[gnu.utils.bug] problem with make3.27 on a sun3

gerry@TOADWAR.UCAR.EDU (gerry wiener) (01/24/89)

Included are some simple files that illustrate some problems with
make3.27 on a sun3.  A subdirectory called junk has been created which
contains the files foo.c and foo.o (foo.o can be created by hand).  The
following commands have been executed in the directory above junk:

gust:gerry:1>ls junk
foo.c	foo.o
gust:gerry:2>make3.27 -f jmakefile foo
Abort (core dumped)
gust:gerry:3>make3.05 -f jmakefile foo
make: `foo' is up to date.
gust:gerry:4>rm foo
gust:gerry:5>make3.05 -f jmakefile foo
cc -o foo foo.o
ld: foo.o: No such file or directory
make: *** Error 4
gust:gerry:6>make3.27 -f jmakefile foo
Abort (core dumped)
gust:gerry:7>make3.05 -f jjmakefile foo
cc -o foo /home/gerry/junk/foo.o
gust:gerry:8>rm foo
gust:gerry:9>make3.27 -f jjmakefile foo
Abort (core dumped)
gust:gerry:10>make3.27 -f kkmakefile foo
cc -o foo /home/gerry/junk/foo.o
gust:gerry:11>rm foo
gust:gerry:12>make3.27 -f kmakefile foo
cc -o foo foo.o
ld: foo.o: No such file or directory
make3.27: *** Error 4

#	This is a shell archive.
#	Remove everything above and including the cut line.
#	Then run the rest of the file through sh.
#----cut here-----cut here-----cut here-----cut here----#
# shar:	Shell Archiver
#	Run the following text with /bin/sh to create:
#	jmakefile
#	jjmakefile
#	kmakefile
#	kkmakefile
#	junk
# This archive created: Tue Jan 24 00:44:09 1989
cat << \SHAR_EOF > jmakefile
VPATH= /home/gerry/junk:

foo: foo.o
	cc -o foo foo.o

foo.o: 	foo.c

cat << \SHAR_EOF > jjmakefile
VPATH= /home/gerry/junk:
foo: $(sdir)/foo.o
	cc -o foo $(sdir)/foo.o

$(sdir)/foo.o: 	foo.c

cat << \SHAR_EOF > kmakefile
VPATH= /home/gerry/junk:

foo: foo.o
	cc -o foo foo.o

#foo.o: 	foo.c

cat << \SHAR_EOF > kkmakefile
VPATH= /home/gerry/junk:
foo: $(sdir)/foo.o
	cc -o foo $(sdir)/foo.o

#$(sdir)/foo.o: 	foo.c

mkdir junk
cd junk
cat << \SHAR_EOF > foo.c
cd ..
#	End of shell archive
exit 0