[uk.ikbs] Temporary 3 year Lectureship in HCI at Birmingham

aarons@syma.sussex.ac.uk (Aaron Sloman) (04/12/91)

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                    SCHOOL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE

    Apricot/Mitsubishi Lectureship in Human-Computer Interaction

The School of Computer Science has recently been re-organised and
expanded, including new lectureships, two new Chairs, and new equipment.

By this Autumn, the School will have three professors, four senior
lecturers, and thirteen lecturers, with associated research, technical
and administrative staff. Besides undergraduate degrees in Computer
Science, the School offers a conversion MSc in Computer Science, and PhD
research training. There is also a new initiative in Cognitive Science
(including AI and HCI), with links to several other Schools. This
initiative includes an MSc degree in Cognitive Science and PhD research
training. There are several externally funded research projects.

A new 3-year lectureship in HCI is being funded by Apricot Computers
Limited which is part of Mitsubishi Electric UK Limited as part of their
support for teaching and research in Cognitive Science and applications
are sought from young  computer scientists with strong interests in
teaching and research in HCI.

The post will be on the Lecturer A scale (minimum #12086 pounds per


The new post, funded for three years initially, establishes
Apricot/MitsubishiUs commitment to support for teaching and research in
HCI.  The post has been made available to release Dr W H Edmondson to
concentrate primarily on research in this area.

The person appointed will supply teaching in Human-Computer Interaction
in the School of Computer Science, through the development of existing
courses and new courses.  Additional duties will include software
workshop coursework.

It is expected that the successful applicant will be a young computer
scientist, with a strong interest in teaching and research interests in

It is hoped that the successful candidate will be able to take up
his/her post at the beginning of July, or very soon after.

Applications are required by 3rd May 1991.

For further particulars, please apply to:

		Mr P J F Scott
		Director of Staffing Services
		The University of Birmingham
		Birmingham B15 2TT.

    Phone: (+44) 021-414-3842

The University of Birmingham is an Equal Opportunities Employer.

Email enquiries should be addressed to: