[gnu.gdb.bug] Applying Member Functions

hagerman@MAXWELL.ECE.CMU.EDU (John Hagerman) (06/04/89)

This is on a VAXstation 3200 running BSD 4.3, using g++ version 1.35.0
and GDB 3.1.2.

Consider the following C++ program:

	#include <stream.h>

	class Simple
	    int i;
	    Simple(int i_init) { i = i_init; }
	    int GetI() { return i; }

	    Simple s_real(5);
	    Simple &s_ref = s_real;

	    cout << s_real.GetI() << "\n";
	    cout << s_ref.GetI() << "\n";

When compiled and run, it produces two 5's as expected.  When in GDB,
however, applying the member function works for the object but not for
the object reference:


	Bpt 1, main (1, 2147477544, 2147477552) (gdb-bug.C line 14)
	(gdb) n
	(gdb) print s_real.GetI()
	$1 = 5
	(gdb) print s_ref.GetI()
	$2 = 2147477444

- John