[net.games.rogue] damage vector for weapons

gjb (09/08/82)

Here's something I've wondered about for quite awhile, but never seen
discussed on the net.  When you enchant your mace, you can go to either
a +2,+1 mace or a +1,+2 mace; but what's the difference?  Is a +1,+7 mace
better than, worse than, or about the same as, a +7,+1 mace? or a +4,+4
mace?  This question applies to all weapons, e.g. an enchanted two-handed
sword can be +1,+0 or +0,+1 (or better).  If the amount of damage you can
inflict with a weapon is a vector, what are its two components?  I have
a mild hypothesis (read:  superstition) that the quality of the different
forms of weapon enchantment interacts with monster somehow, e.g. maybe
a +2,+1 mace is better on an ant, but +1,+2 is better on a centauyr, but
this could be pure fantasy.  In any case, this question strikes me as
being one that would be tricky to figure out without either being systematic
about cataloguing your conquests as a function of weapon strength and number
of hits required, or being familiar with the code itself.  Anyone have
any ideas on this?  Better still, anyone know the answer?

J. Balzano

sjb (09/09/82)

As with D&D, I believe, the hit vectors +x,+y mean +x on chance
of hitting and +y on damage.

djb (09/09/82)

The two components of the "damage vector" are the to-hit bonus and the
damage bonus.  The first applies to your to-hit roll, and improves
the chances you'll hit your opponent.  Each plus of bonus equals a 5%
increase in chance to hit.  The damage bonus adds directly to the
amount of damage you'll do if you hit.  As a result, it's hard to say
which is better -  a +1,+2 mace or a +2,+1 mace.  The former will
do more damage when you score a hit, but the latter is more likely to

						Bowie Gizzardsbane
						(aka David Bryant)

ps: By the way, there is a parallel damage vector associated with your
    character's strength.  It adds to your to-hit and damage rolls, just 
    like the bonus for weapons.

spence (09/09/82)

harpo!spence    Sep  9 09:17:00 1982

I believe that the two vectors represent added hit probabilty and extra


bsw (09/10/82)

 A +1,+2 mace does +1 on "to hit" and +2 on damage (or is it the other
 way around.Oh well....)

	Ben Walls