I have sucessfully obtained GCC 1.36 VMS images and source code and managed to sucessfully compile GCC using itself. However when I download the source code for Bison 1.03 and try to build using GCC an error occurs at the LINK stage. I have read in the BUILD.COM file that the version that I am trying to compile was tested using GCC 1.22 under VMS V4.5. Error Encountered: > Connecting to City Poly VAX-6320 (Tower Hill) running VMS V5.1-1 > Username: STEVEW > Password: > Welcome to City Poly VAX-6320 (Tower Hill) running VMS 5.1-1 > > Last interactive login on Friday, 10-NOV-1989 15:09 > Last non-interactive login on Thursday, 9-NOV-1989 14:42 > > $ set def [stevew.gnu] > $ @gcc_install > $ set command gcc > $set def [.bison.source] > T$ @build link > %LINK-W-UDEFPSC, attempt to reference undefined psect number 65535. > in module GRAM file USER$DISK:[STEVEW.GNU.BISON.SOURCE]GRAM.OBJ;1 > T$ eoj > STEVEW logged out at 10-NOV-1989 16:46:28.86 Is there a version of Bison been written for VAX/VMS V5.x? If so could you please tell me where I can access it. I do however have to transfer files via the TRICKLE server at EARN%FINTUVM. As an aside is it correct that this server does not have access to your /u2 directory structure. Thank you for your help in advance. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Steve Wakelin Senior Systems Officer City of London Polytechic JANET: EARN/BitNet: EAN: ---------------------------------------------------------------