("Douglas C. Schmidt") (09/22/88)
Hi, The following erroneous code produces a fatal signal on Sun Sparc. ---------------------------------------- static const int Default_Range = 100; static const int Default_Size = 100; class Ullman_Array { private: int Default_Value; int Max_Range; int Max_Size; int *Index_Array; int *Hand_Shake_Array; int *Storage_Array; int Current_Max; public: Ullman_Array(int Array_Range, int Set_Size = 0,) { // here's problem 1 if (Set_Size == 0) { Set_Size = Array_Range; } Max_Range = Array_Range; Max_Size = Set_Size; Index_Array = new int[Max_Range]; Hand_Shake_Array = new int[Max_Size]; Storage_Array = new int[Max_Size]; Current_Max = -1; } Ullman_Array(int Array_Range, int Fill, int Set_Size = 0,) { if (Set_Size == 0) { Set_Size = Array_Range; } Default_Value = Fill; Max_Range = Array_Range; Max_Size = Set_Size; Index_Array = new int[Max_Range]; Hand_Shake_Array = new int[Max_Size]; Storage_Array = new int[Max_Size]; Current_Max = -1; } int& operator[](int Index) { int Hand_Shake_Index = Index_Array[Index]; if ((Hand_Shake_Index < 0) || (Hand_Shake_Index > Current_Max) || (Index != Hand_Shake_Array[Hand_Shake_Index])) { Hand_Shake_Index = ++Current_Max; Hand_Shake_Array[Hand_Shake_Index] = Index; Index_Array[Index] = Hand_Shake_Index; Storage_Array[Hand_Shake_Index] = Default_Value; } return(Storage_Array[Hand_Shake_Index]); } int Total_Range(void) { return (Max_Range); } int Total_Size(void) { return(Max_Size); } int Current_Size(void) { return(Current_Max); } }; main(int argc,char *argv[]) { int i = atoi(argv[1]); int n = i; Ullman_Array A(n); while (--i) { A[i] = rand(); } i = n; while (--i) { cout << A[i] << "\n"; } } ---------------------------------------- and here's the diagnostic: ---------------------------------------- g++ version 1.27.0 /usr/public/lib/g++/gcc-cpp+ -v -I/cl/ua/schmidt/include/ -undef -D__GNU__ -D__GNUG__ -Dsparc -Dsun -Dunix /tmp/cca19709.cpp GNU CPP version 1.27.0 /usr/public/lib/g++/gcc-c++ /tmp/cca19709.cpp -quiet -dumpbase -fmemoize-lookups -fsave-memoized -fchar-charconst -noreg -version -o /tmp/cca19709.s warning: type specifier omitted for parameter all trailing parameters must have default arguments warning: type specifier omitted for parameter all trailing parameters must have default arguments Segmentation violation /usr/public/g++: Program c++ got fatal signal 11. ("Douglas C. Schmidt") (10/01/88)
Hi, The following program gets a fatal signal when compiled with g++ 1.27 running on the sparc. I've indicated the problem with a comment in the code below. Here's the code: ---------------------------------------- # 1 "" # 1 "/usr/public/lib/g++/g++-include/setjmp.h" static const int _JBLEN = 15; typedef int jmp_buf[_JBLEN]; extern int setjmp(jmp_buf); extern void longjmp(jmp_buf, int); # 1 "" const int TRIVIAL_ERROR = 1; class cleanup_obj { friend class error_handler; static cleanup_obj* cleanup_obj_head; cleanup_obj *prev; cleanup_obj *next; protected: cleanup_obj(): prev(0),next(cleanup_obj_head) { if (next) { next->prev = this; } cleanup_obj_head = this; } ~cleanup_obj() { cleanup(); } virtual void cleanup() { if (prev) { prev->next = next; } else { cleanup_obj_head = next; } if (next) { next->prev = prev; } } }; typedef int error_function(int err_num,class error_handler *ehp); class error_handler : public cleanup_obj { friend void report_error(int err_num); static error_handler *top_of_stack; error_handler *next; error_function *func; public: jmp_buf abort_label; error_handler(error_function err_func = 0): // change error_function to error_function * and problem goes away! next(top_of_stack), func(err_func) { top_of_stack = this; } void cleanup() { top_of_stack = next; cleanup_obj::cleanup(); } void abort(int ret_val) { while ((cleanup_obj::cleanup_obj_head) && (cleanup_obj::cleanup_obj_head != this)) { cleanup_obj::cleanup_obj_head->cleanup(); } longjmp(abort_label,ret_val); } void operator=(error_function *err_func) { func = err_func; } }; ---------------------------------------- Here's the diagnostic: ---------------------------------------- g++ version 1.27.0 /usr/public/lib/g++/gcc-cpp+ -v -I/cd/ua/schmidt/include/ -undef -D__GNU__ -D__GNUG__ -Dsparc -Dsun -Dunix /tmp/cca00426.cpp GNU CPP version 1.27.0 /usr/public/lib/g++/gcc-c++ /tmp/cca00426.cpp -quiet -dumpbase -fchar-charconst -noreg -version -o /tmp/cca00426.s GNU C++ version 1.27.0 (sparc) compiled by GNU C version 1.28. /usr/public/g++: Program c++ got fatal signal 6. ("Douglas C. Schmidt") (10/04/88)
Howdy, The following short program kills 1.27 running on Sparc. ---------------------------------------- class String { public: String(char *S) { ; } friend String& operator &(String& S1,char *S2) { ; } }; main() { String Foo = "A"; String Foobar = Foo & "B"; } ---------------------------------------- g++ version 1.27.0 echo use .cc filename extension! use .cc filename extension! /usr/public/lib/g++/gcc-cpp+ -v -I/cd/ua/schmidt/include/ -undef -D__GNU__ -D__GNUG__ -Dsparc -Dsun -Dunix test.C /tmp/cca19086.cpp GNU CPP version 1.27.0 /usr/public/lib/g++/gcc-c++ /tmp/cca19086.cpp -quiet -dumpbase test.C -fchar-charconst -noreg -version -o /tmp/cca19086.s GNU C++ version 1.27.0 (sparc) compiled by GNU C version 1.28. /usr/public/g++: Program c++ got fatal signal 6.