[gnu.emacs.vms] Need help with VT131, VMS, GNU Emacs and C-s

templon@SILVER.BACS.INDIANA.EDU (jeffrey templon) (03/11/89)

	I am cross-sending this to the VMS gnu emacs list since our unix
site (not my main working machine!) does not get the gnu.emacs.vms newsgroup.
Please respond directly to me (or post to comp.emacs if you believe this is
of general interest.)
	Thanks - jeff templon

Newsgroups: comp.emacs
Subject: Need Help with GNU Emacs, VT131, and VMS (!)
Summary: Problems with control-s, undefined terminal
Reply-To: templon@silver.UUCP (jeffrey templon)
Distribution: comp.emacs, comp.os.vms
Organization: Indiana University BACS, Bloomington
Keywords: termcap, emacs, control, vms

	What a hairball!  OK, I have looked in the TERMS. file, in the
VMSXXX files, and the manual.  I tried looking in the termcap file - hence
the word, "hairball."

	The editor - GNU Emacs 18.52.  Vax/VMS 4.6.  I have two problems:
first is that there is no termcap entry for a VT131.  Can someone send me
one?  I have *no* desire to learn how to do this if someone else already has.

Second problem: I got around (temporarily) this problem by setting the VT131
to VT100 (i.e. SET TERM/VT100).  This allows me to use the emacs, but whenever
the screen scrolls, I get this horrible mess in the minibuffer:

Failing I-search:^S^S^S^Q-

Once I got    Failing regexp I-search: OB^S^Q-   this was when the scroll
resulted in the end-of-text moving onto the screen.  I have searched through
the VMS SET TERM docs and have seen some stuff about the system sending
c-s and c-q to regulate flow control, but i didn't understand it.  I should
point out that the terminal line runs through a GANDALF multiplexer before
getting to the terminal, I don't know if that does anything with control chars.

Final problem (yeah, I know I only said two): I can't get control-S!  VMS
uses control-s to tell the process "stop sending data, you ugly beast."  So
when I type c-x c-s, emacs just sits there forever, waiting for me to type
control-q so it can send data again.

Someone must have dealt with this already.... help!  I should note in closing
that when I use emacs using my mac running versaterm thru a modem and a
LATserver to the VAX, I don't have this failing I-search mung.  I still
have the control-S problem though.
