[gnu.gdb.bug] GDB 3.2 loop

bryan@UUNET.UU.NET (Bryan Boreham) (08/24/89)

In core.c, xfer_core_file can loop forever :

kewill% gdb
GDB 3.2, Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
There is ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY for GDB; type "info warranty" for details.
GDB is free software and you are welcome to distribute copies of it
 under certain conditions; type "info copying" to see the conditions.
Type "help" for a list of commands.
(gdb) p (int)*0

I know this is not a sensible thing to type, but it happened while I
was trying to track down a similar sort of bug that can core-dump gdb.
That bug will be reported once I have an example small enough to post.
