[gnu.utils.bug] gnu-sed wont make depend

xmjschm@mbcrrb.harvard.edu (Mike Schmelzer) (08/10/89)

I have a make depend that looks like this (I got it from a friend, so I
don't know its original source. But I'm sure it's pretty standard.)

	cc -M ${COPTS} ${CFILES} | \
	sed -e ':loop' \
	    -e 's/\.\.\/[^ /]*\/\.\./../' \
	    -e 't loop' | \
	grep -v /usr/include | \
	awk ' { if ($$1 != prev) { print rec; rec = $$0; prev = $$1; } \
		else { if (length(rec $$2) > 78) { print rec; rec = $$0; } \
		       else rec = rec " " $$2 } } \
	      END { print rec } ' > makedep
	echo '/^# DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE/+1,$$d' >eddep
	echo '$$r makedep' >>eddep
	echo 'w' >>eddep
	cp Makefile Makefile.bak
	ex - Makefile < eddep
	rm eddep makedep

# DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE - make depend uses it

This works with a BSD sed, but with gnu-sed, it gives the error :

	sed: Unknown option to 's'

and then the pipe breaks. 

What's wrong? Any fixes? 
Thanks in advance.
===== Mike Schmelzer ====== "Republicans think community service is something
= xmjschm@harvspha.BITNET =  you are sentenced to after you're caught."
xmjschm@mbcrr.harvard.edu =                  - Ron Brown, Chairman of the DNC
===========================  "You make me PATHETIC." - Tom Burke