[aus.ai] Registration Information

marwan@ee.su.oz.au (Marwan A. Jabri, Sydney Univ. Elec. Eng., Tel: (+61-2) 692 2240) (10/31/90)


		            NEURAL NETWORKS


		        4TH - 6TH FEBRUARY 1991


The second Australian conference on neural networks will be held in Sydney on
February 4th - 6th, 1991.  This conference is interdisciplinary, with
emphasis on cross discipline communication between Neuroscientists, Engineers,
Computer Scientists, Mathematicians and Psychgologists concerned with
understanding the integrative nature of the nervous system and its
implementation in hardware/software.  

The conference program will reflect six major aspects of neural networks
research:  neuroscience, theory, implementation, architectures & learning
algorithms, cognitive science & AI and applications.
The conference will feature invited keynote speakers in areas of neuroscience,
learning, modelling and implementations, lectures and tutorials, as well as
paper presentations.

Invited Keynote Speakers 
Lee Giles - NEC Princeton Research Laboratory 
Robert Hecht-Nielsen - HNC Inc
Mark Holler - Intel International Corporation
Allen Selverston - University of California
Alex Waibel - Carnegie Mellon University

University of Sydney, Stephen Roberts Theatre, NSW 2006, Australia.

The registration fee to attend ACNN91 is;

Academics		A$200
Full Time Students	A$ 50
Other			A$400

A discount of 20% applies for advance registration.  A further 10% discount
will be given to Australian Neural Network Society (ANNS) members.
Registration forms must be posted before December 1st, 1990, to be entitled to
the discount.

A number of motels near the University are listed below.  Please make your own
arrangements direct with them.

University Motor Inn
25 Arundel St
Tel:  +61(2) 660 6777
Toll Free: 008 263 909	
Fax:  +61(2) 660 2929

Broadway Gardens International
60-68 City Rd
Tel:  +61(2) 690 9100
Fax:  +61(2) 698 2007

Camperdown Travelodge
cnr Missenden Rd & Marsden St
Camperdown (near Parramatta Rd)
Tel:  +61(2) 516 1522
Fax:  +61(2) 519 4020

Metro Motor Inn
1 Meagher St
Tel:  +61(2) 319 4133
Fax:  +61(2) 698 7665

Womens College
Western Ave
University of Sydney 
Tel:  +61(2) 516 1642
Fax:  +61(2) 519 6944

International House
cnr City Rd & Cleveland St
Tel:  +61(2) 692 4116
Fax:  +61(2) 692 4117

Important Conference Dates
September 28, 1990		Deadline for Abstracts

December 3, 1990		Notification of acceptance

February 4-6, 1991		Conference

Conference Chairman			Conference Co-Chairman
-------------------			----------------------
Dr Marwan Jabri          		Professor Max Bennett
Director             			President
Systems Engineering and Design  	Australian Neurosciences Society
Automation Laboratory			Neurobiology Research Center  	
University of Sydney			University of Sydney

Conference Steering Committee
Prof Yanni Attikiousel		University of Western Australia
Prof Robert Bogner		University of Adelaide
Prof Richard Brent		Australian National University
Dr Jacob Cybulski		AMDAHL Australian Intelligent Tools Program
Prof Bill Levick		Australian National University
Dr Tom Osborn			University of Technology
Prof Steve Redman		Australian National University
Assoc Prof Sam Reisenfeld	O T C
Prof Graham Rigby		University of New South Wales
Dr Steve Schwartz		University of Queensland
Dr Ah Chung Tsoi             	University of Queensland  
Dr Charles Watson            	DSTO
Dr Janet Wiles               	University of Queensland

Australian Neurosciences Society
Australian Telecommunications & Electronics Research Board (ATERB)
Electrical Engineering Foundation, University of Sydney
D S T O Guided Weapons Division (GWD)
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE)
Institute of Engineers Australia (IE Aust)
Systems Engineering & Design Automation Laboratory (SEDAL)



  			    Registration Form

I wish to attend the conference    ______

I wish to be on your mailing list  ______

My research interests are:

Neuroscience	_____		Architectures & Learning Algorithms	_____

Theory		_____		Cognitive Science & AI			_____

Implementation	_____		Applications				_____

Title: ______________________ Surname: ______________________________________

First Name: _____________________________ Position: _________________________

Department: _________________________________________________________________

Institution: ________________________________________________________________

Address: ____________________________________________________________________

_________________________________________ City: _____________________________

State: ________________	Post Code: ____________	Country: ____________________

Tel: ____________________________________ Fax: ______________________________

Electronic Mail: ____________________________________________________________

Fee enclosed A$ ___________


Please charge my credit card for the sum of A$ ____________

Mastercard/Visa Number: ______________________ Expiry Date: ________________

Signature: ____________________________________ Date: _______________________

To register, please fill in this form and return it together with payment:

	Secretariat ACNN'91
	University of Sydney
	Electrical Engineering
	Sydney   NSW 2006

Marwan Jabri						E-mail: marwan@ee.su.oz
Systems Engineering and Design  Automation Laboratory	Fax: (+61-2) 692 3847
Sydney University Electrical Engineering, NSW 2006 Australia