[gnu.emacs.vms] Saving a Session ``Context''?

jrredho@SANDIA.GOV ("1524 RED-HORSE, JOHN R.") (06/14/89)

I often must edit large files which take several days at a time to
complete.  I find that the ``context'' of a given session at a
given point in time aids in editing that file.  By context I mean such
variables as the kill-ring, command-history, undo, etc.  However,
since these sessions tend to span a number of days, I find myself
having to kill-emacs, logout, then login and re-initialize an editing
session where any previously established context has been lost.  Does anyone
know of a way to save a current context and invoke a new emacs session
using that old context?  Or, is there a better way to do what I'm
trying to do?  Please respond to the address given below as I am not
on the distribution list for this news group.

Thanks in Advance,

John Red-Horse                           INTERnet:JRRedho@sandia.gov
Org 1524(Engineering Analysis Div)                JRRedho@Sandia-2.arpa
Sandia National Laboratories
Albuquerque, NM   87185-5800    Bell:	(505) 846-0870