[gnu.emacs.lisp.manual] Question about abbrev mode.

quong@ERG.ECN.PURDUE.EDU (Russell W Quong) (10/05/88)

Is there anyway to suppress insertion of the punctuation character
that triggers an abbreviation?  I am running a hook that inserts
some characters and I don't want the "trigger character" inserted.
(In goslings emacs, if the abbreviation hook returned nil, the trigger
character is not inserted.  This doesn't work for gnu.)

For example in my C++ mode, the user types "while<SPC>", which expands
to (ideally)
	while () {
with the point between the parens.  But I keep getting the <SPC>
inserted, which I don't want.
	Russell "the only thing not covered in the manual is abbrevs" Quong