[net.games.rogue] floating eyes explained

ARPAVAX:arnold (09/06/82)

Since floating eye complaints are once more surfacing here, let me
refer all and sundry to the manual page distributed with rogue 5.2.
The BUGS section is quite explicit on this point: THIS IS NOT A BUG.
Sorry, folks, but animals are supposed to kill you sometimes, and
that's how a floating eye kills you.  It freezes you until either
(a) something else comes along and pounds you into oblivion, or
(b) you die of starvation.  The other solution is to replace eyes
with another monster that doesn't freeze you, but just pounds you to
death (say, thrice as nasty as a hobgoblin?), which would be much
more boring.

By the bye, 5.3 is on the way.  It has nicer inventory listings, a
new potion (no, I won't tell you what), fewer bugs (hah!), maze rooms,
and, just maybe, ...... rivers and aquatic monsters ....