[gnu.utils.bug] Bug with protoize 1.04

allan@didsgn.uucp (didsgn) (10/20/89)

I have a problem with protoize 1.04. Specifically, when I try to
run protoize to produce C++ code, protoize attempts to change the
name of "std.c" to "std.C". However, it is trying to do this
link for the file "std.c" in the directory that protoize was
originally made. Is there a way to change "std.c.P" so that
protoize doesn't try to do the link? Below is a log of what happened.

> cat temp.c
printf("Hello world\n");

> gcc -v -fgen-prototypes -c temp.c

gcc version 1.36
 /usr/local/lib/gcc-cpp -v -undef -D__GNUC__ -Dsparc -Dsun -Dunix -D__sparc__ -D__sun__ -D__unix__ temp.c /usr/spool/tmp/cca10962.cpp
GNU CPP version 1.36
 /usr/local/lib/gcc-cc1 /usr/spool/tmp/cca10962.cpp -quiet -dumpbase temp.c -fgen-prototypes -version -o /usr/spool/tmp/cca10962.s
GNU C version 1.36 (sparc) compiled by GNU C version 1.36.
default target switches: -mfpu -mepilogue
 /usr/local/lib/gcc-gas -o temp.o /usr/spool/tmp/cca10962.s

> cat temp.c.P
/* compiled from: /home/local/me/ */
/* temp.c:2:OF */ extern int main (void);
/* temp.c:2:IC */ extern int printf ();

> protoize -v -C temp.c.P
protoize: Version 1.04
protoize: converting file temp.c
protoize: line  2 2
protoize: warning: can't link ../../gnu/protoize/1.04/std.c to ../../gnu/protoize/1.04/std.C: Permission denied

The final link is the problem. The file "temp.C" is fine. Any help
would be appreciated.

Allan G. Schrum                 | Sign it? Without reading the fine print?
Digital Design, Inc.            |-----------------------------------------
3060 Business Park Drive        | (404) 447-0274
Norcross, GA 30071              | ...!gatech!rebel!didsgn!allan
Allan G. Schrum                 | Sign it? Without reading the fine print?
Digital Design, Inc.            |-----------------------------------------
3060 Business Park Drive        | (404) 447-0274
Norcross, GA 30071              | ...!gatech!rebel!didsgn!allan