[net.games.rogue] A WINNING bug in 5.2

bratman (07/10/82)

	Here's a new bug I found in 5.2. It is possible to use a scroll
a great number of times without it disappearing. Here's the procedure:

	1) Read the scroll.
	2) When the message says the scroll vanishes -- more --
	   stop the process. (We use ctrl Z, you may use something
	3) Do a kill -HUP on the process. This creates a save file.
	4) When you re-rogue the save file, a number of different
	   things may happen, depending on the scroll. The gist is
	   that the scroll may activate, and may not, but it is
	   NEVER lost!

	I was going to list all the different effects of this procedure
on different scrolls, but I'll leave that up to you to play with. Suffice
to say that I easily got an AC of -6 and was able to get down to level 26
before I got killed.(Yes, even an Armor Class of -6 doesn't save you from
Dragons and Purple Worms, though it does do a great job on just about
any other creature.)
	BE WARNED!!!!! This procedure sometimes creates unpredictable
	1) Your process might not get killed after the kill command.
	   If that happens, immediately do a kill -9 PID or you
	   could hang the process AND your terminal.
	2) You might not get a save file after the kill.
	3) You might get a "sorry, saved game out of date" message
	   when you re-rogue.(I think Mr. Arnold might have a little
	   watchdog in there somewhere.)
	4) Your terminal might not echo after the first kill.
	   This is normal, and does not effect operation, though
	   it is inconvenient, and the terminal will operate
	   properly after re-roguing and doing any kind of
	   "normal" terminal command.

	However, if you're not wasteful, you can probably perform
the procedure from 5-15 times before bombing out.

	Sorry, Mike, but here's another for you to work on. What
was that old saying? Where there's a will...........

					Steve Bratman