[net.auto] What's rust?

dao@hou2d.UUCP (D.OSTRAY) (03/26/86)

In article 11045@amcad.UUCP> phil@decwrl.dec.com writes:
>In article <919@hou2d.UUCP> dao@hou2d.UUCP (D.OSTRAY) writes:
>>Sure you can change your oil more frequently and have
>>your car last a half million miles but by then
>>the body would probably rot away. 
>What's rust?

Rust is something you develop quickly when you commute a hundred
miles a day on the salt-covered highways of the northeast.

Dan Ostroy

mrl@drutx.UUCP (LongoMR) (03/26/86)

>>>Sure you can change your oil more frequently and have
>>>your car last a half million miles but by then
>>>the body would probably rot away. 
>>What's rust?
>Rust is something you develop quickly when you commute a hundred
>miles a day on the salt-covered highways of the northeast.

Wow! It sounds like you not only have one hell of a commute, but your
doctor bills must be pretty high with that condition. Have you ever
considered buying an auto and driving back and forth to work?
One with a heater would be great for the winters. I understand that
they are no longer optional equipment on most cars!
			Mark R. Longo
			(303) 538-4900