[gnu.utils.bug] GNU make and Emacs

karl@mote.umb.edu (Karl Berry) (10/12/89)

This is on a Sparcstation 1 running 4.0.3, GNU make 3.56. (Same thing
happened with 3.48 on Sun 3's running 3.4.)

Typing `make -n' in the top-level Emacs directory (Makefile is below,
slightly modified by me) produces a list of all the dependencies that
are being considered, just as with the flag that does that.  The Make
distributed with SunOS 4.0.3 and 3.4 instead says what I would expect,
(cd etc; make <flags>)
(cd src; make <flags>)

Here is the Makefile.


# make all	to compile and build Emacs
# make install	to install it
# make install.sysv  to install on system V.
# make install.xenix  to install on Xenix
# make tags	to update tags tables
# make distclean	to delete everything that wasn't in the distribution
#	This is a very dangerous thing to do!
# make clean
#       This is a little less dangerous.

SHELL = /bin/sh

# Where to install things
# Note that on system V you must change MANDIR to /use/local/man/man1.
LIBDIR= /usr/local/gnu/lib/emacs
BINDIR= /usr/local/gnu/bin
MANDIR= /usr/man/manl

# Flags passed down to subdirectory makefiles.
MFLAGS= CC="gcc -traditional"

# Subdirectories to make recursively.  `lisp' is not included
# because the compiled lisp files are part of the distribution
# and you cannot remake them without installing Emacs first.
SUBDIR= etc src

# Subdirectories to install
# Took out info -- karl

# Subdirectories to clean
CLEANDIR= ${COPYDIR} lisp/term

all:	src/paths.h ${SUBDIR}

src/paths.h: Makefile src/paths.h-dist
	/bin/sed 's;/usr/local/emacs;${LIBDIR};' < src/paths.h-dist > src/paths.h

src:	etc


	cd $@; make ${MFLAGS} all

install: all mkdir lockdir
	-if [ `/bin/pwd` != `(cd ${LIBDIR}; /bin/pwd)` ] ; then \
		tar cf - ${COPYDIR} | (cd ${LIBDIR}; umask 0; tar xBf - ) ;\
		for i in ${CLEANDIR}; do \
			(rm -rf ${LIBDIR}/$$i/RCS; \
			 rm -f ${LIBDIR}/$$i/\#*; \
			 rm -f ${LIBDIR}/$$i/*~); \
		done \
	install -c -s -g kmem -m 2755 etc/loadst ${LIBDIR}/etc/loadst
	install -c -s etc/etags ${BINDIR}/etags
	install -c -s etc/ctags ${BINDIR}/ctags
	install -c -s -m 1755 src/xemacs ${BINDIR}/xemacs
	install -c -m 444 etc/emacs.1 ${MANDIR}/emacs.1
	-rm -f ${BINDIR}/emacs
	mv ${BINDIR}/xemacs ${BINDIR}/emacs

install.sysv: all mkdir lockdir
	-if [ `/bin/pwd` != `(cd ${LIBDIR}; /bin/pwd)` ] ; then \
		find ${COPYDIR} -print | cpio -pdum ${LIBDIR} ;\
		for i in ${CLEANDIR}; do \
			(rm -rf ${LIBDIR}/$$i/RCS; \
			 rm -f ${LIBDIR}/$$i/\#*; \
			 rm -f ${LIBDIR}/$$i/*~); \
		done \
	-cpset etc/loadst ${BINDIR}/loadst 2755 bin sys
	-cpset etc/etags ${BINDIR}/etags 755 bin bin
	-cpset etc/ctags ${BINDIR}/ctags 755 bin bin
	-cpset etc/emacs.1 ${MANDIR}/emacs.1 444 bin bin
	-/bin/rm -f ${BINDIR}/emacs
	-cpset src/xemacs ${BINDIR}/emacs 1755 bin bin
install.xenix: all mkdir lockdir
	if [ `pwd` != `(cd ${LIBDIR}; pwd)` ] ; then \
		tar cf - ${COPYDIR} | (cd ${LIBDIR}; umask 0; tar xpf - ) ;\
		for i in ${CLEANDIR}; do \
			(rm -rf ${LIBDIR}/$$i/RCS; \
			 rm -f ${LIBDIR}/$$i/\#*; \
			 rm -f ${LIBDIR}/$$i/*~); \
		done \
	-mv -f ${LIBDIR}/etc/loadst ${LIBDIR}/etc/loadst.old
	cp etc/loadst ${LIBDIR}/etc/loadst
	chown sysinfo ${LIBDIR}/etc/loadst
	chmod 4755 ${LIBDIR}/etc/loadst
	-rm -f ${LIBDIR}/etc/loadst.old
	cp etc/etags etc/ctags ${BINDIR}
	chmod 755 ${BINDIR}/etags ${BINDIR}/ctags
	cp etc/emacs.1 ${MANDIR}/emacs.1
	chmod 444 ${MANDIR}/emacs.1
	-mv -f ${BINDIR}/emacs ${BINDIR}/emacs.old
	cp src/xemacs ${BINDIR}/emacs
	chmod 1755 ${BINDIR}/emacs
	-rm -f ${BINDIR}/emacs.old

mkdir: FRC
	-mkdir ${LIBDIR}
	-chmod 777 ${LIBDIR}

	for i in ${SUBDIR}; do (cd $$i; make ${MFLAGS} distclean); done

	cd src; make clean

	-mkdir ${LIBDIR}/lock
	-chmod 777 ${LIBDIR}/lock


tags:	etc
	cd src; ../etc/etags *.[ch] ../lisp/*.el ../lisp/term/*.el