cjh (08/03/82)
In response to your message of Mon Aug 2 10:14:06 1982: a. You can't use a wand of striking at a distance---I don't think it even wakes up a sleeping monster. b. Teleport-to is like haste-monster---something you \don't/ want to use. Teleport-away you just zap at the monster and it goes elsewhere (of course, nothing prevents it from coming back---and I have seen (through a detect-monster potion) that monsters can home in on you). c. rings of adornment are cursed; they don't cost you anything but you can't put a useful ring on that hand. Seeing as useful pairs of rings are far from common, this is a minor nuisance. d. there is no rule 4.
cjh (08/05/82)
I expect that you would get lose points for bringing back a ring of adornment, since it's cursed and everything else cursed that you come back with costs you. (Haven't found out whether you lose for bringing back haste-monster and teleport-to.) Considering that it even costs you to bring back uncursed but rusted armor, at least in 3.7. . . .