goldfarb (06/01/82)
If you find a two-handed sword or a long sword, hang on to it and use it. They pack much more wallop than a mace unless they happen to be cursed. Missile weapons such as rows, crossbow bolts, spears, etc., are good for throwing at sleeping monsters. The only way I have been able to kill umber hulks and xorns is by using a sword that was enchanted a few times. By the way, slings and rocks are conspicuous by their absence in 5.2. Ben Goldfarb ...duke!ucf-cs!goldfarb
hartman@sri-unix (06/04/82)
throwing an arrow or a cross-bow bolt IS possible, although not very effective, even if you ARE NOT wielding tha appropriate weapon (bow, crossbow): therefore, one must FIRST wield the bow, and THEN through the arrow. Rember to wield a sword (mace, whatever) after you nolonger need the distance weapon, as (again) hitting monsters over the head with a bow IS possible, but not very effective..... -rmh
thomas (06/07/82)
I always throw arrows and bolts without wielding the appropriate bow first. Seems to work pretty well on hobgoblins, eyes, leprechauns, nymphs, etc. These low-powered monsters are the only ones that I throw things at anyway (once you get down to trolls and bummer hulks, it's too dark to throw things anyway). =Spencer