[gnu.utils.bug] Make bug

mly@WHEATIES.AI.MIT.EDU (Richard Mlynarik) (10/19/88)

On wheaties.ai.mit.edu

The file make.o doesn't exist.

cd /src/local/src/mit/send/
/bin/make -k
cc -g -c huh.c -DCONVERSE -DBSD42
[... compiles OK...]

cd /src/local/src/mit/send/
/usr/gnubin/make -k
make: *** No way to make target `huh.o'.
make: Target `all' not remade because of errors.
[... exits with code 1 ...]

Here is part of the Makefile (I didn't write it)

all: send reply huh newsends conversed

huh: huh.o sendtxt.o
	cc -o huh huh.o sendtxt.o

.c.o:		$*.c
		cc -g -c $*.c $(DEFINES)
BTW, /wheaties/usr/gnubin contains the following versions -- somebody
should clean up old, unused `make's.  How do I determine the version
of `make' I am running?

-rwxrwxrwx  1 hack      wheel      204111 Oct 18 14:57 /usr/gnubin/make
-rwxrwxrwx  1 rms       wheel      192658 Sep  6 15:59 /usr/gnubin/make-3.05
-rwxrwxrwx  1 rms       wheel      202209 Oct 10 08:03 /usr/gnubin/make-3.12

rms@WHEATIES.AI.MIT.EDU (Richard Stallman) (11/16/88)

Using version 3.17, I changed the file rtl.c of GCC and recompiled.
That worked, and in accordance with the makefile the files
insn-*.[ch] were not touched because the contents were unchanged.

Then I did `make -t cc1'.  This should have touched those files and
many .o files that depend on them, and cc1 itself.  Instead, it
touched only the insn-*.[ch] files.  I did `make -t cc1' again;
this time it touched only the .o files.  The third `make -t cc1'
touched cc1.