Courier 9600 bps on main number (+H), Courier on other line[s] (H) 
        V.32 on main number (+V), V.32 on other line[s] (V) 
        anonymous uucp (A), archive site ONLY - see long form list (@)
        Dialable thru PC Pursuit (^)

Last   Telephone #    Sys-name   Location          Baud        Legend
-----  ------------   --------   -----------       -------     ---------
09/90  201-759-8450   tronsbox   Belleville    NJ  3/12/24/96  24 -$ MN+PST
08/90  203-661-2873   admiral    Greenwich     CT  3/12/24/96  24 -$ AH+PT
10/90  206-328-4944   polari     Seattle       WA  3/12        24 $ MNPST
08/90  206-367-3837   eskimo     Seattle       WA  3/12/24     24 $ MST
08/90  209-952-5347   quack      Stockton      CA  3/12/24/96  24 $ MN+PS
12/89  212-420-0527   magpie     NYC           NY  3/12/24/96  24 -$ APT
02/90  212-675-7059   marob      NYC           NY  3/12/24/96  24 -$ APT
04/90  213-397-3137^  stb        Santa Monica  CA  3/12/24     24 -$ AS
03/88  213-459-5891   amazing    Pacific Pali  CA  3/12/24     24 $ T
08/90  214-247-2367   ozdaltx    Dallas        TX  12/24       24 $ NT
06/90  215-348-9727   lgnp1      Doylestown    PA  3/12/24/96  24 $ AMN+P
01/90  216-582-2460   ncoast     Cleveland     OH  12/24/96    24 $ MNPST
01/90  217-525-9019   pallas     Springfield   IL  3/12/24/96  24 $ HMSTV
11/90  219-289-0282   nstar      Notre Dame    IN  24/96       24 $ +HMNPST
04/90  301-625-0817   wb3ffv     Baltimore     MD  12/24/96    24 -$ ANPTV
04/90  312-283-0559^  chinet     Chicago       IL  3/12/24/96  24 $ HNPT
10/89  312-338-0632^  point      Chicago       IL  3/12/24/96  24 -$ HNPST
09/90  312-714-8568^  gagme      Chicago       IL  12/24       24 $ MNS
06/90  313-623-6309   nucleus    Clarkston     MI  12/24       24 -$ AM
10/90  313-994-6333   m-net      Ann Arbor     MI  3/12/24     24 $ T
08/89  313-996-4644^  anet       Ann Arbor     MI  3/12        24 $ T
08/89  314-474-4581   gensis     Columbia      MO  3/12/24/48/ 24 -$ MS
08/90  401-455-0347   anomaly    Esmond        RI  3/12/24/96  24 -$ MN+PS
10/89  404-321-5020^  jdyx       Atlanta       GA  12/24/96    24 $ MN+PST
05/88  407-380-6228   rtmvax     Orlando       FL  3/12/24     24 -$ MN
09/89  408-245-7726^  uuwest     Sunnyvale     CA  3/12/24     24 -$ N
02/90  408-249-0290^  netcom     San Jose      CA  12/24/96    24 $ MNPST
02/90  408-423-9995   cruzio     Santa Cruz    CA  12/24       24 $ MT
10/89  408-725-0561^  portal     Cupertino     CA  3/12/24     24 $ MNT
02/90  408-996-7358^  zorch      Cupertino     CA  12/24       24 $ MNT
05/90  412-431-8649   eklektik   Pittsburgh    PA  3/12/24     24 $ MNST
07/90  414-241-5469   mixcom     Milwaukee     WI  3/12/24     24 $ MNST
08/90  415-294-8591   woodowl    Livermore     CA  3/12/24/96  24 $ MNST
11/89  415-332-6106^  well       Sausalito     CA  12/24       24 $ MNST
08/89  415-753-5265^  wet        San Francisc  CA  12/24       24 $ MNST
05/90  415-967-9443^  btr        Mountain Vie  CA  3/12/24     24 $ HMNPSTV
04/90  416-438-2855   contact    Toronto       ON  3/12/24     24 -$ MNST
11/89  416-452-0926   telly      Brampton      ON  12/24/96    24 $ MN+P
12/88  416-461-2608   tmsoft     Toronto       ON  3/12/24/96  24 $ MNS
07/89  416-654-8854   ziebmef    Toronto       ON  3/12/24/96  24 -$ MN+PST
01/90  502-968-5401   disk       Louisville    KY  3/12        24 $ MNST
12/88  503-254-0458   bucket     Portland      OR  3/12/24     24 -$ MNST
12/89  503-297-3211^  m2xenix    Portland      OR  3/12/24     24 -$ MNS
08/90  503-640-4262^  agora      PDX           OR  3/12/24     24 $ MNST
05/90  503-644-8135^  techbook   Portland      OR  12/24       24 $ MNST
01/90  512-346-2339   bigtex     Austin        TX  96          24 -$ A+PS
10/89  513-779-8209   cinnet     Cincinnati    OH  12/24/96    24 $ MN+PS
08/90  514-844-9179   tnl        Montreal      PQ  3/12/24     24 -$ MS
01/90  517-487-3356   lunapark   E. Lansing    MI  12/24       24 -$
12/88  518-346-8033   sixhub     upstate       NY  3/12/24     24 $ MNST
10/90  602-829-3760^  atrium     Phoenix       AZ  3/12/24/96  24 -$ +H
09/88  602-941-2005   xroads     Phoenix       AZ  12/24       24 $ NT
05/90  604-576-1214   mindlink   Vancouver     BC  3/12/24     24 $ HMNPT
08/89  605-348-2738   loft386    Rapid City    SD  3/12/24/96  24 $ MN+PS
08/88  608-273-2657   madnix     Madison       WI  3/12/24     24 -$ MNS
09/90  612-473-2295^  pnet51     Minneapolis   MN  3/12/24     24 -$ MNT
08/90  615-283-0864   kk4fs      Johnson City  TN  3/12/24     24 -$ MN
04/90  615-288-3957   medsys     Kingsport     TN  12/24/96    24 -$ AN+P
08/90  615-896-8716   raider     Murfreesboro  TN  12/24       24 -$ MNS
05/90  616-457-1964   wybbs      Jenison       MI  3/12/24/96  24 -$ MN+PST
11/90  617-739-9753   world      Brookline     MA  3/12/24/96  24 $ MNPST
01/90  619-259-7757   pnet12     Del Mar       CA  3/12/24/96  24 -$ MNPT
07/88  619-444-7006^  pnet01     El Cajon      CA  3/12/24     24 $ MNST
08/90  619-483-3890^  telesys    San Diego     CA  12/24/96    24 $ AMN+PS
12/89  703-281-7997^  grebyn     Vienna        VA  3/12/24     24 $ MNT
11/89  708-272-5912^  igloo      Northbrook    IL  12/24/96    24 -$ NPST
04/90  708-808-7300^  ddsw1      Wheeling      IL  3/12/24/96  24 $ AMNPST
08/90  708-833-8126^  vpnet      Villa Park    IL  12/24/96    24 -$ MN+PS
07/89  713-438-5018   sugar      Houston       TX  3/12/24/96  24 -$ N+P
10/89  713-668-7176^  nuchat     Houston       TX  3/12/24/96  24 -$ MN+PS
12/88  714-635-2863   dhw68k     Anaheim       CA  12/24       24 -$ T
05/89  714-662-7450   turnkey    Inglewood     CA  12/24       24 -$
01/90  714-821-9671   alphacm    Cypress       CA  12/24/96    24 -$ A+PT
05/89  714-842-5851   conexch    Santa Ana     CA  3/12/24     24 $ AMNS
08/88  714-894-2246   stanton    Irvine        CA  3/12/24     24 $ NS
03/90  717-657-4997   compnect   Harrisburg    PA  3/12/24     24 -$ MNT
12/89  719-632-4111   oldcolo    Colo Spgs     CO  12/24/96    24 $ HMNT
01/90  801-269-0670^  i-core     Salt Lake Ci  UT  3/12/24/96  24 -$ AN+P
08/88  813-952-1981   usource    Sarasota      FL  12/24       -24 A
05/90  814-337-0348   sir-alan   Meadville     PA  12/24/19.2/ 24 -$ A+HMPTV
05/90  900-468-7727   uunet      Falls Church  VA  3/12/24/96  24 $ AMN+PT+V
08/90  906-228-4399   lopez      Marquette     MI  3/12/24     24 $ MN
05/90  908-846-2460^  althea     New Brunswic  NJ  3/12/24     24 -$ MNS
08/90  916-649-0161   sactoh0    Sacramento    CA  12/24/96    24 $ MN+PST
10/89  919-493-7111^  wolves     Durham        NC  3/12/24     24 $ MNS
NOTE:  ^ means the site is reachable using PC Pursuit.
The nixpub listings are kept as current as possible.  However, you use this
data at your own risk and cost -- all standard disclaimers apply!!!
Any additions, deletions, or corrections should be sent to nixpub@ls.com.
      Lists are available from any of the following:
            o  anonymous uucp from lgnp1 --
                    +1 215 348 9727 [Telebit access]
                    login: nuucp  NO PWD   [no rmail permitted]
                this list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub.short
                long list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub
            o  restricted guest account on lgnp1 --
                    login as 'guest', [X/Y/Z]modem and ascii supported.
            o  USENET, regular posts to --
            o  the nixpub electronic mailing list --
                    to be included or deleted from this distribution,
                    send mail to nixpub-request@ls.com.
  COMPAQ, IBM, PC Pursuit, [SCO] XENIX, UNIX, etc. are trademarks of the
  respective companies.
Phil Eschallier   * Domain: phil@ls.com           SNAIL: 248B Union Street
                  *   UUCP: ...!uunet!lgnp1!phil         Doylestown, PA  18901
Lagniappe Systems *    CIS: 71076,1576            VOICE: +1 215 348 9721
Computer Services *

phil@lgnp1.LS.COM (Phil Eschallier) (11/19/90)

                          nixpub long listing
     Open Access UNIX (*NIX) Sites [Fee / No Fee] for mapped sites only
                         [ November 19, 1990 ]

Systems listed (88):
 [   admiral   aebbs     agora     alphacm   althea    amazing   anet      ]
 [   anomaly   atrium    bigtex    btr       bucket    chinet    cinnet    ]
 [   compnect  conexch   contact   cruzio    ddsw1     dhw68k    disk      ]
 [   eklektik  eskimo    gagme     gensis    gna       grebyn    i-core    ]
 [   igloo     jdyx      kk4fs     lgnp1     loft386   lopez     lunapark  ]
 [   m-net     m2xenix   madnix    magpie    marob     medsys    mindlink  ]
 [   mixcom    ncoast    netcom    nstar     nuchat    nucleus   oldcolo   ]
 [   ozdaltx   pallas    pnet01    pnet12    pnet51    point     polari    ]
 [   portal    quack     raider    rtmvax    sactoh0   sir-alan  sixhub    ]
 [   stanton   stb       sugar     techbook  telesys   telly     tmsoft    ]
 [   tnl       tronsbox  turnkey   unixland  uunet     uuwest    vpnet     ]
 [   wb3ffv    well      wet       wolves    woodowl   world     wybbs     ]
 [   xroads    xtc       ziebmef   zorch                                   ]

Last   Telephone #        Sys-name   Location           Baud        Hours
-----  ------------       --------   -----------        -------     -----

11/90  +33-1-40-35-15-57  gna        Paris           FR 12          24
  Everex 386/33Mz, Esix Rev C;  Anonymous uucp archive only (ogin: nuucp);
  The description file is ~/news.  There is ~ 150 Meg consisting of
  comp.sources.{unix,misc,x}, alt, rfc, uumap, techreports, x11r4 patches,
  images, spl (miscelaneous).
11/90  +39-541-27858      xtc        Rimini (Fo)     IT 3/12/24/96  24
  386/20, 380Meg, ISC 386ix;  Menu driven BBS, no shell.  tb+ on first line,
  +39-541-27135 has USRobotics HST.  USENET News and Fidonet and sublink.
  Fidonet address 2:332/307, 2:332/308.  No fees required but no downloads on
  the first call -- comp.sources.* archive + lots of MSDOS programs & GIFs
  available.  Multiuser chat, games, etc.
  Contact: Riccardo Pizzi (root@xtc.sublink.org)
09/90  201-759-8450       tronsbox   Belleville      NJ 3/12/24/96  24
  Equip ???, UNIX 3.2;  Provides shell for some users, menu driven BBS with
  GIF and text downloads, adult discussion section;  USENET, E-Mail (feeds
  available);  Multiple line (-8568 300 - 2400 baud).
08/90  203-661-2873       admiral    Greenwich       CT 3/12/24/96  24
  Xenix/386 2.3.3. Line 1: 203-661-1279, USR HST Dual; Line 2: -2967
  Microcom AX/9624c; Line 3: -2873 Telebit T2500; Line 4: -0450, 2400.
  Magpie/386 BBS, chat, interactive games, SIGS for Unix/IBM/Mac/Amiga.
  BBS name is The Grid. All users are welcome, no strings attached.
  No fee, anonymous UUCP, login: nuucp, no PW. 230 megs disk, for
  more information, contact: ...!uunet!sir-alan!admiral!admiral.
10/90  206-328-4944       polari     Seattle         WA 3/12        24
  Equip ???;  8-lines, Trailblazer on 206-328-1468;  $40/year (flat rate);
  Multi-user games, chat, full USENET.
  Contact: uunet!microsoft!happym!polari!bruceki
08/90  206-367-3837       eskimo     Seattle         WA 3/12/24     24
  Tandy 6000 Xenix - Everett Tel 206-742-1150. Five lines. First 2 weeks
  free, $48/year or $6/month thereafter. Shell access, C, Fortran, Pascal,
  unique conference, smart mail, messages, upload/download, other apps.
  Western Washington BBS List, 60 games online, free uucp connections.
08/90  209-952-5347       quack      Stockton        CA 3/12/24/96  24
  Sun 2/170, SunOS 4.0;  Aka - The Duck Pond;  BBS at no charge,
  Shell - $2/mo ($4/mo expanded quota);  Trailblazer access;  login: bbs.
  Contact: ...!quack!postmaster or postmaster@quack.sac.ca.us
12/89  212-420-0527       magpie     NYC             NY 3/12/24/96  24
  ? - UNIX SYSV - 2, Magpie BBS, no fee, Authors: Magpie/UNIX,/MSDOS
  two lines plus anonymous uucp: 212-677-9487 (9600 bps Telebit modem)
  NOTE: 9487 reserved for registered Magpie sysops & anon uucp
  Contact: Steve Manes, {rutgers|cmcl2|uunet}!hombre!magpie!manes	
02/90  212-675-7059       marob      NYC             NY 3/12/24/96  24
  386 SCO-XENIX 2.2, XBBS, no fee, limit 60 min.
  Telebit Trailblazer (9600 PEP) only 212-675-8438
  Contact:  {philabs|rutgers|cmcl2}!{phri|hombre}!marob!clifford
04/90  213-397-3137^      stb        Santa Monica    CA 3/12/24     24
  AT&T 3b1;  BBS and shell access;  uucp-anon: ogin: uucp NO PASSWD
  3 line on rotary -3137 2400 baud.
03/88  213-459-5891       amazing    Pacific Palisades CA 3/12/24     24
  AMT 286 - Microport  David's Amazing BBS  Fee $7.50/month;$35/6;$60/year
  5 lines on rotary; Unique original software with conferencing, electronic
  bar, matchmaking, no file up/downloading
08/90  214-247-2367       ozdaltx    Dallas          TX 12/24       24
  OZ, membership only adult BBS (over 18), fee $60/year.  Four lines.
  Carries about 100 popular newsgroups and makes available the clarinet
  news feed (subscribed) from United Press on a same day basis.  No shell.
  Login: guest (no PW).  New users added weekly. Login: help  (no PW).
06/90  215-348-9727       lgnp1      Doylestown      PA 3/12/24/96  24
  '386 mutt w/ SCO-XENIX -- Telebit on dial in line.  UUCP and 'guest' account
  only ...  Public access to the nixpub lists [see footer of this list].
  Fee services include feeds/routing for E-mail and USENET News, plus access
  to *NIX specific PD source code library.  Contact: phil@ls.com.
01/90  216-582-2460       ncoast     Cleveland       OH 12/24/96    24
  80386 Mylex, SCO Xenix;  600 meg. storage;  XBBS and Shell;  USENET
  (newsfeeds available), E-Mail; donations requested; login as "bbs"
  for BBS and "makeuser" for new users.
  Telebit used on 216-237-5486.
01/90  217-525-9019       pallas     Springfield     IL 3/12/24/96  24
  AT&T 6386, 380 meg disk space;  4 lines w/ USRobotics Dual Standard modems;
  BBS available at no fee (UBBS), shell access for $50/year;  "guest" login
11/90  219-289-0282       nstar      Notre Dame      IN 24/96       24
  '386/33 ISC SysV 3.2 2.20, 5 lines locked at 19.2kbps supporting 14.4
  USR HST and Telebits, 1199 megabytes of files, complete backbone 
  newsfeed, feeds available via PEP, no shell accounts, TBBS/QuickBBS
  like bbs software, 910 newsgroups + files + email for members; 
  SIMTEL20/UUNET/GNU archive site $30/year; contact sysop@nstar
04/90  301-625-0817       wb3ffv     Baltimore       MD 12/24/96    24
  80386, UNIX V.3.2;  XBBS for HAM radio enthusiasts;  780 meg online;
  Multiple lines, dial in - Hayes 2400, 9482 - MultiTech V32, 9663 - Tb+;
  Some USENET;  Anon-UUCP available;  Login as bbs (8-N-1).
04/90  312-283-0559^      chinet     Chicago         IL 3/12/24/96  24
  '386, SysVr3.2.1;  Multiple lines including Telebit and HST;
  Picospan BBS (free), USENET at $50/year (available to guests on
10/89  312-338-0632^      point      Chicago         IL 3/12/24/96  24
  North Shore / Rogers Park area of Chicago.  386 - ISC 2.01 (SysV3.2),
  multiple lines, Telebit PEP on 338-3261, USRobotics HST on 338-1036,
  AKCS bbs, some usenet conferences available.  200+ MB online storage.
  Downloads, full usenet & shell access in the works.
09/90  312-714-8568^      gagme      Chicago         IL 12/24       24
  3B2/300 - System V 3.2.  E-mail, netnews, sources, access to anonymous
  ftp, local message base, etc.
06/90  313-623-6309       nucleus    Clarkston       MI 12/24       24
  AMI 80386 - ESIX 5.3.2, large online sources archive accessable by
  anonymous UUCP, login: nuucp, nucleus!/user/src/LISTING lists
  available public domain/shareware source code.  Contact: jeff@nucleus.mi.org
10/90  313-994-6333       m-net      Ann Arbor       MI 3/12/24     24
  Altos 68020 - Sys III, no limits; New SysOp/Owner; fee for extended service;
  The HOME of PicoSpan Conferencing software; 15 lines, 240 Megs; packet radio,
  100% user supported; USENET; 2 dialouts, Trailblazer+ UUCP in/out; On-line
  games (including nethack & empire); E-Mail; C & Fortran compilers, multi-
  user party, access to Borne, Korn, C, BBS & Menu; on-line man pages;
  contact: Dave Parks kite@m-net.ann-arbor.mi.us
08/89  313-996-4644^      anet       Ann Arbor       MI 3/12        24
  Altos 68000 - Sys III, no limits, 1st month free, fees range up to $20/
  month (negotiable), accepts equipment/software in lieu of fees, Picospan
  conferencing, 120M, non-profit, user-supported, community-based, ideal
  autodidact educational system.  Tax-deductible donations okay.
08/89  314-474-4581       gensis     Columbia        MO 3/12/24/48/ 24
  Gateway 386 system w/ SCO Xenix V/386, DataFlex, Oracle, CHARM, & VP/ix.
  No fee.  Online gaming, game design, and (oddly enough) data base design
  are the main focus.  Modem is Microcom MNP 6.
08/90  401-455-0347       anomaly    Esmond          RI 3/12/24/96  24
  CSS Laboratories 386, SCO Xenix 2.3.2; Trailblazer+; No fees; Waffle BBS,
  newusers log in as 'bbs' (no pw.) Shell accounts available to qualified
  users. USENET feeds available, limited feeds for non-PEP sites. XENIX
  software archive site, anonymous uucp login: xxcp  pass: xenix
  Software listing & download directions in ~/SOFTLIST and ~/ARCHELP
10/89  404-321-5020^      jdyx       Atlanta         GA 12/24/96    24
  386/ix 2.0.2.  XBBS. Usenet (alt, gnu, most comp and a few others) and 
  shell access.  Second line (2400 below) (404) 325-1719.  200+ meg current
  Usenet and GNU sources.  Specializing in graphics and ray-tracing under 
  386/ix (with/with out X11).  Yearly fee for shell and/or downloads.  
  Telebit access.  Contact: ...gatech!emory!jdyx!tpf (Tom Friedel)
05/88  407-380-6228       rtmvax     Orlando         FL 3/12/24     24
  mVAX-I - Ultrix-32 V1.2  USENET & UUCP Email Gateway. XBBS front end for
  new user subscribing. No Fees. Primary function is Technical exchange.
  Contact: { cbosgd!codas, hoptoad!peora }!rtmvax!rob 
09/89  408-245-7726^      uuwest     Sunnyvale       CA 3/12/24     24
  SCO-XENIX, Waffle. No fee, USENET news (news.*, music, comics, telecom, etc)
  The Dark Side of the Moon BBS. This system has been in operation since 1985.
  Login: new Contact: (UUCP) ames!uuwest!request (Domain) request@darkside.com
02/90  408-249-0290^      netcom     San Jose        CA 12/24/96    24
  UNIX Sysv r3.2 (486)  - USENET (21 days), UUNET Sources, News Feeds, Shell 
  Access (Bourne, Korn, C),  UUCP support, E-Mail, Compilers. Fee $10.00/mo +
  one time Registration of $10.00.  Login as guest (no password).
  Telebit on (408) 249-0576.
02/90  408-423-9995       cruzio     Santa Cruz      CA 12/24       24
  Tandy 4000, Xenix 2.3.*, Caucus 3.*;  focus on Santa Cruz activity
  (ie directory of community and goverment organizations, events, ...);
  USENET Support;  Multiple lines;  no shell; fee: $15/quarter.
  Contact: ...!uunet!cruzio!chris
10/89  408-725-0561^      portal     Cupertino       CA 3/12/24     24
  Networked Suns (SunOS), multiple lines, Telenet access, no shell access
  fees: $10/month + Telenet charges (if used) @ various rates/times
  conferencing, multi user chats, usenet 
11/90  408-996-7358^      zorch      Cupertino       CA 12/24       24
  ISI 020 - 4.3BSD; 4 lines, 1200 only on 7361, 7378, 7386; $10/month,
  $100/year, flat rate, no time limit.  Email, USENET, games, utilities,
  online man pages, Bourne, C, Korn shells.  525M online, 100M source archive.
  Registration required, verified; login as newuser, password public.
  Contact: scott@zorch.SF-Bay.ORG or (ames|pyramid|vsi1)!zorch!scott
05/90  412-431-8649       eklektik   Pittsburgh      PA 3/12/24     24
  UNIX PC- SYSV - UNaXcess BBS, donation requested for shell,
  login: bbs for BBS, limited Usenet news (amiga and gaming groups).  
  RPG mailing list, rec.games.frp and rec.music.dylan archive.
  Alternate number: 431-3064,
  Contact:  anthony@eklektik.pgh.pa.us or anthony@cs.pitt.edu
07/90  414-241-5469       mixcom     Milwaukee       WI 3/12/24     24
  80386, SCO UNIX 3.2;  MIX (Milwaukee Information eXchange;  Fee charged
  for shell, E-Mail, and full USENET, $50 - 12 mo, $35 - 6 mo, $20 - 3 mo;
  Multiple lines;  login as 'newuser' passwd 'newuser' ...
  Contact: sysop@mixcom.UUCP (...!uwm.edu!mixcom!sysop) [414-962-8172 voice]
11/90  414-734-2499       aebbs      Appleton        WI 3/12/24     24
  IBM PS/2 Model 55SX, SCO Xenix 2.3.2;  Running STARBASE II Software.
  Enterprise Data Systems Incorporated (Non-profit).  100+ local rooms,
  PLUS USENET, Multi Channel Chat, 9 ports, $15 yr, flat rate for full
  access to net news, mail.  The Fox Valley's only public access Unix
  based BBS.  Contact: Chuck Tomasi (chuck@aebbs.lakesys.COM)
08/90  415-294-8591       woodowl    Livermore       CA 3/12/24/96  24
  Xenix/386 3.2.1.  Waffle/XENIX BBS,  Usenet Access;  All users are
  welcome, no strings attached;  No fee;  For more information
  contact: ...!ames!pacbell!dplace!woodowl!william  william@woodowl
11/89  415-332-6106^      well       Sausalito       CA 12/24       24
  6-processor Sequent Balance (32032); UUCP and USENET access; multiple
  lines; access via CPN; PICOSPAN BBS; $3/hour.  Contact (415) 332-4335
08/89  415-753-5265^      wet        San Francisco   CA 12/24       24
  386 SYS V.3.  Wetware Diversions.  $15 registration, $0.01/minute.
  Public Access UNIX System:  uucp, PicoSpan bbs, full Usenet News,
  multiple lines, shell access.  Newusers get initial credit!
  contact:{ucsfcca|claris|hoptoad|well}!wet!cc (Christopher Cilley)
05/90  415-967-9443^      btr        Mountain View   CA 3/12/24     24
  Sun (SunOS UNIX), shell access, e-mail, netnews, uucp, can access by
  Telenet PC Pursuit, multiple lines, Telebit, flat rate: $10/month.
  For sign-up information please send e-mail to Customer Service at
  cs@btr.com or ..!{decwrl,fernwood,mips}!btr!cs
  or call 415-966-1429 Voice.
04/90  416-438-2855       contact    Toronto         ON 3/12/24     24
  386 clone - Xenix 2.3.1, fee optional. USENET, email, multi-user chat,
  Contact: eisen@contact.UUCP martin loeffler
11/89  416-452-0926       telly      Brampton        ON 12/24/96    24
  386 SysVr3.2; proprietary menu-based BBS includes Usenet site searching.
  News (all groups, incl biz, pubnet, gnu, CanConfMail), mail (including
  to/from Internet, Bitnet), many archives. Feeds available. $75(Cdn)/year.
  Contact: Evan Leibovitch, evan@telly.on.ca, uunet!attcan!telly!evan
12/88  416-461-2608       tmsoft     Toronto         ON 3/12/24/96  24
  NS32016, Sys5r2, shell; news+mail $30/mo, general-timesharing $60/mo
  All newsgroups.  Willing to setup mail/news connections.
  Contact: Dave Mason <mason@tmsoft> / Login: newuser
07/89  416-654-8854       ziebmef    Toronto         ON 3/12/24/96  24
  AT&T 3B1, Sys V, shell, news, mail, no fee (donations accepted)
  Carries most newsgroups (willing to add extra ones on request)
  Telebit access, willing to give mail feeds
  Contact: Chris Siebenmann, {utzoo!telly,ncrcan}!ziebmef!cks
01/90  502-968-5401       disk       Louisville      KY 3/12        24
  386 clone, Interactive System V 3.2, 600 meg.  6 lines 5401 thru 5406.
  Carrying most USENET groups, Shell access, multi-user games(including Realm)
  multi-user chat, downloads, and more.  Rate info available via a free trial
  account. Also offering news/mail feeds to the local area. Now reachable
  via Starlink!
12/88  503-254-0458       bucket     Portland        OR 3/12/24     24
  Tektronix 6130, UTek 2.3(4.2BSD-derived).  Bit Bucket BBS publically
  available; login as 'bbs'.  BBS is message only.  Users intereseted in
  access to Unix should contact SYSOP via the BBS or send EMail to
  ..tektronix!tessi!bucket!rickb.  Unix services include USENET News,
  EMail, and all tools/games/utility access. Alternate dial-in lines
  available for Unix users.
12/89  503-297-3211^      m2xenix    Portland        OR 3/12/24     24
  '386/20, Xenix 2.3.  Shell accounts available, NO BBS.  No fee.  E-mail,
  USENET News, program development.
  Contact: ...!uunet!m2xenix!news or on Fido at 297-9145
08/90  503-640-4262^      agora      PDX             OR 3/12/24     24
  Intel Unix V/386, $2/mo or $20/yr, news, mail, games, programming.
  Three lines with trunk-hunt, 640-4380 supports MNP level 3; the
  third line (648-7596) is only 1200/300.
  Contact: Alan Batie, tektronix!tessi!agora!batie
05/90  503-644-8135^      techbook   Portland        OR 12/24       24
  80386, UNIX V.3.2; XBBS & some downloads for unregistered users, shell
  accounts & full set of Usenet & FidoNet newsgroups available to 
  registered users ($25/year); System answers at 8-N-1; login as BBS.
11/90  508-655-3848       unixland   Natick          MA 12/24/96    24
  Esix 3.2.5-D, 386/25, 8mb, 307mb hd.  Usenet news (700+ groups via shell
  access, a handful of groups via BBS access).  Shell accounts available -
  limited time offer of $25/year.  Free BBS access.  Send mail for shell
  account application.  Contact bill@unixland.uucp (send postal address for
  shell account application).
01/90  512-346-2339       bigtex     Austin          TX 96          24
  SysVr3.2 i386, anonymous shell, no fee, anonymous uucp ONLY,
  Telebit 9600/PEP; Mail links available.  Carries GNU software.
  anon uucp login: nuucp NO PASSWD, file list /usr3/index
  anon shell login: guest NO PASSWD, chroot'd to /usr3
  Contact: james@bigtex.cactus.org
10/89  513-779-8209       cinnet     Cincinnati      OH 12/24/96    24
  80386, ISC 386/ix 2.02, Telebit access, 1 line; $7.50/Month; shell
  access, Usenet access; news feeds available;
  login: newact password: new user to register for shell access
08/90  514-844-9179       tnl        Montreal        PQ 3/12/24     24
  80386 w/ SCO XENIX. No Fee.  2 hr session limit.  XBBS/USENET, shell.
  Login as 'new' for a shell account, no validation.  AKA: Northern Lights.
  Contact: norstar@tnl.CAM.ORG (Daniel Ray)
01/90  517-487-3356       lunapark   E. Lansing      MI 12/24       24
  Compaq 386/20 SCO-UNIX 3.2, lunabbs bulletin board & conferencing
  system, no fee, login: bbs password: lunabbs.  Primarily UNIX software
  with focus on TeX and Postscript, also some ATARI-ST and IBM-PC stuff
  2400/1200 --> 8 N 1
  Contact: ...!{mailrus,uunet}!frith!lunapark!larry
12/88  518-346-8033       sixhub     upstate         NY 3/12/24     24
  PC Designs GV386.  hub machine of the upstate NY UNIX users group (*IX)
  two line reserved for incoming, bbs no fee, news & email fee $15/year
  Smorgasboard of BBS systems, UNaXcess and XBBS online,
  Citadel BBS now in production. Contact: davidsen@sixhub.uucp.
10/90  602-829-3760^      atrium     Phoenix         AZ 3/12/24/96  24
  Xenix/386 2.3.2.  9600 baud HST service.  login: mm;  International
  electronic pen-pal service;  Contact: sysop@atrium.ucm.org.
09/88  602-941-2005       xroads     Phoenix         AZ 12/24       24
  Motorola VME1121, UNIX 5.2, Crossroads BBS, Fee $30/yr + $.50/.25 (call)
  prime (evenings)/non-prime, USENET news, multi-chat, online games,
  movie reviews, adventure games, dos unix/xenix files for dload, multi lines
11/90  604-576-1214       mindlink   Vancouver       BC 3/12/24/96  24
  80386 w/ SCO Xenix;  14 lines, 660 Meg disk space, TB+ & 9600 HST available;
  No shell;  Fee of $45/year for BBS access;  E-Mail, USENET, hundreds of megs
  of file downloads;  Operating since 1986.
08/89  605-348-2738       loft386    Rapid City      SD 3/12/24/96  24
  80386 SYS V/386 Rel 3.2, Usenet mail/news via UUNET, UUNET archive access.
  NO BBS!  News feeds avaliable.  400 meg hd.  Fees: $10/month or $25/quarter.
  Call (605) 343-8760 and talk to Doug Ingraham to arrange an account or email
08/88  608-273-2657       madnix     Madison         WI 3/12/24     24
  286 SCO-XENIX, shell, no fee, USENET news, mail, login: newuser
  Contact: ray@madnix
09/90  612-473-2295^      pnet51     Minneapolis     MN 3/12/24     24
  Equip ?, Xenix, multi-line, no fee, some Usenet news, email, multi-threaded
  conferencing, login: pnet id: new, PC Pursuitable
  UUCP: {rosevax, crash}!orbit!pnet51!admin
11/90  615-283-0864^      kk4fs      Johnson City    TN 3/12/24     24
  286 clone - Waffle.  No fee, 40 USENET newsgroups, E-MAIL, no shell.
  Free Speech Forum BBS.  login: new.
  Contact: Paul Schmidt, kk4fs!root.
04/90  615-288-3957       medsys     Kingsport       TN 12/24/96    24
  386  SCO-UNIX 3.2, XBBS, no fee, limit 90 min.
  Telebit PEP, USENET, login: bbs   password: bbs
  anon uucp --> medsys Any ACU (speed) 16152883957 ogin: nuucp  ssword: \r
  Contact: uunet!medsys!laverne (LaVerne E. Olney)
08/90  615-896-8716       raider     Murfreesboro    TN 12/24       24
  WAFFLE BBS, no charge, shell accounts $40/yr,$25/6,$15/3. USENET news and
  mail links $25/yr,$15/6,$10/3;just one hop from uunet. Limited archives.
  Second line 896-7905. Contact: uunet!mjbtn!raider!root (Bob Reineri)
05/90  616-457-1964       wybbs      Jenison         MI 3/12/24/96  24
  386 - SCO-XENIX 2.3.2, two lines, XBBS for new users, mail in for shell 
  access, usenet news, 150 meg storage, Telebit. Interests: ham radio, xenix 
  AKA: Consultants Connection  Contact: danielw%wybbs@sharkey.cc.umich.edu
  Alternate phone #: 616-457-9909 (max 2400 baud). Anonymous UUCP available.
11/90  617-739-9753       world      Brookline       MA 3/12/24/96  24
  Sun 4/280, SunOS 4.0.3;  Shell, USENET, E-Mail, UUCP, IRC, Alternet
  connection to the Internet, and home of the Open Book Initiative
  (text project), multiple lines;  fees: $5/mo + $2/hr or $20/20hrs per month;
  Contact: geb@world.std.com
01/90  619-259-7757       pnet12     Del Mar         CA 3/12/24/96  24
  Xenix, multi-line, no fee, full Usenet, email, multithreaded conferencing
  login: pnet   id: new
  Contact: ...!uunet!serene!pnet12!rfarris
07/88  619-444-7006^      pnet01     El Cajon        CA 3/12/24     24
  BSD Unix, 3 lines, login: pnet id: new, some USENET, email, conferencing 
  Home of P-Net software, mail to crash!bblue or pnet01!bblue for info.
  Contributions requested
  Unix accounts available for regulars, PC Pursuit access 2/88.
08/90  619-483-3890^      telesys    San Diego       CA 12/24/96    24
  SCO Xenix 386; Telebit; XBBS (No Fee) login: bbs; Xenix tested software
  for download (No Registration); Shell Accounts available for access to
  USENET, email and full news feeds ($45/year); uucp-anon: use nuucp NOPWD
  Contact: crash!telesys!kreed or kreed@telesys.cts.com
12/89  703-281-7997^      grebyn     Vienna          VA 3/12/24     24
  Vax/Ultrix.  $25/month.  GNU EMACS, USENET, PC/BLUE archives, Telebit used
  for uucp only, archives, Ada repository, comp.sources.(misc,unix,games)
  archives, net.sources archives, 3 C compilers, Ada compiler,  1.2GB disk,
  multiple lines
11/89  708-272-5912^      igloo      Northbrook      IL 12/24/96    24
  3B2-300;  accounts by invitation only, no limit/no fee;  full usenet;
  132megs HD;  2 lines rotary, 9600 telebit on 272-5917
  Contact: igloo!postmaster
04/90  708-808-7300^      ddsw1      Wheeling        IL 3/12/24/96  24
  GT-3020 80386 system, ISC 2.0.2;  guest users 1 hr daily in AKCS BBS;
  fee for shell, regular Usenet access, unlimited use & hardware discounts;
  Authors of AKCS bbs;  fee $75/year or $7/month, 7 lines, 19200 available on 
  (708) 808-7306, anonymous uucp (nuucp) from 12 midnight to 6 AM, 
  ~/DIRECTORY/README for info on anon uucp.
  Contact: Karl Denninger (ddsw1!karl, karl@ddsw1.MCS.COM), Voice (708) 808-7200
08/90  708-833-8126^      vpnet      Villa Park      IL 12/24/96    24
  386 Clone - Interactive 386/ix R2.0 (3.2), no fee;  Akcs linked bbs
  including several Usenet conf's;  Shells available for minimum contribution;
  Two Trailblazers;  Contact: lisbon@vpnet.chi.il.us.
07/89  713-438-5018       sugar      Houston         TX 3/12/24/96  24
  386/AT (2) networked - Bell Technologies V/386, usenet, news, downloads
  Homegrown BBS software, Trailblazer+ access, currently no charges
10/89  713-668-7176^      nuchat     Houston         TX 3/12/24/96  24
  i386;  USENET, Mail, Shell Access;  300M On-line;  Trailbazer Used;
  No fee.
11/90  714-635-2863       dhw68k     Anaheim         CA 12/24       24
  Unistride 2.1;  No fee; Trailblazer access, USENET News, /bin/sh or /bin/csh
05/89  714-662-7450       turnkey    Inglewood       CA 12/24       24
  286 - Xenix SYSV, XBBS
01/90  714-821-9671       alphacm    Cypress         CA 12/24/96    24
  386 - SCO-XENIX, no fee, Home of XBBS, 90 minute per login, 4 lines,
  Trailblazer pluses in use.
    uucp-anon:  ogin: nuucp  NO PASSWD
05/89  714-842-5851       conexch    Santa Ana       CA 3/12/24     24
  386 - SCO Xenix - Free Unix guest login and PC-DOS bbs login, one
  hour inital time limit, USENET news, shell access granted on request &
  $25/quarter donation.  Anon uucp: ogin: nuucp  NO PASSWD.  List of
  available Unix files resides in /usr3/public/FILES.
08/88  714-894-2246       stanton    Irvine          CA 3/12/24     24
  286 - SCO Xenix - donation requested, limit 240 min, XBBS, USENET news
  UNIX access granted on request through BBS, 20$/year, access includes
  C development system (XENIX/MSDOS), PROCALC 1-2-3 clone, FOXBASE+
  anon uucp: ogin: nuucp, no word, 2400/1200/300 MNP supported
03/90  717-657-4997       compnect   Harrisburg      PA 3/12/24     24
  Equip ???;  The Data Factory BBS;  Multiple line, 1200 baud on 675-4992;
  No fee, restricted access to adult areas, some USENET, no shell;
  Contact: ...!uunet!wa3wbu!compnect!dave.
12/89  719-632-4111       oldcolo    Colo Spgs       CO 12/24/96    24
  386 - SCO-XENIX  frontend,  2 CT  Miniframes  backend,  e-mail 
  conferencing,  databases,   Naplps Graphics, USENET news. 7 lines 
  8N1,  2400 on 2906,  USR  Dual  9600  on 2658.   Self registering   
  for  limited  free  access    (political,    policy, marketplace) 
  Subscriptions $10, 15, 18 mo for full use. Dave Hughes SYSOP.
01/90  801-269-0670^      i-core     Salt Lake City  UT 3/12/24/96  24
  286 SYS V, Unidel BBS and Newsreader; a.k.a. Bitsko's Bar & Grill BBS,
  no limit, no fee; UseNet and Citadel feeds available.  Home of Unidel
  room-based newsreader and UNIX Citadel network gateway; Telebit 19200
  Contact: ken@i-core.UUCP or uunet!iconsys!caeco!i-core!ken
05/90  814-337-0348       sir-alan   Meadville       PA 12/24/19.2/ 24
  SCO XENIX 2.3; no fee; XBBS; USR DS on 337-0348(300-38.4K), TB+ on
  337-3159(300-19.2K); archive site for comp.sources.[games,misc,sun,unix,x],
  some alt.sources, XENIX(68K/286/386), files from UUNET(X11R3,TeX,etc.).
  uucp-anon: ogin: pdsrc NO PASSWD
  uucp-anon directory: /u/pdsrc, /u/pubdir, /u/uunet, help in /u/pubdir/HELP 
  Contact: sir-alan!mikes@uunet.uu.net  (814-337-5528 voice)
05/90  900-468-7727       uunet      Falls Church    VA 3/12/24/96  24
  Sequent S81, Dynix 3.0.17(9);  UUNET Communication Services;  No Shell;
  Anonymous UUCP, fee $0.40/min -- billed by the telephone company [Not
  available in Virginia!], login: uucp (no passwd);  Multiple lines, PEP
  and V.32 available;  grab "uunet!~/help for more info" ...
  Full internet mail and USENET available via full-blown accounts,
  Contact: info@uunet.uu.net or call [voice] 703-876-5050.
08/90  906-228-4399       lopez      Marquette       MI 3/12/24     24
  Compaq Deskpro 286, SCO Xenix; Running STARBASE II Software.
  Great White North UPLink, Inc. (Non Profit) 100+ local rooms, PLUS
  USENET, Multi Channel Chat, 5 ports, $30 yr, flat rate for full access
  to net news, mail.  Upper Michigan's ORIGINAL BBS (since 1983)
  Contact: Gary Bourgois ...rutgers!sharkey!lopez!flash (flash@lopez.UUCP)
05/90  908-846-2460^      althea     New Brunswick   NJ 3/12/24     24
  AT&T 3B2/310 - Unix SVR3.1, no fee.  USENET, email, C development,
  games.  Single line.
  Contact: rjd@althea.UUCP (Robert Diamond)
08/90  916-649-0161       sactoh0    Sacramento      CA 12/24/96    24
  3B2/310 SYVR3.2; SAC_UNIX, sactoh0.SAC.CA.US;  $2/month, limit 90 min;
  3 lines, 2400/1200 baud on 722-6519 & -5068, TB+ on (916) 649-0161;
  USENET, E-Mail, some games; login: new
  Contact: root@sactoh0.SAC.CA.US   or   ..ames!pacbell!sactoh0!root
10/89  919-493-7111^      wolves     Durham          NC 3/12/24     24
  AMS 386/25 - UNIX SysVr3.2, XBBS, no fee for bbs.  Rates for UNIX access
  and USENET are being determined.  Developing yet another UNIX bbs (ideas
  welcome!)  Single line, telebit coming soon.
  Contact: wolves!ggw or wolves!sysop  [...duke!dukcds!wolves!...]
NOTE:  ^ means the site is reachable using PC Pursuit.
The nixpub listings are kept as current as possible.  However, you use this
data at your own risk and cost -- all standard disclaimers apply!!!
Any additions, deletions, or corrections should be sent to nixpub@ls.com.
      Lists are available via any of the following:
            o  anonymous uucp from lgnp1 --
                    +1 215 348 9727 [Telebit access]
                    login: nuucp  NO PWD   [no rmail permitted]
                this list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub
               short list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub.short
            o  restricted guest account on lgnp1 --
                    login as 'guest', [X/Y/Z]modem and ascii supported.
            o  USENET, regular posts to --
            o  the nixpub electronic mailing list --
                    to be included or deleted from this distribution,
                    send mail to nixpub-request@ls.com.
            o  anonymous ftp from uop.uop.edu [] --
                    under ~/pub/nixpub.{short,long}
  COMPAQ, IBM, PC Pursuit, [SCO] XENIX, UNIX, etc. are trademarks of the
  respective companies.
Phil Eschallier   * Domain: phil@ls.com           SNAIL: 248B Union Street
                  *   UUCP: ...!uunet!lgnp1!phil         Doylestown, PA  18901
Lagniappe Systems *    CIS: 71076,1576            VOICE: +1 215 348 9721
Computer Services *

phil@lgnp1.LS.COM (Phil Eschallier) (11/19/90)

                          nixpub short listing
     Open Access UNIX (*NIX) Sites [Fee / No Fee] for mapped sites only
                          [ November 19, 1990 ]

Systems listed (88)
Legend: fee/contribution ($), no fee (-$), hours (24), not (-24)
        shell (S), USENET news (N), email (M), multiple lines (T) 
        Telebit PEP speed on main number (+P), Telebit on other line[s] (P)
        Courier 9600 bps on main number (+H), Courier on other line[s] (H) 
        V.32 on main number (+V), V.32 on other line[s] (V) 
        anonymous uucp (A), archive site ONLY - see long form list (@)
        Dialable thru PC Pursuit (^)

Last   Telephone #        Sys-name  Location        Baud        Legend
-----  ------------       --------  -----------     -------     ---------
11/90  +33-1-40-35-15-57  gna       Paris        FR 12          24 -$ A
11/90  +39-541-27858      xtc       Rimini (Fo)  IT 3/12/24/96  24 -$ HN+PT
09/90  201-759-8450       tronsbox  Belleville   NJ 3/12/24/96  24 -$ MN+PST
08/90  203-661-2873       admiral   Greenwich    CT 3/12/24/96  24 -$ AH+PT
10/90  206-328-4944       polari    Seattle      WA 3/12        24 $ MNPST
08/90  206-367-3837       eskimo    Seattle      WA 3/12/24     24 $ MST
08/90  209-952-5347       quack     Stockton     CA 3/12/24/96  24 $ MN+PS
12/89  212-420-0527       magpie    NYC          NY 3/12/24/96  24 -$ APT
02/90  212-675-7059       marob     NYC          NY 3/12/24/96  24 -$ APT
04/90  213-397-3137^      stb       Santa Monica CA 3/12/24     24 -$ AS
03/88  213-459-5891       amazing   Pacific Pali CA 3/12/24     24 $ T
08/90  214-247-2367       ozdaltx   Dallas       TX 12/24       24 $ NT
06/90  215-348-9727       lgnp1     Doylestown   PA 3/12/24/96  24 $ AMN+P
01/90  216-582-2460       ncoast    Cleveland    OH 12/24/96    24 $ MNPST
01/90  217-525-9019       pallas    Springfield  IL 3/12/24/96  24 $ HMSTV
11/90  219-289-0282       nstar     Notre Dame   IN 24/96       24 $ +HMNPST
04/90  301-625-0817       wb3ffv    Baltimore    MD 12/24/96    24 -$ ANPTV
04/90  312-283-0559^      chinet    Chicago      IL 3/12/24/96  24 $ HNPT
10/89  312-338-0632^      point     Chicago      IL 3/12/24/96  24 -$ HNPST
09/90  312-714-8568^      gagme     Chicago      IL 12/24       24 $ MNS
06/90  313-623-6309       nucleus   Clarkston    MI 12/24       24 -$ AM
10/90  313-994-6333       m-net     Ann Arbor    MI 3/12/24     24 $ T
08/89  313-996-4644^      anet      Ann Arbor    MI 3/12        24 $ T
08/89  314-474-4581       gensis    Columbia     MO 3/12/24/48/ 24 -$ MS
08/90  401-455-0347       anomaly   Esmond       RI 3/12/24/96  24 -$ MN+PS
10/89  404-321-5020^      jdyx      Atlanta      GA 12/24/96    24 $ MN+PST
05/88  407-380-6228       rtmvax    Orlando      FL 3/12/24     24 -$ MN
09/89  408-245-7726^      uuwest    Sunnyvale    CA 3/12/24     24 -$ N
02/90  408-249-0290^      netcom    San Jose     CA 12/24/96    24 $ MNPST
02/90  408-423-9995       cruzio    Santa Cruz   CA 12/24       24 $ MT
10/89  408-725-0561^      portal    Cupertino    CA 3/12/24     24 $ MNT
11/90  408-996-7358^      zorch     Cupertino    CA 12/24       24 $ MNT
05/90  412-431-8649       eklektik  Pittsburgh   PA 3/12/24     24 $ MNST
07/90  414-241-5469       mixcom    Milwaukee    WI 3/12/24     24 $ MNST
11/90  414-734-2499       aebbs     Appleton     WI 3/12/24     24 $ MN
08/90  415-294-8591       woodowl   Livermore    CA 3/12/24/96  24 $ MNST
11/89  415-332-6106^      well      Sausalito    CA 12/24       24 $ MNST
08/89  415-753-5265^      wet       San Francisc CA 12/24       24 $ MNST
05/90  415-967-9443^      btr       Mountain Vie CA 3/12/24     24 $ HMNPSTV
04/90  416-438-2855       contact   Toronto      ON 3/12/24     24 -$ MNST
11/89  416-452-0926       telly     Brampton     ON 12/24/96    24 $ MN+P
12/88  416-461-2608       tmsoft    Toronto      ON 3/12/24/96  24 $ MNS
07/89  416-654-8854       ziebmef   Toronto      ON 3/12/24/96  24 -$ MN+PST
01/90  502-968-5401       disk      Louisville   KY 3/12        24 $ MNST
12/88  503-254-0458       bucket    Portland     OR 3/12/24     24 -$ MNST
12/89  503-297-3211^      m2xenix   Portland     OR 3/12/24     24 -$ MNS
08/90  503-640-4262^      agora     PDX          OR 3/12/24     24 $ MNST
05/90  503-644-8135^      techbook  Portland     OR 12/24       24 $ MNST
11/90  508-655-3848       unixland  Natick       MA 12/24/96    24 $ MN+PS+V
01/90  512-346-2339       bigtex    Austin       TX 96          24 -$ A+PS
10/89  513-779-8209       cinnet    Cincinnati   OH 12/24/96    24 $ MN+PS
08/90  514-844-9179       tnl       Montreal     PQ 3/12/24     24 -$ MS
01/90  517-487-3356       lunapark  E. Lansing   MI 12/24       24 -$
12/88  518-346-8033       sixhub    upstate      NY 3/12/24     24 $ MNST
10/90  602-829-3760^      atrium    Phoenix      AZ 3/12/24/96  24 -$ +H
09/88  602-941-2005       xroads    Phoenix      AZ 12/24       24 $ NT
11/90  604-576-1214       mindlink  Vancouver    BC 3/12/24/96  24 $ HMNPT
08/89  605-348-2738       loft386   Rapid City   SD 3/12/24/96  24 $ MN+PS
08/88  608-273-2657       madnix    Madison      WI 3/12/24     24 -$ MNS
09/90  612-473-2295^      pnet51    Minneapolis  MN 3/12/24     24 -$ MNT
11/90  615-283-0864^      kk4fs     Johnson City TN 3/12/24     24 -$ MN
04/90  615-288-3957       medsys    Kingsport    TN 12/24/96    24 -$ AN+P
08/90  615-896-8716       raider    Murfreesboro TN 12/24       24 -$ MNS
05/90  616-457-1964       wybbs     Jenison      MI 3/12/24/96  24 -$ MN+PST
11/90  617-739-9753       world     Brookline    MA 3/12/24/96  24 $ MNPST
01/90  619-259-7757       pnet12    Del Mar      CA 3/12/24/96  24 -$ MNPT
07/88  619-444-7006^      pnet01    El Cajon     CA 3/12/24     24 $ MNST
08/90  619-483-3890^      telesys   San Diego    CA 12/24/96    24 $ AMN+PS
12/89  703-281-7997^      grebyn    Vienna       VA 3/12/24     24 $ MNT
11/89  708-272-5912^      igloo     Northbrook   IL 12/24/96    24 -$ NPST
04/90  708-808-7300^      ddsw1     Wheeling     IL 3/12/24/96  24 $ AMNPST
08/90  708-833-8126^      vpnet     Villa Park   IL 12/24/96    24 -$ MN+PS
07/89  713-438-5018       sugar     Houston      TX 3/12/24/96  24 -$ N+P
10/89  713-668-7176^      nuchat    Houston      TX 3/12/24/96  24 -$ MN+PS
11/90  714-635-2863       dhw68k    Anaheim      CA 12/24       24 -$ MN+PS
05/89  714-662-7450       turnkey   Inglewood    CA 12/24       24 -$
01/90  714-821-9671       alphacm   Cypress      CA 12/24/96    24 -$ A+PT
05/89  714-842-5851       conexch   Santa Ana    CA 3/12/24     24 $ AMNS
08/88  714-894-2246       stanton   Irvine       CA 3/12/24     24 $ NS
03/90  717-657-4997       compnect  Harrisburg   PA 3/12/24     24 -$ MNT
12/89  719-632-4111       oldcolo   Colo Spgs    CO 12/24/96    24 $ HMNT
01/90  801-269-0670^      i-core    Salt Lake Ci UT 3/12/24/96  24 -$ AN+P
05/90  814-337-0348       sir-alan  Meadville    PA 12/24/19.2/ 24 -$ A+HMPTV
05/90  900-468-7727       uunet     Falls Church VA 3/12/24/96  24 $ AMN+PT+V
08/90  906-228-4399       lopez     Marquette    MI 3/12/24     24 $ MN
05/90  908-846-2460^      althea    New Brunswic NJ 3/12/24     24 -$ MNS
08/90  916-649-0161       sactoh0   Sacramento   CA 12/24/96    24 $ MN+PST
10/89  919-493-7111^      wolves    Durham       NC 3/12/24     24 $ MNS
NOTE:  ^ means the site is reachable using PC Pursuit.
The nixpub listings are kept as current as possible.  However, you use this
data at your own risk and cost -- all standard disclaimers apply!!!
Any additions, deletions, or corrections should be sent to nixpub@ls.com.
      Lists are available from any of the following:
            o  anonymous uucp from lgnp1 --
                    +1 215 348 9727 [Telebit access]
                    login: nuucp  NO PWD   [no rmail permitted]
                this list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub.short
                long list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub
            o  restricted guest account on lgnp1 --
                    login as 'guest', [X/Y/Z]modem and ascii supported.
            o  USENET, regular posts to --
            o  the nixpub electronic mailing list --
                    to be included or deleted from this distribution,
                    send mail to nixpub-request@ls.com.
            o  anonymous ftp from uop.uop.edu [] --
                    under ~/pub/nixpub.{short,long}
  COMPAQ, IBM, PC Pursuit, [SCO] XENIX, UNIX, etc. are trademarks of the
  respective companies.
Phil Eschallier   * Domain: phil@ls.com           SNAIL: 248B Union Street
                  *   UUCP: ...!uunet!lgnp1!phil         Doylestown, PA  18901
Lagniappe Systems *    CIS: 71076,1576            VOICE: +1 215 348 9721
Computer Services *

phil@lgnp1.LS.COM (Phil Eschallier) (11/25/90)

                          nixpub long listing
           Open Access UNIX (*NIX) Sites [both Fee and No Fee]
                         [ November 25, 1990 ]

Systems listed (93):
 [   actrix    admiral   aebbs     agora     alphacm   althea    amazing   ]
 [   anet      anomaly   atrium    bigtex    btr       bucket    chinet    ]
 [   cinnet    compnect  conexch   contact   cruzio    ddsw1     dhw68k    ]
 [   disk      eklektik  eskimo    gagme     gensis    gna       grebyn    ]
 [   i-core    ibmpcug   igloo     jdyx      kk4fs     lgnp1     loft386   ]
 [   lopez     lunapark  m-net     m2xenix   madnix    magpie    marob     ]
 [   medsys    mindlink  mixcom    ncoast    netcom    nstar     nuchat    ]
 [   nucleus   oldcolo   ozdaltx   pallas    panix     pegasus   pnet01    ]
 [   pnet12    pnet51    point     polari    portal    quack     raider    ]
 [   rtmvax    sactoh0   sir-alan  sixhub    stanton   stb       sugar     ]
 [   szebra    techbook  telesys   telly     tmsoft    tnl       tronsbox  ]
 [   turnkey   unixland  uunet     uuwest    vpnet     wb3ffv    well      ]
 [   wet       wolves    woodowl   world     wybbs     xroads    xtc       ]
 [   ziebmef   zorch                                                       ]

Last   Telephone #        Sys-name   Location           Baud        Hours
-----  ------------       --------   -----------        -------     -----

11/90  +33-1-40-35-15-57  gna        Paris           FR 12          24
  Everex 386/33Mz, Esix Rev C;  Anonymous uucp archive only (ogin: nuucp);
  The description file is ~/news.  There is ~ 150 Meg consisting of
  comp.sources.{unix,misc,x}, alt, rfc, uumap, techreports, x11r4 patches,
  images, spl (miscelaneous).
11/90  +39-541-27858      xtc        Rimini (Fo)     IT 3/12/24/96  24
  386/20, 380Meg, ISC 386ix;  Menu driven BBS, no shell.  tb+ on first line,
  +39-541-27135 has USRobotics HST.  USENET News and Fidonet and sublink.
  Fidonet address 2:332/307, 2:332/308.  No fees required but no downloads on
  the first call -- comp.sources.* archive + lots of MSDOS programs & GIFs
  available.  Multiuser chat, games, etc.
  Contact: Riccardo Pizzi (root@xtc.sublink.org)
11/90  +44-81-863-6646    ibmpcug    Middlesex       UK 3/12/24/96  24
  386 PC/AT, SCO Xenix 2.3.2 -- IBM-PC User Group;  Multiple lines,
  line 2: 861 5522, 300-19.2k + V42bix + V32;  Fee: ~50 pounds sterling,
  unlimited use.
  Contact: dylan@ibmpcug.co.uk, Voice +44 81 863 1191
11/90  +64-4-895-478      actrix     Wellington      NZ 3/12/24/96  24
  Zenith 386/33MHz w/ ISC 386/ix 2.02;  Actrix Information Exchange --
  New Zealand's first Public Access UNIX.  750 Mb disk; 3 lines, USR
  Courier HST (T2500 due December 1990, X25 in '91).  Fee: NZ$54 p.a. -
  offers heavily modified XBBS with USEnet and Fidonet, e-mail (elm),
  hundreds of file areas divided into sections for UNIX, MS-DOS, Amiga,
  Atari, Apple //, Macintosh, CP/M etc.  Shell w/ many extras available
  via `Enhanced subscription'.  Planned to join APC (PeaceNet/EcoNet);
  Contact: paul@actrix.gen.nz (Paul Gillingwater) PO Box 11-410, Wgtn, NZ
09/90  201-759-8450       tronsbox   Belleville      NJ 3/12/24/96  24
  Equip ???, UNIX 3.2;  Provides shell for some users, menu driven BBS with
  GIF and text downloads, adult discussion section;  USENET, E-Mail (feeds
  available);  Multiple line (-8568 300 - 2400 baud).
08/90  203-661-2873       admiral    Greenwich       CT 3/12/24/96  24
  Xenix/386 2.3.3. Line 1: 203-661-1279, USR HST Dual; Line 2: -2967
  Microcom AX/9624c; Line 3: -2873 Telebit T2500; Line 4: -0450, 2400.
  Magpie/386 BBS, chat, interactive games, SIGS for Unix/IBM/Mac/Amiga.
  BBS name is The Grid. All users are welcome, no strings attached.
  No fee, anonymous UUCP, login: nuucp, no PW. 230 megs disk, for
  more information, contact: ...!uunet!sir-alan!admiral!admiral.
10/90  206-328-4944       polari     Seattle         WA 3/12        24
  Equip ???;  8-lines, Trailblazer on 206-328-1468;  $40/year (flat rate);
  Multi-user games, chat, full USENET.
  Contact: uunet!microsoft!happym!polari!bruceki
08/90  206-367-3837       eskimo     Seattle         WA 3/12/24     24
  Tandy 6000 Xenix - Everett Tel 206-742-1150. Five lines. First 2 weeks
  free, $48/year or $6/month thereafter. Shell access, C, Fortran, Pascal,
  unique conference, smart mail, messages, upload/download, other apps.
  Western Washington BBS List, 60 games online, free uucp connections.
08/90  209-952-5347       quack      Stockton        CA 3/12/24/96  24
  Sun 2/170, SunOS 4.0;  Aka - The Duck Pond;  BBS at no charge,
  Shell - $2/mo ($4/mo expanded quota);  Trailblazer access;  login: bbs.
  Contact: ...!quack!postmaster or postmaster@quack.sac.ca.us
12/89  212-420-0527       magpie     NYC             NY 3/12/24/96  24
  ? - UNIX SYSV - 2, Magpie BBS, no fee, Authors: Magpie/UNIX,/MSDOS
  two lines plus anonymous uucp: 212-677-9487 (9600 bps Telebit modem)
  NOTE: 9487 reserved for registered Magpie sysops & anon uucp
  Contact: Steve Manes, {rutgers|cmcl2|uunet}!hombre!magpie!manes	
02/90  212-675-7059       marob      NYC             NY 3/12/24/96  24
  386 SCO-XENIX 2.2, XBBS, no fee, limit 60 min.
  Telebit Trailblazer (9600 PEP) only 212-675-8438
  Contact:  {philabs|rutgers|cmcl2}!{phri|hombre}!marob!clifford
11/90  212-832-1525       panix      NYC             NY 3/12/24     24
  Mac2x - A/UX 2.0;  Telebit Trailblazer available; Full Usenet, Shell
  Access;  Fee $10/mo;  login:newuser;
  Contact: cmcl2!panix!jsb
04/90  213-397-3137^      stb        Santa Monica    CA 3/12/24     24
  AT&T 3b1;  BBS and shell access;  uucp-anon: ogin: uucp NO PASSWD
  3 line on rotary -3137 2400 baud.
03/88  213-459-5891       amazing    Pacific Palisades CA 3/12/24     24
  AMT 286 - Microport  David's Amazing BBS  Fee $7.50/month;$35/6;$60/year
  5 lines on rotary; Unique original software with conferencing, electronic
  bar, matchmaking, no file up/downloading
08/90  214-247-2367       ozdaltx    Dallas          TX 12/24       24
  OZ, membership only adult BBS (over 18), fee $60/year.  Four lines.
  Carries about 100 popular newsgroups and makes available the clarinet
  news feed (subscribed) from United Press on a same day basis.  No shell.
  Login: guest (no PW).  New users added weekly. Login: help  (no PW).
06/90  215-348-9727       lgnp1      Doylestown      PA 3/12/24/96  24
  '386 mutt w/ SCO-XENIX -- Telebit on dial in line.  UUCP and 'guest' account
  only ...  Public access to the nixpub lists [see footer of this list].
  Fee services include feeds/routing for E-mail and USENET News, plus access
  to *NIX specific PD source code library.  Contact: phil@ls.com.
01/90  216-582-2460       ncoast     Cleveland       OH 12/24/96    24
  80386 Mylex, SCO Xenix;  600 meg. storage;  XBBS and Shell;  USENET
  (newsfeeds available), E-Mail; donations requested; login as "bbs"
  for BBS and "makeuser" for new users.
  Telebit used on 216-237-5486.
01/90  217-525-9019       pallas     Springfield     IL 3/12/24/96  24
  AT&T 6386, 380 meg disk space;  4 lines w/ USRobotics Dual Standard modems;
  BBS available at no fee (UBBS), shell access for $50/year;  "guest" login
11/90  219-289-0282       nstar      Notre Dame      IN 24/96       24
  '386/33 ISC SysV 3.2 2.20, 5 lines locked at 19.2kbps supporting 14.4
  USR HST and Telebits, 1199 megabytes of files, complete backbone 
  newsfeed, feeds available via PEP, no shell accounts, TBBS/QuickBBS
  like bbs software, 910 newsgroups + files + email for members; 
  SIMTEL20/UUNET/GNU archive site $30/year; contact sysop@nstar
04/90  301-625-0817       wb3ffv     Baltimore       MD 12/24/96    24
  80386, UNIX V.3.2;  XBBS for HAM radio enthusiasts;  780 meg online;
  Multiple lines, dial in - Hayes 2400, 9482 - MultiTech V32, 9663 - Tb+;
  Some USENET;  Anon-UUCP available;  Login as bbs (8-N-1).
04/90  312-283-0559^      chinet     Chicago         IL 3/12/24/96  24
  '386, SysVr3.2.1;  Multiple lines including Telebit and HST;
  Picospan BBS (free), USENET at $50/year (available to guests on
10/89  312-338-0632^      point      Chicago         IL 3/12/24/96  24
  North Shore / Rogers Park area of Chicago.  386 - ISC 2.01 (SysV3.2),
  multiple lines, Telebit PEP on 338-3261, USRobotics HST on 338-1036,
  AKCS bbs, some usenet conferences available.  200+ MB online storage.
  Downloads, full usenet & shell access in the works.
09/90  312-714-8568^      gagme      Chicago         IL 12/24       24
  3B2/300 - System V 3.2.  E-mail, netnews, sources, access to anonymous
  ftp, local message base, etc.
06/90  313-623-6309       nucleus    Clarkston       MI 12/24       24
  AMI 80386 - ESIX 5.3.2, large online sources archive accessable by
  anonymous UUCP, login: nuucp, nucleus!/user/src/LISTING lists
  available public domain/shareware source code.  Contact: jeff@nucleus.mi.org
10/90  313-994-6333       m-net      Ann Arbor       MI 3/12/24     24
  Altos 68020 - Sys III, no limits; New SysOp/Owner; fee for extended service;
  The HOME of PicoSpan Conferencing software; 15 lines, 240 Megs; packet radio,
  100% user supported; USENET; 2 dialouts, Trailblazer+ UUCP in/out; On-line
  games (including nethack & empire); E-Mail; C & Fortran compilers, multi-
  user party, access to Borne, Korn, C, BBS & Menu; on-line man pages;
  contact: Dave Parks kite@m-net.ann-arbor.mi.us
08/89  313-996-4644^      anet       Ann Arbor       MI 3/12        24
  Altos 68000 - Sys III, no limits, 1st month free, fees range up to $20/
  month (negotiable), accepts equipment/software in lieu of fees, Picospan
  conferencing, 120M, non-profit, user-supported, community-based, ideal
  autodidact educational system.  Tax-deductible donations okay.
08/89  314-474-4581       gensis     Columbia        MO 3/12/24/48/ 24
  Gateway 386 system w/ SCO Xenix V/386, DataFlex, Oracle, CHARM, & VP/ix.
  No fee.  Online gaming, game design, and (oddly enough) data base design
  are the main focus.  Modem is Microcom MNP 6.
08/90  401-455-0347       anomaly    Esmond          RI 3/12/24/96  24
  CSS Laboratories 386, SCO Xenix 2.3.2; Trailblazer+; No fees; Waffle BBS,
  newusers log in as 'bbs' (no pw.) Shell accounts available to qualified
  users. USENET feeds available, limited feeds for non-PEP sites. XENIX
  software archive site, anonymous uucp login: xxcp  pass: xenix
  Software listing & download directions in ~/SOFTLIST and ~/ARCHELP
10/89  404-321-5020^      jdyx       Atlanta         GA 12/24/96    24
  386/ix 2.0.2.  XBBS. Usenet (alt, gnu, most comp and a few others) and 
  shell access.  Second line (2400 below) (404) 325-1719.  200+ meg current
  Usenet and GNU sources.  Specializing in graphics and ray-tracing under 
  386/ix (with/with out X11).  Yearly fee for shell and/or downloads.  
  Telebit access.  Contact: ...gatech!emory!jdyx!tpf (Tom Friedel)
05/88  407-380-6228       rtmvax     Orlando         FL 3/12/24     24
  mVAX-I - Ultrix-32 V1.2  USENET & UUCP Email Gateway. XBBS front end for
  new user subscribing. No Fees. Primary function is Technical exchange.
  Contact: { cbosgd!codas, hoptoad!peora }!rtmvax!rob 
11/90  408-241-9760^      netcom     San Jose        CA 12/24/96    24
  UNIX, Sun Network SunOS 4.1;  Netcom - Online Communication Services;
  24 Telebit lines 9600/2400/1200;  USENET (16 days), UUNET, GNU, X Sources,
  News Feeds, Shell Access (Bourne, Korn, C), ftp, telnet, slip connections,
  UUCP support, E-Mail, AT&T C++;  Fee $12.50/mo + 1 time Reg fee of $10.00.  
  Login as guest (no password).
09/89  408-245-7726^      uuwest     Sunnyvale       CA 3/12/24     24
  SCO-XENIX, Waffle. No fee, USENET news (news.*, music, comics, telecom, etc)
  The Dark Side of the Moon BBS. This system has been in operation since 1985.
  Login: new Contact: (UUCP) ames!uuwest!request (Domain) request@darkside.com
02/90  408-423-9995       cruzio     Santa Cruz      CA 12/24       24
  Tandy 4000, Xenix 2.3.*, Caucus 3.*;  focus on Santa Cruz activity
  (ie directory of community and goverment organizations, events, ...);
  USENET Support;  Multiple lines;  no shell; fee: $15/quarter.
  Contact: ...!uunet!cruzio!chris
10/89  408-725-0561^      portal     Cupertino       CA 3/12/24     24
  Networked Suns (SunOS), multiple lines, Telenet access, no shell access
  fees: $10/month + Telenet charges (if used) @ various rates/times
  conferencing, multi user chats, usenet 
11/90  408-739-1520       szebra     Sunnyvale       CA 3/12/24/96  24
  386 PC, ISC 386/ix 2.0.2;  Telebit Trailblazer;  Usenet News (full feed),
  Email, XBBS for first time users, shell access (registration required for
  shell), GNU, X11R4, and 386/ix source and binaries archives.
11/90  408-996-7358^      zorch      Cupertino       CA 12/24       24
  ISI 020 - 4.3BSD; 4 lines, 1200 only on 7361, 7378, 7386; $10/month,
  $100/year, flat rate, no time limit.  Email, USENET, games, utilities,
  online man pages, Bourne, C, Korn shells.  525M online, 100M source archive.
  Registration required, verified; login as newuser, password public.
  Contact: scott@zorch.SF-Bay.ORG or (ames|pyramid|vsi1)!zorch!scott
05/90  412-431-8649       eklektik   Pittsburgh      PA 3/12/24     24
  UNIX PC- SYSV - UNaXcess BBS, donation requested for shell,
  login: bbs for BBS, limited Usenet news (amiga and gaming groups).  
  RPG mailing list, rec.games.frp and rec.music.dylan archive.
  Alternate number: 431-3064,
  Contact:  anthony@eklektik.pgh.pa.us or anthony@cs.pitt.edu
07/90  414-241-5469       mixcom     Milwaukee       WI 3/12/24     24
  80386, SCO UNIX 3.2;  MIX (Milwaukee Information eXchange;  Fee charged
  for shell, E-Mail, and full USENET, $50 - 12 mo, $35 - 6 mo, $20 - 3 mo;
  Multiple lines;  login as 'newuser' passwd 'newuser' ...
  Contact: sysop@mixcom.UUCP (...!uwm.edu!mixcom!sysop) [414-962-8172 voice]
11/90  414-734-2499       aebbs      Appleton        WI 3/12/24     24
  IBM PS/2 Model 55SX, SCO Xenix 2.3.2;  Running STARBASE II Software.
  Enterprise Data Systems Incorporated (Non-profit).  100+ local rooms,
  PLUS USENET, Multi Channel Chat, 9 ports, $15 yr, flat rate for full
  access to net news, mail.  The Fox Valley's only public access Unix
  based BBS.  Contact: Chuck Tomasi (chuck@aebbs.lakesys.COM)
11/90  415-294-8591       woodowl    Livermore       CA 12/24/19.2  24
  Xenix/386 3.2.1.  Waffle/XENIX BBS,  Usenet Access;  All users are
  welcome, no strings attached;  No fee;  For more information
  contact: ...!ames!pacbell!dplace!woodowl!william  william@woodowl
11/89  415-332-6106^      well       Sausalito       CA 12/24       24
  6-processor Sequent Balance (32032); UUCP and USENET access; multiple
  lines; access via CPN; PICOSPAN BBS; $3/hour.  Contact (415) 332-4335
11/90  415-753-5265^      wet        San Francisco   CA 12/24       24
  386 SYS V.3.  Wetware Diversions.  $15 registration, $0.01/minute.
  Public Access UNIX System:  uucp, PicoSpan bbs, full Usenet News,
  multiple lines, shell access.  Newusers get initial credit!
  contact:{ucsfcca|claris|hoptoad|well}!wet!cc (Christopher Cilley)
05/90  415-967-9443^      btr        Mountain View   CA 3/12/24     24
  Sun (SunOS UNIX), shell access, e-mail, netnews, uucp, can access by
  Telenet PC Pursuit, multiple lines, Telebit, flat rate: $10/month.
  For sign-up information please send e-mail to Customer Service at
  cs@btr.com or ..!{decwrl,fernwood,mips}!btr!cs
  or call 415-966-1429 Voice.
04/90  416-438-2855       contact    Toronto         ON 3/12/24     24
  386 clone - Xenix 2.3.1, fee optional. USENET, email, multi-user chat,
  Contact: eisen@contact.UUCP martin loeffler
11/89  416-452-0926       telly      Brampton        ON 12/24/96    24
  386 SysVr3.2; proprietary menu-based BBS includes Usenet site searching.
  News (all groups, incl biz, pubnet, gnu, CanConfMail), mail (including
  to/from Internet, Bitnet), many archives. Feeds available. $75(Cdn)/year.
  Contact: Evan Leibovitch, evan@telly.on.ca, uunet!attcan!telly!evan
12/88  416-461-2608       tmsoft     Toronto         ON 3/12/24/96  24
  NS32016, Sys5r2, shell; news+mail $30/mo, general-timesharing $60/mo
  All newsgroups.  Willing to setup mail/news connections.
  Contact: Dave Mason <mason@tmsoft> / Login: newuser
07/89  416-654-8854       ziebmef    Toronto         ON 3/12/24/96  24
  AT&T 3B1, Sys V, shell, news, mail, no fee (donations accepted)
  Carries most newsgroups (willing to add extra ones on request)
  Telebit access, willing to give mail feeds
  Contact: Chris Siebenmann, {utzoo!telly,ncrcan}!ziebmef!cks
01/90  502-968-5401       disk       Louisville      KY 3/12        24
  386 clone, Interactive System V 3.2, 600 meg.  6 lines 5401 thru 5406.
  Carrying most USENET groups, Shell access, multi-user games(including Realm)
  multi-user chat, downloads, and more.  Rate info available via a free trial
  account. Also offering news/mail feeds to the local area. Now reachable
  via Starlink!
12/88  503-254-0458       bucket     Portland        OR 3/12/24     24
  Tektronix 6130, UTek 2.3(4.2BSD-derived).  Bit Bucket BBS publically
  available; login as 'bbs'.  BBS is message only.  Users intereseted in
  access to Unix should contact SYSOP via the BBS or send EMail to
  ..tektronix!tessi!bucket!rickb.  Unix services include USENET News,
  EMail, and all tools/games/utility access. Alternate dial-in lines
  available for Unix users.
12/89  503-297-3211^      m2xenix    Portland        OR 3/12/24     24
  '386/20, Xenix 2.3.  Shell accounts available, NO BBS.  No fee.  E-mail,
  USENET News, program development.
  Contact: ...!uunet!m2xenix!news or on Fido at 297-9145
08/90  503-640-4262^      agora      PDX             OR 3/12/24     24
  Intel Unix V/386, $2/mo or $20/yr, news, mail, games, programming.
  Three lines with trunk-hunt, 640-4380 supports MNP level 3; the
  third line (648-7596) is only 1200/300.
  Contact: Alan Batie, tektronix!tessi!agora!batie
05/90  503-644-8135^      techbook   Portland        OR 12/24       24
  80386, UNIX V.3.2; XBBS & some downloads for unregistered users, shell
  accounts & full set of Usenet & FidoNet newsgroups available to 
  registered users ($25/year); System answers at 8-N-1; login as BBS.
11/90  508-655-3848       unixland   Natick          MA 12/24/96    24
  Esix 3.2.5-D, 386/25, 8mb, 307mb hd.  Usenet news (700+ groups via shell
  access, a handful of groups via BBS access).  Shell accounts available -
  limited time offer of $25/year.  Free BBS access.  Send mail for shell
  account application.  Contact bill@unixland.uucp (send postal address for
  shell account application).
01/90  512-346-2339       bigtex     Austin          TX 96          24
  SysVr3.2 i386, anonymous shell, no fee, anonymous uucp ONLY,
  Telebit 9600/PEP; Mail links available.  Carries GNU software.
  anon uucp login: nuucp NO PASSWD, file list /usr3/index
  anon shell login: guest NO PASSWD, chroot'd to /usr3
  Contact: james@bigtex.cactus.org
10/89  513-779-8209       cinnet     Cincinnati      OH 12/24/96    24
  80386, ISC 386/ix 2.02, Telebit access, 1 line; $7.50/Month; shell
  access, Usenet access; news feeds available;
  login: newact password: new user to register for shell access
08/90  514-844-9179       tnl        Montreal        PQ 3/12/24     24
  80386 w/ SCO XENIX. No Fee.  2 hr session limit.  XBBS/USENET, shell.
  Login as 'new' for a shell account, no validation.  AKA: Northern Lights.
  Contact: norstar@tnl.CAM.ORG (Daniel Ray)
01/90  517-487-3356       lunapark   E. Lansing      MI 12/24       24
  Compaq 386/20 SCO-UNIX 3.2, lunabbs bulletin board & conferencing
  system, no fee, login: bbs password: lunabbs.  Primarily UNIX software
  with focus on TeX and Postscript, also some ATARI-ST and IBM-PC stuff
  2400/1200 --> 8 N 1
  Contact: ...!{mailrus,uunet}!frith!lunapark!larry
12/88  518-346-8033       sixhub     upstate         NY 3/12/24     24
  PC Designs GV386.  hub machine of the upstate NY UNIX users group (*IX)
  two line reserved for incoming, bbs no fee, news & email fee $15/year
  Smorgasboard of BBS systems, UNaXcess and XBBS online,
  Citadel BBS now in production. Contact: davidsen@sixhub.uucp.
10/90  602-829-3760^      atrium     Phoenix         AZ 3/12/24/96  24
  Xenix/386 2.3.2.  9600 baud HST service.  login: mm;  International
  electronic pen-pal service;  Contact: sysop@atrium.ucm.org.
09/88  602-941-2005       xroads     Phoenix         AZ 12/24       24
  Motorola VME1121, UNIX 5.2, Crossroads BBS, Fee $30/yr + $.50/.25 (call)
  prime (evenings)/non-prime, USENET news, multi-chat, online games,
  movie reviews, adventure games, dos unix/xenix files for dload, multi lines
11/90  604-576-1214       mindlink   Vancouver       BC 3/12/24/96  24
  80386 w/ SCO Xenix;  14 lines, 660 Meg disk space, TB+ & 9600 HST available;
  No shell;  Fee of $45/year for BBS access;  E-Mail, USENET, hundreds of megs
  of file downloads;  Operating since 1986.
08/89  605-348-2738       loft386    Rapid City      SD 3/12/24/96  24
  80386 SYS V/386 Rel 3.2, Usenet mail/news via UUNET, UUNET archive access.
  NO BBS!  News feeds avaliable.  400 meg hd.  Fees: $10/month or $25/quarter.
  Call (605) 343-8760 and talk to Doug Ingraham to arrange an account or email
08/88  608-273-2657       madnix     Madison         WI 3/12/24     24
  286 SCO-XENIX, shell, no fee, USENET news, mail, login: newuser
  Contact: ray@madnix
09/90  612-473-2295^      pnet51     Minneapolis     MN 3/12/24     24
  Equip ?, Xenix, multi-line, no fee, some Usenet news, email, multi-threaded
  conferencing, login: pnet id: new, PC Pursuitable
  UUCP: {rosevax, crash}!orbit!pnet51!admin
11/90  615-283-0864^      kk4fs      Johnson City    TN 3/12/24     24
  286 clone - Waffle.  No fee, 40 USENET newsgroups, E-MAIL, no shell.
  Free Speech Forum BBS.  login: new.
  Contact: Paul Schmidt, kk4fs!root.
04/90  615-288-3957       medsys     Kingsport       TN 12/24/96    24
  386  SCO-UNIX 3.2, XBBS, no fee, limit 90 min.
  Telebit PEP, USENET, login: bbs   password: bbs
  anon uucp --> medsys Any ACU (speed) 16152883957 ogin: nuucp  ssword: \r
  Contact: uunet!medsys!laverne (LaVerne E. Olney)
08/90  615-896-8716       raider     Murfreesboro    TN 12/24       24
  WAFFLE BBS, no charge, shell accounts $40/yr,$25/6,$15/3. USENET news and
  mail links $25/yr,$15/6,$10/3;just one hop from uunet. Limited archives.
  Second line 896-7905. Contact: uunet!mjbtn!raider!root (Bob Reineri)
11/90  616-457-1964       wybbs      Jenison         MI 3/12/24/96  24
  386 - SCO-XENIX 2.3.2, XBBS for new users, mail in registration for shell 
  access, usenet news, anon UUCP avail, Telebit. Interests: ham radio, xenix 
  Send SASE to: Consultants Connection 1427 Chevelle Dr Jenison, MI 49428
  Contact: danielw@wyn386.mi.org 2nd phone #: 616-457-9909 (max 2400 baud)
11/90  617-739-9753       world      Brookline       MA 3/12/24/96  24
  Sun 4/280, SunOS 4.0.3;  Shell, USENET, E-Mail, UUCP, IRC, Alternet
  connection to the Internet, and home of the Open Book Initiative
  (text project), multiple lines;  fees: $5/mo + $2/hr or $20/20hrs per month;
  Contact: geb@world.std.com
01/90  619-259-7757       pnet12     Del Mar         CA 3/12/24/96  24
  Xenix, multi-line, no fee, full Usenet, email, multithreaded conferencing
  login: pnet   id: new
  Contact: ...!uunet!serene!pnet12!rfarris
07/88  619-444-7006^      pnet01     El Cajon        CA 3/12/24     24
  BSD Unix, 3 lines, login: pnet id: new, some USENET, email, conferencing 
  Home of P-Net software, mail to crash!bblue or pnet01!bblue for info.
  Contributions requested
  Unix accounts available for regulars, PC Pursuit access 2/88.
08/90  619-483-3890^      telesys    San Diego       CA 12/24/96    24
  SCO Xenix 386; Telebit; XBBS (No Fee) login: bbs; Xenix tested software
  for download (No Registration); Shell Accounts available for access to
  USENET, email and full news feeds ($45/year); uucp-anon: use nuucp NOPWD
  Contact: crash!telesys!kreed or kreed@telesys.cts.com
12/89  703-281-7997^      grebyn     Vienna          VA 3/12/24     24
  Vax/Ultrix.  $25/month.  GNU EMACS, USENET, PC/BLUE archives, Telebit used
  for uucp only, archives, Ada repository, comp.sources.(misc,unix,games)
  archives, net.sources archives, 3 C compilers, Ada compiler,  1.2GB disk,
  multiple lines
11/89  708-272-5912^      igloo      Northbrook      IL 12/24/96    24
  3B2-300;  accounts by invitation only, no limit/no fee;  full usenet;
  132megs HD;  2 lines rotary, 9600 telebit on 272-5917
  Contact: igloo!postmaster
11/90  708-808-7300^      ddsw1      Wheeling        IL 3/12/24/96  24
  Multiple 80386 systems, ISC 2.2;  guest users 1 hr daily in AKCS BBS;
  fee for shell, regular Usenet access, unlimited use, and offsite mail;
  Authors of AKCS bbs;  1.2GB storage, fee $75/year or $14/bi-monthly, 
  7 lines, 19200 available on (708) 808-7305 (2 Telebits), V.32 on 808-7306, 
  anonymous uucp (nuucp) from 12 midnight to 6 AM,  ~/DIRECTORY/README for 
  info on anon uucp.  Newsfeeds and mail connections available;  Internet 
  access in the works (PLEASE contact us if interested).
  Contact: Karl Denninger (karl@ddsw1.MCS.COM), Voice (708) 808-7200
08/90  708-833-8126^      vpnet      Villa Park      IL 12/24/96    24
  386 Clone - Interactive 386/ix R2.0 (3.2), no fee;  Akcs linked bbs
  including several Usenet conf's;  Shells available for minimum contribution;
  Two Trailblazers;  Contact: lisbon@vpnet.chi.il.us.
07/89  713-438-5018       sugar      Houston         TX 3/12/24/96  24
  386/AT (2) networked - Bell Technologies V/386, usenet, news, downloads
  Homegrown BBS software, Trailblazer+ access, currently no charges
10/89  713-668-7176^      nuchat     Houston         TX 3/12/24/96  24
  i386;  USENET, Mail, Shell Access;  300M On-line;  Trailbazer Used;
  No fee.
11/90  714-635-2863       dhw68k     Anaheim         CA 12/24       24
  Unistride 2.1;  No fee; Trailblazer access, USENET News, /bin/sh or /bin/csh
05/89  714-662-7450       turnkey    Inglewood       CA 12/24       24
  286 - Xenix SYSV, XBBS
01/90  714-821-9671       alphacm    Cypress         CA 12/24/96    24
  386 - SCO-XENIX, no fee, Home of XBBS, 90 minute per login, 4 lines,
  Trailblazer pluses in use.
    uucp-anon:  ogin: nuucp  NO PASSWD
05/89  714-842-5851       conexch    Santa Ana       CA 3/12/24     24
  386 - SCO Xenix - Free Unix guest login and PC-DOS bbs login, one
  hour inital time limit, USENET news, shell access granted on request &
  $25/quarter donation.  Anon uucp: ogin: nuucp  NO PASSWD.  List of
  available Unix files resides in /usr3/public/FILES.
08/88  714-894-2246       stanton    Irvine          CA 3/12/24     24
  286 - SCO Xenix - donation requested, limit 240 min, XBBS, USENET news
  UNIX access granted on request through BBS, 20$/year, access includes
  C development system (XENIX/MSDOS), PROCALC 1-2-3 clone, FOXBASE+
  anon uucp: ogin: nuucp, no word, 2400/1200/300 MNP supported
03/90  717-657-4997       compnect   Harrisburg      PA 3/12/24     24
  Equip ???;  The Data Factory BBS;  Multiple line, 1200 baud on 675-4992;
  No fee, restricted access to adult areas, some USENET, no shell;
  Contact: ...!uunet!wa3wbu!compnect!dave.
12/89  719-632-4111       oldcolo    Colo Spgs       CO 12/24/96    24
  386 - SCO-XENIX  frontend,  2 CT  Miniframes  backend,  e-mail 
  conferencing,  databases,   Naplps Graphics, USENET news. 7 lines 
  8N1,  2400 on 2906,  USR  Dual  9600  on 2658.   Self registering   
  for  limited  free  access    (political,    policy, marketplace) 
  Subscriptions $10, 15, 18 mo for full use. Dave Hughes SYSOP.
01/90  801-269-0670^      i-core     Salt Lake City  UT 3/12/24/96  24
  286 SYS V, Unidel BBS and Newsreader; a.k.a. Bitsko's Bar & Grill BBS,
  no limit, no fee; UseNet and Citadel feeds available.  Home of Unidel
  room-based newsreader and UNIX Citadel network gateway; Telebit 19200
  Contact: ken@i-core.UUCP or uunet!iconsys!caeco!i-core!ken
11/90  808-735-5013       pegasus    Honolulu        HI 3/12/24/96  24
  UNIX 3.2;  Pegasus.com on the Internet.  Full shell access.  Rotary
  with Telebit T-2500s (V.32 and PEP at 19200 baud supported).  Full Usenet.
  Usenet and E-Mail feeds available.  Comp.sources.* and other archives.
  Geared towards software developers.  Call for subscriber fees.
  Contact: Richard Foulk richard@pegasus.com
05/90  814-337-0348       sir-alan   Meadville       PA 12/24/19.2/ 24
  SCO XENIX 2.3; no fee; XBBS; USR DS on 337-0348(300-38.4K), TB+ on
  337-3159(300-19.2K); archive site for comp.sources.[games,misc,sun,unix,x],
  some alt.sources, XENIX(68K/286/386), files from UUNET(X11R3,TeX,etc.).
  uucp-anon: ogin: pdsrc NO PASSWD
  uucp-anon directory: /u/pdsrc, /u/pubdir, /u/uunet, help in /u/pubdir/HELP 
  Contact: sir-alan!mikes@uunet.uu.net  (814-337-5528 voice)
05/90  900-468-7727       uunet      Falls Church    VA 3/12/24/96  24
  Sequent S81, Dynix 3.0.17(9);  UUNET Communication Services;  No Shell;
  Anonymous UUCP, fee $0.40/min -- billed by the telephone company [Not
  available in Virginia!], login: uucp (no passwd);  Multiple lines, PEP
  and V.32 available;  grab "uunet!~/help for more info" ...
  Full internet mail and USENET available via full-blown accounts,
  Contact: info@uunet.uu.net or call [voice] 703-876-5050.
08/90  906-228-4399       lopez      Marquette       MI 3/12/24     24
  Compaq Deskpro 286, SCO Xenix; Running STARBASE II Software.
  Great White North UPLink, Inc. (Non Profit) 100+ local rooms, PLUS
  USENET, Multi Channel Chat, 5 ports, $30 yr, flat rate for full access
  to net news, mail.  Upper Michigan's ORIGINAL BBS (since 1983)
  Contact: Gary Bourgois ...rutgers!sharkey!lopez!flash (flash@lopez.UUCP)
05/90  908-846-2460^      althea     New Brunswick   NJ 3/12/24     24
  AT&T 3B2/310 - Unix SVR3.1, no fee.  USENET, email, C development,
  games.  Single line.
  Contact: rjd@althea.UUCP (Robert Diamond)
08/90  916-649-0161       sactoh0    Sacramento      CA 12/24/96    24
  3B2/310 SYVR3.2; SAC_UNIX, sactoh0.SAC.CA.US;  $2/month, limit 90 min;
  3 lines, 2400/1200 baud on 722-6519 & -5068, TB+ on (916) 649-0161;
  USENET, E-Mail, some games; login: new
  Contact: root@sactoh0.SAC.CA.US   or   ..ames!pacbell!sactoh0!root
10/89  919-493-7111^      wolves     Durham          NC 3/12/24     24
  AMS 386/25 - UNIX SysVr3.2, XBBS, no fee for bbs.  Rates for UNIX access
  and USENET are being determined.  Developing yet another UNIX bbs (ideas
  welcome!)  Single line, telebit coming soon.
  Contact: wolves!ggw or wolves!sysop  [...duke!dukcds!wolves!...]
NOTE:  ^ means the site is reachable using PC Pursuit.
The nixpub listings are kept as current as possible.  However, you use this
data at your own risk and cost -- all standard disclaimers apply!!!
Any additions, deletions, or corrections should be sent to nixpub@ls.com.
      Lists are available via any of the following:
            o  anonymous uucp from lgnp1 --
                    +1 215 348 9727 [Telebit access]
                    login: nuucp  NO PWD   [no rmail permitted]
                this list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub
               short list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub.short
            o  restricted guest account on lgnp1 --
                    login as 'guest', [X/Y/Z]modem and ascii supported.
            o  USENET, regular posts to --
            o  the nixpub electronic mailing list --
                    to be included or deleted from this distribution,
                    send mail to nixpub-request@ls.com.
            o  anonymous ftp from uop.uop.edu [] --
                    under ~/pub/nixpub.{short,long}
  COMPAQ, IBM, PC Pursuit, [SCO] XENIX, UNIX, etc. are trademarks of the
  respective companies.
Phil Eschallier   * Domain: phil@ls.com           SNAIL: 248B Union Street
                  *   UUCP: ...!uunet!lgnp1!phil         Doylestown, PA  18901
Lagniappe Systems *    CIS: 71076,1576            VOICE: +1 215 348 9721
Computer Services *

phil@lgnp1.LS.COM (Phil Eschallier) (11/25/90)

                          nixpub short listing
           Open Access UNIX (*NIX) Sites [both Fee and No Fee]
                         [ November 25, 1990 ]

Systems listed (93)
Legend: fee/contribution ($), no fee (-$), hours (24), not (-24)
        shell (S), USENET news (N), email (M), multiple lines (T) 
        Telebit PEP speed on main number (+P), Telebit on other line[s] (P)
        Courier 9600 bps on main number (+H), Courier on other line[s] (H) 
        V.32 on main number (+V), V.32 on other line[s] (V) 
        anonymous uucp (A), archive site ONLY - see long form list (@)
        Dialable thru PC Pursuit (^)

Last   Telephone #        Sys-name  Location        Baud        Legend
-----  ------------       --------  -----------     -------     ---------
11/90  +33-1-40-35-15-57  gna       Paris        FR 12          24 -$ A
11/90  +39-541-27858      xtc       Rimini (Fo)  IT 3/12/24/96  24 -$ HN+PT
11/90  +44-81-863-6646    ibmpcug   Middlesex    UK 3/12/24/96  24 $ MST+V
11/90  +64-4-895-478      actrix    Wellington   NZ 3/12/24/96  24 $ +HMNST
09/90  201-759-8450       tronsbox  Belleville   NJ 3/12/24/96  24 -$ MN+PST
08/90  203-661-2873       admiral   Greenwich    CT 3/12/24/96  24 -$ AH+PT
10/90  206-328-4944       polari    Seattle      WA 3/12        24 $ MNPST
08/90  206-367-3837       eskimo    Seattle      WA 3/12/24     24 $ MST
08/90  209-952-5347       quack     Stockton     CA 3/12/24/96  24 $ MN+PS
12/89  212-420-0527       magpie    NYC          NY 3/12/24/96  24 -$ APT
02/90  212-675-7059       marob     NYC          NY 3/12/24/96  24 -$ APT
11/90  212-832-1525       panix     NYC          NY 3/12/24     24 $ MNP
04/90  213-397-3137^      stb       Santa Monica CA 3/12/24     24 -$ AS
03/88  213-459-5891       amazing   Pacific Pali CA 3/12/24     24 $ T
08/90  214-247-2367       ozdaltx   Dallas       TX 12/24       24 $ NT
06/90  215-348-9727       lgnp1     Doylestown   PA 3/12/24/96  24 $ AMN+P
01/90  216-582-2460       ncoast    Cleveland    OH 12/24/96    24 $ MNPST
01/90  217-525-9019       pallas    Springfield  IL 3/12/24/96  24 $ HMSTV
11/90  219-289-0282       nstar     Notre Dame   IN 24/96       24 $ +HMNPST
04/90  301-625-0817       wb3ffv    Baltimore    MD 12/24/96    24 -$ ANPTV
04/90  312-283-0559^      chinet    Chicago      IL 3/12/24/96  24 $ HNPT
10/89  312-338-0632^      point     Chicago      IL 3/12/24/96  24 -$ HNPST
09/90  312-714-8568^      gagme     Chicago      IL 12/24       24 $ MNS
06/90  313-623-6309       nucleus   Clarkston    MI 12/24       24 -$ AM
10/90  313-994-6333       m-net     Ann Arbor    MI 3/12/24     24 $ T
08/89  313-996-4644^      anet      Ann Arbor    MI 3/12        24 $ T
08/89  314-474-4581       gensis    Columbia     MO 3/12/24/48/ 24 -$ MS
08/90  401-455-0347       anomaly   Esmond       RI 3/12/24/96  24 -$ MN+PS
10/89  404-321-5020^      jdyx      Atlanta      GA 12/24/96    24 $ MN+PST
05/88  407-380-6228       rtmvax    Orlando      FL 3/12/24     24 -$ MN
11/90  408-241-9760^      netcom    San Jose     CA 12/24/96    24 $ MNPST
09/89  408-245-7726^      uuwest    Sunnyvale    CA 3/12/24     24 -$ N
02/90  408-423-9995       cruzio    Santa Cruz   CA 12/24       24 $ MT
10/89  408-725-0561^      portal    Cupertino    CA 3/12/24     24 $ MNT
11/90  408-739-1520       szebra    Sunnyvale    CA 3/12/24/96  24 -$ MN+P
11/90  408-996-7358^      zorch     Cupertino    CA 12/24       24 $ MNT
05/90  412-431-8649       eklektik  Pittsburgh   PA 3/12/24     24 $ MNST
07/90  414-241-5469       mixcom    Milwaukee    WI 3/12/24     24 $ MNST
11/90  414-734-2499       aebbs     Appleton     WI 3/12/24     24 $ MN
11/90  415-294-8591       woodowl   Livermore    CA 12/24/19.2  24 -$ MN+P
11/89  415-332-6106^      well      Sausalito    CA 12/24       24 $ MNST
11/90  415-753-5265^      wet       San Francisc CA 12/24       24 $ MNPSTV
05/90  415-967-9443^      btr       Mountain Vie CA 3/12/24     24 $ HMNPSTV
04/90  416-438-2855       contact   Toronto      ON 3/12/24     24 -$ MNST
11/89  416-452-0926       telly     Brampton     ON 12/24/96    24 $ MN+P
12/88  416-461-2608       tmsoft    Toronto      ON 3/12/24/96  24 $ MNS
07/89  416-654-8854       ziebmef   Toronto      ON 3/12/24/96  24 -$ MN+PST
01/90  502-968-5401       disk      Louisville   KY 3/12        24 $ MNST
12/88  503-254-0458       bucket    Portland     OR 3/12/24     24 -$ MNST
12/89  503-297-3211^      m2xenix   Portland     OR 3/12/24     24 -$ MNS
08/90  503-640-4262^      agora     PDX          OR 3/12/24     24 $ MNST
05/90  503-644-8135^      techbook  Portland     OR 12/24       24 $ MNST
11/90  508-655-3848       unixland  Natick       MA 12/24/96    24 $ MN+PS+V
01/90  512-346-2339       bigtex    Austin       TX 96          24 -$ A+PS
10/89  513-779-8209       cinnet    Cincinnati   OH 12/24/96    24 $ MN+PS
08/90  514-844-9179       tnl       Montreal     PQ 3/12/24     24 -$ MS
01/90  517-487-3356       lunapark  E. Lansing   MI 12/24       24 -$
12/88  518-346-8033       sixhub    upstate      NY 3/12/24     24 $ MNST
10/90  602-829-3760^      atrium    Phoenix      AZ 3/12/24/96  24 -$ +H
09/88  602-941-2005       xroads    Phoenix      AZ 12/24       24 $ NT
11/90  604-576-1214       mindlink  Vancouver    BC 3/12/24/96  24 $ HMNPT
08/89  605-348-2738       loft386   Rapid City   SD 3/12/24/96  24 $ MN+PS
08/88  608-273-2657       madnix    Madison      WI 3/12/24     24 -$ MNS
09/90  612-473-2295^      pnet51    Minneapolis  MN 3/12/24     24 -$ MNT
11/90  615-283-0864^      kk4fs     Johnson City TN 3/12/24     24 -$ MN
04/90  615-288-3957       medsys    Kingsport    TN 12/24/96    24 -$ AN+P
08/90  615-896-8716       raider    Murfreesboro TN 12/24       24 -$ MNS
11/90  616-457-1964       wybbs     Jenison      MI 3/12/24/96  24 -$ MN+PST
11/90  617-739-9753       world     Brookline    MA 3/12/24/96  24 $ MNPST
01/90  619-259-7757       pnet12    Del Mar      CA 3/12/24/96  24 -$ MNPT
07/88  619-444-7006^      pnet01    El Cajon     CA 3/12/24     24 $ MNST
08/90  619-483-3890^      telesys   San Diego    CA 12/24/96    24 $ AMN+PS
12/89  703-281-7997^      grebyn    Vienna       VA 3/12/24     24 $ MNT
11/89  708-272-5912^      igloo     Northbrook   IL 12/24/96    24 -$ NPST
11/90  708-808-7300^      ddsw1     Wheeling     IL 3/12/24/96  24 $ AMNPSTV
08/90  708-833-8126^      vpnet     Villa Park   IL 12/24/96    24 -$ MN+PS
07/89  713-438-5018       sugar     Houston      TX 3/12/24/96  24 -$ N+P
10/89  713-668-7176^      nuchat    Houston      TX 3/12/24/96  24 -$ MN+PS
11/90  714-635-2863       dhw68k    Anaheim      CA 12/24       24 -$ MN+PS
05/89  714-662-7450       turnkey   Inglewood    CA 12/24       24 -$
01/90  714-821-9671       alphacm   Cypress      CA 12/24/96    24 -$ A+PT
05/89  714-842-5851       conexch   Santa Ana    CA 3/12/24     24 $ AMNS
08/88  714-894-2246       stanton   Irvine       CA 3/12/24     24 $ NS
03/90  717-657-4997       compnect  Harrisburg   PA 3/12/24     24 -$ MNT
12/89  719-632-4111       oldcolo   Colo Spgs    CO 12/24/96    24 $ HMNT
01/90  801-269-0670^      i-core    Salt Lake Ci UT 3/12/24/96  24 -$ AN+P
11/90  808-735-5013       pegasus   Honolulu     HI 3/12/24/96  24 -$ MN+PST+V
05/90  814-337-0348       sir-alan  Meadville    PA 12/24/19.2/ 24 -$ A+HMPTV
05/90  900-468-7727       uunet     Falls Church VA 3/12/24/96  24 $ AMN+PT+V
08/90  906-228-4399       lopez     Marquette    MI 3/12/24     24 $ MN
05/90  908-846-2460^      althea    New Brunswic NJ 3/12/24     24 -$ MNS
08/90  916-649-0161       sactoh0   Sacramento   CA 12/24/96    24 $ MN+PST
10/89  919-493-7111^      wolves    Durham       NC 3/12/24     24 $ MNS
NOTE:  ^ means the site is reachable using PC Pursuit.
The nixpub listings are kept as current as possible.  However, you use this
data at your own risk and cost -- all standard disclaimers apply!!!
Any additions, deletions, or corrections should be sent to nixpub@ls.com.
      Lists are available from any of the following:
            o  anonymous uucp from lgnp1 --
                    +1 215 348 9727 [Telebit access]
                    login: nuucp  NO PWD   [no rmail permitted]
                this list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub.short
                long list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub
            o  restricted guest account on lgnp1 --
                    login as 'guest', [X/Y/Z]modem and ascii supported.
            o  USENET, regular posts to --
            o  the nixpub electronic mailing list --
                    to be included or deleted from this distribution,
                    send mail to nixpub-request@ls.com.
            o  anonymous ftp from uop.uop.edu [] --
                    under ~/pub/nixpub.{short,long}
  COMPAQ, IBM, PC Pursuit, [SCO] XENIX, UNIX, etc. are trademarks of the
  respective companies.
Phil Eschallier   * Domain: phil@ls.com           SNAIL: 248B Union Street
                  *   UUCP: ...!uunet!lgnp1!phil         Doylestown, PA  18901
Lagniappe Systems *    CIS: 71076,1576            VOICE: +1 215 348 9721
Computer Services *

phil@ls.com (Phil Eschallier) (12/12/90)

here is the latest update the the nixpub long and short lists.  this will
most-likely be my last post to pubnet.nixpub as the pubnet hierarchy is
about to be disolved.

please note there are several methods of obtaining these lists.  as always
they're include in the footer of the lists.

i will continue to cross post these lists to comp.misc and alt.bbs -- farewell
--------------------------------   s n i p   ----------------------------------
                          nixpub long listing
           Open Access UNIX (*NIX) Sites [both Fee and No Fee]
                         [ December 9, 1990 ]

Systems listed (96):
 [   actrix    admiral   aebbs     agora     alphacm   althea    amazing   ]
 [   anet      anomaly   atrium    bigtex    btr       bucket    chinet    ]
 [   cinnet    compnect  conexch   contact   cruzio    ddsw1     dhw68k    ]
 [   disk      eklektik  eskimo    gagme     gensis    gna       grebyn    ]
 [   i-core    ibmpcug   igloo     jdyx      kk4fs     lgnp1     loft386   ]
 [   lopez     lunapark  m-net     m2xenix   madnix    magpie    marob     ]
 [   medsys    mindlink  micor     mixcom    ncoast    netcom    nstar     ]
 [   nuchat    nucleus   oldcolo   oneb      ozdaltx   pallas    panix     ]
 [   pegasus   pnet01    pnet12    pnet51    point     polari    portal    ]
 [   quack     raider    rtmvax    sactoh0   sir-alan  sixhub    stanton   ]
 [   stb       sugar     szebra    techbook  telesys   telly     thebox    ]
 [   tmsoft    tnl       tronsbox  turnkey   unixland  uunet     uuwest    ]
 [   vpnet     wb3ffv    well      wet       wolves    woodowl   world     ]
 [   wybbs     xroads    xtc       ziebmef   zorch                         ]

Last   Telephone #        Sys-name   Location           Baud        Hours
-----  ------------       --------   -----------        -------     -----

11/90  +33-1-40-35-15-57  gna        Paris           FR 12          24
  Everex 386/33Mz, Esix Rev C;  Anonymous uucp archive only (ogin: nuucp);
  The description file is ~/news.  There is ~ 150 Meg consisting of
  comp.sources.{unix,misc,x}, alt, rfc, uumap, techreports, x11r4 patches,
  images, spl (miscelaneous).
11/90  +39-541-27858      xtc        Rimini (Fo)     IT 3/12/24/96  24
  386/20, 380Meg, ISC 386ix;  Menu driven BBS, no shell.  tb+ on first line,
  +39-541-27135 has USRobotics HST.  USENET News and Fidonet and sublink.
  Fidonet address 2:332/307, 2:332/308.  No fees required but no downloads on
  the first call -- comp.sources.* archive + lots of MSDOS programs & GIFs
  available.  Multiuser chat, games, etc.
  Contact: Riccardo Pizzi (root@xtc.sublink.org)
11/90  +44-81-863-6646    ibmpcug    Middlesex       UK 3/12/24/96  24
  386 PC/AT, SCO Xenix 2.3.2 -- IBM-PC User Group;  Multiple lines,
  line 2: 861 5522, 300-19.2k + V42bix + V32;  Fee: ~50 pounds sterling,
  unlimited use.
  Contact: dylan@ibmpcug.co.uk, Voice +44 81 863 1191
11/90  +64-4-895-478      actrix     Wellington      NZ 3/12/24/96  24
  Zenith 386/33MHz w/ ISC 386/ix 2.02;  Actrix Information Exchange --
  New Zealand's first Public Access UNIX.  750 Mb disk; 3 lines, USR
  Courier HST (T2500 due December 1990, X25 in '91).  Fee: NZ$54 p.a. -
  offers heavily modified XBBS with USEnet and Fidonet, e-mail (elm),
  hundreds of file areas divided into sections for UNIX, MS-DOS, Amiga,
  Atari, Apple //, Macintosh, CP/M etc.  Shell w/ many extras available
  via `Enhanced subscription'.  Planned to join APC (PeaceNet/EcoNet);
  Contact: paul@actrix.gen.nz (Paul Gillingwater) PO Box 11-410, Wgtn, NZ
09/90  201-759-8450       tronsbox   Belleville      NJ 3/12/24/96  24
  Equip ???, UNIX 3.2;  Provides shell for some users, menu driven BBS with
  GIF and text downloads, adult discussion section;  USENET, E-Mail (feeds
  available);  Multiple line (-8568 300 - 2400 baud).
08/90  203-661-2873       admiral    Greenwich       CT 3/12/24/96  24
  Xenix/386 2.3.3. Line 1: 203-661-1279, USR HST Dual; Line 2: -2967
  Microcom AX/9624c; Line 3: -2873 Telebit T2500; Line 4: -0450, 2400.
  Magpie/386 BBS, chat, interactive games, SIGS for Unix/IBM/Mac/Amiga.
  BBS name is The Grid. All users are welcome, no strings attached.
  No fee, anonymous UUCP, login: nuucp, no PW. 230 megs disk, for
  more information, contact: ...!uunet!sir-alan!admiral!admiral.
10/90  206-328-4944       polari     Seattle         WA 3/12        24
  Equip ???;  8-lines, Trailblazer on 206-328-1468;  $40/year (flat rate);
  Multi-user games, chat, full USENET.
  Contact: uunet!microsoft!happym!polari!bruceki
08/90  206-367-3837       eskimo     Seattle         WA 3/12/24     24
  Tandy 6000 Xenix - Everett Tel 206-742-1150. Five lines. First 2 weeks
  free, $48/year or $6/month thereafter. Shell access, C, Fortran, Pascal,
  unique conference, smart mail, messages, upload/download, other apps.
  Western Washington BBS List, 60 games online, free uucp connections.
08/90  209-952-5347       quack      Stockton        CA 3/12/24/96  24
  Sun 2/170, SunOS 4.0;  Aka - The Duck Pond;  BBS at no charge,
  Shell - $2/mo ($4/mo expanded quota);  Trailblazer access;  login: bbs.
  Contact: ...!quack!postmaster or postmaster@quack.sac.ca.us
12/89  212-420-0527       magpie     NYC             NY 3/12/24/96  24
  ? - UNIX SYSV - 2, Magpie BBS, no fee, Authors: Magpie/UNIX,/MSDOS
  two lines plus anonymous uucp: 212-677-9487 (9600 bps Telebit modem)
  NOTE: 9487 reserved for registered Magpie sysops & anon uucp
  Contact: Steve Manes, {rutgers|cmcl2|uunet}!hombre!magpie!manes	
02/90  212-675-7059       marob      NYC             NY 3/12/24/96  24
  386 SCO-XENIX 2.2, XBBS, no fee, limit 60 min.
  Telebit Trailblazer (9600 PEP) only 212-675-8438
  Contact:  {philabs|rutgers|cmcl2}!{phri|hombre}!marob!clifford
11/90  212-832-1525       panix      NYC             NY 3/12/24     24
  Mac2x - A/UX 2.0;  Telebit Trailblazer available; Full Usenet, Shell
  Access;  Fee $10/mo;  login:newuser;
  Contact: cmcl2!panix!jsb
12/90  213-397-3137^      stb        Santa Monica    CA 3/12/24/96  24
  AT&T 3b1;  BBS and shell access;  uucp-anon: ogin: uucp NO PASSWD
  3 line on rotary -3137 2400 baud (Telebit on dial in line).
03/88  213-459-5891       amazing    Pacific Palisades CA 3/12/24     24
  AMT 286 - Microport  David's Amazing BBS  Fee $7.50/month;$35/6;$60/year
  5 lines on rotary; Unique original software with conferencing, electronic
  bar, matchmaking, no file up/downloading
08/90  214-247-2367       ozdaltx    Dallas          TX 12/24       24
  OZ, membership only adult BBS (over 18), fee $60/year.  Four lines.
  Carries about 100 popular newsgroups and makes available the clarinet
  news feed (subscribed) from United Press on a same day basis.  No shell.
  Login: guest (no PW).  New users added weekly. Login: help  (no PW).
06/90  215-348-9727       lgnp1      Doylestown      PA 3/12/24/96  24
  '386 mutt w/ SCO-XENIX -- Telebit on dial in line.  UUCP and 'guest' account
  only ...  Public access to the nixpub lists [see footer of this list].
  Fee services include feeds/routing for E-mail and USENET News, plus access
  to *NIX specific PD source code library.  Contact: phil@ls.com.
01/90  216-582-2460       ncoast     Cleveland       OH 12/24/96    24
  80386 Mylex, SCO Xenix;  600 meg. storage;  XBBS and Shell;  USENET
  (newsfeeds available), E-Mail; donations requested; login as "bbs"
  for BBS and "makeuser" for new users.
  Telebit used on 216-237-5486.
01/90  217-525-9019       pallas     Springfield     IL 3/12/24/96  24
  AT&T 6386, 380 meg disk space;  4 lines w/ USRobotics Dual Standard modems;
  BBS available at no fee (UBBS), shell access for $50/year;  "guest" login
11/90  219-289-0282       nstar      Notre Dame      IN 24/96       24
  '386/33 ISC SysV 3.2 2.20, 5 lines locked at 19.2kbps supporting 14.4
  USR HST and Telebits, 1199 megabytes of files, complete backbone 
  newsfeed, feeds available via PEP, no shell accounts, TBBS/QuickBBS
  like bbs software, 910 newsgroups + files + email for members; 
  SIMTEL20/UUNET/GNU archive site $30/year; contact sysop@nstar
04/90  301-625-0817       wb3ffv     Baltimore       MD 12/24/96    24
  80386, UNIX V.3.2;  XBBS for HAM radio enthusiasts;  780 meg online;
  Multiple lines, dial in - Hayes 2400, 9482 - MultiTech V32, 9663 - Tb+;
  Some USENET;  Anon-UUCP available;  Login as bbs (8-N-1).
04/90  312-283-0559^      chinet     Chicago         IL 3/12/24/96  24
  '386, SysVr3.2.1;  Multiple lines including Telebit and HST;
  Picospan BBS (free), USENET at $50/year (available to guests on
10/89  312-338-0632^      point      Chicago         IL 3/12/24/96  24
  North Shore / Rogers Park area of Chicago.  386 - ISC 2.01 (SysV3.2),
  multiple lines, Telebit PEP on 338-3261, USRobotics HST on 338-1036,
  AKCS bbs, some usenet conferences available.  200+ MB online storage.
  Downloads, full usenet & shell access in the works.
09/90  312-714-8568^      gagme      Chicago         IL 12/24       24
  3B2/300 - System V 3.2.  E-mail, netnews, sources, access to anonymous
  ftp, local message base, etc.
06/90  313-623-6309       nucleus    Clarkston       MI 12/24       24
  AMI 80386 - ESIX 5.3.2, large online sources archive accessable by
  anonymous UUCP, login: nuucp, nucleus!/user/src/LISTING lists
  available public domain/shareware source code.  Contact: jeff@nucleus.mi.org
10/90  313-994-6333       m-net      Ann Arbor       MI 3/12/24     24
  Altos 68020 - Sys III, no limits; New SysOp/Owner; fee for extended service;
  The HOME of PicoSpan Conferencing software; 15 lines, 240 Megs; packet radio,
  100% user supported; USENET; 2 dialouts, Trailblazer+ UUCP in/out; On-line
  games (including nethack & empire); E-Mail; C & Fortran compilers, multi-
  user party, access to Borne, Korn, C, BBS & Menu; on-line man pages;
  contact: Dave Parks kite@m-net.ann-arbor.mi.us
08/89  313-996-4644^      anet       Ann Arbor       MI 3/12        24
  Altos 68000 - Sys III, no limits, 1st month free, fees range up to $20/
  month (negotiable), accepts equipment/software in lieu of fees, Picospan
  conferencing, 120M, non-profit, user-supported, community-based, ideal
  autodidact educational system.  Tax-deductible donations okay.
08/89  314-474-4581       gensis     Columbia        MO 3/12/24/48/ 24
  Gateway 386 system w/ SCO Xenix V/386, DataFlex, Oracle, CHARM, & VP/ix.
  No fee.  Online gaming, game design, and (oddly enough) data base design
  are the main focus.  Modem is Microcom MNP 6.
08/90  401-455-0347       anomaly    Esmond          RI 3/12/24/96  24
  CSS Laboratories 386, SCO Xenix 2.3.2; Trailblazer+; No fees; Waffle BBS,
  newusers log in as 'bbs' (no pw.) Shell accounts available to qualified
  users. USENET feeds available, limited feeds for non-PEP sites. XENIX
  software archive site, anonymous uucp login: xxcp  pass: xenix
  Software listing & download directions in ~/SOFTLIST and ~/ARCHELP
10/89  404-321-5020^      jdyx       Atlanta         GA 12/24/96    24
  386/ix 2.0.2.  XBBS. Usenet (alt, gnu, most comp and a few others) and 
  shell access.  Second line (2400 below) (404) 325-1719.  200+ meg current
  Usenet and GNU sources.  Specializing in graphics and ray-tracing under 
  386/ix (with/with out X11).  Yearly fee for shell and/or downloads.  
  Telebit access.  Contact: ...gatech!emory!jdyx!tpf (Tom Friedel)
05/88  407-380-6228       rtmvax     Orlando         FL 3/12/24     24
  mVAX-I - Ultrix-32 V1.2  USENET & UUCP Email Gateway. XBBS front end for
  new user subscribing. No Fees. Primary function is Technical exchange.
  Contact: { cbosgd!codas, hoptoad!peora }!rtmvax!rob 
11/90  408-241-9760^      netcom     San Jose        CA 12/24/96    24
  UNIX, Sun Network SunOS 4.1;  Netcom - Online Communication Services;
  24 Telebit lines 9600/2400/1200;  USENET (16 days), UUNET, GNU, X Sources,
  News Feeds, Shell Access (Bourne, Korn, C), ftp, telnet, slip connections,
  UUCP support, E-Mail, AT&T C++;  Fee $12.50/mo + 1 time Reg fee of $10.00.  
  Login as guest (no password).
09/89  408-245-7726^      uuwest     Sunnyvale       CA 3/12/24     24
  SCO-XENIX, Waffle. No fee, USENET news (news.*, music, comics, telecom, etc)
  The Dark Side of the Moon BBS. This system has been in operation since 1985.
  Login: new Contact: (UUCP) ames!uuwest!request (Domain) request@darkside.com
02/90  408-423-9995       cruzio     Santa Cruz      CA 12/24       24
  Tandy 4000, Xenix 2.3.*, Caucus 3.*;  focus on Santa Cruz activity
  (ie directory of community and goverment organizations, events, ...);
  USENET Support;  Multiple lines;  no shell; fee: $15/quarter.
  Contact: ...!uunet!cruzio!chris
10/89  408-725-0561^      portal     Cupertino       CA 3/12/24     24
  Networked Suns (SunOS), multiple lines, Telenet access, no shell access
  fees: $10/month + Telenet charges (if used) @ various rates/times
  conferencing, multi user chats, usenet 
11/90  408-739-1520       szebra     Sunnyvale       CA 3/12/24/96  24
  386 PC, ISC 386/ix 2.0.2;  Telebit Trailblazer;  Usenet News (full feed),
  Email, XBBS for first time users, shell access (registration required for
  shell), GNU, X11R4, and 386/ix source and binaries archives.
11/90  408-996-7358^      zorch      Cupertino       CA 12/24       24
  ISI 020 - 4.3BSD; 4 lines, 1200 only on 7361, 7378, 7386; $10/month,
  $100/year, flat rate, no time limit.  Email, USENET, games, utilities,
  online man pages, Bourne, C, Korn shells.  525M online, 100M source archive.
  Registration required, verified; login as newuser, password public.
  Contact: scott@zorch.SF-Bay.ORG or (ames|pyramid|vsi1)!zorch!scott
05/90  412-431-8649       eklektik   Pittsburgh      PA 3/12/24     24
  UNIX PC- SYSV - UNaXcess BBS, donation requested for shell,
  login: bbs for BBS, limited Usenet news (amiga and gaming groups).  
  RPG mailing list, rec.games.frp and rec.music.dylan archive.
  Alternate number: 431-3064,
  Contact:  anthony@eklektik.pgh.pa.us or anthony@cs.pitt.edu
07/90  414-241-5469       mixcom     Milwaukee       WI 3/12/24     24
  80386, SCO UNIX 3.2;  MIX (Milwaukee Information eXchange;  Fee charged
  for shell, E-Mail, and full USENET, $50 - 12 mo, $35 - 6 mo, $20 - 3 mo;
  Multiple lines;  login as 'newuser' passwd 'newuser' ...
  Contact: sysop@mixcom.UUCP (...!uwm.edu!mixcom!sysop) [414-962-8172 voice]
11/90  414-734-2499       aebbs      Appleton        WI 3/12/24     24
  IBM PS/2 Model 55SX, SCO Xenix 2.3.2;  Running STARBASE II Software.
  Enterprise Data Systems Incorporated (Non-profit).  100+ local rooms,
  PLUS USENET, Multi Channel Chat, 9 ports, $15 yr, flat rate for full
  access to net news, mail.  The Fox Valley's only public access Unix
  based BBS.  Contact: Chuck Tomasi (chuck@aebbs.lakesys.COM)
11/90  415-294-8591       woodowl    Livermore       CA 12/24/19.2  24
  Xenix/386 3.2.1.  Waffle/XENIX BBS,  Usenet Access;  All users are
  welcome, no strings attached;  No fee;  For more information
  contact: ...!ames!pacbell!dplace!woodowl!william  william@woodowl
11/89  415-332-6106^      well       Sausalito       CA 12/24       24
  6-processor Sequent Balance (32032); UUCP and USENET access; multiple
  lines; access via CPN; PICOSPAN BBS; $3/hour.  Contact (415) 332-4335
11/90  415-753-5265^      wet        San Francisco   CA 12/24       24
  386 SYS V.3.  Wetware Diversions.  $15 registration, $0.01/minute.
  Public Access UNIX System:  uucp, PicoSpan bbs, full Usenet News,
  multiple lines, shell access.  Newusers get initial credit!
  contact:{ucsfcca|claris|hoptoad|well}!wet!cc (Christopher Cilley)
05/90  415-967-9443^      btr        Mountain View   CA 3/12/24     24
  Sun (SunOS UNIX), shell access, e-mail, netnews, uucp, can access by
  Telenet PC Pursuit, multiple lines, Telebit, flat rate: $10/month.
  For sign-up information please send e-mail to Customer Service at
  cs@btr.com or ..!{decwrl,fernwood,mips}!btr!cs
  or call 415-966-1429 Voice.
04/90  416-438-2855       contact    Toronto         ON 3/12/24     24
  386 clone - Xenix 2.3.1, fee optional. USENET, email, multi-user chat,
  Contact: eisen@contact.UUCP martin loeffler
11/89  416-452-0926       telly      Brampton        ON 12/24/96    24
  386 SysVr3.2; proprietary menu-based BBS includes Usenet site searching.
  News (all groups, incl biz, pubnet, gnu, CanConfMail), mail (including
  to/from Internet, Bitnet), many archives. Feeds available. $75(Cdn)/year.
  Contact: Evan Leibovitch, evan@telly.on.ca, uunet!attcan!telly!evan
12/88  416-461-2608       tmsoft     Toronto         ON 3/12/24/96  24
  NS32016, Sys5r2, shell; news+mail $30/mo, general-timesharing $60/mo
  All newsgroups.  Willing to setup mail/news connections.
  Contact: Dave Mason <mason@tmsoft> / Login: newuser
07/89  416-654-8854       ziebmef    Toronto         ON 3/12/24/96  24
  AT&T 3B1, Sys V, shell, news, mail, no fee (donations accepted)
  Carries most newsgroups (willing to add extra ones on request)
  Telebit access, willing to give mail feeds
  Contact: Chris Siebenmann, {utzoo!telly,ncrcan}!ziebmef!cks
01/90  502-968-5401       disk       Louisville      KY 3/12        24
  386 clone, Interactive System V 3.2, 600 meg.  6 lines 5401 thru 5406.
  Carrying most USENET groups, Shell access, multi-user games(including Realm)
  multi-user chat, downloads, and more.  Rate info available via a free trial
  account. Also offering news/mail feeds to the local area. Now reachable
  via Starlink!
12/88  503-254-0458       bucket     Portland        OR 3/12/24     24
  Tektronix 6130, UTek 2.3(4.2BSD-derived).  Bit Bucket BBS publically
  available; login as 'bbs'.  BBS is message only.  Users intereseted in
  access to Unix should contact SYSOP via the BBS or send EMail to
  ..tektronix!tessi!bucket!rickb.  Unix services include USENET News,
  EMail, and all tools/games/utility access. Alternate dial-in lines
  available for Unix users.
12/89  503-297-3211^      m2xenix    Portland        OR 3/12/24     24
  '386/20, Xenix 2.3.  Shell accounts available, NO BBS.  No fee.  E-mail,
  USENET News, program development.
  Contact: ...!uunet!m2xenix!news or on Fido at 297-9145
08/90  503-640-4262^      agora      PDX             OR 3/12/24     24
  Intel Unix V/386, $2/mo or $20/yr, news, mail, games, programming.
  Three lines with trunk-hunt, 640-4380 supports MNP level 3; the
  third line (648-7596) is only 1200/300.
  Contact: Alan Batie, tektronix!tessi!agora!batie
11/90  503-669-7395       thebox     Gresham         OR 3/12/24/96  24
  80386 (25mhz), SCO Xenix 2.3.2;  600Meg disk;  PEP/V.32 on dial-in line,
  second line (7291) is 300 - 2400 baud only;  XBBS, usenet news, unix and
  ms-dos files, email, etc ...  Shell accounts by request;
  anon-uucp login: nuucp password: nuucp
  Contact: postmaster@thebox
05/90  503-644-8135^      techbook   Portland        OR 12/24       24
  80386, UNIX V.3.2; XBBS & some downloads for unregistered users, shell
  accounts & full set of Usenet & FidoNet newsgroups available to 
  registered users ($25/year); System answers at 8-N-1; login as BBS.
12/90  508-655-3848       unixland   Natick          MA 12/24/96    24
  Esix 3.2.5-D, 386/25, 8mb, 307mb;  3 lines - 1: 655-3848 12/24,
  2: 651-8723, 12/24/96-HST (coming soon), 3: 651-8733 12/24/96-PEP-V32;
  Usenet news (700+ groups via shell access, some groups via BBS access);
  Shell accounts available - $45/year for full access (Usenet, email, Unix
  utilities, etc);  Free BBS access;  Send mail for shell account application;
  Contact bill@unixland.uucp
  (send postal address for shell account application).
01/90  512-346-2339       bigtex     Austin          TX 96          24
  SysVr3.2 i386, anonymous shell, no fee, anonymous uucp ONLY,
  Telebit 9600/PEP; Mail links available.  Carries GNU software.
  anon uucp login: nuucp NO PASSWD, file list /usr3/index
  anon shell login: guest NO PASSWD, chroot'd to /usr3
  Contact: james@bigtex.cactus.org
10/89  513-779-8209       cinnet     Cincinnati      OH 12/24/96    24
  80386, ISC 386/ix 2.02, Telebit access, 1 line; $7.50/Month; shell
  access, Usenet access; news feeds available;
  login: newact password: new user to register for shell access
08/90  514-844-9179       tnl        Montreal        PQ 3/12/24     24
  80386 w/ SCO XENIX. No Fee.  2 hr session limit.  XBBS/USENET, shell.
  Login as 'new' for a shell account, no validation.  AKA: Northern Lights.
  Contact: norstar@tnl.CAM.ORG (Daniel Ray)
01/90  517-487-3356       lunapark   E. Lansing      MI 12/24       24
  Compaq 386/20 SCO-UNIX 3.2, lunabbs bulletin board & conferencing
  system, no fee, login: bbs password: lunabbs.  Primarily UNIX software
  with focus on TeX and Postscript, also some ATARI-ST and IBM-PC stuff
  2400/1200 --> 8 N 1
  Contact: ...!{mailrus,uunet}!frith!lunapark!larry
12/88  518-346-8033       sixhub     upstate         NY 3/12/24     24
  PC Designs GV386.  hub machine of the upstate NY UNIX users group (*IX)
  two line reserved for incoming, bbs no fee, news & email fee $15/year
  Smorgasboard of BBS systems, UNaXcess and XBBS online,
  Citadel BBS now in production. Contact: davidsen@sixhub.uucp.
10/90  602-829-3760^      atrium     Phoenix         AZ 3/12/24/96  24
  Xenix/386 2.3.2.  9600 baud HST service.  login: mm;  International
  electronic pen-pal service;  Contact: sysop@atrium.ucm.org.
09/88  602-941-2005       xroads     Phoenix         AZ 12/24       24
  Motorola VME1121, UNIX 5.2, Crossroads BBS, Fee $30/yr + $.50/.25 (call)
  prime (evenings)/non-prime, USENET news, multi-chat, online games,
  movie reviews, adventure games, dos unix/xenix files for dload, multi lines
11/90  604-576-1214       mindlink   Vancouver       BC 3/12/24/96  24
  80386 w/ SCO Xenix;  14 lines, 660 Meg disk space, TB+ & 9600 HST available;
  No shell;  Fee of $45/year for BBS access;  E-Mail, USENET, hundreds of megs
  of file downloads;  Operating since 1986.
12/90  604-753-9960       oneb       Nanaimo         BC 3/12/24/96  24
  Eltech 9870 (80386), SCO Xenix, Waffle 1.63;  Telebit on dial in line,
  2400 baud on -9964;  UUCP/Usenet (600 newsgroups) - $60/yr, but full read
  priv's available to all callers;  No shell.
  Contact: kmcvay@oneb.uucp
08/89  605-348-2738       loft386    Rapid City      SD 3/12/24/96  24
  80386 SYS V/386 Rel 3.2, Usenet mail/news via UUNET, UUNET archive access.
  NO BBS!  News feeds avaliable.  400 meg hd.  Fees: $10/month or $25/quarter.
  Call (605) 343-8760 and talk to Doug Ingraham to arrange an account or email
08/88  608-273-2657       madnix     Madison         WI 3/12/24     24
  286 SCO-XENIX, shell, no fee, USENET news, mail, login: newuser
  Contact: ray@madnix
09/90  612-473-2295^      pnet51     Minneapolis     MN 3/12/24     24
  Equip ?, Xenix, multi-line, no fee, some Usenet news, email, multi-threaded
  conferencing, login: pnet id: new, PC Pursuitable
  UUCP: {rosevax, crash}!orbit!pnet51!admin
12/90  613-237-5077       micor      Ottawa          ON 3/12/24/96  24
  386/25, 300 Meg, Xenix 2.3.2, fee optional, USENET, email
  Contact: michel@micor.UUCP, Michel Cormier
11/90  615-283-0864^      kk4fs      Johnson City    TN 3/12/24     24
  286 clone - Waffle.  No fee, 40 USENET newsgroups, E-MAIL, no shell.
  Free Speech Forum BBS.  login: new.
  Contact: Paul Schmidt, kk4fs!root.
04/90  615-288-3957       medsys     Kingsport       TN 12/24/96    24
  386  SCO-UNIX 3.2, XBBS, no fee, limit 90 min.
  Telebit PEP, USENET, login: bbs   password: bbs
  anon uucp --> medsys Any ACU (speed) 16152883957 ogin: nuucp  ssword: \r
  Contact: uunet!medsys!laverne (LaVerne E. Olney)
08/90  615-896-8716       raider     Murfreesboro    TN 12/24       24
  WAFFLE BBS, no charge, shell accounts $40/yr,$25/6,$15/3. USENET news and
  mail links $25/yr,$15/6,$10/3;just one hop from uunet. Limited archives.
  Second line 896-7905. Contact: uunet!mjbtn!raider!root (Bob Reineri)
11/90  616-457-1964       wybbs      Jenison         MI 3/12/24/96  24
  386 - SCO-XENIX 2.3.2, XBBS for new users, mail in registration for shell 
  access, usenet news, anon UUCP avail, Telebit. Interests: ham radio, xenix 
  Send SASE to: Consultants Connection 1427 Chevelle Dr Jenison, MI 49428
  Contact: danielw@wyn386.mi.org 2nd phone #: 616-457-9909 (max 2400 baud)
11/90  617-739-9753       world      Brookline       MA 3/12/24/96  24
  Sun 4/280, SunOS 4.0.3;  Shell, USENET, E-Mail, UUCP, IRC, Alternet
  connection to the Internet, and home of the Open Book Initiative
  (text project), multiple lines;  fees: $5/mo + $2/hr or $20/20hrs per month;
  Contact: geb@world.std.com
01/90  619-259-7757       pnet12     Del Mar         CA 3/12/24/96  24
  Xenix, multi-line, no fee, full Usenet, email, multithreaded conferencing
  login: pnet   id: new
  Contact: ...!uunet!serene!pnet12!rfarris
07/88  619-444-7006^      pnet01     El Cajon        CA 3/12/24     24
  BSD Unix, 3 lines, login: pnet id: new, some USENET, email, conferencing 
  Home of P-Net software, mail to crash!bblue or pnet01!bblue for info.
  Contributions requested
  Unix accounts available for regulars, PC Pursuit access 2/88.
12/90  619-483-3890^      telesys    San Diego       CA 12/24/96    24
  SCO Xenix 386; Telebit; TeleSys-II Unix Based BBS (No Fee) login: bbs;
  Xenix tested software for download; Shell Accounts available for access 
  to USENET, email and full news feeds ($45/year); uucp-anon: nuucp NOPWD
  Contact: crash!telesys!kreed or kreed@telesys.cts.com
12/89  703-281-7997^      grebyn     Vienna          VA 3/12/24     24
  Vax/Ultrix.  $25/month.  GNU EMACS, USENET, PC/BLUE archives, Telebit used
  for uucp only, archives, Ada repository, comp.sources.(misc,unix,games)
  archives, net.sources archives, 3 C compilers, Ada compiler,  1.2GB disk,
  multiple lines
11/89  708-272-5912^      igloo      Northbrook      IL 12/24/96    24
  3B2-300;  accounts by invitation only, no limit/no fee;  full usenet;
  132megs HD;  2 lines rotary, 9600 telebit on 272-5917
  Contact: igloo!postmaster
11/90  708-808-7300^      ddsw1      Wheeling        IL 3/12/24/96  24
  Multiple 80386 systems, ISC 2.2;  guest users 1 hr daily in AKCS BBS;
  fee for shell, regular Usenet access, unlimited use, and offsite mail;
  Authors of AKCS bbs;  1.2GB storage, fee $75/year or $14/bi-monthly, 
  7 lines, 19200 available on (708) 808-7305 (2 Telebits), V.32 on 808-7306, 
  anonymous uucp (nuucp) from 12 midnight to 6 AM,  ~/DIRECTORY/README for 
  info on anon uucp.  Newsfeeds and mail connections available;  Internet 
  access in the works (PLEASE contact us if interested).
  Contact: Karl Denninger (karl@ddsw1.MCS.COM), Voice (708) 808-7200
08/90  708-833-8126^      vpnet      Villa Park      IL 12/24/96    24
  386 Clone - Interactive 386/ix R2.0 (3.2), no fee;  Akcs linked bbs
  including several Usenet conf's;  Shells available for minimum contribution;
  Two Trailblazers;  Contact: lisbon@vpnet.chi.il.us.
07/89  713-438-5018       sugar      Houston         TX 3/12/24/96  24
  386/AT (2) networked - Bell Technologies V/386, usenet, news, downloads
  Homegrown BBS software, Trailblazer+ access, currently no charges
10/89  713-668-7176^      nuchat     Houston         TX 3/12/24/96  24
  i386;  USENET, Mail, Shell Access;  300M On-line;  Trailbazer Used;
  No fee.
11/90  714-635-2863       dhw68k     Anaheim         CA 12/24       24
  Unistride 2.1;  No fee; Trailblazer access, USENET News, /bin/sh or /bin/csh
05/89  714-662-7450       turnkey    Inglewood       CA 12/24       24
  286 - Xenix SYSV, XBBS
01/90  714-821-9671       alphacm    Cypress         CA 12/24/96    24
  386 - SCO-XENIX, no fee, Home of XBBS, 90 minute per login, 4 lines,
  Trailblazer pluses in use.
    uucp-anon:  ogin: nuucp  NO PASSWD
05/89  714-842-5851       conexch    Santa Ana       CA 3/12/24     24
  386 - SCO Xenix - Free Unix guest login and PC-DOS bbs login, one
  hour inital time limit, USENET news, shell access granted on request &
  $25/quarter donation.  Anon uucp: ogin: nuucp  NO PASSWD.  List of
  available Unix files resides in /usr3/public/FILES.
08/88  714-894-2246       stanton    Irvine          CA 3/12/24     24
  286 - SCO Xenix - donation requested, limit 240 min, XBBS, USENET news
  UNIX access granted on request through BBS, 20$/year, access includes
  C development system (XENIX/MSDOS), PROCALC 1-2-3 clone, FOXBASE+
  anon uucp: ogin: nuucp, no word, 2400/1200/300 MNP supported
03/90  717-657-4997       compnect   Harrisburg      PA 3/12/24     24
  Equip ???;  The Data Factory BBS;  Multiple line, 1200 baud on 675-4992;
  No fee, restricted access to adult areas, some USENET, no shell;
  Contact: ...!uunet!wa3wbu!compnect!dave.
12/89  719-632-4111       oldcolo    Colo Spgs       CO 12/24/96    24
  386 - SCO-XENIX  frontend,  2 CT  Miniframes  backend,  e-mail 
  conferencing,  databases,   Naplps Graphics, USENET news. 7 lines 
  8N1,  2400 on 2906,  USR  Dual  9600  on 2658.   Self registering   
  for  limited  free  access    (political,    policy, marketplace) 
  Subscriptions $10, 15, 18 mo for full use. Dave Hughes SYSOP.
01/90  801-269-0670^      i-core     Salt Lake City  UT 3/12/24/96  24
  286 SYS V, Unidel BBS and Newsreader; a.k.a. Bitsko's Bar & Grill BBS,
  no limit, no fee; UseNet and Citadel feeds available.  Home of Unidel
  room-based newsreader and UNIX Citadel network gateway; Telebit 19200
  Contact: ken@i-core.UUCP or uunet!iconsys!caeco!i-core!ken
12/90  808-735-5013       pegasus    Honolulu        HI 12/24/96/19 24
  UNIX 3.2;  Pegasus.com on the Internet.  Full shell access.  Rotary
  with Telebit T-2500s (V.32 and PEP at 19200 baud supported).  Full Usenet.
  Usenet and E-Mail feeds available.  Comp.sources.* and other archives.
  Geared towards software developers.  Call for subscriber fees.
  Contact: Richard Foulk richard@pegasus.com
05/90  814-337-0348       sir-alan   Meadville       PA 12/24/19.2/ 24
  SCO XENIX 2.3; no fee; XBBS; USR DS on 337-0348(300-38.4K), TB+ on
  337-3159(300-19.2K); archive site for comp.sources.[games,misc,sun,unix,x],
  some alt.sources, XENIX(68K/286/386), files from UUNET(X11R3,TeX,etc.).
  uucp-anon: ogin: pdsrc NO PASSWD
  uucp-anon directory: /u/pdsrc, /u/pubdir, /u/uunet, help in /u/pubdir/HELP 
  Contact: sir-alan!mikes@uunet.uu.net  (814-337-5528 voice)
05/90  900-468-7727       uunet      Falls Church    VA 3/12/24/96  24
  Sequent S81, Dynix 3.0.17(9);  UUNET Communication Services;  No Shell;
  Anonymous UUCP, fee $0.40/min -- billed by the telephone company [Not
  available in Virginia!], login: uucp (no passwd);  Multiple lines, PEP
  and V.32 available;  grab "uunet!~/help for more info" ...
  Full internet mail and USENET available via full-blown accounts,
  Contact: info@uunet.uu.net or call [voice] 703-876-5050.
08/90  906-228-4399       lopez      Marquette       MI 3/12/24     24
  Compaq Deskpro 286, SCO Xenix; Running STARBASE II Software.
  Great White North UPLink, Inc. (Non Profit) 100+ local rooms, PLUS
  USENET, Multi Channel Chat, 5 ports, $30 yr, flat rate for full access
  to net news, mail.  Upper Michigan's ORIGINAL BBS (since 1983)
  Contact: Gary Bourgois ...rutgers!sharkey!lopez!flash (flash@lopez.UUCP)
05/90  908-846-2460^      althea     New Brunswick   NJ 3/12/24     24
  AT&T 3B2/310 - Unix SVR3.1, no fee.  USENET, email, C development,
  games.  Single line.
  Contact: rjd@althea.UUCP (Robert Diamond)
08/90  916-649-0161       sactoh0    Sacramento      CA 12/24/96    24
  3B2/310 SYVR3.2; SAC_UNIX, sactoh0.SAC.CA.US;  $2/month, limit 90 min;
  3 lines, 2400/1200 baud on 722-6519 & -5068, TB+ on (916) 649-0161;
  USENET, E-Mail, some games; login: new
  Contact: root@sactoh0.SAC.CA.US   or   ..ames!pacbell!sactoh0!root
10/89  919-493-7111^      wolves     Durham          NC 3/12/24     24
  AMS 386/25 - UNIX SysVr3.2, XBBS, no fee for bbs.  Rates for UNIX access
  and USENET are being determined.  Developing yet another UNIX bbs (ideas
  welcome!)  Single line, telebit coming soon.
  Contact: wolves!ggw or wolves!sysop  [...duke!dukcds!wolves!...]
NOTE:  ^ means the site is reachable using PC Pursuit.
The nixpub listings are kept as current as possible.  However, you use this
data at your own risk and cost -- all standard disclaimers apply!!!
Any additions, deletions, or corrections should be sent to nixpub@ls.com.
      Lists are available via any of the following:
            o  anonymous uucp from lgnp1 --
                    +1 215 348 9727 [Telebit access]
                    login: nuucp  NO PWD   [no rmail permitted]
                this list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub
               short list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub.short
            o  restricted guest account on lgnp1 --
                    login as 'guest', [X/Y/Z]modem and ascii supported.
            o  USENET, regular posts to --
            o  the nixpub electronic mailing list --
                    to be included or deleted from this distribution,
                    send mail to nixpub-request@ls.com.
            o  anonymous ftp from uop.uop.edu [] --
                    under ~/pub/nixpub.{short,long}
  COMPAQ, IBM, PC Pursuit, [SCO] XENIX, UNIX, etc. are trademarks of the
  respective companies.

phil@ls.com (Phil Eschallier) (12/12/90)

here is the latest update the the nixpub long and short lists.  this will
most-likely be my last post to pubnet.nixpub as the pubnet hierarchy is
about to be disolved.

please note there are several methods of obtaining these lists.  as always
they're include in the footer of the lists.

i will continue to cross post these lists to comp.misc and alt.bbs -- farewell
--------------------------------   s n i p   ----------------------------------
                          nixpub short listing
           Open Access UNIX (*NIX) Sites [both Fee and No Fee]
                         [ Decuember 9, 1990 ]

Systems listed (96)
Legend: fee/contribution ($), no fee (-$), hours (24), not (-24)
        shell (S), USENET news (N), email (M), multiple lines (T) 
        Telebit PEP speed on main number (+P), Telebit on other line[s] (P)
        Courier 9600 bps on main number (+H), Courier on other line[s] (H) 
        V.32 on main number (+V), V.32 on other line[s] (V) 
        anonymous uucp (A), archive site ONLY - see long form list (@)
        Dialable thru PC Pursuit (^)

Last   Telephone #        Sys-name  Location        Baud        Legend
-----  ------------       --------  -----------     -------     ---------
11/90  +33-1-40-35-15-57  gna       Paris        FR 12          24 -$ A
11/90  +39-541-27858      xtc       Rimini (Fo)  IT 3/12/24/96  24 -$ HN+PT
11/90  +44-81-863-6646    ibmpcug   Middlesex    UK 3/12/24/96  24 $ MST+V
11/90  +64-4-895-478      actrix    Wellington   NZ 3/12/24/96  24 $ +HMNST
09/90  201-759-8450       tronsbox  Belleville   NJ 3/12/24/96  24 -$ MN+PST
08/90  203-661-2873       admiral   Greenwich    CT 3/12/24/96  24 -$ AH+PT
10/90  206-328-4944       polari    Seattle      WA 3/12        24 $ MNPST
08/90  206-367-3837       eskimo    Seattle      WA 3/12/24     24 $ MST
08/90  209-952-5347       quack     Stockton     CA 3/12/24/96  24 $ MN+PS
12/89  212-420-0527       magpie    NYC          NY 3/12/24/96  24 -$ APT
02/90  212-675-7059       marob     NYC          NY 3/12/24/96  24 -$ APT
11/90  212-832-1525       panix     NYC          NY 3/12/24     24 $ MNP
12/90  213-397-3137^      stb       Santa Monica CA 3/12/24/96  24 -$ A+PS
03/88  213-459-5891       amazing   Pacific Pali CA 3/12/24     24 $ T
08/90  214-247-2367       ozdaltx   Dallas       TX 12/24       24 $ NT
06/90  215-348-9727       lgnp1     Doylestown   PA 3/12/24/96  24 $ AMN+P
01/90  216-582-2460       ncoast    Cleveland    OH 12/24/96    24 $ MNPST
01/90  217-525-9019       pallas    Springfield  IL 3/12/24/96  24 $ HMSTV
11/90  219-289-0282       nstar     Notre Dame   IN 24/96       24 $ +HMNPST
04/90  301-625-0817       wb3ffv    Baltimore    MD 12/24/96    24 -$ ANPTV
04/90  312-283-0559^      chinet    Chicago      IL 3/12/24/96  24 $ HNPT
10/89  312-338-0632^      point     Chicago      IL 3/12/24/96  24 -$ HNPST
09/90  312-714-8568^      gagme     Chicago      IL 12/24       24 $ MNS
06/90  313-623-6309       nucleus   Clarkston    MI 12/24       24 -$ AM
10/90  313-994-6333       m-net     Ann Arbor    MI 3/12/24     24 $ T
08/89  313-996-4644^      anet      Ann Arbor    MI 3/12        24 $ T
08/89  314-474-4581       gensis    Columbia     MO 3/12/24/48/ 24 -$ MS
08/90  401-455-0347       anomaly   Esmond       RI 3/12/24/96  24 -$ MN+PS
10/89  404-321-5020^      jdyx      Atlanta      GA 12/24/96    24 $ MN+PST
05/88  407-380-6228       rtmvax    Orlando      FL 3/12/24     24 -$ MN
11/90  408-241-9760^      netcom    San Jose     CA 12/24/96    24 $ MNPST
09/89  408-245-7726^      uuwest    Sunnyvale    CA 3/12/24     24 -$ N
02/90  408-423-9995       cruzio    Santa Cruz   CA 12/24       24 $ MT
10/89  408-725-0561^      portal    Cupertino    CA 3/12/24     24 $ MNT
11/90  408-739-1520       szebra    Sunnyvale    CA 3/12/24/96  24 -$ MN+P
11/90  408-996-7358^      zorch     Cupertino    CA 12/24       24 $ MNT
05/90  412-431-8649       eklektik  Pittsburgh   PA 3/12/24     24 $ MNST
07/90  414-241-5469       mixcom    Milwaukee    WI 3/12/24     24 $ MNST
11/90  414-734-2499       aebbs     Appleton     WI 3/12/24     24 $ MN
11/90  415-294-8591       woodowl   Livermore    CA 12/24/19.2  24 -$ MN+P
11/89  415-332-6106^      well      Sausalito    CA 12/24       24 $ MNST
11/90  415-753-5265^      wet       San Francisc CA 12/24       24 $ MNPSTV
05/90  415-967-9443^      btr       Mountain Vie CA 3/12/24     24 $ HMNPSTV
04/90  416-438-2855       contact   Toronto      ON 3/12/24     24 -$ MNST
11/89  416-452-0926       telly     Brampton     ON 12/24/96    24 $ MN+P
12/88  416-461-2608       tmsoft    Toronto      ON 3/12/24/96  24 $ MNS
07/89  416-654-8854       ziebmef   Toronto      ON 3/12/24/96  24 -$ MN+PST
01/90  502-968-5401       disk      Louisville   KY 3/12        24 $ MNST
12/88  503-254-0458       bucket    Portland     OR 3/12/24     24 -$ MNST
12/89  503-297-3211^      m2xenix   Portland     OR 3/12/24     24 -$ MNS
08/90  503-640-4262^      agora     PDX          OR 3/12/24     24 $ MNST
11/90  503-669-7395       thebox    Gresham      OR 3/12/24/96  24 $ AMN+PST+V
05/90  503-644-8135^      techbook  Portland     OR 12/24       24 $ MNST
12/90  508-655-3848       unixland  Natick       MA 12/24/96    24 $ MN+PS+V
01/90  512-346-2339       bigtex    Austin       TX 96          24 -$ A+PS
10/89  513-779-8209       cinnet    Cincinnati   OH 12/24/96    24 $ MN+PS
08/90  514-844-9179       tnl       Montreal     PQ 3/12/24     24 -$ MS
01/90  517-487-3356       lunapark  E. Lansing   MI 12/24       24 -$
12/88  518-346-8033       sixhub    upstate      NY 3/12/24     24 $ MNST
10/90  602-829-3760^      atrium    Phoenix      AZ 3/12/24/96  24 -$ +H
09/88  602-941-2005       xroads    Phoenix      AZ 12/24       24 $ NT
11/90  604-576-1214       mindlink  Vancouver    BC 3/12/24/96  24 $ HMNPT
12/90  604-753-9960       oneb      Nanaimo      BC 3/12/24/96  24 $ MN+PT
08/89  605-348-2738       loft386   Rapid City   SD 3/12/24/96  24 $ MN+PS
08/88  608-273-2657       madnix    Madison      WI 3/12/24     24 -$ MNS
09/90  612-473-2295^      pnet51    Minneapolis  MN 3/12/24     24 -$ MNT
12/90  613-237-5077       micor     Ottawa       ON 3/12/24/96  24 -$ MN+P
11/90  615-283-0864^      kk4fs     Johnson City TN 3/12/24     24 -$ MN
04/90  615-288-3957       medsys    Kingsport    TN 12/24/96    24 -$ AN+P
08/90  615-896-8716       raider    Murfreesboro TN 12/24       24 -$ MNS
11/90  616-457-1964       wybbs     Jenison      MI 3/12/24/96  24 -$ MN+PST
11/90  617-739-9753       world     Brookline    MA 3/12/24/96  24 $ MNPST
01/90  619-259-7757       pnet12    Del Mar      CA 3/12/24/96  24 -$ MNPT
07/88  619-444-7006^      pnet01    El Cajon     CA 3/12/24     24 $ MNST
12/90  619-483-3890^      telesys   San Diego    CA 12/24/96    24 $ AMN+PS
12/89  703-281-7997^      grebyn    Vienna       VA 3/12/24     24 $ MNT
11/89  708-272-5912^      igloo     Northbrook   IL 12/24/96    24 -$ NPST
11/90  708-808-7300^      ddsw1     Wheeling     IL 3/12/24/96  24 $ AMNPSTV
08/90  708-833-8126^      vpnet     Villa Park   IL 12/24/96    24 -$ MN+PS
07/89  713-438-5018       sugar     Houston      TX 3/12/24/96  24 -$ N+P
10/89  713-668-7176^      nuchat    Houston      TX 3/12/24/96  24 -$ MN+PS
11/90  714-635-2863       dhw68k    Anaheim      CA 12/24       24 -$ MN+PS
05/89  714-662-7450       turnkey   Inglewood    CA 12/24       24 -$
01/90  714-821-9671       alphacm   Cypress      CA 12/24/96    24 -$ A+PT
05/89  714-842-5851       conexch   Santa Ana    CA 3/12/24     24 $ AMNS
08/88  714-894-2246       stanton   Irvine       CA 3/12/24     24 $ NS
03/90  717-657-4997       compnect  Harrisburg   PA 3/12/24     24 -$ MNT
12/89  719-632-4111       oldcolo   Colo Spgs    CO 12/24/96    24 $ HMNT
01/90  801-269-0670^      i-core    Salt Lake Ci UT 3/12/24/96  24 -$ AN+P
12/90  808-735-5013       pegasus   Honolulu     HI 12/24/96/19 24 -$ MN+PST+V
05/90  814-337-0348       sir-alan  Meadville    PA 12/24/19.2/ 24 -$ A+HMPTV
05/90  900-468-7727       uunet     Falls Church VA 3/12/24/96  24 $ AMN+PT+V
08/90  906-228-4399       lopez     Marquette    MI 3/12/24     24 $ MN
05/90  908-846-2460^      althea    New Brunswic NJ 3/12/24     24 -$ MNS
08/90  916-649-0161       sactoh0   Sacramento   CA 12/24/96    24 $ MN+PST
10/89  919-493-7111^      wolves    Durham       NC 3/12/24     24 $ MNS
NOTE:  ^ means the site is reachable using PC Pursuit.
The nixpub listings are kept as current as possible.  However, you use this
data at your own risk and cost -- all standard disclaimers apply!!!
Any additions, deletions, or corrections should be sent to nixpub@ls.com.
      Lists are available from any of the following:
            o  anonymous uucp from lgnp1 --
                    +1 215 348 9727 [Telebit access]
                    login: nuucp  NO PWD   [no rmail permitted]
                this list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub.short
                long list: /usr/spool/uucppublic/nixpub
            o  restricted guest account on lgnp1 --
                    login as 'guest', [X/Y/Z]modem and ascii supported.
            o  USENET, regular posts to --
            o  the nixpub electronic mailing list --
                    to be included or deleted from this distribution,
                    send mail to nixpub-request@ls.com.
            o  anonymous ftp from uop.uop.edu [] --
                    under ~/pub/nixpub.{short,long}
  COMPAQ, IBM, PC Pursuit, [SCO] XENIX, UNIX, etc. are trademarks of the
  respective companies.

phil@ls.com (Phil Eschallier) (12/19/90)

                          nixpub long listing
           Open Access UNIX (*NIX) Sites [both Fee and No Fee]
                         [ December 19, 1990 ]

Systems listed (98):
 [   abode     actrix    admiral   aebbs     agora     alphacm   althea    ]
 [   amazing   anet      anomaly   atrium    bigtex    btr       bucket    ]
 [   chinet    cinnet    compnect  conexch   contact   cruzio    ddsw1     ]
 [   dhw68k    disk      dorsai    eklektik  eskimo    gagme     gensis    ]
 [   gna       grebyn    ibmpcug   igloo     jdyx      kk4fs     latour    ]
 [   lgnp1     loft386   lopez     lunapark  m-net     m2xenix   madnix    ]
 [   magpie    marob     medsys    mindlink  micor     mixcom    ncoast    ]
 [   netcom    nstar     nuchat    nucleus   oldcolo   oneb      ozdaltx   ]
 [   pallas    panix     pegasus   pnet01    pnet12    pnet51    point     ]
 [   polari    portal    quack     raider    rtmvax    sactoh0   sir-alan  ]
 [   sixhub    stanton   stb       sugar     szebra    techbook  telesys   ]
 [   telly     thebox    tmsoft    tnl       tronsbox  turnkey   unixland  ]
 [   uunet     uuwest    vpnet     wb3ffv    well      wet       wolves    ]
 [   woodowl   world     wybbs     xroads    xtc       ziebmef   zorch     ]

Last   Telephone #        Sys-name   Location           Baud        Hours
-----  ------------       --------   -----------        -------     -----

11/90  +33-1-40-35-15-57  gna        Paris           FR 12          24
  Everex 386/33Mz, Esix Rev C;  Anonymous uucp archive only (ogin: nuucp);
  The description file is ~/news.  There is ~ 150 Meg consisting of
  comp.sources.{unix,misc,x}, alt, rfc, uumap, techreports, x11r4 patches,
  images, spl (miscelaneous).
11/90  +39-541-27858      xtc        Rimini (Fo)     IT 3/12/24/96  24
  386/20, 380Meg, ISC 386ix;  Menu driven BBS, no shell.  tb+ on first line,
  +39-541-27135 has USRobotics HST.  USENET News and Fidonet and sublink.
  Fidonet address 2:332/307, 2:332/308.  No fees required but no downloads on
  the first call -- comp.sources.* archive + lots of MSDOS programs & GIFs
  available.  Multiuser chat, games, etc.
  Contact: Riccardo Pizzi (root@xtc.sublink.org)
11/90  +44-81-863-6646    ibmpcug    Middlesex       UK 3/12/24/96  24
  386 PC/AT, SCO Xenix 2.3.2 -- IBM-PC User Group;  Multiple lines,
  line 2: 861 5522, 300-19.2k + V42bix + V32;  Fee: ~50 pounds sterling,
  unlimited use.
  Contact: dylan@ibmpcug.co.uk, Voice +44 81 863 1191
11/90  +64-4-895-478      actrix     Wellington      NZ 3/12/24/96  24
  Zenith 386/33MHz w/ ISC 386/ix 2.02;  Actrix Information Exchange --
  New Zealand's first Public Access UNIX.  750 Mb disk; 3 lines, USR
  Courier HST (T2500 due December 1990, X25 in '91).  Fee: NZ$54 p.a. -
  offers heavily modified XBBS with USEnet and Fidonet, e-mail (elm),
  hundreds of file areas divided into sections for UNIX, MS-DOS, Amiga,
  Atari, Apple //, Macintosh, CP/M etc.  Shell w/ many extras available
  via `Enhanced subscription'.  Planned to join APC (PeaceNet/EcoNet);
  Contact: paul@actrix.gen.nz (Paul Gillingwater) PO Box 11-410, Wgtn, NZ
09/90  201-759-8450       tronsbox   Belleville      NJ 3/12/24/96  24
  Equip ???, UNIX 3.2;  Provides shell for some users, menu driven BBS with
  GIF and text downloads, adult discussion section;  USENET, E-Mail (feeds
  available);  Multiple line (-8568 300 - 2400 baud).
08/90  203-661-2873       admiral    Greenwich       CT 3/12/24/96  24
  Xenix/386 2.3.3. Line 1: 203-661-1279, USR HST Dual; Line 2: -2967
  Microcom AX/9624c; Line 3: -2873 Telebit T2500; Line 4: -0450, 2400.
  Magpie/386 BBS, chat, interactive games, SIGS for Unix/IBM/Mac/Amiga.
  BBS name is The Grid. All users are welcome, no strings attached.
  No fee, anonymous UUCP, login: nuucp, no PW. 230 megs disk, for
  more information, contact: ...!uunet!sir-alan!admiral!admiral.
10/90  206-328-4944       polari     Seattle         WA 3/12        24
  Equip ???;  8-lines, Trailblazer on 206-328-1468;  $40/year (flat rate);
  Multi-user games, chat, full USENET.
  Contact: uunet!microsoft!happym!polari!bruceki
08/90  206-367-3837       eskimo     Seattle         WA 3/12/24     24
  Tandy 6000 Xenix - Everett Tel 206-742-1150. Five lines. First 2 weeks
  free, $48/year or $6/month thereafter. Shell access, C, Fortran, Pascal,
  unique conference, smart mail, messages, upload/download, other apps.
  Western Washington BBS List, 60 games online, free uucp connections.
08/90  209-952-5347       quack      Stockton        CA 3/12/24/96  24
  Sun 2/170, SunOS 4.0;  Aka - The Duck Pond;  BBS at no charge,
  Shell - $2/mo ($4/mo expanded quota);  Trailblazer access;  login: bbs.
  Contact: ...!quack!postmaster or postmaster@quack.sac.ca.us
12/89  212-420-0527       magpie     NYC             NY 3/12/24/96  24
  ? - UNIX SYSV - 2, Magpie BBS, no fee, Authors: Magpie/UNIX,/MSDOS
  two lines plus anonymous uucp: 212-677-9487 (9600 bps Telebit modem)
  NOTE: 9487 reserved for registered Magpie sysops & anon uucp
  Contact: Steve Manes, {rutgers|cmcl2|uunet}!hombre!magpie!manes	
12/90  212-431-1944       dorsai     NYC             NY 3/12/24     24
  80386, SCO Xenix, Waffle bbs;  3 phone lines -  2400 baud, no shell (yet);
  BBS with over 250 non-Usenet newsgroups, 1.2 gb of mac, ibm, amiga, cp-m,
  appleII, cbm files;  BBS is free, $25/yr for UseNet access, (180 min/day),
  $50/yr for extended gold access (300 min/day);  Full news and mail feed from
  uupsi;  login through bbs.
  Contact: uupsi!dorsai!ssegan
02/90  212-675-7059       marob      NYC             NY 3/12/24/96  24
  386 SCO-XENIX 2.2, XBBS, no fee, limit 60 min.
  Telebit Trailblazer (9600 PEP) only 212-675-8438
  Contact:  {philabs|rutgers|cmcl2}!{phri|hombre}!marob!clifford
12/90  213-397-3137^      stb        Santa Monica    CA 3/12/24/96  24
  AT&T 3b1;  BBS and shell access;  uucp-anon: ogin: uucp NO PASSWD
  3 line on rotary -3137 2400 baud (Telebit on dial in line).
03/88  213-459-5891       amazing    Pacific Palisades CA 3/12/24     24
  AMT 286 - Microport  David's Amazing BBS  Fee $7.50/month;$35/6;$60/year
  5 lines on rotary; Unique original software with conferencing, electronic
  bar, matchmaking, no file up/downloading
08/90  214-247-2367       ozdaltx    Dallas          TX 12/24       24
  OZ, membership only adult BBS (over 18), fee $60/year.  Four lines.
  Carries about 100 popular newsgroups and makes available the clarinet
  news feed (subscribed) from United Press on a same day basis.  No shell.
  Login: guest (no PW).  New users added weekly. Login: help  (no PW).
06/90  215-348-9727       lgnp1      Doylestown      PA 3/12/24/96  24
  '386 mutt w/ SCO-XENIX -- Telebit on dial in line.  UUCP and 'guest' account
  only ...  Public access to the nixpub lists [see footer of this list].
  Fee services include feeds/routing for E-mail and USENET News, plus access
  to *NIX specific PD source code library.  Contact: phil@ls.com.
01/90  216-582-2460       ncoast     Cleveland       OH 12/24/96    24
  80386 Mylex, SCO Xenix;  600 meg. storage;  XBBS and Shell;  USENET
  (newsfeeds available), E-Mail; donations requested; login as "bbs"
  for BBS and "makeuser" for new users.
  Telebit used on 216-237-5486.
01/90  217-525-9019       pallas     Springfield     IL 3/12/24/96  24
  AT&T 6386, 380 meg disk space;  4 lines w/ USRobotics Dual Standard modems;
  BBS available at no fee (UBBS), shell access for $50/year;  "guest" login
11/90  219-289-0282       nstar      Notre Dame      IN 24/96       24
  '386/33 ISC SysV 3.2 2.20, 5 lines locked at 19.2kbps supporting 14.4
  USR HST and Telebits, 1199 megabytes of files, complete backbone 
  newsfeed, feeds available via PEP, no shell accounts, TBBS/QuickBBS
  like bbs software, 910 newsgroups + files + email for members; 
  SIMTEL20/UUNET/GNU archive site $30/year; contact sysop@nstar
04/90  301-625-0817       wb3ffv     Baltimore       MD 12/24/96    24
  80386, UNIX V.3.2;  XBBS for HAM radio enthusiasts;  780 meg online;
  Multiple lines, dial in - Hayes 2400, 9482 - MultiTech V32, 9663 - Tb+;
  Some USENET;  Anon-UUCP available;  Login as bbs (8-N-1).
04/90  312-283-0559^      chinet     Chicago         IL 3/12/24/96  24
  '386, SysVr3.2.1;  Multiple lines including Telebit and HST;
  Picospan BBS (free), USENET at $50/year (available to guests on
10/89  312-338-0632^      point      Chicago         IL 3/12/24/96  24
  North Shore / Rogers Park area of Chicago.  386 - ISC 2.01 (SysV3.2),
  multiple lines, Telebit PEP on 338-3261, USRobotics HST on 338-1036,
  AKCS bbs, some usenet conferences available.  200+ MB online storage.
  Downloads, full usenet & shell access in the works.
09/90  312-714-8568^      gagme      Chicago         IL 12/24       24
  3B2/300 - System V 3.2.  E-mail, netnews, sources, access to anonymous
  ftp, local message base, etc.
06/90  313-623-6309       nucleus    Clarkston       MI 12/24       24
  AMI 80386 - ESIX 5.3.2, large online sources archive accessable by
  anonymous UUCP, login: nuucp, nucleus!/user/src/LISTING lists
  available public domain/shareware source code.  Contact: jeff@nucleus.mi.org
10/90  313-994-6333       m-net      Ann Arbor       MI 3/12/24     24
  Altos 68020 - Sys III, no limits; New SysOp/Owner; fee for extended service;
  The HOME of PicoSpan Conferencing software; 15 lines, 240 Megs; packet radio,
  100% user supported; USENET; 2 dialouts, Trailblazer+ UUCP in/out; On-line
  games (including nethack & empire); E-Mail; C & Fortran compilers, multi-
  user party, access to Borne, Korn, C, BBS & Menu; on-line man pages;
  contact: Dave Parks kite@m-net.ann-arbor.mi.us
08/89  313-996-4644^      anet       Ann Arbor       MI 3/12        24
  Altos 68000 - Sys III, no limits, 1st month free, fees range up to $20/
  month (negotiable), accepts equipment/software in lieu of fees, Picospan
  conferencing, 120M, non-profit, user-supported, community-based, ideal
  autodidact educational system.  Tax-deductible donations okay.
08/89  314-474-4581       gensis     Columbia        MO 3/12/24/48/ 24
  Gateway 386 system w/ SCO Xenix V/386, DataFlex, Oracle, CHARM, & VP/ix.
  No fee.  Online gaming, game design, and (oddly enough) data base design
  are the main focus.  Modem is Microcom MNP 6.
08/90  401-455-0347       anomaly    Esmond          RI 3/12/24/96  24
  CSS Laboratories 386, SCO Xenix 2.3.2; Trailblazer+; No fees; Waffle BBS,
  newusers log in as 'bbs' (no pw.) Shell accounts available to qualified
  users. USENET feeds available, limited feeds for non-PEP sites. XENIX
  software archive site, anonymous uucp login: xxcp  pass: xenix
  Software listing & download directions in ~/SOFTLIST and ~/ARCHELP
10/89  404-321-5020^      jdyx       Atlanta         GA 12/24/96    24
  386/ix 2.0.2.  XBBS. Usenet (alt, gnu, most comp and a few others) and 
  shell access.  Second line (2400 below) (404) 325-1719.  200+ meg current
  Usenet and GNU sources.  Specializing in graphics and ray-tracing under 
  386/ix (with/with out X11).  Yearly fee for shell and/or downloads.  
  Telebit access.  Contact: ...gatech!emory!jdyx!tpf (Tom Friedel)
05/88  407-380-6228       rtmvax     Orlando         FL 3/12/24     24
  mVAX-I - Ultrix-32 V1.2  USENET & UUCP Email Gateway. XBBS front end for
  new user subscribing. No Fees. Primary function is Technical exchange.
  Contact: { cbosgd!codas, hoptoad!peora }!rtmvax!rob 
11/90  408-241-9760^      netcom     San Jose        CA 12/24/96    24
  UNIX, Sun Network SunOS 4.1;  Netcom - Online Communication Services;
  24 Telebit lines 9600/2400/1200;  USENET (16 days), UUNET, GNU, X Sources,
  News Feeds, Shell Access (Bourne, Korn, C), ftp, telnet, slip connections,
  UUCP support, E-Mail, AT&T C++;  Fee $12.50/mo + 1 time Reg fee of $10.00.  
  Login as guest (no password).
09/89  408-245-7726^      uuwest     Sunnyvale       CA 3/12/24     24
  SCO-XENIX, Waffle. No fee, USENET news (news.*, music, comics, telecom, etc)
  The Dark Side of the Moon BBS. This system has been in operation since 1985.
  Login: new Contact: (UUCP) ames!uuwest!request (Domain) request@darkside.com
02/90  408-423-9995       cruzio     Santa Cruz      CA 12/24       24
  Tandy 4000, Xenix 2.3.*, Caucus 3.*;  focus on Santa Cruz activity
  (ie directory of community and goverment organizations, events, ...);
  USENET Support;  Multiple lines;  no shell; fee: $15/quarter.
  Contact: ...!uunet!cruzio!chris
10/89  408-725-0561^      portal     Cupertino       CA 3/12/24     24
  Networked Suns (SunOS), multiple lines, Telenet access, no shell access
  fees: $10/month + Telenet charges (if used) @ various rates/times
  conferencing, multi user chats, usenet 
11/90  408-739-1520       szebra     Sunnyvale       CA 3/12/24/96  24
  386 PC, ISC 386/ix 2.0.2;  Telebit Trailblazer;  Usenet News (full feed),
  Email, XBBS for first time users, shell access (registration required for
  shell), GNU, X11R4, and 386/ix source and binaries archives.
11/90  408-996-7358^      zorch      Cupertino       CA 12/24       24
  ISI 020 - 4.3BSD; 4 lines, 1200 only on 7361, 7378, 7386; $10/month,
  $100/year, flat rate, no time limit.  Email, USENET, games, utilities,
  online man pages, Bourne, C, Korn shells.  525M online, 100M source archive.
  Registration required, verified; login as newuser, password public.
  Contact: scott@zorch.SF-Bay.ORG or (ames|pyramid|vsi1)!zorch!scott
05/90  412-431-8649       eklektik   Pittsburgh      PA 3/12/24     24
  UNIX PC- SYSV - UNaXcess BBS, donation requested for shell,
  login: bbs for BBS, limited Usenet news (amiga and gaming groups).  
  RPG mailing list, rec.games.frp and rec.music.dylan archive.
  Alternate number: 431-3064,
  Contact:  anthony@eklektik.pgh.pa.us or anthony@cs.pitt.edu
07/90  414-241-5469       mixcom     Milwaukee       WI 3/12/24     24
  80386, SCO UNIX 3.2;  MIX (Milwaukee Information eXchange;  Fee charged
  for shell, E-Mail, and full USENET, $50 - 12 mo, $35 - 6 mo, $20 - 3 mo;
  Multiple lines;  login as 'newuser' passwd 'newuser' ...
  Contact: sysop@mixcom.UUCP (...!uwm.edu!mixcom!sysop) [414-962-8172 voice]
11/90  414-734-2499       aebbs      Appleton        WI 3/12/24     24
  IBM PS/2 Model 55SX, SCO Xenix 2.3.2;  Running STARBASE II Software.
  Enterprise Data Systems Incorporated (Non-profit).  100+ local rooms,
  PLUS USENET, Multi Channel Chat, 9 ports, $15 yr, flat rate for full
  access to net news, mail.  The Fox Valley's only public access Unix
  based BBS.  Contact: Chuck Tomasi (chuck@aebbs.lakesys.COM)
11/90  415-294-8591       woodowl    Livermore       CA 12/24/19.2  24
  Xenix/386 3.2.1.  Waffle/XENIX BBS,  Usenet Access;  All users are
  welcome, no strings attached;  No fee;  For more information
  contact: ...!ames!pacbell!dplace!woodowl!william  william@woodowl
11/89  415-332-6106^      well       Sausalito       CA 12/24       24
  6-processor Sequent Balance (32032); UUCP and USENET access; multiple
  lines; access via CPN; PICOSPAN BBS; $3/hour.  Contact (415) 332-4335
11/90  415-753-5265^      wet        San Francisco   CA 12/24       24
  386 SYS V.3.  Wetware Diversions.  $15 registration, $0.01/minute.
  Public Access UNIX System:  uucp, PicoSpan bbs, full Usenet News,
  multiple lines, shell access.  Newusers get initial credit!
  contact:{ucsfcca|claris|hoptoad|well}!wet!cc (Christopher Cilley)
05/90  415-967-9443^      btr        Mountain View   CA 3/12/24     24
  Sun (SunOS UNIX), shell access, e-mail, netnews, uucp, can access by
  Telenet PC Pursuit, multiple lines, Telebit, flat rate: $10/month.
  For sign-up information please send e-mail to Customer Service at
  cs@btr.com or ..!{decwrl,fernwood,mips}!btr!cs
  or call 415-966-1429 Voice.
04/90  416-438-2855       contact    Toronto         ON 3/12/24     24
  386 clone - Xenix 2.3.1, fee optional. USENET, email, multi-user chat,
  Contact: eisen@contact.UUCP martin loeffler
11/89  416-452-0926       telly      Brampton        ON 12/24/96    24
  386 SysVr3.2; proprietary menu-based BBS includes Usenet site searching.
  News (all groups, incl biz, pubnet, gnu, CanConfMail), mail (including
  to/from Internet, Bitnet), many archives. Feeds available. $75(Cdn)/year.
  Contact: Evan Leibovitch, evan@telly.on.ca, uunet!attcan!telly!evan
12/88  416-461-2608       tmsoft     Toronto         ON 3/12/24/96  24
  NS32016, Sys5r2, shell; news+mail $30/mo, general-timesharing $60/mo
  All newsgroups.  Willing to setup mail/news connections.
  Contact: Dave Mason <mason@tmsoft> / Login: newuser
07/89  416-654-8854       ziebmef    Toronto         ON 3/12/24/96  24
  AT&T 3B1, Sys V, shell, news, mail, no fee (donations accepted)
  Carries most newsgroups (willing to add extra ones on request)
  Telebit access, willing to give mail feeds
  Contact: Chris Siebenmann, {utzoo!telly,ncrcan}!ziebmef!cks
01/90  502-968-5401       disk       Louisville      KY 3/12        24
  386 clone, Interactive System V 3.2, 600 meg.  6 lines 5401 thru 5406.
  Carrying most USENET groups, Shell access, multi-user games(including Realm)
  multi-user chat, downloads, and more.  Rate info available via a free trial
  account. Also offering news/mail feeds to the local area. Now reachable
  via Starlink!
12/88  503-254-0458       bucket     Portland        OR 3/12/24     24
  Tektronix 6130, UTek 2.3(4.2BSD-derived).  Bit Bucket BBS publically
  available; login as 'bbs'.  BBS is message only.  Users intereseted in
  access to Unix should contact SYSOP via the BBS or send EMail to
  ..tektronix!tessi!bucket!rickb.  Unix services include USENET News,
  EMail, and all tools/games/utility access. Alternate dial-in lines
  available for Unix users.
12/89  503-297-3211^      m2xenix    Portland        OR 3/12/24     24
  '386/20, Xenix 2.3.  Shell accounts available, NO BBS.  No fee.  E-mail,
  USENET News, program development.
  Contact: ...!uunet!m2xenix!news or on Fido at 297-9145
08/90  503-640-4262^      agora      PDX             OR 3/12/24     24
  Intel Unix V/386, $2/mo or $20/yr, news, mail, games, programming.
  Three lines with trunk-hunt, 640-4380 supports MNP level 3; the
  third line (648-7596) is only 1200/300.
  Contact: Alan Batie, tektronix!tessi!agora!batie
11/90  503-669-7395       thebox     Gresham         OR 3/12/24/96  24
  80386 (25mhz), SCO Xenix 2.3.2;  600Meg disk;  PEP/V.32 on dial-in line,
  second line (7291) is 300 - 2400 baud only;  XBBS, usenet news, unix and
  ms-dos files, email, etc ...  Shell accounts by request;
  anon-uucp login: nuucp password: nuucp
  Contact: postmaster@thebox
05/90  503-644-8135^      techbook   Portland        OR 12/24       24
  80386, UNIX V.3.2; XBBS & some downloads for unregistered users, shell
  accounts & full set of Usenet & FidoNet newsgroups available to 
  registered users ($25/year); System answers at 8-N-1; login as BBS.
12/90  508-655-3848       unixland   Natick          MA 12/24/96    24
  Esix 3.2.5-D, 386/25, 8mb, 307mb;  3 lines - 1: 655-3848 12/24,
  2: 651-8723, 12/24/96-HST (coming soon), 3: 651-8733 12/24/96-PEP-V32;
  Usenet news (700+ groups via shell access, some groups via BBS access);
  Shell accounts available - $45/year for full access (Usenet, email, Unix
  utilities, etc);  Free BBS access;  Send mail for shell account application;
  Contact bill@unixland.uucp
  (send postal address for shell account application).
01/90  512-346-2339       bigtex     Austin          TX 96          24
  SysVr3.2 i386, anonymous shell, no fee, anonymous uucp ONLY,
  Telebit 9600/PEP; Mail links available.  Carries GNU software.
  anon uucp login: nuucp NO PASSWD, file list /usr3/index
  anon shell login: guest NO PASSWD, chroot'd to /usr3
  Contact: james@bigtex.cactus.org
10/89  513-779-8209       cinnet     Cincinnati      OH 12/24/96    24
  80386, ISC 386/ix 2.02, Telebit access, 1 line; $7.50/Month; shell
  access, Usenet access; news feeds available;
  login: newact password: new user to register for shell access
08/90  514-844-9179       tnl        Montreal        PQ 3/12/24     24
  80386 w/ SCO XENIX. No Fee.  2 hr session limit.  XBBS/USENET, shell.
  Login as 'new' for a shell account, no validation.  AKA: Northern Lights.
  Contact: norstar@tnl.CAM.ORG (Daniel Ray)
01/90  517-487-3356       lunapark   E. Lansing      MI 12/24       24
  Compaq 386/20 SCO-UNIX 3.2, lunabbs bulletin board & conferencing
  system, no fee, login: bbs password: lunabbs.  Primarily UNIX software
  with focus on TeX and Postscript, also some ATARI-ST and IBM-PC stuff
  2400/1200 --> 8 N 1
  Contact: ...!{mailrus,uunet}!frith!lunapark!larry
12/88  518-346-8033       sixhub     upstate         NY 3/12/24     24
  PC Designs GV386.  hub machine of the upstate NY UNIX users group (*IX)
  two line reserved for incoming, bbs no fee, news & email fee $15/year
  Smorgasboard of BBS systems, UNaXcess and XBBS online,
  Citadel BBS now in production. Contact: davidsen@sixhub.uucp.
10/90  602-829-3760^      atrium     Phoenix         AZ 3/12/24/96  24
  Xenix/386 2.3.2.  9600 baud HST service.  login: mm;  International
  electronic pen-pal service;  Contact: sysop@atrium.ucm.org.
09/88  602-941-2005       xroads     Phoenix         AZ 12/24       24
  Motorola VME1121, UNIX 5.2, Crossroads BBS, Fee $30/yr + $.50/.25 (call)
  prime (evenings)/non-prime, USENET news, multi-chat, online games,
  movie reviews, adventure games, dos unix/xenix files for dload, multi lines
11/90  604-576-1214       mindlink   Vancouver       BC 3/12/24/96  24
  80386 w/ SCO Xenix;  14 lines, 660 Meg disk space, TB+ & 9600 HST available;
  No shell;  Fee of $45/year for BBS access;  E-Mail, USENET, hundreds of megs
  of file downloads;  Operating since 1986.
12/90  604-753-9960       oneb       Nanaimo         BC 3/12/24/96  24
  Eltech 9870 (80386), SCO Xenix, Waffle 1.63;  Telebit on dial in line,
  2400 baud on -9964;  UUCP/Usenet (600 newsgroups) - $60/yr, but full read
  priv's available to all callers;  No shell.
  Contact: kmcvay@oneb.uucp
08/89  605-348-2738       loft386    Rapid City      SD 3/12/24/96  24
  80386 SYS V/386 Rel 3.2, Usenet mail/news via UUNET, UUNET archive access.
  NO BBS!  News feeds avaliable.  400 meg hd.  Fees: $10/month or $25/quarter.
  Call (605) 343-8760 and talk to Doug Ingraham to arrange an account or email
08/88  608-273-2657       madnix     Madison         WI 3/12/24     24
  286 SCO-XENIX, shell, no fee, USENET news, mail, login: newuser
  Contact: ray@madnix
09/90  612-473-2295^      pnet51     Minneapolis     MN 3/12/24     24
  Equip ?, Xenix, multi-line, no fee, some Usenet news, email, multi-threaded
  conferencing, login: pnet id: new, PC Pursuitable
  UUCP: {rosevax, crash}!orbit!pnet51!admin
12/90  613-237-0792       latour     Ottawa          ON 3/12/24/96  24
  Sun 3/60, SunOS 4.1, 8meg Ram, 660 meg of disk, Telebit T2500;  No BBS;
  Login as guest for a shell (send mail to root/postmaster asking for an
  account);  Anon uucp is login as 'anonuucp' (/bin/rmail is allowed);
12/90  613-237-5077       micor      Ottawa          ON 3/12/24/96  24
  386/25, 300 Meg, Xenix 2.3.2, fee optional, USENET, email
  Contact: michel@micor.UUCP, Michel Cormier
11/90  615-283-0864^      kk4fs      Johnson City    TN 3/12/24     24
  286 clone - Waffle.  No fee, 40 USENET newsgroups, E-MAIL, no shell.
  Free Speech Forum BBS.  login: new.
  Contact: Paul Schmidt, kk4fs!root.
04/90  615-288-3957       medsys     Kingsport       TN 12/24/96    24
  386  SCO-UNIX 3.2, XBBS, no fee, limit 90 min.
  Telebit PEP, USENET, login: bbs   password: bbs
  anon uucp --> medsys Any ACU (speed) 16152883957 ogin: nuucp  ssword: \r
  Contact: uunet!medsys!laverne (LaVerne E. Olney)
08/90  615-896-8716       raider     Murfreesboro    TN 12/24       24
  WAFFLE BBS, no charge, shell accounts $40/yr,$25/6,$15/3. USENET news and
  mail links $25/yr,$15/6,$10/3;just one hop from uunet. Limited archives.
  Second line 896-7905. Contact: uunet!mjbtn!raider!root (Bob Reineri)
11/90  616-457-1964       wybbs      Jenison         MI 3/12/24/96  24
  386 - SCO-XENIX 2.3.2, XBBS for new users, mail in registration for shell 
  access, usenet news, anon UUCP avail, Telebit. Interests: ham radio, xenix 
  Send SASE to: Consultants Connection 1427 Chevelle Dr Jenison, MI 49428
  Contact: danielw@wyn386.mi.org 2nd phone #: 616-457-9909 (max 2400 baud)
11/90  617-739-9753       world      Brookline       MA 3/12/24/96  24
  Sun 4/280, SunOS 4.0.3;  Shell, USENET, E-Mail, UUCP, IRC, Alternet
  connection to the Internet, and home of the Open Book Initiative
  (text project), multiple lines;  fees: $5/mo + $2/hr or $20/20hrs per month;
  Contact: geb@world.std.com
01/90  619-259-7757       pnet12     Del Mar         CA 3/12/24/96  24
  Xenix, multi-line, no fee, full Usenet, email, multithreaded conferencing
  login: pnet   id: new
  Contact: ...!uunet!serene!pnet12!rfarris
07/88  619-444-7006^      pnet01     El Cajon        CA 3/12/24     24
  BSD Unix, 3 lines, login: pnet id: new, some USENET, email, conferencing 
  Home of P-Net software, mail to crash!bblue or pnet01!bblue for info.
  Contributions requested
  Unix accounts available for regulars, PC Pursuit access 2/88.
12/90  619-483-3890^      telesys    San Diego       CA 12/24/96    24
  SCO Xenix 386; Telebit; TeleSys-II Unix Based BBS (No Fee) login: bbs;
  Xenix tested software for download; Shell Accounts available for access 
  to USENET, email and full news feeds ($45/year); uucp-anon: nuucp NOPWD
  Contact: crash!telesys!kreed or kreed@telesys.cts.com
12/89  703-281-7997^      grebyn     Vienna          VA 3/12/24     24
  Vax/Ultrix.  $25/month.  GNU EMACS, USENET, PC/BLUE archives, Telebit used
  for uucp only, archives, Ada repository, comp.sources.(misc,unix,games)
  archives, net.sources archives, 3 C compilers, Ada compiler,  1.2GB disk,
  multiple lines
11/89  708-272-5912^      igloo      Northbrook      IL 12/24/96    24
  3B2-300;  accounts by invitation only, no limit/no fee;  full usenet;
  132megs HD;  2 lines rotary, 9600 telebit on 272-5917
  Contact: igloo!postmaster
11/90  708-808-7300^      ddsw1      Wheeling        IL 3/12/24/96  24
  Multiple 80386 systems, ISC 2.2;  guest users 1 hr daily in AKCS BBS;
  fee for shell, regular Usenet access, unlimited use, and offsite mail;
  Authors of AKCS bbs;  1.2GB storage, fee $75/year or $14/bi-monthly, 
  7 lines, 19200 available on (708) 808-7305 (2 Telebits), V.32 on 808-7306, 
  anonymous uucp (nuucp) from 12 midnight to 6 AM,  ~/DIRECTORY/README for 
  info on anon uucp.  Newsfeeds and mail connections available;  Internet 
  access in the works (PLEASE contact us if interested).
  Contact: Karl Denninger (karl@ddsw1.MCS.COM), Voice (708) 808-7200
08/90  708-833-8126^      vpnet      Villa Park      IL 12/24/96    24
  386 Clone - Interactive 386/ix R2.0 (3.2), no fee;  Akcs linked bbs
  including several Usenet conf's;  Shells available for minimum contribution;
  Two Trailblazers;  Contact: lisbon@vpnet.chi.il.us.
07/89  713-438-5018       sugar      Houston         TX 3/12/24/96  24
  386/AT (2) networked - Bell Technologies V/386, usenet, news, downloads
  Homegrown BBS software, Trailblazer+ access, currently no charges
10/89  713-668-7176^      nuchat     Houston         TX 3/12/24/96  24
  i386;  USENET, Mail, Shell Access;  300M On-line;  Trailbazer Used;
  No fee.
11/90  714-635-2863       dhw68k     Anaheim         CA 12/24       24
  Unistride 2.1;  No fee; Trailblazer access, USENET News, /bin/sh or /bin/csh
05/89  714-662-7450       turnkey    Inglewood       CA 12/24       24
  286 - Xenix SYSV, XBBS
01/90  714-821-9671       alphacm    Cypress         CA 12/24/96    24
  386 - SCO-XENIX, no fee, Home of XBBS, 90 minute per login, 4 lines,
  Trailblazer pluses in use.
    uucp-anon:  ogin: nuucp  NO PASSWD
05/89  714-842-5851       conexch    Santa Ana       CA 3/12/24     24
  386 - SCO Xenix - Free Unix guest login and PC-DOS bbs login, one
  hour inital time limit, USENET news, shell access granted on request &
  $25/quarter donation.  Anon uucp: ogin: nuucp  NO PASSWD.  List of
  available Unix files resides in /usr3/public/FILES.
08/88  714-894-2246       stanton    Irvine          CA 3/12/24     24
  286 - SCO Xenix - donation requested, limit 240 min, XBBS, USENET news
  UNIX access granted on request through BBS, 20$/year, access includes
  C development system (XENIX/MSDOS), PROCALC 1-2-3 clone, FOXBASE+
  anon uucp: ogin: nuucp, no word, 2400/1200/300 MNP supported
03/90  717-657-4997       compnect   Harrisburg      PA 3/12/24     24
  Equip ???;  The Data Factory BBS;  Multiple line, 1200 baud on 675-4992;
  No fee, restricted access to adult areas, some USENET, no shell;
  Contact: ...!uunet!wa3wbu!compnect!dave.
12/90  718-832-1525       panix      NYC             NY 3/12/24     24
  Mac2x - A/UX 2.0;  Telebit Trailblazer available; Full Usenet, Shell
  Access;  Fee $10/mo;  login:newuser;
  Contact: cmcl2!panix!jsb
12/89  719-632-4111       oldcolo    Colo Spgs       CO 12/24/96    24
  386 - SCO-XENIX  frontend,  2 CT  Miniframes  backend,  e-mail 
  conferencing,  databases,   Naplps Graphics, USENET news. 7 lines 
  8N1,  2400 on 2906,  USR  Dual  9600  on 2658.   Self registering   
  for  limited  free  access    (political,    policy, marketplace) 
  Subscriptions $10, 15, 18 mo for full use. Dave Hughes SYSOP.
12/90  808-735-5013       pegasus    Honolulu        HI 12/24/96/19 24
  UNIX 3.2;  Pegasus.com on the Internet.  Full shell access.  Rotary
  with Telebit T-2500s (V.32 and PEP at 19200 baud supported).  Full Usenet.
  Usenet and E-Mail feeds available.  Comp.sources.* and other archives.
  Geared towards software developers.  Call for subscriber fees.
  Contact: Richard Foulk richard@pegasus.com
05/90  814-337-0348       sir-alan   Meadville       PA 12/24/19.2/ 24
  SCO XENIX 2.3; no fee; XBBS; USR DS on 337-0348(300-38.4K), TB+ on
  337-3159(300-19.2K); archive site for comp.sources.[games,misc,sun,unix,x],
  some alt.sources, XENIX(68K/286/386), files from UUNET(X11R3,TeX,etc.).
  uucp-anon: ogin: pdsrc NO PASSWD
  uucp-anon directory: /u/pdsrc, /u/pubdir, /u/uunet, help in /u/pubdir/HELP 
  Contact: sir-alan!mikes@uunet.uu.net  (814-337-5528 voice)
12/90  818-401-9611       abode      El Monte        CA 24/96       24
  XENIX 2.3.2;  Telebit T1000 (2400-9600 baud);  Fee of $35 a year;  Newusers
  login as 'guest';  Users get access to email, usenet news, games, etc.
  Contact: eric@abode.wciu.edu (uunet!elroy!wciu!abode!eric)
05/90  900-468-7727       uunet      Falls Church    VA 3/12/24/96  24
  Sequent S81, Dynix 3.0.17(9);  UUNET Communication Services;  No Shell;
  Anonymous UUCP, fee $0.40/min -- billed by the telephone company [Not
  available in Virginia!], login: uucp (no passwd);  Multiple lines, PEP
  and V.32 available;  grab "uunet!~/help for more info" ...
  Full internet mail and USENET available via full-blown accounts,
  Contact: info@uunet.uu.net or call [voice] 703-876-5050.
08/90  906-228-4399       lopez      Marquette       MI 3/12/24     24
  Compaq Deskpro 286, SCO Xenix; Running STARBASE II Software.
  Great White North UPLink, Inc. (Non Profit) 100+ local rooms, PLUS
  USENET, Multi Channel Chat, 5 ports, $30 yr, flat rate for full access
  to net news, mail.  Upper Michigan's ORIGINAL BBS (since 1983)
  Contact: Gary Bourgois ...rutgers!sharkey!lopez!flash (flash@lopez.UUCP)
05/90  908-846-2460^      althea     New Brunswick   NJ 3/12/24     24
  AT&T 3B2/310 - Unix SVR3.1, no fee.  USENET, email, C development,
  games.  Single line.
  Contact: rjd@althea.UUCP (Robert Diamond)
08/90  916-649-0161       sactoh0    Sacramento      CA 12/24/96    24
  3B2/310 SYVR3.2; SAC_UNIX, sactoh0.SAC.CA.US;  $2/month, limit 90 min;
  3 lines, 2400/1200 baud on 722-6519 & -5068, TB+ on (916) 649-0161;
  USENET, E-Mail, some games; login: new
  Contact: root@sactoh0.SAC.CA.US   or   ..ames!pacbell!sactoh0!root
10/89  919-493-7111^      wolves     Durham          NC 3/12/24     24
  AMS 386/25 - UNIX SysVr3.2, XBBS, no fee for bbs.  Rates for UNIX access
  and USENET are being determined.  Developing yet another UNIX bbs (ideas
  welcome!)  Single line, telebit coming soon.
  Contact: wolves!ggw or wolves!sysop  [...duke!dukcds!wolves!...]
NOTE:  ^ means the site is reachable using PC Pursuit.
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  COMPAQ, IBM, PC Pursuit, [SCO] XENIX, UNIX, etc. are trademarks of the
  respective companies.

phil@ls.com (Phil Eschallier) (12/19/90)

                          nixpub short listing
           Open Access UNIX (*NIX) Sites [both Fee and No Fee]
                         [ Decuember 19, 1990 ]

Systems listed (98)
Legend: fee/contribution ($), no fee (-$), hours (24), not (-24)
        shell (S), USENET news (N), email (M), mul