[aus.ai] CFP: Future Databases '90

isaac@goanna.oz.au (Isaac Balbin) (02/13/90)

                 	FUTURE DATABASES '90
                 25-26 April 1990 _ Melbourne, Australia

                     Call for Participation

In conjunction with a meeting of members of the Far-east Program Committee
for VLDB' 90

      I. Balbin (Australia)        Q. Chen (China)
      W. Chen (Taiwan)             I. Hawryszkiewycz (Australia)
      S. Ho (Hong Kong)            Y. Kambayashi (Japan)
      M. Kitsuragawa (Japan)       R. Lee (Taiwan)
      S. Lee (Korea)               Q. Li (Australia)
      Y. Masunaga (Japan)          K. McDonell (Australia)
      S. Nishio (Japan)            M. Orlowska (Australia)
      K. Ramamohanarao (Australia) R. Sacks-Davis (Australia)
      H. Sakai (Japan)             Z. Shi (China)
      J. Smith (Australia)         K. Tan (Singapore)
      K. Tanaka (Japan)            R. Topor (Australia)
      K. Yokota (Japan)

and the Program Chairman Professor K. Ramamohanarao, a workshop will be
held at the Townhouse Hotel, Melbourne, on April 25-26, 1990. The Workshop
is sponsored by the Key Centre for Knowledge Based Systems (RMIT and the
University of Melbourne) and the Key Centre for Software Technology (Uni-
versity of Queensland) in conjunction with VLDB '90. The programme for the
workshop will be as follows.
Wednesday, 25th April

8:00-9:00am  Registration

9:00-9:30 George Fuerlicht, "Improving Productivity of Database Application
    Development with Expert System Technology," School of Computing Sci-
    ences, University of Technology, Sydney, AUSTRALIA

9:30-10:00 Fujio Tsutsumi, Toshihisa Takagi, Kazuo Ushijima, "An Effec-
    tive Program Transformation of Logical Recursive Queries in Deductive
    Databases," Department of Computer Science and Communication Engi-
    neering, Kyushu University, JAPAN

10:00-10:30 Katsumi Tanaka, Norifumi Nishikawa, "TextLink-II: An Object-
    Oriented Hypertext-Base System," Department of Instrumentation and
    Engineering, Kobe University, JAPAN

10:30-11:00 Tea/Coffee/Biscuits

11:00-11:30 David B. Kemp, Kotagiri Ramamohanarao, Zoltan Somogyi, "Right-
    , Left-, and Multi-linear Rule Transformations that Maintain Context In-
    formation," Key Centre for Knowledge Based Systems, Department of
    Computer Science, University of Melbourne, AUSTRALIA.

11:30-12:00 Ramesh Subramanian, Robert O. Schmidt, "Implementing Tem-
    poral Database Applications in a Semantic DBMS: A Report," Bell Com-
    munications Research, U.S.A.

12:30-1:00 Robert M Colomb, "Optimistic and Pessimistic Concurrency Con-
    trol for Shared Persistent Prolog Procedures," CSIRO Division of Infor-
    mation Technology, AUSTRALIA

1:00-2:00 Lunch Break

2:00-2:30 James A. Thom, Alan J. Kent, Ron Sacks-Davis, "TQL: A Post-
    Relational Query Language," Key Centre for Knowledge Based Systems,
    Department of Computer Science, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technol-
    ogy, AUSTRALIA

2:30-3:00 Hsin-Hsi Chen, Jin-Bao Wang, "The Interpretation of Negative Knowl-
    edge in Non-Horn Deductive Databases," Department of Computer Science
    and Information Engineering, National Taiwan University, TAIWAN

3:00-3:30 Satoshi Ichimura, Norhiko Matsuura, Ken-ichi Okada, Yutaka Mat-
    sushita, "A Database System Suitable for Team Cooperative Works," De-
    partment of Instrumentation Engineering, Keio University, JAPAN

3:30-4:00 Tea/Coffee/Biscuits

4:00-5:00 Discussion_"Wherefore art thou Relational Database?"

Thursday, 26th April

9:00-9:30 S. Goutas, P. Soupos, D. Christodoulakis, "Rules and Object-Oriented
    Database Systems," Computer Engineering Department, University of Pa-
    tras, GREECE

9:30-10:00 G Dong, "Inference of Cyclicity and Acyclicity Constraints among
    Recursively Typed Objects with Identifiers," Computer Science Discipline,
    Flinders University of South Australia.

10:00-10:30 Takao Miura, Hiroshi Arisawa, "Logic Approach of Data Models:
    Data Logic," Sanno College, Isehara, JAPAN

10:30-11:00 Tea/Coffee/Biscuits

11:00-11:30 Xue Li, Maria Orlowska, "Conceptual Modelling of Complex Ob-
    jects," Key Centre for Software Technology, Department of Computer Sci-
    ence, University of Queensland, AUSTRALIA

11:30-12:00 Zoltan Somogyi, "The Melbourne University Bibliography Sys-
    tem," Key Centre for Knowledge Based Systems, Department of Computer
    Science, The University of Melbourne, AUSTRALIA.

12:30-1:00 Yahiko Kambayashi, Masatoshi Arikawa, "Semantic Overview Func-
    tions for Geographic Databases," Department of Computer Science and
    Communication Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University,

1:00-2:00 Lunch Break

2:00-2:30 Jayen Vaghani, Kotagiri Ramamohanarao, David B. Kemp, "De-
    sign Overview of Aditi: A Deductive Database System," Key Centre for
    Knowledge Based Systems, Department of Computer Science, University
    of Melbourne, AUSTRALIA.

2:30-3:00 Yahiko Kambayashi, "Control of Two-Phase Locking Mechanisms,"
    Department of Computer Science and Communication Engineering, Fac-
    ulty of Engineering, Kyushu University, JAPAN

3:00-3:30 Mengchi Liu, John Cleary, "Deductive Databases_Where to Now?"
    Department of Computer Science, University of Calgary, CANADA

3:30-4:30 Tea/Coffee/Biscuits

4:00-5:00 Discussion, "Deductive Databases_Where to Now?"

Cost of the workshop, which includes a copy of the proceedings but does not
include accommodation, is $100. Students will be registered for $50. Accommo-
dation has been reserved at the Townhouse Hotel (ss $90 (AUS) per twin room
per day).  Those wishing to avail themselves of this, must contact the Hotel
directly, mentioning Future Databases '90 :

              Townhouse Hotel,
              701 Swanston Street, Carlton
              Melbourne, AUSTRALIA
              Fax: +61 3 347 8225 Phone: +61 3 347 7811

To register complete the following form (in BLOCK letters) and send it, together
with payment in Australian currency, payable to Future Databases '90, to:

    Dr. I. Balbin,
    Key Centre for Knowledge Based Systems,
    RMIT Department of Computer Science,
    GPO BOX 2476 V, Melbourne, 3001, AUSTRALIA
    Fax : +61 3 663 2764 Email: isaac@goanna.cs.rmit.OZ.AU

Extra copies of the proceedings (which include the cost of air-mail) are availa*
for (AUS $50), prepaid, to the above address.  Note that all payment must
arrive_no later than April 9th.                                      _
_                           Fees --- Please Circle                   _
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_                Student  Non-Student  Just Proceedings              _
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_                $50      $100         $50                           _
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_ Title:      ___________________________________________            _
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_ Affiliation: ___________________________________________           _
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_ Address:   ___________________________________________             _
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