[net.games.rogue] An apology

dvk (08/06/82)

For my part in this fiasco, I would like to offer a public apology. Jim
Reeds posted a rogue Spoiler some time ago, and like others, I flamed at
his "lack of couth". Well, in a way I was justified. The indications were
that he had written "rascal" with a knowledge, if not a copy of the rogue
sources, and that he was saying "gee, here is a neat way to cheat, here's
how you can get on the board too". Sounded kinda like a twelve year old
on the rampage. What i did not realize was that Jim did not have access to
the sources, and indeed was not even able to (Unix-legally) read the binary.
What he did was use cleverness (instead of heavy handed-ness) to write his
program. What follows is a copy of a piece of mail he sent me, and with it,
I would like to apologize for my public and private flames. I'm sorry, Jim.

Indeed I find it boring to use my cheating program.  The challenges for me
were to see if I could break the code (which I did without looking at sources)
and to see if I could break the fstat() scheme (whose details I deduced from
program behavior) and to see if I could write it all up in idiot-proof
instructions anybody could follow in an hour or so.  A second line of work
not described in my paper was the following:  I do not have read access to
either binary or source for the current rogue, so I execrcise my unix smarts
by 1) getting a copy of the binary, and 2) disassembling it into meaninful
descriptions of algorithms.  I did this as a recreational way of learning
VAX assembler.

On the issue of score inflating being silly but skill & hitpoint inflation
being better, well, yes.  In my paper I explain score inflation simply because
it is easier to explain.  Also, anyone who ends up in the log file as having
quit on level 1 with $1000000 is bound to startle the naive. In the production
version of rascal at Berkeley you get your armor class inflated and hit points
improved automatically.  I learned the location of the appropriate cells in a
couple hours of experimentation, ditto of the bits that give you magic

So.  Put it all together:  I amuse hundreds over the netnews airwaves, although
not as much as Ken Arnold did in the first place.  I learn VAX assembly
language, I learn much more about 4bsd process images and file system
sturcture.  I hone my codebreaking skills (which, I assure you, are
marketable).  I get practice at English composition:  explaining an intricate
thing in such a way that people on the East Coast can understand it is no mean
feat.  I get publicity.

And what do you get?  You get outraged because I have somehow demeaned
your (not inconsiderable, but not unusual) skill at Hobgoblin Bashing
and Wand Waving.

Who is the better person?


Jim Reeds