[gnu.gdb.bug] crashes and suggestions and questions

karl@mote.umb.edu ("Karl Berry.") (06/03/89)

On a Sun 3 running 3.4, gdb 3.1, it seems to core dump on any function call 
before the program is `run' for the first time. For example, gdb'ing gcc and 
calling `perror_with_name' produces a segmentation fault.

Suggestions: have the `source' command not print ``Directory already in path 
messages''. It is only when I'm starting up that I would care about that, 
and maybe not even then. At least have user commands that call source not 
produce such output.

Make the default file for `source' be .gdbinit, so that just `so' will work, 
instead of having to do `so .gdbinit'.

When a function call is returning, I seem to get a spurious stop, when the 
stack is a little messed up, since all the parameters are ridiculous values.

Finally, has anyone contributed 386i support yet? One can only appreciate 
gdb when one has to use dbx, instead...


karl@umb.edu   ...!harvard!umb!karl

Here is a little test for the screwed-up parameters problem:

#include <stdio.h>

void x();

  int i = 100;
  char* s = "foobar";
   x(i, s);

x(i, s)
   int i;
   char* s;
   printf("%d, %s\n", i, s);

and the compilation:

gcc -g -v foo.c
gcc version 1.35
 /usr/local/gnu/lib/gcc-cpp -v -undef -D__GNUC__ -Dmc68000 -Dsun -Dunix -D__mc68000__ -D__sun__ -D__unix__ -D__HAVE_68881__ -Dmc68020 foo.c /tmp/cca03022.cpp
GNU CPP version 1.35
 /usr/local/gnu/lib/gcc-cc1 /tmp/cca03022.cpp -quiet -dumpbase foo.c -g -version -o /tmp/cca03022.s
GNU C version 1.35 (68k, MIT syntax) compiled by GNU C version 1.35.
 as -mc68020 -o foo.o /tmp/cca03022.s
 ld /lib/crt0.o /lib/Mcrt1.o foo.o /usr/local/gnu/lib/gcc-gnulib -lg -lc

and the debugging:

% gdb a.out
GDB 3.1, Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
There is ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY for GDB; type "info warranty" for details.
GDB is free software and you are welcome to distribute copies of it
 under certain conditions; type "info copying" to see the conditions.
Reading symbol data from /usr/tmp/a.out...done.
Type "help" for a list of commands.
(gdb) b x
Breakpoint 1 at 0x20d4: file foo.c, line 19.
(gdb) r
Starting program: /usr/tmp/a.out 

Bpt 1, x (i=100, s=(char *) 0x20a0 "foobar") (foo.c line 19)
19	   printf("%d, %s\n", i, s);
(gdb) s
100, foobar
20	}
(gdb) s
0x20e8 in x (i=1, s=(char *) 0xefff940 "\016\377\371\364") (foo.c line 20)
20	}

at this last point, either gdb shouldn't have stopped, or it should print 
out the right values for the arguments.