[gnu.gdb.bug] Remote transfer errors

kaush@moncam.co.uk (Kaush Kotak) (09/20/89)

	I'm using the remote facilities provided by GDB, but am encountering
	problems with the GETPKT and PUTPKT routines. I occassionally get
	BAD CHECKSUM errors. These errors are consistent in that the check-
	sum calculated at the receiving end is almost the same apart from the 
	top bit which is always set.

	Sent Checksum				Calculated Checksum

	    0x1a					0x9a
	  00011010				      10011010
						      This is the only bit
	that is different. The routines at both ends of the transfer are
	those from REMOTE.C. Is there a bug in these routines? I've been 
	through them and can't see anything obvious. I'm using V3.1.

	I would welcome any help or advice?


