[gnu.emacs.vms] GNU Emacs 18.52 + VMS + X11 availability

Beebe@SCIENCE.UTAH.EDU ("Nelson H.F. Beebe") (01/06/89)

I've provided a home for Joshua Marantz's mods to GNU Emacs 18.52 for
direx and X11 (DecWindows) under VAX VMS.  Do ANONYMOUS FTP (password
GUEST) to ctrsci.utah.edu and pick up the files:

00README.TXT;14          14  15-AUG-1988 15:32
VMS_X_EMACS.TXT;1         6   5-JAN-1989 15:25

in text mode, and

VMS_X_EMACS.TAR;2       576   5-JAN-1989 15:25

in binary mode.  The VMS_X_EMACS.TXT file is included in the .tar
file, and contains a description of how to install the mods.

If you don't have tar for VMS, pick up as well

REBLOCK.FOR;3             3  15-AUG-1988 15:32

in text mode, and

VMSTAR.BCK;1            252  12-SEP-1988 10:09
REBLOCK.EXE;3             7  15-AUG-1988 15:32

in binary mode, then follow the instructions in the *.txt files for
reblocking, unbundling, and untarring.

The VMS dired fixes are still available there as

                         56  22-OCT-1988 12:09
                         87  22-OCT-1988 12:09
                         41  22-OCT-1988 12:09
DIRED-FIXES.TARZ;2       64   1-DEC-1988 09:52

The compressed tar file is equivalent to the share files.

A complete running 18.52 GNU Emacs (minus these two mods) is available
on another local machine, cc.utah.edu, in EMACS-18-52.BCK (about 30K
blocks, as I recall).  At the time it was installed there, we didn't
have disk space to keep it on ctrsci.utah.edu.