[net.games.rogue] Two interesting bugs

Physics:piner (07/22/82)

The first bug I would like to report in rogue is a missing
stairs bug. Yes, I know we have been trough this before, but
I have found out how the bug works. I seems that if you kill
a leprechan who is standing on the stairs, and there is no
gold in the room, then the gold which appears upon the 
leprechan's death replaces the stairs. This bug does not happen
often, since you must pick up the gold in the room, get the
leprechan moving, by swinging at him or reading a scroll, then
back up so he is standing on the stairs. Not surprising no one
has figured this out until now.
The second bug is more fun. If you make it down to level 17
or more, try chucking a spear at various objects. If it is
a mimic, then you will get the usual message to that effect.
The problem is, the mimic does not change form. It is worth
a few yucks to have stairs chase you around the room. The mimic
will not change form until it gets a swing at you. So spears,
darts, etc. are not much use against them.
We are running version 3.6, so any later versions may have these
bugs fixed.