("Douglas C. Schmidt") (09/20/88)
Hi, As I recall from Doug Lea's 1.27 announcement, multiple inheritance has not yet be fully implemented in G++. Therefore, the following report may be superfluous: ---------------------------------------- #include <stream.h> class Foo { int j; public: Foo(int i = 8) { j = i; } int Return_J() { return(j); } }; class Bar { int k; public: Bar(int i = 9) { k = i; } int Return_K() { return(k); } }; class Foo_Bar : public Bar, public Foo { public: Foo_Bar(): Foo(), Bar() { cout << "hello\n"; } }; main() { Foo_Bar Zippy; cout << "Zippy.Return_K() = " << Zippy.Return_K() << "\n"; cout << "Zippy.Return_J() = " << Zippy.Return_J() << "\n"; } ---------------------------------------- Diagnostics: ---------------------------------------- g++ version 1.27.0 /usr/public/lib/g++/gcc-cpp+ -v -I/cl/ua/schmidt/include/ -undef -D__GNU__ -D__GNUG__ -Dsparc -Dsun -Dunix /tmp/cca01029.cpp GNU CPP version 1.27.0 /usr/public/lib/g++/gcc-c++ /tmp/cca01029.cpp -quiet -dumpbase -fmemoize-lookups -fsave-memoized -fchar-charconst -noreg -version -o /tmp/cca01029.s Failed assertion (((basetype)->classtype.n_parents)) at line 2508 of `class.c'. GNU C++ version 1.27.0 (sparc) compiled by GNU C version 1.28. /usr/public/g++: Program c++ got fatal signal 6.