[gnu.utils.bug] zmore

gregs@well.UUCP (Greg Strockbine) (02/03/90)

On the last emacs tape I got (emacs-18.55) there was
a directory called compress and I found a utility there
called zmore. I don't have access to the tape anymore
and I don't see the source for zmore. If I run it and
ask for help it shows that I can type 'v' to go into vi
or 'b' to move backward in the file. But if I type either of
those it just beeps at me. The man page mentions neither
command. What is this zmore and where did it come from and
is there a new improved version. I would like to compress the
list files for our project. The half of us that use emacs can
use crypt.el but the other non-emacs users need something, this
zmore looked like it would have done the trick.
	Anybody got a clue?
		Greg Strockbine