[gnu.utils.bug] GAS 1.33 got fatal signal 10

jkp@SAUNA.HUT.FI (Jyrki Kuoppala) (05/18/89)

When compiling libg++ 1.35.0 src/RNG.cc gas dumps core.  It works fine
with gas 1.31.

Machine Altos 3068, 68020 usg-style machine, g++ 1.35.0 and libg++1.35.0.

Here's the backtrace:

jkp@lupu 'src' 693: make RNG.o
g++ -g -O -fchar-charconst -I../g++-include -I.. -fstrength-reduce -fsave-memoiz
ed -c  RNG.cc
g++: Program as got fatal signal 10.
make: *** Error 1
jkp@lupu 'src' 694: gdb /usr/local/lib/gcc-as core
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Reading symbol data from /usr/local/lib/gcc-as...done.
Core file is from "gcc-as".
Type "help" for a list of commands.
(gdb) bt
#0  0xffa0 in memcpy ()
#1  0x6b78 in flonum_copy (in=(struct FLONUM_STRUCT *) 0xffe87e, out=(struct FLO
NUM_STRUCT *) 0xffe8a2) (flonum-copy.c line 69)
#2  0xf16 in atof_generic (address_of_string_pointer=(char **) 0xffe8d8, string_
of_decimal_marks=(char *) 0xd958 ".", string_of_decimal_exponent_marks=(char *)
0x45528 "eE", address_of_generic_floating_point_number=(struct FLONUM_STRUCT *)
0x40108) (atof-generic.c line 493)
#3  0xda62 in atof_m68k (str=(char *) 0x65072 "4.65661287307739250000e-10\n.stab
s \"randomDoubleScaleConstant:G13\",32,0,0,0\n.globl _randomDoubleScaleConstant\
n\t.even\n_randomDoubleScaleConstant:\n\t.double 0r4.65661287307739250000e-10\n.
stabs \"_vt$RNG:S2"..., what_kind=102, words=(unsigned short *) 0xffe920) (atof-
m68k.c line 192)
#4  0xcc96 in md_atof (type=102, litP=(char *) 0xffe94c "", sizeP=(int *) 0xffe9
48) (m68k.c line 2503)
#5  0x4c70 in float_cons (float_type=102) (read.c line 1618)
#6  0x32ea in read_a_source_file (buffer=(char *) 0x6381d "\ngcc_compiled.:\n\t.
stabs \"RNG.cc\",100,0,0,Ltext\nLtext:\n.stabs \"int:t1=r1;-2147483648;214748364
7;\",128,0,0,0\n.stabs \"char:t2=r2;0;127;\",128,0,0,0\n.stabs \"long int:t3=r1;
-2147483648;2147483647;\",128,0,0,"...) (read.c line 347)
#7  0x520 in perform_an_assembly_pass (argc=5, argv=(char **) 0xffe9d8) (as.c li
ne 234)
#8  0x4aa in main (argc=5, argv=(char **) 0xffe9d8) (as.c line 191)