[uk.ikbs] Lectureships and Research posts at Bristol University

jwl@CompSci.Bristol.AC.UK (John Lloyd) (03/16/89)

                       University of Bristol
                       Faculty of Engineering
                    Department of Computer Science

The following Lectureships are available from October 1989, or as soon 
as possible thereafter. Further information can be obtained from the 
Personnel Office (address below) or by email from

jwl@compsci.bristol.ac.uk    or    warren@compsci.bristol.ac.uk

Note that the closing date is March 20th, which may have passed by the 
time you read this. Late applications within a week or two of this date 
will be considered. If your application is late, it would be helpful to 
let one of the above know that you are applying.

The Department also has 5 research posts in logic programming available.
Further information can be obtained from one of the above or see the 
separate news item posted recently about this.


               2 Lectureships in Computer Science

Two posts are available: one appointment will be made in the area of
logic programming and artificial intelligence (Ref. JPB25), and the other 
in the general area of parallel computation (Ref. JPB26).

Parallel computation, which includes the design and implementation of
parallel computing systems and also their applications, is seen as an area
of major importance and, within the Department, there are groups addressing 
both fundamental design problems, especially for logic programming systems,
and also specific application areas, in particular computer vision. 
The successful candidate will be expected to join one of these groups.

For the post in logic programming, applications are invited from candidates 
whose research interests would strengthen existing research activity in
logic programming, which includes language design, knowledge base systems,
theory of logic programming, and natural language processing.

The commencing salary will be at an appropriate point according to age,
qualifications and experience on the the Lecturer Grade A scale 9,260 to 
14,500 pounds.

The University does not issue application forms. Applications, together 
with a full curriculum vitae and the names and addresses of three referees,
should be sent by 20th March to the Personnel Office from which further 
particulars are available.

Personnel Office                     (Phone  0272-303136)
University of Bristol
Senate House
Bristol BS8 1TH